AMD显卡系列中最近新增的产品之一是Radeon RX 5500 XT GPU,该公司没有为此发布任何参考卡。不过,好消息是其他制造商,例如华硕(ASUS),已经发布了他们自己的Radeon 5500 XT 实现。在这篇评测中,我们将向您介绍华硕 ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500(ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500) XT 显卡,它可以做什么,以及它在游戏和基准测试中的表现。如果您对此感到好奇,请继续阅读:
华硕 ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500(ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500) XT:它适合谁?
ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT 是以下人士的绝佳选择:
- 想要一个可以在 1080p 分辨率下每秒推送 60 帧或更多帧的显卡
- 希望能够玩所有最新的游戏
- 不想花大价钱买新显卡
- 就像一个制作精良并具有出色冷却系统的显卡(cooling system)
关于华硕 ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500(ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500) XT 显卡,我们有很多好话要说:
- 它提供的性能非常适合 1080p 分辨率
- 冷却系统(cooling system)做得很棒,而且它也很安静
- 因为它具有双BIOS,您可以在超频模式或静音模式下使用它来进一步降低噪音
- 它有一个RGB 发光(RGB lit)区域,并且兼容ASUS Aura Sync
- 它的背板看起来不错,有助于散热,并保护卡不弯曲
- 它有一个合理的价格
我们喜欢测试ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT 显卡。我们认为这是一款好产品,因为它既快速又酷,而且价格不会让您掏空口袋。如果您想看到您最喜欢的游戏可以呈现的最佳视觉效果,并且您可以使用 1080p 分辨率进行游戏,那么这款显卡是您可以做出的最佳选择之一。我们向所有想要构建坚固的游戏 PC(gaming PC)而又不花钱的人推荐它。
华硕 ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500(ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500) XT拆箱
华硕 ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500(ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500) XT 显卡采用大盒子包装。在它的顶部,盒子展示了一张卡片的图片,以及它的名字和它的一些主要特性和规格。
如果将盒子倒置,您可以找到有关视频卡(video card)结构和规格的更多详细信息。
包装内有华硕 ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500(ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500) XT 显卡,随附ROG Velcro 魔术贴(ROG Velcro)和快速入门指南(start guide)。您没有任何软件和驱动程序媒体(software and drivers media)- 这些都可以从华硕的支持网站(ASUS' support site)下载。
您从华硕 ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT 显卡获得的拆箱体验非常简单,而且包装质量非常出色。(The unboxing experience you get from the ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT graphics card is straightforward, and the quality of the packaging is premium.)
华硕 ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500(ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500) XT 显卡背面有一块大保护板。与所有Republic of Gamers设备一样,它采用精美的设计,细线和大ROG 标志(ROG logo)。背板由金属制成,它有两个用途:保护卡不弯曲和帮助散热(heat dissipation)。
虽然AMD没有发布参考 Radeon RX 5500(reference Radeon RX 5500) XT 显卡,但当我们查看华硕(ASUS)选择安装在此GPU上的(GPU)冷却系统(cooling system) 时,我们会觉得它比AMD提供的效率要高得多。华硕 ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500(ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500) XT 显卡有两个轴流风扇。换句话说,风扇的轮毂很小,但叶片很大,通过产生压力差来产生气流。这些风扇不仅效率高,而且它们的旋转速度也比管道风扇慢,因此它们也更安静。
ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT 还支持ASUS的AURA Sync 技术(AURA Sync tech),这意味着它上面有 RGB LED灯,您可以根据需要自定义任何方式。然而,它的LED 灯(LEDs)并不多——只有一个游戏玩家(Gamers)共和国(Republic)的标志位于卡片的一侧,位于两个粉丝之间。
该显卡带有双BIOS:其固件可让您在 OC(超频(OverClock))模式或静音模式下(Silent mode)运行它。默认情况下,该卡在OC 模式下(OC mode)运行,但如果您希望噪音更小并且温度略高,您可以使用专用开关启用静音模式。(Silent mode)
在物理尺寸方面,华硕 ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500(ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500) XT 显卡相当大。它占用两个插槽,长 x 宽x 厚(x thick)11 x 5 x 2.3 英寸。以厘米为单位,即 28 x 12.7 x 5.8。
让我们看一下显卡的更多技术规格:华硕 ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500(ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500) XT 采用AMD的RDNA ( Navi ) 架构,采用 7 纳米制造工艺(manufacturing process)。设置为OC BIOS(超频)模式时,游戏时钟(game clock)为 1737 MHz,在boost 模式下(boost mode)可达到的最高频率为 1865 MHz。它还具有大量图形内存:8 GB GDDR6在128 位内存总线(memory bus)上以 14 Gbps的速度运行。虽然它适用于PCI Express 3.0还好,得益于其RDNA 架构(RDNA architecture),它还支持PCIe 4.0。至于API(APIs),该卡支持DirectX 12和OpenGL 4.6。
关于可用的显示输出,ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT 配备四个显示端口,最多可同时连接 4 台显示器:提供三个DisplayPort 1.4和一个HDMI 2.0b端口。您可以从中获得的最大分辨率为 7680 x 4320像素。
为了获得所需的所有电力,华硕 ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500(ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500) XT 只需要一个额外的 8 针电源连接器(power connector)。此外,由于它的电源需求(power demand)不是很大,华硕(ASUS)表示,一个 450瓦的电源(Watts power) 单元(supply unit)应该足以让这张卡在良好状态下使用。
华硕 ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT 是一款外观不错的显卡。更重要的是,它的硬件规格表明它应该能够在(The ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT is a graphics card that looks good. What's even more important, its hardware specs show that it should be able to run any game at excellent frame rates in)1080p 分辨率下以出色的帧速率运行任何游戏。让我们看看这是不是真的:(. Let's see if that's true:)
为了检查ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT 显卡提供的性能水平,我们玩了几款游戏并运行了一系列基准测试。这是我们用于测试此 GPU的硬件和软件:(hardware and software)
- 处理器:AMD Ryzen 7 3700X(8 核,16 线程,基本时钟 3600 (Base Clock 3600) MHz,最大加速时钟 4600 (Max Boost Clock 4600) MHz)
- 主板:华硕ROG Crosshair VIII Hero(ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero)(Wi-Fi)
- 内存:HyperX Predator DDR4 RGB(2 x 8 GB,3600 MHz)
- 存储:ADATA XPG Gammix S50 1 TB SSD(PCIe 4.0 x4)
- 显示器:华硕 ROG Strix XG32VQ 曲面电竞显示器(ASUS ROG Strix XG32VQ Curved Gaming Monitor)(32 英寸WQHD 2560 x(x 1440) 1440,144 Hz)
- 电源(Power Supply Unit):ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum
- 操作系统(Operating System):Windows 10 Pro x64,2019年 11 月(November 2019) 更新(Update)
- GPU驱动程序:AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 版版本 19.12.3(Edition Version 19.12.3)
为了更清楚地了解(clearer idea)华硕(ASUS)的Radeon RX 5500 XT有多快,我们还将其性能与华擎(ASRock)的Radeon RX 5700 XT 进行了比较。5700 XT 针对想要以 1440p 玩游戏的游戏玩家,而 5500 XT 针对 1080p。
我们首先使用World War Z(World War Z)测试显卡。使用Vulkan API 和 Ultra 图形质量设置(Vulkan API and Ultra graphics quality settings),在 2560 x 1440分辨率下,我们获得了最低 59 帧每秒 (fps),平均 fps 为 68,最高 fps 为 98。在 1920 x 1080像素分辨率下,最低 fps 为 96,平均 105,最高 144。如您所见,华硕(ASUS)的Radeon RX 5500 XT 可以在 1080p 和 1440p 中推动 60 fps 或更高,非常出色。
在使用DirectX 11的(DirectX 11)Star Control : Origins 中,我们使用最高的图形设置测量了每秒的帧数。当以 2560 x 1440(x 1440)像素的分辨率播放时,我们的最低 fps 为 50,平均为 75,最高 fps 为 97。在 1920 x 1080分辨率下,我们看到的最低 fps 值为 58,平均为 87 ,最高为 122 fps。尽管在 1440p 中,最低 fps 可以降至 60 以下,但在 1080p 中,最低帧数接近 60,并且平均值远高于该值。
在《战地风云(Battlefield V)5 》这个流行的游戏中,对硬件资源的要求也很高,我们使用了DirectX 12 API和Ultra 质量(Ultra quality)设置。当我们以 1440p 运行游戏时,最低 fps 为 21,平均 51,最高 70。切换到 1080p,最低 fps 为 58,平均 72,最高 99。与结果类似我们在之前的游戏中也看到过,5500 XT 在 1080p 方面表现出色。
《古墓丽影(Tomb Raider):暗影》拥有许多显卡难以渲染的一流视觉效果。对于这个,我们使用了DirectX 12、TAA(时间抗锯齿(Temporal Anti-Aliasing))和最高(Highest)的图形质量。在 2560 x 1440像素分辨率下运行时,我们测得的最低 fps 为 35,平均 43,最高 63。在 1920 x 1080分辨率下,我们看到最低 51 fps,平均 67,最高103。这些结果表明,华硕 ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500(ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500) XT 显卡可以运行该游戏,在 1080p 下提供出色的性能,如果降低图形质量,也可以在 1440p 下运行。
在汤姆克兰西(Tom Clancy)的全境封锁2(Division 2)中,使用DirectX 12和Ultra图形质量预设(quality preset),我们在 1440p 分辨率和 1080p 分辨率上获得了 39 fps 和 58 fps 的平均 fps。这再次证实了 5500 XT 显卡针对的是在 1080p 显示器上玩游戏的玩家,尽管如果降低游戏的图形质量,您也可以在 1440p 中获得出色的效果。
Metro Exodus对原始图形处理能力要求极高。使用DirectX 12、Ultra 视频(Ultra video)预设和 2560 x 1440像素的分辨率,我们只能获得最低 17 fps、平均 30 fps 和最高 43 帧/秒。在 1080p 中,我们有最少 19 个,平均 37 个,最多 58 个。这意味着,如果您想在配备ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT 显卡的 PC 上玩Metro Exodus ,您应该使用 1920 x 1080像素分辨率并将游戏设置为低或中等图形质量。
我们还在华硕 ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500(ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500) XT上玩了堡垒之夜。(Fortnite)我们使用了游戏的Epic视觉效果预设和DirectX 12。在 1440p 中,最低 fps 为 41,平均为 62,最高为 84。当我们使用 1920 x 1080像素分辨率时,游戏渲染最低 59 fps,平均 90 fps,最高 107帧率。我们可以得出的结论与我们测试的其他游戏相同:5500 XT 在 1080p 中表现非常好,但是在 1440p 中,如果您希望每秒帧数超过 60,则需要降低图形质量.
在Apex Legends中,使用最高的图形质量,GPU在 1440p 分辨率下渲染最低 42 fps,平均 62 fps,最高 77 fps。在 1920 x 1080分辨率下,我们最低为 67 fps,平均为 87 fps,最高为 113 fps。在这款游戏中,显卡在 1080p 下的速度远高于每秒 60 帧,在 1440p 下也表现出色。但是,如果您要使用 1440p,我们仍然建议您将图形质量降低到中等,以确保即使是最低的 fps 数也高于 60。
最后,我们还运行了一些来自 3DMark 和Unigine的游戏基准测试。在 3DMark 的Time Spy中,它在DirectX 12上运行,分辨率为 2560 x 1440像素,我们的得分为 5180 分。在Unigine SuperPosition中,在Extreme图形预设和 1080p 中,我们使用DirectX 11获得 2717 分,使用(DirectX 11)OpenGL获得 2107 分。
显卡(video card)消耗的电量也很重要。根据我们的测量,华硕 ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500(ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500) XT 显卡的功耗高达 127瓦(Watts)。这意味着华硕(ASUS)建议使用可提供至少 450瓦的(Watts)电源单元(power supply unit)是有效的。这也是想要构建价格合理的游戏计算机(gaming computer)的游戏玩家的小需求。
至于这款显卡产生的热量,我们发现华硕 ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500(ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500) XT 的温度不会超过 61摄氏度(Celsius)或 142华氏度(Fahrenheit)。这是一个相当低的价值,对于那些想要和喜欢静音计算机的人来说也是个好消息。
在运行所有这些游戏和基准测试后,看起来华硕 ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT 是一款出色的显卡,适合那些想要打造一款能够以每秒 60 帧运行任何游戏、使用 1080p 分辨率的经济实惠的游戏 PC 的用户。它也可以处理 1440p,但是根据您玩的游戏,您必须降低图形质量。(After running all these games and benchmarks, it looks like the ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT is an excellent graphics card for those who want to build an affordable gaming PC that can run any game at 60 frames per second, using the 1080p resolution. It can handle 1440p too but, depending on the game you play, you have to lower the graphics quality.)
除了AMD(AMD)为ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT 显卡发布的驱动程序之外,华硕(ASUS)还为我们提供了一个名为GPU Tweak的应用程序和一些其他工具,您可以从应用程序安装或(app or download)直接从支持网页(support web page)下载。
GPU Tweak是一款易于使用的应用程序,但它还提供高级设置,用于设置显卡的运行速度或静音程度。除了可让您控制诸如GPU时钟、内存或风扇速度之类的开关和滑块之外,GPU Tweak还可以让您监控重要方面,例如卡的温度、功耗或利用率(power draw or utilization)。
此外,您还可以下载并安装GPU-Z、XSplit、AURA和FurMark。GPU-Z向您展示显卡规格的详细信息;XSplit可帮助您流式传输和录制(stream and record)您玩的游戏;AURA是华硕(ASUS)的软件,可让您自定义和控制显卡上的(video card)RGB灯光效果;FurMark是一款专门用于对显卡进行基准测试的工具。
华硕提供的 GPU Tweak 应用程序既实用又易于使用,我们喜欢它。如果您想了解有关显卡的更多详细信息、需要运行快速基准测试或决定流式传输您的游戏玩法,您可以下载和安装的少数附加工具也可以派上用场。(The GPU Tweak app provided by ASUS is both practical and easy to use, and we like it. The few additional tools that you can download and install can also come in handy if you want even more details about your graphics card, need to run a quick benchmark, or decide to stream your gameplay.)
您对华硕 ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500(ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500) XT 有何看法?
现在您知道华硕 ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500(ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500) XT 显卡可以提供什么。它为 1080p 游戏提供出色的性能,而且价格实惠。在结束此评论之前,请告诉我们您对它的印象。你会买吗?在下面的评论部分分享(Share)您的意见。
ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT graphics card review
One оf the recent additions to AMD's linеup of video cаrds is thе Radeon RX 5500 XT GPU, for which the company didn't release any reference cards. The good news, though, is that other manufacturers, such aѕ ASUS, have already relеased their own implementations of thе Radeon 5500 XT. In this reνiew, we're going to tell you about the ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT graphics card, what it can do, and what its performance is in games and benchmаrkѕ. Should you be curіous аbout it, read on:
ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT: Who is it good for?
The ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT is an excellent choice for those who:
- Want a graphics card that can push 60 frames per second or more in 1080p resolutions
- Want to be able to play all the latest games
- Don't want to spend a fortune on a new graphics card
- Like a graphics card that's well built and has an excellent cooling system
Pros and cons
We have more than a few good things to say about the ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT graphics card:
- The performance it offers is excellent for the 1080p resolution
- The cooling system does an amazing job, and it's also silent
- Because it has Dual BIOS, you can either use it in overclocking mode or in silent mode to cut the noise even further
- It has an RGB lit zone, and it is compatible with ASUS Aura Sync
- Its backplate looks good, helps dissipate heat, and protects the card from bending
- It has a reasonable price
There's only one downside to this graphics card:
- It doesn't support ray tracing
We enjoyed testing the ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT graphics card. We think it is a good product because it's fast and cool, and it comes at a price that doesn't empty your pockets. If you want to see the best visuals that your favorite game can render, and you're OK with playing using the 1080p resolution, this graphics card is one of the best choices you can make. We recommend it to all of you who want to build a solid gaming PC without breaking the bank.
Unboxing the ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT
The ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT graphics card is packaged in a large box. On its top side, the box showcases a picture of the card, as well as its name and some of its main features and specs.
If you turn the box upside down, you can find more details about the construction and the specifications of the video card.
Inside the package, there's the ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT graphics card, accompanied by a ROG Velcro and a quick start guide. You don't get any software and drivers media - those are all available to download from ASUS' support site.
The unboxing experience you get from the ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT graphics card is straightforward, and the quality of the packaging is premium.
Design and hardware specifications
The ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT graphics card has a large protective plate on its back. As is the case for all the Republic of Gamers devices, it features a beautiful design with thin lines and a large ROG logo. The backplate is made of metal, and it serves two purposes: it protects the card from bending and helps with heat dissipation.
Although AMD did not release a reference Radeon RX 5500 XT graphics card, when we look at the cooling system ASUS chose to mount on this GPU, we get the feeling that it's much more efficient than what AMD would have provided. The ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT graphics card has two axial fans. In other words, the fans have small hubs but large blades and work by producing pressure differences to create airflow. These fans are not just efficient, but they can also spin at slower speeds than ducted fans, so they're also quieter.
The ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT also supports ASUS' AURA Sync tech, which means that it has RGB LED lights on it that you can customize any way you want. However, there are not many LEDs on it - just one Republic of Gamers logo found on the card's side, between the two fans.
The graphics card comes with Dual BIOS: its firmware lets you run it in OC (OverClock) mode or Silent mode. By default, the card runs in OC mode, but you can use the dedicated switch to enable the Silent mode if you'd rather have less noise and you're OK with slightly higher temperatures.
Regarding the physical dimensions, the ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT graphics card is fairly large. It occupies two slots and is 11 x 5 x 2.3 inches long x wide x thick. In centimeters, that's 28 x 12.7 x 5.8.
Let's take a look at the card's more technical specs: the ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT is built using AMD's RDNA (Navi) architecture, on a 7-nanometer manufacturing process. When set to OC BIOS (overclocking) mode, the game clock is 1737 MHz, and the highest frequency it can achieve in boost mode is 1865 MHz. It also has a large amount of graphics memory: 8 GB of GDDR6 running at 14 Gbps on a 128-bit memory bus. Although it works on PCI Express 3.0 just fine, it also supports PCIe 4.0 thanks to its RDNA architecture. As for the APIs, the card supports DirectX 12 and OpenGL 4.6.
Regarding the available display outputs, the ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT comes with four display ports and accepts a maximum of 4 displays to be simultaneously connected to it: there are three DisplayPort 1.4 and one HDMI 2.0b ports available. The maximum resolution you can get from it is 7680 x 4320 pixels.
To get all the electrical power it requires, the ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT needs only one additional 8-pin power connector. Furthermore, because its power demand is not so big, ASUS says that a 450 Watts power supply unit should be enough to use this card in good condition.
The ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT is a graphics card that looks good. What's even more important, its hardware specs show that it should be able to run any game at excellent frame rates in 1080p resolutions. Let's see if that's true:
Performance in games and benchmarks
To check the level of performance offered by ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT graphics card, we played several games and ran a series of benchmarks. This is the hardware and software that we used for testing this GPU:
To get a clearer idea of how fast ASUS' Radeon RX 5500 XT is, we also compared its performance to that of ASRock's Radeon RX 5700 XT. The 5700 XT targets gamers who want to play games in 1440p, while the 5500 XT targets 1080p.
We started by testing the graphics card with World War Z. Using Vulkan API and Ultra graphics quality settings, on the 2560 x 1440 resolution, we obtained a minimum of 59 frames per second (fps), an average fps of 68, and a maximum fps of 98. In 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution, the minimum fps was 96, the average 105, and the maximum 144. As you can see, ASUS' Radeon RX 5500 XT can push 60 fps or more, both in 1080p and 1440p, which is excellent.
In Star Control: Origins, which uses DirectX 11, we measured the number of frames per second using the highest graphics settings. When playing at a resolution of 2560 x 1440 pixels, we had a minimum fps of 50, an average of 75, and a maximum fps of 97. In 1920 x 1080 resolution, we saw a minimum fps value of 58, an average of 87, and a maximum of 122 fps. Although in 1440p, the minimum fps can drop below 60, in 1080p, the minimum number of frames is close to 60, and the average is well above that value.
In Battlefield V, which is a popular game but also one that's very demanding in terms of hardware resources, we used the DirectX 12 API and the Ultra quality settings. When we ran the game in 1440p, we had a minimum fps of 21, an average of 51, and a maximum of 70. Switching to 1080p, the minimum fps was 58, the average 72, and the maximum 99. Similarly to the results we saw in previous games, here too, the 5500 XT does an excellent job in 1080p.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider has top-notch visuals that many graphics cards struggle to render. For this one, we used DirectX 12, TAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing), and the Highest graphics quality. When running in 2560 x 1440 pixels resolution, we measured a minimum fps of 35, an average of 43, and a maximum of 63. In 1920 x 1080 resolution, we saw a minimum of 51 fps, an average of 67, and a maximum of 103. These results show that the ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT graphics card can run this game offering an excellent performance in 1080p, and, if you lower the graphics quality, also in 1440p.
In Tom Clancy's The Division 2, using DirectX 12 and the Ultra graphics quality preset, we obtained an average fps of 39 fps on the 1440p resolution and 58 fps on the 1080p resolution. This is another confirmation that the 5500 XT graphics card is targeted at gamers who play on 1080p monitors, although you can get excellent results in 1440p too, if you lower the graphics quality of the game.
Metro Exodus is extremely demanding in terms of raw graphics power. Using DirectX 12, the Ultra video preset, and a resolution of 2560 x 1440 pixels, we only got a minimum of 17 fps, an average of 30 fps, and a maximum of 43 frames per second. In 1080p, we had a minimum of 19, an average of 37, and a maximum of 58. This means that, if you want to play Metro Exodus on a PC equipped with an ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT graphics card, you should use the 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution and set the game on low or medium graphics quality.
We also played Fortnite on the ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT. We used the game's Epic visuals preset, and DirectX 12. In 1440p, the minimum fps was 41, the average was 62, and the maximum was 84. When we used the 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution, the game rendered a minimum of 59 fps, an average of 90 fps, and a maximum of 107 fps. The conclusion we can draw is the same as for the other games we tested: the 5500 XT performs very well in 1080p, but, in 1440p, you need to lower the graphics quality if you want a number of frames per second that goes above 60.
In Apex Legends, using the highest graphics quality, the GPU rendered a minimum of 42 fps, an average of 62 fps, and a maximum of 77 fps on the 1440p resolution. In 1920 x 1080 resolution, we had 67 fps minimum, 87 fps on average, and 113 fps maximum. In this game, the graphics card pushes well above 60 frames per second in 1080p and also performs well in 1440p. However, if you're going for 1440p, we would still recommend you lower the graphics quality to medium to make sure that even the lowest fps number is above 60.
Finally, we also ran a few gaming benchmarks from 3DMark and Unigine. In 3DMark's Time Spy, which runs on DirectX 12 and in 2560 x 1440 pixels resolution, we had a score of 5180 points. In Unigine SuperPosition, on the Extreme graphics preset and in 1080p, we got a score of 2717 points with DirectX 11 and 2107 points with OpenGL.
The power consumed by the video card is also important. According to our measurements, the ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT graphics card draws up to 127 Watts. That means that ASUS' recommendation to use a power supply unit that can deliver at least 450 Watts is valid. It's also a small demand from gamers who want to build an affordable gaming computer.
As for the heat produced by this graphics card, we found that the ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT doesn't get hotter than 61 degrees Celsius or 142 degrees Fahrenheit. It's a rather low value that is also good news for those who want and like silent computers.
After running all these games and benchmarks, it looks like the ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT is an excellent graphics card for those who want to build an affordable gaming PC that can run any game at 60 frames per second, using the 1080p resolution. It can handle 1440p too but, depending on the game you play, you have to lower the graphics quality.
Bundled software
On top of the drivers released by AMD for the ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT graphics card, ASUS provides us with an app called GPU Tweak and a few other tools that you can either install from the app or download directly from the support web page.
GPU Tweak is an app that's easy to use but which also offers advanced settings for how fast or how silent your graphics card runs. Besides switches and sliders that allow you to control things such as the GPU clocks, memory, or fans speed, GPU Tweak also lets you monitor vital aspects such as the temperature of the card, its power draw or utilization.
Additionally, you can also download and install GPU-Z, XSplit, AURA, and FurMark. GPU-Z shows you details about the specs of the graphics card; XSplit helps you stream and record the games you play; AURA is ASUS' software that lets you customize and control the RGB lighting effects on the video card; FurMark is a tool specialized for benchmarking the graphics card.
The GPU Tweak app provided by ASUS is both practical and easy to use, and we like it. The few additional tools that you can download and install can also come in handy if you want even more details about your graphics card, need to run a quick benchmark, or decide to stream your gameplay.
What's your opinion about the ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT?
Now you know what the ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 5500 XT graphics card can offer. It delivers excellent performance for 1080p gaming and does it at an affordable price. Before you close this review, tell us what's your impression of it. Would you buy it? Share your opinions in the comments section below.