ASUS Blue Cave是一款无线路由器,外观与市场上的大多数路由器不同,它包含一个Intel 处理器(Intel processor),而不是您通常在许多其他路由器上找到的Broadcom、Qualcomm或MediaTek 。它的技术规格很有前途,并且还集成了亚马逊(Amazon)的Alexa 语音助手和(Alexa voice assistant and task automation services)IFTT(If This, Then That)等任务自动化服务。我们很幸运成为世界上第一批测试和审查该产品的人。如果您想知道它的性能如何以及它是否适合您,请阅读以下详细评论:
华硕 Blue Cave AC2600(ASUS Blue Cave AC2600):适合谁?
ASUS Blue Cave是以下类型用户的绝佳选择:
- 想要一个漂亮的家庭网络设备(home networking device),而不是装满外部天线的传统路由器的人
- 希望为其智能家居设备提供最佳安全性的用户
- 渴望高速 WiFi 的人
- 想要提供完全控制的高级固件的用户
- 希望通过IFTT从(IFTT)无线路由器获得(wireless router)任务自动化(task automation)服务的人
- 想要使用Alexa 语音(Alexa voice)助手控制家庭网络的用户(home network)
- 渴望高级移动应用程序的人,他们可以从中个性化路由器必须提供的几乎所有东西
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ASUS Blue Cave有很多很棒的地方:
- 两个WiFi(WiFi)频段的一流性能
- 出色的安全功能可保护您的智能家居
- (Modern hardware)可以处理许多客户端和同时连接的现代硬件
- (Advanced smartphone)用于管理无线路由器的(wireless router)高级智能手机应用程序
- 出色的多语言支持和易于访问的帮助文档(Help documentation)
- 一年免费使用趋势科技防病毒(Trend Micro antivirus)产品保护多达四台设备的优惠
- WiFi网络(WiFi network)比无线路由器(wireless router)启动晚两分钟
- 尚不清楚您是否可以在互联网上的任何地方使用智能手机应用程序(smartphone app),即使它可以工作,如果您注意其配置
- 你不能把它安装在墙上
ASUS Blue Cave AC2600是首批配备英特尔处理器和无线芯片组的(Intel processor and wireless chipset)无线路由器(wireless router)之一。有些人可能会认为它不会很好地工作,因为它配备了英特尔处理器(Intel processor),而且该公司在智能家居领域(home space)几乎没有经验。幸运的是,事实并非如此。ASUS Blue Cave以其不同寻常的设计、出色的WiFi速度潜力(speed potential)、非常快速的USB 3.0端口以及固件中包含的丰富功能给我们留下了深刻的印象。华硕(ASUS)具有高效的内置安全性、有用的家长控制以及与Amazon Alexa 和 IFTT的集成(Amazon Alexa and IFTT). 如果您正在寻找您的下一个无线路由器(wireless router),您应该考虑购买华硕 Blue Cave AC2600(ASUS Blue Cave AC2600)。这是我们向读者强烈推荐的绝佳选择。
华硕 Blue Cave AC2600 无线(ASUS Blue Cave AC2600 wireless)路由器拆箱
ASUS Blue Cave 无线(ASUS Blue Cave wireless)路由器使用的包装与大多数ASUS路由器使用的包装不同。它装在一个方形盒子中(square box),您可以通过它看到设备的中心。在侧面,您可以看到这款路由器(router and plenty)的图片以及有关其功能和硬件规格的大量数据。
当你打开盒子时,你会发现里面还有另外两个盒子。其中一个包含无线路由器(wireless router),另一个包含用户文档和所有配件。
在包装内,您可以找到以下元素:Blue Cave 无线(Blue Cave wireless)路由器、网线(network cable)、电源适配器(power adapter)、保修、快速设置指南(setup guide),以及趋势科技(Trend Micro)提供的超值优惠宣传单,可让您免费获得 1 年四种设备(Windows、iOS 或 Android(iOS or Android))上的防病毒保护。(antivirus protection)
ASUS Blue Cave 的拆箱体验非常愉快。该包装配得上一款高级设备,华硕捆绑了一个惊喜:提供为期一年的使用趋势科技防病毒产品保护四台设备的优惠。请注意,我们不清楚此优惠是否适用于所有出售华硕 Blue Cave 的国家或地区。(The unboxing experience for ASUS Blue Cave is a pleasant one. The packaging is worthy of a premium device, and ASUS has bundled a nice surprise: an offer to secure four devices with antivirus products from Trend Micro, for one year. Please note that it isn't clear to us whether this offer is valid in all countries where ASUS Blue Cave is sold, or in just a few.)
据华硕(ASUS)称,Blue Cave拥有运行频率为 1.2 GHz的多核Intel Lantiq PXB4395EL ( GRX350 ) 处理器、512 MB RAM和 128 MB固件存储空间(storage space)。当你检查这个路由器的固件时,它报告它有一个三核处理器,而华硕(ASUS)网站提到了两核。我们做了一些研究,似乎两个核心用于WiFi,第三个用于IPTV等其他功能。
ASUS Blue Cave支持所有现代网络标准,包括 802.11ac Wave 2,并可以提供 4x4 MU-MIMO 无线连接。为此,它有四个内部天线。2.4 GHz 频段(GHz band)的最大理论带宽为 800 Mbps,5 GHz 频段(GHz band)的最大理论带宽为1734 Mbps。即总共 2534 Mbps,比产品命名(product naming)中承诺的 2600 Mbps略低。
所有按钮和端口都位于设备的背面,旁边是冷却系统(cooling system)的通风口。它具有以下功能:电源按钮(Power button)、电源插孔(Power jack)、重置按钮(Reset button)、一个USB 3.0端口、四个工作速度为 1 Gbps的(Gbps)以太网(Ethernet)端口、WAN 端口(WAN port)和WPS 按钮(WPS button)。
该设备的设计谨慎且相对令人愉悦。但是,有些人可能不喜欢它,并将其与迷你洗衣机或扬声器进行比较。一个小缺点是华硕 Blue Cave(ASUS Blue Cave)可以放置在您家中的家具上。它不是为放置在墙上而设计的,也没有将其安装在墙上的系统。
至于尺寸,它的宽度(Width)、深度(Depth)和高度为 6.29 (Height)x 6.29 x 1.49 英寸或 160 x 160 x 80 毫米。重量为 1.76 磅或 800 克。
如果您想了解更多关于这款无线路由器(wireless router)的官方规格,请访问此页面:ASUS Blue Cave 规格(ASUS Blue Cave specifications)。
设置和使用ASUS Blue Cave AC2600 无线(ASUS Blue Cave AC2600 wireless)路由器
ASUS Blue Cave的设置与其他无线路由器相同。插入电力线后,将其连接到互联网和一台计算机,您可以在网络浏览器(web browser)中进行设置。设置向导看起来与其他华硕(ASUS)路由器不同,尽管它的工作原理相同。
您必须输入用户名和密码(username and password)来管理无线路由器(wireless router)(一个很好的安全预防措施(security precaution)),然后路由器会检测您的互联网连接类型并询问(connection and asks)连接详细信息。完成后,您可以设置华硕 Blue Cave(ASUS Blue Cave)广播的两个无线网络的名称和密码(name and password)。一个新步骤是ASUS Blue Cave会自动检查新固件并在快速设置期间安装它。
执行固件更新(firmware update)并重新启动ASUS Blue Cave后,您会看到设置摘要。现在是加载管理用户界面的时候了。它与其他ASUS路由器相同,这意味着它组织良好、易于使用,并提供 19 种语言版本。很少有无线路由器制造商提供如此出色的多语言支持。一个简洁的小方面是您可以直接从用户界面的家庭地址配置(home address)华硕蓝洞(ASUS Blue Cave)中间的LED亮度。(LED)
所有设置都分为逻辑部分,很容易找到自己的方式。您可以详细配置与无线路由器(wireless router)有关的所有内容,高级用户会对这一事实感到满意。此外,用户文档(user documentation)做得很好并且易于访问。一个巧妙的技巧(neat trick)是将鼠标光标移动(mouse cursor)到您不理解的设置上,并显示一个问号(question mark)。单击(Click)它,您会看到解释该设置的信息。
我们注意到的一个不太积极的方面是某些设置需要重新启动。虽然华硕 Blue Cave(ASUS Blue Cave)需要大约两分钟才能重启,但无线网络(wireless network)不会在重启后立即重启。您必须再等一两分钟,直到它重新上线。在此期间,固件会显示一条消息,说“无线正在设置...”("Wireless is setting…")我们认为这是一个小问题,应该在未来的固件更新中修复。
现代无线(Modern wireless)路由器往往具有用于轻松远程控制网络的移动应用程序。华硕(ASUS)为此路由器及其所有其他路由器提供了一个移动应用程序。将其连接到Blue Cave并管理网络很容易。通过最近的更新,该应用程序能够借助DDNS 功能(DDNS feature)或通过中继服务器(relay server)在 Internet 上的任何地方工作,具体取决于您在 Internet 上的位置。不幸的是,这并不是很明显,因为与使用云帐户(cloud account)的其他供应商相比,华硕(ASUS)采用了不同的方法。
我们将大约十五台设备连接到由ASUS Blue Cave管理的网络,包括台式电脑、笔记本电脑、平板电脑、智能手机、一台无线打印机(wireless printer)、两个智能插头、一个智能灯泡(smart bulb)和一个Xbox One控制台。我们享受快速的下载速度、良好的信号强度(signal strength)、轻松的文件共享(file sharing)和稳定的连接。
华硕 Blue Cave 提供了良好的无线网络体验,配得上华硕品牌,以及该公司制造的其他出色路由器。(ASUS Blue Cave offers a good wireless networking experience, worthy of the ASUS brand, and other great routers that were manufactured by this company.)
如果您想了解有关此无线路由器(wireless router)的实际性能和我们的基准测试的更多信息,请阅读本评论的下一页。
ASUS Blue Cave review: Different looks, great performer!
ASUS Βlυe Cave іs a wireless rоυter that looks dіfferent from most routers on the market, and it includes an Intel processor, instead оf Broadcom, Quаlcomm, or MediaTek, as you usually find on manу other routеrs. Its technical specifiсations are promiѕing, and it is alsо integrated with Amazon's Alexa voice assistant and task aυtоmation services like IFTT (If This, Then That). We were lucky to be the first people in the world to test and review this product. If you are curious to know how well it performs and whether it is a good fit for you, read this detailed review:
ASUS Blue Cave AC2600: Who is it good for?
ASUS Blue Cave is an excellent choice for the following types of users:
- People that want a good looking home networking device, instead of a traditional router filled with external antennas
- Users who want the best security for their smart home devices
- People who desire high-speed WiFi
- Users who want advanced firmware that offers complete control
- People who want task automation services from their wireless router, through IFTT
- Users who want to control their home network using the Alexa voice assistant
- People who desire an advanced mobile app from which they can personalize almost everything the router has to offer
Pros and cons
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There are many great things about the ASUS Blue Cave:
- Top-notch performance on both WiFi bands
- Excellent security features that secure your smart home
- Modern hardware that can handle many clients and simultaneous connections
- Advanced smartphone app for administering your wireless router
- Great multi-lingual support and easily accessible Help documentation
- A great offer to secure up to four devices with Trend Micro antivirus products, for free, for one year
- The WiFi network starts two minutes later than the wireless router
- It is not clear that you can use the smartphone app from anywhere on the internet, even though it works, if you pay attention to its configuration
- You cannot mount it on walls
ASUS Blue Cave AC2600 is one of the first wireless routers to feature an Intel processor and wireless chipset. Some people might assume that it will not work all that well because it features an Intel processor, and the company has little experience in the smart home space. Luckily, that is not the case. ASUS Blue Cave impressed us with its unusual design, excellent speed potential on WiFi, its very fast USB 3.0 port, and the wealth of features that it packs in its firmware. ASUS has efficient built-in security, useful parental controls, and integration with Amazon Alexa and IFTT. If you are looking for your next wireless router, you should consider buying ASUS Blue Cave AC2600. It is an excellent choice that we highly recommend to our readers.
Unboxing the ASUS Blue Cave AC2600 wireless router
The packaging used for the ASUS Blue Cave wireless router is different from the one used for most ASUS routers. It comes in a square box, through which you can see the center of the device. On the sides, you can see pictures of this router and plenty of data about its features and hardware specifications.
When you open the box, you find inside two other boxes. One of the contains the wireless router, and the other has the user documentation and all the accessories.
Inside the packaging you find the following elements: the Blue Cave wireless router, a network cable, the power adapter, the warranty, the quick setup guide, and a leaflet with a great offer from Trend Micro that allows you to get 1 year of free antivirus protection on four devices (Windows, iOS or Android).
The unboxing experience for ASUS Blue Cave is a pleasant one. The packaging is worthy of a premium device, and ASUS has bundled a nice surprise: an offer to secure four devices with antivirus products from Trend Micro, for one year. Please note that it isn't clear to us whether this offer is valid in all countries where ASUS Blue Cave is sold, or in just a few.
Hardware specifications and design
According to ASUS, Blue Cave has a multi-core Intel Lantiq PXB4395EL (GRX350) processor running at 1.2 GHz, 512 MB of RAM and 128 MB of storage space for the firmware. When you check the firmware of this router, it reports that it has a processor with three cores, while the ASUS website mentions two cores. We did a bit of research, and it seems that two cores are used for WiFi, and the third is used for other features like IPTV.
ASUS Blue Cave offers support for all the modern networking standards, including 802.11ac Wave 2, and can provide 4x4 MU-MIMO wireless connections. To provide this, it has four internal antennas. The maximum theoretical bandwidth is of 800 Mbps for the 2.4 GHz band and 1734 Mbps for the 5 GHz band. That is a total of 2534 Mbps, a little less than the 2600 Mbps promised in the product naming.
All the buttons and ports are on the back side of the device, alongside the vents for the cooling system. It has the following: the Power button, the Power jack, the Reset button, one USB 3.0 port, four Ethernet ports working at 1 Gbps, the WAN port, and the WPS button.
The design of this device is discreet and relatively pleasant. However, some people might not like it and compare it to a mini-washing machine or a speaker. One small downside is that ASUS Blue Cave is made to be placed on furniture in your home. It is not designed to be placed on walls, and it has no system for mounting it on walls.
As for size, it has 6.29 x 6.29 x 1.49 inches or 160 x 160 x 80 mm in Width, Depth, and Height. The weight is 1.76 lb or 800 grams.
If you would like to learn more about the official specifications of this wireless router, go to this page: ASUS Blue Cave specifications.
Setting up and using the ASUS Blue Cave AC2600 wireless router
Setting up the ASUS Blue Cave is the same as other wireless routers. After you plug into the powerline, connect it to the internet and one computer, you can set it up in a web browser. The setup wizard looks different than that of other ASUS routers, even though it works the same.
You have to enter a username and password for administering the wireless router (an excellent security precaution), and then the router detects the type of your internet connection and asks for the connection details. Once that is done, you get to set the name and password for the two wireless networks that are broadcast by ASUS Blue Cave. One new step is that ASUS Blue Cave automatically checks for new firmware and installs it during the quick setup.
After the firmware update is performed and ASUS Blue Cave reboots, you are shown a summary of your settings. Now it is time to load the administration user interface. It is the same as on other ASUS routers, meaning that it is well organized, easy to use and available in a total of 19 languages. Few manufacturers of wireless routers offer such great multilingual support. One neat little aspect is that you can configure the brightness of the LED in the middle of the ASUS Blue Cave, straight from the home address of the user interface.
All the settings are split into logical sections and finding your way is easy. You can configure everything that matters about your wireless router in detail, and advanced users will be pleased with this fact. Also, the user documentation is well done and accessible. One neat trick is to move the mouse cursor over a setting you do not understand, and a question mark is shown. Click on it, and you see information explaining that setting.
One less positive aspect that we noticed is that some settings require a reboot. While the ASUS Blue Cave takes about two minutes to restart, the wireless network does not restart as soon as the reboot is done. You have to wait another minute or two until it comes back online. During this time, the firmware displays a message saying "Wireless is setting…" We consider this a minor issue that should be fixed in future firmware updates.
Modern wireless routers tend to have mobile apps for remote controlling your network with ease. ASUS has a mobile app for this router and all its other routers. It is easy to connect it to the Blue Cave and administer the network. Through recent updates, the app is capable of working from anywhere on the internet, with the help of the DDNS feature, or through a relay server, depending on where you are on the internet. Unfortunately, this is not very obvious, as ASUS has a different approach when compared to other vendors that use a cloud account.
We connected about fifteen devices to the network managed by ASUS Blue Cave, including desktop PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones, one wireless printer, two smart plugs, one smart bulb, and an Xbox One console. We enjoyed fast download speeds, good signal strength, easy file sharing, and stable connections.
ASUS Blue Cave offers a good wireless networking experience, worthy of the ASUS brand, and other great routers that were manufactured by this company.
If you would like to learn more about the real-life performance of this wireless router and our benchmarks, read the next page of this review.