随着AMD第三代计算机处理器的推出,我们也获得了新的强大的X570(X570 chipset)主板芯片组。这个市场上的大玩家之一是华硕(ASUS),其旗舰X570 主板(X570 motherboard)是华硕 ROG Crosshair VIII Hero(ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero) ( Wi-Fi )。它具有众多功能,并承诺为PC 游戏(PC gaming)爱好者提供一流的性能。在我们使用并测试了一段时间之后,我们想告诉您更多关于它提供什么以及它可以做什么。如果您有兴趣购买ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero ( Wi-Fi ),请阅读此评论:
华硕 ROG Crosshair VIII Hero(ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero)(Wi-Fi):它对谁有好处?
ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero ( Wi-Fi ) 是您应该购买的主板,如果:
- 您是一名游戏玩家,并且正在寻找可以处理任何AMD 3rd Gen Ryzen 处理器的主板(Gen Ryzen processor)
- 您不介意为功能丰富的高级设备支付高价
- 您想让您的计算机适应未来
这是我们最喜欢ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero ( Wi-Fi ) 的地方:
Buy now
- 它基于高端X570 芯片组,支持 PCI Express(X570 chipset and supports PCI Express) 4.0
- 它使用Socket AM4,兼容第三代和第二代AMD Ryzen处理器
- 它正式支持频率速度为 4600 MHz和更快的DDR4 RAM
- 它提供两个 M.2 固态驱动器插槽和八个SATA端口
- 它配备了数量惊人的USB端口,其中大多数是快速USB 3.1 Gen2
- 您将获得一流的 2.5千兆以太网(Gigabit Ethernet)有线连接
- 它还包括一个支持新Wi-Fi 6标准的无线网卡(wireless network card)
- 主板的VRM(电压调节器模块(Voltage Regulator Module))超大,因此您可以轻松超频您的处理器
- 主板的布局、设计和制造质量都非常出色
- 即使是捆绑软件也比我们以前使用的旧华硕(ASUS)主板更好
这可能会阻止您购买ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero(Wi-Fi):
- 华硕(ASUS)要这块主板的价格是超值的,买得起的人不多
- 主板的芯片组上有一个小风扇,有些人可能不喜欢它。但是,根据我们的经验,它是一个安静的风扇

华硕 ROG Crosshair VIII Hero(ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero) ( Wi-Fi ) 是基于X570 芯片组(X570 chipset)的最佳主板之一。如果您拥有第三代AMD Ryzen 处理器(AMD Ryzen processor),那么这款主板就是它的绝佳选择,它提供出色的性能、精美的设计和优质的制造质量(build quality)。此外,就连接性和存储选项而言, (connectivity and storage options)Crosshair VIII Hero可能是世界上功能最丰富的主板之一。事实上,我们很难想象有人如何使用所有可用的USB端口。唯一可以阻止您获得华硕 ROG Crosshair VIII Hero(ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero)( Wi-Fi ) 是价格。如果钱不是问题,那就去吧。你不会后悔你的选择。
拆箱ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero ( Wi-Fi )
ROG Crosshair VIII Hero ( Wi-Fi ) 是华硕(ASUS)的顶级主板,因此它的包装也很优质。主板装在一个用硬纸板制成的大盒子里。它全部涂成黑色和红色,并且充满了有关主板及其功能的图片和详细信息。

打开盒子可以看到主板放在防静电袋中。抬起主板所在的纸板(cardboard plate),你会找到所有捆绑的配件和文件:用户手册、四根SATA 6Gb/s电缆、一些 M.2 螺丝、一张带驱动程序和软件的DVD 、一张大(DVD)ROG 贴纸(ROG sticker)、一个Q-Connector,带有两个天线的Wi-Fi外部模块,RGB灯条(RGB)延长线(extension cable)(80厘米),可寻址LED延长线,(extension cable)华硕(ASUS)的“谢谢(Thank)”卡,甚至还有Cablemod的优惠券。

您从华硕 ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) 中获得的开箱体验非常棒,配得上如此高端的产品。(The unboxing experience you get from the ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) is premium, worthy of such a high-end product.)
高端主板的设计往往比入门级主板更漂亮。他们不再暴露从电路到电容器的所有东西,而是试图用板和散热器尽可能多地覆盖。华硕 ROG Crosshair VIII Hero(ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero) ( Wi-Fi ) 也不例外,更重要的是,它是精美主板设计的典范,很容易(motherboard design)从人群中脱颖而出。

例如,华硕 ROG Crosshair VIII Hero(ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero) ( Wi-Fi ) 覆盖了其稳压器模块(voltage regulator module)(或简称VRM,如果您愿意的话),并带有一个大散热器。然而,华硕(ASUS)并不仅仅因为它看起来很花哨。VRM对于控制处理器的电压至关重要,这意味着大量的电力通过它,因此它很容易变热。如果您正在考虑超频您的处理器,华硕 ROG Crosshair VIII Hero(ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero) ( Wi-Fi ) 上的超大(Wi-Fi)VRM和散热器从一开始就告诉您,您可以轻松推动您的CPU的极限超出了常态。

为了向VRM提供所需的电源,主板使用两个EPS连接器。其中一个是主板右侧的标准 24 针ATX 连接器(ATX connector),另一个是位于左上方区域的 8+4 针连接器,靠近另一个覆盖输入/输出面板的大板.

ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero ( Wi-Fi ) 是一款专为AMD处理器而设计的主板,因此它使用Socket AM4。所有AMD Ryzen(AMD Ryzen)处理器世代都使用此插槽。但是,该主板仅与第三代和第二代的锐龙 CPU兼容,第一代被排除在外。(Ryzen CPUs)但是,考虑到这是一款价格与其质量和性能(quality and performance)相匹配的高端主板,我们认为无论如何都不会有人愿意在其上安装第一代锐龙 CPU(Ryzen CPU)。顺便说一句,您可以在此处找到支持的处理器的完整列表:华硕 ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) - CPU 支持(ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) - CPU Support)。

内存(RAM)方面,华硕 ROG Crosshair VIII Hero(ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero) ( Wi -Fi(Wi-Fi) ) 配备四个DDR4 DIMM插槽,搭配第三代 AMD Ryzen 处理器(Gen AMD Ryzen processor)时,最大总容量可达 128 GB,最高频率超过 4600 MHz。与第二代 AMD Ryzen 处理器搭配使用时,您可以在最高 3600 (Gen AMD Ryzen processor)MHz的频率下使用高达 64 GB 的内存。

ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero ( Wi-Fi ) 基于AMD处理器的最新和最强大的芯片组。它被称为X570,其最重要的功能之一是它为PCIe 4.0提供的支持。X570芯片组(X570 chipset)有 20 个PCIe 4.0通道,其中 4 个通道用于与处理器通信。主板制造商(motherboard manufacturer)可以根据需要使用其余通道。正如您在接下来的段落中看到的,华硕(ASUS)选择将一些用于快速SSD 存储(SSD storage)和快速USB 3.1 Gen 2港口。另外,请注意,如果您使用的是第三代锐龙处理器(Gen Ryzen processor),它还带有自己的PCIe通道,如果全部计算,则为 24 个。🙂

在ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero ( Wi-Fi ) 上,您可以获得三个PCIe 4.0 x16插槽和一个PCIe 4.0 x1 插槽(x1 slot)。从上到下,前两个插槽使用CPU通道直接连接到处理器,因此,这两个插槽是您用于显卡的。如果您在第一个PCIe 4.0插槽中仅安装一个(PCIe 4.0)视频卡(video card),它会在x16 模式下(x16 mode)工作,这意味着它最多可以使用 16 个通道。如果同时使用这两个插槽,它们将在 x8/x8 模式下工作。如果您的处理器来自第二代锐龙(Ryzens),PCIe插槽的工作方式相同,但仅限于 PCI 3.0 而不是PCIe 4.0。另外值得注意的是,从设计的角度(design point)来看,这两个插槽都是用金属加固的,即使是最重、最强大的显卡(video card)也能承受得住。
从上到下的第三个插槽是PCIe 4.0 x1 插槽(x1 slot),第四个也是最后一个插槽(位于主板底部)是PCIe 4.0 x4。它们都连接到主板的X570 芯片组 PCIe 4.0(X570 chipset PCIe 4.0)通道。
如果您想知道可用的GPU配置,您应该知道华硕 ROG Crosshair VIII Hero(ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero) ( Wi-Fi ) 支持NVIDIA 2-Way SLI 技术和 AMD(SLI Technology and AMD) 3-Way CrossFireX 技术(CrossFireX Technology)。

至于存储选项,您将获得两个 M.2 插槽和八个SATA 6Gb/s端口。无论您使用什么处理器,底部M.2 端口(M.2 port)都支持 2242/2260/2280/22110 SSD驱动器和PCIe 4.0 x4 ,因为此端口连接到(x4 regardless)X570 芯片组(X570 chipset)通道。顶部M.2 端口(M.2 port)直接连接到处理器通道,如果您使用的是第三代锐龙 CPU(Gen Ryzen CPU),则可以在PCIe 4.0 x4中工作,如果您使用的是第二代锐龙 CPU,则可以在(Gen Ryzen CPU)PCIe 3.0中工作。此外,在此M.2 端口(M.2 port)上,您只能安装 2242/2260/2280 型固态驱动器,但不能安装更长的 22110。
PCIe 4.0 SSD(SSDs)可以实现比PCIe 3.0更快的速度,因此华硕(ASUS)也解决了散热问题(heat issue):两个 M.2 插槽都配备了遵循主板设计(design and look)的捆绑散热器,从形象和字面上看都很酷。🙂

华硕 ROG Crosshair VIII Hero(ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero) ( Wi-Fi )在连接性方面也不逊色。恰恰相反!主板上有有线和无线芯片组,它们提供优质的连接性。对于有线连接,您将获得两个RJ45 以太网(RJ45 Ethernet)端口:一个连接到支持高达 2500 Mbps速度的(Mbps)Realtek RTL8125-CG 芯片组(Realtek RTL8125-CG chipset),另一个连接到支持高达 1 Gbps速度的辅助英特尔以太网控制器 I211-AT(Intel Ethernet Controller I211-AT) . 两个端口均受Anti-surge LANGuard保护,该技术可保护您免受电源尖峰的影响,保持以太网信号(Ethernet signal)更干净,并减少出错的机会。
无线部分也由高级芯片组处理:支持MU-MIMO的 2 x 2 (MU-MIMO)Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX200,兼容Wi-Fi 6 (802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax) 标准,以及双 2.4 和 5 GHz(GHz frequency)频段。如果您使用的是Wi-Fi 6,您可以获得高达 2.4 Gbps的理论最高速度!当然,主板还内置了对蓝牙(Bluetooth)v5.0 连接的支持。
关于声音,您应该知道华硕ROG Crosshair VIII Hero(ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero)(Wi-Fi)主板配备了华硕(ASUS)的高端编解码器之一,称为ROG SupremeFX 8-Channel High Definition Audio CODEC S1220,基于ESS ES9023P High Definition数模转换器(ESS ES9023P High Definition DAC)。它支持高达 32-Bit/192kHz 的播放、高达 120dB SNR(信噪比(Signal-To-Noise ratio))的输出功率、113dB (output power)SNR 录音(SNR recording)输入以及前后耳机输出的阻抗感应。(impedance sense)

输入和输出连接(input and output connections)和端口位于保护板下方。说到这里,除了网络和声音端口(networking and sound ports),在后面板上,你还有惊人的 7 个USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A端口和一个USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C(这些都涂成红色),还有四个USB 3.2 Gen 1端口(涂成蓝色)。此外,对于机箱的前面板,您可以获得另一个USB 3.2 Gen 1端口、两个USB 3.2 Gen 1端口和 4 个USB 2.0端口。关于后面的Input Output 面板(Input Output panel),你应该知道七个红色中的四个(USB)如果您使用的是第二代锐龙处理器(Gen Ryzen processor),而不是锐龙 3000(Ryzen 3000)系列中的处理器, USB端口将从USB 3.2 Gen 2回退到USB 3.2 Gen 1 。无论哪种方式,它的快速USB(USB)端口数量都令人印象深刻,可能比您所需要的还要多。

如果您想要这款主板,您可能还需要一个良好的冷却系统(cooling system)。请放心,因为主板为风扇和液体冷却系统(cooling system)提供了大量的连接器。要全部列出,您会得到:一个 4-pin CPU_Fan 连接器(CPU_Fan connector)、一个 4-pin CPU_OPT 风扇(CPU_OPT fan)连接器、三个 4-pin CHA_Fan连接器、一个 4-pin AIO PUMP 连接器(AIO PUMP connector)、一个 4-pinWater Pump + connector、一个 4- pin H_AMP 风扇(H_AMP fan)连接器,1 个 4-pin PCH_FAN 连接器(PCH_FAN connector),1 个 3-pin W_FLOW 连接器(W_FLOW connector),1 个 2-pin W_IN 连接器(W_IN connector),1 个 2-pin W_OUT 连接器(W_OUT connector), 和一个T_SENSOR 连接器(T_SENSOR connector)。
有些人喜欢RGB灯,有些人不喜欢。如果你不喜欢它们,你可以关掉灯,如果你喜欢它们,你会很高兴听到华硕 ROG Crosshair VIII Hero(ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero) ( Wi-Fi ) 主板支持ASUS Aura并且,在您在 IO 保护板和X570 芯片组(X570 chipset)板上获得的内置灯,它还提供四个Aura RGB接头,用于将其他组件与LED(LEDs)连接,例如风扇或 LED 灯条。其中两个Aura RGB接头使用 4 个引脚 ( RGB ),两个使用三个引脚(ARGB 或 Addressable RGB(ARGB or Addressable RGB))。

我们在本节中向您介绍的有关此主板的硬件和设计(hardware and design)的所有内容只是其提供的一部分。如果您想了解有关其规格、兼容性和安装的所有详细信息,您应该查看其手册,这里是:ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi)。
华硕 ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) 主板令人印象深刻。它是华硕最高端的基于 X570 的 AMD 处理器主板,不仅提供了令人难以置信的连接选项(M.2 SSD、USB、2.5 Gbps Wi-Fi 等),而且还提供超大 VRM 为您提供充足的超频空间,以及带有大型散热器、保护板和支持 AURA 照明系统的精美设计。(The ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) motherboard is impressive. It's ASUS' most high-end X570-based motherboard for AMD processors, and, not only does it offer an incredible amount of connectivity options (M.2 SSD, USB, 2.5 Gbps Wi-Fi, etc.), but it also comes with an oversized VRM to give you plenty of overclocking space, and a beautiful design with large heatsinks, protective plates, and support for the AURA lighting system.)
在这篇评测的下一页,您会看到我们从华硕 ROG Crosshair VIII Hero(ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero) ( Wi-Fi ) 主板和一些处理器(AMD Ryzen 7 3700X、AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 和AMD Ryzen 5 3600)在基准测试中获得的结果.
ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) motherboard review
With the launch of AMD's third generation of сomputer processors, wе alsо got the new and powerful X570 chipset for motherboards. One of the big players on this market іs ASUS, and its flagship X570 motherboard is the ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wі-Fi). It comes with a plethora of features and promisеs top-notch performance for PC gaming enthusiasts. After we used and tested it for a while, we want to tell you more about what it оffers and what it can do. If you are іnterеsted in buying the ASUS ROG Сroѕshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi), read this review:
ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi): Who is it good for?
The ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) is the mainboard you should buy if:
- You are a gamer, and you are looking for a motherboard that can handle any AMD 3rd Gen Ryzen processor
- You do not mind paying a premium price for a premium device with generous features
- You want to future-proof your computer
Pros and cons
This is what we like most about the ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi):
See price on:

Buy now
- It is built on the high-end X570 chipset and supports PCI Express 4.0
- It uses Socket AM4, and it is compatible with both 3rd and 2nd generations of AMD Ryzen processors
- It officially supports DDR4 RAM with frequency speeds of 4600 MHz and faster
- It offers two slots for M.2 solid-state drives and eight SATA ports
- It comes with an incredible number of USB ports, and most of them are fast USB 3.1 Gen2
- You get top-of-the-line 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet wired connectivity
- It also includes a wireless network card with support for the new Wi-Fi 6 standard
- The motherboard's VRM (Voltage Regulator Module) is oversized, so you can overclock your processor with ease
- The motherboard's layout, design, and build quality are excellent
- Even the bundled software is better than what we were used to with older ASUS motherboards
This is what could hold you back from buying the ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi):
- The price that ASUS asks for this motherboard is a premium one, and not many people can afford it
- The motherboard has a small fan on its chipset, and some people might not like it. However, from our experience, it is a quiet fan

The ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) shapes out to be one of the best motherboards based on the X570 chipset. If you own an AMD Ryzen processor from the third generation, this motherboard is an excellent match for it, delivering great performance, a beautiful design, and premium build quality. Furthermore, the Crosshair VIII Hero is probably one of the most feature-rich motherboards in the world in terms of connectivity and storage options. In fact, we find it hard to imagine how someone could use all the USB ports available. The only thing that could stop you from getting the ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) is the price. If money's not an issue though, go ahead and get it. You won't regret your choice.
Unboxing the ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi)
The ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) is ASUS' top-of-the-line motherboard and, as a consequence, its packaging is premium too. The motherboard comes in a large box made of inflexible cardboard. It is all painted in black and red, and it is full of pictures and details about the motherboard and its features.

Opening the box reveals the mainboard sitting in an antistatic bag. Raise the cardboard plate that the motherboard sits on, and you find all the bundled accessories and documents: the user manual, four SATA 6Gb/s cables, some M.2 screws, a DVD with drivers and software, a large ROG sticker, one Q-Connector, a Wi-Fi external module with two antennas, an extension cable for RGB strips (80 cm), an extension cable for addressable LED, a "Thank you" card from ASUS, and even a coupon for Cablemod.

The unboxing experience you get from the ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) is premium, worthy of such a high-end product.
Hardware specifications and design
High-end motherboards tend to have a much more beautiful design than entry-level ones. They no longer expose everything, from circuits to capacitors, trying instead to cover as much as possible with plates and heatsinks. The ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) is no exception, and, even more, it's an example of beautiful motherboard design, standing out from the crowd rather easily.

For example, the ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) covers its voltage regulator module (or VRM in short, if you prefer), with a large heatsink. However, ASUS does not do it just because it looks fancy. The VRM is essential for controlling the voltage of the processor, and that means that a lot of electrical power goes through it, so it can heat up quite easily. If you are thinking about overclocking your processor, the larger than life VRM and heatsink on the ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) tell you right from the start that you can easily push your CPU's limits beyond the norm.

To deliver the required power to the VRM, the motherboard uses two EPS connectors. One of them is the standard 24-pin ATX connector found on the right side of the motherboard, and the other is an 8+4-pin connector placed at the top-left area, near another large plate that covers the input/output panel.

The ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) is a motherboard designed to work with AMD processors and, consequently, it uses Socket AM4. This socket is used by all the AMD Ryzen processors generations. However, the motherboard is compatible only with Ryzen CPUs from the third and second generation, leaving the first generation out. However, we do not believe that there are people who would want to mount a first-generation Ryzen CPU on it anyway, considering that this is a high-end motherboard with a price to match its quality and performance. By the way, you can find the full list of supported processors here: ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) - CPU Support.

Regarding RAM, the ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) comes with four DDR4 DIMM slots that support a maximum total capacity of 128 GB and a maximum frequency of over 4600 MHz, when paired with a 3rd Gen AMD Ryzen processor. When paired with a 2nd Gen AMD Ryzen processor, you can use up to 64 GB at a maximum frequency of 3600 MHz.

The ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) is based on the latest and most powerful chipset for AMD processors ever. It's called X570, and one of its most important features is the support it offers for PCIe 4.0. The X570 chipset has twenty PCIe 4.0 lanes, of which four lanes are used to communicate with the processor. The rest of the lanes can be used by the motherboard manufacturer as they see fit. As you can see in the next paragraphs, ASUS chose to use some for both fast SSD storage and fast USB 3.1 Gen 2 ports. Also, note that, if you are using a 3rd Gen Ryzen processor, it also comes with its own PCIe lanes, 24 if you count them all. 🙂

On the ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi), you get three PCIe 4.0 x16 slots and one PCIe 4.0 x1 slot. Starting from top to bottom, the first two slots are directly connected to the processor using the CPU lanes and, because of that, these are the two you use for graphics cards. If you mount just one video card in the first PCIe 4.0 slot, it works in x16 mode, meaning that it can use up to 16 lanes. If both of these slots are used, they work in x8/x8 mode. If your processor is from the 2nd generation of Ryzens, the PCIe slots work the same way, but are limited to PCI 3.0 instead of PCIe 4.0. It is also worth noting that, from a design point of view, these two slots are reinforced with metal to withstand the weight of even the heaviest and most powerful video cards.
The third slot from top to bottom is a PCIe 4.0 x1 slot, and the fourth and final slot (at the bottom of the motherboard) is PCIe 4.0 x4. Both of them are connected to the motherboard's X570 chipset PCIe 4.0 lanes.
If you are wondering about GPU configurations available, you should know that the ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) supports NVIDIA 2-Way SLI Technology and AMD 3-Way CrossFireX Technology.

As for the storage options, you get two M.2 slots and eight SATA 6Gb/s ports. The bottom M.2 port supports 2242/2260/2280/22110 SSD drives and PCIe 4.0 x4 regardless of what processor you use, because this port is connected to the X570 chipset lanes. The top M.2 port is connected directly to the processor lanes and works in PCIe 4.0 x4 if you have a 3rd Gen Ryzen CPU, or in PCIe 3.0 if you are using a 2nd Gen Ryzen CPU. Also, on this M.2 port you can only fit type 2242/2260/2280 solid-state drives, but not 22110, which is longer.
PCIe 4.0 SSDs can achieve much faster speeds than PCIe 3.0, so ASUS also took care of the heat issue: both M.2 slots come with bundled heatsinks that follow the motherboard's design and look pretty cool, figuratively and literally. 🙂

The ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) does not fall short when it comes to connectivity either. Quite the opposite! The motherboard has both wired and wireless chipsets on it, and they offer premium connectivity. For wired connections, you get two RJ45 Ethernet ports: one connected to a Realtek RTL8125-CG chipset that supports speeds of up to 2500 Mbps, and the other connected to a secondary Intel Ethernet Controller I211-AT that supports speeds of up to 1 Gbps. Both ports are protected by Anti-surge LANGuard, a technology that protects you from power spikes, keeps the Ethernet signal cleaner, and reduces the chance of errors.
The wireless part is also handled by a premium chipset: a 2 x 2 Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX200 with support for MU-MIMO, compatible with the Wi-Fi 6 (802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax) standard, and dual 2.4 and 5 GHz frequency bands. If you are using Wi-Fi 6, you can get theoretical maximum speeds of up to 2.4 Gbps! Of course, the motherboard also comes with built-in support for Bluetooth v5.0 connections.
Regarding the sound, you should know that the ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) motherboard comes with one of ASUS' high-end codecs, called ROG SupremeFX 8-Channel High Definition Audio CODEC S1220, based on the ESS ES9023P High Definition DAC. It supports playback up to 32-Bit/192kHz, an output power of up to 120dB SNR (Signal-To-Noise ratio), 113 dB SNR recording input, and impedance sense for both front and rear headphone outputs.

The input and output connections and ports are under a protective plate. Speaking of which, besides the networking and sound ports, on the back panel, you also get an astounding seven USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A ports and one USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C (these are all painted in red), and four USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports (painted in blue). Additionally, for your case's front panel, you get another USB 3.2 Gen 1 port, two USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports, and 4 x USB 2.0 ports. Regarding the back Input Output panel, you should know that four of the seven red USB ports fallback from USB 3.2 Gen 2 to USB 3.2 Gen 1, if you're using a 2nd Gen Ryzen processor, instead of one from the Ryzen 3000 series. Either way, it is an impressive number of fast USB ports, probably more than what you will ever need.

If you want this motherboard, you are also likely going to want a good cooling system for it. Rest assured because the motherboard offers plenty of connectors for both air fans and liquid cooling systems. To list them all, you get: one 4-pin CPU_Fan connector, one 4-pin CPU_OPT fan connector, three 4-pin CHA_Fan connectors, one 4-pin AIO PUMP connector, one 4-pin Water Pump + connector, one 4-pin H_AMP fan connector, one 4-pin PCH_FAN connector, one 3-pin W_FLOW connector, one 2-pin W_IN connector, one 2-pin W_OUT connector, and one T_SENSOR connector.
Some people like RGB lights and some do not. If you don't like them, you can turn the lights off, and if you do like them, you'll be happy to hear that the ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) motherboard supports ASUS Aura and, on top of the built-in lights that you get on the IO protective plate and the X570 chipset plate, it also offers four Aura RGB headers for connecting other components with LEDs, such as fans or LED strips. Two of the Aura RGB headers use 4 pins (RGB) and two use three pins (ARGB or Addressable RGB).

All that we told you about this motherboard's hardware and design in this section is just part of what it has to offer. If you want all the details about its specifications, compatibility, and installation, you should check its manual, here: ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi).
The ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) motherboard is impressive. It's ASUS' most high-end X570-based motherboard for AMD processors, and, not only does it offer an incredible amount of connectivity options (M.2 SSD, USB, 2.5 Gbps Wi-Fi, etc.), but it also comes with an oversized VRM to give you plenty of overclocking space, and a beautiful design with large heatsinks, protective plates, and support for the AURA lighting system.
On the next page of this review, you see the results we got from the ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (Wi-Fi) motherboard and a few processors (AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, AMD Ryzen 5 3600X, and AMD Ryzen 5 3600) in benchmarks.