我们最近收到了华硕(ASUS)最新的游戏键盘之一:ROG Strix Flare。它是一款带有RGB灯效的机械键盘,专为游戏玩家设计,并具有一些独特的功能。它承诺令人惊叹的照明效果、出色的设计以及Cherry MX(Cherry MX)开关提供的经证实的质量和耐用性。(quality and endurance)经过一周的测试和播放,我们想分享我们对华硕 ROG Strix Flare(ASUS ROG Strix Flare)的看法。如果您想知道它是否适合您,请阅读我们的评论:
华硕 ROG Strix Flare(ASUS ROG Strix Flare):它对谁有好处?
ASUS ROG Strix Flare键盘非常适合:
- 热爱 RoG 品牌的游戏玩家
- 喜欢配饰灯光效果的用户
- 想要出色机械键盘的打字员(可以通过Blue Cherry MX开关获得)
关于华硕 ROG Strix Flare(ASUS ROG Strix Flare)有很多好话要说:
- 这是一款非常适合游戏玩家和打字员的机械键盘
- 它可以配备四种不同类型的Cherry MX RGB开关:红色(Red)、蓝色(Blue)、黑色和棕色(Black and Brown)
- 它上面的灯光效果令人印象深刻
- 多媒体控件、游戏模式(Gaming Mode)按钮和照明键(lighting key)位于键盘的左上角,非常方便
- 它上面有一个额外的USB 端口(USB port),它是直通的,可用于将任何其他设备插入您的计算机
- 它全部由塑料制成,虽然它是优质塑料,但金属会更好
- ROG Armory 2(ROG Armoury 2)软件落后于竞争对手所提供的软件
- 在发布时,它是一个昂贵的键盘
华硕 ROG Strix Flare(ASUS ROG Strix Flare)游戏键盘是适合每位游戏玩家的理想设备,尤其适合喜欢灯光效果或玩家国度品牌粉丝的玩家(Republic of Gamers)。华硕在使这款(ASUS)键盘看起来(keyboard look)美观且对游戏玩家友好方面做得很好。尽管关于它的好话要多于负面,但我们只能将这款键盘推荐给能够负担得起其高价的游戏玩家。
拆箱华硕 ROG Strix Flare(ASUS ROG Strix Flare)机械游戏键盘(gaming keyboard)
ASUS ROG Strix Flare游戏键盘采用优质纸板制成的盒子包装。它采用哑光黑色涂装,上面的键盘大图以亮色印刷。光看就知道这是一款高级设备,上面的几张贴纸让你知道它使用的是什么类型的Cherry MX RGB开关,还展示了它与华硕(ASUS)其他支持AURA Sync的设备的兼容性-该功能可让您在华硕(ASUS)组件和配件之间同步灯光效果。
打开包装盒,您会发现键盘及其可拆卸腕托(wrist pad)、两张共和国(Republic)游戏(Gamers)贴纸、快速入门指南(start guide)和保修卡(warranty card)。
您使用 ASUS ROG Strix Flare 获得的拆箱体验是高级硬件设备的体验。盒子看起来很棒,从一开始就对细节的关注很明显。(The unboxing experience you get with the ASUS ROG Strix Flare is that of a premium hardware device. The box looks great, and the attention to details is obvious right from the start.)
华硕 ROG Strix Flare(ASUS ROG Strix Flare)是一款机械游戏键盘(gaming keyboard),这意味着它的按键使用机械开关。它们都是RGB,因此它们都可以以您喜欢的任何颜色点亮。您可以为此键盘选择的开关有:
- Cherry MX RGB Red -线性响应(linear response)、无点击和快速启动。驱动力(actuation force)为 45 cN 。
- Cherry MX RGB Brown - 轻微的触觉反馈,没有咔哒声。驱动力(actuation force)为 45 cN 。
- Cherry MX RGB Blue - 强烈的触觉反馈,咔哒声。驱动力(actuation force)为 50 cN 。
- Cherry MX RGB 黑色(Cherry MX RGB Black)线性,无咔嗒声,强力弹簧可快速开关复位(switch reset)。驱动力(actuation force)为 60 cN 。
我们用于测试的华硕 ROG Strix Flare(ASUS ROG Strix Flare )键盘使用了Cherry MX RGB Brown开关。这些开关对打字员和游戏玩家都有好处,因为它们提供了良好的触觉反馈(tactile feedback),但不像蓝色(Blue)开关那么嘈杂。因此,您可以在办公空间或家中使用它们。
Cherry MX RGB开关设计为每个可承受 5000 万次按压(50 million presses each)。这意味着华硕 ROG Strix Flare(ASUS ROG Strix Flare)应该可以使用多年。您可以在我们的分析中了解更多相关信息:数百万次击键和点击的时间是多少年?
华硕 ROG Strix Flare(ASUS ROG Strix Flare )是一款全尺寸键盘,除了标准按键外,它还提供了一个游戏模式键(game mode key)、一个照明控制键(illumination control key)、一系列四个媒体按钮和一个音量滚轮(volume wheel)。
为了连接到您的计算机,键盘使用一根末端带有两个 USB 连接器的粗编织电缆。它需要两个连接器,因为键盘上还有一个USB 端口(USB port)。电缆不可拆卸,但长度为 70 英寸(178 厘米),足以满足任何需求。
ASUS ROG Strix Flare键盘宽 17.87 英寸(45.4 厘米),深 6.1 英寸(15.5 厘米),高 1.22 英寸(3.1 厘米)。键盘也很重,重 2.77 磅或 1.256 公斤。
华硕 ROG Strix Flare(ASUS ROG Strix Flare)官方支持的操作系统是 Windows 10 和Windows 7。但是,它也应该可以与其他现代操作系统一起正常工作,并且照明效果也应该可以工作。唯一的问题是您只能自定义存储在板载闪存中(flash memory)的配置文件。对于所有自定义选项,您需要只能在Windows中使用的(Windows)ASUS ROG Armory 2(ASUS ROG Armoury 2)软件。
硬件规格很好,表明华硕 ROG Strix Flare 是一款专为自命不凡的游戏玩家设计的键盘。(The hardware specs are good and show that the ASUS ROG Strix Flare is a keyboard for pretentious gamers.)
使用华硕 ROG Strix Flare(ASUS ROG Strix Flare)游戏键盘
华硕 ROG Strix Flare(ASUS ROG Strix Flare)游戏键盘看起来很棒,华硕(ASUS)设计师的才华是不可否认的。键盘采用全尺寸按键布局(key layout),按键下方的板在对角线上分开:右侧通过略微拉丝的表面与其余部分区分开来。
华硕 ROG Strix Flare(ASUS ROG Strix Flare )游戏键盘的侧面和朝向您的方向也有小边框。这意味着它不会在您的办公桌上占用很大的空间,我们认为这很棒。
按键上的RGB 灯光(RGB lighting)从第一次接触此键盘时就要求您注意。它们都是发光的和可定制的,与其他类似键盘的不同之处在于,按键都位于白色反光板的顶部。这使按键具有霓虹灯效果(neon light effect),您可以喜欢也可以讨厌。大多数人可能会喜欢它,尽管有些人可能会争辩说,只点亮按键上的符号会更好,也不会分散注意力。最后,这是个人喜好的问题。您可以观看以下视频示例(video sample),了解华硕 ROG Strix Flare(ASUS ROG Strix Flare)游戏键盘上的灯光效果:
华硕 ROG Strix Flare(ASUS ROG Strix Flare)为喜欢设备灯光效果的用户提供了另一个技巧。键盘的侧面有自己的专用LED(LEDs),可以在您的桌面上投射光。(project light)这与您可能在带有霓虹灯的调谐汽车上看到的效果相同。
在键盘的右上角,有一个小的透明塑料插件,里面刻有ROG 标志。(ROG logo)噱头是这种塑料也会亮起来,就像键盘的其他部分一样。如果您想展示您的团队或公司徽标(team or company logo),您甚至可以将其替换为定制的。
在左上角,您会发现一系列多媒体(multimedia)控件和另外两个有用的按钮。首先(First)是一个大音量滚轮(volume wheel),然后是两个用于启用游戏模式(Game Mode)和更改键盘亮度级别(keyboard brightness level)的按钮,然后是一组独立的四个多媒体键,分别用于Play/Pause, Stop, Rewind,和前进(Forward)。您可能会说这些按钮没有什么特别之处,但您错了:与大多数游戏键盘不同,华硕 ROG Strix Flare(ASUS ROG Strix Flare)将所有这些按钮放在左侧(left),而不是在它的右侧。这意味着您在演奏时不再需要将手从鼠标上移开来控制音量或更改正在收听的音轨。
不幸的是,键盘看起来像是全由塑料制成,或者至少它的外壳(outer shell)是。如果您将手指按在上面,您可以感觉到并看到它稍微弯曲。
键盘还带有一个可拆卸的腕垫(wrist pad)。它看起来不错,其设计与键盘非常匹配:右侧略微拉丝,并延续了与键盘相同的表面区域(surface area)。左下角印有Republic of Gamers的品牌和(Republic of Gamers)logo(brand and logo),看起来不错。腕垫(wrist pad)是实心的,但它也是由塑料制成的,这意味着在炎热的天气使用键盘时,您的手很可能会出汗。
键盘背面有一个直通的USB 端口(USB port)。您可以使用它来连接任何您想要的东西,而无需进入计算机的背面。华硕 ROG Strix Flare(ASUS ROG Strix Flare)的底部有两个支撑腿,上面有大面积的橡胶区域。在您的办公桌上的抓地力非常好。
只要我们有这个键盘在测试中,我们就用它来玩一些我们最喜欢的游戏。华硕 ROG Strix Flare(ASUS ROG Strix Flare)运行良好,我们从Cherry MX开关获得的反馈非常好。我们玩了天际、质量效应:仙女座、英雄联盟(Skyrim, Mass Effect: Andromeda, League of Legends)和旧的野蛮传奇(Brutal Legend),键盘在所有游戏中都表现出色。
华硕 ROG Strix Flare 是一款游戏键盘,其设计一定会在您的桌面上引人注目。我们特别喜欢按键和键盘侧面的 RGB 灯光效果,以及左上角多媒体控件的位置。(The ASUS ROG Strix Flare is a gaming keyboard with a design that will surely turn heads on your desk. We especially liked the RGB lighting effects on the keys and the sides of the keyboard, and the positioning of the multimedia controls on the top-left area.)
华硕 ROG Armory 2 软件
ASUS ROG Strix Flare键盘可以在 ASUS ROG Armory 2 软件的帮助下进行自定义(ASUS ROG Armoury 2)。该软件允许您为键盘创建配置文件,并且:
- 更改照明模式
- 设置在(Set)游戏模式下(Gaming Mode)禁用哪些快捷键
- 记录和分配宏(Macros)
- (Sync)与华硕其他兼容 Aura 的设备(ASUS)同步灯光效果
- 查看游戏中常用的几个按键每分钟击键次数的统计信息
您还可以创建和使用五个配置文件。这可能是因为华硕 Strix Flare(ASUS Strix Flare)只能在其闪存中存储五个配置文件。但是,该软件不应仅限于此,而应允许无限数量的配置文件。一些游戏玩家喜欢为他们玩的每款游戏设置不同的配置文件,这意味着超过五个。
您可以从软件中获得的统计数据有点奇怪:您可以看到一些默认键的每分钟击键(Keystroke Per Minute)次数,但您没有获得有关键盘上其他键的任何详细信息。此外,您必须在软件开始记录统计数据之前打开ROG Armory(ROG Armoury )并按下记录按钮。(Record)那不是很有用。
华硕 ROG Armory 2 软件足以满足基本需求,并且可以很好地与华硕其他兼容 Aura 的设备同步灯光效果。然而,它与竞争对手提供的软件相去甚远。(The ASUS ROG Armoury 2 software is good enough for basic needs, and it is good for syncing lighting effects with other Aura-compatible devices from ASUS. However, it is nowhere near to what the competition offers regarding software.)
你喜欢华硕 ROG Strix Flare(ASUS ROG Strix Flare)游戏键盘吗?
现在您知道我们对ASUS ROG Strix Flare游戏键盘的看法了。我们喜欢它的很多地方,但也有一些可以改进的地方。你怎么看待这件事?不要忘记您可以在下面的评论部分分享您的观点。
ASUS ROG Strix Flare review: The keyboard to light your gaming
We recently received one of the newest gamіng keyboards crеated by ASUS: the ROG Strix Flare. It is a mechanical keyboard, with RGB lighting, that is designed for gamers and which comes with a few unique features. It promises stunning lighting effects, great design and the confirmed quality and endurance provided by the Cherry MX switches. After testing and playing on it for a week, we would like to share our opinion about ASUS ROG Strix Flare. If you are curious to know whether it is a good keyboard for you, read our review:
ASUS ROG Strix Flare: Who is it good for?
The ASUS ROG Strix Flare keyboard is a great choice for:
- Gamers who love the RoG branding
- People who enjoy lighting effects on their accessories
- Typists who want an excellent mechanical keyboard (and which can be acquired with Blue Cherry MX switches)
Pros and cons
There are many good things to say about the ASUS ROG Strix Flare:
- It is a mechanical keyboard that is great for gamers and also for typists
- It can be equipped with four different types of Cherry MX RGB switches: Red, Blue, Black and Brown
- The lighting effects on it are impressive
- The multimedia controls, the Gaming Mode button and the lighting key are positioned very handy, on the top-left area of the keyboard
- It has an additional USB port on it, which is pass-through and can be used to plug any other device into your computer
We also identified a few less positive aspects:
- It is all made of plastic and, although it is high-quality plastic, metal would have been better
- The ROG Armoury 2 software lags behind what the competition has to offer
- At launch, it is an expensive keyboard
The ASUS ROG Strix Flare gaming keyboard is a great device for every gamer, especially for those who love lighting effects or are fans of the Republic of Gamers brand. ASUS did a great job at making this keyboard look beautiful and friendly for gamers. Although there are many more good things to say about it than there are negatives, we can recommend this keyboard only to gamers who can afford its premium price.
Unboxing the ASUS ROG Strix Flare mechanical gaming keyboard
The ASUS ROG Strix Flare gaming keyboard comes packaged in a box made of premium cardboard. It is painted in matte black, and the large picture of the keyboard on it is printed in glossy colors. Just by looking at it, you can tell that this is a premium device, and the few stickers on it let you know what type of Cherry MX RGB switches it uses, and also showcase its compatibility with other devices from ASUS that support AURA Sync - a feature that lets you synchronize lighting effects across ASUS components and accessories.
On the back and on the sides of the box, you can learn more about the specifications and main features of the keyboard.
Open the box, and you will find the keyboard and its detachable wrist pad, two Republic of Gamers stickers, the quick start guide and the warranty card.
The unboxing experience you get with the ASUS ROG Strix Flare is that of a premium hardware device. The box looks great, and the attention to details is obvious right from the start.
Hardware specifications
The ASUS ROG Strix Flare is a mechanical gaming keyboard, and that means that it uses mechanical switches for its keys. They are all RGB, so they can all be lit in any color you prefer. The switches that you can choose for this keyboard are:
- Cherry MX RGB Red - linear response, non-clicky and fast actuation. The actuation force is 45 cN.
- Cherry MX RGB Brown - light tactile feedback, no audible click. The actuation force is 45 cN.
- Cherry MX RGB Blue - strong tactile feedback, audible click. The actuation force is 50 cN.
- Cherry MX RGB Black - linear, no audible click, strong spring for fast switch reset. The actuation force is 60 cN.
The ASUS ROG Strix Flare keyboard that we had for testing used Cherry MX RGB Brown switches. These switches are good for both typists and gamers, as they provide good tactile feedback but are not as noisy as the Blue switches. Thus, you can use them in office spaces or at home.
The Cherry MX RGB switches are designed to last for 50 million presses each. That means that the ASUS ROG Strix Flare should last you for many years. You can learn more about that in our analysis: How long are millions of keystrokes and clicks, in years?.
The ASUS ROG Strix Flare is a full-sized keyboard and, besides the standard keys, it also offers a game mode key, an illumination control key, a series of four media buttons, and a volume wheel.
To connect to your computer, the keyboard uses a thick braided cable with two USB connectors at its end. It needs two connectors because the keyboard also has a USB port on it. The cable is non-detachable, but at 70 inches (178 cm), it is long enough to satisfy any needs.
The ASUS ROG Strix Flare keyboard is 17.87 inches (45.4 cm) wide, 6.1 inches (15.5 cm) deep and 1.22 inches (3.1 cm) high. The keyboard is also heavy, weighing 2.77 lbs or 1.256 kg.
The operating systems officially supported by the ASUS ROG Strix Flare are Windows 10 and Windows 7. However, it should also work just right with other modern operating systems and the lighting effects should work too. The only issue is that you can only customize the profiles stored on the onboard flash memory. For all the customization options, you need the ASUS ROG Armoury 2 software which can be used only in Windows.
The hardware specs are good and show that the ASUS ROG Strix Flare is a keyboard for pretentious gamers.
Using the ASUS ROG Strix Flare gaming keyboard
The ASUS ROG Strix Flare gaming keyboard looks great, and the talent of ASUS' designers is undeniable. The keyboard uses a full-size key layout and the plate under the keys is split on the diagonal: the right side differentiates itself from the rest by having a slightly brushed surface.
The ASUS ROG Strix Flare gaming keyboard also has small bezels on its sides and towards you. That means that it does not have a large footprint on your desk, which is great, in our opinion.
The RGB lighting on the keys asks for your attention from the first encounter with this keyboard. They are all lit and customizable and what is different from other similar keyboards, is that the keys are all sitting on top of a white reflective plate. This gives the keys a neon light effect which you can either love or hate. Most people will probably like it, although some may argue that lighting just the symbols on the keys is better and less distracting. In the end, it is a matter of personal preference. Here is a video sample that you can watch to see how the lighting effects look on the ASUS ROG Strix Flare gaming keyboard:
The ASUS ROG Strix Flare has another trick up its sleeve for those who love lighting effects on their gadgets. The sides of the keyboard have their own dedicated LEDs that project light on your desk. It is the same effect that you have likely seen on tuned cars with neons on their thresholds.
On the top-right area of the keyboard, there is a small transparent plastic insertion with the ROG logo etched inside. The gimmick is that this plastic lights up also, just like the rest of the keyboard. If you want, you can even replace it with a customized one if you want to showcase your team or company logo.
On the top-left side, you will find a series of multimedia controls and two other useful buttons. First, there is a large volume wheel, then there are two buttons for enabling the Game Mode and for changing the keyboard brightness level, and then there is a separate set of four multimedia keys for Play/Pause, Stop, Rewind, and Forward. You might say that there is nothing spectacular about these buttons but you would be wrong: unlike most gaming keyboards, the ASUS ROG Strix Flare has all these buttons placed on its left, not on its right side. That means that you no longer have to take your hand off your mouse when playing, to control the volume or change the audio track you are listening.
Unfortunately, the keyboard looks like it is all made of plastic or at least its outer shell is. If you push your finger on it, you can feel and see it bend a little.
The keyboard also comes with a detachable wrist pad. It looks nice, and its design matches well with the keyboard: the right side is slightly brushed and continues the same surface area from the keyboard. On its bottom-left side, the brand and logo of Republic of Gamers is printed, which looks good. The wrist pad is solid, but it is also made of plastic, which means that your hands are likely to sweat when using the keyboard on a hot day.
The back of the keyboard features a USB port that is passthrough. You can use it to connect anything you want, without having to get to the back of your computer. On its bottom, the ASUS ROG Strix Flare has two support legs with large rubber areas on them. The grip is very good on your desk.
For as long as we had this keyboard in testing, we used it to play a few of our favorite games. The ASUS ROG Strix Flare worked very well, and the feedback we got from its Cherry MX switches was excellent. We played Skyrim, Mass Effect: Andromeda, League of Legends, and the old Brutal Legend, and the keyboard did great in all games.
The ASUS ROG Strix Flare is a gaming keyboard with a design that will surely turn heads on your desk. We especially liked the RGB lighting effects on the keys and the sides of the keyboard, and the positioning of the multimedia controls on the top-left area.
The ASUS ROG Armoury 2 software
The ASUS ROG Strix Flare keyboard can be customized with the help of the ASUS ROG Armoury 2 software. This software allows you to create profiles for the keyboard and:
- Change illumination patterns
- Set which key shortcuts are disabled in Gaming Mode
- Record and assign Macros
- Sync the lighting effects with other Aura-compatible devices from ASUS
- Check statistics about the number of keystrokes per minute for a few keys commonly used in games
You can also create and use five profiles. That is probably because the ASUS Strix Flare can store only five profiles on its flash memory. However, the software should not be limited to that and should allow for an unlimited number of profiles. Some gamers like to have different profiles for each game they play, and that means more than five.
The statistics you can get from the software are a bit strange: you can see the Keystroke Per Minute for a few default keys, but you do not get any details about the other keys on the keyboard. Also, you have to open ROG Armoury and press the Record button before the software starts recording statistics. That is not very useful.
The ASUS ROG Armoury 2 software is good enough for basic needs, and it is good for syncing lighting effects with other Aura-compatible devices from ASUS. However, it is nowhere near to what the competition offers regarding software.
Do you like the ASUS ROG Strix Flare gaming keyboard?
Now you know what our opinion is about the ASUS ROG Strix Flare gaming keyboard. There are many things we like about it, but there are also a few that could be improved. What do you think about it? Do not forget that you can share your point of view in the comments section below.