AMD的RX 5700 XT 显卡以其高性能和一流的品质而闻名。此外,大多数计算机硬件制造商都发布了基于(computer hardware)AMD参考的定制显卡,华擎(ASRock)就是其中之一。我们测试了他们的顶级华擎 Radeon RX 5700 (ASRock Radeon RX 5700) XT Taichi X 8G OC+,这是一个非常漂亮的实现。如果您想了解更多关于这款显卡的强大功能以及它处理现代游戏的能力,请阅读我们的评论:
华擎 Radeon RX 5700 (ASRock Radeon RX 5700) XT Taichi X 8G OC+:适合谁?
- 当今市场(market today)上最好的视频卡之一
- 以超视觉质量和高帧率玩游戏
- 能够玩 1440p 的最新游戏
华擎 Radeon RX 5700 (ASRock Radeon RX 5700) XT Taichi X 8G OC+有很多优点:
- 它在所有游戏和基准测试中的表现都非常出色
- 它在 7 纳米制造工艺(manufacturing process)上使用最新的AMD RDNA 架构(AMD RDNA architecture)
- 它有 8 GB 的GDDR6 RAM,足以满足任何现代游戏或 VR 体验(game or VR experience)
- 它支持新的PCI Express 4.0 版(PCI Express version 4.0)
- 它的冷却系统(cooling system)功能强大,在控制温度方面做得很好
- 精美的显卡设计
- 价格高于其他制造商的其他AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT 实施方案
- 它不支持光线追踪,而具有相似价格和性能的Nvidia显卡支持
我们爱上了华擎 Radeon RX 5700 (ASRock Radeon RX 5700) XT Taichi X 8G OC+。金属背板(metal backplate)上的齿轮和RGB灯对任何有兴趣打造漂亮游戏计算机的人都很有吸引力。至于它提供的性能,您还能要求什么?它以超高品质设置运行任何游戏,并以高帧速率运行。如果您不介意花费比AMD RX 5700 XT 的平均价格多一点的钱,并且没有光线追踪技术也可以,那么华擎 Radeon RX 5700 (ASRock Radeon RX 5700) XT Taichi X 8G OC+ 是一个绝佳的选择。
华擎 Radeon RX 5700 (ASRock Radeon RX 5700) XT Taichi X 8G OC+拆箱
华擎 Radeon RX 5700 (ASRock Radeon RX 5700) XT Taichi X 8G OC+采用纸板制成的大盒子。在其顶部,它在深哑光灰色背景上显示了显卡的名称、基本功能和规格。此外,在盒子的右上角,有一个带有齿轮的漂亮设计,让我们想起了赛博朋克。


打开包装盒即可看到您购买的所有物品:华擎 Radeon RX 5700 (ASRock Radeon RX 5700) XT Taichi X 8G OC+ 显卡、一组华擎(ASRock)贴纸和类似物品、用户指南(user guide)和保修文档。

Unboxing the ASRock Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+ is straightforward, and the bundle is generous, so we enjoyed this experience.
我们注意到华擎 Radeon RX 5700 (ASRock Radeon RX 5700) XT Taichi X 8G OC+ 的第一件事就是它的华丽。它的背板采用精美的齿轮设计,使其看起来像是直接来自赛博朋克游戏(cyberpunk game)。然而,背板不仅仅是为了好看,还有助于散热。此外,由于它是由金属制成的,它还有助于保护显卡免受弯曲。

与AMD(AMD)最初的Radeon RX 5700 XT 设计(XT design)相比,冷却系统(cooling system)令人印象深刻。华擎(ASRock)在巨大的散热器顶部使用三个风扇。侧面有两个90mm的风扇(mm fan),中间有一个80mm的风扇,也是(mm fan)RGB灯的。

当显卡运行时,散热器上的RGB LED(RGB LEDs)还会照亮显卡可见侧的一系列齿轮。虽然我们没有在华擎制造的主板上使用华擎 Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+ ,(ASRock)但(ASRock Radeon RX 5700) 您(XT Taichi X 8G)应该知道该显卡支持该公司的Polychrome SYNC 技术(Polychrome SYNC technology),可让您将其灯光效果与那些设置同步在华擎(ASRock)兼容的主板上。

华擎 Radeon RX 5700 (ASRock Radeon RX 5700) XT Taichi X 8G OC+ 得益于AMD最新的RDNA ( Navi ) 架构和世界上最小的制造工艺(manufacturing process)(7 纳米)。它的基本时钟(base clock)为 1820 MHz,游戏时钟(game clock)为 1935 MHz,最大升压频率(boost frequency)为 2025 MHz。该卡配备 8 GB GDDR6,时钟频率为 14 Gbps ,内存总线(memory bus)为 256 位。它还适用于PCI Express ( PCIe ) 4.0x16 并支持 DirectX(x16 and supports DirectX) 12 和OpenGL 4.6。

华擎(ASRock)对可用端口的数量非常慷慨。AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+ 有 6 个显示输出:四个带有DSC 1.2a的DisplayPort 1.4和两个HDMI 2.0b。相比之下,AMD的(AMD)标准 Radeon RX 5700(standard Radeon RX 5700) XT仅提供三个DisplayPort 1.4和一个HDMI 端口(HDMI port)。

显卡(video card)通过两个 8 针电源连接器获得额外的电力,并采用 10+1相电源设计(phase power design)。这超过了AMD推荐的 7+1(AMD)相功率(phase power),并确保显卡即使在超频模式下(overclock mode)运行也能获得足够的功率。此外,华擎(ASRock)推荐700瓦的(Watts)电源单元(power supply unit),比AMD推荐的Radeon RX 5700 XT 参考(XT reference)规格多100瓦。(Watts)

说到超频,这款显卡出厂时超频了,它有两个BIOS版本(BIOS version):一个运行在OC模式(OC mode),一个运行在Silent模式(Silent mode)。您可以使用显卡上的Dual BIOS 开关控制(Dual BIOS switch)GPU上加载的BIOS 版本(BIOS version)。默认情况下,卡设置为在OC 模式下(OC mode)运行。

物理尺寸方面,华擎Radeon RX 5700 (ASRock Radeon RX 5700) XT Taichi X 8G OC+显卡很大。它占用两个插槽,长度为 12.77 英寸(324.35 毫米),宽度为 5.73 英寸(145.39 毫米),高度为 2.1 英寸(53.18 毫米)。

The ASRock Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+ is a beautiful graphics card that impressed us with its design, and its hardware specifications are slightly improved over the AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT reference. Just by looking at its specs, you know that this is a powerful graphics card that can handle any game, in 1440p or 1080p, at the highest quality.
为了了解华擎 Radeon RX 5700 (ASRock Radeon RX 5700) XT Taichi X 8G OC+ 显卡的速度有多快,我们测试了几款游戏并运行了一些基准测试。这是我们测试这张卡的硬件和软件平台:(hardware and software platform)
- 处理器:AMD Ryzen 7 3700X(8 核,16 线程,基本时钟 3600 (Base Clock 3600) MHz,最大加速时钟 4600 (Max Boost Clock 4600) MHz)
- 主板:华硕ROG Crosshair VIII Hero(ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero)(Wi-Fi)
- 内存:HyperX Predator DDR4 RGB(2 x 8 GB,3600 MHz)
- 存储:ADATA XPG Gammix S50 1 TB SSD(PCIe 4.0 x4)
- 显示器:华硕 ROG Strix XG32VQ 曲面电竞显示器(ASUS ROG Strix XG32VQ Curved Gaming Monitor)(32 英寸WQHD 2560 x(x 1440) 1440,144 Hz)
- 电源(Power Supply Unit):ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum
- 操作系统(Operating System):Windows 10 Pro x64,2019年 11 月(November 2019) 更新(Update)
- GPU驱动程序:AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 版版本 19.12.2(Edition Version 19.12.2)
我们首先测试了World War Z中提供的性能。我们使用了Vulkan API和Ultra图形质量设置。在 2560 x 1440分辨率下运行游戏时,我们得到最低 113 帧/秒 (fps),平均 fps 为 130,最高 fps 为 178。使用 1920 x 1080分辨率,最低 fps 为 123,平均 178,最大 272。

Star Control : Origins是一款使用DirectX 11且不提供基准测试工具(benchmarking tool)的游戏。然而,我们在Triton 月球(Triton moon)上驾驶着陆器时测量了fps 输出(fps output),使用了可能的最高图形设置,分辨率为 1440p 和 1080p。在QHD 分辨率(QHD resolution)(2560 x 1440像素)中,我们测得的最低 fps 为 74,平均为 98,最高 fps 为 120。在FHD(1920 x 1080分辨率)中,我们测得最低 99 fps(fps minimum),平均 117 和 145最大。

战地 V(Battlefield V)是另一款流行的游戏,需要大量硬件资源才能显示其最佳图形质量。为此,我们使用了DirectX 12 API和Ultra 质量(Ultra quality)设置。当我们以 2560 x 1440分辨率运行游戏时,最低 fps 为 81,平均 101,最高 135。在 1920 x 1080分辨率下,最低 fps 为 106,平均 134,最高146.

《古墓丽影(Tomb Raider):暗影》是一款画面精美的游戏,但画质是有代价的,需要强大的显卡才能正常运行。我们在DirectX 12、TAA(时间抗锯齿(Temporal Anti-Aliasing))和最高(Highest preset)的图形质量预设上对其进行了测试。当我们以 1440p(2560 x 1440像素分辨率)对游戏进行基准测试时,我们测得的最低 fps 为 64,平均为 82,最高为 119。在全高清(Full HD)(1920 x 1080分辨率)中,我们得到了最低 94 fps,平均为 124,最大为 192。

Tom Clancy的 The Division 2有一个只输出平均 fps的基准测试工具。(benchmarking tool)使用DirectX 12和Ultra图形质量预设(quality preset),我们在 1440p 分辨率和 1080p 分辨率上获得了 75 fps 的平均 fps 和 106 fps。

Metro Exodus也有一些非常苛刻的硬件要求,如果你想以最高的图形质量播放它。在我们的测试中,它也是渲染帧数最少的游戏。使用DirectX 12、Ultra 视频(Ultra video)预设和 2560 x 1440像素的分辨率,我们只能获得最低 21 fps、平均 55 fps 和最高 108 帧每秒。切换到 1920 x 1080像素分辨率意味着 fps 数量略有增加:最低 25,平均 60,最高 89。

我们还在Fortnite中对(Fortnite)ASRock Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+ 进行了基准测试,这不是一款对图形要求特别高的游戏,但它很受在线游戏玩家的欢迎。我们使用Epic图形设置,在使用 2560 (Epic)x 1440像素分辨率时测得的最低 fps 为 46,平均为 120,最高为 191 帧/秒。当我们使用 1920 x 1080像素分辨率时,游戏渲染最低 158 fps,平均 180,最高 196。如您所见,我们在 1440p 上看到的最低 fps 相当低。但是,这可能是因为Fortnite的DirectX 12实施处于Beta 模式(Beta mode)目前,因此可能仍有问题需要解决。总体而言,我们测试的两种分辨率的平均 fps 都非常高。

在另一款流行的在线大逃杀游戏(online battle)Apex Legends中,我们使用最高的图形质量设置,在 1440p 分辨率下测得最低 93 fps、平均 117 fps 和最高 145 fps。在全高清中,我们测量了(Full HD)最低(fps minimum)130 fps 、平均 143 fps 和最高 145 fps。

最后,我们还运行了一些专门针对游戏的基准测试,来自 3DMark 和Unigine。在使用DirectX 12的 3DMark 的Time Spy中,在 2560 x 1440像素分辨率下,我们得到了 9600 分。在Unigine SuperPosition中,使用 Extreme 图形预设和 1080p 的分辨率,我们在(Unigine SuperPosition)DirectX 11和(DirectX 11)OpenGL中得到 3460 分和 4415 分。

我们还想看看显卡(video card draws)在运行游戏或其他需要大量使用其资源的类似应用程序时消耗了多少电量。我们发现该卡的功耗高达 229瓦(Watts),这意味着华擎(ASRock)制造的 700瓦电源(Watts power) 单元(supply unit)的推荐是好的,您应该听从他们的建议。
另一个重要因素是显卡(video card)产生的热量。为了看看卡有多热,我们以超视频质量播放了大约 15 分钟的(video quality)Metro Exodus,同时监控温度。我们发现华擎 Radeon RX 5700 (ASRock Radeon RX 5700)XT Taichi X 8G OC+ 可以达到 79摄氏度(Celsius)或 174华氏度(Fahrenheit)。与非常热的AMD Radeon RX 5700 (AMD Radeon RX 5700)XT 参考(XT reference)卡相比,这是一个很好的结果和相当显着的改进:高达 86摄氏度(Celsius)或 187华氏度(Fahrenheit)。
ASRock Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+ proved to be one of the fastest and most powerful graphics cards that we tested this year. It is able to run any game at ultra settings without issues, both in Full HD and 1440p resolutions.
对于华擎 Radeon RX 5700 (ASRock Radeon RX 5700) XT Taichi X 8G OC+ 显卡,制造商为您提供了一个名为ASRock Taichi Tweak的工具。这是一个适用于Windows的(Windows)桌面应用程序(desktop app),可让您监控图形核心和内存时钟(core and memory clocks)、它们的利用率、风扇速度和温度。此外,您还可以调整和自定义其时钟和内存速度(memory speed),以及控制风扇的速度。

ASRock Taichi Tweak 应用程序是一款轻量级软件,仅提供您需要的基础知识。我们发现它很有用,尤其是对于调整风扇速度曲线。(The ASRock Taichi Tweak app is a lightweight software that offers just the basics you need. We found it useful, especially for tweaking the fans speed curve.)
您对华擎 Radeon RX 5700 (ASRock Radeon RX 5700) XT Taichi X 8G OC+ 有何看法?
现在您知道我们对华擎 Radeon RX 5700 (ASRock Radeon RX 5700) XT Taichi X 8G OC+ 显卡的感受了吧。这是AMD (AMD)Radeon RX 5700 XT 参考(XT reference)的出色实现,提供了令人难以置信的性能。在结束此评论之前,请告诉我们您对此的看法。你会买这个显卡吗?在下面发表评论(Comment),让我们讨论。
ASRock Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+ graphics card review
AMD's RX 5700 XT graphicѕ сards are well known for their high performance and top-notch quality. Furthermore, most computer hardware manufacturers have issued custom-built video cards based on AMD's reference, and AЅRock is one of them. We tested their top-tier ASRock Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+, which is an exquisitely beаutiful implementation. If you want to know more abоut how powerful this graphics card is and how well it handles modern games, read our review:
ASRock Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+: Who is it good for?
This graphics card is an excellent choice for gamers who want:
- One of the best video cards available on the market today
- To play games at ultra visual quality and high frame rates
- To be able to play the latest games in 1440p
Pros and cons
There are many positives about the ASRock Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+:
- Its performance is excellent throughout all the games and benchmarks
- It uses the latest AMD RDNA architecture on the 7 nm manufacturing process
- It has 8 GB of GDDR6 RAM, more than adequate for any modern game or VR experience
- It supports the new PCI Express version 4.0
- Its cooling system is powerful and does a fine job at keeping the temperatures under control
- Beautiful graphics card design
There are also a few negatives:
- Has a higher price than other AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT implementations from other manufacturers
- It does not support ray tracing while Nvidia graphic cards with similar prices and performance do
We fell in love with the ASRock Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+. The gears on its metal backplate and the RGB lights are appealing to anyone interested in building a beautiful gaming computer. As for the performance it offers, what more can you ask for? It runs any game on ultra quality settings and does so at high frame rates. If you don't mind spending a bit more money than the average price for an AMD RX 5700 XT, and you are OK without the ray tracing technology, then the ASRock Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+ is an excellent choice.
Unboxing the ASRock Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+
The ASRock Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+ comes in a large box made of cardboard. On its top side, it features the name and the essential features and specs of the graphics card, on a dark matte gray background. Also, on the top-right side of the box, there's a nice design with cogwheels that made us think of cyberpunk.

The back of the package is filled with details about the graphics card's specifications, features, and requirements, as well as illustrations of it and its software.

Opening the box reveals everything you've paid for: the ASRock Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+ graphics card, a set of ASRock stickers and similar goodies, the user guide, and warranty documentation.

Unboxing the ASRock Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+ is straightforward, and the bundle is generous, so we enjoyed this experience.
Design and hardware specifications
The first thing we noticed about the ASRock Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+ is that it's gorgeous. Its backplate features a beautiful design with gears that makes it look like it came straight from a cyberpunk game. The backplate, however, is not there just to look nice, but also to help dissipate the heat. Furthermore, because it is made of metal, it also helps protect the graphics card from bending.

The cooling system is impressive compared to the AMD original Radeon RX 5700 XT design. ASRock uses three fans on top of a massive radiator. There are two 90 mm fans on the sides, and one 80 mm fan in the middle, that's also RGB illuminated.

When the card is running, the RGB LEDs on the cooler also illuminate a series of cogwheels found on the visible side of the graphics card. While we didn't use the ASRock Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+ on a motherboard made by ASRock, you should know that this graphics card offers support for the company's Polychrome SYNC technology, which allows you to synchronize its lighting effects with those set on an ASRock compatible motherboard.

The ASRock Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+ benefits from AMD's latest RDNA (Navi) architecture and the world's smallest manufacturing process (7-nanometer). It has a base clock of 1820 MHz, its game clock is 1935 MHz, and the maximum boost frequency is 2025 MHz. The card comes with 8 GB of GDDR6 running at a clock of 14 Gbps and with a 256-bit memory bus. It is also built to work on PCI Express (PCIe) 4.0 x16 and supports DirectX 12 and OpenGL 4.6.

ASRock has been very generous with the number of ports available. The AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+ has 6 display outputs: four DisplayPort 1.4 with DSC 1.2a and two HDMI 2.0b. In comparison, the standard Radeon RX 5700 XT from AMD only gives you three DisplayPort 1.4 and one HDMI port.

The video card gets its additional electrical power via two 8-pin power connectors and features a 10+1 phase power design. That's more than the recommended 7+1 phase power recommended by AMD and ensures that the graphics card receives enough power even if it runs in overclock mode. Also, ASRock recommends a power supply unit of 700 Watts, which is 100 Watts more than what AMD recommends for the Radeon RX 5700 XT reference specification.

Speaking of overclocking, this graphics card is overclocked from the factory and it has two BIOS versions: one for running in OC mode, and one for running in Silent mode. You can control which BIOS version is loaded on the GPU by using the Dual BIOS switch found on the graphics card. By default, the card is set to run in OC mode.

Regarding the physical dimensions, the ASRock Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+ graphics card is large. It occupies two slots and has a length of 12.77 in (324.35 mm), a width of 5.73 in (145.39 mm), and a height of 2.1 in (53.18 mm).

The ASRock Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+ is a beautiful graphics card that impressed us with its design, and its hardware specifications are slightly improved over the AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT reference. Just by looking at its specs, you know that this is a powerful graphics card that can handle any game, in 1440p or 1080p, at the highest quality.
Performance in games and benchmarks
To see how fast the ASRock Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+ graphics card is, we tested several games and ran some benchmarks. Here's the hardware and software platform on which we tested this card:
We began with testing the performance offered in World War Z. We used the Vulkan API and the Ultra graphics quality settings. When running the game on the 2560 x 1440 resolution, we got a minimum of 113 frames per second (fps), an average fps of 130, and a maximum fps of 178. Using the 1920 x 1080 resolution, the minimum fps was 123, the average 178, and the maximum 272.

Star Control: Origins is a game that uses DirectX 11 and does not offer a benchmarking tool. However, we measured the fps output while driving a lander on the Triton moon using the highest possible graphics settings, on both 1440p and 1080p resolutions. In QHD resolution (2560 x 1440 pixels), we measured a minimum fps of 74, an average of 98, and a maximum fps of 120. In FHD (1920 x 1080 resolution), we measured 99 fps minimum, 117 average, and 145 maximum.

Battlefield V is another popular game and one that demands a lot of hardware resources to display its best graphics quality. For it, we used the DirectX 12 API and the Ultra quality settings. When we ran the game at 2560 x 1440 resolution, we had a minimum fps of 81, an average of 101, and a maximum of 135. On the 1920 x 1080 resolution, the minimum fps was 106, the average 134, and the maximum 146.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider is a game with exquisite visuals, but the graphics quality has its price and requires a powerful graphics card to run well. We tested it on DirectX 12, TAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing), and the Highest preset for graphics quality. When we benchmarked the game in 1440p (2560 x 1440 pixels resolution), we measured a minimum fps of 64, an average of 82, and a maximum of 119. In Full HD (1920 x 1080 resolution), we got a minimum of 94 fps, an average of 124, and a maximum of 192.

Tom Clancy's The Division 2 has a benchmarking tool that only outputs the average fps. Using DirectX 12 and the Ultra graphics quality preset, we obtained an average fps of 75 on the 1440p resolution and 106 fps on the 1080p resolution.

Metro Exodus also has some very steep hardware requirements, if you want to play it at the highest graphics quality possible. It is also the game that rendered the fewest frames in our tests. Using DirectX 12, the Ultra video preset, and a resolution of 2560 x 1440 pixels, we only managed to get a minimum of 21 fps, an average of 55 fps, and a maximum of 108 frames per second. Switching to the 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution meant a small increase in the number of fps: a minimum of 25, an average of 60, and a maximum of 89.

We have also benchmarked ASRock Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+ in Fortnite, which is not a particularly graphics-demanding game, but it is very popular with online gamers. We used the Epic graphics settings and measured a minimum fps of 46, an average of 120, and a maximum of 191 frames per second when using the 2560 x 1440 pixels resolution. When we used the 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution, the game rendered a minimum of 158 fps, an average of 180, and a maximum of 196. As you can see, the minimum fps we saw on 1440p was pretty low. However, this is likely due to the fact that Fortnite's DirectX 12 implementation is in Beta mode for now, and thus probably still has issues left to be ironed out. Overall though, the average fps was very high in both resolutions that we tested.

In Apex Legends, another popular online battle royale game, using the highest graphics quality set, we measured a minimum of 93 fps, an average of 117 fps, and a maximum of 145 fps on the 1440p resolution. In Full HD, we measured 130 fps minimum, 143 fps on average, and 145 fps maximum.

Finally, we also ran a few benchmarks specialized for gaming, from 3DMark and Unigine. In 3DMark's Time Spy, which uses DirectX 12, on a 2560 x 1440 pixels resolution, we got a score of 9600 points. In Unigine SuperPosition, using the Extreme graphics preset and a resolution of 1080p, we got a score of 3460 points with DirectX 11 and 4415 points with OpenGL.

We also wanted to see how much power the video card draws when running games or other similar apps that use its resources intensively. We discovered that the card draws up to 229 Watts, which means that the recommendation of a 700 Watts power supply unit made by ASRock is good and you should follow their advice.
Another important element is the heat produced by the video card. To see how hot the card gets, we played Metro Exodus for about 15 minutes at the ultra video quality, while monitoring the temperatures. We found that the ASRock Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+ can get as hot as 79 degrees Celsius or 174 degrees Fahrenheit. That's a good result and a rather significant improvement compared to the AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT reference card which gets very hot: up to 86 degrees Celsius or 187 degrees Fahrenheit.
ASRock Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+ proved to be one of the fastest and most powerful graphics cards that we tested this year. It is able to run any game at ultra settings without issues, both in Full HD and 1440p resolutions.
Bundled software
For the ASRock Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+ graphics card, the manufacturer offers you a tool called ASRock Taichi Tweak. It's a desktop app for Windows that allows you to monitor the graphics core and memory clocks, their utilization, the fan speeds, and temperatures. Furthermore, you can also adjust and customize its clocks and memory speed, and control the speed of fans.

The ASRock Taichi Tweak app is a lightweight software that offers just the basics you need. We found it useful, especially for tweaking the fans speed curve.
What is your opinion about the ASRock Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+?
Now you know how we feel about the ASRock Radeon RX 5700 XT Taichi X 8G OC+ graphics card. It's an excellent implementation of AMD's Radeon RX 5700 XT reference, offering incredible performance. Before closing this review, tell us your opinion about it. Would you buy this graphics card? Comment below and let's discuss.