ASUS Lyra AC2200是(ASUS Lyra AC2200)华硕(ASUS)针对家庭用户发布的第一款网状无线网络系统。(mesh wireless network system)我们是世界上第一个对其进行测试的团队,我们的初步审查是使用为该产品发布的第一个固件版本(firmware version)完成的。从那时起,华硕 Lyra(ASUS Lyra)收到了许多更新和改进,华硕(ASUS)要求我们再试一次,再次审查产品,包括最新的固件和增强功能(firmware and enhancements)。如果您想了解ASUS Lyra在速度、无线覆盖范围(wireless coverage)、功能和易用性方面的优势,请阅读以下详细评论:
华硕 Lyra AC2200(ASUS Lyra AC2200):它对谁有好处?
这种全家庭网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system)适合以下情况:
- 需要在使用标准无线路由器(wireless router)难以覆盖的较大区域进行无线覆盖的人
- 灵活的家庭网络,您可以在其中添加或删除设备和覆盖区域
- 欣赏优雅、美观设备的用户
- (Secure)使用内置的反恶意软件保护和入侵防御系统保护(protection and intrusion prevention systems)智能家居
以下是华硕 Lyra(ASUS Lyra)的优势:
- ASUS Lyra移动应用程序易于使用
- (Remote control)从互联网上的任何地方进行远程控制
- 它也可以通过网络浏览器进行管理(web browser)
- 出色的防病毒(Excellent antivirus)保护和永不过期的家长控制
- 在 2.4 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)频率上具有出色的最大速度
- 美丽的设计
- 可以安装在墙上
- 价格不适合所有人
- 有时华硕 Lyra(ASUS Lyra)在将无线客户端连接到最快频率方面做得不好
ASUS Lyra是(ASUS Lyra)华硕(ASUS)推出的第一款同类设备。它提供比传统无线路由器更广泛的WiFi 覆盖范围(WiFi coverage),并且易于设置。这些设备看起来不错,可以放置在任何地方,包括墙壁上。ASUS Lyra捆绑了出色的防病毒保护(antivirus protection)和家长控制,可以从互联网上的任何地方远程控制。它在 2.4 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)频段上的性能是一流的。虽然还有一些错误需要解决,但ASUS Lyra是一个吸引人的套装,适合需要在家中使用网状WiFi 系统的用户。(WiFi system)
华硕 Lyra AC2200 家庭(ASUS Lyra AC2200 home) WiFi 系统(WiFi system)拆箱
华硕 Lyra(ASUS Lyra)的包装与其他华硕网络(ASUS networking)产品的包装不同。盒子使用平静的白色和青色,并带有组成网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system)的三个设备的图片。
在包装盒的背面和侧面,您可以找到有关ASUS Lyra(ASUS Lyra)工作原理以及此家庭网络系统(home networking system)主要功能的视觉和文字说明。一切都包装精美,在包装盒内,您会找到以下物品:三台华硕 Lyra(ASUS Lyra)设备、每台设备的电源适配器、一根网线(network cable)、快速入门指南(start guide)、保修和支持信息(warranty and support information)。如下图所示,Lyra设备很漂亮,捆绑的配件也很漂亮。对于重视设计(value design)的人来说,这是一个充满希望的开始。
拆箱体验是一种愉快的体验,值得一款高级网络设备。此外,Lyra 设备优雅且外观精美。(The unboxing experience is an enjoyable one, worthy of a premium networking device. Also, the Lyra devices are elegant and look great.)
ASUS Lyra是一个三频全家庭网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system),由两个或三个单独的设备组成,具体取决于您购买的版本。每个Lyra 设备(Lyra device)都包括一个四核Qualcomm IPQ4019片(Chip)上系统( SoC ),运行频率为 717 MHz,可处理两种无线频率:一个在 2.4 GHz上,一个在 5 GHz上。还有一个辅助Qualcomm QCA9886 SoC ,用于5 GHz的第三个工作频率(operating frequency)。两个 5 GHz频段之一专用于ASUS Lyra之间的通信(ASUS Lyra)设备,以便它们以最高可用速度分配可能的最佳连接。因此,在三个频段中,客户端设备只能使用其中两个:一个在 2.4 GHz上,另一个在 5 GHz上。
在每个Lyra 集线器(Lyra hub)上,有 256MB 的RAM和 128MB的固件存储空间(storage space)。每个Lyra有 7 根内部天线,其中 4 根是“智能”天线,用于 5 GHz 频率(GHz frequency)。这些智能天线用于检测其他站点的信号质量,然后选择两个最合适的天线来建立所有天琴座之间的(Lyras)主干连接(backbone connection)。因此(Therefore),对于客户端设备,华硕 Lyra(ASUS Lyra)提供了两根智能天线和三根普通WiFi 天线(WiFi antennas)。
华硕拥有大约 2200 (ASUS)Mbps的总理论带宽,其划分如下:2.4 GHz 无线频率为 400 (GHz wireless)Mbps ,两个 5 (Mbps)GHz频段各为867 Mbps。由于两个 5 GHz频率之一用于Lyra 集线器(Lyra hubs)之间的主干连接(backbone connection),因此客户端设备在 2.4 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)频率和5 GHz 频率(GHz frequency)上有867 Mbps的(Mbps)可用(Mbps)速度。客户端设备更现实的总可用带宽是 1267 Mbps. 然而,这些数字是理论上的,并且是在高科技实验室中测量的。它们在现实世界中没有多大意义。ASUS Lyra提供 2x2 MU-MIMO 无线(MU-MIMO wireless)连接,并支持所有无线网络(wireless networking)标准,包括 802.11n 和最新的 802.11ac Wave 2。
在每个Lyra上,您都有两个 1 Gbps 以太网(Gbps Ethernet)端口。在主Lyra上,必须使用其中之一将其连接到您的Internet 服务提供商提供的(Internet Service Provider)无线路由器(wireless router)或调制解调器。
在每个Lyra的侧面,您都有一个配对按钮,您可以使用该按钮通过(Pairing)WPS将每个集线器连接到网络。与许多其他网状WiFi系统一样,ASUS Lyra不提供USB 端口(USB port)来连接外部硬盘、打印机或其他USB设备。此类设备需要通过其他方式连接到网络。
每个Lyra的底部都有五个橡胶支脚,可以将设备固定在几乎任何表面上,包括玻璃。还有可用于壁挂的安装螺丝槽。这样,更容易为每个集线器找到合适的位置,而不会妨碍您。还有一个重置(Reset)按钮,用于将每个Lyra恢复到其默认出厂(default factory)设置。
在尺寸方面,每个Lyra 设备(Lyra device)的长x 宽(x width)x 高(x height)为 5.51 x 5.51 x 1.57 英寸或 13.99 x 13.99 x x.98 厘米(x.98 cm)。它还重 25.36 盎司或 719 克。
如果您想自己阅读官方规格,请访问此页面:ASUS Lyra 规格(ASUS Lyra Specifications)。
华硕 Lyra 无线家庭网络系统的规格是一流的,至少在纸面上是这样。(The specifications of the ASUS Lyra wireless home networking system are top-notch, at least on paper.)
设置和使用ASUS Lyra AC2200 家庭(ASUS Lyra AC2200 home) WiFi 系统(WiFi system)
借助智能手机或网络浏览器设置ASUS Lyra 。如果您使用的是Android,请前往Play 商店(Play Store)并下载并安装ASUS Lyra 应用程序(ASUS Lyra app)。在 iPhone 上,您可以在此处找到该应用程序:ASUS Lyra。当您第一次启动Lyra 应用程序(Lyra app)时,它会向您显示设置整个家庭WiFi 系统(WiFi system)所需的内容。按照说明操作,大约一分钟左右即可配置主ASUS Lyra 。
ASUS Lyra可以使用以下类型的互联网连接:DHCP(如果您将其连接到 ISP 的调制解调器或(ISP)路由器(modem or router))、PPPoE、静态 IP(Static IP)、PPTP和L2TP。在初始设置期间,ASUS Lyra 应用程序(ASUS Lyra app)会根据您的互联网连接类型要求提供必要的连接详细信息。完成后,您设置由ASUS Lyra(ASUS Lyra)广播的无线网络(wireless network)的名称和密码。需要记住的一件事是,包括ASUS Lyra在内的所有网状系统仅传输一个网络名称(network name),并将其用于 2.4 GHz和 5 GHz无线频率。设置Lyra后,系统会要求您选择它在您家中的位置。
主天琴座(Lyra)设置好后,它会自动连接到互联网,并开始广播无线网络(wireless network)。移动应用程序要求您添加另一个Lyra。第二个和第三个Lyra设备的添加速度要快得多,它们会自动克隆您为第一个Lyra选择的设置。这比设置路由器和两个中继器或范围扩展器更友好、更快捷。一项值得欢迎的改进是华硕 Lyra(ASUS Lyra)也可以在台式电脑或 Windows 笔记本电脑(desktop computer or Windows laptop)上使用网络浏览器(web browser)进行设置。该过程运行良好,但个性化选项比使用移动应用程序时要少。
设置完所有三款ASUS Lyra设备后,您可以在移动应用程序中查看它们是如何相互连接的。
从现在开始,您可以使用华硕 Lyra 应用程序(ASUS Lyra app)来设置这个全家WiFi 系统(WiFi system)的主要功能。如您所见,菜单没有太多选项。移动应用程序的每个功能都易于访问,并且只有几个配置选项。极客(Geeks)和 IT 专业人员想要更多的控制权,而初学者很高兴看到没有什么复杂的配置。ASUS Lyra 应用程序(ASUS Lyra app)的优点之一是它可以用来从互联网上的任何地方远程控制您的网络。
我们用它来配置它提供的每一个功能,我们发现它很容易使用。但是,您很快注意到的一件事是,某些更改(尤其是影响无线网络(wireless network)广播的更改)涉及需要两到三分钟的完整系统重启。(system restart)它必须重新启动所有三个ASUS Lyras才能应用您的更改,这可能会导致令人沮丧的等待时间。
我们之前说过,初学者会喜欢移动应用程序。对于专家来说,华硕(ASUS)提供了详细的配置,尽管它没有在产品的官方网页上传达这一点。如果您知道主ASUS Lyra的(ASUS Lyra)IP 地址(IP address),您可以在连接到您的网络的计算机的网络浏览器中输入它。使用您设置的用户名和密码登录(user and password),(Log)瞧!您可以访问华硕固件(ASUS firmware)及其传统用户界面。如果您过去使用过华硕(ASUS)路由器,您会立即在这种环境中感到宾至如归。
现在您可以在ASUS Lyra中设置所有内容,还可以打开和使用隐藏功能,如VPN 服务器(VPN server)和网络故障排除(network troubleshooting)工具。
但是缺少的一件事是无线设置:您无法更改ASUS Lyra广播的无线网络的频道、(wireless network)传输功率(transmission power)和其他参数。系统自动处理一切,用户不能更改密码以外的任何内容(仅在移动应用程序中处理)。
Web 界面(web interface)中缺少的第二件事是家长控制(Parental )功能(Controls)。您只能从移动应用程序配置它。但是,您确实可以访问AiProtection,并且在Web 界面(web interface)中,您可以对其进行详细控制。
一个简洁的功能是帮助系统(help system):如果您不了解设置的作用,请将鼠标光标移动(mouse cursor)到其名称上方,如果您看到显示的问号(question mark displayed),请单击鼠标左键(left mouse button)。然后,将显示一个工具提示,其中包含有关该设置的更多信息。
使用网状WiFi系统时,您的网络设备只会看到一个正在广播的网络名称。(network name)支持 802.11ac标准(standard connect)的现代智能手机和笔记本电脑使用更快的 5 GHz 频率(GHz frequency)连接到WiFi。支持 802.11n 标准的较便宜或较旧的设备以较慢的 2.4 (Cheaper)GHz 频率(GHz frequency)连接(standard connect)到网络。从理论上讲,这很棒。但是,有时我们的设备连接到 2.4 GHz 频率(GHz frequency)而不是 5 GHz(GHz one)频率时会出现问题。这导致这些设备的WiFi速度变慢(WiFi)连接。要解决此问题,我们必须断开它们与网络的连接并重新连接它们。然后,华硕 Lyra(ASUS Lyra)将我们的设备连接到适当的频率。
我们将各种设备连接到网络:台式电脑、笔记本电脑、平板电脑、智能手机、Xbox One控制台、一些智能插头、智能灯泡和无线打印机。我们在通过网络共享内容方面没有问题,WiFi 网络(WiFi network)覆盖也令人满意。当我们测量无线网络(wireless network)传输的稳定性时,我们得到了合理的结果。在下图中,您可以看到5 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)频段上网络传输的演变。(network transfer)没有突然下降,但我们注意到传输速度(transfer speed)存在一些变化。这不是很好,但平均速度接近我们的预期。
华硕 Lyra(ASUS Lyra)设备的设计看起来很漂亮。如果您对顶部的LED(LED)根据每个集线器的状态亮起而感到困扰,您可以使用移动应用程序中的一个开关将其关闭。ASUS Lyra 集线器(ASUS Lyra hubs)可以在任何地方使用:桌子和任何家具,以及墙壁。如果您需要放置它们以便它们不会妨碍您,您可以轻松地做到这一点。
我们对设置华硕 Lyra 网状 WiFi 系统的简单程度感到满意。它可以覆盖更大的区域,并且组成该套件的集线器很漂亮。您获得的网络体验是令人满意的,即使它并非没有小问题。一些用户会欣赏他们可以通过以太网电缆连接 Lyra 站,以获得最大的速度和覆盖范围。(We are pleased with how easy it is to set up the ASUS Lyra mesh WiFi system. It offers coverage over larger areas, and the hubs that make up the kit are beautiful. The networking experience you get is satisfactory, even though it is not without minor issues. Some users will appreciate that they can connect the Lyra stations through Ethernet cables, for maximum speed and coverage.)
要了解有关ASUS Lyra提供的真实性能的更多信息,请阅读本评论的下一页。我们分享了大量(share plenty)的测量数据。
ASUS Lyra AC2200 review: The first whole-home WiFi system by ASUS!
ASUS Lyra AC2200 is the first mesh wireless network system relеased bу ASUЅ for home users. We were the first team in the world to test it, and our initial review was done usіng the fіrst fіrmware version released for this prodυct. Sіnce thеn, ASUS Lyra has received many updates and improvements, and we were asked by ASUS to givе it another go and review the prodυct once more, with the latest firmware and enhancements. If you want tо know what ASUS Lyra has to offer regarding speed, wirеless соverage, features, and eаsе of use, read this detailed review:
ASUS Lyra AC2200: Who is it good for?
This whole-home mesh WiFi system is a suitable choice for:
- People who need wireless coverage in larger areas that are difficult to cover using a standard wireless router
- Flexible home networks where you add or remove devices and coverage areas
- Users who appreciate elegant, good looking devices
- Secure smart homes with built-in anti-malware protection and intrusion prevention systems
Pros and cons
Here are the advantages of the ASUS Lyra:
- The ASUS Lyra mobile app is straightforward to use
- Remote control from anywhere on the internet
- It can be managed from a web browser too
- Excellent antivirus protection and parental controls that do not expire
- Excellent maximum speed on the 2.4 GHz wireless frequency
- Beautiful design
- Can be mounted on walls
There are also some downsides to consider:
- The price is not for everyone
- Sometimes ASUS Lyra does not do a great job of connecting wireless clients to the fastest frequency
ASUS Lyra is the first device of its kind launched by ASUS. It offers broader WiFi coverage than traditional wireless routers, and it is easy to set up. The devices look good, and they can be placed anywhere, including on walls. ASUS Lyra bundles excellent antivirus protection and parental controls, and it can be remotely controlled from anywhere on the internet. Its performance on the 2.4 GHz wireless band is top-notch. While there are a few bugs left to be ironed out, ASUS Lyra is an appealing package for users who need a mesh WiFi system in their homes.
Unboxing the ASUS Lyra AC2200 home WiFi system
The packaging for the ASUS Lyra is different from that of other ASUS networking products. The box uses calming white and cyan colors, and it features a picture of the three devices that make up the mesh WiFi system.
On the back and the sides of the box, you can find visual and text explanations of how ASUS Lyra works and the key features of this home networking system. Everything is nicely packaged, and inside the box, you will find the following items: three ASUS Lyra devices, the power adapters for each of them, a network cable, the quick start guide, the warranty and support information. As you can see in the picture below, the Lyra devices are beautiful, and so are their bundled accessories. It is a promising start for people who value design.
The unboxing experience is an enjoyable one, worthy of a premium networking device. Also, the Lyra devices are elegant and look great.
Hardware specifications and design
ASUS Lyra is a tri-band whole-home mesh WiFi system that is made up of two or three individual devices, depending on what version you purchase. Each Lyra device includes a quad-core Qualcomm IPQ4019 System on a Chip (SoC), running at 717 MHz, that handles two wireless frequencies: one on 2.4 GHz and one on 5 GHz. There is also a secondary Qualcomm QCA9886 SoC for a third operating frequency of 5 GHz. One of the two 5 GHz bands is dedicated to the communication between the ASUS Lyra devices, so that they distribute the best connection possible, at the highest available speed. Therefore, out of the three bands, only two of them can be used by client devices: one on 2.4 GHz and another on 5 GHz.
On each Lyra hub, there are 256MB of RAM and 128 MB of storage space for the firmware. Each Lyra has seven internal antennas, four of which are "smart" and used for the 5 GHz frequency. These smart antennas are used to detect the signal quality of the other stations and then choose two of the most suitable antennas to establish the backbone connection between all the Lyras. Therefore, for client devices, ASUS Lyra offers two smart antennas and three usual WiFi antennas.
ASUS boasts about a total theoretical bandwidth of 2200 Mbps that is split as follows: 400 Mbps for the 2.4 GHz wireless frequency and 867 Mbps for each of the two 5 GHz bands. Since one of the two 5 GHz frequencies is used for the backbone connection between the Lyra hubs, client devices have available 400 Mbps for the 2.4 GHz wireless frequency and 867 Mbps for the 5 GHz frequency. A more realistic total available bandwidth for client devices is 1267 Mbps. However, these numbers are theoretical and measured in high-tech labs. They do not mean much in the real world. ASUS Lyra offers 2x2 MU-MIMO wireless connections, and support for all the wireless networking standards including 802.11n and the latest 802.11ac Wave 2.
On each Lyra, you have two 1 Gbps Ethernet ports. On the main Lyra, one of them must be used to connect it to the wireless router or the modem that your Internet Service Provider has offered.
On the side of each Lyra, you have a Pairing button that you can use to connect each hub to the network, through WPS. Like many other mesh WiFi systems, ASUS Lyra does not offer a USB port to connect external hard disks, printers or other USB devices. Such devices need to be connected to the network by other means.
The bottom of each Lyra has five rubber feet which hold the device in place on just about any surface, including glass. There are also mounting screw slots that can be used for wall-mounting. This way, it is easier to find a right spot for each hub, that does not get in your way. There is also a Reset button for restoring each Lyra to its default factory settings.
In terms of size, each Lyra device is 5.51 x 5.51 x 1.57 inches or 13.99 x 13.99 x x.98 cm in length x width x height. It also weighs 25.36 ounces or 719 grams.
If you want to read the official specifications yourself, go to this page: ASUS Lyra Specifications.
The specifications of the ASUS Lyra wireless home networking system are top-notch, at least on paper.
Setting up and using the ASUS Lyra AC2200 home WiFi system
Setting up the ASUS Lyra is done with the help of your smartphone or your web browser. If you are using Android, head to the Play Store and download and install the ASUS Lyra app. On an iPhone, you find the app here: ASUS Lyra. When you start the Lyra app for the first time, it shows you what you need to set up the whole-home WiFi system. Follow the instructions, and configure the main ASUS Lyra in about a minute or so.
ASUS Lyra can work with the following types of internet connections: DHCP (if you connect it to a modem or router from your ISP), PPPoE, Static IP, PPTP, and L2TP. During the initial setup, the ASUS Lyra app asks for the necessary connection details, depending on the type of your internet connection. Once that is done, you set the name and the password of the wireless network that is broadcast by ASUS Lyra. One thing to keep in mind is that all mesh systems, including ASUS Lyra, transmit only one network name, and it uses it for both the 2.4 GHz and 5GHz wireless frequencies. After you set up a Lyra, you are asked to select its location in your home.
After the main Lyra is set up, it automatically connects to the internet, and it starts broadcasting the wireless network. The mobile app asks you to add another Lyra. The second and third Lyra devices are added much faster, and they automatically clone the settings that you have chosen for the first Lyra. This is friendlier and quicker than setting up a router and two repeaters or range extenders. One welcome improvement is that ASUS Lyra can also be set up from a desktop computer or Windows laptop, using a web browser. The process works well, but the personalization options are fewer than when using the mobile app.
Once you have set up all three ASUS Lyra devices, you can see how they are connected to each other in the mobile app.
From now on, you can use the ASUS Lyra app to set the main features of this whole-home WiFi system. As you can see, the menu does not have too many options. Each feature of the mobile app is easily accessible, and it has only a few configuration options. Geeks and IT professionals want more control, while beginners are happy to see that there is nothing complicated to configure. One upside of the ASUS Lyra app is that it can be used to remote control your network from anywhere on the internet.
We used it to configure every feature that it offers, and we found it easy to use. However, one thing that you quickly notice is that some changes (especially the ones affecting the broadcasting of the wireless network) involve a full system restart that takes two to three minutes. It has to restart all three ASUS Lyras to apply your changes, and that can lead to frustrating waiting times.
We were saying earlier that beginners will love the mobile app. For experts, ASUS provides detailed configuration even though it does not communicate this on the official web page of the product. If you know the IP address of the main ASUS Lyra, you can enter it in a web browser of a computer that is connected to your network. Log in with the user and password that you have set and voila! You get access to the ASUS firmware and its traditional user interface. If you have used ASUS routers in the past, you immediately feel at home in this environment.
Now you can set everything in the ASUS Lyra, and you can also turn on and use hidden features like the VPN server and the network troubleshooting tools.
One thing that is missing though is the wireless settings: you cannot change the channel, the transmission power and other parameters of the wireless network that is broadcast by ASUS Lyra. The system handles everything automatically, and users cannot change anything except the password (this is dealt with only in the mobile app).
A second thing that is missing from the web interface is the Parental Controls feature. You can only configure it from the mobile app. However, you do get access to AiProtection, and in the web interface, you can control it in detail.
One neat feature is the help system: if you do not understand what a setting does, move the mouse cursor on top of its name and, if you see a question mark displayed, click the left mouse button. Then, a tooltip is shown with more information about that setting.
When you are done configuring everything, start connecting your network devices.
When using mesh WiFi systems, your network devices see only one network name being broadcast. Modern smartphones and laptops that support the 802.11ac standard connect to WiFi using the faster 5GHz frequency. Cheaper or older devices that support the 802.11n standard connect to the network on the slower 2.4 GHz frequency. In theory, this is great. However, we sometimes had issues with our devices getting connected to the 2.4 GHz frequency instead of the 5 GHz one. This led to these devices getting slower WiFi connections. To fix this issue, we had to disconnect them from the network and reconnect them. Then, ASUS Lyra connected our devices to the appropriate frequency.
We connected various devices to the network: desktop PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones, an Xbox One console, a few smart plugs, a smart bulb, and a wireless printer. We had no issues in sharing content over the network, and the WiFi network coverage was satisfactory. When we measured the stability of our wireless network transfers, we had reasonable results. In the graph below, you can see the evolution of a network transfer on the 5 GHz wireless band. There were no sudden drops, but we noticed some variability in the transfer speed. It was not great, but the average rate was close to what we expected.
The design of the ASUS Lyra devices looks beautiful. If you are bothered by the LED on the top that lights up depending on the status of each hub, you can turn it off with one switch from the mobile app. The ASUS Lyra hubs can be used anywhere: on desks and any furniture, as well as on walls. If you need to place them so that they do not get in the way, you can do that with ease.
We are pleased with how easy it is to set up the ASUS Lyra mesh WiFi system. It offers coverage over larger areas, and the hubs that make up the kit are beautiful. The networking experience you get is satisfactory, even though it is not without minor issues. Some users will appreciate that they can connect the Lyra stations through Ethernet cables, for maximum speed and coverage.
To learn more about the real-world performance offered by ASUS Lyra, read the next page in this review. We share plenty of measurements.