华硕(ASUS)销售的最受欢迎的智能手机型号之一是其ZenFone Max设备。它们配备了慷慨的电池,旨在提供充足的自主权。几个月前,我们测试了华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max,但我们对它所提供的东西并不满意。我们认为它提供的价值低于第一代华硕 ZenFone Max(ASUS ZenFone Max)。许多用户有类似的批评,因此,华硕(ASUS)听取并发布了新的和改进的华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max 5.5。这款智能手机是以前型号的修订版,并承诺(model and promises)解决人们最大的抱怨。这个新版本是对其前身的坚实升级吗?阅读此评论并了解:
华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max 5.5擅长什么?
华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max 5.5 ( ZC553KL ) 智能手机擅长:(ZC553KL)
- 在两次充电之间连续两天让您远离电源插座(power socket)
- 多任务处理和良好的网页浏览(web browsing)体验
- 看起来比大多数价格相同的智能手机更好(price tag)
以下是华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max 5.5 ( ZC553KL ) 的优点:
- 硬件比之前的机型——华硕ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max(ZC520TL)
- 性能和拍照体验(camera experience)都比之前的机型好很多
- 它提供指纹传感器(fingerprint sensor)以增强安全性
- 它有一个大电池(4100 mAh),可提供充足的自主权
- 它具有良好的制造质量(build quality)和金属机身
- 它有一个5.5英寸的屏幕(inch screen),大小足以满足大多数用户的需求。
- 您可以使用并享受Android 7.1.1 Nougat
- 如果你想要一个游戏智能手机(gaming smartphone),这不是一个很好的选择
- 没有大猩猩玻璃(Gorilla Glass)保护屏幕
- 智能手机比它应该的贵一点
第一款华硕 ZenFone Max 智能手机(ASUS ZenFone Max smartphone)( ZC550KL ) 是我们非常赞赏的型号。然后是华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max ( ZC520TL ),在我们看来这有点令人失望。用户反馈(user feedback)也证实了这一点,因此华硕(ASUS)决定采取行动并发布华硕 ZenFone(action and release ASUS ZenFone) 3 Max 5.5 ( ZC553KL )。此版本在许多重要方面都是一次重大升级:处理器、相机及其提供的性能。如果您想购买ZenFone Max 系列(ZenFone Max family)的智能手机,华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max 5.5 (ZC553KL ) 是一种选择。唯一重要的缺点是价格,可能会略小一些。然而,冬季销售即将到来,我们预计华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max 5.5将以优惠的价格提供,使其成为其利基市场的必备品。
华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max 5.5 ,也被工厂名称(factory name)称为华硕 ZC553KL(ASUS ZC553KL),装在一个由白色纸板制成的盒子里。它触感柔软,看起来不错。顶部是智能手机的插图,从正面和背面都显示了它的外观。在此插图附近,您还可以看到智能手机名为Zenfone 3 Max 5.5。
在侧面,您会找到有关此智能手机及其一些最重要特征的信息。将盒子底部(box bottom)向上,您会找到有关确切智能手机型号(smartphone model)、IMEI 码(IMEI code)、序列号等的详细信息。
在包装内,您会发现华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max 5.5位于(Max 5.5)纸盘(paper tray)顶部。在它的下方,有一个带有可拆卸USB转微型USB 电缆的(USB cable)电源充电器(power charger)、一个微型USB转USB OTG 电缆(USB OTG cable),您可以使用该电缆从智能手机的电池中为其他设备充电,一个用于弹出SIM 托盘(SIM tray)的针脚、保修卡(warranty card)和用户手册。不幸的是,没有耳机。
华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max 5.5有四种不同的颜色可供选择:沙金、(Sand Gold)钛灰(Titanium Gray)、冰川银(Glacier Silver)和玫瑰粉(Rose Pink)。这些颜色与我们在华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max上看到的颜色相同,但有一个例外:玫瑰粉(Rose Pink)仅在ZenFone 3 Max 5.5上出现。我们测试的模型是钛灰色的(Titanium Gray one)。
顾名思义,华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max 5.5拥有 5.5英寸的屏幕(inch screen)。这是该型号与较小的华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max之间的主要区别之一,后者具有 5.2英寸显示屏(inch display)。华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max 5.5提供 1920 x 1080 像素的全高清分辨率(Full HD resolution),并采用IPS ( In-Plane Switching ) 技术,这意味着视角非常宽广,色彩应该接近自然。包括显示屏在内的智能手机正面由 2.5D 异形玻璃保护。
华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max 5.5使用运行频率为 1.4 (Max 5.5)GHz的64 位Qualcomm Snapdragon八核 430 处理器。对于视频渲染(video rendering),智能手机依赖于运行频率为 450MHz 的Adreno 505视频芯片(video chip),该芯片支持DirectX 12.1和OpenGL 3.2。相比之下,华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3)Max提供运行频率为 1.25 GHz的四核联发科处理器(MediaTek processor)和 Mali-T720MP2视频芯片(video chip)(支持DirectX 9.3和OpenGL 3.1)。在处理能力方面, 华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max 5.5绝对是对其前身的改进。
华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max 5.5还配备 32GB 内部闪存空间(flash storage space)和 2 或 3GB LPDDR3 内存(LPDDR3 memory),具体取决于您购买的确切版本。还值得注意的是,您始终可以通过添加高达 128 GB 的 microSD 卡来扩展智能手机的存储容量。(storage capacity)插入的是 microSD 卡而不是第二张 SIM 卡(SIM),这意味着您必须在拥有更多存储空间或能够同时使用带有两张SIM卡的智能手机之间做出选择。你不能同时拥有它们。请注意,我们测试的模型有 3 GB 的RAM。
华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max 5.5后置摄像头(rear camera)配备16兆像素传感器和 f/2.0 光圈。该相机得益于快速激光自动对焦传感器(laser autofocus sensor),可以拍摄带有HDR的照片,并且可以在弱光环境下利用内置的双 LED 闪光灯。在智能手机的正面,您还可以获得一个分辨率为 8 兆像素和 af/2.2 光圈的自拍相机。(selfie camera)
如果您对所获得的连接选项感到好奇,华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max 5.5提供蓝牙 4.1(Bluetooth 4.1)芯片和无线网卡(wireless network card),只能使用 802.11 b/g/n wireless标准连接到 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi网络。(GHz Wi-Fi)这意味着您将无法连接到通过 5GHz无线电频率(radio frequency)广播的无线网络。
这款智能手机是双SIM 卡设备(SIM device),支持 4G LTE连接。但是,如果您在双卡模式下(Dual SIM mode)使用,则只有一张SIM 卡(SIM card)可以连接和使用 3G 和 4G LTE网络。副SIM卡(SIM card)只能使用2G。此外,智能手机采用双卡双待实现(SIM Dual Standby implementation),这意味着两张SIM 卡(SIM card)在待机状态下都处于活动状态,但是当您在其中一个上接听电话时,另一个将变为非活动状态。
华硕 ZenFone 3(ASUS ZenFone 3) Max 5.5(Max 5.5)还包括多种传感器:接近度、环境光传感器(light sensor)、陀螺仪传感器(gyro sensor)、电子罗盘、指纹扫描仪(fingerprint scanner)、加速器和激光传感器(laser sensor)。
电池是任何智能手机的重要组成部分,在华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max 5.5中更是如此。该型号吹嘘具有 4100 mAh(不可拆卸)的大容量。它与之前的华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max上的电池相同。
这款智能手机拥有 5.5英寸的屏幕(inch screen),也比其前身大一些。这一款长 5.96 英寸(151.4 毫米),宽 3 英寸(76.24 毫米),厚 0.33 英寸(8.3 毫米)。它重 6.17 盎司,在公制系统中为 175 克。
如果您想查看有关这款智能手机官方规格的更多详细信息,请访问此页面:ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5 - 技术规格(ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5 - Tech Specs)。
打开(Unpacking the )华硕 ZenFone 3 Max 5.5的包装(ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5)是一次( was a )愉快的(pleasant)体验,我们的第一印象( experience, and our first impressions )是积极的(were positive)。与它的小兄弟华硕 ZenFone 3 Max 不同,5.5 型号的显示屏更大,硬件规格更好,这是(. Unlike its smaller brother, the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max, the 5.5 model has a larger display, and its hardware specifications are better, which is)一个可喜的变化,受到许多用户的欢迎。( a welcome change, desired by many users.)
ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5的设计兼顾易用性和美观性。华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max 5.5虽然与之前的机型有很多相似之处,但也有一些自己的设计特点。例如,机身是由金属制成的,您在廉价智能手机上并不经常看到这种情况。除了被 2.5D 异形玻璃覆盖的屏幕外,其他所有部分都被智能手机的金属框架覆盖。
手机正面,除了大屏幕外,顶部是耳机和前置摄像头(front camera),底部是默认的安卓按键。(Android)与华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max不同,5.5 型号为返回、主页(Back, Home)和最近的应用程序(Recent apps)使用电容式按钮。作为旁注(side note),我们总是更喜欢将这些按钮与屏幕分开。
智能手机的背面是全金属的。下部有一个深灰色的华硕标志(ASUS logo),顶部是指纹传感器(fingerprint sensor)、摄像头及其辅助设备:双 LED 闪光灯(Dual LED flash)和自动对焦激光传感器(autofocus laser sensor)。指纹传感器(fingerprint sensor)为长方形,在机身内部略微凹陷,便于查找。
华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max 5.5的边缘是圆形的,它们是Android智能手机上所有常用部件的所在地。在底部边缘(bottom edge),有微型USB 端口(USB port)、扬声器格栅(loudspeaker grille)和麦克风所在的小针孔。(pin hole)
在顶部边缘,有一个音频插孔和一个用于辅助麦克风的小针孔。(pin hole)在右侧边缘(right edge),朝向顶部,有电源按钮(power button)和音量(volume rocker)键。在左边(left edge),你有SIM 托盘(SIM tray)。一个很好的细节是侧面按钮与身体其他部分的纹理不同,这使得它们很容易识别。
虽然华硕 ZenFone 3 Max 5.5 是一款经济型智能手机,但它看起来不错,并且具有可靠的构建质量。我们喜欢它的设计,以及它感觉坚固可靠的事实。(Although the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5 is a budget smartphone, it looks good, and it has a solid build quality. We like its design, and the fact that it feels sturdy and reliable.)
如果您想了解更多关于华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3)Max 5.5提供的智能手机体验(smartphone experience)、其摄像头、捆绑的应用程序以及基准测试中的性能,请阅读本评论的第二页。
ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5 review: ZenFone 3 Max upgraded in all ways that matter!
Among the most popular smartphone models sold by ASUS are thеіr ZenFone Max devices. They come with genеrous batteries that аre created to offer plenty of аutonomy. A few months ago, we tеsted the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max, and wе were not happy with what it had to offer. We thought it provіded less value than the first ASUS ZenFone Max. Many users had similar criticism and, аs a result, ASUS listened and released a new and improved ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5. This smartphone is a revision of the preνious model and promiseѕ to fix the biggest сomplаints people had. Is this new version a solіd υpgrade over its predecessor? Read this review and fіnd out:
What is the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5 good at?
The ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5 (ZC553KL) smartphone is good at:
- Keeping you away from the power socket for two days in a row between charges
- Multitasking and good web browsing experiences
- Looking better than most smartphones with the same price tag
Pros and cons
Here are the best things about the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5 (ZC553KL):
- The hardware is better than that of the previous model - ASUS ZenFone 3 Max (ZC520TL)
- The performance and the camera experience are much better than that of the previous model
- It offers a fingerprint sensor for enhanced security
- It has a large battery (4100 mAh) which offers plenty of autonomy
- It has good build quality and a metallic body
- It has a 5.5 inch screen, which is both large and small enough to please most users
- You get to use and enjoy Android 7.1.1 Nougat
There are also a few not so positive things about it:
- If you want a gaming smartphone, it is not a great choice
- There is no Gorilla Glass protecting the screen
- The smartphone is a bit pricier than it should be
The very first ASUS ZenFone Max smartphone (ZC550KL) was a model that we appreciated greatly. Then came the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max (ZC520TL) which was a bit of a disappointment in our view. This was also confirmed by user feedback and, as a result, ASUS decided to take action and release ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5 (ZC553KL). This revision is a great upgrade in many ways that matter: the processor, the camera, and the performance that it offers. If you want to buy a smartphone from the ZenFone Max family, ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5 (ZC553KL) is the one to choose. The only important downside is the price, which could have been slightly smaller. However, the winter sales will be here soon and we expect ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5 to be available at great prices, making it a must-buy in its niche.
Hardware specifications and packaging
ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5, also known as ASUS ZC553KL by its factory name, arrives in a box that is made from white cardboard. It is soft to the touch and looks good. On the top, there is an illustration of the smartphone that shows what it looks like both from its front and from its rear side. Near this illustration, you can also see that the smartphone is called Zenfone 3 Max 5.5.
On the sides you will find information about this smartphone and some of its most important characteristics. Turn the box bottom up, and you will find detailed information about the exact smartphone model, the IMEI code, serial number and so on.
Inside the package, you will find the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5 sitting on top of a paper tray. Underneath it, there is the power charger with a detachable USB to micro USB cable, a micro USB to USB OTG cable that you can use to charge other devices from your smartphone's battery, a pin for ejecting the SIM tray, the warranty card, and the user manual. Unfortunately, there are no earphones included.
The ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5 is available in four different color variations: Sand Gold, Titanium Gray, Glacier Silver, and Rose Pink. These are the same colors that we have seen for the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max, with one exception: Rose Pink is found only on the ZenFone 3 Max 5.5. The model that we tested was the Titanium Gray one.
As the name implies, ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5 has a 5.5 inch screen. This is one of the main differences between this model and the smaller ASUS ZenFone 3 Max, which has a 5.2 inch display. ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5 offers a Full HD resolution of 1920 by 1080 pixels and uses IPS (In-Plane Switching) technology, which means that the viewing angles are very wide and the colors should be close to natural. The front side of the smartphone, including the display, is protected by 2.5D contoured glass.
The ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5 uses a 64-bit Qualcomm Snapdragon octa-core 430 processor running at 1.4GHz. For video rendering, the smartphone relies on an Adreno 505 video chip that runs at 450MHz and which has support for DirectX 12.1 and OpenGL 3.2. In comparison, ASUS ZenFone 3 Max offers a quad-core MediaTek processor running at 1.25 GHz and a Mali-T720MP2 video chip (with support for DirectX 9.3 and OpenGL 3.1). When it comes to processing power, the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5 is definitely an improvement over its predecessor.
The ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5 also comes with 32GB of internal flash storage space, and 2 or 3GB of LPDDR3 memory, depending on the exact version that you buy. It is also worth noting that you can always expand the storage capacity of the smartphone by adding a microSD card of up to 128 GB. The microSD card is inserted instead of the secondary SIM, which means you will have to choose between having more storage space or being able to use the smartphone with two SIM cards simultaneously. You cannot have them both. Note that the model that we tested had 3 GB of RAM.
The ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5 offers a rear camera with a 16 megapixels sensor and an aperture of f/2.0. The camera benefits from a fast laser autofocus sensor, it can shoot pictures with HDR, and it can take advantage of the built-in Dual-LED flash in low light environments. On the front side of the smartphone, you also get a selfie camera with a resolution of 8 megapixels and a f/2.2 aperture.
If you are curious about the connectivity options that you get, ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5 offers a Bluetooth 4.1 chip and a wireless network card that can connect only to 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi networks using the 802.11 b/g/n wireless standards. What that means is that you will not be able to connect to wireless networks that are broadcast over the 5GHz radio frequency.
This smartphone is a Dual SIM device, and it supports 4G LTE connections. However, if you use it in Dual SIM mode, only one SIM card can connect and use 3G and 4G LTE networks. The secondary SIM card can use the only 2G. Furthermore, the smartphone uses a Dual SIM Dual Standby implementation, which means that both SIM cards are active in standby, but when you take a call on one of them, the other becomes inactive.
The ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5 also includes a variety of sensors: proximity, ambient light sensor, gyro sensor, e-compass, fingerprint scanner, accelerator, and a laser sensor.
The battery is an essential part of any smartphone, and it is even more so in the case of the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5. This model brags about having a large capacity of 4100 mAh (non-removable). It is the same battery that is found on the previous ASUS ZenFone 3 Max.
Having a 5.5 inch screen, the smartphone is also a bit larger than its predecessor. This one is 5.96 inches (151.4 mm) in length, 3 inches (76.24 mm) wide and 0.33 inches (8.3 mm) thick. It weighs 6.17 ounces, which is 175 grams in the metric system.
If you want to see more details about the official specifications of this smartphone, visit this page: ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5 - Tech Specs.
Unpacking the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5 was a pleasant experience, and our first impressions were positive. Unlike its smaller brother, the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max, the 5.5 model has a larger display, and its hardware specifications are better, which is a welcome change, desired by many users.
Design and build quality
The ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5 is designed both for ease of use and good looks. Although it has many similarities with the previous model, ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5 also has some design characteristics of its own. For example, the body is built from metal, and you do not often see this on budget smartphones. With the sole exception of the screen, which is covered in 2.5D contoured glass, all else is covered by the metallic frame of the smartphone.
On the front side of the smartphone, besides the large screen, you can find the ear speaker and the front camera at the top, and the default Android buttons at the bottom. Unlike on the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max, the 5.5 model uses capacitive buttons for Back, Home and Recent apps. As a side note, we always prefer having these buttons separate from the screen.
The back of the smartphone is all-metal. On the lower area there is a dark gray ASUS logo, and towards the top, there are the fingerprint sensor, the camera, and its aids: the Dual LED flash and the autofocus laser sensor. The fingerprint sensor has a rectangular shape and is slightly sunken inside the body of the phone, making it easy to find.
The edges of the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5 are rounded, and they are home to all the usual parts that are found on Android smartphones. On the bottom edge, there is the micro USB port, the loudspeaker grille and a small pin hole where the microphone is found.
On the top edge, there's an audio jack and a small pin hole for the secondary microphone. On the right edge, towards the top, there are the power button and the volume rocker. On the left edge, you have the SIM tray. A nice detail is the fact that the side buttons have a different texture from the rest of the body, and that makes it easy to identify them.
Although the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5 is a budget smartphone, it looks good, and it has a solid build quality. We like its design, and the fact that it feels sturdy and reliable.
If you would like to read more about the smartphone experience offered by ASUS ZenFone 3 Max 5.5, its camera, bundled apps, and performance in benchmarks, read the second page of this review.