我们收到了用于测试名为ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ的曲面游戏显示器。凭借 1 毫秒的响应时间,它被宣传为世界上响应速度最快的曲面显示器。不仅如此,它还具有高达 165Hz 的超频刷新率和Nvidia G-Sync支持。以合适的价格,它保证了身临其境的体验和流畅的游戏玩法,没有撕裂或卡顿。由于这是我们评测过的第一款游戏显示器,您可以想象我们看到它的实际效果有多好奇。阅读这篇评论,看看它是否给我们留下了深刻的印象:
华硕 ROG Swift PG27VQ(ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ):它适合谁?
ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ是以下设备的绝佳选择:
- 想要拥有快速响应时间的游戏显示器的游戏玩家;
- 喜欢曲面显示器和玩游戏的人,即使只是随便玩;
- 使用Nvidia(Nvidia)显卡玩游戏并希望G-Sync在他们的显示器上可用的游戏玩家;
- 玩家共和国(Republic of Gamers)品牌的粉丝并能够负担其品牌忠诚度的用户。
华硕 ROG Swift PG27VQ(ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ)有很多优点:
- 它提供高WQHD 1440p显示分辨率和 27 英寸对角线尺寸;
- 屏幕为曲面,此功能让游戏更加身临其境;
- 它支持高达165Hz的高刷新率;
- 响应时间快,仅1毫秒;
- 它支持Nvidia G-Sync技术
- 我们喜欢它的设计以及底部和背面的照明效果。
- 与其他规格相对相似的游戏显示器相比,它很昂贵;
- 它使用 TN(Twisted Nematic)面板,这意味着它的图像质量不如IPS或 VA 显示面板。
华硕 ROG Swift PG27VQ(ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ)是一款出色的游戏显示器,拥有众多王牌。我们喜欢它是弯曲的,它支持Nvidia G-Sync并且它的响应时间非常快,只有 1 毫秒。此外,我们认为WQHD 1440p显示分辨率和 27 英寸对角线尺寸是桌面显示器的最佳选择。我们希望我们可以用我们最好的“五颗星”标记来评价这款游戏显示器。但是,由于它的价格,我们不能这样做。我们认为,对于使用 TN 面板的显示器来说,它有点过于陡峭,即使它的性能比您通常从普通 TN 显示器获得的性能要好得多。但是,我们确实向所有有能力购买它的游戏玩家推荐它。他们希望获得愉快的用户体验。
华硕 ROG Swift PG27VQ 拆箱
华硕 ROG Swift PG27VQ(ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ)游戏显示器是一项重大技术,它的包装盒更大。盒子由厚厚的黑色纸板制成,在它的两侧,您可以看到里面的监视器的大图。不幸的是,我们收到的用于测试的样品是我们之前的其他人使用的,它的包装不是很好。
在包装盒内,显示器通过聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料支撑免受冲击。拆箱后,您会发现显示器、其支架(已安装在显示器上且不可拆卸)、显示器桌面底座、两个ROG徽标盖和三个空白盖(用于在桌面上投射光线)。还有几条电缆:一根HDMI、一根DisplayPort和一根USB电缆。您还可以获得电源、保修、支持 CD 和快速设置指南。
华硕 ROG Swift PG27VQ 拆箱是一种愉快的体验:包装很大,看起来不错,你需要的所有配件都捆绑在里面。(Unboxing the ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ is a pleasant experience: the package is large and looks good, and all the accessories you need are bundled inside.)
华硕 ROG Swift PG27VQ(ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ)拥有 27 英寸宽屏面板和 2560 x 1440 像素的WQHD分辨率(WQHD)。该面板使用了Twisted Nematic技术,有些人可能会认为这种技术已经过时了,但它最显着的优势是它可以提供快速的响应速度。因此,此监视器的响应时间仅为 1 毫秒。
屏幕表面磨砂,亮度为400 cd/m2,最大对比度为1000:1。虽然它使用的是 TN 面板,但可视角度很好:水平 170 度和垂直 160 度。幸运的是,面板的 1800R 曲率补偿了不太理想的视角。
华硕 ROG Swift PG27VQ(ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ)游戏显示器的刷新率可超频至 165Hz,显示器还支持NVIDIA G-SYNC技术,提供无撕裂和无卡顿的视觉效果。
对于灯光效果爱好者来说,华硕(ASUS)在这款显示器的背面和下方加入了环境照明。如果您还拥有其他支持ASUS Aura Sync的(ASUS Aura Sync)ROG设备或外围设备,您可以同步所有这些设备。
该显示器配备了游戏玩家所需的所有端口:一个HDMI、一个DisplayPort、一个 3.5 毫米耳机插孔、一个上游USB 3.0端口(用于连接计算机)和两个下游USB 3.0端口(用于连接USB等外围设备)记忆棒、键盘、鼠标等)。
华硕 ROG Swift PG27VQ(ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ)在屏幕亮度为 200 尼特,且显示器未连接音频或USB时,功耗低于 67.5瓦。(Watts)在省电模式或关闭时,它消耗小于 0.5瓦(Watts)。
显示器可以在 20 到 -5 度之间倾斜,它可以在 40 到 -40 度之间旋转,并且它的高度可以在 0 到 3.94 英寸(10 厘米)之间进行调整。至于其物理尺寸,显示器及其支架的宽度、高度和深度为 24.19 x (16.62~20.56) x 10.58 英寸,或 614.5 x (422.2~522.2) x 268.7 毫米。显示器加上支架的总重量为 18.65 磅或 8.46 公斤。
如果您想查看ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ的所有规格和功能,请访问此网站:ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ 规格(ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ Specifications)。
虽然华硕 ROG Swift PG27VQ 使用的面板采用了相当古老的 Twisted Nematic 技术,但这款显示器的硬件规格令人印象深刻。如果您喜欢曲面屏幕、灯光效果并且您的显卡支持 Nvidia G-Sync,那么这款游戏显示器的规格应该符合您的喜好。🙂(Although the panel used by the ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ uses Twisted Nematic technology, which is rather old tech, the hardware specifications of this monitor are impressive. If you love curved screens, lighting effects and your video card supports Nvidia G-Sync, the specs on this gaming monitor should be to your liking. 🙂)
使用华硕 ROG Swift PG27VQ
华硕 ROG Swift PG27VQ(ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ)从任何角度看都很华丽。屏幕的上部、左侧和右侧有一个薄边框,底部有一个较大的边框。如果你能负担得起两台甚至更好的三台显示器的价格,并排使用它们对任何游戏玩家来说都是一种真正的享受。纤薄的侧边框和屏幕的弧度使其成为多显示器设置的理想选择。
底部挡板比其他挡板大,但丝毫不令人不安,其设计线条指向位于中间的玩家共和国标志。(Republic of Gamers)
在显示器的背面,支架固定在屏幕上并牢固地固定在桌面支架上。它们的组合重量和支架的长腿确保显示器在您的桌面上非常稳定。在桌面支架下方,华硕(ASUS)插入了一个红色 LED,它通过透明塑料盖漫射其光线并将其图像投射到您的桌面上。这是大多数游戏玩家欣赏的好效果。
默认情况下,显示器带有两个带有共和国游戏(Republic of Gamers)标志的灯罩,但您还可以获得三个额外的空白罩,您可以在其上创建您的灯图案。我们喜欢这样的自定义选项,我们打赌大多数游戏玩家也喜欢。
屏幕才是最重要的,华硕 ROG Swift PG27VQ(ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ)也没有让人失望。虽然面板采用了 TN 技术,但画质远比我们在同类 TN 屏幕上看到的要好。当然,颜色和可见度与您从IPS面板获得的不匹配,但它们仍然很好。此外,屏幕的曲率对可见度也有很大帮助:如果您站在离它大约一臂远的地方,屏幕看起来几乎无可挑剔 - 没有任何图像失真或颜色伪影。
华硕 ROG Swift PG27VQ(ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ)的一些优势在于其 2560 x 1440 像素的WQHD高分辨率、165Hz 的最大刷新率、1 毫秒的响应时间以及对NVIDIA G-Sync技术的支持。在现实生活中,这些细节转化为身临其境的游戏玩法,游戏中没有模糊的图像,没有撕裂或口吃。这使得它特别适合喜欢玩英雄联盟(Legends)或(League)风暴英雄(Storm)等(Heroes)MOBA游戏(MOBAs)的玩家。在我们测试显示器的那一周,我们玩了好几个小时的英雄(Legends)联盟(League),我们必须承认这是一次愉快的经历。
不幸的是,要使用这款显示器享受最佳的游戏体验,您需要像Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080(Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080) Ti这样的高端显卡。但是,在此WQHD分辨率下玩游戏时,一切看起来都更好:即使是较旧的游戏或设置为较低视觉质量的要求苛刻的游戏。我们现在喜欢玩的游戏之一是刺客信条(Assassin)黑旗,它在(Creed Black Flag)华硕 ROG Swift PG27VQ(ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ)上看起来很可爱,即使它是一个旧游戏。
ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ 是一款出色的(The )显示器,几乎可以满足当今游戏玩家的所有需求。我们喜欢它的设计和灯光效果、屏幕曲率、高 WQHD 分辨率、Nvidia G-Sync 支持和超快响应时间。唯一不好的是它的价格略高,而且它使用的是 TN 面板。(ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ is an excellent monitor that has almost everything a gamer needs today. We love its design and lighting effects, the screen curvature, the high WQHD resolution, Nvidia G-Sync support and the ultra-fast response time. The only things that are not great about it are its slightly high price and the fact that it uses a TN panel.)
您对华硕 ROG Swift PG27VQ(ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ)有何看法?
我们喜欢华硕 ROG Swift PG27VQ(ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ)游戏显示器,我们相信它是任何台式游戏 PC 的绝佳补充。尽管它有一些缺点,但它仍然是我们见过的最好的游戏显示器之一。在这篇评论中,您阅读了我们对此的看法,现在我们也想阅读您的看法。在评论部分分享您对ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ游戏显示器的看法。
ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ review: Immersive gameplay and fast response
We received for testing a curved gaming monitor called ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ. With a 1ms response time, it is advertised as being the world's most responsive curved monitor. Not only that but it also features an overclockable refresh rate of up to 165Hz and Nvidia G-Sync support. For the right price, it promises an immersive experience and smooth gameplay, with no tearing or stuttering. As this was the first gaming monitor we have reviewed, you can imagine just how curious we were to see it in action. Read this review to see whether it impressed us or not:
ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ: Who is it good for?
The ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ is an excellent choice for:
- Gamers who want a gaming monitor that has a swift response time;
- People who enjoy curved monitors and also play games, even if only casually;
- Gamers who play using Nvidia graphics cards and want G-Sync to be available on their monitor;
- Users who are fans of the Republic of Gamers brand and can afford their brand loyalty.
Pros and cons
The ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ has more than a few good things about it:
- It offers a high WQHD 1440p display resolution and a 27-inch diagonal size;
- The screen is curved, and gameplay is more immersive due to this feature;
- It supports high refresh rates of up to 165Hz;
- The response time is fast, at only 1 millisecond;
- It supports Nvidia G-Sync technology
- We love its design and the lighting effects on its bottom and rear sides.
There are also a few drawbacks:
- It is expensive when compared to other gaming monitors with relatively similar specs;
- It uses a TN (Twisted Nematic) panel, and that means that its image quality is not as good as what you would get from an IPS or VA display panel.
The ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ is an excellent gaming monitor with many aces up its sleeve. We love the fact that it is curved, that it supports Nvidia G-Sync and that it has an amazingly fast response time of only 1 millisecond. Also, we believe that the WQHD 1440p display resolution and 27-inch diagonal size is the best choice for a desktop display. We wish we could rate this gaming monitor with our best "five stars" mark. However, we cannot do that because of its price. We believe that it is a bit too steep for a display that uses a TN panel, even if its performance is a lot better than what you usually get from an average TN monitor. However, we do recommend it to all the gamers who can afford to buy it. They are in for a pleasant user experience.
Unboxing the ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ
The ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ gaming monitor is a big piece of technology, and the box in which it arrives is even bigger. The box is made from thick black cardboard and on both its sides, you can see a large picture of the monitor inside. Unfortunately, the sample that we received for testing was used by others before us, and its packaging was not in great shape.
Inside the box, the monitor is protected from shocks by styrofoam support. When you unbox everything, you find the monitor, its support (which is already mounted on the monitor and is not detachable), the monitor desk base, two ROG logo covers and three blank ones (used for projecting light on your desktop surface). There are also several cables: one HDMI, one DisplayPort, and one USB cable. You also get the power supply, the warranty, a support CD, and the quick setup guide.
Unboxing the ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ is a pleasant experience: the package is large and looks good, and all the accessories you need are bundled inside.
Hardware specifications
The ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ has a 27-inch widescreen panel and a WQHD resolution of 2560 x 1440 pixels. The panel uses Twisted Nematic technology which some people might argue that is old, but its most significant advantage is that it can offer fast response rates. As a result, this monitor has a response time of only 1 milliseconds.
The screen's surface is matte, its brightness is 400 cd/m2, and the maximum contrast ratio is of 1000:1. Although it uses a TN panel, the viewing angles are good: 170 degrees horizontally and 160 degrees vertically. Luckily, the less ideal viewing angles are compensated by the 1800R curvature of the panel.
The refresh rate of the ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ gaming monitor can be overclocked up to 165Hz, and the monitor also has support for NVIDIA G-SYNC technology, which offers no-tearing and no-stuttering visuals.
For the lighting effects lovers, ASUS included ambient lighting on this monitor's back and under it. If you also own other ROG devices or peripherals with support for ASUS Aura Sync, you can synchronize all of them.
The monitor comes with all the ports a gamer needs: one HDMI, one DisplayPort, one 3.5mm headphone jack, one upstream USB 3.0 port (used to connect to the computer) and two downstream USB 3.0 ports (used to connect peripherals such as USB memory sticks, keyboards, mice and so on).
The ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ has a power consumption of less than 67.5 Watts when the screen brightness is 200 nits, and no audio or USB is connected to the monitor. In power saving mode or when it is off, it consumes less than 0.5 Watts.
The monitor can tilt between 20 and -5 degrees, it can swivel between 40 and -40 degrees, and its height can be adjusted between 0 and 3.94 inches (10 centimeters). As for its physical dimensions, the monitor and its stand have a width, height, and depth of 24.19 x (16.62~20.56) x 10.58 inches, or 614.5 x (422.2~522.2) x 268.7 millimeters. The total weight of the monitor plus its stand is 18.65 pounds or 8.46 kilograms.
If you want to see all the specifications and features for the ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ, visit this website: ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ Specifications.
Although the panel used by the ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ uses Twisted Nematic technology, which is rather old tech, the hardware specifications of this monitor are impressive. If you love curved screens, lighting effects and your video card supports Nvidia G-Sync, the specs on this gaming monitor should be to your liking. 🙂
Using the ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ
The ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ looks gorgeous from any side you are looking at it. A thin bezel surrounds the screen on its upper, left and right sides, and a larger one at the bottom. If you can afford the price of two or even better, three monitors, using them side-by-side should be a real treat for any gamer. The thin side bezels and the curvature of the screen make it ideal for a multi-monitor setup.
The bottom bezel is larger than the others, but it is not disturbing in any way, and its design lines point to the Republic of Gamers logo that sits in the middle.
On the back of the monitor, the mount is fixed on the screen and sits firmly in the desk stand. Their combined weight and long legs of the stand assure you that the monitor is very stable on your desk. Underneath the desk support, ASUS inserted a red LED that diffuses its light through a transparent plastic cover and projects its image on your desk. It is a nice effect that most gamers appreciate.
By default, the monitor comes with two such light covers that feature the Republic of Gamers logo, but you also get three additional blank covers, on which you can create your light pattern. We love such customization options, and we bet most gamers do too.
When we turned this monitor on, even before we got to the screen, we noticed that it also has lights on its back. Around the point where the support leg holds the monitor, ASUS designed a sort of triangle shape with ventilation areas but also with LEDs inside. They are RGB and can be set to light up in any color you want, using all sorts of effects. If you invite someone to see your gaming den and lights are out, this is going to wow them!
Under the lights area from the back, there is a detachable plastic panel that covers all the connection ports. What is nice is the fact that you can drag all the cables throughout the support leg and hide them behind the monitor, so they do not spread ugly on your desk.
The screen is what matters most, and the ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ does not disappoint. Although the panel is using TN technology, the image quality is far better than what we saw on similar TN screens. Sure, the colors and the visibility are no match to what you get from an IPS panel, but they are good nonetheless. Also, the curvature of the screen helps a lot regarding visibility: if you stand at approximately an arm's length from it, the screen looks almost impeccable - there are no image distortions or color artifacts whatsoever.
Some of the strongest points of the ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ are its high 2560 x 1440 pixels WQHD resolution, its 165Hz maximum refresh rate, 1 millisecond response time, and the support for NVIDIA G-Sync technology. In real life, these details translate into immersive gameplay, no blurry images in games, no tearing or stuttering. That makes it especially suitable for gamers who like to play MOBAs like League of Legends or Heroes of the Storm. During the week in which we had the monitor to test, we played quite a few hours of League of Legends, and we must admit that it was a delightful experience.
Unfortunately, to enjoy the best in-game experience using this monitor, you would need a high-end video card like a Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti. However, when playing on this WQHD resolution, everything looks better: even older games or demanding games that are set to lower visual quality. One of the games that we enjoy playing now is Assassin's Creed Black Flag, which looks lovely on the ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ, even if it is an old title.
The ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ is an excellent monitor that has almost everything a gamer needs today. We love its design and lighting effects, the screen curvature, the high WQHD resolution, Nvidia G-Sync support and the ultra-fast response time. The only things that are not great about it are its slightly high price and the fact that it uses a TN panel.
What is your opinion about the ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ?
We like the ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ gaming monitor, and we believe it is an excellent addition to any desktop gaming PC. Although it has a few shortcomings, it is still one of the best gaming monitors we have seen. In this review, you read our opinion about it, and now we would like to read yours too. Share your thoughts about the ASUS ROG Swift PG27VQ gaming monitor, in the comments section.