华硕(ASUS)宣布推出搭载Windows 8.1的新上网本。它被称为华硕 EeeBook X205TA(ASUS EeeBook X205TA),对于这款价格实惠的上网本来说,它的外观和感觉都很棒。我们有机会使用它一周,现在我们准备分享我们的结论。这个设备值得买吗?它以低廉的购买价格(purchase price)提供什么?阅读此评论以了解这些问题的答案以及更多信息。
华硕 EeeBook X205TA 拆箱
华硕 EeeBook X205TA(ASUS EeeBook X205TA)的包装非常简单。您只能看到华硕和英特尔(ASUS and Intel)的标志。没有产品图片,也没有显示信息。尽管在下图中看不到,但盒子有一个把手,便于携带。
在包装盒内,您会找到上网本本身、充电适配器和用户指南(user guide)。如您所见,我们收到了该设备的白色版本。
我们测试的华硕 EeeBook X205TA(ASUS EeeBook X205TA)是一款入门级上网本(entry level netbook),配备 11.6 英寸 LED 显示屏,分辨率为 1366x768(135 ppi-像素密度(pixel density))。显示屏(.The display)色彩鲜艳,视角适中。上网本重量不到 2.4 磅(1 公斤) ) 并且它有一个锂离子电池(Li-Ion battery),承诺在浏览网页时持续长达 12 小时。ASUS EeeBook有一个四核Intel Atom Bay Trail-T Z3735G 处理器(Intel Atom Bay Trail-T Z3735G processor),运行频率高达 1.33GHz,带有Intel HD Graphics,1GB 或2 GB RAM DDR3(取决于您选择的型号),21GB/32 或 64 GB eMMC存储空间(storage space),500GB 免费(cloud storage)通过ASUS WebStorage 服务(ASUS WebStorage service)提供 2 年的云存储空间,通过OneDrive提供另外 115 GB 的存储空间,再使用 2 年。
ASUS EeeBook X205TA有一个 micro HDMI 端口(HDMI port)、一个高达 64GB的microSD 插槽、一个 3.5mm 耳机/麦克风(microSD slot)组合插孔(combo jack)- 所有这些都位于上网本的左侧。在上网本的右侧,您会找到两个USB 2.0端口。在屏幕的顶部,您会找到一个用于视频通话的VGA 摄像头。(VGA camera)
在连接性方面,华硕 EeeBook X205TA包括一个(ASUS EeeBook X205TA)兼容(band compatible) 802.11a/b/g/n 双频的无线网络适配器(wireless network adapter)和一个蓝牙 4.0(Bluetooth 4.0)芯片。对于音频,它有两个以 2W 工作的内置扬声器和一个麦克风。ASUS EeeBook X205TA配备32 位版本的Windows 8.1和Bing。您可以在此处找到此设备的完整规格:ASUS EeeBook X205TA。
使用华硕 EeeBook X205TA
一周以来,我每天都在使用华硕 EeeBook X205TA来(ASUS EeeBook X205TA)编写和阅读课程(writing and reading courses)、浏览网页、阅读和发送电子邮件、连接社交网络、播放音乐和电影(music and movies),当然还有(course writing)为我们的网站撰写文章。ASUS EeeBook X205TA是市场上最漂亮的上网本之一。尽管外壳完全由塑料制成,但您并没有低质量设备(quality device)的感觉。它使用高品质的聚碳酸酯,握在手中感觉非常好。我们也很喜欢它重量不到 1 公斤(2.2 磅)的事实。这款上网本有四种颜色可供选择:黑色、白色、金色和红色。我们还喜欢它的厚度:17.5 毫米/0.68 英寸。
键盘和触摸板也非常方便,总体上运行良好。您可以使用这款上网本更换您的大型笔记本电脑,而不必担心您必须花时间熟悉它们。在性能方面,华硕 EeeBook X205TA(ASUS EeeBook X205TA)并不完全是一个野兽,但如果您不要求太多,它的英特尔 Atom Bay Trail-T Z3735G 处理器(Intel Atom Bay Trail-T Z3735G processor)和 1GB 或 2GB DDR3 RAM 内存可以很好地完成它们的工作。(DDR3 RAM memory)如果您使用这款上网本来检查您的电子邮件、创建Microsoft Office文档、浏览网页并连接(web and connect)到社交网络,它会很好地工作。它在播放高清电影时也做得很合理。但是,在观看高清视频(HD videos)时YouTube,我们确实遇到了一点口吃。11.6英寸的LED显示屏色彩鲜艳,但对我们的口味来说有点暗(bit dark),虽然屏幕提供的细节水平非常好。
我们收到的测试设备只有 21GB 的(test device)存储空间,这对于安装了(storage space)Windows 8.1的设备来说非常小。如果您购买此版本,您只有 10 GB 的可用空间,并且很快就会用完空间。发生这种情况时,您必须卸载不经常使用的应用程序才能安装其他应用程序。我们建议您购买至少 32 GB存储空间(storage space)的版本,最好是 64 GB 的版本。此设备的一个有趣功能是Windows 8.1提供的连接待机模式(Connected Standby mode),此上网本中包含的Intel Atom 处理器(Intel Atom processor)支持该模式。这是一个低功耗状态,允许Windows的功能更像是平板电脑或智能手机(tablet or smartphone),而不是典型的计算机。当处于连接待机模式(Connected Standby mode)时,ASUS EeeBook X205TA将监听通知并定期唤醒以获取新电子邮件、更新动态磁贴并执行其他类似任务。当您收到聊天消息(chat message)时,它可以唤醒并通知您。在执行此操作时,它的屏幕将一直处于关闭状态,就像您的智能手机在屏幕关闭时可以继续工作一样。请注意,这些获取功能仅适用于Windows 应用商店(Windows Store)应用程序,不适用于桌面应用程序。此模式取代睡眠和休眠模式(Sleep and Hibernate modes)由经典上网本使用,它允许非常快速的恢复时间,因为它只需要打开显示器而不是整个上网本。
与华硕 EeeBook X205TA(ASUS EeeBook X205TA)捆绑的应用程序
大多数制造商倾向于捆绑您可能永远不会使用的应用程序。华硕(ASUS)不会保持EeeBook X205TA 100 % 垃圾软件清洁,但也不会用垃圾(junk either)填满它。
Office 365 个人版(Office 365 Personal Edition)- 此版本的 Office 365 包括 Word 2013、Excel 2013、PowerPoint 2013、OneNote 2013、Outlook 2013、Access 2013、Publisher 2013、OneDrive 中 1TB 的云存储空间和每月 1 小时的 Skype 通话时间。
McAfee LiveSafe - 一种防病毒软件,可保护您的设备免受最新病毒、恶意软件和在线威胁的侵害。
Netflix - 根据您的居住地,您会喜欢这个应用程序,或者不喜欢华硕捆绑它。在美国和其他几个可以使用 Netflix 的国家/地区,您将需要使用此应用程序并将电影和电视节目流式传输到您的设备。在此服务不可用的国家/地区,您应该卸载此应用程序,因为它不会为您提供任何价值。
Twitter - 此社交网络的官方 Windows 8.1 应用程序。仅当您使用此社交网络时才有用,否则应将其卸载。
ASUS WebStorage - 这是华硕的云存储服务,为您提供 500GB 的免费云存储空间,为期 2 年。你可能想试一试。
ASUS LiveUpdate - 一个可用于管理操作系统更新的应用程序。与 Windows 8.1 中的设置非常相似。
Flipboard - 一个流行的新闻应用程序,您可以使用它根据您的新闻提要创建自定义杂志。在决定是否保留它之前,您可能需要对其进行试验。
WinFlash - 专用于更新此设备的 BIOS 软件的应用程序。你应该保留它。
Splendid Utility - 通过此应用程序,您可以更改显示颜色设置。尝试一下,然后选择是否要使用它。
Line - 一个聊天应用程序,就像 WhatsApp 和 Skype 的混合体。在决定是否保留它之前,您可能需要对其进行试验。
电子手册(eManual)- 不是应用程序,实际上是一个.pdf 文件,其中包含有关如何使用此设备的大量信息。如果您有任何问题,请不要犹豫,阅读它。
我们在ASUS EeeBook X205TA上运行了一些基准测试,并将其与ASUS Transformer T100 和 ASUS Transformer T200(ASUS Transformer T100 and ASUS Transformer T200)进行了比较。首先(First),我们使用Bootracer来测量 Windows 8.1 在此设备上的启动速度。华硕 EeeBook X205TA(ASUS EeeBook X205TA)平均启动时间为 43 秒。这比T200快 1.5 秒,几乎与(T200)T100一样快。
然后我们使用了3DMark 应用程序中的(3DMark app)Ice Storm Unlimited 测试。该测试衡量该设备在运行通常适用于硬件配置适中的平板电脑的休闲游戏时的性能。
下面你可以看到华硕 Transformer T100 和 T200(ASUS Transformer T100 and T200)与EeeBook X205TA的总体得分对比。如您所见,华硕 Transformer(ASUS Transformer)设备与EeeBook X205TA设备的平均分数之间的差异约为 27%。
如果总分不能告诉你太多,让我们看看在每次测试中获得的每秒帧数。在第一次图形(Graphics)测试中,设备之间的差异不是很大,但是图形(Graphics) 测试2(test 2)和物理(Physics)测试增长了很多。
为了评估电池使用时间(battery time),我们进行了Powermark测试。当使用混合了网页浏览(web browsing)、文字处理(word processing)、视频和轻度游戏工作负载的平衡(Balanced)基准测试时,华硕 EeeBook X205TA(ASUS EeeBook X205TA)的电池持续了 7 小时 6 分钟,我们认为这是一个非常好的结果。将华硕 EeeBook X205TA(ASUS EeeBook X205TA)从 0%充电到 100% 大约持续了 2 个小时,这是一个非常不错的结果。
正如您从这些测试中看到的那样,华硕 Eeebook X205TA 并没有提供出色的性能,但它在其设计的任务中表现出色。此外,我们非常感谢它的快速充电时间。(As you can see from these tests, ASUS Eeebook X205TA doesn't offer spectacular performance but it does its job well at the tasks it was designed for. Also, we very much appreciated its very fast charging time.)
ASUS Eeebook X205TA是一款物美价廉的上网本,外观漂亮、携带方便,让您可以执行基本的计算任务,如浏览网页、查看电子邮件、做轻松的办公室工作(office work)等。如果您为此目的购买它,那么它是一款运行良好的出色设备。您将欣赏其连接待机功能(Connected Standby feature)、快速充电时间(charging time)和自主性。但是,如果您想用它做更多事情,那么您应该寻找其他地方并考虑购买具有更强大硬件的更昂贵的设备。
ASUS EeeBook X205TA Review - An Affordable & Good Looking Netbook
ASUS has announced the launch of new netbоok with Windows 8.1. It iѕ called ASUS EeeBook X205TA and, for а netbook this affordable, it looks and feels great. We had the chance to use it for a week, and now we arе ready to share our conclusions. It this devicе worth buying? What does it offer for its low purchase price? Read this review to learn the answers to these questions and more.
Unboxing the ASUS EeeBook X205TA
The packaging of the ASUS EeeBook X205TA is very simple. You only get to see the ASUS and Intel logos. There's no picture of the product and no information displayed. Even though it is not visible in the picture below, the box has a handle that makes it easy to carry around.
Inside the box, you will find the netbook itself, its charging adapter and the user guide. As you can see, we received the white version of this device.
Hardware Specifications
The ASUS EeeBook X205TA that we tested is an entry level netbook with an 11.6" LED display with a 1366x768 resolution (135 ppi - pixel density).The display has vivid colors and decent viewing angles. The netbook weighs less than 2.4 pounds (1 kg) and it has a Li-Ion battery which promises to last up to 12 hours when browsing the web. ASUS EeeBook has a quad-core Intel Atom Bay Trail-T Z3735G processor running at up to 1.33GHz with Intel HD Graphics, 1GB or 2 GB of RAM DDR3 (depending on the model that you choose), 21GB/32 or 64 GB of eMMC of storage space, 500GB of free cloud storage available through ASUS WebStorage service for 2 years and another 115 GB of storage through OneDrive, for another 2 years.
ASUS EeeBook X205TA has a micro HDMI port, a microSD slot up to 64GB, a 3.5mm headphone/mic combo jack - all of these are located on the left side of the netbook. On the right side of the netbook, you will find two USB 2.0 ports. On the top side of the screen, you will find a VGA camera for video calling.
In terms of connectivity, the ASUS EeeBook X205TA includes a 802.11a/b/g/n dual band compatible wireless network adapter and a Bluetooth 4.0 chip. For audio, it has two incorporated speakers working at 2W and a microphone. The ASUS EeeBook X205TA comes with a 32-bit edition of Windows 8.1 with Bing. You can find the full specifications of this device here: ASUS EeeBook X205TA.
Using the ASUS EeeBook X205TA
I have been using the ASUS EeeBook X205TA every day, for one week, for writing and reading courses, browsing the web, reading and sending emails, connecting to social networks, playing music and movies and of course writing articles for our website. ASUS EeeBook X205TA is one of the most beautiful netbooks on the market. Although the case is entirely built of plastic you don't have the feeling of a low quality device. It uses a high quality polycarbonate that feels very good to hold in your hand. We also loved the fact that it weighs less than 1 kg (2.2 pounds). This netbook is available in four colors: black, white, gold and red. We also enjoyed how thin it is: 17.5mm/0.68 inches.
The keyboard and the touchpad are also very handy and work generally well. You can switch your big laptop with this netbook without having to worry that you will have to take the time to get acquainted with them. In terms of performance, the ASUS EeeBook X205TA is not exactly a beast but its Intel Atom Bay Trail-T Z3735G processor and 1GB or 2GB of DDR3 RAM memory are doing their job reasonably well if you don't ask for too much. If you are using this netbook to check your email, create Microsoft Office documents, browse the web and connect to social networks, it will work very well. It also does a reasonable job when playing HD movies. However, when viewing HD videos on YouTube, we did encounter a little bit of stutter. The 11.6" LED display has vivid colors, but it is a bit dark for our tastes, although the level of detail provided by the screen is very good.
The test device we received had just 21GB of storage space which is very little for a device with Windows 8.1 installed. If you buy this version you have only 10 GB of free space and you will run out of space rather quickly. When that happens, you have to uninstall the apps that you don't use frequently in order to install others. We recommend that you purchase the version with at least 32 GB of storage space, preferably the version with 64 GB. An interesting feature of this device is the Connected Standby mode offered by Windows 8.1, which is supported by the Intel Atom processor included in this netbook. This is a low-power state that allows Windows to function more like a tablet or smartphone than a typical computer. When in Connected Standby mode, ASUS EeeBook X205TA will listen for notifications and wake up regularly to fetch new emails, update live tiles and perform other similar tasks. When you get a chat message, it can wake up and notify you. Its screen will stay off the whole time while it does this, just as your smartphone can keep doing work while its screen is off. Note that these fetching features only work with Windows Store apps and not desktop applications. This mode replaces the Sleep and Hibernate modes used by classic netbooks and it allows for very fast resume times because it only has to turn on the display and not the whole netbook.
Apps that are Bundled With The ASUS EeeBook X205TA
Most manufacturers tend to bundle applications that you might never use. ASUS doesn't keep the EeeBook X205TA 100% crapware clean but doesn't fill it up with junk either.
You will find the following pre-installed applications:
Office 365 Personal Edition - this version of Office 365 includes Word 2013, Excel 2013, PowerPoint 2013, OneNote 2013, Outlook 2013, Access 2013, Publisher 2013, 1TB of cloud storage in OneDrive and 1 hour for Skype calls per month.
McAfee LiveSafe - an antivirus software which protects your device against the latest viruses, malware, and online threats.
Netflix - depending on where you live, you'll either love this app or dislike ASUS for bundling it. In the US and a couple of other countries where Netflix is available, you will want to use this app and stream movies and TV shows to your device. In countries where this service is unavailable, you should uninstall this app as it will not provide any value to you.
Twitter - the official Windows 8.1 app for this social network. It is useful only if you use this social network otherwise, you should uninstall it.
ASUS WebStorage - this is a cloud storage service from ASUS that provides you with 500GB of free cloud storage space for 2 years. You may want to give it a try.
ASUS LiveUpdate - an application that you can use to manage the operating system updates. Is very similar to the settings found in Windows 8.1.
Flipboard - a popular news app which you can use to create customized magazines based on your news feed. You may want to experiment it with before deciding on whether to keep it or not.
WinFlash - an application dedicated to updating the BIOS software of this device. You should keep it.
Splendid Utility - through this application, you can change the display colors settings. Try it, and choose whether you want to use it or not.
Line - a chat app that is like a mix of WhatsApp and Skype. You may want to experiment with it before deciding whether to keep it or not.
eManual - is not an application, is actually a.pdf file with a lot of information about how to use this device. If you have any problems don't hesitate to read it.
Performance in Benchmarks
We have run some benchmarks on ASUS EeeBook X205TA and we have compared it with ASUS Transformer T100 and ASUS Transformer T200. First, we used Bootracer to measure how fast Windows 8.1 starts on this device. ASUS EeeBook X205TA booted, on average, in 43 seconds. This is 1.5 seconds faster than the T200 and almost as fast as the T100.
Then we have used the Ice Storm Unlimited test from the 3DMark app. This test measures how well this device performs when running casual games that are generally suited for tablets with modest hardware configurations.
Below you can see the overall score of the ASUS Transformer T100 and T200 compared to that of the EeeBook X205TA. As you can see the difference between the average scores of the ASUS Transformer devices and the EeeBook X205TA is of approximately 27%.
If the overall score doesn't tell you very much, let's see the frames per second that were obtained in each test. In first Graphics test, the difference between devices isn't very high, but it grows quite a lot the Graphics test 2 and the Physics test.
To evaluate the battery time, we ran the Powermark test. When using the Balanced benchmark which mixes web browsing, word processing, video and light gaming workloads, the battery of the ASUS EeeBook X205TA lasted 7 hours and 6 minutes which is a very good result in our view. Charging the ASUS EeeBook X205TA from 0% to 100% lasted approximately 2 hours, which is a very good result.
As you can see from these tests, ASUS Eeebook X205TA doesn't offer spectacular performance but it does its job well at the tasks it was designed for. Also, we very much appreciated its very fast charging time.
ASUS Eeebook X205TA is a very affordable netbook which wants to look good, be easy to carry around and allow you to perform basic computing tasks like browsing the web, checking your email, doing light office work and so on. If you buy it for this purpose, it is a great device that works well. You will appreciate its Connected Standby feature, the fast charging time and its autonomy. However, if you want to do more with it, than you should look elsewhere and consider purchasing more expensive devices with more powerful hardware.