在拉斯维加斯举行的(Las Vegas)CES 2020(消费(Consumer) 电子展(Electronics Show))上,华硕推出了多款产品,包括全新的先进网状(ASUS)Wi-Fi 系统(Wi-Fi system)阵容。其中最实惠的是华硕 ZenWiFi AC(ASUS ZenWiFi AC) ( CT8 ),也称为华硕 RT-AC95U(ASUS RT-AC95U)。这是一个看起来很棒的三频网状Wi-Fi 系统。(Wi-Fi system)ZenWiFi AC ( CT8 ) 承诺与往年的华硕 Lyra 系列(ASUS Lyra line-up)相比,固件和性能得到改进。(firmware and performance)我们试了一下,做了很多测量,以下是我们对它所提供的功能的看法:
华硕 ZenWiFi AC(ASUS ZenWiFi AC) ( CT8 ):它对谁有好处?
此AiMesh Wi-Fi 系统(AiMesh Wi-Fi system)是以下方面的绝佳选择:
- 希望为其智能家居提供最佳安全性的用户
- 想要一个可以远程控制网络的高级移动应用程序的人
- 需要提供完全控制的高级固件的知识渊博的用户
- 希望通过IFTT(如果这样,那么那样)从他们的网络获得任务自动化服务的人(task automation)
- 想要使用Alexa 语音(Alexa voice)助手控制家庭网络的用户(home network)
以下是我们喜欢ASUS ZenWiFi AC ( CT8 ) 的地方:
Buy now
- 令人愉悦的垂直设计方法
- 出色的 Wi-Fi 速度
- (Advanced firmware)具有大量功能和设置的高级固件
- 可以从移动应用程序远程控制
- 它有一个 USB 3.0 端口
- 出色的安全功能可保护您的智能家居
- 强大的(Great)多语言支持和易于访问的帮助文档(Help documentation)
- 它适用于其他支持AiMesh的(AiMesh)华硕网络设备(ASUS networking)
- 大量以太网端口
- 首发价格有点高
- 为获得最佳体验,请将固件升级到较新版本
ASUS ZenWiFi AC ( CT8 ) 是一款优雅的网状Wi-Fi 系统(Wi-Fi system),提供卓越的性能和安全性(performance and security)。它有很多端口,包括USB 3.0和一个先进的移动应用程序(mobile app),您可以使用它从互联网上的任何地方远程控制您的网络。您还可以将它与华硕的任何AiMesh兼容(ASUS)路由器(AiMesh)和网状Wi-Fi 系统(Wi-Fi system)一起使用。唯一值得注意的缺点是发布价格有点高。总的来说,华硕 ZenWiFi AC(ASUS ZenWiFi AC) ( CT8 ) 是任何想要快速Wi-Fi的人的绝佳选择,以及出色的无线覆盖(wireless coverage)。
拆箱华硕 ZenWiFi AC(ASUS ZenWiFi AC) ( CT8 ) 网状Wi-Fi 系统(Wi-Fi system)
华硕 ZenWiFi AC3000(ASUS ZenWiFi AC3000)全家庭网状Wi-Fi 系统(Wi-Fi system)采用一站或两站封装。它也有两种颜色可供选择:黑色和白色。我们收到了黑色的 2 件装测试包。如下图所示,盒子外观优雅,不愧(look worthy)为高级设备。在盒子的侧面,您可以找到有关此网状Wi-Fi 系统(Wi-Fi system)功能的更多详细信息。
在站点下方,您可以找到它们的电源适配器、以太网网络(Ethernet network)电缆、快速设置指南(setup guide)和保修。
华硕 ZenWiFi AC (CT8) 提供的拆箱体验不愧是高级设备,而且包装包括您开始使用所需的一切。(The unboxing experience offered by ASUS ZenWiFi AC (CT8) is worthy of a premium device, and the packaging includes everything you need to get started.)
ASUS ZenWiFi AC ( CT8 ) 也以ASUS RT-AC95U的(ASUS RT-AC95U)产品名称(product name) 而闻名。每个站都有一个以 717 MHz运行的四核Qualcomm IPQ4019处理器、256 MB RAM和 128 MB固件存储空间(storage space)。它支持 Wi-Fi 5(802.11ac Wave 2)标准和 2x2 MU-MIMO 无线传输。
组成华硕 ZenWiFi AC(ASUS ZenWiFi AC) ( CT8 ) 网状Wi-Fi套件的站点具有低调的优雅。它们的垂直外壳采用特殊的六天线设计和优化Wi-Fi信号强度的电路板。(circuit board)您会在正面看到华硕标志和一个小的(ASUS logo)LED 灯(LED light),它会根据每个站的状态改变颜色。在侧面,您有通风网格,可提供必要的气流以保持内部凉爽。
顶部有一个盖子,边缘有一点空间。这用于重定向气流以实现最佳冷却。因此,即使处理器以最大容量使用,华硕 ZenWiFi AC(ASUS ZenWiFi AC) ( CT8 ) 也不会变热。(CT8)在每个站内,还有一个双散热器,以最大限度地散热(heat dissipation)。
每个站的尺寸为 6.2 x 3 x 6.3 英寸或 16 x 7.5 x 16.15 厘米(宽 x 深 x 高(Width x Depth x Height))。它的总重量为 25.7 盎司或 730 克。在每个ASUS ZenWiFi AC ( CT8 ) 的背面,您可以找到电源插孔(power jack)、电源按钮(power button)、一个USB 3.0端口和四个 1 Gbps的以太网端口。其中之一用于将主站连接到互联网。与其他mesh Wi-Fi解决方案相比,端口选择(port selection)相当大方。
ASUS ZenWiFi AC ( CT8 ) 是一款三频网状Wi-Fi 系统(Wi-Fi system)。总最大带宽划分如下:2.4 GHz 频段为 400 (GHz band)Mbps,第一个 5 GHz 频段为 867 Mbps,第二(GHz band)个5(Mbps) GHz频段(GHz band)为1733 Mbps。要记住的一个关键方面是,第二个 5 GHz 频段(GHz band)用于组成该套件的站点之间的回程。它不能被连接到网络的设备使用,只能被网状Wi-Fi 系统使用(Wi-Fi system),因此它可以提供最低的延迟和最高的速度。
要了解有关此产品的技术规格的更多信息,请访问此页面:ASUS ZenWiFi AC (CT8) 规格(ASUS ZenWiFi AC (CT8) Specifications)。
设置和使用ASUS ZenWiFi AC ( CT8 ) 网状Wi-Fi 系统(Wi-Fi system)
可以使用网络浏览器(web browser)或适用于Android和iOS的(iOS)ASUS Router移动应用程序来设置ASUS ZenWiFi AC ( CT8 ) 。设置包括提供互联网连接(internet connection)的详细信息、选择WiFi的(WiFi)网络名称和密码(network name and password),以及设置ASUS ZenWiFi AC ( CT8 )的登录名和密码(login name and password)。在设置向导(setup wizard)结束时,还会询问您是否要使用Yandex.DNS服务来限制对恶意网站和成人内容的访问。(adult content). 考虑到此DNS 服务(DNS service)来自俄罗斯(Russia),大多数国际用户不会为其网络启用它。
一个很酷的功能是组成 2 件套套件的两个工作站在出厂时已配对。您无需将第二个站点添加到网状 Wi-Fi 系统。您可以一次性配置所有内容,就好像它是一个设备,而不是两个。但是,如果您需要添加第三个站点,则需要手动将其添加到网状 Wi-Fi 系统中。ZenWiFi AC ( CT8 ) 使用华硕(ASUS)的AiMesh 技术(AiMesh technology),这意味着它可以与同一家公司制造的无线路由器和网状 Wi-Fi 站耦合。如果您已经拥有一台华硕无线(ASUS wireless)设备,购买一台华硕 ZenWiFi AC(ASUS ZenWiFi AC) ( CT8 ) 比购买两台更便宜。
用户界面(user interface)与其他华硕无线(ASUS wireless)设备相同,这意味着它易于使用、井井有条,并支持 24 种语言。此外,如果您是高级用户,您将欣赏您获得的完全控制权。该网状 Wi-Fi 系统的所有功能都有大量可用设置。
用户文档(user documentation)易于访问且构建良好。一个巧妙的技巧(neat trick)是将鼠标光标移动(mouse cursor)到您不理解的设置上,并显示一个问号(question mark)。单击(Click)问号(question mark),您会看到解释该设置的信息。一个缺点是文档尚未更新以包含有关华硕(ASUS)在其固件中包含的所有功能的信息。因此(Therefore),对于其中一些人来说,这个技巧是行不通的。
如果您不是高级用户,您可能更喜欢ASUS Router移动应用程序来设置和管理ASUS ZenWiFi AC ( CT8 )。一个很酷的功能是您可以使用它从互联网上的任何地方远程控制您的网络。该应用程序最近已更新,外观焕然一新,并且比以前组织得更好。有了它,您可以查看连接到网络的设备,实时查看流量,阻止或限制带宽,管理孩子使用的设备,设置家长控制规则,配置华硕 ZenWiFi AC(ASUS ZenWiFi AC)的主要功能( CT8 )。
虽然ASUS Router移动应用程序比用于网状 Wi-Fi 系统的类似应用程序先进得多,但您不能像从固件中那样使用它来配置所有内容。关于固件,初始版本默认禁用多用户 MIMO 。(Multi-User MIMO)我们发现这很奇怪,因为这项技术提供了更好的 Wi-Fi 性能。我们建议您升级到最新的固件版本以提高性能,并仔细检查所有无线频段(包括回程)的MU-MIMO是否已打开。
我们将十几台设备连接到由华硕 ZenWiFi AC(ASUS ZenWiFi AC) ( CT8 ) 管理的网络,包括一台台式电脑、两台笔记本电脑、一台平板电脑、几部智能手机、一台无线打印机(wireless printer)、两个智能插头、一个智能灯泡(smart bulb)、一个智能机器人(robot vacuum)吸尘器和Xbox One主机。然后,我们开始共享数据并进行数据传输。我们在公寓的所有房间里都享受到了快速的无线网络连接。(Wi-Fi)我们评估了速度和可变性(speed and variability)无线传输,我们对结果感到满意。我们带着我们的笔记本电脑搬到了一个与主站一墙之隔的房间。我们对其进行了无线传输。正如您在下面看到的,它非常稳定,平均速度很高。
如果您想了解更多关于华硕 ZenWiFi AC(ASUS ZenWiFi AC) ( CT8 ) 提供的真实性能,包括与其他网状 Wi-Fi 系统的比较,请转到本评论的下一页。
ASUS ZenWiFi AC (CT8) review: Good looks meet solid performance!
At CES 2020 (Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas, ASUЅ launched many рrоductѕ, including a new line-up of advanced mesh Wі-Fi systems. The most affordable of them is ASUS ZenWiFi AC (CT8), also known as ASUS RT-AC95U. It is a tri-band mesh Wi-Fi system that looks greаt. ZenWiFi AC (СT8) prоmises improvеd firmware and performance compared tо the ASUS Lyra line-up from previous years. We took it for a spin, made plenty of measurementѕ, and here іs our oрinion about what it has to offer:
ASUS ZenWiFi AC (CT8): Who is it good for?
This AiMesh Wi-Fi system is an excellent choice for:
- Users who want the best security for their smart home
- People who desire an advanced mobile app from which they can remotely control their network
- Knowledgeable users who want advanced firmware that offers complete control
- People who want task automation services from their network, through IFTT (If This, Then That)
- Users who want to control their home network using the Alexa voice assistant
Pros and cons
Here are the things we like about ASUS ZenWiFi AC (CT8):
See price on:
Buy now
- Pleasant vertical design approach
- Excellent speed for Wi-Fi
- Advanced firmware with tons of features and settings
- Can be remotely controlled from a mobile app
- It has a USB 3.0 port
- Excellent security features that secure your smart home
- Great multilingual support and easily accessible Help documentation
- It works with other ASUS networking devices that support AiMesh
- Plenty of Ethernet ports
There are also negatives to consider:
- The launch price is a bit high
- To get the best experience, upgrade the firmware to newer versions
ASUS ZenWiFi AC (CT8) is an elegant mesh Wi-Fi system that offers excellent performance and security. It has plenty of ports, including USB 3.0, and an advanced mobile app that you can use to remotely control your network from anywhere on the internet. You can also use it alongside any AiMesh compatible router and mesh Wi-Fi system from ASUS. The only notable downside is that the launch price is a bit high. Overall, ASUS ZenWiFi AC (CT8) is an excellent choice for anyone who wants fast Wi-Fi, as well as excellent wireless coverage.
Unboxing the ASUS ZenWiFi AC (CT8) mesh Wi-Fi system
The ASUS ZenWiFi AC3000 whole-home mesh Wi-Fi system comes in packages of one or two stations. It is also available in two colors: black and white. We received the black 2-pack package for testing. As you can see in the picture below, the box has an elegant look worthy of a premium device. On the sides of the box, you find more details about the features of this mesh Wi-Fi system.
When you open the box, you see the two devices that make up the kit. The stations have a clean look that appeals to people who are looking for an elegant device to use in their homes.
Beneath the stations, you find the power adapters for them, an Ethernet network cable, the quick setup guide, and the warranty.
The unboxing experience offered by ASUS ZenWiFi AC (CT8) is worthy of a premium device, and the packaging includes everything you need to get started.
Hardware specifications and design
ASUS ZenWiFi AC (CT8) is also known under the product name ASUS RT-AC95U. Each station has a quad-core Qualcomm IPQ4019 processor running at 717 MHz, 256 MB of RAM, and 128 MB of storage space for the firmware. It offers support for the Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac Wave 2) standard and 2x2 MU-MIMO wireless transfers.
The stations that make up the ASUS ZenWiFi AC (CT8) mesh Wi-Fi kit have an understated elegance. Their vertical housing holds a special six antenna design and a circuit board that optimizes Wi-Fi signal strength. You see the ASUS logo on the front and a small LED light that changes its color depending on the status of each station. On the sides, you have ventilation grids that provide the necessary airflow to keep things cool on the inside.
There is a cover on the top, with a bit of space around the edge. That is used to redirect the airflow for optimal cooling. As a result, the ASUS ZenWiFi AC (CT8) never gets hot, even when the processor is used at its maximum capacity. Inside each station, there is also a double heatsink for maximum heat dissipation.
Each station has a size of 6.2 x 3 x 6.3 inches or 16 x 7.5 x 16.15 cm (Width x Depth x Height). It weighs a total of 25.7 ounces or 730 grams. On the back of each ASUS ZenWiFi AC (CT8), you find the power jack, power button, a USB 3.0 port, and four Ethernet ports at 1 Gbps. One of those is used to connect the main station to the internet. When compared with other mesh Wi-Fi solutions, the port selection is quite generous.
ASUS ZenWiFi AC (CT8) is a tri-band mesh Wi-Fi system. The total maximum bandwidth is split as follows: 400 Mbps for the 2.4 GHz band, 867 Mbps for the first 5 GHz band, and 1733 Mbps for the second 5 GHz band. One crucial aspect to keep in mind is that the second 5 GHz band is used for the backhaul between the stations that make up the kit. It can't be used by the devices that connect to the network, only by the mesh Wi-Fi system, so that it provides the lowest latency and the maximum speed possible.
To learn more about the technical specifications of this product, go to this page: ASUS ZenWiFi AC (CT8) Specifications.
Setting up and using the ASUS ZenWiFi AC (CT8) mesh Wi-Fi system
Setting up the ASUS ZenWiFi AC (CT8) can be done using a web browser or the ASUS Router mobile app for Android and iOS. The setup involves providing the details for your internet connection, choosing a network name and password for the WiFi, and setting up the login name and password for ASUS ZenWiFi AC (CT8). At the end of the setup wizard, you are also asked whether you want to use the Yandex.DNS service to restrict access to malicious sites and adult content. Considering that this DNS service is from Russia, most international users won't enable it for their network.
One cool feature is that the two stations that make up the 2-pack kit are paired from the factory. You don't need to add the second station to the mesh Wi-Fi system. You configure everything in one go, as if it were a single device, not two. However, if you need to add a third station, that one needs to be manually added to the mesh Wi-Fi system. ZenWiFi AC (CT8) uses ASUS's AiMesh technology, meaning that it can be coupled with wireless routers and mesh Wi-Fi stations made by the same company. If you already own an ASUS wireless device, it is cheaper to upgrade your network by buying one ASUS ZenWiFi AC (CT8) instead of two.
The user interface is the same as on other ASUS wireless devices, meaning that it is easy to use, well organized, and available in 24 languages. Also, if you are an advanced user, you are going to appreciate the complete control that you get. There are plenty of settings available for all the features of this mesh Wi-Fi system.
The user documentation is accessible and well built. One neat trick is to move the mouse cursor over a setting that you do not understand, and a question mark is shown. Click on the question mark, and you see information explaining that setting. One downside is that the documentation has not been updated to include information about all the features included by ASUS in their firmware. Therefore, for a few of them, this trick does not work.
If you are not an advanced user, you may prefer the ASUS Router mobile app for setting up and administering the ASUS ZenWiFi AC (CT8). One cool feature is that you can use it to remotely control your network from anywhere on the internet. The app has been updated recently, it has a new look, and it is organized better than before. With it, you can view the devices connected to the network, see their traffic in real time, block them or limit their bandwidth, manage the devices used by your children, set up parental control rules, and configure the main features of ASUS ZenWiFi AC (CT8).
While the ASUS Router mobile app is a lot more advanced than similar apps for mesh Wi-Fi systems, you can't use it to configure everything, as you do from the firmware. Regarding the firmware, the initial version has Multi-User MIMO disabled by default. We found this strange because this technology delivers better Wi-Fi performance. We recommend that you upgrade to the newest firmware version for improved performance, and to double-check that MU-MIMO is turned on for all wireless bands, including the backhaul.
We connected more than a dozen devices to the network managed by ASUS ZenWiFi AC (CT8), including a desktop PC, two laptops, one tablet, several smartphones, one wireless printer, two smart plugs, one smart bulb, an intelligent robot vacuum cleaner, and an Xbox One console. Then, we started sharing data and making data transfers. We enjoyed fast Wi-Fi in all the rooms of our apartment. We evaluated the speed and variability of wireless transfers, and we were pleased with the results. We took our laptop and moved to a room that is separated by one wall from the main station. We made a wireless transfer on it. As you can see below, it was quite stable, and the average speed was high.
If you want to know more about the real-world performance offered by ASUS ZenWiFi AC (CT8), including comparisons with other mesh Wi-Fi systems, go to the next page of this review.