华硕 ROG Chakram 游戏(ASUS ROG Chakram gaming)鼠标是华硕(ASUS)在 2019 年发布的最具创新性的设备之一。它不仅承诺一流的性能和卓越的品质,而且还内置了操纵杆!你有(Did)没有用过这样的东西?好吧(Well),华硕(ASUS)将其变为现实,ROG Chakram试图将两种不同的游戏设备 - 鼠标和操纵杆 - 融合为一体。在本次评测中,我们还收到了ASUS ROG Strix Slice 鼠标(ASUS ROG Strix Slice mouse)垫,它提供无摩擦表面,让您的鼠标在滑动时非常快速。我们测试并使用了ASUS ROG Chakram和ASUS ROG Strix Slice,这是我们对他们的印象:
ASUS ROG Chakram 游戏鼠标和 ASUS ROG Strix Slice 鼠标垫(ASUS ROG Chakram gaming mouse & ASUS ROG Strix Slice mouse pad):它们适合谁?
ASUS ROG Chakram是一款出色的鼠标,适合以下用户:
- 想要一款高端游戏鼠标(gaming mouse)并且买得起
- 想要在他们的游戏配件上使用 RGB(Want RGB)照明
- 想拥有目前市场上最具创新性的鼠标之一
- 是玩家(Are)国度(Republic)品牌(Gamers brand)的粉丝吗
ASUS ROG Strix Slice 鼠标(ASUS ROG Strix Slice mouse)垫是一个不错的选择,如果您想要一个光滑的垫子,鼠标可以在其上自由运行,因为它的摩擦力低。
华硕 ROG Chakram 游戏(ASUS ROG Chakram gaming)鼠标有很多优点:
- 它提供三模式连接:有线、蓝牙(Bluetooth)和 2.4 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)
- 它看起来构造精良,设计精美
- 其符合人体工程学的形状意味着即使长时间使用也很舒适
- 鼠标有一个内置的操纵杆,这可能是电脑鼠标世界中的第一个(computer mice)
- 它使用耐用、可更换的欧姆龙(Omron)开关
- 您可以轻松更改其开关和操纵杆
- 它具有三个RGB灯区,ROG标志区域可根据您自己的设计进行定制
- 它的价格相当高
- RoG Armory 软件(RoG Armoury software)不如竞争对手提供的应用程序
关于ASUS ROG Strix Slice,我们只能说它是一款出色的鼠标垫(mouse pad):极低的摩擦力意味着您可以快速(mouse fast)轻松地移动鼠标。它有一个很酷的设计和合理的价格。
我们对ASUS ROG Chakram和ASUS ROG Strix Slice有很好的想法。我们非常喜欢这款鼠标,如果它的价格更实惠,我们可能会为我们的游戏装备购买它:它提供顶级性能、美观、高度可定制,并且上面有一个操纵杆!有什么不喜欢的?华硕 ROG Strix Slice(ASUS ROG Strix Slice) 游戏鼠标(gaming mouse)垫是ROG Chakram 鼠标(ROG Chakram mouse)和市场上任何其他游戏鼠标(gaming mouse)(包括其他品牌)的好伴侣。我们向在游戏外围设备方面想要最好和最新的游戏玩家推荐。
拆箱ASUS ROG Chakram 游戏鼠标和 ASUS ROG Strix Slice 鼠标垫(ASUS ROG Chakram gaming mouse & ASUS ROG Strix Slice mousepad)
华硕 ROG Chakram 游戏(ASUS ROG Chakram gaming)鼠标是一款优质设备,其包装证明了这一点。它的包装盒由优质黑色硬纸板制成,顶部有鼠标的大图。在其背面,您可以查看有关设备主要功能和规格的详细信息。
打开盒子可以看到鼠标站在一个由塑料制成的透明保护套内。在它的下方,还有您使用鼠标获得的所有其他东西:一个USB 加密狗(USB dongle)、一个USB 延长器(USB extender)、一根长度为 1.8 米(70.86 英寸)的USB Type-A到Type-C 电缆(Type-C cable)、一个由纺织材料制成的旅行袋、用户手册和一个附件盒(accessory box),其中包含两个Omron开关、一个操纵杆(比已经安装在鼠标上的更长)、一个操纵杆盖(joystick cover)、一个开关镊子(switch tweezer)、一个ROG 贴纸(ROG sticker)和一个可定制的徽章。
华硕 ROG Strix Slice 鼠标(ASUS ROG Strix Slice mouse)垫的包装看起来也不错。它只不过是一个相当大的袖子,但它是用优质纸板制成的,它的设计很有吸引力。
袖子里面只有华硕 ROG Strix Slice(ASUS ROG Strix Slice),但是,您可以从鼠标垫(mouse pad)中获得哪些配件?
拆箱 ASUS ROG Chakram 是一次令人满意的体验。鼠标不仅外观华丽,而且还配备了很多配件。至于华硕ROG Strix Slice,包装看起来不错,开箱也很简单。(Unboxing the ASUS ROG Chakram was a satisfying experience. Not only does the mouse look gorgeous, but it also comes with a lot of accessories. As for the ASUS ROG Strix Slice, the package looks good and the unboxing is straightforward.)
华硕 ROG Chakram(ASUS ROG Chakram):设计和硬件规格(Design and hardware specifications)
华硕 ROG Chakram(ASUS ROG Chakram)不仅仅是一款普通的游戏鼠标(gaming mouse),原因不止一个。首先,它提供三种不同的连接选项:有线、使用蓝牙(Bluetooth)( BLE ) 的无线,以及使用随附的 1 毫秒USB 加密狗(USB dongle)的 2.4 GHz 射频无线(GHz radio)。
对于追踪,ROG Chakram 鼠标(ROG Chakram mouse)使用最大分辨率为 16,000 DPI的光学传感器。它可以达到每秒 400 英寸 ( IPS ) 的速度,并且可以以高达 40 g 的速度加速。这是令人难以置信的快!此外,为了克服任何可能的延迟,鼠标还具有 1,000 Hz 的轮询速率,无论是有线还是在2.4 GHz的(GHz)无线模式(wireless mode)下。
除了令人印象深刻的技术规格外,华硕 ROG Chakram(ASUS ROG Chakram)还有另一张王牌:大量按钮和内置操纵杆。是的,你没听错!该鼠标的左侧有一个操纵杆,位于拇指托(thumb rest)旁边。您可以使用它来控制移动或分配您想要的任何其他操作,具体取决于您玩的游戏。如果您愿意,您甚至可以像控制台控制器一样握住鼠标,使操纵杆垂直。🙂 虽然它比普通的操纵杆小得多,但它同时支持数字和模拟模式,并且在某些类型的游戏中比键盘更易于使用,例如赛车游戏、飞机模拟器甚至街机格斗游戏。
说到按钮,除了操纵杆外,华硕ROG Chakram(ASUS ROG Chakram)还有两个左右单击按钮,一个滚轮(scroll wheel),左侧还有两个额外的侧边按钮。这对大多数人来说已经足够了,但不利的一面是,这款鼠标没有左手版本。它仅适用于惯用右手的用户。
在野兽的肚子上,对不起,鼠标🙂你还有两个按钮和一个开关。该开关用于启用 2.4 GHz 无线和蓝牙模式(GHz wireless and Bluetooth modes)以及完全关闭鼠标。其他按钮用于配对鼠标和调整DPI 分辨率(DPI resolution)。
如果您喜欢设备上的灯,您会很高兴听到华硕 ROG Chakram(ASUS ROG Chakram)具有 RGB 灯:三个区域(徽标、滚轮(scroll wheel)、底座),您可以独立自定义或同步。此外,它还支持华硕(ASUS)的AURA Sync 技术(AURA Sync tech),这意味着您可以将鼠标上的灯光与其他兼容 AURA 的设备或硬件组件同步。
华硕(ASUS)没有说明华硕 ROG Chakram(ASUS ROG Chakram)内的电池有多大。但是,该公司确实告诉我们鼠标可以提供长达 79 小时的游戏时间。其要求是通过 2.4 GHz 加密狗(GHz dongle)连接鼠标并禁用RGB 灯光(RGB lighting)效果。该鼠标还支持快速充电,理论上,只需充电 15 分钟即可为您提供长达 12 小时的游戏电力。更重要的是,ROG Chakram还支持无线充电(wireless charging),所以如果你有Qi 鼠标(Qi mouse)垫,例如ROG Balteus Qi或任何其他充电垫(charging pad),您可以完全忘记电线。顺便说一句,鼠标的充电区域是它底部的标志区域,在那里你可以找到玩家共和国的(Republic of Gamers)铭文。
华硕 ROG Chakram(ASUS ROG Chakram)重 121.6克(4.29 盎司),长 132.7 毫米(5.22 英寸),宽 76.6 毫米(3.01 英寸),高 42.8 毫米(1.68 英寸)。它仅正式支持Windows 10 ,但如果您通过蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接,则可以在任何其他操作系统(operating system)上使用它。不过,高级设置和自定义选项只有在您安装了适用于Windows 10和Windows 7的(Windows 7)Armory II 软件和驱动程序(Armoury II software and drivers)时才可用。这就是为什么最好使用Windows 10。
如果您想阅读其所有硬件规格,请访问官方网页:华硕 ROG Chakram 规格(ASUS ROG Chakram Specifications)。
ASUS ROG Strix Slice:设计和硬件规格(Design and hardware specifications)
ASUS ROG Strix Slice是一款中型鼠标垫(mouse pad):长x 宽(x width) x 厚(x thickness)13.8 x 9.8 x 0.02 英寸或 350 x 250 x 0.6 毫米。如此(Being)轻薄意味着它非常轻巧便携(仅重 74 克),可以无缝地放在任何桌子上。
鼠标垫(mouse pad)的表面由聚碳酸酯制成,摩擦力极低,设计用于激光和光学鼠标传感器。由于表面摩擦力低,鼠标垫(mouse pad)非常适合玩第一人称射击游戏、大逃杀游戏或MOBA游戏等快速动作游戏的玩家。
让华硕 ROG Strix Slice(ASUS ROG Strix Slice)脱颖而出的另一件事是其表面上的大玩家共和国(Gamers)标志(Republic)在黑暗中发光。不管你喜欢与否是个人喜好的问题,但无论哪种方式,它都会引起人们的注意。
鼠标垫(mouse pad)的底座由硅胶制成,据华硕(ASUS)称,这使得鼠标垫很难在您的(mouse pad)桌子或桌子(desk or table)上滑落。
将ASUS ROG Chakram 游戏(ASUS ROG Chakram gaming)鼠标与ASUS ROG Strix Slice 鼠标(ASUS ROG Strix Slice mouse)垫搭配使用
在这篇华硕 ROG Chakram 鼠标(ASUS ROG Chakram mouse)和华硕 ROG Strix Slice 鼠标(ASUS ROG Strix Slice mouse)垫的评测中,我将它们一起使用,因此我对它们的体验是密切相关的。鼠标在这个鼠标垫上(mouse pad)滑动,就像它下面没有任何东西(nothing beneath)一样。正如(Just)华硕(ASUS)承诺的那样,鼠标垫(mouse pad)提供了几乎无摩擦的体验(no-friction experience),这在英雄(Legends)联盟(League)等快速动作游戏中表现出色,这也是我的最爱之一。🙂
鼠标比一般鼠标大,虽然没有其他鼠标那么大。它的外形和尺寸非常适合(profile and size fit well)中型或大型手。如果你的手很小或者你的手指很短,你可能会有点难以适应这款鼠标。
华硕 ROG Chakram(ASUS ROG Chakram)具有符合人体工程学的形状,带有宽大的拇指(thumb rest)托,即使长时间握持也很舒适。此外,侧面按钮易于触及和推动,它们的形状使它们易于相互识别。
操纵杆可能是这款鼠标最有趣的地方。它的位置经过深思熟虑,就在拇指托(thumb rest)下方,因此用拇指很容易够到它。
虽然我不是飞行模拟器或赛车(car racing)游戏的忠实粉丝,但我想看看使用鼠标操纵杆(mouse joystick)玩这些游戏是什么感觉。所以,我试着玩了几场Dirt 3。当然,这意味着撞上我在路上看到的每一棵树,但我得看看操纵杆是如何工作的:它又快又准,所以如果你对这种类型的游戏有一点经验,我打赌你会去的比使用键盘上的WASD或箭头键更喜欢它。
我非常喜欢华硕 ROG Chakram(ASUS ROG Chakram)的另一件事是它的构建方式以及定制它的容易程度。至此,我不仅指的是RGB 灯光(RGB lighting)效果,还指的是如何拆开鼠标,以及如何轻松更改其开关,甚至是背面(Republic)的玩家国度(Gamers)徽标。与大多数其他鼠标不同,华硕 ROG Chakram(ASUS ROG Chakram)使用磁铁来固定其后盖以及左右单击按钮。您可以转动并抬起按钮以到达开关。然后,您使用附件盒中(accessory box)的镊子取出开关并将您喜欢的新开关放在它们的位置。
ASUS ROG Chakram 鼠标和 ASUS ROG Strix Slice 鼠标垫都是出色的游戏设备。鼠标是一款高端外设,不仅性能卓越,而且高度可定制,并且在鼠标世界中首创:内置操纵杆。我们很喜欢它,我们相信如果你得到它,你也会这样做。🙂(Both the ASUS ROG Chakram mouse and the ASUS ROG Strix Slice mouse pad are excellent devices for gaming. The mouse is a high-end peripheral that not only offers excellent performance but is also highly customizable and features a first in the world of mice: a built-in joystick. We loved it, and we are sure you will do too if you get your hands on it. 🙂)
华硕 ROG Chakram 游戏(ASUS ROG Chakram gaming)鼠标可以自定义,并且可以使用华硕(ASUS)的Armory II 软件(Armoury II software)调整其设置。但是,要让Windows 10和Armory II(Armoury II)检测并允许您访问设置,您必须使用USB 线或(USB wire or wireless)通过 2.4 GHz USB 加密狗(GHz USB dongle)无线连接鼠标。当您使用蓝牙(Bluetooth)时,Armory II(Armoury II)不会检测到鼠标。
Armory II(Armoury II)可让您创建和保存三个配置文件,了解ASUS ROG Chakram的工作原理。对于每个配置文件,您可以为按钮的功能选择不同的设置、创建和使用宏操作、决定鼠标使用的DPI分辨率、调整照明效果、校准鼠标以及记录使用(record usage)统计信息。
Armory II 提供了您可能想要的所有设置和自定义选项,这是一件好事。但是,华硕仍然不会自动记录统计信息,您必须手动触发,这不是很有用。(Armoury II offers all the settings and customization options you probably want, and that's a good thing. However, ASUS still doesn't automatically record statistics, which you have to trigger manually, and that's not very useful.)
您对ASUS ROG Chakram 和 ASUS ROG Strix Slice(ASUS ROG Chakram & ASUS ROG Strix Slice)有何看法?
现在您知道我们喜欢ASUS ROG Chakram 鼠标(ASUS ROG Chakram mouse)和ROG Strix Slice 鼠标(ROG Strix Slice mouse)垫。在我们看来,它们都非常出色,值得每一分钱。在结束此评论之前,请告诉我们您是否喜欢这款mouse and/or mouse pad,以及您是否打算购买它们。不要忘记,您可以随时在评论部分分享您的意见和见解。
ASUS ROG Chakram & ASUS ROG Strix Slice review
The ASUS ROG Chakram gaming mouse is one of thе most innovatiνe devices that ASUS has announced in 2019. It's a mouse that not only promises top-notch performance and excellent quality, but also has a built-in joystick! Did you ever usе anуthing like that? Well, ASUS made it a reality, and the ROG Chakram tries to blend two different gaming dеvices - the mouse and the joystick - into one. For this review, we also received the ASUS ROG Strix Slice moυse pad, which offers a no-friction surface that ѕhould make your mouse very fast when it glides. We tested and used both the ASUS ROG Chakram аnd the ASUS ROG Ѕtrix Slice, and here's our impression of them:
ASUS ROG Chakram gaming mouse & ASUS ROG Strix Slice mouse pad: Who are they good for?
The ASUS ROG Chakram is an excellent mouse for those who:
- Want a high-end gaming mouse and can afford to buy one
- Want RGB lighting on their gaming accessories
- Want to own one of the most innovative mice available on the market right now
- Are fans of the Republic of Gamers brand
The ASUS ROG Strix Slice mouse pad is a good choice if what you want is a sleek pad on which your mouse can run free, because of its low friction.
Pros and cons
There are many positives about the ASUS ROG Chakram gaming mouse:
- It offers tri-mode connectivity: wired, Bluetooth, and 2.4 GHz wireless
- It looks well built, with a beautiful design
- Its ergonomic shape means that it's comfortable to use even for long periods of time
- The mouse has a built-in joystick, which is probably a first in the world of computer mice
- It uses durable, swappable Omron switches
- You can change its switches and its joystick with ease
- It has three RGB lighting zones, and the ROG logo area can be customized with your own design
There are also a few downsides:
- Its price is quite high
- The RoG Armoury software is not as good as the apps offered by the competition
Regarding the ASUS ROG Strix Slice, we can only say that it's an excellent mouse pad: very low friction means that you can move your mouse fast and with ease. It has a cool design and a reasonable price.
We have nothing but good thoughts about the ASUS ROG Chakram and about the ASUS ROG Strix Slice. We liked the mouse a lot and, if it had a more affordable price, we would probably buy it for our gaming rigs: it offers top-tier performance, it's beautiful, highly customizable, and it has a joystick on it! What's there not to like? The ASUS ROG Strix Slice gaming mouse pad is a good companion for the ROG Chakram mouse and for any other gaming mouse on the market, including from other brands. We recommend both to gamers who want the best and latest in terms of gaming peripherals.
Unboxing the ASUS ROG Chakram gaming mouse & ASUS ROG Strix Slice mousepad
The ASUS ROG Chakram gaming mouse is a premium device, and its packaging testifies to that. The box in which it comes is made of high-quality black cardboard, featuring a large picture of the mouse on top. On its back, you can see details about the device's main features and specs.
Opening the box reveals the mouse standing inside a transparent protective case made of plastic. Underneath it, there's everything else you get with the mouse: a USB dongle, one USB extender, a USB Type-A to Type-C cable with a length of 1.8 meters (70.86 inches), a travel pouch made from textile materials, the user manual, and an accessory box which contains two Omron switches, one joystick (longer than the one already mounted on the mouse), a joystick cover, a switch tweezer, a ROG sticker, and one customizable badge.
The package of the ASUS ROG Strix Slice mouse pad looks good also. It's nothing more than a fairly large sleeve, but it's made of premium cardboard, and its design is attractive.
Inside the sleeve, there's just the ASUS ROG Strix Slice, but hey, what accessories could you expect from a mouse pad?
Unboxing the ASUS ROG Chakram was a satisfying experience. Not only does the mouse look gorgeous, but it also comes with a lot of accessories. As for the ASUS ROG Strix Slice, the package looks good and the unboxing is straightforward.
ASUS ROG Chakram: Design and hardware specifications
There is more than one reason why the ASUS ROG Chakram is not just an ordinary gaming mouse. For starters, it offers three different connection options: wired, wireless using Bluetooth (BLE), and wireless on the 2.4 GHz radio frequency, using the included 1 ms USB dongle.
For tracking, the ROG Chakram mouse uses an optical sensor with a maximum resolution of 16,000 DPI. It can reach speeds of 400 inches per second (IPS) and can accelerate at up to 40 g. That's incredibly fast! Furthermore, to overcome any possible lags, the mouse also comes with a polling rate of 1,000 Hz both on wire and when in wireless mode on 2.4 GHz.
Besides its impressive technical specs, the ASUS ROG Chakram has another ace up its sleeve: a generous bundle of buttons, and a built-in joystick. Yes, you heard right! This mouse has a joystick on its left side, next to the thumb rest. You can use it to control movement or assign any other actions you want to it, depending on the games you play. You can even hold the mouse like a console controller to have the joystick vertical if you want to. 🙂 Although it's much smaller than a regular joystick, it supports both digital and analog modes and can be easier to use than a keyboard in certain types of games, such as car racing games, plane simulators or even arcade fighting games.
Speaking of buttons, besides its joystick, the ASUS ROG Chakram has two left and right-click buttons, a scroll wheel, and two additional side buttons on its left side. It's plenty for most people, but on the downside, there is no left-handed version of this mouse. It's only built for right-handed users.
On the belly of the beast, sorry, mouse 🙂 you get another two buttons and a switch. The switch is used for enabling the 2.4 GHz wireless and Bluetooth modes and for turning the mouse off completely. The other buttons are used for pairing the mouse and for adjusting the DPI resolution.
If you like lights on your devices, you are going to be happy to hear that the ASUS ROG Chakram has RGB lights: three zones (logo, scroll wheel, base) that you can customize independently or sync together. Furthermore, it also supports ASUS' AURA Sync tech, which means that you can sync the lights on the mouse with your other AURA-compatible devices or hardware components.
ASUS doesn't say how large the battery inside the ASUS ROG Chakram is. However, the company does tell us that the mouse can offer up to 79 hours of gameplay. The requirements for that are to connect the mouse via the 2.4 GHz dongle and disable the RGB lighting effects. The mouse also supports fast charging, and, theoretically, just 15 minutes of charging is enough to give you power for up to 12 hours of gaming. Even more, the ROG Chakram also supports wireless charging, so if you have a Qi mouse pad, such as the ROG Balteus Qi, or any other charging pad, you can forget about the wires completely. By the way, the charging area of the mouse is the logo area on its bottom, where you can find the Republic of Gamers inscription.
The ASUS ROG Chakram weighs 121.6 grams (4,29 oz) and is 132.7 mm (5.22 in) long, 76.6 mm (3.01 in) wide, and 42.8 mm (1.68 in) high. It supports only Windows 10 officially, although you can use it on any other operating system if you connect it via Bluetooth. The advanced settings and customization options though, are only available if you install the Armoury II software and drivers, which are available for Windows 10 and Windows 7. That's why it's best to use Windows 10.
If you want to read all its hardware specifications, visit the official web page: ASUS ROG Chakram Specifications.
ASUS ROG Strix Slice: Design and hardware specifications
The ASUS ROG Strix Slice is a medium-sized mouse pad: 13.8 x 9.8 x 0.02 inches in length x width x thickness or 350 x 250 x 0.6 mm. Being so thin means that it's very light and portable (weighing just 74 grams), fitting seamlessly on any desk.
The surface of the mouse pad is made of polycarbonate that provides extremely low friction and is designed to work both with laser and optical mouse sensors. Because of the low-friction surface, the mouse pad is great for those who play fast-action games such as first-person shooters, battle royale games or MOBA games.
Another thing that makes the ASUS ROG Strix Slice stand out from the crowd is that the large Republic of Gamers logo on its surface glows in the dark. Whether you like that or not is a matter of personal preference, but either way, it's going to turn heads.
The base of the mouse pad is made of silicone, which, according to ASUS, makes it hard for the mouse pad to slip on your desk or table.
Using the ASUS ROG Chakram gaming mouse with the ASUS ROG Strix Slice mouse pad
For this review of the ASUS ROG Chakram mouse and the ASUS ROG Strix Slice mouse pad, I used them together, so my experience with them is closely linked. The mouse glides on this mouse pad like there's nothing beneath it. Just like ASUS promised, the mouse pad offers an almost no-friction experience, and that's excellent in fast action games such as League of Legends, which is also one of my favorites. 🙂
The mouse is larger than the average, although it's not as huge as others. Its profile and size fit well in medium or large hands. If your hand is small or if you have short fingers, you might struggle a bit to adapt to this mouse.
The ASUS ROG Chakram has an ergonomic shape with a generous thumb rest that makes it comfortable to hold even for extended periods of time. Also, the side buttons are easy to reach and push, and their shapes make them easy to identify from one another.
The joystick is probably the most interesting thing about this mouse. Its position is well thought-out, right beneath the thumb rest, so reaching it with your thumb is easy.
Although I'm not a big fan of flight simulators or car racing games, I wanted to see what playing such games using the mouse joystick feels like. So, I tried playing a few games of Dirt 3. Of course, that meant crashing into every tree I saw on the road, but I got to see how the joystick works: it's fast and accurate, so if you have a bit of experience with this type of game, I bet you're going to like it better than using the WASD or arrow keys on your keyboard.
Another thing that I like a lot about the ASUS ROG Chakram is how it's built and how easy it is to customize it. And by that, I'm not referring only to the RGB lighting effects, but also to how you take apart the mouse and how easy you can change its switches and even the Republic of Gamers logo on its back. Unlike most other mice, the ASUS ROG Chakram uses magnets to hold its back cover and left and right-click buttons. You can twist and raise the buttons to get to the switches. Then, you use the tweezer from the accessory box to take the switches out and put the new ones that you prefer in their places.
Both the ASUS ROG Chakram mouse and the ASUS ROG Strix Slice mouse pad are excellent devices for gaming. The mouse is a high-end peripheral that not only offers excellent performance but is also highly customizable and features a first in the world of mice: a built-in joystick. We loved it, and we are sure you will do too if you get your hands on it. 🙂
Drivers and software
The ASUS ROG Chakram gaming mouse can be customized, and its settings can be adjusted using ASUS' Armoury II software. However, for Windows 10 and Armoury II to detect and give you access to the settings, you must connect the mouse using the USB wire or wireless via the 2.4 GHz USB dongle. When you use Bluetooth, Armoury II doesn't detect the mouse.
Armoury II lets you create and save three profiles for how the ASUS ROG Chakram works. For each of the profiles, you can choose different settings for what the buttons do, create and use macro actions, decide what DPI resolutions are used by the mouse, adjust lighting effects, calibrate the mouse, and record usage statistics.
Armoury II offers all the settings and customization options you probably want, and that's a good thing. However, ASUS still doesn't automatically record statistics, which you have to trigger manually, and that's not very useful.
What's your opinion about the ASUS ROG Chakram & ASUS ROG Strix Slice?
Now you know that we like both the ASUS ROG Chakram mouse and the ROG Strix Slice mouse pad. In our opinion, they're both excellent and worth every penny. Before closing this review, tell us whether you like this mouse and/or mouse pad and if you intend to buy them. Don't forget that you can always share your opinions and insights in the comments section.