华硕游戏(ASUS gaming)外设被公认为是市场上最好的。本周,我们收到了用于测试他们TUF 系列(TUF series)的最新耳机之一,称为ASUS TUF Gaming H5。该公司表示,这是一款 7.1环绕声(surround sound)耳机,坚固耐用、重量轻,并兼容从 PC 和Mac(Macs)到智能手机、PlayStation(PlayStations)和Xbox One游戏机等平台。再者(Furthermore),耳机卖的好价钱,可以想象我们好奇是不是好耳机。如果您也是,请阅读我们对ASUS TUF Gaming H5的评论并了解:
华硕 TUF Gaming H5(ASUS TUF Gaming H5):它适合谁?
华硕 TUF Gaming H5 耳机(ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset)非常适合:
- 希望音频质量高于平均水平的用户
- 渴望为耳机提供 7.1 环绕声的用户
- 喜欢价格合理的坚固结构的游戏玩家
华硕 TUF Gaming H5(ASUS TUF Gaming H5)有很多好话要说:
- 游戏中的音频体验品质卓越
- 耳机即使长时间使用也很舒适
- 耳机看起来很坚固,应该可以延长使用寿命
- 您可以在标准 3.5毫米音频插孔(mm audio jack)上使用它
- 它与许多不同的计算/游戏平台兼容
作为负面因素,华硕 TUF Gaming H5(ASUS TUF Gaming H5):
- 没有RGB 照明(RGB lighting),或者根本没有一些用户可能想要的任何照明
- USB 2.0至 3.5毫米加密狗(mm dongle)的电缆很短,因此如果您将其连接到位于办公桌下的台式电脑,则很难够到
ASUS TUF Gaming H5是一款耐用的耳机,可以让任何游戏玩家开心。虽然它主要由塑料制成,但使用的材料质量很好。即使长时间使用也很舒适,音质(sound quality)也高于平均水平。如果您是游戏玩家,并且想要 7.1环绕声并(surround sound and compatibility)与您的 PC 和游戏机兼容,您应该考虑购买ASUS TUF Gaming H5 耳机(ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset)。您还将欣赏它价格合理的事实。
华硕 TUF Gaming H5 耳机(ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset)拆箱
华硕 TUF Gaming H5 耳机(ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset)包装在一个由纸板制成的哑光灰色大盒子内。(matte gray box)在其顶部,您可以看到其中一个耳罩的光泽图像,以及耳机名称(headset name)和TUF 标志(TUF logo)。
在盒子的背面和一侧,华硕(ASUS)打印了华硕 TUF Gaming H5 耳机(ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset)的一些功能和规格。您还可以看到包装内容以及耳机与各种设备兼容的事实,从 PC 到游戏机和智能手机。
打开包装盒后,您会发现华硕 TUF Gaming H5 耳机(ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset)、可拆卸麦克风、支持 7.1环绕声的(surround sound)USB 2.0至 3.5 毫米加密狗、 3.5 毫米延长线(extension cable)和用户文档(快速入门指南(start guide)和保修单)。
华硕 TUF Gaming H5 耳机的拆箱体验令人愉悦。您将获得耳机和开始使用它所需的所有配件。(The unboxing experience you get from the ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset is pleasant. You get the headset and all the accessories you need to start using it.)
华硕 TUF Gaming H5 耳机(ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset)的驱动器由直径为(mm diameter)50 毫米的大钕磁铁制成。耳机的阻抗为 32欧姆(Ohms),频率响应(frequency response)在 20 到 20000 赫兹之间。
ASUS TUF Gaming H5 耳机(ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset)使用 3.94 英尺(1.2 米)长的编织线缆连接到您的PC、智能手机或类似设备,看起来很坚固。如果您打算在比笔记本电脑或智能手机更远的台式电脑或游戏机上使用耳机,您还可以获得一条有用的延长线。(extension cord)
虽然价格实惠,但耳机还通过USB 2.0至 3.5 毫米加密狗提供虚拟 7.1环绕声。(surround sound)但是,您应该知道此功能仅在 PC 上可用,因为它需要驱动程序才能运行。加密狗配备了一个开关,您可以使用该开关即时启用或禁用 7.1环绕声。(surround sound)
华硕 TUF Gaming H5 耳机(ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset)没有照明,但它的耳罩采用了独特的黄色,连同其上的TUF标志(TUF logo),将其与TUF 家族(TUF family)标识。
说到这里,你应该知道华硕TUF Gaming H5耳机(ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset)还附带了第二个麦克风,可以安装在左耳罩上。直插式麦克风是全向的,而耳罩式麦克风(cup microphone)是单向的。直插式的频率响应(frequency response)在 50 ~ 10000 Hz 之间,灵敏度为 45 dB。耳罩吊杆(cup boom)的频率响应(frequency response)在 100 ~ 10000 Hz 之间,灵敏度为 -40 dB。
耳机几乎完全由塑料制成,但有一个例外:头带由不锈钢制成。幸运的是,塑料看起来很耐用,不会很快破裂或降解。这款耳机看起来经久耐用。此外,由于制造它所用的材料,华硕 TUF Gaming H5 耳机(ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset)相当轻。它仅重 12.9 盎司或 367 克。
如果您想查看这款游戏耳机(gaming headset)的所有规格和功能,您应该访问此网页:ASUS TUF Gaming H5 规格(ASUS TUF Gaming H5 Specifications)。
华硕 TUF Gaming H5 看起来像是一款精心打造的耳机,具有可观的硬件规格。虽然它没有给人留下深刻印象的外观,但当你看到它时,你会觉得它会持续下去,这很好。(The ASUS TUF Gaming H5 looks like a well-built headset with respectable hardware specs. Although it does not have impressive looks, when you see it, you get the feeling that it is going to last, and that is good.)
使用华硕 TUF Gaming H5 耳机(ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset)
我们使用华硕 TUF Gaming H5 耳机(ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset)超过一周。在此期间,我们发现它是一款舒适的耳机,即使长时间使用也是如此。让我们从头说起:头戴式耳机有大耳罩,可以套在您的耳朵上。它们的内部也深而宽敞,带有“高”的人造皮革(faux leather)垫子,这意味着您的耳朵不会碰到驾驶员的盖子。这也意味着你的耳朵不容易发热。
不锈钢头带(stainless steel headband)覆盖着柔软的毛绒,有助于耳机佩戴舒适。然而,虽然我们对此感到满意,但如果你是秃头,头带上的人造皮革毛绒(faux leather plush)可能会让你的皮肤出汗,所以请记住这一点。
我们发现USB 2.0到 3.5 毫米加密狗是一个不错的补充,它的效果很好,而且它的立体声到 7.1声音按钮(sound button)很容易在笔记本电脑上使用。但是,如果您在台式 PC 上使用耳机,您可能不想使用声音开关。这是因为加密狗USB 电缆(USB cable)很短,因此如果您的台式 PC 放在桌子下面,则很难连接到该电缆。
为了了解,或者说听到,华硕 TUF Gaming H5 耳机(ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset)在游戏中的表现如何,我们在评测期间玩了几场游戏。我们对游戏中的声音质量印象深刻。驱动器设法通过恰到好处的低音、良好的中音和表现良好的高音提供丰富的声音。例如,启用 7.1环绕声(surround sound)可以让您在玩射击游戏时获得更好的体验,因为您可以更好地识别敌人的来源。
听音乐时我们也很满意,虽然华硕 TUF Gaming H5(ASUS TUF Gaming H5)耳机并不是我们听过的最好的。驱动器发出的声音很平衡,但我们觉得中频(中频声音)可能更强大。另一方面,人声和高音非常出色,因此您应该能够理解自己喜欢的歌曲中的每个单词和押韵(word and rhyme)。
我们使用 ASUS TUF Gaming H5 耳机的体验非常令人满意。对于他们的制造商要求的价格,这是一款出色的设备。它很舒服,看起来很可靠,音质也高于平均水平。(The experience we had with the ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset was a satisfying one. For the price that their manufacturer asks for it, this is an excellent device. It is comfortable, it looks reliable, and the sound quality is above the average.)
TUF Gaming H5 耳机(TUF Gaming H5 headset)由名为Armoury II的华硕(ASUS)专有游戏软件(gaming software)支持。但是,该软件仅检测 PC 上的耳机,并且仅当您连接USB 2.0加密狗以获得 7.1环绕声(surround sound)时。
对于ASUS TUF Gaming H5 耳机(ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset),Armory II 软件(Armoury II software)提供了一组称为Sonic Studio的声音自定义选项。它可以让您控制音量特性并使用均衡器,打开或关闭虚拟 7.1环绕声(surround sound),优化游戏、音乐或电影(music or movies)等各种场景的声音,启用或禁用低音增强(bass boost)、语音清晰度(voice clarity)等。换句话说,它拥有让您的声音体验成为您自己的所有基础知识。
华硕提供的 Armory II 软件提供了调整 TUF Gaming H5 耳机声音所需的所有功能。我们喜欢它所提供的一切,我们相信您也会喜欢。(The Armoury II software provided by ASUS offers all the things you need to adjust how the TUF Gaming H5 headset sounds. We like what it has to offer, and we are sure you will too.)
您对华硕 TUF Gaming H5 耳机(ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset)有何看法?
现在您知道我们对ASUS TUF Gaming H5 耳机(ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset)的看法了。我们相信它是一款优质的耳机,可提供优质的声音(quality sound),坚固耐用且不贵。你同意吗?您打算购买这款耳机吗?在下面的评论部分分享(Share)您的意见。如果您已经拥有这款耳机,请随时与我们和其他可能有兴趣购买它的人分享您的体验。
ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset review: Durable 7.1 surround sound for gamers
AЅUS gaming periрherals are recognized as being some of the best on the market. This week, we received for testing one of their latest headѕets from thеir TUF sеries, callеd ASUS TUF Gaming H5. It is a 7.1 surround soυnd headset that the company says it built to be durable, lightweight, and compatible with platforms ranging from РCs and Macs to smartphones, PlayStations, and Xbox One consoles. Furthermore, the headset is sоld at a good price, so you can imagine that we сurious to see whether it is a good headset or not. If you are too, read our review for ASUЅ TUF Gaming H5 and find out:
ASUS TUF Gaming H5: Who is it good for?
The ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset is a good buy for:
- Users who want audio quality that is above average
- People who desire 7.1 surround-sound for their headset
- Gamers who fancy robust construction at a decent price
Pros and cons
There are plenty of good things to say about the ASUS TUF Gaming H5:
- The audio experience in games is of excellent quality
- The headphones are comfortable to use even for long periods of time
- The headset appears to be robust and should offer an extended lifespan
- You can use it on a standard 3.5 mm audio jack
- It is compatible with a lot of different computing/gaming platforms
As negatives, the ASUS TUF Gaming H5:
- Does not have RGB lighting, or any lighting at all, which some users might want
- The USB 2.0 to 3.5 mm dongle has a short cable and thus is hard to reach if you connect it to a desktop PC that sits under your desk
The ASUS TUF Gaming H5 is a durable headset that can make any gamer happy. Although it is made mostly out of plastic, the materials used are of good quality. It is comfortable to use even for long periods of time, and the sound quality is above average. If you are a gamer, and you want 7.1 surround sound and compatibility with both your PC and your gaming consoles, you should consider buying the ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset. You are also going to appreciate the fact that it has a reasonable price.
Unboxing the ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset
The ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset comes packaged inside a large matte gray box made from cardboard. On its top side, you can see a glossy image of one of the earcups, together with the headset name and the TUF logo.
On the back of the box and one of its sides, ASUS printed some of the features and specifications for the ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset. You can also see the package contents and the fact that the headset is compatible with various devices, from PCs to gaming consoles and smartphones.
When you open the box, you find the ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset, a detachable microphone, a USB 2.0 to 3.5mm dongle that offers support for 7.1 surround sound, a 3.5mm extension cable and the user documentation (the quick start guide and the warranty).
The unboxing experience you get from the ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset is pleasant. You get the headset and all the accessories you need to start using it.
Design and hardware specifications
The ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset has drivers made from neodymium magnets with a large 50 mm diameter. The headphones have an impedance of 32 Ohms and a frequency response between 20 and 20000 Hz.
The ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset connects to your PC, smartphone or similar device using a 3.94 feet (1.2-meter) long braided cable that looks sturdy. You also get an extension cord that is useful if you intend on using the headset on a desktop PC or a gaming console that is farther from you than a laptop or a smartphone for instance.
Although affordable, the headset also offers virtual 7.1 surround sound via a USB 2.0 to 3.5mm dongle. However, you should know that this feature is available only on PCs, as drivers are required for it to function. The dongle is equipped with a switch which you can use to enable or disable the 7.1 surround sound on-the-fly.
The ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset does not have lighting, but its ear cups feature a distinctive yellow color that, together with the TUF logo on them, identifies it with the TUF family.
On its cable, the headset has an in-line controller that lets you adjust the volume and also turn the built-in microphone on or off.
Speaking of which, you should know that the ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset also comes with a second microphone, which you can attach on the left ear cup. While the in-line microphone is omnidirectional, the ear cup microphone is uni-directional. The in-line one has a frequency response between 50 ~ 10000 Hz and a sensitivity of 45 dB. The ear cup boom has a frequency response between 100 ~ 10000 Hz and a sensitivity of -40 dB.
The headset is made almost entirely of plastic, with one exception: the headband is made from stainless steel. Fortunately, the plastic looks quite durable and should not break or degrade quickly. This headset looks like it was built to last. Also, because of the materials used to make it, the ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset is rather light. It weighs only 12.9 ounces or 367 grams.
If you want to check all the specifications and features of this gaming headset, you should visit this web page: ASUS TUF Gaming H5 Specifications.
The ASUS TUF Gaming H5 looks like a well-built headset with respectable hardware specs. Although it does not have impressive looks, when you see it, you get the feeling that it is going to last, and that is good.
Using the ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset
We used the ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset for over a week. During this time, we found out that it is a comfortable headset to use, even for long periods of time. Let's start with the beginning: the headset has large ear cups that sit over your ears. They are also deep and spacious inside, with "tall" faux leather cushions, which means that your ears do not touch the drivers' cover. It also means that your ears do not get hot easily.
The stainless steel headband is covered with a soft plush that helps the headphones be comfortable. However, although we were satisfied by it, the faux leather plush on the headband might make your skin sweat if you are bald, so keep that in mind.
We found the USB 2.0 to 3.5 mm dongle to be a nice addition, which works great and its stereo to 7.1 sound button is easy to use on a laptop for example. However, you might prefer not to use the sound switch if you are using the headset on a desktop PC. That is because the dongle USB cable is short and thus hard to get to if your desktop PC is placed under your desk.
One feature that we liked a lot is the fact that the headset offers two microphones: one in-line and one detachable. When we were chatting on Skype, the in-line microphone was enough to get the job done. However, when we played League of Legends, the detachable boom assured that we had good communication with the other players.
To see, or better said hear, how good the ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset fares in games, we played a few games during our review. We were quite impressed with the quality of sound in games. The drivers manage to deliver a rich sound with just enough bass, good mids, and well-represented highs. Enabling the 7.1 surround sound makes the experience even better when you are playing shooters for instance, as you can better identify where your enemies come from.
We were also satisfied when listening to music, although the ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headphones are not the best that we have heard. The sound coming out of the drivers was well balanced, but we felt that the mids (middle frequency sounds) could have been more powerful. On the other hand, the voice and treble sounds are excellent, so you should be able to understand every word and rhyme from your favorite songs.
The experience we had with the ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset was a satisfying one. For the price that their manufacturer asks for it, this is an excellent device. It is comfortable, it looks reliable, and the sound quality is above the average.
Drivers and software
The TUF Gaming H5 headset is supported by ASUS' proprietary gaming software called Armoury II. However, the software only detects the headset on PCs and only if you connect the USB 2.0 dongle for 7.1 surround sound.
For the ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset, the Armoury II software offers a set of sound customization options called Sonic Studio. It lets you control the volume characteristics and use an equalizer, turn the virtual 7.1 surround sound on or off, optimize sound for various scenarios like gaming, music or movies, enable or disable bass boost, voice clarity, and so on. In other words, it has all the basics that you need to make your sound experience your own.
The Armoury II software provided by ASUS offers all the things you need to adjust how the TUF Gaming H5 headset sounds. We like what it has to offer, and we are sure you will too.
What is your opinion about the ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset?
Now you know what we think about the ASUS TUF Gaming H5 headset. We believe it is a good headset that offers good quality sound, is robust and does not cost a fortune. Do you agree? Do you intend to buy this headset? Share your opinion in the comments section below. If you already own this headset, do not hesitate to share your experience with us and others that might be interested in buying it.