您(Are)是否正在寻找一款纤薄、轻便、便于随身携带的外置DVD 刻录机(DVD writer)?您是否需要在Mac和Windows 10 PC 上运行的简单但完整的备份解决方案?您想要一款设计酷炫、设计精巧的DVD 刻录机吗?(DVD writer)ASUS ZenDrive U7M ( SDRW -08U7M-U(SDRW-08U7M-U) ) 可能正是您要找的。阅读这篇评论,看看它提供了什么,以及它是否是更昂贵的Apple SuperDrive的绝佳替代品:
华硕 ZenDrive U7M(ASUS ZenDrive U7M):它适合谁?
ASUS ZenDrive U7M是一个不错的选择:
- 正在寻找适用于所有操作系统(Windows、macOS 和Linux)甚至拥有适用于 Android 设备的在线备份(Android)解决方案的便携式外部(online backup solution)DVD 刻录机的用户(DVD writer)
- (Mac)想要替代Apple USB SuperDrive的经济实惠的(Apple USB SuperDrive)Mac用户
- 人们正在寻找支持M-DISC(M-DISC support)的可访问、易于使用的外部DVD 刻录机(DVD writer)
- 华硕(ASUS)发烧友,需要外接DVD 刻录机(DVD writer)来匹配华硕 Zen 系列的其他产品(ASUS Zen series)
我们喜欢华硕 ZenDrive U7M(ASUS ZenDrive U7M):
- 即插即用:只需通过USB 2.0连接,即可使用
- 纤薄轻巧(Slim and light),因此您可以轻松地将其放在包中或稍大的口袋中随身携带
- 兼容Windows、macOS 和Linux
- 经济实惠,尤其是与其Apple 替代品(Apple alternative)相比,这对 macOS 用户来说是个好消息
- 优雅,低调的禅意设计,匹配整个华硕 Zen 系列(ASUS Zen series)产品
- 配备M-DISC刻录技术 - 声称即使在极端条件下也能保护您的数据和记忆达 1000 年或更长时间
如果满足以下条件,我们会更喜欢ASUS ZenDrive U7M:
- 华硕(ASUS)明确表示需要两个 USB 端口才能工作
- 它使用 USB 3.0 或USB Type C 端口(USB Type C port)
华硕 ZenDrive U7M(ASUS ZenDrive U7M) ( SDRW-08U7M-U ) 超便携,设计精美。它具有不错的写入和读取速度(writing and reading speeds),可以在Windows、macOS 和Linux上使用。如果您使用具有不同操作系统的多台计算机,这将是一个不错的选择。作为macOS 用户,我发现它是(macOS user)Apple USB SuperDrive的实惠替代品,因为它以极低的成本提供了出色的体验。一个显着特点是M-DISC 技术(M-DISC technology),允许您在极端条件下将数据保存 1000 年。主要缺点是占用两个USB口(USB port)s,因此,它不能用于任何只有一个USB 端口(USB port)的设备。
华硕 ZenDrive U7M 拆箱
华硕 ZenDrive U7M(ASUS ZenDrive U7M) ( SDRW -08U7M-U(SDRW-08U7M-U) ) 采用白色盒子,两侧为黑色或灰色,对应您购买的型号:黑色或银色。设备的图片显示在盒子的顶部。但是,产品的名称可能会受益于更多的知名度。
打开包装盒可以看到DVD 刻录机(DVD writer),包装在保护泡沫中,捆绑的 Y 型电缆带有两个 A 型USB连接器和一个微型USB连接器,两张 M-DISC DVD(DVDs),一张软件DVD,36 种语言的快速安装指南(Quick Installation Guide),一个带有 macOS 说明的仅英文纸、带有6 个月访问ASUS WebStorage 云服务的(ASUS WebStorage cloud)激活码(activation code)的优惠券以及保修文件。
拆箱体验是一种愉快的体验,您可以获得立即开始使用外部 DVD 刻录机所需的一切。(The unboxing experience is a pleasant one, and you get everything you need to immediately start using your external DVD writer.)
华硕 ZenDrive U7M(ASUS ZenDrive U7M)有黑色或银色两种颜色,专为配合华硕 Zen 系列(ASUS Zen series)产品而设计,外观纤薄,并带有同心圆发际线雕刻。只有一个按钮,在光盘托盘(disc tray)的同一侧,具有弹出光盘的唯一功能。按钮旁边的针孔确保您可以在需要时强制打开托盘。
华硕 ZenDrive U7M(ASUS ZenDrive U7M)重量轻,仅重 8 盎司或 228 克,尺寸约为 5.61 x 5.33 x 0.54 英寸或 142.5 x 135.5 x 13.9 毫米长x 宽(x width) x 高(x height)。它通过USB 2.0连接,它可以在 160 毫秒内访问DVD 和 CD 。(DVDs and CDs)它支持多种光盘格式:音频 CD(Audio CD)、视频 CD(Video CD)、CD-I、CD-Extra、照片 CD(Photo CD)、CD-Text、CD-ROM/XA、多区段 CD(Multi-session CD)、CD-R、CD-RW、CD -ROM,DVD±R(SL/DL )、DVD±RW、DVD-ROM ( SL/DL )、DVD-RAM和DVD 视频(DVD Video)。
华硕(ASUS)强调,这款驱动器可以在获得专利的类岩石层上刻录M-DISC DVD(M-DISC DVDs),确保珍贵的数据、照片和视频可保存 1000 年(与其他可写媒体相比,其存储寿命(storage lifetime)约为 8 年)和在极端条件下是安全的。
华硕 ZenDrive U7M(Asus ZenDrive U7M)的读取速度为:
- DVD-RAM 为 5X
- 24X 用于 CD-R、CD-RW、CD-ROM
- 4X 用于 DVD 视频播放
- 10X 用于VCD 播放(VCD Playback),音频 CD 播放(Audio CD Playback)
- DVD-RAM 为 5X
- 24X 用于 CD-R、CD-RW
如果您想了解更多关于这款外置DVD 刻录机(DVD Writer)的官方规格,请访问此页面:ZenDrive U7M 规格(ZenDrive U7M Specifications)。
在macOS 和 Windows(macOS and Windows)上使用ASUS ZenDrive U7M
ASUS ZenDrive U7M即插即用,因此您无需安装任何驱动程序或额外程序即可在您的计算机上运行。插入CD 或 DVD(CD or DVD)时,请确保听到咔嗒声以确保正确放置,并且不会遇到任何问题。
在 macOS 上,对于某些DVD(DVDs),系统会提示您为DVD 驱动器(DVD drive)选择一个区域。
我们决定使用 ZenDrive 随附的两个 M-DISC之一(ZenDrive),并在获得专利的类岩石层上刻录一些无价的记忆(以旧照片和家庭视频的形式)。
您可以决定打开 Finder(Open Finder),也可以通过双击或点击桌面(Desktop)图标开始刻录过程。(burning process)空白 DVD 将在Finder中打开,您只需将所需的文件和文件夹拖入其中,然后按刻录(Burn)。
刻录过程(burning process)开始,并且运行良好,没有任何错误和问题。此外,ZenDrive U7M和其他计算机上的其他DVD阅读器也可以轻松读取最终结果。(end result)由于我们对Mac上的情况感到满意,因此我们切换到了装有Windows 10的台式电脑。在这个操作系统中(operating system),华硕ZenDrive U7M(ASUS ZenDrive U7M)立刻就被认出来了。
我们决定翻录 Pink Floyd 的The Division Bell专辑,看看ZenDrive U7M的表现如何。
没有错误,音乐曲目按预期播放,我们设置的质量设置。在音频 CD 翻录测试之后,我们还刻录了一张带有数据的DVD 。我们开始刻录光盘并为其命名。
录制速度与华硕 ZenDrive U7M(ASUS ZenDrive U7M)的官方规格相符,过程流畅,没有错误。
我们还检查了华硕 ZenDrive U7M是否可以正常播放电影(ASUS ZenDrive U7M)DVD(DVDs)。我们从我们的收藏中取出一部流行电影的DVD,并观看了几分钟。你能认出来吗?正如预期的那样,播放过程(playback process)流畅且无延迟。
ASUS ZenDrive U7M 随附(ASUS ZenDrive U7M)的DVD捆绑(DVD)了各种软件:
Cyberlink Power2go 8 - 支持蓝光光盘刻录(Blu-ray Disc burning)和 DVD-R 双层 ( DVD-RDL ) 刻录,同时提供可选的加密功能(encryption functionality)来保护您的私人文件
Cyberlink PowerBackup 2.6 - 归档文件、文件夹和应用程序数据,同时为重要数据安排自动备份
E-Green -由华硕品牌设备和计算机(ASUS-branded)运行的程序(program ran),用于降低光驱的能耗(energy consumption)
Nero BackItUp - 自动将您的文件备份到最多 3 个位置
我们发现的唯一缺点是华硕 ZenDrive U7M(ASUS ZenDrive U7M)有时会进入某种待机模式。因此,如果一段时间不使用,它可能会变得无响应。只需(Just)拔下电缆并重新连接设备即可解决问题。华硕 ZenDrive U7M(ASUS ZenDrive U7M)重新投入使用,随心所欲。
华硕 ZenDrive U7M 与(ASUS ZenDrive U7M vs) Apple USB SuperDrive
华硕 ZenDrive U7M(ASUS ZenDrive U7M)对于macOS 用户来说是一种经济实惠的替代品,因为它的价格约为Apple USB SuperDrive价格的 30% 。但是,它们之间存在一些显着差异:
- Apple USB SuperDrive通过(Apple USB SuperDrive)SuperDrive内置的一根USB Type-A 电缆连接(USB Type-A cable),因此它只需要一个空闲USB 插槽(USB slot),而 ZenDrive 需要两个USB插槽(USB slot)
- 华硕 ZenDrive U7M(ASUS ZenDrive U7M)比Apple的SuperDrive轻约 3.77 盎司或 107 克,厚度减少 0.11 英寸或 3 毫米
- Apple USB SuperDrive仅提供银色,而华硕ZenDrive U7M(ASUS ZenDrive U7M)提供黑色和银色
- 写入速度相似,Apple USB SuperDrive在DVD-RW(6X 和 8X 与 6X)时的速度稍高,而ZenDrive在(ZenDrive)CD-RW时更快(24X 与 16X)。
- 在支持的格式方面,华硕 ZenDrive U7M(ASUS ZenDrive U7M)支持几乎所有SuperDrive支持的格式等等。SuperDrive支持但ZenDrive不支持的唯一格式是DVD-R RL and DVD+R RL。M-DISC 技术(M-DISC technology)支持和使用随附软件刻录蓝光光盘(Blu-ray Discs)的能力使华硕 ZenDrive U7M(ASUS ZenDrive U7M)具有明显的优势。
你喜欢华硕 ZenDrive U7M 吗?
现在您知道我们对华硕 ZenDrive U7M(ASUS ZenDrive U7M)的感受了吧。我们喜欢它的很多地方,在结束之前,我们想知道你喜欢它。您家中是否已有ZenDrive?你(Are)满意吗?在下面发表评论(Comment),让我们讨论。
ASUS ZenDrive U7M review: The affordable alternative to Apple's SuperDrive!
Are you looking for a slim, lightweight external DVD writer, that you can easily carry around? Do you need a simple, but сomplete, backup solution, that works on a Mac as well as on a Windows 10 PC? Do you want a DVD writer with a cool, slick design? The ASUS ZenDrive U7M (SDRW-08U7M-U) might be exactly what you are looking for. Read this review, see what it has to оffеr, and whether it is a great alternative to the more expensivе Apple SuperDrive:
ASUS ZenDrive U7M: Who is it good for?
The ASUS ZenDrive U7M is a good choice for:
- Users who are looking for a portable external DVD writer that works with all operating systems (Windows, macOS, and Linux) and even has an online backup solution for Android devices
- Mac users who want an affordable alternative to the Apple USB SuperDrive
- People in search of an accessible, easy to use external DVD writer with M-DISC support
- ASUS enthusiasts, in need of an external DVD writer matching their other products from the ASUS Zen series
Pros and Cons:
We like that the ASUS ZenDrive U7M is:
- Plug-and-play: just connect it via USB 2.0, and you are ready to go
- Slim and light, so you can easily carry it around in a bag or a slightly oversized pocket
- Compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux
- Affordable, especially compared to its Apple alternative, which is excellent news for macOS users
- Elegant, with an understated Zen-inspired design, matching the entire ASUS Zen series of products
- Equipped with M-DISC burning technology - that claims to protect your data and memories, even under extreme conditions, for 1000 years or more
We would enjoy the ASUS ZenDrive U7M even more if:
- ASUS made it clear that it needs two USB ports to work
- It used a USB 3.0 or USB Type C port
The ASUS ZenDrive U7M (SDRW-08U7M-U) is ultra-portable and has a pleasant design. It has decent writing and reading speeds and it can be used on Windows, macOS, and Linux. This makes it a great choice if you are using multiple computers with different operating systems. As a macOS user, I found it to be an affordable alternative to the Apple USB SuperDrive, because it offers a great experience at a fraction of the cost. A distinguishable feature is the M-DISC technology, allowing you to save your data for 1000 years under extreme conditions. The main downside is that it takes up two USB ports and, as a result, it can not be used on any devices that only have one USB port.
Unboxing the ASUS ZenDrive U7M
The ASUS ZenDrive U7M (SDRW-08U7M-U) comes in a white box with two black or grey sides, corresponding to the model that you purchase: black or silver. A picture of the device is displayed on top of the box. However, the name of the product could benefit from more visibility.
The back of the box displays details about the technical specifications of the product and its capabilities.
Opening the box reveals the DVD writer, packed in protective foam, a bundled Y-cable with two Type A USB connectors and a micro-USB connector, two M-DISC DVDs, a software DVD, a Quick Installation Guide in 36 languages, an English-only piece of paper with macOS instructions, a coupon with an activation code for 6 months of access to the ASUS WebStorage cloud service, and the warranty documents.
The unboxing experience is a pleasant one, and you get everything you need to immediately start using your external DVD writer.
Design and hardware specifications
The ASUS ZenDrive U7M comes in black or silver, and it is designed to fit in with the ASUS Zen series of products, with its slim appearance and its concentric-circles hairline engraving. There is only one button, on the same side as the disc tray, with the sole function of ejecting the disc. A pinhole next to the button ensures you can force open the tray if the need arises.
The ASUS ZenDrive U7M is light, weighing only 8 oz or 228 grams and its size is approximately 5.61 x 5.33 x 0.54 inches or 142.5 x 135.5 x 13.9 mm in length x width x height. It connects through USB 2.0, and it can access both DVDs and CDs in 160 ms. It supports a wide range of disc formats: Audio CD, Video CD, CD-I, CD-Extra, Photo CD, CD-Text, CD-ROM/XA, Multi-session CD, CD-R, CD-RW, CD-ROM , DVD±R(SL/DL), DVD±RW, DVD-ROM(SL/DL), DVD-RAM, and DVD Video.
ASUS emphasizes that this drive can burn M-DISC DVDs on a patented rock-like layer, ensuring precious data, photos and videos are available for 1,000 years (as opposed to other writable media, that has a storage lifetime of around 8 years) and are safe from extreme conditions.
Asus ZenDrive U7M has read speeds of:
- 5X for DVD-RAM
- 24X for CD-R, CD-RW, CD-ROM
- 4X for DVD Video Playback
- 10X for VCD Playback, Audio CD Playback
The write speeds of the ZenDrive are:
- 8X for DVD+R, DVD-R, DVD+RW
- 6X for DVD-RW, DVD+R(DL), DVD-R(DL)
- 4X for DVD+R(M-DISC)
- 5X for DVD-RAM
- 24X for CD-R, CD-RW
If you would like to learn more about the official specifications of this external DVD Writer, go to this page: ZenDrive U7M Specifications.
Using the ASUS ZenDrive U7M on macOS and Windows
The ASUS ZenDrive U7M is plug-and-play, so you do not need to install any drivers or extra programs for it to work on your computer. When you insert your CD or DVD, make sure that you hear a click to ensure it is placed correctly, and you shouldn't encounter any issues.
On macOS, for some DVDs, you are prompted to choose a region for your DVD drive.
We decided to use one of the two M-DISCs received with the ZenDrive, and burn some priceless memories (in the form of old photos and home videos) on the patented rock-like layer.
When using a Mac, an icon of the blank DVD should appear on your desktop after you insert it.
You are also prompted to choose an action.
You can either decide to Open Finder, or you can start the burning process by double-clicking or tapping the Desktop icon. The blank DVD opens in the Finder, and you just have to drag the desired files and folders inside and press Burn.
Choose a new name for your M-DISC and then press Burn.
The burning process starts, and it works well, without any errors, and problems. Also, the end result is easily read by the ZenDrive U7M, and by other DVD readers on other computers. Since we were satisfied with how things went on our Mac, we switched to a desktop PC with Windows 10. In this operating system, the ASUS ZenDrive U7M was immediately recognized.
We decided to rip Pink Floyd's The Division Bell album, and see how the ZenDrive U7M fares.
There were no errors, and the music tracks played as expected, with the quality settings that we have set. After the audio CD ripping test, we also burned a DVD with data on it. We started the burning of the disc and chose a name for it.
The recording speed matched the official specifications of the ASUS ZenDrive U7M, and the process worked smoothly, without errors.
We also checked whether movie DVDs are played properly by the ASUS ZenDrive U7M. We took the DVD of a popular movie from our collection, and watched it for a couple of minutes. Can you recognize it? The playback process was smooth and lag-free, as expected.
The DVD provided with the ASUS ZenDrive U7M bundles various software:
Cyberlink Power2go 8 - supports Blu-ray Disc burning and DVD-R double-layer (DVD-RDL) recording while offering optional encryption functionality to protect your private files
Cyberlink PowerBackup 2.6 - archives files, folders and application data, while scheduling automatic backups for important data
E-Green - a program ran by ASUS-branded devices and computers to reduce the optical drive's energy consumption
Nero BackItUp - automatically backs up your files on up to 3 locations
The only downside that we have found is that the ASUS ZenDrive U7M can sometimes enter some sort of standby mode. Therefore, if it is not used for a while, it can become unresponsive. Just unplug the cables and reconnect the device and the issue is solved. ASUS ZenDrive U7M is back in action, doing what you want it to do.
ASUS ZenDrive U7M vs Apple USB SuperDrive
The ASUS ZenDrive U7M is an affordable alternative for macOS users because it costs approximately 30% of the price of the Apple USB SuperDrive. However, there are some notable differences between them:
- The Apple USB SuperDrive connects through a single USB Type-A cable that's built into the SuperDrive, so it only requires one free USB slot, while the ZenDrive requires two USB slots
- The ASUS ZenDrive U7M is approximately 3.77 oz or 107 grams lighter and 0.11 inches or 3 mm less thick than Apple's SuperDrive
- The Apple USB SuperDrive is only available in silver, while ASUS ZenDrive U7M comes in black and silver
- The writing speeds are similar, with the Apple USB SuperDrive achieving a slightly higher speed when it comes to DVD-RW (6X and 8X vs. 6X) and the ZenDrive being faster when it comes to CD-RW (24X vs. 16X).
- When it comes to supported formats, the ASUS ZenDrive U7M supports almost all the formats supported by the SuperDrive and more. The only formats supported by the SuperDrive that the ZenDrive does not support are DVD-R RL and DVD+R RL. The M-DISC technology support and the ability to burn Blu-ray Discs using the included software put the ASUS ZenDrive U7M at a clear advantage.
Do you like the ASUS ZenDrive U7M?
Now you know how we feel about the ASUS ZenDrive U7M. There are a lot of things we enjoy about it, and, before closing, we would like to know how you liked it. Do you already have the ZenDrive in your home? Are you happy with it? Comment below and let's discuss.