华硕 ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe(ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe)是一款漂亮的游戏无键键盘(gaming tenkeyless keyboard)。它具有坚固的制造质量(build quality),时尚紧凑的设计意味着您可以轻松地将它带到局域网聚会中。其名称中的Deluxe 标签(Deluxe tag)不仅仅用于营销目的。这款键盘对细节的关注和价格标签(price tag)使其在拥挤的市场中脱颖而出。如果您想了解更多关于ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe及其提供的内容,请阅读我们的评论:
华硕 ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe(ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe):适合谁?
ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe 键盘(ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe keyboard)是以下设备的绝佳选择:
- 擅长FPS游戏并偏爱 Tenkeyless 键盘的游戏玩家
- 想要时尚便携键盘的用户
- 热爱Republic of Gamers品牌和RGB灯效的人
以下是华硕 ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe(ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe)的优点:
- 对于游戏玩家来说,这是一款出色的键盘
- 这是一款在桌面上占用空间小的无十键键盘
- 您可以在多种Cherry MX RGB开关之间进行选择:红色(Red)、蓝色(Blue)、黑色(Black)、棕色(Brown)、速度银色(Speed Silver)和静音红色(Silent Red)
- 它有 RGB 灯并支持华硕(ASUS)的Aura Sync
- 它由优质材料制成
- 左 Control 和 Shift 键(Left Control and Shift keys)很宽,在玩游戏时易于使用
- 它有一个Stealth 键(Stealth key)( F12 ),在某些情况下您可能会发现它非常有用
- 腕托(wrist rest)很舒适,并使用磁铁固定在键盘上
- 编织USB 电缆(USB cable)使用USB Type-C 连接器(USB Type-C connector)
- 它不提供 USB 直通
- 它的价格并不适合所有人
- 华硕(ASUS)提供的软件仍然落后于竞争对手
ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe是我们在 2019 年测试过的最好的游戏键盘之一。我们喜欢它的设计、优质的制造质量(build quality)以及您可以使用的Cherry MX开关类型的丰富选项。长时间打字时腕托(wrist rest)的舒适度也给我们留下了深刻的印象。如果您正在寻找一流的无键游戏键盘,并且钱对您来说不是问题,我们建议您购买ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe。
华硕 ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe(ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe)游戏键盘拆箱
ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe 键盘(ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe keyboard)是来自玩家国度家族的高级设备(Republic of Gamers)。它的包装看起来很棒。在盒子的顶部,您可以看到键盘的光泽图像,以及ROG 徽标(ROG logo)、键盘的全名和它的一些主要功能。
打开包装盒即可看到您所购买的商品:ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe 键盘(ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe keyboard)塞入保护套内、磁性腕托(wrist rest)、可拆卸的USB Type-A至Type-C 编织线(Type-C cable)和两个ROG贴纸。您还可以获得用户手册和保修文件。
正如您对高级游戏设备所期望的那样,拆箱体验非常出色。打开盒子就足以看到这个键盘配得上它的豪华名称。(The unboxing experience is outstanding, as you'd expect from a premium gaming device. It is enough to open the box to see that this keyboard deserves its Deluxe name.)
任何游戏键盘最重要的方面是它使用的按键开关类型。好消息是华硕 ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe(ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe)有很多选择。以下是您可以在此键盘上使用的开关:
- Cherry MX RGB Red -线性响应(linear response)、无咔嗒声、45g 的驱动力和 2 毫米的键行程距离(travel distance)(4 毫米到底部)
- Cherry MX RGB Brown - 线性触觉反馈,无点击,45g 的驱动力和 55g 的触觉力,以及 2 毫米的键行程距离(travel distance)来驱动(4 毫米到底部)
- Cherry MX RGB Blue - 强烈的触觉反馈、可听见的咔哒声、 50g 的驱动力(actuation force)和 60g 的触觉力,以及 2.2 毫米的键行程距离(travel distance)来驱动(4 毫米到底部)
- Cherry MX RGB Black -线性响应(linear response)、无咔嗒声、60g 的驱动力和 2 毫米的键行程距离(travel distance)(4 毫米到底部)
- Cherry MX RGB Speed Silver -线性响应(linear response)、无咔嗒声、45g 的驱动力和1.2 毫米的键行程距离(距底部 3.4 毫米)(travel distance)
- Cherry MX RGB Silent Red -线性响应(linear response)、无咔嗒声、45g 驱动力和1.9 毫米的键行程距离(距底部 3.7 毫米)(travel distance)
我们收到审查的华硕 ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe使用的是(ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe)Cherry MX Red开关,每个开关可以持续 5000 万次按压。这些开关非常适合喜欢玩快速动作游戏的人,但它们不是打字的最佳选择,因为按下它们时您不会得到任何反馈。但是,这仅适用于快速打字员,而我们不是。
该键盘还具有 N 键翻转防重影技术,因此即使您同时按下所有按键,它也可以准确记录您的所有按键。
ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe是一款无十键键盘,这意味着它没有数字键盘,但除此之外,它的尺寸是标准的。它的框架由铝制成,外观漂亮且重量轻,但机械开关增加了键盘的总重量,使其总重达到 860 克或 30.3 盎司。此外,腕托(wrist rest)增加了 170 克或 6 盎司。
为了连接到您的游戏 PC,ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe使用长度为 6.56 英尺(2 米)的可拆卸USB Type-A转Type-C编织线,即使您将计算机放在桌下也足够长。
ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe 键盘(ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe keyboard)宽 14.02 英寸(35.6 厘米),深 5.36 英寸(13.6 厘米),厚 1.58 英寸(4 厘米)。腕托(wrist rest)是另一个 14.02 x 2.96 x 0.83 英寸或 35.6 x 7.5 x 2.1 厘米。
就其支持的操作系统而言,华硕 ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe(ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe)游戏键盘正式适用于Windows 10,尽管您应该能够在Windows 8.1和Windows 7上使用它而不会出现问题。
如果您想了解更多有关其硬件规格和功能(hardware specs and features)的详细信息,请访问其官方网页:ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe。
使用华硕 ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe(ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe)游戏键盘
ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe是(ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe)华硕(ASUS)制造的另一款游戏键盘(gaming keyboard)的无十键版本,称为ASUS ROG Strix Scope。除了TKL Deluxe 键盘(TKL Deluxe keyboard)更小,由于右侧没有数字键,它与原始的Strix Scope相同。这是一件好事,因为当我们回顾Strix Scope时,我们发现它是一款出色的游戏键盘(gaming keyboard)。您可以在此处阅读更多相关信息:回顾华硕 ROG Strix Scope(Review ASUS ROG Strix Scope):年度最佳游戏键盘(gaming keyboard)之一!
总之,我们使用ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe的体验非常棒。键盘采用浮动键设计,这意味着您可以看到位于框架上的RGB开关。(RGB)它看起来既美观又简约,是许多游戏玩家喜欢的东西。
我们相信华硕 ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe(ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe)不仅非常适合FPS射击游戏爱好者,也适合任何想要不影响质量的时尚键盘的人。它的长度远小于标准键盘的长度。此外,它的边框也很小,在按键和键盘框架之间几乎没有空间。
就像它的大姐华硕 ROG Strix Scope(ASUS ROG Strix Scope)一样,TKL Deluxe的左侧配备了大号Control和Shift键。(Shift)如果您是游戏玩家,那是您想要的,因为在玩快节奏游戏时可以轻松快速地识别和按下它们。
在其顶部区域,一些功能键(function keys)兼作多媒体键。华硕决定首先将它们作为多媒体键使用,并且仅在您同时按下(ASUS)Fn 键(Fn key)时才用作 F 键。此外,最后一个功能键(function keys)F12用作隐形键(stealth key)。换句话说,如果你按下它,你电脑上的所有东西都会被最小化,声音也会被切断。这对于那些在工作中玩耍的人来说是完美的,而且不应该。🙂
我们喜欢ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe的另一件事是腕托。它由人造皮革制成,并(leather and attaches)以磁性方式固定在键盘上。虽然有些人可能不喜欢人造皮革(faux leather),因为他们认为它会让你的手出汗,但根据我们的经验,事实并非如此。即使您整天使用此键盘工作或玩耍,它也很柔软,让您的双手保持舒适。
我使用华硕 ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe(ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe)来写文章,以及玩一些游戏,包括《古墓丽影(Shadow)》、《地铁离去(Metro Exodus)》(Tomb Raider)和《英雄(Legends)联盟(League)》 。键盘在游戏中感觉很棒,打字体验也很好。但是,如果您要购买它首先是为了打字,其次是为了游戏,您可能想用Cherry MX Blue 或 Brown 开关(Cherry MX Blue or Brown switches)而不是我们测试过的红色开关来购买它。(Red)
ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe 是我们喜爱的顶级游戏键盘。(The ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe is a top-notch gaming keyboard that we've grown fond of.)
ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe 键盘(ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe keyboard)可以在 ASUS ROG Armory 2 软件的帮助下进行定制(ASUS ROG Armoury 2)。此应用程序允许您为键盘创建配置文件并更改照明模式,设置在(keyboard and change illumination patterns)游戏模式下(Gaming Mode)禁用哪些快捷键,记录和分配宏操作,与其他 Aura 兼容设备同步照明效果,还可以获得有关数量的统计信息击键。
您最多可以创建和使用五个配置文件,华硕 ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe(ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe)存储在其闪存芯片上(memory chip)。
关于统计数据,您可以看到Keystroke Per Minute,但您必须打开ROG Armory(ROG Armoury)并按下Record 按钮(Record button)。否则,软件不会开始记录统计数据,这是没有用的。
华硕 ROG Armory 2 软件足以进行个性化设置,并且在灯光效果方面做得非常出色。但是,它落后于竞争对手提供的服务。(The ASUS ROG Armoury 2 software is adequate for personalization and does an excellent job regarding lighting effects. However, it lags behind what the competition offers.)
你喜欢华硕 ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe(ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe)游戏键盘吗?
现在您知道我们对华硕 ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe(ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe)的感受了吧。我们非常喜欢它,我们确信绝大多数游戏玩家也喜欢它。如果您有什么要添加到我们的评论中,或者如果您有任何疑问,请不要犹豫,在下面写评论。
ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe review: One of the best tenkeyless keyboards!
ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe is a beautiful gaming tenkeyless keyboаrd. It has а solid build quality, and the sleek and compact design means that you can easily take it with you to LAN pаrtieѕ. Τhe Deluxe tag in its name is not there just for marketing purposes. Bоth the attention to detaіl and the price tag of this keyboard make it stand оut in a crowded market. If you want to know morе about ASUS ROG Strix Ѕcope TKL Deluxe and what it has to offer, read our review:
ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe: Who is it good for?
The ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe keyboard is an excellent choice for:
- Gamers who specialize in FPS games and prefer tenkeyless keyboards
- Users who want a sleek portable keyboard
- People who love the Republic of Gamers brand and RGB lighting
Pros and cons
Here are the positives about the ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe:
- It's an excellent keyboard for gamers
- It's a tenkeyless keyboard with a small footprint on your desk
- You can choose between a wide range of Cherry MX RGB switches: Red, Blue, Black, Brown, Speed Silver, and Silent Red
- It has RGB lights and supports ASUS' Aura Sync
- It's made of premium quality materials
- The Left Control and Shift keys are wide and easy to use while playing games
- It has a Stealth key (F12) that you might find quite useful in certain situations
- The wrist rest is comfortable and attaches to the keyboard using magnets
- The braided USB cable uses a USB Type-C connector
There are also a few less positive aspects about it:
- It doesn't offer USB passthrough
- Its price is not for everyone
- The software provided by ASUS still lags behind the competition
The ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe is one of the best gaming keyboards that we have tested in 2019. We love its design, the premium build quality, and the richness of options for the types of Cherry MX switches that you can get on it. We are also impressed by how comfortable the wrist rest is when typing for a long time. If what you're looking for is a top-notch tenkeyless gaming keyboard, and money is not an issue for you, we recommend that you buy the ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe.
Unboxing the ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe gaming keyboard
The ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe keyboard is a premium device from the Republic of Gamers family. Its packaging looks great. On the top side of the box, you can see a glossy image of the keyboard, together with the ROG logo, the keyboard's full name, and some of its main features.
On the back of the box, ASUS printed more details about the keyboard's specifications, as well as an illustration that showcases its main features.
Opening the box reveals what you've paid for: the ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe keyboard tucked inside a protective sleeve, its magnetic wrist rest, a detachable braided USB Type-A to Type-C cable, and two ROG stickers. You also get the user manual and the warranty documents.
The unboxing experience is outstanding, as you'd expect from a premium gaming device. It is enough to open the box to see that this keyboard deserves its Deluxe name.
Hardware specifications
The most important aspect of any gaming keyboard is the type of key switches it uses. The good news is that the ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe is available with a lot of options. Here are the switches that you can get on this keyboard:
- Cherry MX RGB Red - linear response, non-clicky, actuation force of 45g, and key travel distance of 2 mm to actuate (4 mm to bottom)
- Cherry MX RGB Brown - linear tactile feedback, non-clicky, actuation force of 45g and tactile force of 55g, and key travel distance of 2 mm to actuate (4 mm to bottom)
- Cherry MX RGB Blue - strong tactile feedback, audible click, actuation force of 50g and tactile force of 60g, and key travel distance of 2.2 mm to actuate (4 mm to bottom)
- Cherry MX RGB Black - linear response, non-clicky, actuation force of 60g, and key travel distance of 2 mm to actuate (4 mm to bottom)
- Cherry MX RGB Speed Silver - linear response, non-clicky, actuation force of 45g, and key travel distance of 1.2 mm to actuate (3.4 mm to bottom)
- Cherry MX RGB Silent Red - linear response, non-clicky, actuation force of 45g, and key travel distance of 1.9 mm to actuate (3.7 mm to bottom)
The ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe that we received for review was using Cherry MX Red switches, which can last for 50 million presses each. These switches are ideal for those who like to play fast-action games, but they're not the best for typing, because you do not get any feedback when pressing them. However, that applies only to fast typists, which we're not.
The keyboard also features N-key rollover anti-ghosting tech, so it can register all your keypresses accurately, even if you press them all simultaneously.
The ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe is a tenkeyless keyboard, which means that it has no numerical keypad but, otherwise, its size is standard. Its frame is made of aluminum which looks beautiful and is lightweight, but the mechanical switches add to the total weight of the keyboard, bringing it to a total of 860 grams or 30.3 ounces. Furthermore, the wrist rest adds another 170 grams or 6 ounces.
To connect to your gaming PC, the ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe uses a detachable USB Type-A to Type-C braided cable with a length of 6.56 feet (2 meters), long enough even if you keep your computer under your desk.
The ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe keyboard is 14.02 inches (35.6 cm) wide, 5.36 inches (13.6 cm) deep and 1.58 inches (4 cm) thick. The wrist rest is another 14.02 x 2.96 x 0.83 inches or 35.6 x 7.5 x 2.1 cm.
In terms of operating systems that it supports, the ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe gaming keyboard officially works with Windows 10, although you should be able to use it without issues with Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 too.
If you want more details about its hardware specs and features, visit its official webpage: ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe.
Using the ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe gaming keyboard
The ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe is the tenkeyless version of another gaming keyboard made by ASUS, called ASUS ROG Strix Scope. Except for the fact that the TKL Deluxe keyboard is smaller, thanks to the absence of the numeric keys on its right side, it is identical to the original Strix Scope. That's a good thing, because when we reviewed the Strix Scope, we found it to be an excellent gaming keyboard. You can read more about it, here: Review ASUS ROG Strix Scope: One of the best gaming keyboards of the year!
Our experience using the ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe was, in a word, premium. The keyboard features a floating key design, which means that you can see the RGB switches sitting on the frame. It looks beautiful and minimalist, and it's a thing that many gamers like.
The upper part of the keyboard's frame is made of aluminum, which gives you a sense of confidence regarding its robustness, but it also shows the craftsmanship of ASUS.
We believe that the ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe is a perfect fit not only for fans of FPS shooters, but also for anyone who desires a sleek keyboard that doesn't compromise on quality. Its length is much smaller than that of a standard keyboard. Furthermore, its bezels are also tiny, leaving almost no space between the keys and the keyboard's frame.
Just like its big sister, the ASUS ROG Strix Scope, the TKL Deluxe comes with large Control and Shift keys on its left. If you're a gamer, that is something you want, because it is easy and fast to identify and press them while playing fast paced games.
On its top area, some of the function keys double down as multimedia keys. ASUS decided to make them work as multimedia keys first, and only function as F keys when you also press the Fn key. Also, the last of the function keys, F12, acts as a stealth key. In other words, if you press it, everything on your computer is minimized and the sound is cut off. That's perfect for those who play at work, and shouldn't. 🙂
Another thing that we loved about the ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe is the wrist rest. It's made of faux leather and attaches magnetically to the keyboard. Although some people might not like the faux leather because they think it makes your hands sweat, in our experience, it doesn't. It is soft and keeps your hands comfortable even if you work or play using this keyboard for the entire day.
I used the ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe for writing articles, as well as for playing a few games, including Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Metro Exodus, and League of Legends. The keyboard felt great in games and the typing experience was good. However, if you're going to buy it for typing first, gaming second, you might want to buy it with Cherry MX Blue or Brown switches instead of the Red ones that we tested.
The ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe is a top-notch gaming keyboard that we've grown fond of.
Drivers and software
The ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe keyboard can be customized with the help of the ASUS ROG Armoury 2 software. This app allows you to create profiles for the keyboard and change illumination patterns, set which key shortcuts are disabled in Gaming Mode, record and assign macro actions, sync the lighting effects with other Aura-compatible devices, and also get statistics about the number of keystrokes.
You can create and use up to five profiles, which ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe stores on its flash memory chip.
Regarding the statistics, you can see the Keystroke Per Minute, but you have to open ROG Armoury and press the Record button for it. Otherwise, the software doesn't start recording statistics, which is not useful.
The ASUS ROG Armoury 2 software is adequate for personalization and does an excellent job regarding lighting effects. However, it lags behind what the competition offers.
Do you like the ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe gaming keyboard?
Now you know how we feel about the ASUS ROG Strix Scope TKL Deluxe. We like it a lot and we are sure that the vast majority of gamers like it too. If you have anything to add to our review, or if you have questions, don't hesitate to write a comment below.