当您听到“ Mini PC ”这个词时,您永远不会想到没有(Mini PC)电源充电器(power charger)的 14.4 英寸高、12.78 磅重的野兽。ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90不小,也不轻。从系统内部的处理器到冷却系统(cooling system),再到它的设计,它的一切都是气势磅礴而强大的。如果您正在寻找性能卓越、几乎可以运行任何与工作相关的任务的高端商务 PC ,您应该考虑(business PC)ProArt PA90。阅读我们的评论并找出原因:
ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90 : 适合谁?
ProArt PA90是以下方面的绝佳选择:
- 想要进行视频编辑、计算机辅助设计 ( CAD )、建筑、工程或制造工作流程的用户
- 需要大量处理能力的个人和企业
- 渴望拥有强大处理器的静音 PC 的人
- 具有特殊工作条件和温度的工作场所
- 想要为Mac Pro(Mac Pro)提供最新硬件替代品的用户
Buy now
ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90有很多好话要说:
- 它有一个令人愉快的设计
- 它配备了强大的处理器
- 大量端口和连接选项
- (Fast storage)可扩展的快速存储
- 它有一个支持快速 802.11ac Wi-Fi 网络的无线网卡
- 处理器的液体冷却系统
- 无论您做什么,都能出色完成所有任务
- 可应对不同的工作条件和温度
- 它有两个笨重的电源(bulky power)适配器,使用站立式办公桌时可能会掉落
- 它没有 HDMI 2.0 端口
- 您不能为其配备NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000 显卡(video card)
- 如果您选择最好的硬件配置(hardware configuration),它的价格会变得非常高
ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90是一头野兽。它的名称中包含“ Mini PC ”字样,但这是一种误导。它没有什么小事。它高大、沉重、功能强大,并配有两个电源适配器,可满足其能源需求。使用ProArt PA90,您可以做任何事情,从视频编辑到计算机辅助设计、建筑或工程(architecture or engineering)。如果您愿意,您还可以在上面玩全高清(Full HD)游戏,或者在Netflix上观看 4K 电影。没有这台 PC 无法执行的任务。如果您正在寻找相当过时的Mac Pro的强大替代品,ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90是您可以做出的最佳选择之一。
ProArt PA90(ProArt PA90)是一款“迷你 PC”,其设计让人想起 2013 年推出的Mac Pro。然而,ProArt PA90比Mac Pro更大、更高、更强大。它的高度为 14.4 英寸或 36.57 厘米,宽度和深度(width and depth)为 6.9 英寸或 17.52 厘米。它也很重,重 12.78 磅或 5.8 公斤。在这些尺寸上,它的外观和感觉都不像迷你 PC。在正面,您会看到华硕标志(ASUS logo)、两个USB 3.1端口、音频插孔和麦克风插孔(microphone jack)。
在背面,您可以看到通风格栅和大量端口:两个 USB 3.1 端口、四个 DisplayPort、一个以太网端口(Ethernet port)、两个外部WiFi 天线(WiFi antennas)、一个线路输出和两个Thunderbolt端口。我们也希望有一个HDMI 2.0端口,以便我们可以将旧显示器连接到这台 PC。在底部,还有两个用于ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90 随附(ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90)的电源端口。
是的,您没听错:ProArt PA90 不仅(ProArt PA90)有一个,而且有两个电源砖,它们提供了在满负荷下使用这款迷你 PC 所需的电能。一个有180W,另一个有230W。
ProArt PA90需要两个电源适配器,因为它包含需要大量电能的强大硬件。它提供三种不同的配置:
- (Intel i9-9900K) 运行频率为 3.6 GHz的(GHz)英特尔 i9-9900K八核处理器(eight-core processor),以及具有 8GB 内存的Nvidia Quadro P4000显卡
- 英特尔 i7-9700K(Intel i7-9700K) 八核处理器(eight-core processor),运行频率为 3.6 GHz 处理器(GHz processor),以及具有 8GB 内存的Nvidia Quadro P4000显卡
- 英特尔(Intel)i7-9700K八核处理器(eight-core processor),运行频率为 3.6 GHz 处理器(GHz processor),以及具有 5GB 内存的Nvidia Quadro P2000显卡
我们收到了最强大的配置,它配备了Intel i9-9900K八核处理器(eight-core processor)。您可以在下面的屏幕截图中查看其规格。
新一代处理器和上一代显卡(generation video)的组合有点奇怪。一些用户可能更愿意购买带有NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000显卡的(video card)ProArt PA90 ,而不是较旧的Quadro P4000。
可用配置有 16GB 或 32GB来自Hynix的(Hynix)DDR4 RAM,工作频率为 2666 MHz。要求苛刻的用户可以将RAM升级到 64GB,这很棒。
ProArt PA90有一块带有Intel Z390 芯片组的(Intel Z390 chipset)华硕主板(ASUS motherboard)。所有配置均配备三星(Samsung)NVMe SSD和1TB Seagate ST1000LM049硬盘驱动器(disk drive),转速为 7200 rpm。SSD可以有 256 GB 或 512 GB,具体取决于您选择的存储大小(storage size)。您还可以自行安装另一个NVMe SSD 存储(NVMe SSD storage)驱动器,以获得更多存储空间。我们在测试中使用的迷你 PC 有一个NVMe SSD,其规格如下:
ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90也拥有丰富的无线连接:它配备了英特尔 Wireless-AC9560(Intel Wireless-AC9560) 网卡(network card),可提供使用 802.11ac Wave 2 ( Wi-Fi 5 ) 标准和蓝牙 5.0(Bluetooth 5.0)的无线网络连接。它还可以使用1 Gbps的有线(Gbps)以太网(Ethernet)连接工作。
ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90设计用于各种工作场所。它可以应对不同的条件和温度,从干燥的 -40°C 到超过 60°C 或 140°F 的湿热环境。另一个有用的功能是ProArt PA90为处理器配备了液体冷却器,这意味着它很安静,空闲时仅产生25.5dB,满载时产生32dB。
操作系统方面,ProArt PA90可以在安装Windows 10 Home 或 Windows(Home or Windows) 10 Pro的情况下购买。考虑到这款迷你 PC 专为工作场所和最大生产力而设计,我们建议您选择Windows 10 Pro作为您的配置。
该产品的官方规格可以在这里找到:ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90 规格(ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90 Specifications)。
ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90 在尺寸和硬件方面都是一头野兽。连接选项很丰富,可用的端口数量也很丰富。您可以在不同的处理器和视频卡之间进行选择,而存储和 RAM 是可扩展的。我们唯一希望拥有的东西是用于连接旧显示器的 HDMI 2.0 端口,以及为配备英特尔 i9-9900K 处理器的高端配置选择 NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000 显卡的选项。(ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90 is a beast both in terms of size and hardware. The connectivity options are plentiful, and so is the number of ports available. You can choose between different processors, and video cards, while the storage and the RAM are extendable. The only things we would have liked to have, are an HDMI 2.0 port for connecting older monitors, and the option to pick an NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000 video card for the high-end configuration with the Intel i9-9900K processor.)
使用华硕 Mini PC ProArt PA90
在您的办公桌上安装ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90是一项令人愉快的活动。即使它比传统的迷你电脑更大更重,它也可以很好地隐藏在像ASUS ProArt PA32U 显示器(ASUS ProArt PA32U monitor)这样的宽显示器后面。
考虑到ProArt PA90内部的硬件有多强大,性能从来都不是问题。系统启动速度很快,并且可以毫无问题地运行所有应用程序。它是专为专业人士设计的主力。有了它,您可以为建筑、工程和制造进行照片和视频编辑、计算机辅助设计 ( CAD ) 工作流程。(CAD)该系统还支持 VR,这意味着您也可以使用它来创建虚拟环境。
我们使用Adobe 和 TechSmith(Adobe and TechSmith)的应用程序对它进行了Office 工作(Office work)、网页浏览以及图像和视频编辑(image and video editing)。我们还将它用于多媒体体验,例如在Netflix上观看 4K 电影。一切都(Everything)进行得很顺利,没有任何缓慢的迹象。
有一件事确实让我们烦恼:ProArt PA90有两个电源适配器。当您像我们一样拥有站立式办公桌时,这可能是一个问题。电源适配器体积庞大,由于重量,它们会自行掉落,从迷你电脑上拔下,然后掉在地板上。对于普通办公桌,这不是问题。尽管在设计方面它没有那么优雅,但我认为使用台式电脑或Mac Pro上的传统电源插头为(power plug)ProArt PA90供电会是一个更好的选择。
在ProArt PA90的顶部,有一个可以取下的光面塑料盖。(plastic cover)当您这样做时,您可以看到更多迷你 PC 内部的冷却系统(cooling system),您还可以使用螺丝来访问其内部,以添加新的SSD之类的东西。
一个有趣的功能(fun feature)是光面塑料盖(plastic cover)是创新冷却系统(cooling system)的一部分,当处理器满负荷时,它会自动扩展盖,以最大限度地提高气流以获得最佳性能。下图是ProArt PA90关闭时、开机正常负载时、处理器利用率超过 90%、温度接近 80摄氏度(Celsius)时的顶盖位置对比或 176华氏度(Fahrenheit)。随着处理器负载(processor load)及其温度的升高,噪音水平也会增加。然而,噪音并不令人不安,满载时为 32dB。
考虑到 ProArt PA90 的强大,没有任何任务是这款迷你电脑无法完成的。在性能方面,你会对你得到的东西感到满意。(Considering how powerful the ProArt PA90 is, there is no task that this mini PC cannot do. Performance-wise, you are going to be happy with what you get.)
如果您想要一些数字来评估ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90的性能,请阅读本节。我们首先使用BootRacer来测量这台迷你 PC 的启动时间(startup time)。平均而言,启动Windows 10、加载桌面和启动应用程序(startup apps)需要 22 秒。Windows 10的有效加载仅需 8 秒。
然后我们使用CrystalDiskMark来查看这款迷你 PC 内SSD 驱动器的速度。(SSD drive)此应用程序执行多个测试以顺序和随机地读取和写入数据:
- Seq Q32T1 -具有多队列和线程的(multi Queues & Threads)顺序(Sequential)(Block Size=128KiB)Read/Write
- 4K Q8T8 -具有多队列和线程的(multi Queues & Threads)随机 4KiB(Random 4KiB) Read/Write
- 4K Q32T1 -具有多队列和线程的(multi Queues & Threads)随机 4KiB(Random 4KiB) Read/Write
- 4K Q1T1 -具有多队列和线程的(multi Queues & Threads)随机 4KiB(Random 4KiB) Read/Write
正如您在ProArt PA90内部的三星 SSD 驱动器(Samsung SSD drive)中看到的那样,表现非常出色。
然后,我们在ProArt PA90(ProArt PA90)内的Seagate HDD 驱动器(Seagate HDD drive)上进行了相同的测试。如您所见,传统硬盘驱动器和 SSD 之间存在显(disk drive)着差异(SSD)。
然后,我们运行了PCMARK 10,它涵盖了从生产力任务到要求高要求的数字媒体内容工作的广泛活动。如您所见,ProArt PA90获得了非常高的分数,证实了它是一个可以做任何事情的强者。
我们还想看看这台迷你电脑有多热。为此,我们使用Prime95对其施加压力,并使用HWMonitor检查处理器的温度。满负荷运行几十分钟后,处理器温度(processor temperature)稳定在79摄氏度(Celsius)或174华氏度(Fahrenheit)。冷却系统(cooling system)的噪音很明显,但并不烦人。
即使ProArt PA90不是为游戏而设计的,它也可以在高质量设置下运行游戏。为了证明这一点,我们运行了3D Mark的Time Spy基准测试。它得到的分数相当高,证明这台迷你电脑可以运行全高清分辨率(Full HD resolution)的游戏,即使它没有市场上最新的显卡。
ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90 是一款功能强大的系统,可以运行您想要的任何任务。这一说法也得到了基准测试的证实,它的得分很高。(ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90 is a powerful system that can run any task you want. This statement is also confirmed by benchmarks, where it had high scores.)
你喜欢ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90吗?
我们喜欢测试新的ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90,这是一个我们非常喜欢的系统。在结束此评论之前,请告诉我们您的意见。你喜欢它的样子吗?它的硬件怎么样?你会为它配备不同的配置吗?在下面发表评论(Comment),让我们讨论。
ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90 review: Tall and mighty!
When you hear the words "Mini PC" you neνer think оf a beast that iѕ 14.4 inches tall and weighing 12.78 pounds, without the power chargеr. ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90 is not small, and it iѕ not light either. Everything about it is imposing and рowerful, from the processor іnside the system to the cooling system, and its design. If you are looking for a high-end bυsiness PС with excellent performаnce, that can run just about any work-related task, you should consіder the ProArt PA90. Read our review and find out why:
ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90: Who is it good for?
ProArt PA90 is an excellent choice for:
- Users who want to do video editing, computer-aided design (CAD), workflows for architecture, engineering, or manufacturing
- Individuals and businesses that require lots of processing power
- People who desire a silent PC with a powerful processor
- Workplaces with special working conditions and temperatures
- Users who want an alternative with up-to-date hardware for the Mac Pro
Pros and cons
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There are many good things to say about ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90:
- It has a pleasant design
- It comes with powerful processors
- Plenty of ports and connectivity options
- Fast storage that is also extendable
- It has a wireless card that supports fast 802.11ac Wi-Fi networks
- Liquid-cooling system for the processor
- Excellent performance for all tasks, no matter what you do
- It can cope with different working conditions and temperatures
There are also a few negatives to consider:
- It has two bulky power adapters that may fall when using standing desks
- It lacks an HDMI 2.0 port
- You cannot equip it with an NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000 video card
- Its price can get very high if you choose the best possible hardware configuration
The ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90 is a beast. Its name includes the words "Mini PC," but that is misleading. There is nothing small about it. It is tall, heavy, powerful, and with two power adapters that supply its energy demands. With ProArt PA90, you can do anything, from video editing to computer-aided design, architecture or engineering. If you want to, you can also play Full HD games on it, or watch 4K movies on Netflix. There is no task that this PC cannot perform. If you are looking for powerful alternatives to the rather outdated Mac Pro, ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90 is one of the best choices you can make.
Design and hardware specifications
The ProArt PA90 is a "mini PC" with a design that makes you think of the Mac Pro launched in 2013. However, the ProArt PA90 is larger, taller, as well as more powerful than the Mac Pro. It has a height of 14.4 inches or 36.57 cm, and a width and depth of 6.9 inches or 17.52 cm. It is also quite heavy at 12.78 pounds or 5.8 kg. At these dimensions, it does not look and feel like a mini PC. On the front, you see the ASUS logo, two USB 3.1 ports, the audio jack, and the microphone jack.
On the back, you see the ventilation grids, and plenty of ports: two USB 3.1 ports, four DisplayPorts, one Ethernet port, two external WiFi antennas, a line out, and two Thunderbolt ports. We would have loved to have an HDMI 2.0 port too so that we could connect older monitors to this PC. On the bottom, there are also two ports for the power supplies that come with the ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90.
Yes, you heard that right: ProArt PA90 has not just one but two power bricks, that provide the electrical energy necessary to use this mini PC under full load. One has 180W while the other has 230W.
ProArt PA90 requires two power adapters because it packs powerful hardware that requires a lot of electrical energy. It is available in three different configurations:
- Intel i9-9900K eight-core processor running at 3.6 GHz, and an Nvidia Quadro P4000 video card with 8GB of memory
- Intel i7-9700K eight-core processor running at 3.6 GHz processor, and an Nvidia Quadro P4000 video card with 8GB of memory
- Intel i7-9700K eight-core processor running at 3.6 GHz processor, and an Nvidia Quadro P2000 video card with 5GB of memory
We received the most powerful configuration, that comes with an Intel i9-9900K eight-core processor. You can see its specifications in the screenshot below.
The combination of new generation processors and previous generation video cards is a bit odd. Some users might have preferred to buy the ProArt PA90 with an NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000 video card instead of the older Quadro P4000.
The available configurations have 16GB or 32GB of DDR4 RAM from Hynix, working at 2666 MHz. Demanding users can upgrade the RAM to 64GB, which is great.
ProArt PA90 has an ASUS motherboard with an Intel Z390 chipset. All configurations come with an NVMe SSD from Samsung, and a 1TB Seagate ST1000LM049 hard disk drive, at 7200 rpm. The SSD can have 256 GB or 512 GB, depending on the storage size that you choose. You can also install another NVMe SSD storage drive on your own, for even more storage. The mini PC that we had in testing had an NVMe SSD with the specifications below:
ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90 has generous wireless connectivity too: it comes with an Intel Wireless-AC9560 network card that offers wireless network connections using the 802.11ac Wave 2 (Wi-Fi 5) standard, and Bluetooth 5.0. It can also work using wired Ethernet connections, at 1 Gbps.
ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90 is designed to be used in all kinds of workplaces. It can cope with different conditions and temperatures, ranging from dry -40°C to humid and hot environments exceeding 60°C or 140°F. Another useful feature is that ProArt PA90 has a liquid cooler for the processor, meaning that it is quiet, producing only 25.5dB when idle and 32dB at full load.
When it comes to operating systems, ProArt PA90 can be bought with Windows 10 Home or Windows 10 Pro installed. Considering that this mini PC is designed for workplaces and maximum productivity, we recommend choosing Windows 10 Pro for your configuration.
The official specifications of this product can be found here: ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90 Specifications.
ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90 is a beast both in terms of size and hardware. The connectivity options are plentiful, and so is the number of ports available. You can choose between different processors, and video cards, while the storage and the RAM are extendable. The only things we would have liked to have, are an HDMI 2.0 port for connecting older monitors, and the option to pick an NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000 video card for the high-end configuration with the Intel i9-9900K processor.
Using the ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90
Setting up the ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90 on your desk is a pleasant activity. Even if it is bigger and heavier than traditional mini PCs, it can be nicely tucked behind a wide display like the ASUS ProArt PA32U monitor.
Considering how powerful the hardware inside the ProArt PA90 is, performance is never an issue. The system boots fast, and it runs all apps without problems. It is a workhorse designed for professionals. With it, you can do photo and video editing, computer-aided design (CAD) workflows for architecture, engineering, and manufacturing. The system is also VR-Ready, meaning that you can use it to create virtual environments too.
We did Office work on it, web browsing, as well as image and video editing, using apps from Adobe and TechSmith. We also used it for multimedia experiences like watching 4K movies on Netflix. Everything ran smoothly, with no slowness of any kind.
One thing did annoy us though: the fact that ProArt PA90 has two power adapters. This can be an issue when you have a standing desk as we do. The power adapters are bulky, and they fall by themselves because of their weight, unplugging from the mini PC, and falling on the floor. For regular desks, this is not an issue though. Even though design-wise it is not as elegant, I think that it would have been a better choice to power the ProArt PA90 with a traditional power plug like those you find on desktop PCs or the Mac Pro.
On the top side of the ProArt PA90, there is a glossy plastic cover that can be removed. When you do that you can see more of the cooling system inside the mini PC, and you can also access the screws that give you access to its insides, for adding things like a new SSD.
A fun feature is that the glossy plastic cover is part of an innovative cooling system, which automatically extends the cover when the processor is at full load, to maximize airflow for optimal performance. Below you can see a comparison with the position of the top cover when ProArt PA90 is shut, when it is turned on and in a normal load, and when the processor is utilized more than 90%, and its temperature gets close to 80 degrees Celsius or 176 Fahrenheit. The level of noise increases while the processor load goes up, as well as its temperature. However, the noise is not upsetting, at 32dB at full load.
Considering how powerful the ProArt PA90 is, there is no task that this mini PC cannot do. Performance-wise, you are going to be happy with what you get.
Performance in benchmarks
If you want some numbers to evaluate the performance of the ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90, read this section. We started with using BootRacer to measure the startup time of this mini PC. On average, it needed 22 seconds to start Windows 10, load the desktop and the startup apps. The effective loading of Windows 10 took just eight seconds.
We then used CrystalDiskMark to see the speed of the SSD drive inside this mini PC. This app executes several tests for reading and writing data, both sequentially and randomly:
- Seq Q32T1 - Sequential (Block Size=128KiB) Read/Write with multi Queues & Threads
- 4K Q8T8 - Random 4KiB Read/Write with multi Queues & Threads
- 4K Q32T1 - Random 4KiB Read/Write with multi Queues & Threads
- 4K Q1T1 - Random 4KiB Read/Write with multi Queues & Threads
As you can see in the Samsung SSD drive inside the ProArt PA90, performed beautifully.
We then ran the same test on the Seagate HDD drive inside the ProArt PA90. As you can see, there is a significant difference between a traditional hard disk drive and an SSD.
We then ran PCMARK 10, that covers a wide range of activities from productivity tasks to demanding work with digital media content. As you can see, the ProArt PA90 had a very high score, confirming that it is a powerhouse that can do just about anything.
We also wanted to see how hot this mini PC becomes. For that, we used Prime95 to stress it, and HWMonitor to check the temperatures of the processor. After running at full load for a few dozen minutes, the processor temperature stabilized at 79 degree Celsius or 174 degrees Fahrenheit. The noise of the cooling system was noticeable but not annoying.
Even though the ProArt PA90 is not built for gaming, it can run games at high-quality settings. To prove this, we ran 3D Mark's Time Spy benchmark. The score it got was quite high, proving that this mini PC can run games at Full HD resolution, even though it doesn't have the newest graphics card available on the market.
ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90 is a powerful system that can run any task you want. This statement is also confirmed by benchmarks, where it had high scores.
Do you like the ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90?
We enjoyed testing the new ASUS Mini PC ProArt PA90, and it is a system that we liked a lot. Before closing this review, tell us your opinion. Do you like how it looks? What about its hardware? Would you have equipped it with a different configuration? Comment below and let's discuss.