我们最近收到了一款有趣的游戏设备测试:(gaming device)华硕(ASUS)鼠标,它承诺符合人体工程学、耐用且使用寿命长。它被称为ASUS TUF Gaming M5,虽然价格实惠,但它使用Omron开关并支持Aura Sync 技术(Aura Sync technology)。它可以成为一只好老鼠吗?是游戏玩家的绝佳选择吗?您可以在我们的评论中找到这些问题的答案,请继续阅读:
ASUS TUF Gaming M5 鼠标(ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse):适合谁?
ASUS TUF Gaming M5 鼠标(ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse)是以下应用的绝佳选择:
- 手小或中等大小并想要小而舒适的鼠标的游戏玩家
- 想要质量好但又不想花大价钱买鼠标的用户
- 想要在所有配件上获得RGB灯光效果的人(RGB)
- 右手鼠标用户
华硕 TUF Gaming M5 鼠标(ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse)有很多优点:
- 良好的建造质量
- 长时间使用很舒服,无论是在游戏中还是在办公室工作时(office work)
- 包括可与其他华硕(ASUS)配件同步的RGB灯效(RGB)
- 它使用耐用且可更换的欧姆龙(Omron)开关
- 它提供的价格优惠
- 它的体积小意味着它不适合手大或手指长的用户
- RoG Armory 软件(RoG Armoury software)需要更新和改进,才能与竞争对手的类似软件相媲美
华硕 TUF Gaming M5 鼠标(ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse)看起来不错,性价比高(price ratio)。它经久耐用,华硕(ASUS)使用的材料可靠。这款鼠标为您提供可靠的高精度光学传感器、长寿命的欧姆龙(Omron)开关和经典设计。唯一能让你在别处看的方面是它的大小。如果您的手小或中等大小,它的形状非常适合您的手。如果您这样做,请继续购买ASUS TUF Gaming M5 鼠标(ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse)。大手的人更适合更大的电脑鼠标(computer mice)。
华硕 TUF Gaming M5 鼠标(ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse)拆箱
ASUS TUF Gaming M5 鼠标(ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse)采用可回收材料制成的小盒子。它的颜色是灰色的,在它的正面,它具有鼠标的大光泽图像、它的名称和品牌(name and brand),以及Aura Sync兼容性。
盒子的背面和侧面展示了鼠标的一些基本功能和一些硬件规格(hardware specs)。
包装盒内只有ASUS TUF Gaming M5 鼠标(ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse)和快速安装指南(setup guide)。这是您所期望的最低限度(bare minimum),但这也是保持鼠标价格低廉(price low)的原因之一。
ASUS TUF Gaming M5 鼠标采用小型可回收包装盒,不捆绑任何配件。(The ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse comes in a small recyclable box, and it does not bundle any accessories.)
华硕(ASUS)表示,TUF Gaming M5 鼠标(TUF Gaming M5 mouse)是一款专为游戏玩家设计的灵巧鼠标,旨在提供舒适性、性能和可靠性。虽然鼠标完全由塑料材料制成,但它感觉制作精良且坚固耐用。它的形状有些不正统,这意味着它比一般的游戏鼠标(gaming mouse)小,但它的背部比一般的高,如下图所示(image below)。
鼠标的侧面是凹面的,因此应该使鼠标从桌面上拿起来很舒服。不过,虽然华硕(ASUS)称华硕 TUF Gaming M5(ASUS TUF Gaming M5)是一款灵巧鼠标,但其上可用的两个侧键却位于左侧。这意味着惯用右手的人可能比惯用左手的用户更容易使用。
ASUS TUF Gaming M5具有RGB 闪电并支持 Aura Sync(RGB lightning and supports Aura Sync) ,这项技术可让您将鼠标上的灯光效果与其他ASUS Aura Sync兼容设备(如键盘、耳机和 PC 组件)同步。
鼠标只有一个发光区域:背面的TUF 标志。(TUF logo)不使用鼠标时它看起来不错,但是一旦您将手放在上面,就不再可见灯光了。
华硕 TUF Gaming M5(ASUS TUF Gaming M5)使用灵敏度为 6200 dpi的光学传感器,并带有一个DPI 按钮(DPI button),您可以使用它来即时调整灵敏度(sensitivity on-the-fly)。DPI 按钮位于(DPI button)滚轮(scroll wheel)下方,由于其独特的形状,无需看鼠标即可轻松找到。
这款鼠标具有欧姆龙(Omron)开关,官方点击寿命为 5000 万次,并提供总共六个按钮,您可以根据需要对所有这些按钮进行编程。还有一个板载内存模块(memory module),这意味着即使您断开鼠标与计算机的连接并在另一台计算机上使用,您对其按钮所做的设置也会保留。
ASUS TUF Gaming M5 鼠标(ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse)在尺寸方面属于中小型鼠标:长、宽和高分别为 4.37 x 2.40 x 1.65 英寸或 111 x 61 x 42 毫米。它仅重 3.88 盎司(110 克)(含电缆)和 3 盎司(85 克)不含电缆。
如果您想查看所有官方规格,请访问此网页:ASUS TUF Gaming M5 规格(ASUS TUF Gaming M5 Specifications)。
使用华硕 TUF Gaming M5 鼠标
关于华硕 TUF Gaming M5 鼠标(ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse),我们首先注意到的是它的形状与大多数游戏鼠标的形状不同。它有一个驼背和小长度。对于手小和中等大小的人来说,这是完美的。对于手较大或手指较长的人来说,感觉有点奇怪。一段时间后,我习惯了它并开始喜欢它的形状,但一开始感觉不舒服。它的长度很短,当我个人更喜欢手掌抓握(palm grip)时,我不得不用爪抓握(claw grip)鼠标。这也意味着只有我的食指和中指坐在鼠标左键和右键上,而我的无名指和小指则挂在鼠标垫上。
另一方面,我们喜欢覆盖鼠标表面的(mouse surface)哑光防滑涂层(matte nonslip coating)。第一印象,你倾向于认为它只是塑料的,但当你抓住鼠标时,你会觉得它不是。它一点也不滑,即使在我们的电脑上玩了很长时间,我们的手也没有出汗。
鼠标的侧面也很漂亮:它们的凹形形状(concave shape)和它们上面的橡胶纹理可以很容易地牢牢握住鼠标。由于我们在Digital Citizen(Digital Citizen)都是惯用右手的,因此我们对侧边按钮的位置感到满意。如您所知,它们都在鼠标的左侧。它们很容易找到和按下。但是,如果你是左撇子,你可能会有不同的感觉。
我们在游戏和办公室工作中都使用了(office work)华硕 TUF Gaming M5 鼠标(ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse)。我们玩了很多英雄(Legends)联盟(League)比赛和一些《命运2(Destiny 2) 》 。鼠标在这两款游戏中都表现出色:反应灵敏且速度快,即使在我们的电脑上花费了很长时间后,它也不会让我们的手感到疲倦。
华硕 TUF Gaming M5 鼠标是一款价格合理的好鼠标。对于想要一款在游戏和日常使用中表现出色的小鼠标的人来说,它首先是一个绝佳的选择。它轻巧舒适,特别适合手小而普通的人,最好是右撇子。不过,对于其他人,您可能想看看其他更大的老鼠。(The ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse is a good mouse at a reasonable price. It is first and foremost an excellent choice for people who want a small mouse that works great in games and in everyday use. It is light and comfortable especially for people with small and average hands, preferably right-handed. For the others though, you might want to look at other larger mice.)
对于他们的TUF Gaming M5 鼠标(TUF Gaming M5 mouse),华硕(ASUS)提供了Armory II 软件(Armoury II software),这是一个提供新固件和自定义选项(firmware and customization options)的应用程序。您可以从这里获得它:ASUS TUF Gaming M5。
ASUS Armory II可让您为(ASUS Armoury II)TUF Gaming M5 鼠标(TUF Gaming M5 mouse)创建三个不同的配置文件,每个配置文件都具有不同的按钮、性能和照明设置。它可以让您配置其八个按钮中的每一个的功能,以及设置轮询速率(polling rate)、角度捕捉和按钮响应速度(button response speed)。还有两个可自定义的DPI分辨率,您可以将它们设置为从 100 到最大 6200 dpi 的任何值,步长为 100。
可用的照明选项包括静态(Static)、呼吸(Breathing)、颜色循环(Color Cycle)和反应(Reactive)效果,您可以更改颜色和LED 亮度(LED brightness)等细节。
如果您喜欢宏动作,您可能会很高兴看到Armory II 软件(Armoury II software)可以让您在这款鼠标上创建和使用宏动作。
它还可以记录一些统计数据,例如您执行的点击次数、鼠标光标(mouse cursor)移动的距离以及每分钟的鼠标操作次数。但是,这些统计数据不会自动记录:如果您需要它们,您必须手动打开Armory II 并按下(Armoury II and press)统计(Stats)页面中的记录(Record)按钮。
ASUS TUF Gaming M5 鼠标(ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse)提供对Aura Sync的支持,但它有一个烦人的错误。尽管照明同步有效,但当您启用它时,所有其他自定义选项均不可用。如果您考虑的是照明选项,而不是按钮、性能或统计信息(performance or stats),那么这是有道理的。
华硕提供的 Armory II 软件为您提供定制华硕 TUF Gaming M5 鼠标所需的所有基础知识。但是,它有一些烦人的错误,应该尽快修复。(The Armoury II software that ASUS offers gives you all the basics you need to customize the ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse. However, it has some annoying bugs that should be repaired sooner rather than later.)
您对华硕 TUF Gaming M5 鼠标(ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse)有何看法?
这就是我们对ASUS TUF Gaming M5 鼠标(ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse)的看法,我们喜欢什么,不喜欢什么。您对此有何看法?你想拥有它,你会买吗?还是你有其他感觉?在下面的评论部分分享您的意见和见解,以便其他人也能听到您的声音。
ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse review: Small, affordable, and reliable!
We recently received for testing an interesting gaming device: a mouse from ASUS thаt promises to be ergonomic, durable and offer a long lіfespan. It іs callеd ASUS TUF Gaming M5 and, although ѕold at an affordable price, it uses Omron switches and has support for the Aura Sync technology. Does it manage to be a goоd mouse? Is a great choice for gamers? You can find the answers to theѕe questions in our review, so read on:
ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse: Who is it good for?
The ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse is an excellent choice for:
- Gamers who have small or average sized hands and want a small but comfortable mouse
- Users who want a mouse of good quality but do not want to spend a fortune for it
- People who want RGB lighting effects on all their accessories
- Right-handed mouse users
Pros and cons
The ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse has many good things going for it:
- Good build quality
- It is comfortable to use for long periods, both in games and when doing office work
- Includes RGB lighting effects that can be synchronized with other ASUS accessories
- It uses durable and replaceable Omron switches
- Great price for what it offers
There are also a few downsides:
- Its small size means that it is not a good fit for users who have large hands or long fingers
- The RoG Armoury software needs updates and improvements, to be on par with similar software from the competition
The ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse looks good and it offers a solid quality per price ratio. It is made to last, and the materials used by ASUS for it are reliable. This mouse gives you a reliable optical sensor with good accuracy, Omron switches with a long lifespan, and a classic design. The only aspect that could make you look elsewhere is its size. Its shape fits well in your hand if you have small or average sized hands. If you do, go ahead and buy the ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse. People with large hands are better served by bigger computer mice.
Unboxing the ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse
The ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse comes in a small box made from recyclable materials. Its color is gray and, on its front side, it features a large glossy image of the mouse, its name and brand, as well as the Aura Sync compatibility.
The back and the sides of the box show off a few of the mouse' essential features and some of its hardware specs.
Inside the box, there is only the ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse and a quick setup guide. This is the bare minimum you would expect, but it is also one of the things that keep the mouse's price low.
The ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse comes in a small recyclable box, and it does not bundle any accessories.
Design and hardware specifications
ASUS says that the TUF Gaming M5 mouse is an ambidextrous mouse designed for gamers and that it is built to deliver comfort, performance, and reliability. Although the mouse is made entirely out of plastic materials, it feels well made and robust. Its shape is somewhat unorthodox, meaning that it is smaller than the average gaming mouse, but its back is higher than the average, as you can see in the image below.
The sides of the mouse are concave and thus should make the mouse comfortable to grip and raise from your desk. However, although ASUS says that the ASUS TUF Gaming M5 is an ambidextrous mouse, the two side buttons available on it are placed on the left side. That means that right-handed people might find it easier to use than left-handed users.
The ASUS TUF Gaming M5 features RGB lightning and supports Aura Sync, a tech that lets you synchronize the lighting effects on your mouse with other ASUS Aura Sync compatible devices such as keyboards, headsets, and PC components.
The mouse has only one lighting zone: the TUF logo found on its the back. It looks good when you are not using the mouse, but once you place your hand on it, the lighting is no longer visible.
The ASUS TUF Gaming M5 uses an optical sensor with a sensitivity of 6200 dpi and comes with a DPI button which you can use to adjust the sensitivity on-the-fly. The DPI button sits beneath the scroll wheel, and because of its distinct shape, it is easy to find without looking at the mouse.
This mouse has Omron switches that have an official lifespan of 50 million clicks and offers a total of six buttons, all of which you can program as you like. There is also an onboard memory module, which means that the settings you make to its buttons are kept even if you disconnect the mouse from your computer and use it on another.
The ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse is a small-to-medium mouse in terms of size: 4.37 x 2.40 x 1.65 inches or 111 x 61 x 42 mm in length, width, and height. It only weighs 3.88 ounces (110 grams) with cable and 3 ounces (85 grams) without the cable.
If you want to see all the official specifications, visit this webpage: ASUS TUF Gaming M5 Specifications.
Using the ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse
The first thing we noticed about the ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse is that its shape is not the same as that of most gaming mice. It has a humped back and small length. For people with small and average sized hands, this is perfect. For people with larger hands or long fingers, it feels a bit odd. After a while, I got used to it and started to like its shape but, in the beginning, it did not feel comfortable. Its short length meant that I had to hold the mouse with a claw grip when I personally prefer a palm grip. It also meant that only my index and my middle finger were sitting on the mouse left and right click buttons, while my ring and my pinky fingers were hanging on the mousepad.
On another matter, we like the matte nonslip coating that covers the mouse surface. At first impression, you tend to think that it is only plastic, but as you grab the mouse in your hand you feel that it is not. It is not slippery at all and even after long hours of playing on our computers, our hands did not sweat.
The sides of the mouse are also nice: their concave shape and the rubberized textures on them make it easy to hold the mouse firmly. As we are all right-handed here at Digital Citizen, we are happy with the side buttons positioning. As you know, both of them are on the left of the mouse. They are easy to find and press. However, if you are a leftie, you might not feel the same.
We used the ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse both in games and doing office work. We played a lot of League of Legends matches and some Destiny 2. The mouse worked great in both games: it was responsive and fast, and it did not tire our hands even after spending a long time on our computers.
The ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse is a good mouse at a reasonable price. It is first and foremost an excellent choice for people who want a small mouse that works great in games and in everyday use. It is light and comfortable especially for people with small and average hands, preferably right-handed. For the others though, you might want to look at other larger mice.
Drivers and software
For their TUF Gaming M5 mouse, ASUS offers the Armoury II software, which is an app that delivers both new firmware and customization options. You can get it from here: ASUS TUF Gaming M5.
ASUS Armoury II lets you create three different profiles for the TUF Gaming M5 mouse, each of them with different settings for the buttons, performance, and lighting. It lets you configure what each of the eight buttons on it does, as well as set the polling rate, angle snapping, and button response speed. There are also two customizable DPI resolutions which you can set to any value from 100 to the maximum 6200 dpi, in steps of 100.
The available lighting options include Static, Breathing, Color Cycle, and Reactive effects, and you can change details such colors and LED brightness.
If you love macro actions, you might be happy to know that the Armoury II software lets you create and use them on this mouse.
It can also record some statistics such as the number of clicks you perform, the distance your mouse cursor travels and the number of mouse actions per minute. However, these statistics are not recorded automatically: if you want them, you must manually open Armoury II and press the Record button from the Stats page.
The ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse offers support for Aura Sync, but it has an annoying bug. Although the lighting synchronization works, when you enable it, all the other customization options are rendered unavailable. That makes sense if you are thinking about the lighting options, but not about the buttons, performance or stats.
The Armoury II software that ASUS offers gives you all the basics you need to customize the ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse. However, it has some annoying bugs that should be repaired sooner rather than later.
What is your opinion about the ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse?
This is what we think about the ASUS TUF Gaming M5 mouse, what we like and what we do not. What is your opinion about it? Do you want to have it, will you buy it? Or do you feel otherwise? Share your opinions and insights in the comments section below, so that others can hear you too.