游戏耳机(gaming headset)市场(s market)充满了广泛的选择。从非常便宜到高价,有适合任何人口味和钱包(taste and wallet)的耳机。然而,他们中很少有人(Few)能够在音频质量和价格之间取得良好的平衡。华硕 ROG Delta(ASUS ROG Delta)是一款游戏耳机(gaming headset),除其他外,它还配备了具有卓越音质的 Quad-DAC、美观舒适的设计和RGB灯。它属于高端游戏耳机(gaming headset)系列,其功能使其处于发烧友的高分辨率声音范围内(high-resolution sound range)。使用华硕 ROG Delta(ASUS ROG Delta)是什么感觉在现实世界?它和华硕(ASUS)承诺的一样好吗?从我们的评论中找出:
华硕 ROG Delta RGB(ASUS ROG Delta RGB)游戏耳机:适合谁?
华硕 ROG Delta 耳机(ASUS ROG Delta headset)非常适合:
- 想要一款出色的耳机以在游戏中获得身临其境的声音体验(sound experience)的游戏玩家
- 聆听音乐时希望获得卓越Hi-Fi 音质的用户(Hi-Fi audio)
- 那些欣赏美丽和精心打造的设备的人
- 玩家共和国(Republic of Gamers)和 RGB 照明的粉丝
华硕 ROG Delta(ASUS ROG Delta)有很多优点:
Buy now
- 得益于其Quad-DAC,游戏中的音频体验品质卓越
- 耳机即使长时间使用也很舒适
- 耳机坚固且结构精良,因此它应该有很长的使用寿命
- 它使用USB Type-C 端口(USB Type-C port),并具有延长USB Type-A 电缆(USB Type-A cable)
- 它与许多不同的游戏平台兼容:PC、Mac(Macs)、移动设备、PlayStation 4和Nintendo Switch控制台
- 独特的 RGB 灯光效果
- 它带有两种不同型号的耳罩垫
- Armory Crate 应用程序(Armoury Crate app)运行良好并提供了很多设置
华硕 ROG Delta(ASUS ROG Delta)也有一些缺点:
- 麦克风似乎有时会添加不需要的嗡嗡声(buzzing sound)
- 它的价格并不适合所有人

华硕 ROG Delta(ASUS ROG Delta)美观、坚固且舒适。此外,它提供强大而清晰的声音,其中的Quad-DAC可为您在所有声音频率下提供出色的音频质量。这就是我们所说的发烧级游戏耳机(audiophile gaming headset)。它与我们近年来测试过的其他游戏耳机不同。(gaming headset)尽管有些人可能会说它太贵了,但您应该考虑到它带有Quad-DAC并提供Hi-Fi 声音(Hi-Fi sound)的事实,即使它“只是”一个游戏耳机(gaming headset)。想想买一副发烧级 Hi-Fi(Hi-Fi pair)耳机和一个单独的DAC会花多少钱(DAC)对于您的计算机,您就会明白华硕 ROG Delta(ASUS ROG Delta)的价格标签(price tag)毕竟并没有那么高。我们向所有喜欢听高品质音乐的游戏玩家热烈推荐华硕 ROG Delta 。(ASUS ROG Delta)
华硕 ROG Delta RGB 游戏(ASUS ROG Delta RGB gaming)耳机拆箱
华硕 ROG Delta(ASUS ROG Delta)是一款高级RGB 游戏(RGB gaming)耳机,因此华硕(ASUS)将其包装在高级盒子中。我们收到了ROG Delta的(ROG Delta)白色版(White Edition),它的盒子是全白色的,正面有一个耳机的大图,以及一些关于它的信息。比如你从一开始就发现它在 2019 年获得了 IF 设计奖(IF Design Award in 2019),这是一项了不起的成就。

在包装盒的背面,华硕(ASUS)印制了大量有关耳机的信息,展示了其主要功能和规格,例如这款耳机在音频保真度方面毫不妥协,配备了Hi-Fi ESS 9218四路DAC!


除了ROG Delta耳机外,包装内还包含一个可拆卸麦克风、一对额外的ROG Hybrid耳垫、一条 USB-C 至 USB 2.0 ( Type-A )适配器电缆(adapter cable)、用户指南(user guide)和保修文件。

拆箱华硕 ROG Delta 游戏耳机是一种令人愉悦的体验,不愧为优质游戏设备。您在捆绑包中获得的额外耳垫触感很好。(Unboxing the ASUS ROG Delta gaming headset is a delightful experience, worthy of a premium gaming device. The additional ear cushions that you get in the bundle are a nice touch.)
华硕 ROG Delta 耳机(ASUS ROG Delta headset)的驱动器由直径为(mm diameter)50 毫米的钕磁铁制成。耳机的阻抗为 32欧姆(Ohms),频率响应(frequency response)在 20 到 40000 赫兹之间。最高频率响应(frequency response)远高于您在普通游戏耳机上看到的频率响应,后者通常在 20000 Hz 左右旋转。
此外,华硕 ROG Delta(ASUS ROG Delta)在众多产品中脱颖而出的原因在于它配备了高分辨率ESS 9218 Quad-DAC (ESS 9218 Quad-DAC)((Analog Converter)数模转换器)(Digital)。这在游戏耳机领域是相当不寻常的,因为Hi-Fi DAC(Hi-Fi DACs)通常是为专为丰富音乐体验而不是游戏而设计的Hi-Fi耳机而保留的。(Hi-Fi)华硕 ROG Delta(ASUS ROG Delta)上的Quad-DAC(Quad-DAC found)使用其四个DAC(DACs),每个频率范围(frequency range)一个:低、中、高和超高音。然后,将这四个信号组合在一起,提供比单个信号更强大、更丰富的聆听体验DAC可以生产。

为了进一步提高音频质量,得益于Quad-DAC,ROG Delta的(ROG Delta)SNR(声(Sound)噪比(Noise Ratio))比具有单个DAC的耳机所能提供的更高。ROG Delta的SNR为127 dB,而单DAC游戏耳机通常在 90 到 100 dB 左右旋转。
ASUS ROG Delta 耳机使用(ASUS ROG Delta headset)USB Type-C 连接器(USB Type-C connector)连接到您的PC、游戏机、智能手机或任何其他设备。但是,在包装盒中,您还可以获得一根USB Type-C转Type-A 延长线(Type-A cable),可用于将耳机连接到没有USB Type-C端口的计算机或设备,或增加电缆的长度。说到这里,耳机的USB Type-C编织线长 1.5 米(59 英寸),而USB Type-A 延长线(USB Type-A cable)的长度为 1 米(39.4 英寸),并涂有橡胶塑料。
华硕 ROG Delta 耳机(ASUS ROG Delta headset)采用RGB 照明:在其两个D 形耳罩上,都有带有(D-shaped earcups)ROG标志的大圆角三角形。开灯后看起来相当惊艳,尤其是当三角形LED 灯(LED)带发出的灯光具有彩虹效果时。据华硕称,这得益于(ASUS)LED 灯条(LED strip)的七个独立照明区域,这在游戏耳机领域尚属首创。

作为耳机,不仅仅是一副简单的耳机,华硕 ROG Delta(ASUS ROG Delta)还包括一个麦克风。它是一个可拆卸的麦克风,因此您可以仅在需要时安装它。这款单向动臂麦克风(boom microphone)专为多人游戏中的语音通信(voice communication)而设计,已通过Discord和TeamSpeak的认证,这两种服务是最受游戏玩家欢迎的语音通信(voice communication)服务。华硕(ASUS)的另一个优点是麦克风上有一个小的状态指示灯(status indicator),静音时会亮起红色。

在左耳罩上,华硕 ROG Delta(ASUS ROG Delta)还包括一个用于打开或关闭RGB照明的开关,以及一个音量摇杆(volume rocker),它还可以用作静音或启用麦克风的按钮。老实说,我们认为这个位置是比许多游戏耳机上的内嵌控件更好的选择。

耳机主要由优质塑料制成(high-quality plastic),但有一个例外。头带由金属制成,其底部(接触您头部的一侧)被柔软的垫子覆盖。所有部件使耳机看起来(headset look)很棒并且看起来很耐用。此外,华硕 ROG Delta 耳机(ASUS ROG Delta headset)相当轻巧:387 克(13.65 盎司)。
ASUS ROG Delta提供两种颜色版本:黑色和白色。从我们的照片中可以看出,我们测试的是白色版(White Edition)。虽然颜色是个人风格问题(style matter),但我们已经开始更喜欢白色而不是黑色,尤其是在电子设备方面。🙂
如果您想查看这款RGB 游戏耳机的所有(RGB gaming)规格和功能(specs and features),请在浏览器中打开此网页:ASUS ROG Delta 规格(ASUS ROG Delta Specifications)。
使用华硕 ROG Delta RGB 电竞(ASUS ROG Delta RGB gaming)耳机
华硕 ROG Delta(ASUS ROG Delta)是一款大型耳机,尽管您不会说第一次看到它,这要归功于纤薄的设计,(svelte design)尤其是因为它的耳罩具有特殊的 D 形。也许我们测试的样品的白色也有助于这个方向。

无论它们有多大,耳机都非常轻巧。ROG Delta仅重 387 克(或 13.86 盎司),一点也不重。当您长时间玩游戏时,这有助于让他们感到舒适。

尽管它们主要由塑料制成以保持重量轻(weight low),但这些耳机感觉非常坚固且坚固。在检查了一段时间后,您会发现耳机经过精心制造,华硕(ASUS)在细节方面毫不妥协。

D型耳罩在舒适度和声音分布方面理论上要优于圆形耳罩。我们不能说这是肯定的,因为我们在圆形耳罩方面也有很好的经验。但是,我们可以证明ROG Delta上的杯子是舒适的。它们足够大,可以完全覆盖您的耳朵,以避免施加不必要的压力。而且,在已经安装的人造皮革(faux leather)垫子上,您还可以获得另一对覆盖着织物网的耳罩。我们特别喜欢后者,因为它们比预先安装的人造皮革(faux leather)更高,并且让您的耳朵呼吸更多。但是,就舒适度和风格(comfort and style)而言,这更多是个人选择。


我们在目前正在玩的几款游戏中使用了这款耳机:刺客信条(Assassin)起源(Creed Origins)、古墓丽影(Tomb Raider)暗影(Shadow)以及广受欢迎的英雄(Legends)联盟(League)。音频质量非常好!精湛(Superb)而令人印象深刻的真实!除了表现良好的声音频率外,耳机在游戏声音定位方面也非常出色。环绕声(surround sound)效果让您可以轻松确定脚步声或子弹的方向,而枪声和爆炸声(gunfire and explosions)则显得真实且声音恰到好处。
另一方面,在英雄(Legends)联盟(League)中,我们测试了麦克风,虽然我们的队友说他们总体上可以很好地听到我们的声音,但有时他们会抱怨听到嗡嗡声(buzzing noise)。奇怪的是,我们线路的一端没有嗡嗡声(buzzing noise),所以可能是麦克风有问题,或者耳机的固件需要在这方面进行一些改进。

在听音乐方面,华硕 ROG Delta(ASUS ROG Delta)也给我们留下了深刻的印象。耳机能够在我们喜欢的每一种音乐中提供卓越的音质:金属、摇滚、流行、经典或trip-hop。ROG Delta为您提供强劲而清晰的声音,无论音乐流派(music genre)如何,耳罩的封闭式设计将您与周围的噪音隔离开来。

华硕 ROG Delta 被证明是我们近年来测试过的最好的游戏耳机之一。舒适美观,声音强劲清晰,准确定位战场上的敌人,整体音质优于众多游戏耳机。华硕 ROG Delta 是发烧友应该花钱购买的耳机。(The ASUS ROG Delta proved to be one of the best gaming headsets that we've tested in recent years. It is comfortable and beautiful, delivers powerful and clear sound, it accurately pinpoints enemies on the battlefield, and the overall audio quality is above many gaming headsets. The ASUS ROG Delta are the headphones that audiophile gamers should spend their money on.)
关于驱动程序和软件,在Windows 10中,ASUS ROG Delta由Armory Crate 应用程序(Armoury Crate app)管理。该应用程序旨在为您的所有华硕硬件(ASUS hardware)的所有设备、设置、配置文件和其他功能提供一个集中位置。对于ROG Delta 耳机(ROG Delta headset),它允许您控制各种音频(Audio)功能,例如使用的声音优化(Sound Optimization)配置文件、虚拟环绕声(Virtual Surround Sound)设置和音频质量。

Armory Crate 应用程序(Armoury Crate app)也是您可以控制ROG Delta 耳机的(ROG Delta headset)RGB灯效的地方。耳机支持静态、呼吸、频闪、色彩循环、彩虹(Static, Breathing, Strobe, Color Cycle, Rainbow)和音乐(Music)灯光效果。

而且,如果华硕为(ASUS)ROG Delta 耳机(ROG Delta headset)发布新固件,Armory Crate(Armoury Crate)可让您轻松安装,只需点击几下或点击几下即可。

配置华硕 ROG Delta 音频设置、个性化 RGB 灯光效果以及更新固件,这些都可以通过 Armory Crate 应用程序轻松完成。我们对这个应用程序没有任何问题,并且可用的选项很多,所以我们给它一个积极的评价。🙂(Configuring the ASUS ROG Delta audio settings, personalizing the RGB lighting effects, and updating the firmware are things easily done from the Armoury Crate app. We had no issues with this app, and the options available are plenty, so we're giving it a positive rating. 🙂)
您对华硕 ROG Delta RGB(ASUS ROG Delta RGB)游戏耳机有何看法?
现在您知道我们对华硕 ROG Delta 耳机(ASUS ROG Delta headset)的看法了。这是一款出色的游戏耳机(superb gaming headset),可提供高品质的音频(high-quality audio)、漂亮的外观、坚固的制造质量(build quality)和舒适的佩戴。你同意吗?您打算购买这款耳机吗?在下面的评论部分分享(Share)您的意见。如果您已经拥有这款耳机,请随时与我们和其他可能有兴趣购买它的人分享您的体验。
Review ASUS ROG Delta: Excellent sound for audiophile gamers
The gaming headsets market is filled by a vаst range of options. Going from very cheap to premium prices, there are headsets for anyone's taste and wallet. Few of them, however, manage to offer a good balance between the audio quality and their price. ASUS ROG Delta is а gaming headset that, among other thingѕ, features a Quad-DAC for superb audio quality, beautiful and comfortable design, and RGB lights. It sits in the premium range of gаming headsets, and its features place it in the audiophile high-resolutiоn sound range. What's it like using thе ASUS ROG Delta in the real world? Is it as good as AЅUS promises it to be? Find out from our reviеw:
ASUS ROG Delta RGB gaming headset: Who is it good for?
The ASUS ROG Delta headset is an excellent buy for:
- Gamers who want an excellent headset for an immersive sound experience in games
- Users who wish for superb Hi-Fi audio quality when listening to music
- Those who appreciate beautiful and well-built devices
- Fans of Republic of Gamers and RGB lighting
Pros and cons
There are many positives about the ASUS ROG Delta:
See price on:

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- Thanks to its Quad-DAC, the audio experience in games is of excellent quality
- The headphones are comfortable to use even for long periods of time
- The headset is robust and well-built, so it should have a long lifespan
- It uses a USB Type-C port and has an extension USB Type-A cable
- It is compatible with many different gaming platforms: PCs, Macs, mobile devices, PlayStation 4 & Nintendo Switch consoles
- Unique RGB lighting effects
- It comes with two different models of ear cups cushions
- The Armoury Crate app works well and offers a lot of settings
There are also a few downsides about the ASUS ROG Delta:
- The microphone seems to add an unwanted buzzing sound at times
- Its price is not for everyone

The ASUS ROG Delta is beautiful, robust, and comfortable. Furthermore, it offers powerful and crystal-clear sound, and the Quad-DAC in it gives you excellent audio quality at all sound frequencies. This is what we'd call an audiophile gaming headset. It is like no other gaming headset we have tested in recent years. Although some might say that it is too expensive, you should take into consideration the fact that it comes with a Quad-DAC and delivers Hi-Fi sound, even if it's "just" a gaming headset. Think about what it would cost you to buy an audiophile Hi-Fi pair of headphones and a separate DAC for your computer, and you'll understand that the price tag of the ASUS ROG Delta is not so high after all. We warmly recommend the ASUS ROG Delta to all the gamers out there who also enjoy listening to music at high quality.
Unboxing the ASUS ROG Delta RGB gaming headset
The ASUS ROG Delta is a premium RGB gaming headset, so ASUS packaged it inside a premium box. We received the White Edition of the ROG Delta, and its box was all-white, featuring a large picture of the headset on its front side, as well as some information about it. For instance, you find out right from the start that it received an IF Design Award in 2019, which is quite an accomplishment.

On the back of the box, ASUS printed plenty of information about the headset, showcasing its main features and specifications, like the fact that this headset makes no compromises when it comes to audio fidelity, featuring a Hi-Fi ESS 9218 quad DAC!

When you open the box, you are greeted by a letter from the Republic of Gamers that welcomes you into the community. Then, you get to see the headphones, which, frankly, look gorgeous.

Besides the ROG Delta headphones, the package bundles a detachable microphone, an additional pair of ROG Hybrid ear cushions, a USB-C to USB 2.0 (Type-A) adapter cable, the user guide, and warranty documents.

Unboxing the ASUS ROG Delta gaming headset is a delightful experience, worthy of a premium gaming device. The additional ear cushions that you get in the bundle are a nice touch.
Design and hardware specifications
The ASUS ROG Delta headset has drivers made from neodymium magnets with a large 50 mm diameter. The headphones have an impedance of 32 Ohms and a frequency response between 20 and 40000 Hz. The highest frequency response is much higher than what you see on regular gaming headsets, which usually revolve around 20000 Hz.
Furthermore, what makes the ASUS ROG Delta stand out from the crowd is the fact that it features a high-resolution ESS 9218 Quad-DAC (Digital to Analog Converter). It is something rather unusual in the world of gaming headsets, as Hi-Fi DACs are usually reserved for Hi-Fi headphones designed for rich music experiences, not for gaming. The Quad-DAC found on the ASUS ROG Delta uses its four DACs, one for each frequency range: lows, mids, highs, and ultra-high pitched sounds. Then, those four signals are combined to deliver a more powerful and rich listening experience than a single DAC could produce.

To increase the audio quality even further, thanks to the Quad-DAC, the ROG Delta has a higher SNR (Sound to Noise Ratio) than headphones with a single DAC can offer. The ROG Delta has an SNR of 127 dB, while single-DAC gaming headphones usually revolve around 90 to 100 dB.
The ASUS ROG Delta headset connects to your PC, gaming console, smartphone, or any other device using a USB Type-C connector. However, in the box, you also get an extension USB Type-C to Type-A cable that you can use to connect the headset to computers or devices without USB Type-C ports or to increase the length of the cable. Speaking of which, the headset's USB Type-C braided cable is 1.5 meters long (59 inches), while the extension USB Type-A cable has a length of 1 meter (39.4 inches), and it's coated in rubberized plastic.
The ASUS ROG Delta headset is RGB-lit: on both its D-shaped earcups, there are large round-cornered triangles with ROG logos inside. It looks quite stunning with the lights on, especially when the lights coming out of the triangle-shaped LED bands have rainbow effects. That's made possible by the seven independent lighting zones from the LED strip, a first in the world of gaming headsets, according to ASUS.

Being a headset, not just a simple pair of headphones, the ASUS ROG Delta also includes a microphone. It is a detachable mic, so you can mount it only when you need it. Designed for voice communication during multiplayer games, this unidirectional boom microphone has been certified by both Discord and TeamSpeak, two of the most popular voice communication services for gamers. Another nice touch from ASUS is the fact that the mike features a small status indicator on it, that lights up red when it's muted.

On the left earcup, the ASUS ROG Delta also includes a switch for turning the RGB lighting on or off, and a volume rocker that also acts as a button for muting or enabling the microphone. We honestly think that this placement is a much better choice than the in-line controls found on many gaming headsets.

The headset is made mostly from high-quality plastic, with one exception. The headband is made from metal, and its bottom side (the one touching your head) is covered by a soft cushion. All the parts make the headset look great and seem to be durable. Furthermore, the ASUS ROG Delta headset is rather lightweight: 387 grams (13.65 ounces).
ASUS ROG Delta is available in two color editions: black and white. As seen in our photos, the one that we tested was the White Edition. Although color is a personal style matter, we've come to love white more than black, especially when it comes to electronic devices. 🙂
If you want to see all the specs and features of this RGB gaming headset, open this webpage in your browser: ASUS ROG Delta Specifications.
Using the ASUS ROG Delta RGB gaming headset
The ASUS ROG Delta is a large headset, although you wouldn't say that the first time you see it thanks to the svelte design and especially because its ear cups have a particular D-shape. Maybe the white color of the sample we tested also helps in this direction.

However large they may be, the headphones are incredibly lightweight. At only 387 grams (or 13.86 ounces) the ROG Delta does not feel heavy at all. That helps quite a lot in making them comfortable when you're in for a long session of gaming.

In spite of the fact that they are made of mainly plastic to keep their weight low, these headphones feel quite strong and solidly built. After examining their construction for a while, you realize that the headphones were carefully manufactured, and ASUS made no compromises when it came to details.

The D-shaped ear cups are theoretically better than round cups in terms of comfort and sound distribution. We can't say that this is a sure thing, as we also had good experiences with circular ear cups. However, we can certify the fact that the cups on the ROG Delta are comfortable. They're large enough to cover your ears entirely to avoid applying unwanted pressure. And, on top of the already mounted faux leather cushions, you also get another pair of ear cups covered in fabric mesh. We especially liked the latter, as they are taller than the pre-mounted faux leather ones, and let your ears breathe more. However, this is more of a personal choice in terms of comfort and style.

The headband is another well-crafted part of the headset. It is made of metal, so it stays firmly in its place. Also, it is covered in soft plush, making it pleasant to wear. The metallic strap is quite flexible and easy to adjust in terms of length. Another nice touch is the fact that the headband has small scales engraved in it, allowing you to adjust its length with precision.

We used this headset in a few games that we're playing right now: Assassin's Creed Origins, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, and the widely popular League of Legends. The audio quality is excellent! Superb and impressively real! Besides the well represented sound frequencies, the headphones are exceptional when it comes to in-game sounds localization. The surround sound effects let you easily pinpoint the direction from which footsteps or bullets come, while gunfire and explosions seem real and sound just right.
On the other hand, in League of Legends, we tested the microphone and, although our teammates said they could hear us well in general, sometimes they complained about hearing a buzzing noise. The strange thing was that there was no buzzing noise on our end of the line, so probably the mike has some issues, or the firmware of the headset needs some improvement in this regard.

We were also positively impressed by the ASUS ROG Delta when it came to listening to music. The headphones manage to deliver a superb audio quality in every type of music that we enjoy: metal, rock, pop, classic, or trip-hop. ROG Delta gives you powerful but clear sound regardless of the music genre, and the closed-back design of the ear cups isolates you from the noises around.

The ASUS ROG Delta proved to be one of the best gaming headsets that we've tested in recent years. It is comfortable and beautiful, delivers powerful and clear sound, it accurately pinpoints enemies on the battlefield, and the overall audio quality is above many gaming headsets. The ASUS ROG Delta are the headphones that audiophile gamers should spend their money on.
Drivers and software
Regarding drivers and software, in Windows 10, the ASUS ROG Delta is managed by the Armoury Crate app. The app is designed to offer a centralized location for all the devices, settings, profiles, and other features for all your ASUS hardware. For the ROG Delta headset, it allows you to control various Audio features, such as the Sound Optimization profile used, Virtual Surround Sound settings, and audio quality.

The Armoury Crate app is also where you can control the RGB lighting effects on the ROG Delta headset. The headphones support Static, Breathing, Strobe, Color Cycle, Rainbow, and Music lighting effects.

And, if ASUS releases new firmware for the ROG Delta headset, Armoury Crate allows you to install it easily, with just a few clicks or taps.

Configuring the ASUS ROG Delta audio settings, personalizing the RGB lighting effects, and updating the firmware are things easily done from the Armoury Crate app. We had no issues with this app, and the options available are plenty, so we're giving it a positive rating. 🙂
What is your opinion about the ASUS ROG Delta RGB gaming headset?
Now you know what we think about the ASUS ROG Delta headset. It's a superb gaming headset that offers high-quality audio, beautiful looks, solid build quality, and comfortable wear. Do you agree? Do you intend to buy this headset? Share your opinion in the comments section below. If you already own this headset, do not hesitate to share your experience with us and others that might be interested in buying it.