ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300是全球首款面向游戏玩家的无线路由器(wireless router)。它不仅使用Republic of Gamers 品牌(Gamers brand),而且在设计和硬件方面也是一头野兽。我们以前没有使用过运行在 1.8 GHz(GHz)和 1GB RAM的四核处理器的路由器。其令人印象深刻的功能和硬件能否(hardware translate)转化为出色的用户体验(user experience)?如果您想知道游戏路由器(gaming router)所提供的功能和实际性能,请阅读此评论。
华硕ROG Rapture GT-AC5300擅长(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 good)什么?
华硕 GT-AC5300(ASUS GT-AC5300)在很多方面都很出色:
- 当今最快的WiFi,频率为 5GHz,使用 802.11ac 标准
- 非常适合希望在线玩时尽可能降低延迟的游戏玩家
- 非常适合(Perfect)链路聚合(link aggregation),让您的NAS 存储(NAS storage)设置获得 2 Gbps 以太网(Gbps Ethernet)连接
- 保护您的智能家居的理想选择
- (Great choice)想要在路由器上使用VPN的人的绝佳选择
- (Amazing hardware)能够处理大型家庭网络的惊人硬件
- 想要完全控制其网络的高级用户的绝佳选择
ASUS GT-AC5300有很多优点:
- 它提供 5GHz 频率上最快的 WiFi
- 它具有令人印象深刻的强大硬件,可以处理大量客户端
- 包括(Includes)几个有用的功能,适用于希望在游戏中获得最小延迟的游戏玩家
- 内置的安全性是您能得到的最好的
- 大量高级选项可详细配置此路由器的工作原理
- 可靠的多语言支持和易于访问的帮助文档(Help documentation)
- VPN连接的出色功能
- 您也可以通过智能手机控制路由器
- 内置的分析和故障排除工具(analysis and troubleshooting tools)在处理问题时很有帮助
- 这个路由器很大,不能挂在墙上
- 路由器的设计及其用户界面可能并不符合每个人的口味。该设备面向热爱Republic of Gamers品牌的游戏玩家和极客(Gamers brand)
- 价格不适合所有人
华硕(ASUS)在提供高质量网络设备方面拥有长期经验。它们尤其在具有许多高级特性和功能的高级路由器的利基市场中大放异彩。华硕 ROG Rapture GT-AC5300(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300)是去年华硕 RT-AC5300(ASUS RT-AC5300)的继任者。虽然看起来非常相似,但在性能、功能和硬件方面,华硕 ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 毫不逊色地(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300)击败了其前身。我们惊喜地看到,它是对上一代旗舰(generation flagship)的一次梦幻般的升级,我们没想到在这么多方面有这么多的改进。如果你想要WiFi的终极速度,并且你买得起,华硕 ROG Rapture GT-AC5300(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300)是你能买到的最好的路由器。至少在 2017 年。
华硕 ROG Rapture GT-AC5300(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300)拆箱
华硕 ROG Rapture GT-AC5300(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300)采用黑色大包装盒,顶部印有Republic of Gamers标志,旁边是产品名称(product name)和图片。
在背面,您会看到这款路由器的一些以游戏玩家为中心的功能:其加速游戏端口、Game Boost 功能(Game Boost feature)和WTFast游戏玩家专用网络。您还可以找到有关此路由器令人印象深刻的硬件的一些详细信息。
打开包装盒,您会立即看到包装精美的路由器,以及顶部的RoG 标志(RoG logo),回头看着您。所有配件和内容物都经过精心包装并隐藏在路由器下方。
打开包装,您会发现以下元素:华硕 ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 路由器(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 router)及其八个外置天线、电源适配器(power adapter)、以太网线(Ethernet cable)、快速入门指南(start guide)、WTFast 服务(WTFast service)和保修信息。
华硕 ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 提供的开箱体验令人愉悦,适合具有出色规格的高端设备。(The unboxing experience offered by ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 is an enjoyable one, suited to a premium device with excellent specifications.)
当您阅读此路由器的规格时,您只能印象深刻。首先(First),它采用运行频率为 1.8 GHz的四核Broadcom BCM4908处理器。它还具有 1GB 的RAM DDR3和 256 MB的固件存储空间(storage space)。如此强大的硬件在无线路由器领域尚属首创。我们支持所有现代网络标准,包括 802.11ac Wave 2。可以想象,华硕 ROG Rapture GT-AC5300(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300)提供 4x4 MU-MIMO。
它是一个三频路由器,这意味着我们在 2.4 GHz 频率上获得一个(GHz frequency)无线网络(wireless network),在 5 GHz 频率(GHz frequency)上获得两个无线网络。ASUS建议您仅使用两个 5 GHz频率之一来连接游戏设备,例如游戏机或游戏笔记本电脑。
在路由器的正面,有几个LED 指示灯(LEDs),分别表示:电源(Power)、2.4 GHz无线频段(wireless band)、5GHz无线频段(wireless band)、互联网连接(internet connection)、LAN 连接(LAN connection)和WPS。
背面有以下内容:电源(Power)按钮、电源插孔(power jack)、两个USB 3.0端口、WAN 端口(WAN port)、八个以 1 Gbps工作的(Gbps)LAN端口和重置按钮(Reset button)。前两个LAN端口被命名为“游戏端口”,它们会在网络拥塞(network congestion)时自动获得优先级。因此,如果您想尽可能快地玩在线游戏,您应该将您的游戏计算机连接到其中之一。
在路由器的左侧,有三个按钮用于打开和关闭以下功能:LED(LEDs)、WPS和WiFi 广播(WiFi broadcasting)。
此外,另外两个LAN端口为NAS(网络附加存储)爱好者提供(Network Attached Storage)Link Aggregation,这意味着他们可以享受 2 Gbps的连接。但是,要使其正常工作,您需要一个支持 802.3ad(support for 802.3ad)(网络中常见的链路聚合标准)的(link aggregation standard)NAS 客户(NAS client)端。
华硕 ROG Rapture GT-AC5300(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300)是一款海量无线路由器(wireless router)。它的外观非常具有侵略性,并且针对游戏玩家。这意味着有些人不会喜欢它,而是喜欢更谨慎的东西。至于尺寸,这是您可以买到的最大的路由器之一:它的宽度 x 深度 x 高度为 9.64 x 9.64 x 2.55 英寸或 245 x 245 x 65 毫米。它还重达 4.14 磅或 1.880 公斤。
如果您想查看这款路由器的所有官方规格和功能,我们建议您访问此页面:华硕 ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 规格(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 specifications)。
设置和使用ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300
设置ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 的(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300)工作方式与您期望的一样:您将路由器安装在您想要使用的位置,将其连接到互联网和您的一台计算机,然后按下电源(Power)按钮。然后,启动Web 浏览器(web browser)并加载设置向导(setup wizard)。
首先,您需要设置路由器的登录名和密码(login name and password)。我们建议您不要使用标准的“管理员”用户名,以使您的路由器更难破解。
然后,路由器会检测您的 Internet连接类型并询问(connection and asks)适当的连接详细信息。输入(Enter)它们,然后您可以设置此路由器广播的三个无线频段的名称和密码(name and password)。
在结束快速设置向导之前,您会看到(setup wizard)ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300内置的游戏相关功能的演示。花一些时间阅读所有内容是一个好主意,以便您更好地了解您所获得的内容。
最后,您会看到初始设置的摘要,并且会加载管理用户界面。(administration user interface)如下图所示,华硕在(ASUS)ROG Rapture GT-AC5300上选择了不同的视觉效果。主题是红色的,看起来像一个游戏玩家制作的驾驶舱。这可能不适合每个人的口味,我们更喜欢华硕(ASUS)在其他路由器上提供的标准用户界面。(user interface)但是,一切都像所有华硕(ASUS)路由器一样井井有条。您在寻找自己的方式和您感兴趣的设置方面不会遇到问题。
最好熟悉所有可用选项并浏览所有设置类别。您会发现可能有用的隐藏工具和宝石。例如,我们发现华硕 ROG Rapture GT-AC5300(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300)提供了用于外部硬盘的磁盘扫描工具,这在您的数据被损坏时很有用。
正如高级路由器所期望的那样,华硕 ROG Rapture GT-AC5300(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300)提供了大量的细节、工具和设置。高级(Advanced)用户会对这款路由器所提供的功能感到非常满意,他们可以配置有关这款路由器工作方式的所有内容。游戏玩家将享受针对他们的多种工具,从而轻松获得在线游戏的最大性能。
用户界面(user interface)有19 种语言版本,这对许多用户来说是一大优势。您可以在下面的屏幕截图中看到可用语言的列表。
当涉及到帮助(Help)文档时,它很容易获得。如果您不了解设置的作用,请将鼠标光标移到(mouse cursor)其名称上方,如果您看到显示的问号(question mark displayed),请单击鼠标左键(left mouse button)。然后,将显示一个工具提示,其中包含有关该设置的更多信息。
完成ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300上的所有配置后,开始将您家中的所有设备连接到网络。我们几乎连接了您能想到的任何东西:计算机、二合一设备、控制台、智能插头、智能灯泡、无线打印机(wireless printer)、智能手机等。所有设备都能够轻松连接到网络,并且享受出色的体验速度在我们所有的家。但更多关于本次审查的下一部分的速度。
ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 是一款大型路由器,具有令人印象深刻的功能和出色的用户界面。它看起来像是为游戏玩家打造的驾驶舱。这可能符合您的口味,也可能不符合您的口味。该固件提供了无与伦比的工具和功能,允许用户配置他们想要的一切以及更多。挖掘所有选项是一个好主意,因为您会发现您不知道路由器可以做的事情。(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 is a massive router with impressive features and a user interface that stands out. It looks like a cockpit that was made for gamers. This may or may not be to your taste. The firmware offers an unparalleled number of tools and features that allow users to configure everything they want and more. Digging through all the options is a good idea because you will discover things you did not know a router can do.)
ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 review: Meet the fastest router of 2017!
ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 is the world's first wireless rоuter that iѕ marketed to gamers. Not only does іt use the Republic of Gamers brand, but it is also a beast, both design-wiѕe and concerning hardware. We haven't used a router with a quad-core processor running at 1.8 GHz аnd 1GΒ of RΑM before. Do its impressive features and hardware translate into a great user exреriencе? If you arе curious to know what a gaming router has to offer, regarding features and real-lіfe performance, read this review.
What is the ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 good at?
ASUS GT-AC5300 is great at many things:
- The fastest WiFi possible today, on the 5GHz frequency, using the 802.11ac standard
- Excellent for gamers who want the lowest latency possible when playing online
- Perfect for link aggregation so that you get 2 Gbps Ethernet connections for your NAS storage setup
- Ideal for securing your smart home
- Great choice for people who want to use VPN on their routers
- Amazing hardware that has the power to handle large home networks
- Excellent choice for advanced users who want complete control over their network
Pros and cons
ASUS GT-AC5300 has a long list of advantages:
- It offers the fastest WiFi on the 5GHz frequency
- It has impressively powerful hardware that can handle a large number of clients
- Includes several useful features for gamers who want the minimum latency in games
- The built-in security is the best you can get
- Plenty of advanced options to configure in detail how this router works
- Solid multi-lingual support and easily accessible Help documentation
- Excellent features for VPN connections
- You can control your router also from your smartphone
- The built-in analysis and troubleshooting tools are instrumental when dealing with problems
There are a few downsides too:
- This router is large, and it cannot be mounted on walls
- The design of the router and its user interface might not be to everyone's tastes. This device is aimed at gamers and geeks who love the Republic of Gamers brand
- The price is not for everyone
ASUS has long experience in delivering high-quality networking equipment. They shine especially in the niche of premium routers with lots of advanced features and capabilities. ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 is the successor to last year's ASUS RT-AC5300. While it looks very similar, when it comes to performance, features, and hardware, ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 beats its predecessor hands down. We were pleasantly surprised to see that it is a fantastic upgrade over the previous generation flagship, and we did not expect so many improvements in so many areas. If you want the ultimate speed for WiFi, and you can afford to buy it, ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 is the best router you can buy. At least in 2017.
Unboxing the ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300
ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 comes in a large black box, featuring the Republic of Gamers logo on the top, alongside the product name and the picture.
On the back, you will see some of this router's gamer-centric features: its accelerated gaming ports, the Game Boost feature and the WTFast gamers private network. You can also find some details about the impressive hardware of this router.
When you open the box, you immediately see the router, nicely packaged, and the RoG logo on top, looking back at you. All the accessories and the contents are carefully packaged and hidden beneath the router.
When you unpack everything, you will find the following elements: the ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 router and its eight external antennas, the power adapter, an Ethernet cable, the quick start guide, information about the WTFast service and the warranty.
The unboxing experience offered by ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 is an enjoyable one, suited to a premium device with excellent specifications.
Hardware specifications and design
When you read the specifications of this router, you can only be impressed. First, it features a quad-core Broadcom BCM4908 processor running at 1.8 GHz. It also has 1GB of RAM DDR3 and 256 MB of storage space for the firmware. Such powerful hardware is a first in the world of wireless routers. We get support for all the modern networking standards, including 802.11ac Wave 2. As you can imagine, ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 offers 4x4 MU-MIMO.
It is a tri-band router, meaning that we get one wireless network on the 2.4 GHz frequency, and two on the 5GHz frequency. ASUS recommends that you use one of the two 5 GHz frequencies only for connecting gaming devices such as your console or gaming laptop.
On the front side of the router, there are several LEDs, for the following: Power, the 2.4 GHz wireless band, the 5GHz wireless band, the internet connection, the LAN connection, and WPS.
On the back, there are the following: the Power button, the power jack, two USB 3.0 ports, the WAN port, eight LAN ports that work at 1 Gbps, and the Reset button. The first two LAN ports are named "Gaming ports," and they get automatically prioritized in case of network congestion. Therefore, if you want to play online games as fast as possible, you should connect your gaming computer to one of them.
On the left side of the router, there are three buttons for turning On and Off the following features: the LEDs, WPS, and WiFi broadcasting.
Also, two other LAN ports offer Link Aggregation for NAS (Network Attached Storage) enthusiasts, meaning that they can enjoy a connection that works at 2 Gbps. However, for this to work, you need a NAS client with support for 802.3ad (a common link aggregation standard in networking).
ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 is a massive wireless router. Its looks are very aggressive and aimed at gamers. This means that some people will not enjoy it and prefer something more discreet. As for size, this is one of the largest routers you can buy: it has 9.64 x 9.64 x 2.55 inches or 245 x 245 x 65 mm in width x depths x height. It also weighs a massive 4.14 lb or 1.880 kg.
One downside to this router is that it cannot be mounted on walls and it needs a lot of space. You can't place it somewhere discreetly, where it won't be noticed.
If you would like to see all the official specifications and features of this router, we recommend that you visit this page: ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 specifications.
Setting up and using the ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300
Setting up the ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 works as you would expect: you mount the router where you want to use it, connect it to the internet and one of your computers, and press the Power button. Then, fire up a web browser and load the setup wizard.
First, you need to set the login name and password for the router. We recommend that you don't use the standard "admin" username, to make your router slightly harder to crack.
Then, the router detects the type of your internet connection and asks for the appropriate connection details. Enter them, and then you can set the name and password for the three wireless bands that this router broadcasts.
Before ending the quick setup wizard, you are shown a presentation of the gaming-related features that are built into ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300. It is a good idea to take some time to read everything so that you better understand what you get.
In the end, you are shown a summary of your initial settings and the administration user interface is loaded. As you can see below, ASUS has opted for different visuals on the ROG Rapture GT-AC5300. The theme is red and looks like a cockpit made by a gamer. This might not be for everyone's tastes, and we would have preferred the standard user interface that ASUS offers on other routers. However, everything is neatly organized as on all ASUS routers. You won't have issues in finding your way and the settings that interest you.
It's good to familiarize yourself with all the options that are available and browse through all the categories of settings. You will find hidden tools and gems that might be useful. For example, we discovered that ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 offers disc scanning tools for external hard disks, which are useful in case your data gets corrupted.
As expected from a premium router, ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 offers tons of details, tools, and settings. Advanced users will be very pleased with what this router has to offer, and they can configure everything about the way this router works. Gamers will enjoy several tools that are aimed at them, making it easy to get the maximum performance possible in online games.
The user interface is available in 19 languages, which is a great plus for many users. You can see the list of available languages in the screenshot below.
When it comes to Help documentation, it is readily available. If you do not understand what a setting does, move the mouse cursor on top of its name and, if you see a question mark displayed, click the left mouse button. Then, a tooltip is shown with more information about that setting.
When you are done configuring everything on the ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300, start connecting to the network all the devices that are in your home. We connected almost anything you can think of: computers, 2-in-1 devices, consoles, smart plugs, smart bulbs, a wireless printer, smartphones, etc. All devices were able to connect to the network with ease, and they enjoyed excellent speed in all our home. But more about speed in the next sections of this review.
ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 is a massive router with impressive features and a user interface that stands out. It looks like a cockpit that was made for gamers. This may or may not be to your taste. The firmware offers an unparalleled number of tools and features that allow users to configure everything they want and more. Digging through all the options is a good idea because you will discover things you did not know a router can do.
If you would like to see the real-world performance that this router offers, and comparisons with other AC5300 routers, go to the next page of this review.