华硕(ASUS)最近在其Transformer Book Flip设备系列中推出了一款新型号——TP300LA。这是一款外观精美的可转换超极本,非常适合各种任务,从日常便携式计算到需要更多处理能力的工作负载。阅读此评论以了解有关此设备、其规格和实际性能的更多信息。
华硕 Transformer Book Flip TP300LA(ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA)拆箱
我们收到了该设备的评测版本,该版本未使用该型号的标准包装(standard packaging)。因此我们无法制作标准的开箱视频或拍摄传统的开箱照片。但是,我们知道华硕 Transformer Book Flip TP300LA(ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA)的包装包括笔记本电脑、电源适配器(power adapter)、快速入门指南(start guide)、保修和其他一些传单,具体取决于您购买设备的位置。
我们审查的模型的硬件规格如下:具有良好视角的 13.3 英寸IPS 全高清(IPS Full HD)(1920x1080) LED背光眩光屏幕,双核(Backlight Glare screen)Intel Core i7-4510U CPU,主频为 2.6 GHz,配备Intel HD Graphics 4400, 8GB RAM内存(RAM memory)(DDR3L),主频1600MHz,128GB金士顿(Kingston)SSD硬盘(SSD drive)。我们还有一个2兆像素摄像头(megapixel camera),用于偶尔视频聊天(video chat)。在音频方面,我们在底部有两个内置扬声器笔记本电脑,由华硕 SonicMaster Lite 技术(ASUS SonicMaster Lite Technology),以及内置麦克风。键盘是标准的华硕键盘(ASUS keyboard),没有数字键盘,键盘正下方有一个标准触摸板。在笔记本电脑的(hand side)左侧,我们可以找到电源按钮(power button)、音量(volume rocker)键和开始(Start)按钮。最后两个用于平板电脑模式(tablet mode)。它的尺寸是:宽326毫米(1.28英寸),长232毫米(9.13英寸),高22毫米(0.86英寸)。它重 1.75 公斤/3.85 磅,便于携带。该设备由容量为 38 Whrs的 3(Whrs)芯聚合物电池供电(cell polymer battery),持续时间长达 3 小时。
在连接性方面,华硕 Transformer Book Flip TP300LA(ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA)包括两个USB 3.0端口、一个HDMI 端口(HDMI port)和一个音频插孔,位于笔记本电脑的右侧。在笔记本电脑的左侧,我们可以找到一个USB 2.0端口、一个SD(SD card)读卡器和一个Kensington锁定端口。不幸的是,没有以太网端口,因此如果您想使用(Ethernet port)网线(network cable)连接到本地网络,则必须购买单独的适配器。该笔记本电脑还包括一个兼容 802.11a/b/g/n/ac的无线网络适配器(wireless network adapter)和一个蓝牙 4.0(Bluetooth 4.0)芯片。
此设备上预装的操作系统是(operating system)Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit。该设备有多种配置可供选择,从英特尔酷睿 i3(Intel Core i3)处理器到 i5 和i7 处理器(i7 processor),各种数量的RAM最高可达 12GB。还有许多可用的存储选项,从 500GB、750GB 和 1TB 硬盘驱动器到128GB SSD 驱动器(GB SSD drive)。您可以在此处找到官方硬件规格:ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA。
使用华硕 Transformer Book Flip TP300LA(ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA)
我每天都在使用ASUS Transformer Book TP300LA两周来完成各种各样的任务,包括浏览网页、运行虚拟机、写文章、玩游戏、看视频等等。整个评论都写在设备本身上。我们审查的模型在性能方面提供了很多,拥有最好的英特尔 Haswell(Intel Haswell)处理器之一和大量内存(RAM)。在当今世界,拥有英特尔酷睿 i7(Intel Core i7)处理器、8GB内存(RAM)和快速固态硬盘(SSD)在计算能力方面几乎是顶级的。我在上面运行了各种各样的东西,从Windows Store 应用程序和游戏(apps and games)打开 150 个选项卡浏览网页,在运行Skype的同时并行运行 3 个虚拟机,运行 Visual Studio和Windows Phone 模拟器(Windows Phone emulator)以完成各种软件开发(software development)任务。这台笔记本电脑运行完美,完全没有滞后。在各种不同的工作负载下,它在各种桌面应用程序中的表现都非常好。(desktop apps)屏幕具有全高清分辨率(Full HD resolution)(1920x1080),提供清晰锐利的图像,非常适合观看电影。将笔记本电脑置于支架模式(kickstand mode)可提供出色的“办公影院”体验,而音频系统(audio system)得益于高品质的扬声器,它还可以提供响亮而清晰的声音。在生产力场景中,华硕 Transformer Book Flip TP300LA(ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA)可以帮助您出色地完成工作。我们在使用它时没有遇到任何错误。我喜欢在这个设备上写文章,因为键盘很舒服。此外,当我尝试构建一些示例应用程序(sample apps)时,全高清分辨率(HD resolution)证明了它的有用性,并且使用我所有常用的扩展程序运行 Visual Studio是一种乐趣。(Studio)除了这台笔记本电脑提供的出色性能外,屏幕分辨率(screen resolution)提供了在一个屏幕中加载我所有常用工具的能力,而无需双显示器配置(就像我大多数时间所做的那样)。通过在PC 设置(PC Settings)中更改字体大小,您可以在“开始(Start)”屏幕上获得更多磁贴、更小的图标、更小的文本以及更多的内容空间。由于屏幕质量非常好,较小的文字不会导致您的眼睛疲劳(eye strain),但在应用这些设置后可能需要一定的调节。
至于在平板模式下(tablet mode)使用设备,它是相当沉重的,但也可以理解。使用它的一个好方法是将其置于桌面上的支架模式。(kickstand mode)我喜欢在上面看电影,因为屏幕质量非常高,1080p 分辨率很高。
与华硕 Transformer Book Flip TP300LA(ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA)捆绑(Apps Bundled)的应用程序
我们都知道制造商倾向于捆绑您可能永远不会使用的应用程序。如果他们不经常减慢您的设备并恶化用户体验(user experience),那也不会那么糟糕。华硕(ASUS)不会让ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA 100 % 垃圾软件保持清洁,但也不会捆绑太多垃圾。您将在其上找到以下预安装的应用程序:
Office 365 个人版订阅(Office 365 Personal subscription)- 您需要使用产品密钥激活 Office - 您需要使用设备包装中的产品密钥激活 Office。此版本包括 Word 2013、Excel 2013、PowerPoint 2013 和 OneNote 2013。所有您想要保留的出色工具。
McAfee Live Safe Internet Security - 一种性能非常好的反恶意软件解决方案。除非您拥有其他安全解决方案的许可证,否则您可能希望保留它。
Netflix - 根据您的居住地,您会喜欢这个应用程序,或者不喜欢华硕捆绑它。在美国和其他几个可以使用 Netflix 的国家/地区,您将需要使用此应用程序并将电影和电视节目流式传输到您的设备。在无法使用此服务的国家/地区,此应用不会为您提供任何价值。
Twitter - 此社交网络的官方 Windows 8.1 应用程序。
Fresh Paint - 适用于 Windows 8.1 的绘画应用程序。
Music Maker Jam - 适用于 Windows 8.1 的音乐应用程序,允许混合不同的循环和声音效果。
Line - 一个聊天应用程序,您可能想在决定是否保留它之前进行试验。
WinFlash - 专用于更新设备 BIOS 软件的应用程序。你应该保留它。
ASUS LiveUpdate - 一个可用于管理操作系统更新的应用程序。与 Windows 8.1 中的设置非常相似。
ASUS WebStorage - 这是华硕的云存储服务,可为您提供 5 GB 的免费云存储空间。
ASUS PhotoDirector - 这是华硕的照片编辑应用程序。它允许您编辑、构图或拼贴图片,以及在图像上添加文本气泡。如果您正在进行照片编辑,可能会很有用,否则您将不会使用它。
ASUS PowerDirector - 具有一些基本功能的视频编辑应用程序。在决定是否保留它之前,您可能需要对其进行试验。
WildTangent Games - 您可以从中购买和下载各种 PC 游戏的门户。
OneNote for Windows 8.1 - Microsoft 的笔记应用程序。
Zinio - 适用于 Windows 8.1 的杂志阅读器应用程序
ASUS FlipLock - 在平板电脑模式下使用设备时锁定鼠标和键盘的应用程序。
ASUS Vibe Fun Center - 一款可访问各种游戏和娱乐应用程序的应用程序。
ASUS Backtracker - 一个允许您备份和恢复系统设置的应用程序。
游戏捆绑包(Game bundles)- 阿加莎克里斯蒂之谜捆绑包、梦想之日婚礼捆绑包、宝石探索之谜捆绑包 - 您可能会觉得有趣的有趣游戏。
我们将ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA与Surface Pro 2进行了比较,因为它们的性能范围(performance range)相近。让我们看看华硕(ASUS)在我们的基准测试中的表现如何。首先(First),我们使用Bootracer来测量 Windows 8.1 在此设备上的启动速度。ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA的启动时间平均为 23 秒,与Surface Pro 2一样。
然后,我们使用3DMark 应用程序(3DMark app)来查看这款设备在运行针对平板电脑用户的休闲游戏时的表现如何。我们使用了Ice Storm Unlimited测试。
下面你可以看到华硕 Transformer Book Flip TP300LA与(ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA)Surface Pro 2相比的总体得分。如您所见,华硕(ASUS)的速度提高了 46.8%,因为它具有更新、更快的Core i7处理器,而我们测试的Surface Pro 2型号具有Core i5。除此之外,它们都拥有 8GB 的 RAM、Intel HD Graphics 4400图形处理器和类似的SSD(SSDs)。
在此基准应用程序(benchmark app)执行的每个测试中获得的每秒帧数也是如此。作为集成显卡,英特尔核芯显卡 4400在(Intel HD Graphics 4400)酷睿 i7(Core i7)处理器上的性能要好得多。
我们进行了Peacekeeper 电池测试(battery test),以评估电池在浏览网页时的续航时间。结果非常令人失望,华硕在 100 (ASUS)% charge后持续了 2 小时 44 分钟,而Surface Pro 2持续了 4 小时 45 分钟。鉴于其技术规格,Transformer Book Flip旨在提供比电池寿命更多的(battery life)处理能力(processing power)。在我们看来,华硕(ASUS)在决定使用 3 芯电池而不是 6 芯电池时做出了错误的决定,这会有所作为。
给华硕Transformer Book Flip TP300LA(ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA)充电比较好,但是Surface Pro 2更好。从 0% 到 100%,笔记本电脑的充电时间(charging time)在 3.5 到 4.5 小时之间,而Surface Pro 2的充电时间为2 到 3 小时。
ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA是一款功能非常强大的可转换设备,非常适合那些想要随身携带移动工作站的人。如果您想在背包中充电,我们测试过的版本就是要购买的设备。Transformer Book Flip TP300LA最大的优点之一是灵活的配置,您可以从中选择并优先考虑您获得的功率或预算。此外,它提供了非常好的移动性,它具有良好的显示质量(quality display),并且整体看起来不错。我们发现的唯一不利因素是电池寿命(battery life)有限。特别是如果您购买Core i7版本,您不会获得超过 3 小时的自主权。但是,如果您选择规格较低的型号,您应该能够从中挤出更多时间。我们向所有读者推荐ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA 。
ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA Review - A Powerful Windows 8.1 Convertible
ASUS has recently lаunched a new model in theіr series of Transfоrmer Boоk Flip devices - the TP300LA. It is a good looking convertible ultrabook that's perfect for a wide variety of tasks, from everyday portable compυting, to workloads that demand more processing power. Read this review to find out mоre about this device, its specifications, and real-life performance.
Unboxing The ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA
We received a review version of this device that did not use the standard packaging for this model. Therefore we could not make a standard unboxing video or take the traditional unboxing pictures. However, we know that the packaging of the ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA includes the laptop, the power adapter, the quick start guide, the warranty and some other leaflets, depending on where you have purchased the device.
Hardware Specifications
The hardware specifications of the model that we reviewed are the following: a 13.3" IPS Full HD (1920x1080) LED Backlight Glare screen with good viewing angles, a dual core Intel Core i7-4510U CPU clocked at 2.6 GHz with Intel HD Graphics 4400, 8GB of RAM memory (DDR3L), clocked at 1600MHz, and a 128GB SSD drive manufactured by Kingston. We also have a 2 megapixel camera for occasional video chat. On the audio side, we have two built-in speakers on the bottom part of the laptop, powered by the ASUS SonicMaster Lite Technology, and a built-in microphone. The keyboard is a standard ASUS keyboard, without a numpad, and a standard touchpad sitting right below the keyboard. On the left hand side of the laptop we can find the power button, along with the volume rocker and the Start button. The last two are meant to be used in the tablet mode. Its size is: a width of 326 mm (1.28 inches), a length of 232 mm (9.13 inches) and a height of 22 mm (0.86 inches). It weighs 1.75 kg / 3.85 pounds and this makes it easy to carry around. The device is powered by a 3 cell polymer battery with a capacity of 38 Whrs, which lasts up to 3 hours.
In terms of connectivity, the ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA includes two USB 3.0 ports, an HDMI port, and an audio jack, located on the right-hand side of the laptop. On the left-hand side of the laptop, we can find a USB 2.0 port, an SD card reader and a Kensington locking port. Unfortunately, there is no Ethernet port, so a separate adapter must be purchased if you want to connect to a local network using a network cable. The laptop also includes a 802.11a/b/g/n/ac compatible wireless network adapter and a Bluetooth 4.0 chip.
The operating system preinstalled on this device is Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit. This device is available in multiple configurations, ranging from an Intel Core i3 processor to an i5 and an i7 processor, with RAM in various quantities that go up to 12GB. There are also many storage options available, ranging from 500GB, 750GB and 1TB hard drives to a 128 GB SSD drive. You can find the official hardware specifications here: ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA.
Using The ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA
I have been using the ASUS Transformer Book TP300LA for two weeks, every day, for a wide array of tasks, including browsing the web, running virtual machines, writing articles, playing games, watching videos and so on. This whole review was written on the device itself. The model that we reviewed delivered a lot in terms of performance, having one of the best Intel Haswell processors and plenty of RAM. In today's world, having an Intel Core i7 processor, 8GB of RAM and a fast SSD is pretty much the top of the line in terms of computing power. I ran all kinds of things on it, from Windows Store apps and games to browsing the web with 150 tabs opened, running 3 virtual machines in parallel while doing Skype, running Visual Studio and the Windows Phone emulator for all kinds of software development tasks. This laptop worked flawlessly with no lag at all. It performs very well in all kinds of desktop apps, under all kinds of different workloads. The screen has a Full HD resolution (1920x1080) and provides clear and sharp images which are great for watching movies. Putting the laptop in kickstand mode offers a great "office-cinema" experience, and the audio system also delivers loud and clear sounds, thanks to the high-quality speakers. In productivity scenarios, ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA helps you do your job pretty well. We did not encounter any bugs while using it. I enjoyed writing articles on this device because the keyboard is very comfortable. Also, the full HD resolution proved its usefulness when I tried to build some sample apps, and running Visual Studio with all of my usual extensions was a pleasure. Besides the great performance delivered by this laptop, the screen resolution offered the ability to load all of my usual tools in a single screen, without the need of a dual-monitor configuration (as I do most of the time). By changing the font size in PC Settings, you get more tiles on the Start screen, smaller icons, smaller text, and more room for content. Because the screen is of very good quality, having smaller text doesn't cause you any eye strain, but it may take a certain amount of accommodation after applying those settings.
As for using the device in tablet mode, it's pretty heavy, but it's understandable. A good way to use it is putting it in kickstand mode on a desk. I enjoyed watching movies on it, since the screen is of very high quality, with a great 1080p resolution.
The Apps Bundled With The ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA
We all know that manufacturers tend to bundle applications that you might never use. That wouldn't be so bad if they didn't so often slow down your device and worsen the user experience. ASUS doesn't keep the ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA 100% crapware clean, but doesn't bundle too much junk either. You will find the following pre-installed applications on it:
Office 365 Personal subscription - you will need to activate Office using the product key - you will need to activate Office using the product key found in the packaging of the device. This version includes Word 2013, Excel 2013, PowerPoint 2013 and OneNote 2013. All great tools that you will want to keep.
McAfee Live Safe Internet Security - an anti-malware solution that performs very well. You may want to keep it unless you have a license for another security solution.
Netflix - depending on where you live, you'll either love this app or dislike ASUS for bundling it. In the US and a couple of other countries where Netflix is available, you will want to use this app and stream movies and TV shows to your device. In countries where this service is unavailable, this app will not provide any value to you.
Twitter - the official Windows 8.1 app for this social network.
Fresh Paint - a painting app for Windows 8.1.
Music Maker Jam - a music app for Windows 8.1 that allows mixing different loops and sound effects.
Line - a chat application that you may want to experiment with before deciding on whether to keep it or not.
WinFlash - an application dedicated to updating the BIOS software of the device. You should keep it.
ASUS LiveUpdate - an application that you can use to manage the operating system updates. Very similar to the settings found in Windows 8.1.
ASUS WebStorage - this is a cloud storage service from ASUS that provides you with 5 GB of free cloud storage space.
ASUS PhotoDirector - this is a photo editing app from ASUS. It allows you to edit, frame or collage pictures, as well as add text bubbles over images. Might be useful if you're into photo editing but otherwise you won't be using it.
ASUS PowerDirector - a video editing app with some basic features. You may want to experiment it with before deciding on whether to keep it or not.
WildTangent Games - a portal from which you can purchase and download various PC games.
OneNote for Windows 8.1 - the note taking app from Microsoft.
Zinio - a magazine reader app for Windows 8.1
ASUS FlipLock - an application that locks the mouse and keyboard when using the device in tablet mode.
ASUS Vibe Fun Center - an app that provides access to various games and entertainment apps.
ASUS Backtracker - an app that allows you to backup and restore system settings.
Game bundles - Agatha Christie's Mysteries Bundle, Dream Day Wedding Bundle, Jewel Quest Mysteries Bundle - fun games that you may find entertaining.
Performance In Benchmarks
We compared the ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA with the Surface Pro 2, because they are in a similar performance range. Let's find out how the ASUS performed in our benchmarks. First, we used Bootracer to measure how fast Windows 8.1 starts on this device. The ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA booted, on average, in 23 seconds, just like the Surface Pro 2.
Then, we used the 3DMark app to see how well this device performs when running casual games aimed at tablet users. We have used the Ice Storm Unlimited test.
Below you can see the overall score of the ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA compared to that of the Surface Pro 2. As you can see, the ASUS is 46.8% faster because it has a newer, faster Core i7 processor, as opposed to the Surface Pro 2 model we tested, which had a Core i5. Apart from that, they both have 8GB of RAM, an Intel HD Graphics 4400 graphics processor and similar SSDs.
The same is true in terms of frames per second obtained in each test performed by this benchmark app. Being an integrated graphics card, the Intel HD Graphics 4400 performs significantly better on a Core i7 processor.
We ran the Peacekeeper battery test to evaluate how much the battery lasts while browsing the web. The results were pretty disappointing, the ASUS lasting 2 hours and 44 minutes from a 100% charge versus the Surface Pro 2 which lasted 4 hours and 45 minutes. Given its technical specifications, the Transformer Book Flip is meant to deliver more processing power than battery life. In our opinion, ASUS made a bad decision when they decided to put a 3-cell battery instead of a 6-cell one, which would have made a difference.
Charging the ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA is relatively good, but the Surface Pro 2 is better. From 0 to 100%, the laptop charging time is anywhere between 3.5 and 4.5 hours, while as the Surface Pro 2 charges from 2 to 3 hours.
The ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA is a very powerful convertible device, great for those who want to carry mobile workstations with them. If you want power in your backpack, the version we have tested is the device to buy. One of the biggest positives about the Transformer Book Flip TP300LA is the flexible configurations from which you can choose and prioritize either the power that you get or your budget. Also, it provides really good mobility, it has a good quality display and it looks good overall. The only negative part that we identified is the limiting battery life. Especially if you buy the Core i7 version, you won't get more than 3 hours of autonomy. However, if you choose a model that has lower specs, you should be able to squeeze more time out of it. We recommend the ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP300LA to all our readers.