如果您搜索有关华硕 ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 无线(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 wireless)路由器的新闻,您会看到记者和博主这样说:“世界上第一款三频 802.11ax(tri-band 802.11ax)路由器”,“华硕(ASUS)希望通过这款超高速路由器为您的家庭网络(home network)充电”或“我们不想在黑暗的小巷中遇到其中之一。” 当您看到它的图片时,很明显您正在与“野兽”而不是您的常规无线路由器(wireless router)打交道。如果您想了解使用新Rapture GT-AX11000时获得的真实体验,请阅读以下详细评论:
华硕 ROG Rapture GT-AX11000(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000):它适合谁?
ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000是以下类型用户的绝佳选择:
Buy now
- 想要投资Wi-Fi 6 标准并计划(standard and plan)购买支持该标准的设备的用户
- 想要最好的在线游戏(online gaming)工具的游戏玩家
- 对RGB 灯效和华硕(RGB lighting and ASUS)Aura Sync 生态系统(Aura Sync ecosystem)感兴趣的游戏玩家
- 希望为其智能家居设备提供最佳安全性并在其网络中拥有许多不同设备的用户
- 希望通过IFTT(如果这样,那么那样)从无线路由器获得(wireless router)任务自动化(task automation)服务的人
- 想要使用Alexa 语音(Alexa voice)助手控制家庭网络的用户(home network)
- 想要提供完全控制的高级固件的用户
- 渴望高级移动应用程序的人,他们可以从中个性化路由器必须提供的几乎所有东西
华硕 ROG Rapture GT-AX11000(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000)有很多优点:
- 支持最新的无线标准 - 802.11ax
- 对在线玩多人游戏的游戏玩家有用的功能
- 2.4 GHz 频段上的超快 WiFi
- 出色的安全功能可保护您的智能家居
- 强大的硬件(Powerful hardware),可以处理许多客户端和同时连接
- 超高速 USB 3.0 端口
- 它具有 2.5 Gbps Ethernet/Internet connectivity
- 看起来不错的 RGB 照明
- (Advanced smartphone)用于管理无线路由器的(wireless router)高级智能手机应用程序
- 强大的(Great)多语言支持和易于访问的帮助文档(Help documentation)
- 如果您有带英特尔无线(Intel wireless)适配器的笔记本电脑和设备,则必须更新驱动程序;否则,您的 WiFi 连接不适用于此路由器
- 5 GHz 频段(GHz band)的无线覆盖(wireless coverage)在有两道或多道墙将网络客户端与路由器隔开的位置并不可靠
- 价格不适合所有人
华硕 RoG Rapture GT-AX11000(ASUS RoG Rapture GT-AX11000)是一种无线路由器(wireless router),它重新定义了“顶级”的含义。它很大,而且很强大。此外,它还是第一款配备RGB照明的无线路由器。(wireless router)RGB 照明……(RGB lighting…)在无线路由器(wireless router)上!最重要的是,它包含一个用户界面和许多专为游戏玩家设计的功能。此外,它还附带了一项新的无线标准,在 2019 年,该标准主要代表了对未来技术的投资。它并没有在这里结束:内置功能和工具的列表非常长,而且它的价格也是“超值”的。如果您负担得起,您将投资于最雄心勃勃的无线路由器之一(wireless router)s 曾经由华硕(ASUS)制造。
华硕 ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 无线(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 wireless)路由器开箱
华硕 ROG Rapture GT-AX11000(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000)采用大黑盒,顶部有设备大图。您会看到Republic of Gamers 徽标(Gamers logo),以及提到Aura Sync的贴纸,这表明我们正在处理具有RGB 照明(RGB lighting)功能的无线路由器(wireless router),该功能在 PC 游戏玩家中很受欢迎。在侧面,您会看到有关路由器及其规格的技术信息,而在底部,您会看到华硕详细介绍Rapture GT-AX11000最独特的功能。
打开包装盒,您会立即看到包装精美的路由器,以及顶部的RoG 标志(RoG logo),回头看着您。所有配件和内容物都经过精心包装并隐藏在路由器下方。在包装盒内,您可以找到以下物品:路由器本身、八根可拆卸外接天线、电源适配器(power adapter)、一根以太网线(Ethernet cable)、快速设置指南、带有(Quick Setup guide)英特尔无线(Intel wireless)网卡的笔记本电脑的故障排除信息、连接WTFast 服务(WTFast service)的指南、保修和其他法律信息。
将所有东西拆箱是一种值得优质产品的愉快体验。你觉得你正在处理一个设备的野兽。(Unboxing everything is a pleasant experience worthy of a premium product. You feel like you are dealing with a beast of a device.)
正如您在图片中看到的,关于这款路由器的一切都是巨大的。华硕 ROG Rapture GT-AX11000(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000)外观与其前身ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 相似(ROG Rapture GT-AC5300)。天线的设计略有不同,具有谨慎的强调色和先前型号所没有的空白空间。此外,顶部的RoG 标志(RoG logo)具有 RGB 照明。有些人会认为这是矫枉过正,但我相信很多游戏玩家都会欣赏它。
该无线路由器(wireless router)由运行频率为 1.8 GHz的 64 位(GHz)Broadcom BCM49408四核片(Chip)上系统(System)( SoC ) 、1 GB DDR3 RAM和 256 MB固件存储空间提供支持。(storage space)该SoC引入了两个新的重要特性:支持最新的 Wi-Fi 6(802.11ax 无线标准)和 2.5 Gbps 以太网连接(Gbps Ethernet connectivity)。
Wi-Fi 6标准旨在提高无线连接速度、可同时服务的客户端数量以及网络客户端的功耗(power consumption)。它还改进了有用的MU-MIMO 传输(MU-MIMO transfer)技术。现在它更高效了,还可以处理上传,而不仅仅是下载,就像它在第一个版本中所做的那样。Wi-Fi 6 标准的问题(problem with the Wi-Fi 6 standard)在于它尚未最终确定。最终批准预计在 2019 年底进行,市场上没有客户端设备。我们唯一知道的是,有传言称 iPhone 将在 2019 年的某个时候启用对Wi-Fi 6标准的支持。然而,这款路由器整合了对所有现有无线网络的支持(wireless networking)标准 802.11ac Wave 2和 802.11 b/g/n。
华硕 ROG Rapture GT-AX11000(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000)是一款三频无线路由器(wireless router),在 2.4GHz 频段上的理论最大带宽(maximum bandwidth)为 1148Mbps,在两个可用的 5GHz 频段上均达到 4804Mbps。请记住,这些带宽近似值仅在使用新的Wi-Fi 6标准时有效,您不能将其用于当今的网络客户端。
关于端口,Rapture GT-AX11000提供的端口少于其前身:四个 1 Gbps 以太网端口,1 个 1 Gbps WAN端口,(Gbps)另一个(WAN port)可用于将路由器连接到互联网的2.5 Gbps端口(如果您的提供商提供此类连接),或用于将PC 或 NAS(PC or NAS)连接到路由器。您还可以获得两个USB 3.1端口,旁边还有电源(Power)插孔、电源(Power)按钮和重置(Reset)插孔。
除了顶部的RGB 灯 RoG 标志(RGB-lit RoG logo)外,还有一些不显眼的LED(LEDs)指示灯:电源、WiFi、LAN端口、USB端口、WPS 功能(WPS feature)和 2.5 Gigabit 端口(Gigabit port)。
其中一侧,您可以找到三个按钮:WiFi、WPS和Boost。最后一个以红色亮起,可以通过设置向导(setup wizard)中的列表进行编程以执行特定操作。更多关于此评论的下一部分。
华硕 ROG Rapture GT-AX11000(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000)比其前身略小但更厚。它的宽x 深(x depth) x 高(x height)为 9.45 x 9.45 x 2.76 英寸或 240 x 240 x 70 毫米。它的重量也略低于其前身:3.76 磅或 1.71 公斤。这种无线路由器(wireless router)的一个缺点是它不能安装在墙上,并且它需要比大多数路由器更多的空间。它的底部只有四个橡胶支脚,用于将其放置在平面上,并且没有安装孔。此外,还有一个很大的通风网格(ventilation grid),通过它您可以看到路由器内部的一些硬件。
华硕 ROG Rapture GT-AX11000(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000)上的固件与该公司其他路由器的固件相似。它包括最新版本的AiProtection Pro (提供来自(AiProtection Pro)Trend Micro的商业级安全性和基于云的家长控制),并支持ASUS AiMesh。但是,它还提供了许多针对游戏玩家的功能,以及一些独特的WiFi 分析和故障排除工具(WiFi analysis and troubleshooting tools)。我们将在本评论的后面部分详细介绍这些功能。
如果您想进一步了解这款无线路由器(wireless router)的官方规格,请访问此页面:华硕 ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 规格(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 Specifications)。
设置和使用ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 无线(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 wireless)路由器
设置ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000包括将其插入电力线、将其连接到互联网以及使用网络浏览器(web browser)加载快速设置向导(setup wizard)。首先,您需要提供互联网连接的详细信息。
然后,在此路由器上可用的三个频段上设置无线网络(wireless network)的名称和密码。您还被要求“启用 802.11ax HE 帧支持”。("Enable 802.11ax HE frame support.")这没有很好的解释,这意味着您在此路由器上启用了 Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) 标准。
然后,您可以个性化Boost Key - 路由器侧面的一个按钮,按下时可以执行多个操作之一。选择您希望此按钮执行的操作。最有可能的是,大多数用户都希望使用它来控制此路由器上的RGB照明。
最后一步,您设置用于管理路由器的登录名(login name)和密码。(password use)确保(Make)您不使用default admin/admin,并选择更安全的选择。提供所有详细信息后,路由器会连接到互联网并检查(internet and checks)固件更新。这是一种主动方法,您应该让路由器更新其固件,以便您从性能和安全改进(performance and security improvements)中受益。在快速设置向导(setup wizard)结束时,您会看到设置摘要。
现在您可以访问Rapture GT-AX11000的管理用户界面(administration user interface)。它的组织方式与其他华硕(ASUS)路由器相同,这意味着它被分成多个逻辑部分,很容易找到你的方式。但是,它具有不同的皮肤,针对的是Republic of Gamers品牌(Gamers brand)的粉丝。
您可以详细配置所有重要的内容,高级用户将欣赏这一事实。用户文档易于访问且构建良好。一个巧妙的技巧(neat trick)是将鼠标光标移动(mouse cursor)到您不理解的设置上,并显示一个问号(question mark)。单击(Click)问号(question mark),您会看到解释该设置的信息。一个缺点是文档尚未更新以包含有关此路由器引入的新颖性的信息,例如“802.11ax HE 帧(HE frame)支持”。
该固件有 25 种语言版本,这是您在无线路由器上经常看不到的。如果您想通过智能手机或平板电脑控制您的无线网络(smartphone or tablet),(wireless network)包括您不在家时,您可以使用华硕路由器应用程序(ASUS router app)。这个应用程序也使用了不同的皮肤,特定于玩家共和国(Gamers brand)品牌(Republic)。它提供了许多高级自定义选项,包括检查孩子设备的能力,以及为家长控制设置规则的能力。当您的家人遇到WiFi问题而您不在家时,远程网络诊断也很有用。
一个独特的功能是Rapture GT-AX11000顶部的RGB照明。大多数用户会过多地考虑这一点,但大多数游戏玩家都喜欢配件上的RGB照明,并且会喜欢Aura Sync可用。如果您想查看照明效果,我们在下面的视频中切换了标准照明效果。
我们将大约二十台设备连接到由Rapture GT-AX11000管理的网络,包括两台台式电脑、笔记本电脑、平板电脑、几部智能手机、一台无线打印机(wireless printer)、两个智能插头、一个智能灯泡(smart bulb)和一个Xbox One控制台。然后,我们开始共享数据并进行传输。在放置Rapture GT-AX11000(Rapture GT-AX11000)的房间里,在那些能直接看到它的房间里,我们享受到了极快的 Wi-Fi(Wi-Fi)和稳定的网络传输(network transfer)。以下(Below)是5 GHz 频段上的典型(GHz band)网络传输(network transfer)示例。
在与Rapture GT-AX11000(Rapture GT-AX11000)被两堵墙隔开的房间中,没有直接的视线,传输的可变性显着增加。虽然增加的可变性是正常的,但同一公司的其他无线路由器,包括较旧的Rapture GT-AC5300,在这方面提供了更好的性能。这方面应该在未来的固件更新中得到改进。
华硕 ROG Rapture GT-AX11000(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000)是一款支持尚未最终确定的新无线网络标准(Wi-Fi 6)的路由器,市场上没有网络客户端支持它。(wireless network standard)不幸的是,这也带来了一些兼容性问题。如华硕(ASUS) 在此处(here)和路由器包装中所述,如果您的笔记本电脑或其他带有英特尔(Intel)无线网卡(wireless network card)的设备,您必须将驱动程序更新到Intel PROSet/Wireless Wi-Fi 版本 20.70.0(version 20.70.0)或更高版本。
如果您想了解更多关于华硕 ROG Rapture GT-AX11000(ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000)提供的真实性能,请转到本评论的下一页。
ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 review: Over the top, in every way!
If you search the news about the ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 wirеless router, you see journalists and bloggers saying things like: "wоrld's first tri-band 802.11ax rоuter," "ASUS wants tо suрercharge your home network with this ultra-fast router," or "we wouldn't want to еncoυnter one of these in a dаrk alley." When you sеe its picture, it is clear that you are dealing with a "beast" and not your regular wireless router. If you want to know about the real-life experiencе you gеt when using the new Rapture GT-AX11000, read this detailed review:
ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000: Who is it good for?
ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 is a great choice for the following types of users:
See price on:
Buy now
- People who want to invest in the Wi-Fi 6 standard and plan to buy devices with support for it
- Gamers who want the best possible tools for online gaming
- Gamers who are interested in RGB lighting and ASUS' Aura Sync ecosystem
- Users who want the best security for their smart home devices and have many diverse devices in their network
- People who want task automation services from their wireless router, through IFTT (If This, Then That)
- Users who want to control their home network using the Alexa voice assistant
- Users who want advanced firmware that offers complete control
- People who desire an advanced mobile app from which they can personalize almost everything the router has to offer
Pros and cons
There are many positives about the ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000:
- Support for the newest wireless standard - 802.11ax
- Useful features for gamers who play multiplayer games online
- Very fast WiFi on the 2.4 GHz band
- Excellent security features that secure your smart home
- Powerful hardware that can handle many clients and simultaneous connections
- Super-fast USB 3.0 ports
- It features 2.5 Gbps Ethernet/Internet connectivity
- RGB lighting that looks good
- Advanced smartphone app for administering your wireless router
- Great multilingual support and easily accessible Help documentation
There are some downsides to consider:
- If you have laptops and devices with Intel wireless adapters, you must update your drivers; otherwise, your WiFi connection does not work with this router
- The wireless coverage on the 5 GHz band is not that reliable in locations with two or more walls separating the network clients from the router
- The price is not for everyone
ASUS RoG Rapture GT-AX11000 is the kind of wireless router the redefines what it means to be "over-the-top." It's huge, and it is powerful. Also, it is the first wireless router to feature RGB lighting on it. RGB lighting… on a wireless router! To top things off, it packs a user interface and many features that are designed with gamers in mind. Also, it comes with a new wireless standard that, in 2019, represents mostly an investment in the future of technology. It does not end here: the list of built-in features and tools is incredibly long, and its price is "over-the-top" too. If you can afford it, you will be investing in one of the most ambitious wireless routers ever built by ASUS.
Unboxing the ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 wireless router
ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 comes in a large black box, with a big picture of the device on the top. You see the Republic of Gamers logo, as well as a sticker that mentions Aura Sync, signaling that we are dealing with a wireless router that features RGB lighting, a feature that is popular with PC gamers. On the sides, you see technical information about the router and its specifications, while on the bottom, you ASUS goes into detail about the most distinctive features of the Rapture GT-AX11000.
When you open the box, you immediately see the router, nicely packaged, and the RoG logo on top, looking back at you. All the accessories and the contents are carefully packaged and hidden beneath the router. Inside the box, you find the following: the router itself, eight external detachable antennas, the power adapter, an Ethernet cable, the Quick Setup guide, troubleshooting information for laptops with Intel wireless network cards, a guide for connecting to the WTFast service, the warranty and other legal information.
Unboxing everything is a pleasant experience worthy of a premium product. You feel like you are dealing with a beast of a device.
Hardware specifications and design
As you can see in the pictures, everything about this router is massive. ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 looks similar to its predecessor ROG Rapture GT-AC5300. The antennas have a slightly different design, featuring a discreet accent color and empty spaces that were not present on the previous model. Also, the RoG logo on the top has RGB lighting. Some people would consider this overkill, but I'm sure that many gamers appreciate it.
This wireless router is powered by a 64-bit Broadcom BCM49408 quad-core System on a Chip (SoC) running at 1.8 GHz, 1 GB of DDR3 RAM, and 256 MB of storage space for the firmware. This SoC introduces two new important features: support for the latest Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax wireless standard) and 2.5 Gbps Ethernet connectivity.
The Wi-Fi 6 standard aims to improve the speed of wireless connections, the number of clients it can serve simultaneously, and the power consumption of network clients. It also improves the useful MU-MIMO transfer technology. Now it is more efficient, and also handles uploads, not only downloads, like it did in its first incarnation. The problem with the Wi-Fi 6 standard is that it is not finalized yet. The final approval is expected for late 2019, and there are no client devices on the market. The only thing that we know is that the iPhone is rumored to enable support for the Wi-Fi 6 standard sometime in 2019. However, this router incorporates support for all the existing wireless networking standards 802.11ac Wave 2, and 802.11 b/g/n.
ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 is a tri-band wireless router with a theoretical maximum bandwidth of 1148Mbps on the 2.4GHz band and 4804Mbps on each of the two available 5GHz bands. Keep in mind that these bandwidth approximations are valid only when using the new Wi-Fi 6 standard, which you cannot use with today's network clients.
Regarding ports, Rapture GT-AX11000 offers fewer than its predecessor: four Ethernet ports at 1 Gbps, 1 WAN port working at 1 Gbps, another 2.5Gbps port that can be used for connecting the router to the internet (if your provider offers such connections), or for connecting a PC or NAS to the router. You also get two USB 3.1 ports and alongside them the Power jack, the Power button, and the Reset jack.
Except for the RGB-lit RoG logo on the top, there are a few discreet LEDs indicators too: for the power, the WiFi, the LAN ports, the USB ports, the WPS feature, and the 2.5 Gigabit port.
One one of the sides, you can find three buttons: WiFi, WPS, and Boost. The last one lights up in red and can be programmed to perform a specific action, from a list found in the setup wizard. More on that in the next section of this review.
ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 is slightly smaller but thicker than its predecessor. It is 9.45 x 9.45 x 2.76 inches or 240 x 240 x 70 mm in width x depth x height. It also weighs slightly less than its predecessor: 3.76 pounds or 1.71 kg. One downside to this wireless router is that it cannot be mounted on walls and it needs more space than most routers. On its bottom there only four rubber feet for placing it on flat surfaces, and no mounting holes. Also, there is a big ventilation grid, through which you can see some of the hardware inside the router.
The firmware on the ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 is similar to that of other routers from the company. It includes the latest version of AiProtection Pro (which provides commercial-grade security from Trend Micro, and cloud-based parental controls), and support for ASUS AiMesh. However, it also offers many features that are aimed at gamers, and some WiFi analysis and troubleshooting tools that are unique. We will get into more detail about those features, later in this review.
If you would like to learn more about the official specifications of this wireless router, go to this page: ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 Specifications.
Setting up and using the ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 wireless router
Setting up the ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 involves plugging it into the powerline, connecting it to the internet, and using a web browser to load the quick setup wizard. At first, you need to provide the details of your internet connection.
Then, you set up the names and the passwords for the wireless network, on the three bands available on this router. You are also asked to "Enable 802.11ax HE frame support." This is not well explained, and what it means is that you enable the Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) standard on this router.
Then, you get to personalize the Boost Key - a button on the sides of the router, that can perform one of several actions, when pressed. Choose what you want this button to do. Most probably, most users will want to use it to control the RGB lighting on this router.
For the last step, you set the login name and the password use to administer the router. Make sure that you do not use the default admin/admin, and go for a more secure choice. After you provide all the details, the router connects to the internet and checks for firmware updates. This is a proactive approach, and you should let the router update its firmware so that you can benefit from performance and security improvements. At the end of the quick setup wizard, you are shown a summary of your settings.
Now you can access the administration user interface for Rapture GT-AX11000. It is organized the same as on other ASUS routers, meaning that it is split into logical sections and finding your way is easy. However, it has a different skin, aimed at gamers that are fans of the Republic of Gamers brand.
You can configure everything that matters in detail, and advanced users are going to appreciate this fact. The user documentation is accessible and well built. One neat trick is to move the mouse cursor over a setting that you do not understand, and a question mark is shown. Click on the question mark, and you see information explaining that setting. One downside is that the documentation has not been updated to include information about the novelties introduced by this router, like the "802.11ax HE frame support."
The firmware is available in 25 languages, which is something that you do not see often on wireless routers. If you want to control your wireless network from your smartphone or tablet, including when you are not at home, you can use the ASUS router app. This app too uses a different skin, specific to the Republic of Gamers brand. It offers many advanced customization options, including the ability to check on your children' devices, and set up rules for parental controls. The remote network diagnostics can be useful too when your family has problems with their WiFi, and you are not home to help.
One unique feature is the RGB lighting on top of the Rapture GT-AX11000. Most users are going to consider this too much, but most gamers love RGB lighting on their accessories, and are going to appreciate having Aura Sync available. If you want to see how the lighting looks, we switched between the standarding lighting effects, in the video below.
We connected about twenty devices to the network managed by Rapture GT-AX11000, including two desktop PCs, laptops, tablets, several smartphones, one wireless printer, two smart plugs, one smart bulb, and an Xbox One console. Then, we started sharing data and making transfers. In the room where Rapture GT-AX11000 was placed, and in those with a direct line of sight to it, we enjoyed very fast Wi-Fi and stable network transfers. Below is an example of a typical network transfer on the 5 GHz band.
In the rooms that were separated by two walls from the Rapture GT-AX11000, with no direct line of sight to it, the variability of the transfers increased significantly. While increased variability is normal, other wireless routers from the same company, including the older Rapture GT-AC5300, offer better performance in this regard. This aspect should be improved in future firmware updates.
ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 is a router with support for a new wireless network standard (Wi-Fi 6) that is not yet finalized, and there are no network clients on the market to support it. Unfortunately, this also brings some compatibility issues. As documented by ASUS here, and in the packaging of the router, you must update your drivers to Intel PROSet/Wireless Wi-Fi version 20.70.0 or higher, if you have a laptop or another device with a wireless network card from Intel.
If you want to know more about the real-world performance offered by ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000, go to the next page of this review.