Wi-Fi 6 或 802.11ax 无线网络标准正慢慢在消费类WiFi产品市场上站稳脚跟。我们推出了一些支持这项技术的高级无线(premium wireless)路由器,现在我们看到了第一个带有 Wi-Fi 6的网状WiFi系统。(WiFi)华硕 RT-AX92U(ASUS RT-AX92U)是一个有趣的套件,它结合了华硕无线(ASUS wireless)路由器的优点和网状网络WiFi 技术(WiFi technology),以及新的 Wi-Fi 6 网络标准。看看你从华硕 RT-AX92U(ASUS RT-AX92U)得到了什么,在这篇评论中:
华硕 RT-AX92U:它对谁有好处?
此AiMesh WiFi 系统(AiMesh WiFi system)是以下方面的绝佳选择:
Buy now
- 想要投资Wi-Fi 6 标准并计划(standard and plan)购买支持该标准的设备的用户
- 希望为其智能家居设备提供最佳安全性并在其网络中拥有许多不同设备的用户
- 想要一个可以远程控制网络的高级移动应用程序的人
- 想要扩展网络的华硕无线(ASUS wireless)路由器的所有者
- 需要提供完全控制的高级固件的知识渊博的用户
- 希望通过IFTT(如果这样,那么那样)从他们的网络获得任务自动化服务的人(task automation)
- 想要使用Alexa 语音(Alexa voice)助手控制家庭网络的用户(home network)
华硕 RT-AX92U AiMesh WiFi 系统(ASUS RT-AX92U AiMesh WiFi system)有以下优点:
- 它支持新的 Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) 标准
- 极好的速度
- (Advanced firmware)具有大量功能和设置的高级固件
- 可以从移动应用程序远程控制
- 它有两个USB端口:USB 3.0和USB 2.0
- 大量以太网(Ethernet)端口(每个站四个)
- 它提供LAN 端口聚合和 WAN 端口聚合(LAN port aggregation and WAN port aggregation)
- 出色的安全功能可保护您的智能家居
- 强大的(Great)多语言支持和易于访问的帮助文档(Help documentation)
- 它适用于其他支持AiMesh的(AiMesh)华硕网络设备(ASUS networking)
- 固件更新应立即安装在整个系统上,而不是单独安装在每个站点上
- 为了获得最佳体验,您必须将固件升级到较新版本
- 如果您有带英特尔无线(Intel wireless)适配器的笔记本电脑和设备,则必须更新网卡(network card)的驱动程序
与其他网状WiFi系统(WiFi system)相比,华硕RT-AX92U(ASUS RT-AX92U)明显脱颖而出:它拥有强大的硬件,它有四个以太网(Ethernet)端口,而其他系统有两个,它有两个USB端口,而其他系统则没有。此外,用于远程控制它的移动应用程序包括许多工具和配置选项。它还脱颖而出,因为它是同类产品中第一个支持新的Wi-Fi 6标准。如果您想投资Wi-Fi 6,并且想要钱可以买到的最快的网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system),华硕 RT-AX92U(ASUS RT-AX92U)是您应该考虑的解决方案。
华硕 RT-AX92U AiMesh Wi-Fi 系统(ASUS RT-AX92U AiMesh Wi-Fi system)拆箱
ASUS RT- AX92U AX6100 AiMesh Wi-Fi 系统装(ASUS RT-AX92U AX6100 AiMesh Wi-Fi system)在一个黑盒子里,里面有组成该套件的两个设备的图片,以及它最重要的特性列表。在背面和侧面,您可以找到有关您刚购买的产品的更多信息。
在所有包装下,您会发现以下元素:套件中的两个站、它们的电源适配器、快速入门指南(start guide)、保修、使用 Wi-Fi 6 标准时应牢记的兼容性方面的传单,以及与华硕 RT-AX92U(ASUS RT-AX92U)捆绑的游戏玩家使用WTFast VPN 服务的(WTFast VPN service)用户指南(user guide)。
华硕 RT-AX92U AiMesh WiFi 系统提供的拆箱体验快速而愉快。在包装盒内,您可以找到入门所需的一切。(The unboxing experience offered by the ASUS RT-AX92U AiMesh WiFi system is quick, and pleasant. Inside the box you find everything you need to get started.)
华硕 RT-AX92U(ASUS RT-AX92U)是一款三频网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system),采用华硕(ASUS)专有的AiMesh 技术(AiMesh technology)。这意味着您可以将此套件与其他华硕无线(ASUS wireless)路由器和网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system)结合使用。其总理论带宽划分如下:如果您使用的是新的 Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax),则 2.4 GHz 频段为 400 (GHz band)Mbps,第一个 5 GHz 频段为 867 Mbps,第二(GHz band)个5(Mbps) GHz频段(GHz band)为4804 Mbps标准。但是,如果您不使用 Wi-Fi 6 无线标准,则第二个 5 GHz 频段的理论带宽(GHz band)从 4804 Mbps降低到 867 Mbps。
另一个重要方面是两个 5 GHz频段中的一个用作回程,这意味着它仅供 AiMesh(AiMesh)中的站点用于相互通信,并尽可能快地交换数据。因此,您只能使用三个无线频段中的两个来连接您的网络设备。如下图所示,该套件中的每个站点都有四个外部天线。它们不可拆卸,但可伸缩。还有两个内部天线。每个站的顶部,都有通风网格,还有华硕的标志(ASUS logo)。
在每个站点的背面,您可以找到一个WAN 端口(WAN port)、四个工作速度为 1 Gbps的以太网端口、电源(Power)按钮和重置(Reset)插孔。一项有用的功能是华硕 RT-AX92U(ASUS RT-AX92U)提供端口聚合。因此,您可以使用LAN 端口(LAN port)聚合并将NAS(网络连接系统(Network Attached System))连接到网络,或者如果您的互联网提供商(internet provider)支持此功能,您可以使用WAN 聚合(WAN aggregation)并享受高达 2 Gbps的(Gbps)互联网连接。(internet connection)
在ASUS RT-AX92U的正面有几个LED 指示灯(LEDs),用于显示以下状态:互联网连接(internet connection)、三个可用频段的WiFi 、以太网(Ethernet)连接和电源。LED(LEDs)小巧、隐蔽且不烦人,即使在夜间也不例外。如果您不喜欢它们,可以从固件中将其关闭。
在一侧,您可以找到一个USB 3.0端口和另一个USB 2.0端口,以及用于WPS 功能(WPS function)的按钮。
每个华硕 RT-AX92U(ASUS RT-AX92U)的底部都有两个用于将其安装在墙壁上的孔,一个带有产品信息的贴纸,以及有助于冷却内部硬件的更多通风网格:双核Broadcom BCM4906 处理器(Broadcom BCM4906 processor),运行频率为 1.8 GHz,具有 512 MB 的RAM和 256 MB 的存储空间(storage space),用于存储固件和您安装的应用程序。一个有趣的功能是华硕 RT-AX92U(ASUS RT-AX92U)为回程提供 4x4 MU-MIMO 传输,专门在AiMesh中的节点之间传输数据,并为网络客户端提供 2x2 MU-MIMO。
每个华硕 RT-AX92U(ASUS RT-AX92U)的尺寸如下:15.5 x 15.5 x 5.26 英寸或 39.4 x 39.4 x 13.3 厘米宽x 深(x depth) x 高(x height)。它还重 651 克或 22.9 盎司。
如果您想详细了解这款AiMesh WiFi 系统(AiMesh WiFi system)的官方规格,请访问此页面:ASUS RT-AX92U AiMesh AX6100 WiFi 系统规格(ASUS RT-AX92U AiMesh AX6100 WiFi system Specifications)。
设置和使用ASUS RT-AX92U AiMesh Wi-Fi 系统(ASUS RT-AX92U AiMesh Wi-Fi system)
您可以从适用于iOS 和 Android(iOS and Android)的ASUS Router移动应用程序或PC 上的网络浏览器(web browser)设置ASUS RT-AX92U AiMesh WiFi 系统。(ASUS RT-AX92U AiMesh WiFi system)我们走的是浏览器路线(browser route),所涉及的步骤非常标准:您提供互联网连接(internet connection)的详细信息,输入此AiMesh 系统(AiMesh system)广播的无线网络的(wireless network broadcast)名称和密码(name and password),输入用于管理套件的用户名和密码(username and password),以及然后将第二个节点添加到系统中。
完成快速设置向导(setup wizard)后,您可以访问管理用户界面(administration user interface),并详细配置一切工作方式。使用AiMesh,您可以像配置无线路由器一样配置网状系统(mesh system),而不是两个网状WiFi设备。这对于欣赏华硕(ASUS)固件提供的完整控制的高级用户来说是一个积极的方面。
华硕 RT-AX92U(ASUS RT-AX92U)的用户界面(user interface)友好且易于使用。所有设置都按逻辑组织,易于查找。此外,如果您是高级用户,您将欣赏您获得的完全控制权。
用户文档(user documentation)易于访问且构建良好。一个巧妙的技巧(neat trick)是将鼠标光标移动(mouse cursor)到您不理解的设置上,并显示一个问号(question mark)。单击(Click)问号(question mark),您将看到解释该设置的信息。一个缺点是文档尚未更新以包含有关华硕(ASUS)在其固件中包含的最新功能的信息。因此(Therefore),对于一些设置,这个技巧不起作用。
该固件提供 25 种语言版本,这是您在其他品牌的网状系统上不常见的内容。华硕(ASUS)一直在这方面脱颖而出,在其固件中提供出色的多语言支持。
如果您想通过智能手机或平板电脑控制您的(smartphone or tablet)无线网络(wireless network),包括当您不在家时,您可以使用华硕路由器应用程序(ASUS router app)。它提供了许多高级自定义选项,包括检查孩子设备的能力,以及为家长控制设置规则的能力。当您的家人遇到WiFi问题而您不在家时,远程网络诊断也很有用。
关于固件 - 我们注意到华硕 RT-AX92U(ASUS RT-AX92U)附带的初始版本往往是错误和不稳定的。我们经历了随机断开连接,并且WiFi并不总是稳定和快速。幸运的是,我们升级到了最新的固件版本,情况有了很大改善。然而,我们也发现了固件升级过程的一个缺点:固件更新是针对AiMesh中的每个设备单独处理的,这对于没有太多技术知识的家庭用户来说可能是一项复杂的任务。华硕(ASUS)应该简化固件更新,以便对整个网状系统(mesh system)进行全局处理,而不是单独处理。
我们将十几台设备连接到由华硕RT-AX92U(ASUS RT-AX92U)管理的网络,包括两台台式电脑、一台笔记本电脑、一台平板电脑、几部智能手机、一台无线打印机(wireless printer)、两个智能插头、一个智能灯泡(smart bulb)、一个智能机器人(robot vacuum)吸尘器和Xbox One(Xbox One)控制台。然后,我们开始共享数据并进行数据传输。我们在公寓里到处都享受着快速的WiFi 。然而,在进行详细测量时,我们注意到了相当多的可变性。这是华硕(ASUS)未来(future firmware)应该改进固件的地方,以便WiFi传输具有更稳定的吞吐量。为了更好地理解这个主题,请看下面的换乘,它是在与主站一墙之隔的房间里制作的。如果传输更稳定,平均速度会更高。
如果您想了解更多关于华硕 RT-AX92U(ASUS RT-AX92U)提供的真实性能,包括与竞争网状 Wi-Fi 系统的比较,请转到本评论的下一页。
ASUS RT-AX92U review: the first AiMesh WiFi system with Wi-Fi 6!
The Wi-Fi 6 or 802.11ax wirelesѕ networking standard is slowly gaining a foothold on the market of consumer WiFi products. Wе had a few premium wireless routers launched with ѕupport for this technology, and now we are seeing the first meѕh WiFi systems with Wi-Fi 6. ASUS RT-AX92U is an interesting kit, that combines the best of ASUS wireless routers with the meѕh WiFi technology, and the new Wi-Fi 6 networking standard. See whаt you get from the ASUS RT-AX92U, in this review:
ASUS RT-AX92U: Who is it good for?
This AiMesh WiFi system is a great choice for:
See price on:
Buy now
- People who want to invest in the Wi-Fi 6 standard and plan to buy devices with support for it
- Users who want the best security for their smart home devices and have many diverse devices in their network
- People who desire an advanced mobile app from which they can remote control their network
- Owners of ASUS wireless routers who want to extend their network
- Knowledgeable users who want advanced firmware that offers complete control
- People who want task automation services from their network, through IFTT (If This, Then That)
- Users who want to control their home network using the Alexa voice assistant
Pros and cons
The ASUS RT-AX92U AiMesh WiFi system has the following positives:
- It has support for the new Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) standard
- Excellent speed
- Advanced firmware with tons of features and settings
- Can be remote controlled from a mobile app
- It has two USB ports: USB 3.0 and USB 2.0
- Plenty of Ethernet ports (four on each station)
- It offers LAN port aggregation and WAN port aggregation
- Excellent security features that secure your smart home
- Great multilingual support and easily accessible Help documentation
- It works with other ASUS networking devices that support AiMesh
There are also negatives to consider:
- The firmware updates should be installed on the entire system at once, not on each station individually
- To get the best experience, you must upgrade the firmware to newer versions
- If you have laptops and devices with Intel wireless adapters, you must update the drivers for the network card(s)
When you compare it with other mesh WiFi systems, ASUS RT-AX92U clearly stands out: it has powerful hardware, it has four Ethernet ports while other systems have two, and it has two USB ports while other systems have none. Also, the mobile app used to remote control it includes many tools and configuration options. It also stands out because it is the first of its kind to support the new Wi-Fi 6 standard. If you want to invest in Wi-Fi 6, and you want the fastest mesh WiFi system that money can buy, ASUS RT-AX92U is a solution that you should take into consideration.
Unboxing the ASUS RT-AX92U AiMesh Wi-Fi system
The ASUS RT-AX92U AX6100 AiMesh Wi-Fi system comes in a black box with a picture of the two devices that make up the kit, and a list of its most important characteristics. On the back and on the sides you find further information about the product you just bought.
When you open the box, you immediately see the two devices that make up the kit.
Beneath all the packaging, you find the following elements: the two stations in the kit, their power adapters, the quick start guide, the warranty, a leaflet with compatibility aspects that you should keep in mind when using the Wi-Fi 6 standard, and the user guide for using the WTFast VPN service for gamers that is bundled with ASUS RT-AX92U.
The unboxing experience offered by the ASUS RT-AX92U AiMesh WiFi system is quick, and pleasant. Inside the box you find everything you need to get started.
Hardware specifications and design
ASUS RT-AX92U is a tri-band mesh WiFi system that uses ASUS's proprietary AiMesh technology. This means that you can use this kit in conjunction with other ASUS wireless routers and mesh WiFi systems. Its total theoretical bandwidth is split as follows: 400 Mbps for the 2.4 GHz band, 867 Mbps for the first 5 GHz band, and 4804 Mbps for the second 5 GHz band, if you are using the new Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) standard. However, if you are not using the Wi-Fi 6 wireless standard, the theoretical bandwidth of the second 5 GHz band lowers from 4804 Mbps to 867 Mbps.
Another important aspect is that one of the two 5 GHz bands acts as a backhaul, meaning that it is used exclusively by the stations in your AiMesh to communicate with each other, and exchange data as fast as possible. Therefore, you can use only two of the three wireless bands to connect your network devices. As you can see in the picture below, each station in this kit has four external antennas. They are not detachable but they are retractable. There are also two internal antennas. On the top of each station, there are the ventilation grids, and the ASUS logo.
On the back side of each station, you find one WAN port, four Ethernet ports that work at 1 Gbps, the Power button, and the Reset jack. One useful feature is that ASUS RT-AX92U offers port aggregation. Therefore, you can either use LAN port aggregation and connect a NAS (Network Attached System) to the network, or you can use WAN aggregation and enjoy an internet connection up to 2 Gbps, if your internet provider supports this feature.
On the front side of ASUS RT-AX92U there are several LEDs that display the status for the following: the internet connection, the WiFi on the three available bands, the Ethernet connections, and the power. The LEDs are small, discreet, and not annoying, not even during the night. If you do not like them, you can turn them off from the firmware.
On one of the sides, you find one USB 3.0 port, and another USB 2.0 port, as well as the button for the WPS function.
On the bottom of each ASUS RT-AX92U there are two holes for mounting it on walls, a sticker with information about the product, and further ventilation grids that help cool the hardware inside: a dual-core Broadcom BCM4906 processor, running at 1.8 GHz, with 512 MB of RAM and 256 MB of storage space for the firmware and the apps that you install. One interesting feature is that ASUS RT-AX92U offers 4x4 MU-MIMO transfers for the backhaul that exclusively transfers data between the nodes in your AiMesh, and 2x2 MU-MIMO for network clients.
Each ASUS RT-AX92U has the following dimensions: 15.5 x 15.5 x 5.26 inches or 39.4 x 39.4 x 13.3 cm in width x depth x height. It also weighs 651 grams or 22.9 ounces.
If you would like to learn more about the official specifications of this AiMesh WiFi system, go to this page: ASUS RT-AX92U AiMesh AX6100 WiFi system Specifications.
Setting up and using the ASUS RT-AX92U AiMesh Wi-Fi system
You can set up the ASUS RT-AX92U AiMesh WiFi system from the ASUS Router mobile app for iOS and Android, or from a web browser on your PC. We went the browser route, and the steps involved are pretty standard: you provide the details of your internet connection, enter the name and password for the wireless network broadcast by this AiMesh system, enter the username and password used for managing the kit, and then you add the second node to the system.
When you are done with the quick setup wizard, you can access the administration user interface, and configure how everything works, in detail. With AiMesh, you configure the mesh system as if it were a wireless router, not two mesh WiFi devices. This is a positive for advanced users who appreciate the complete control offered by ASUS's firmware.
The user interface available for ASUS RT-AX92U is friendly, and easy to use. All the settings are organized logically, and easy to find. Also, if you are an advanced user, you are going to appreciate the complete control that you get.
The user documentation is accessible and well built. One neat trick is to move the mouse cursor over a setting that you do not understand, and a question mark is shown. Click on the question mark, and you will see information explaining that setting. One downside is that the documentation has not been updated to include information about the newest features included by ASUS in their firmware. Therefore, for a few settings, this trick does not work.
The firmware is available in 25 languages, which is something that you do not see often on mesh systems from other brands. ASUS has always stood out in this regard, offering excellent multi-lingual support in their firmware.
If you want to control your wireless network from a smartphone or tablet, including when you are not at home, you can use the ASUS router app. It offers many advanced customization options, including the ability to check on your children' devices, and set up rules for parental controls. The remote network diagnostics can be useful too when your family has problems with their WiFi, and you are not at home to help.
Regarding firmware - we noticed that the initial version that is shipped with ASUS RT-AX92U, tends to be buggy and unstable. We experienced random disconnects, and the WiFi was not always stable and fast. Luckily, we upgraded to the newest firmware version, and the situation improved a lot. However, we also found a downside to the firmware upgrade process: the firmware updates are handled separately for each device in the AiMesh, and this can become a complex task for home users who do not have a lot of technical knowledge. ASUS should simplify the firmware updates, so that they are handled globally, for the entire mesh system, not individually.
We connected more than a dozen devices to the network managed by ASUS RT-AX92U, including two desktop PCs, one laptop, one tablet, several smartphones, one wireless printer, two smart plugs, one smart bulb, an intelligent robot vacuum cleaner, and an Xbox One console. Then, we started sharing data and making data transfers. We enjoyed fast WiFi everywhere in our apartment. However, when making detailed measurements, we noticed quite a bit of variability. This is an area where ASUS should improve future firmware, so that WiFi transfers have a more stable throughput. To better understand this subject take a look at the transfer below, made in a room that was separated by one wall from the main station. If the transfer had been more stable, the average speed would have been even higher.
If you want to know more about the real-world performance offered by ASUS RT-AX92U, including comparisons with competing mesh Wi-Fi systems, go to the next page of this review.