几年前,我们评测了华硕的一款名为 ROG Strix Impact 的小型游戏鼠标(ASUS),发现(ROG Strix Impact)它(gaming mouse)是一款不错的设备。它的后代 - ASUS ROG Strix Impact II - 最近推出,因此我们决定对其进行测试并将其与第一款机型进行比较。新版本比原来的版本进行了一些改进,例如更好的光学传感器、额外的按钮和更多的RGB照明区域。它比它的前任更好吗?它可以为游戏玩家提供什么?阅读有关ASUS ROG Strix Impact II的评论,并了解:
华硕 ROG Strix Impact II(ASUS ROG Strix Impact II):适合谁?
ASUS ROG Strix Impact II 鼠标(ASUS ROG Strix Impact II mouse)非常适合:
- 想要快速准确鼠标(fast and accurate mouse)的游戏玩家
- 喜欢手指抓握(finger grip)且手不宽的人
- RGB 灯效和玩家国度(Republic of Gamers)品牌的粉丝
以下是华硕 ROG Strix Impact II(ASUS ROG Strix Impact II)的最佳之处:
- 它有一个快速准确的光学传感器,DPI为 6200
- 它配备高质量的可更换欧姆龙(Omron)开关,使用寿命长
- 它很轻,因此在MOBA 或射击游戏等快节奏游戏中表现出色(MOBAs or shooters)
- 它的左侧有两个额外的按钮
- 它具有三个经过深思熟虑的RGB照明区域,并且兼容Aura Sync
华硕 ROG Strix Impact II(ASUS ROG Strix Impact II)是一款不错的小鼠标,一切都做得很好。它快速准确,非常适合中小型手。我们喜欢使用它,发现它在英雄(Legends)联盟(League)等MOBA游戏中的表现非常出色。由于其良好的设计和性能(design and performance),也因为我们相信它的价格是公道的,我们向所有游戏玩家推荐华硕 ROG Strix Impact II(ASUS ROG Strix Impact II),除了那些手大的人,谁应该先尝试,然后再制作一项采购。
华硕 ROG Strix Impact II 游戏(ASUS ROG Strix Impact II gaming)鼠标拆箱
ASUS ROG Strix Impact II是ASUS以其Republic of Gamers品牌制造的鼠标,这意味着它是一款优质设备。因此,包装看起来很棒:盒子由硬化纸板制成,主要涂有ROG的红色和黑色,并带有鼠标的大光泽图片。
在盒子的背面,有关于其主要功能的详细信息,以及它的基本规格。当您打开包装盒时,您会得到您所期望的所有基本信息:鼠标、其用户手册和保修文档(warranty documentation)。
ASUS ROG Strix Impact II 的拆箱体验快速而直接。(The unboxing experience of the ASUS ROG Strix Impact II is fast and straightforward.)
最初的华硕 ROG Strix Impact(ASUS ROG Strix Impact)是一款出色的设备。因为华硕ROG Strix Impact II(ASUS ROG Strix Impact II)是它的后代,所以我们不得不将它与原版进行比较。华硕 ROG Strix Impact II是一款有线鼠标,通过最大(ASUS ROG Strix Impact II)DPI为 6200 的传感器使用光学跟踪。第一款Strix Impact配备了 5000 DPI 传感器(DPI sensor),因此这是一项重大改进。
此外,Strix Impact II拥有 4 级DPI 开关(DPI switch),而原版只有 2 级DPI 开关(DPI switch)。这意味着新的Strix Impact II在跟踪速度方面更具可定制性,允许您在四种不同的灵敏度设置之间动态切换。
原始版本和其后代之间的另一个主要变化是新的Strix Impact II带有两个侧按钮。第一个没有任何侧面按钮。同样重要的是要知道侧面按钮是完全可编程的,因此您可以为它们分配您希望的任何操作。
主要的左键和右键单击按钮是独立的,就像原始的Strix Impact一样,并且允许更灵敏的单击。他们的内置开关由欧姆龙(Omron)制造,额定寿命为 5000 万次点击,这是一个很长的时间。您可以在本指南中找到确切的时间:数百万次击键和点击的时间,以年为单位。顺便说一句,要到达开关,您必须取出四个橡胶脚并拧下它们下方的四个螺钉。
很高兴知道这些开关是可更换的,因此您可以根据需要与其他人交换它们。以下是与鼠标插座兼容的欧姆龙开关列表:(Omron)欧姆龙 D2F 系列 D2F(Omron D2F Series D2F)、D2F-F、D2F-01、D2F-01F和欧姆龙 D2FC 系列 D2FC-3M(Omron D2FC Series D2FC-3M)、D2FC-F-7N、D2FC-F- 7N(10M),D2FC-F-7N(20M)。第一款Strix Impact 鼠标(Strix Impact mouse)不允许您更换其开关。
华硕 ROG Strix Impact II(ASUS ROG Strix Impact II)上也有三个光区,并且兼容ASUS Aura Sync。鼠标背面有一个发光的Republic of Gamers标志,就像原来的Strix Impact一样,但它的滚轮(scroll wheel)上也有灯,左右按钮前面有两个大灯。
如果没有线缆,ROG Strix Impact II的重量为 79 克(2.78 盎司)。它比原来的ROG Strix Impact轻了 12 克,这是一件好事。至于它的尺寸,鼠标长 120 毫米(4.72 英寸),宽 62.5 毫米(2.46 英寸),高 39.5 毫米(1.55 英寸)。它的电缆被软橡胶覆盖,长度为 2 米(79 英寸)。
如果您想阅读其所有硬件规格,请访问:ASUS ROG Strix Impact II 规格(ASUS ROG Strix Impact II Specifications)。
ASUS ROG Strix Impact II 的硬件规格绝对是游戏鼠标的规格。它配备了高 DPI 光学传感器和适用于游戏世界的长效欧姆龙开关。(The hardware specs of the ASUS ROG Strix Impact II are definitely those of a gaming mouse. It comes with a high-DPI optical sensor and with long-lasting Omron switches that are appropriate for the gaming world.)
使用华硕 ROG Strix Impact II
华硕 ROG Strix Impact II 鼠标本质(ASUS ROG Strix Impact II mouse)上是一款游戏鼠标(gaming mouse)。但是,由于其重量轻,我们认为它最适合MOBA游戏和射击游戏。其 79 克的重量意味着可以轻松快速地将其移动到鼠标垫上(mouse pad),然后将其取下。此外,如果您希望能够快速将您的枪支切换到您的侧臂或在游戏中执行其他类似操作,那么两个额外的侧按钮是一个极好的和强制性的东西。
虽然不是大鼠标,但华硕 ROG Strix Impact II(ASUS ROG Strix Impact II)的造型也让人感觉设计的不错。与正面相比,背面有一个小凸起,这意味着您的手背应该舒适地坐在上面。然而,它的尺寸使其非常适合手指握持,因为只有在您的手小时才能实现手掌握持。
按左键和右键的感觉也不错,发出的声音就是你所说的硬朗清脆(firm and crisp)。就像我们喜欢机械键盘的声音一样,我们也喜欢点击时听到的声音,而这款鼠标就做到了这一点。但是,对于某些人来说,咔哒声可能过于金属和响亮,但如果您是游戏玩家,那是极不可能的。
然后是鼠标的设计:在我们看来,华硕 ROG Strix Impact II(ASUS ROG Strix Impact II)相当漂亮。RGB大灯和发光的滚轮始终(scroll wheel)可见,即使您使用鼠标也是如此,因为它们不会被您的手遮住。虽然鼠标背面的发光ROG 标志(ROG logo)只有在你不拿鼠标的时候才能看到,但透明的盖子很有趣。这个后盖没有你想象的那么磨砂:如果你仔细观察,它可以让你看到鼠标的内部运作,并且还让ROG发光的标志看起来有雾。
我们唯一不喜欢ASUS ROG Strix Impact II的是它的线缆。它覆盖着柔软的橡胶,感觉很(rubber and feels)脆。也许只是我们习惯了鼠标和键盘(mice and keyboards)的编织电缆。但是,我们相信许多游戏玩家会喜欢这款鼠标的线缆也是编织的。
至于我使用这款鼠标的实际游戏体验(gaming experience),我可以说它的表现非常好。目前,我只玩英雄(Legends)联盟(League)、地铁出埃及记(Metro Exodus)和英雄 VII(Heroes VII),三款截然不同的游戏。华硕 ROG Strix Impact II(ASUS ROG Strix Impact II)在所有这些方面都表现出色,提供出色的跟踪精度,即使我每天晚上玩大约四个小时,我的手也不会感到疲倦。
ASUS ROG Strix Impact II 是一款出色的游戏鼠标,应能满足游戏玩家的所有基本需求。光学传感器提供精确的跟踪,它有两个有用的侧面按钮,我们喜欢它坚固而清晰的左键和右键单击按钮。(The ASUS ROG Strix Impact II is an excellent gaming mouse that should satisfy all the basic needs of a gamer. The optical sensor offers precise tracking, it has two useful side buttons, and we loved its firm and crisp left and right-click buttons.)
为了能够自定义ASUS ROG Strix Impact II 游戏(ASUS ROG Strix Impact II gaming)鼠标,您必须从其官方支持页面安装(official support page)Armory II 软件(Armoury II software)。Armory II 应用程序(Armoury II app)可让您做所有可以用鼠标完成的事情。它的主要内容之一是它允许您创建配置文件来存储按钮的不同设置和配置。
关于鼠标的性能,Armory II(Armoury II)允许您设置四个级别的DPI ,您可以通过按下鼠标上的DPI 按钮(DPI button)在它们之间切换。它还允许您设置打开或关闭角度捕捉、选择轮询速率(polling rate)、选择按钮响应的速度以及调整鼠标光标(mouse cursor)的加速和减速(acceleration and deceleration)。
显然,由于鼠标具有 RGB 灯光并支持Aura Sync,Armory II 应用程序(Armoury II app)还包括灯光效果设置以及与其他支持 RGB 的设备的同步。
最后,您还可以使用Armory II(Armoury II)创建和存储宏动作并记录鼠标的点击和移动距离(travel distance)。然而,后者只能手动完成,这是一种耻辱,因为我们希望获得长时间的统计数据,而不仅仅是当我们故意记录我们的鼠标动作时。
华硕为 ROG Strix Impact II 游戏鼠标提供的 Armory II 软件具有游戏玩家想要的所有设置和自定义选项。此外,我们发现它运行良好:我们没有遇到任何错误,使用它也没有问题。(The Armoury II software that ASUS provides for the ROG Strix Impact II gaming mouse has all the settings and customization options that a gamer wants. Also, we found it to be working well: we encountered no bugs and had no issues using it.)
您对华硕 ROG Strix Impact II(ASUS ROG Strix Impact II)有何看法?
如您所知,我们喜欢ASUS ROG Strix Impact II 鼠标(ASUS ROG Strix Impact II mouse)。这是一款设计精良、性能卓越的好设备。你喜欢它?您会为自己购买还是为家人中的游戏玩家购买?在下面的评论部分告诉(Tell)我们您的想法。
Review ASUS ROG Strix Impact II: Lightweight, fast and accurate
A few years agо, we reviewed a small gaming mouse from ASUS called the ROG Strix Impact and found it to be a goоd device. Its descendant - ASUS ROG Strix Impact II - has recently been launched, so we decided to test it and compare it with the first model. The new version comes with a few improvements over the original, such aѕ a better optical sensor, additіоnal buttons, and more RGB lighting zones. Is it better than its predecessor? What dоes it have to offer tо gamers? Read this review about the ASUS ROG Strix Impact II, and find out:
ASUS ROG Strix Impact II: Who is it good for?
The ASUS ROG Strix Impact II mouse can be a perfect fit for:
- Gamers who want a fast and accurate mouse
- People who prefer the finger grip and don't have large hands
- Fans of RGB lighting and the Republic of Gamers brand
Pros and cons
Here are the best things about the ASUS ROG Strix Impact II:
- It has a fast and accurate optical sensor with a DPI of 6200
- It comes with high-quality replaceable Omron switches with a long lifespan
- It is light, so it does well in fast-paced games such as MOBAs or shooters
- It has two additional buttons on its left side
- It has three well-thought RGB lighting zone, and it is compatible with Aura Sync
There are some downsides, too:
- It might be too small for people with large hands
- It doesn't have a braided cable
The ASUS ROG Strix Impact II is a nice little mouse that does everything well. It is fast and accurate and fits perfectly in small and medium-sized hands. We liked using it and found its performance to be outstanding in MOBA games such as League of Legends. Because of its good design and performance, but also because we believe that its price is fair, we recommend the ASUS ROG Strix Impact II to all the gamers out there, except to those with large hands, who should try it first and only then make a purchase.
Unboxing the ASUS ROG Strix Impact II gaming mouse
The ASUS ROG Strix Impact II is a mouse made by ASUS under their Republic of Gamers brand, which means that it's a premium device. As such, the packaging looks great: the box is made of hardened cardboard, painted mostly in ROG's red and black colors and features a large glossy picture of the mouse.
On the backside of the box, there are details about its main features, as well as its essential specifications. When you open the box, you get all the basics you expect: the mouse, its user manual, and the warranty documentation.
The unboxing experience of the ASUS ROG Strix Impact II is fast and straightforward.
Hardware specifications
The original ASUS ROG Strix Impact was an excellent device. Because the ASUS ROG Strix Impact II is its descendant, we have to compare it to the original. The ASUS ROG Strix Impact II is a wired mouse that uses optical tracking via a sensor with a maximum DPI of 6200. The first Strix Impact came with a 5000 DPI sensor, so this is a significant improvement.
Furthermore, the Strix Impact II has a 4-level DPI switch, while the original only had a 2-level DPI switch. That means that the new Strix Impact II is more customizable in terms of tracking speed, allowing you to cycle between four different sensitivity settings, on-the-fly.
Another major change between the original and its descendant is that the new Strix Impact II comes with two side buttons. The first one had no side buttons whatsoever. It's also important to know that the side buttons are fully programmable, so you can assign them any action you wish.
The main left and right-click buttons are independent, just like on the original Strix Impact, and that allows for more responsive clicks. Their built-in switches are made by Omron and are rated to have a lifespan of 50-million clicks, which is a long time. You can find exactly how long, in this guide: How long are millions of keystrokes and clicks, in years. By the way, to get to the switches, you have to take out the four rubber feet and unscrew the four screws under them.
It's also good to know that the switches are replaceable, so you can swap them with others if you want. Here is the list of Omron switches that are compatible with the mouse's sockets: Omron D2F Series D2F, D2F-F, D2F-01, D2F-01F, and Omron D2FC Series D2FC-3M, D2FC-F-7N, D2FC-F-7N(10M), D2FC-F-7N(20M). The first Strix Impact mouse didn't let you replace its switches.
ASUS ROG Strix Impact II also has three lighting zones on it and is compatible with ASUS Aura Sync. There's one illuminated Republic of Gamers logo on the back of the mouse just like on the original Strix Impact, but it also has lights on the scroll wheel and two headlights at the front of the left and right-click buttons.
Without the cable, the ROG Strix Impact II weighs 79 grams (2,78 oz). It's 12 grams lighter than the original ROG Strix Impact, and that is a good thing. As for its size, the mouse is 120 mm (4.72 in) long, 62.5 mm (2.46 in) wide, and 39.5 mm (1.55 in) high. Its cable is covered in soft rubber and has a length of 2 meters (79 in).
If you want to read all its hardware specifications, visit: ASUS ROG Strix Impact II Specifications.
The hardware specs of the ASUS ROG Strix Impact II are definitely those of a gaming mouse. It comes with a high-DPI optical sensor and with long-lasting Omron switches that are appropriate for the gaming world.
Using the ASUS ROG Strix Impact II
The ASUS ROG Strix Impact II mouse is a gaming mouse by definition. However, because of its light weight, we believe that it is best suited for MOBA games and shooters. Its 79 grams weight means that it's easy and fast to move it on your mouse pad and lift it off it. Furthermore, the two additional side buttons are an excellent and mandatory thing to have if you want to be able to quickly switch your firearm to your sidearm or perform other similar actions in games.
Although it is not a large mouse, the shape of the ASUS ROG Strix Impact II also feels well designed. The rear side has a small bump compared to its front, and that means that the back of your hand should sit comfortably on it. However, the size makes it ideal for finger grips, as palm grips are only achievable if you have small hands.
Pressing on the left and right-click buttons also feels nice, and the sound they make is what you'd call firm and crisp. Just like we like the sound of mechanical keyboards, we also like to hear when we click, and this mouse delivers on that. However, for some people, the clicks might be too metallic and loud, but that's highly improbable if you are a gamer.
Then there is the design of the mouse: in our opinion, the ASUS ROG Strix Impact II is quite beautiful. The RGB headlights and the illuminated scroll wheel are visible all the time, even when you use the mouse, because they're not covered by your hand. Although the illuminated ROG logo on the back of the mouse is only visible when you're not holding the mouse in your hand, the see-through cover is interesting. This back cover is not as matte as you'd expect: it lets you see the inner workings of the mouse if you look closely and also gives the ROG illuminated logo a foggy appearance.
The only thing we do not like about the ASUS ROG Strix Impact II is its cable. It's covered in soft rubber and feels brittle. Maybe it's just us getting accustomed to braided cables for mice and keyboards. However, we do believe that many gamers would like it if the cable of this mouse was braided too.
As for the actual gaming experience I had with this mouse, I can say that it behaved very well. At the moment, I'm only playing League of Legends, Metro Exodus, and Heroes VII, three very different games. The ASUS ROG Strix Impact II worked great in all of them, offering excellent tracking precision, and I never felt that my hand was tired, even if I played for around four hours each evening.
The ASUS ROG Strix Impact II is an excellent gaming mouse that should satisfy all the basic needs of a gamer. The optical sensor offers precise tracking, it has two useful side buttons, and we loved its firm and crisp left and right-click buttons.
Drivers and software
To be able to customize the ASUS ROG Strix Impact II gaming mouse, you have to install the Armoury II software from its official support page. The Armoury II app lets you do everything that can be done with your mouse. One of the main things about it is that it allows you to create profiles that store different settings and configurations for the buttons.
Regarding the mouse's performance, Armoury II lets you set the four levels of DPI that you can switch between by pressing the DPI button on the mouse. It also allows you to set the angle snapping on or off, select the polling rate, choose how fast the buttons respond, and adjust the acceleration and deceleration of the mouse cursor.
Evidently, as the mouse has RGB lighting and supports Aura Sync, the Armoury II app also includes settings for the lighting effects and their synchronization with your other RGB-enabled devices.
Finally, you can also use Armoury II to create and store macro actions and record the clicks and travel distance of your mouse. The latter, however, can only be done manually, which is a shame because we would like to get statistics over long periods of time, not just when we deliberately record our mouse actions.
The Armoury II software that ASUS provides for the ROG Strix Impact II gaming mouse has all the settings and customization options that a gamer wants. Also, we found it to be working well: we encountered no bugs and had no issues using it.
What is your opinion about the ASUS ROG Strix Impact II?
As you know now, we liked the ASUS ROG Strix Impact II mouse. It's a good device with a well-thought design and excellent performance. Do you like it? Would you buy it for yourself or for the gamer in your family? Tell us what you think in the comments section below.