华硕 TUF 系列(ASUS TUF family)游戏外设包括一个名为 K5的键盘,我们对其进行了大约十天的日常使用测试。华硕 TUF Gaming K5 键盘(ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard)具有RGB 照明(RGB illumination),兼容AURA Sync 和 Mech-Brane(AURA Sync compatibility and Mech-Brane)按键开关,据说可以提供出色的触觉反馈(tactile feedback),类似于机械开关,尽管它们使用圆顶。它还具有媒体按钮、腕垫(wrist pad)和对宏操作的支持。所有这些功能的价格都非常合理,许多人都能负担得起。这些承诺是否(Are)得到现实生活经验的支持?在我们对ASUS TUF Gaming K5的评论中找到:
ASUS TUF Gaming K5:适合谁?
ASUS TUF Gaming K5是一款出色的键盘,适用于:
- 想要薄膜键盘(membrane keyboard)但更喜欢机械开关反馈的游戏玩家
- 打字多的人
- 想要在其配件上使用RGB 照明的用户(RGB illumination)
- 需要可靠键盘的精打细算的游戏玩家
华硕 TUF Gaming K5 键盘(ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard)有几个优点:
- 它以实惠的价格出售
- 使用的材料质量很好,绝对感觉可靠
- 它在游戏中提供了良好的用户体验(user experience)
- 按键是全高的,它们的表面是凹面的,非常适合打字
- 使用的涂层使键盘(keyboard pleasant)触感舒适,还应防止磨损和意外溅出的液体
- 它具有板载内存,这意味着即使您将其与 PC 断开连接,您所做的自定义也会被保存
- 它没有单独点亮的按键 - 只有五个照明区域
- 腕垫(wrist pad)不可拆卸。对于办公桌较小的用户来说,这可能是个问题
- RoG Armory 软件(RoG Armoury software)需要更新和改进,才能与竞争对手的类似软件相媲美
华硕 TUF Gaming K5 键盘(ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard)造型为坚固的薄膜键盘(membrane keyboard)。我们喜欢它的坚固性,以及您从Mech-Brane 按键(Mech-Brane keys)获得的触觉反馈。它的感觉类似于机械键盘,同时又不像机械键盘那么嘈杂。华硕 TUF Gaming K5 键盘(ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard)有明亮的RGB 灯(RGB illumination)效,不错,但它的按键不是独立发光的。相反,这个键盘有五个发光区域。我们相信华硕 TUF Gaming K5 键盘(ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard)对于任何精打细算的游戏玩家来说都是一个不错的选择。
华硕 TUF Gaming K5 键盘(ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard)拆箱
华硕 TUF Gaming K5 键盘(ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard)采用哑光灰色硬纸盒包装(cardboard box),上部有一张大而光滑的键盘图片。在一个角落里,你也可以从一开始就看到键盘支持AURA Sync灯效技术。
打开包装,里面有键盘和它的快速入门指南(start guide)。
华硕 TUF Gaming K5 键盘采用外观精美的普通纸板箱。该软件包仅包含必需品:键盘和用户文档。这可能有助于保持低价。(The ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard comes in a regular cardboard box that looks good. The package contains only the essentials: the keyboard and the user documentation. That probably helps in keeping the price low.)
华硕 TUF Gaming K5 键盘(ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard)使用薄膜开关,华硕(ASUS)称之为“触觉TUF Gaming Mech-Brane ”按键开关。换句话说,这意味着开关有薄膜圆顶,但你应该从它们那里得到的反馈是机械开关的反馈。
键盘还具有 24 键翻转的防重影功能,这对任何游戏玩家来说都足够了。您可以在下表中看到支持防重影的键。
谈到外观,华硕 TUF Gaming K5 键盘(ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard)手感坚固。虽然它仅由塑料材料制成,但塑料是一种高质量的塑料。它的机身和按键上也有某种涂层。这应该有助于防止大多数游戏玩家熟悉的意外溢出。
按键为全高,行程距离(travel distance)为 3.7 毫米。再加上键帽表面微凹,间距大,无论是游戏还是打字,都应该能获得出色的体验。
键盘上的所有按键和顶部中心的TUF 标志(TUF logo)都是背光的。虽然键盘支持RGB 照明(RGB illumination),这意味着您可以为它们选择任何您喜欢的颜色,但您不能为每个按键选择不同的灯光。ASUS TUF Gaming K5 键盘(ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard)有五个照明区域,每个区域都可以分配一种颜色。它提供了出色的整体效果和自定义(effect and customization),但忘记了将WASD键着色为与键盘其余部分不同的颜色等操作。
除了您在任何键盘上找到的常规按键外,华硕 TUF Gaming K5(ASUS TUF Gaming K5)还在其左上角提供了一些额外的按钮:音量键和照明开关(illumination toggle)。值得注意的是,这些按钮没有发光,但它们应该很容易找到,因为它们比其他按钮小很多。
键盘还有一个不可拆卸的内置腕垫。(wrist pad)它可以很好地完成工作,并设法使您的手腕保持舒适的位置。
ASUS TUF Gaming K5的底部有六个橡胶支腿,可将其稳固地放在桌面上。很高兴看到华硕(ASUS)在这里也蚀刻了一个TUF 标志(TUF logo),尽管我们大多数人一旦将键盘放在桌子上就不会看它们的背面。但是,它证明了制造商对细节的关注。
华硕 TUF Gaming K5(ASUS TUF Gaming K5)键盘得益于板载内存模块(memory module)。在它的帮助下,键盘可让您根据需要对键盘上的按键进行编程,即使您断开键盘与 PC 的连接并将其带走在朋友家玩,也可以保存即时宏录制或其他任何地方。
关于它的尺寸和重量(size and weight),这款键盘很大但很轻。其尺寸为 18.11 x 8.58 x 1.57 英寸或 460 x 218 x 40 毫米长x 宽(x width) x 高(x height)。华硕 TUF Gaming K5(ASUS TUF Gaming K5)仅重 2.31 磅或 1050 克。
如果您想查看有关功能和硬件规格的更多详细信息,请访问此网页:ASUS TUF Gaming K5 规格(ASUS TUF Gaming K5 Specifications)。
使用华硕 TUF Gaming K5 键盘(ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard)
从一开始,我们就不得不说华硕 TUF Gaming K5(ASUS TUF Gaming K5)是一款出色的游戏和打字键盘。我们用它玩《英雄联盟(League)》和《古墓丽影(Legends and Tomb Raider)》,在这两个游戏中使用它都是一种令人满意的体验。尽管按键最终是薄膜按键,但按键具有明显的触觉反馈。
我们还做了很多写作,我们觉得这项活动与使用机械键盘时一样快。这是一个简短的视频,您可以在其中看到和听到华硕 TUF Gaming K5 键盘(ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard)上的打字声音。
我们也喜欢华硕 TUF Gaming K5 键盘(ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard)的照明。它足够明亮和强大,即使在白天也能看到按键,这很好。但是,蚀刻字符后面的光照分布不均匀。尽管它们从顶部看起来很完美,但如果您从键盘放在桌子上而您坐在椅子上的角度来看键盘,那么这种不均匀的光线传播是不可能错过的。
不幸的是,如果您是铁杆游戏玩家(hardcore gamer),则照明并不是那么好。它非常适合打字,但它的按键不是单独点亮的,因此无法使用颜色来仅区分您在最喜欢的游戏中使用的按键。您不能仅对射击游戏中使用的WASD键或英雄(Legends)联盟等(League)MOBA游戏中使用的QWERX键进行着色或点亮。如果您好奇,在下面的视频中,您可以看到华硕 TUF Gaming K5 键盘(ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard)上的照明效果。
腕垫上(wrist pad)有一层微妙的涂层,就像键盘的所有其他部分一样。感觉很好,帮助我们舒适地使用键盘。涂层还帮助我们的手不出汗。但是,我们更喜欢可拆卸的腕垫(wrist pad)。如果您的桌面空间(desk space)有限,并且每一寸都对您很重要,就像对我们一样,那么键盘占用的空间可能会太大。
华硕 TUF Gaming K5 被证明是一款出色的薄膜键盘,尽管它有一些弱点。我们喜欢触觉反馈和键帽,我们也喜欢打字时的背光。但是,区域照明在游戏中并不是那么好,我们更喜欢可拆卸的腕垫。(The ASUS TUF Gaming K5 proved to be an excellent membrane keyboard, although it has a few weak points. We like the tactile feedback and the keycaps, and we also like the backlight when typing. However, the zone illumination is not that great in games, and we would have preferred a detachable wrist pad.)
为了自定义键盘功能,华硕(ASUS)提供了一款名为Armory II(Armoury II)的应用程序。您可以使用它来获取新固件以及配置TUF Gaming K5的工作方式。Armory II(Armoury II)可在键盘的支持页面上找到(support page),这里是:ASUS TUF Gaming K5 Driver & Utility。
ASUS Armory II可让您为(ASUS Armoury II)TUF Gaming K5 键盘(TUF Gaming K5 keyboard)创建多达五个不同的配置文件。它还允许您为其上的每个键分配不同的操作,除了左上角的媒体和照明按钮。
还有照明设置可供使用:静态、呼吸(Breathing)、颜色循环(Color Cycle)和波浪(Wave)效果,您可以更改五个照明区域中每个区域的颜色和LED 亮度(LED brightness)。
如果您想要宏操作,您应该知道Armory II 软件(Armoury II software)可让您创建和使用任意数量的操作。该软件还可以记录统计数据,例如您按键盘上的键的次数。不幸的是,统计数据不会自动记录:如果需要,您必须手动打开Armory II(Armoury II)并开始记录。
ASUS TUF Gaming K5 键盘(ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard)支持Aura Sync ,但不好的是,当您启用它时,所有其他自定义选项都不再可用。虽然这对于照明来说是正常的,但不能配置按钮、创建和分配宏或查看统计数据是不正常的。
ASUS Armory II 软件提供您自定义 ASUS TUF Gaming K5 键盘所需的一切。但是,它仍然存在一些公司应该尽快修复的错误。(The ASUS Armoury II software offers everything you need to customize the ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard. However, it still has some bugs that the company should repair as quickly as possible.)
您对ASUS TUF Gaming K5 键盘(ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard)有何看法?
华硕 TUF Gaming K5 键盘(ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard)是一款适合日常使用以及休闲游戏玩家的键盘。就其价格而言,我们认为这是一次不错的收购。你怎么看呢?你会买吗?在下面的评论部分分享(Share)您的意见。
ASUS TUF Gaming K5 review: An affordable keyboard with RGB illumination
The ASUS TUF family of gaming peripheralѕ іncludes a keyboard called K5, which we tested for about ten days of daily use. The ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard featυres RGB illumination wіth AURA Sync compatibility and Mech-Brane key switches that are said to offer еxcellent tactile feedback, similar to meсhanical switches, аlthough they are using domes. It also haѕ media buttons, a wrist pad, and support for macro actions. All these featurеs come at a very decent price that many can affоrd. Αre these promises backed up by real-life experience? Find out in our review for ASUS TUF Gaming K5:
ASUS TUF Gaming K5: Who is it good for?
The ASUS TUF Gaming K5 is a good keyboard for:
- Gamers who want a membrane keyboard but prefer the feedback of mechanical switches
- People who type a lot
- Users who want RGB illumination on their accessories
- Budget-conscious gamers who want a reliable keyboard
Pros and cons
There are several positives about the ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard:
- It is sold at an affordable price
- The materials used are of good quality, and definitely feel reliable
- It offers a good user experience in games
- The keys are full-height, and their surfaces are concave, making it great for typing
- The coating used makes the keyboard pleasant to touch and should also protect it from wear and accidentally spilled liquids
- It has onboard memory, which means that the customizations you make are saved even if you disconnect it from your PC
There are a few negatives to consider too:
- It does not have individually lit keys - only five lighting zones
- The wrist pad is not detachable. This may be a problem for users with a small desk
- The RoG Armoury software needs updates and improvements, to be on par with similar software from the competition
The ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard shapes up to be a solid membrane keyboard. We like its sturdiness, and the tactile feedback you get from its Mech-Brane keys. It feels similar to a mechanical keyboard while, at the same time, it is not as noisy as one. The ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard has bright RGB illumination, which is nice, but its keys are not independently lit. Instead, this keyboard has five lighted zones. We believe that the ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard is a good choice for any budget conscious gamer.
Unboxing the ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard
The ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard arrives in a matte gray cardboard box that features a large and glossy picture of the keyboard on its upper side. In a corner, you can also see right from the start that the keyboard supports the AURA Sync lighting technology.
On the back of the box, you can see some of the keyboard's features and hardware specifications.
Open the package and inside you find the keyboard and a quick start guide for it.
The ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard comes in a regular cardboard box that looks good. The package contains only the essentials: the keyboard and the user documentation. That probably helps in keeping the price low.
Design and hardware specifications
The ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard uses membrane switches, which ASUS calls "tactile TUF Gaming Mech-Brane" key switches. In other words, that means that the switches have membrane domes, but the feedback you should get from them is that of mechanical switches.
The keyboard also features anti-ghosting with 24-key rollover, which should be enough for any gamer. You can see the keys that support anti-ghosting in the table below.
Talking about looks, the ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard feels sturdy. Although it is made from plastic materials only, the plastic is one of high quality. There is also some sort of coating on its body as well as on the keys. That should help against accidental spills with which most gamers are familiar.
The keys are full-height and have a travel distance of 3.7 mm. Add the fact that the keycaps have slightly concave surfaces and the spacing between is generous, and you should get an excellent experience both when gaming and when typing.
All the keys on the keyboard and the TUF logo that sits on the top-center are backlit. Although the keyboard supports RGB illumination, which means that you can choose whatever color you prefer for them, you cannot select different light for each key. The ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard has five illumination zones, and each of them can be assigned one color. It gives an excellent overall effect and customization, but forget about actions like coloring the WASD keys in a different color than the rest of the keyboard.
Besides the regular keys that you find on any keyboard, the ASUS TUF Gaming K5 also offers a few additional buttons found on its top-left corner: volume keys and an illumination toggle. It is worth noting that these buttons are not illuminated, but they should be easy to find as they are a lot smaller than the other ones.
The keyboard also has a built-in wrist pad which is not detachable. It does its job well and manages to keep your wrists in a comfortable position.
The bottom of the ASUS TUF Gaming K5 has six rubber legs that keep it steady on your desk. It is nice to see that ASUS etched a TUF logo here too, although most of us do not look at the back of our keyboards once we have them on our desks. However, it proves the manufacturer's attention to details.
The ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard benefits from an onboard memory module. With its help, the keyboard lets you program the keys on it as you see fit, allowing on-the-fly macro recordings which are saved even if you disconnect the keyboard from your PC and take it away with you to play at a friend's home or anywhere else.
Regarding its size and weight, this keyboard is large but light. Its dimensions are 18.11 x 8.58 x 1.57 inches or 460 x 218 x 40 mm in length x width x height. ASUS TUF Gaming K5 only weighs 2.31 pounds or 1050 grams.
If you want to see more details about the features and hardware specifications, visit this web page: ASUS TUF Gaming K5 Specifications.
Using the ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard
Right from the start, we have to say that the ASUS TUF Gaming K5 is an excellent keyboard both for gaming and for typing. We used it for playing League of Legends and Tomb Raider, and using it was a satisfying experience in both. The keys have pronounced tactile feedback even though they are ultimately membrane keys.
We also did a lot of writing, an activity that we felt to be just as fast as when we were using a mechanical keyboard. Here is a short video in which you can see and hear how typing sounds on the ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard.
We also like some things about the illumination of the ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard. It is bright and powerful enough to make the keys visible even in daylight, and that is good. However, the illumination behind the etched characters does not spread evenly. Although they look perfect from the top, if you look at your keyboard from a perspective like you do when the keyboard sits on your desk and you on your chair, this uneven light spread is impossible to miss.
Unfortunately, the illumination is not that great if you are a hardcore gamer. It is great for typing, but the fact that its keys are not individually lit makes it impossible to use color to differentiate only the keys you use in your favorite game. You cannot color or light up only the WASD keys used in shooters, or the QWERX keys used in MOBA games such as League of Legends. If you are curious, in the video below, you can see how the illumination looks on the ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard.
The wrist pad has a subtle coating on it, just like all the rest of the keyboard. It felt good and helped us use the keyboard comfortably. The coating also helped our hands not to sweat. However, we would have preferred a detachable wrist pad. If you have limited desk space and every inch matters to you, just like it does to us, the space taken by the keyboard can prove to be too much.
The ASUS TUF Gaming K5 proved to be an excellent membrane keyboard, although it has a few weak points. We like the tactile feedback and the keycaps, and we also like the backlight when typing. However, the zone illumination is not that great in games, and we would have preferred a detachable wrist pad.
Drivers and software
To customize the keyboard features, ASUS offers an app called Armoury II. You can use it to get new firmware as well as configure the way your TUF Gaming K5 works. Armoury II is available on the keyboard's support page, here: ASUS TUF Gaming K5 Driver & Utility.
ASUS Armoury II lets you create up to five different profiles for the TUF Gaming K5 keyboard. It also lets you assign different actions to each of the keys on it, except the media and illumination buttons from its top-left corner.
There are also illumination settings to play with: Static, Breathing, Color Cycle, and Wave effects, and you can change colors and LED brightness for each of the five illuminated zones.
If you want macro actions, you should know that the Armoury II software lets you create and use as many as you want. The software can also record statistics such as how many times you press the keys on your keyboard. Unfortunately, the statistics are not recorded automatically: if you want them, you must manually open Armoury II and start recording.
The ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard supports Aura Sync, but the bad thing about it is that, when you enable it, all the other customization options are no longer usable. Although that is normal for the illumination, it is not normal to not be able to configure the buttons, create and assign macros or see the statistics.
The ASUS Armoury II software offers everything you need to customize the ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard. However, it still has some bugs that the company should repair as quickly as possible.
What is your opinion about the ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard?
The ASUS TUF Gaming K5 keyboard shapes up to be a good keyboard for everyday use, as well as for casual gamers. For its price, we believe it to be a good acquisition. What do you think of it? Would you buy it? Share your opinions in the comments section below.