华为(Huawei)是世界上最具创新力的科技公司之一,但他们面临着一个似乎无法克服的政治问题。他们已被美国(USA)“锁定” ,因此他们无法在任何新智能手机上使用Google 移动(Google Mobile) 服务。(Services)考虑到近年来华为(Huawei)的智能手机表现得多么出色,这很遗憾。在这篇评测中,我们来看看华为最新的旗舰Android智能(Huawei)手机(Android smartphone),即P40 Pro。它是我们测试过的最好、最漂亮的Android 智能手机之一,提供一些最好的(Android smartphone)移动硬件和相机(mobile hardware and cameras)可用的。您想了解更多关于华为 P40 Pro(Huawei P40 Pro)的信息,它的优点和缺点吗?如果你这样做,请阅读这篇评论:
华为 P40 Pro:它对谁有好处?
华为 P40 Pro(Huawei P40 Pro)是以下人士的理想选择:
- 想要一款漂亮的高级智能手机
- 渴望(Desire one)最好的相机智能手机之一
- 想要出色的性能和电池寿命(battery life)
- 不要依赖使用Google的服务和应用程序
关于华为 P40 Pro(Huawei P40 Pro),我们有很多好话要说:
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- 美丽的设计和色彩
- 无边框显示
- 防尘防水(Dust-tight and waterproof)(IP68认证(IP68 certification))
- (Powerful hardware)可以处理任何应用程序或游戏的(app or game)强大硬件
- (OLED display)具有高分辨率和快速刷新率的(refresh rate)OLED 显示屏
- 超级(Super)相机配备徕卡(Leica)光学元件、5 倍变焦,在任何照明条件下都具有出色的性能
- 具有自动对焦功能的前置摄像头(Front camera)可拍摄出色的自拍照
- 3D人脸解锁(face unlock)也可以在黑暗中使用
- 支持 Wi-Fi 6 网络标准
- 支持 5G 移动数据连接
- 通过USB 3.1 (USB 3.1) Type-C 端口(Type-C port)进行快速有线数据传输
- 无线充电
- 华为 P40 Pro(Huawei P40 Pro)受Google限制。这意味着您不能使用Google自己的应用程序(Play Store、Google Drive、Google Docs、Photos等),以及依赖Google 移动(Google Mobile) 服务(Services)的第三方应用程序,例如Uber
- 仅支持 NM SD 卡
- 考虑到它缺乏谷歌(Google)服务,它的价格感觉太高了
华为 P40 Pro(Huawei P40 Pro)是我们测试过的最好的 Android 智能手机之一。它拥有华丽的设计、强大的内部硬件和一流的相机。它不仅是一款高端设备,而且是您可以买到的最好的设备之一,如果您是摄影爱好者(photography enthusiast)的话。在设计、制造质量和硬件方面,华为 P40 Pro(Huawei P40 Pro)拥有我们想要的高端智能手机的一切。然而,它也有它可能有的最严重的障碍之一:它被谷歌(Google)屏蔽了!对于任何依赖谷歌(Google)服务和应用程序的人来说,这是购买华为 P40 Pro的巨大障碍。(Huawei P40 Pro)
华为 P40 Pro 开箱
华为 P40 Pro(Huawei P40 Pro)是一款高端智能手机,所以它的包装看起来像是高端设备的包装。然而,它也相当简约:一个白色的盒子,只有一些细节,比如智能手机的名称,以及它是“与徕卡(Leica)共同设计的”。
在包装盒内,您可以找到华为 P40 Pro 智能手机(Huawei P40 Pro smartphone)、充电器、USB Type-C 数据线(USB Type-C cable)、一对USB Type-C耳机、透明保护套(在某些市场)、 (transparent case)SIM 卡托(SIM tray)弹出工具、快速入门指南(start guide)和保修文件。
我们很喜欢华为 P40 Pro 的拆箱,而且我们喜欢它捆绑了一个保护套的事实。但是,如果包装盒中缺少一件东西,那就是 USB Type-C 转 3.5mm 音频适配器。(We enjoyed unboxing the Huawei P40 Pro, and we like the fact that it bundles a protective case. However, if there's one thing missing from the box, that's a USB Type-C to 3.5mm audio adapter.)
华为P40 Pro(Huawei P40 Pro)有五种不同的颜色可供选择:银霜、(Silver Frost)腮红、(Blush Gold)深海蓝(Deep Sea Blue)、冰白(Ice White)和简约黑(Black)。所有彩色版本在照片中看起来都很棒。我们用于测试的样品是Silver Frost(Silver Frost one)样品。用非花哨的话来说,那是哑光灰色(matte gray) 油漆工作(paint job)。我们相信它看起来很棒,而且哑光效果(matte finish)还有助于隐藏不可避免的指纹和污迹。
机身设计(body design)方面的一件新事物是华为(Huawei)所说的溢出显示(Overflow Display)。P40 Pro使用它:屏幕填满了手机的整个正面,并且四面都是弯曲的,而不仅仅是左右(left and right)。环绕屏幕的金属边框(metal frame)在边角处略微凸起,具有“波浪”的效果。它不仅看起来很棒,而且还可能使智能手机更坚固,使其更能抵御角落的碰撞或跌落。
在它的背面,华为 P40 Pro(Huawei P40 Pro)很简单,而且相当简约。在磨砂灰色玻璃的海洋中,唯一引起我们注意的是大型相机部分(camera sector)。华为(Huawei)背面的四颗摄像头选择采用传统设计。它们都位于一个矩形凸块内,在我们看来,它看起来比圆形相机(round camera)系统更优雅。就像(Just)任何具有先进光学技术的智能手机一样,P40 Pro 的摄像头(P40 Pro)部分(camera section)比手机机身的其他部分更厚。换句话说,除非您使用保护套,否则华为 P40 Pro(Huawei P40 Pro)放在表面上时会晃动。
正面,屏幕左上角有一个椭圆孔,自拍和深度摄像头(depth camera)都在这里。当我们第一次看到那个切口时,我们不喜欢它。但是,在使用手机几天后,我们就习惯了,并没有那么打扰我们。这可能是因为我们发现好处更重要:自拍相机(selfie camera)有 32 兆像素并且可以自动对焦,深度相机(depth camera)让你即使在黑暗中也可以使用面部解锁功能。
华为 P40 Pro(Huawei P40 Pro)没有耳机,因为它通过振动屏幕顶部区域来产生声音。这意味着显示器表面不需要额外的孔,也可以让屏幕从一个边缘移动到另一个边缘。
P40 Pro上只有一个扬声器,所以没有立体声。它与USB 3.1 Type-C 端口(Type-C port)、麦克风和SIM 卡托盘(SIM tray)一起位于智能手机的底部边缘。
电源按钮(power button)和音量摇杆(volume rocker)位于智能手机右上角的久经考验的位置。由于屏幕宽度(screen width)相当窄,物理按钮很容易够到和按下,除非你的手指很短。
在华为 P40 Pro(Huawei P40 Pro)的顶部边缘,有一个红外发射器和另一个麦克风,用于视频录制和降噪(noise canceling)。
华为P40 Pro(Huawei P40 Pro)拥有IP68认证(IP68 certification)。IP 意味着入口保护(Ingress Protection),并根据电子设备对灰尘、水和其他可能造成损坏的事故的保护程度对它们进行分类。P40 Pro拥有的(P40 Pro)IP68等级的数字6意味着完全防尘,而数字8意味着智能手机即使浸入1.5米深的水中也能安然无恙,长达30分钟。
在设计和美观方面,华为 P40 Pro 看起来令人惊叹。这是一项出色的技术,一眼就能吸引任何人的注意力。我们测试的样张磨砂灰色看起来超级棒,主摄系统的长方形造型优雅,边到边显示非常出色。在颜值上与华为P40 Pro竞争的高端智能手机并不多,相信美女女神维纳斯一定会认可这款智能手机。🙂(In terms of design and beauty, the Huawei P40 Pro looks stunning. It is an outstanding piece of technology that draws anyone's attention from the first glance. The matte gray color of the sample we tested looks super, the rectangular shape of the main camera system is elegant, and the edge to edge display is splendid. There aren't many high-end smartphones to compete with the Huawei P40 Pro in terms of aesthetics, and we are sure that Venus, the goddess of beauty, would approve of this smartphone. 🙂)
华为P40 Pro(Huawei P40 Pro)的硬件从始至终都是一流的。首先,它采用八核华为麒麟 990(Huawei Kirin 990) 5G 处理器,两个 Cortex-A76 内核运行频率为 2.86 GHz,两个 Cortex-A76 内核运行频率为 2.36 GHz,四个 Cortex-A55 内核频率为 1.95 GHz。此外,图形处理能力由不超过 16 个内核的 Mali-G76 芯片提供。为了能够提供出色的摄影体验,P40 Pro还包括一个双核NPU(神经处理单元(Neural Processing Unit)),使其能够识别拍摄对象并自动调整相机设置。
在内存和存储(memory and storage)方面,华为P40 Pro(Huawei P40 Pro)非常大方:8 GB RAM和 256 GB 内部闪存存储空间(flash storage space)。此外,如果您需要更多存储空间,P40 Pro还允许您添加最高容量为 256 GB的NM SD 卡。(NM SD card)如果你想知道 NM 是什么意思,它是Nano Memory的首字母缩写,这是一种由华为(Huawei)开发的SD 卡,大小与 nano-SIM(SD card)卡(card and fits)一样小,可以从SIM 卡托盘(SIM tray)的特殊位置安装,在对面SIM(SIM card)卡。NM SD 卡(NM SD card)单独出售华为(Huawei)。
该显示器使用 OLED 面板,在智能手机领域具有令人印象深刻的(smartphone world)刷新率(refresh rate):90 Hz。它的分辨率为 2640 x 1200像素,对角线长度为 6.58 英寸,像素密度约为每英寸(Per Inch)441 像素(ppi)。
总而言之,华为 P40 Pro(Huawei P40 Pro)最令人兴奋的地方就是它的摄像头。在背面,华为 P40 Pro(Huawei P40 Pro)有一个由徕卡(Leica)光学系统驱动的四系统摄像头,每个摄像头都配备了令人印象深刻的规格:50 MP Ultra Vision 摄像头(MP Ultra Vision camera)(广角、f/1.9 光圈、OIS)、40 MP 电影摄像头(MP Cine Camera)(超广角,f/1.8 光圈)、12 MP SuperSensing 长焦(MP SuperSensing telephoto)相机(f/3.4 光圈、OIS)和 3D 深度感应相机。相机系统(camera system)具有自动对焦、OIS ((OIS)光学图像稳定(Optical Image Stabilization))和AIS(人工智能防抖(Artificial Intelligence Stabilization))、5倍(无损)光学变焦、LED闪光灯(LED flash)、支持全景摄影(panorama photography)、HDR。
P40 Pro在其正面的屏幕切口处配备了双摄像头系统:32 MP 自拍(MP selfie)摄像头(f/2.2 光圈)和一个也用于红外面部解锁的(face unlocking)深度摄像头(depth camera)。
华为 P40 Pro(Huawei P40 Pro)支持新的 Wi-Fi 6 网络标准 2 x 2 MIMO ,如果使用 Wi-Fi 6 路由器,理论上可以达到高达 2.4 Gbps的下载和上传速度。(Gbps)
至于近距离无线(proximity wireless)连接,P40 Pro配备蓝牙 5.1(Bluetooth 5.1)和NFC。它还有几个有用的传感器,支持红外人脸识别(face recognition)、光学指纹、加速度计、陀螺仪、接近度、指南针和红外发射器。有线连接方面,华为 P40 Pro(Huawei P40 Pro)配备USB 3.1 Type-C 接口(Type-C port),但包装盒内的数据线为USB 2.0 ,如果想要最高的数据传输速度,则需要单独购买USB 3.1数据线。(USB 3.1)另外,手机没有3.5mm音频接口,只能使用USB Type-C耳机。
华为 P40 Pro(Huawei P40 Pro)使用不可拆卸的 Li-Po 4200 mAh电池(mAh battery),并提供无线充电支持。在尺寸和重量(size and weight)方面,P40 Pro大而不重:6.23 x 2.86 x 0.35 英寸(158.2 x 72.6 x 9 毫米)和 7.37 盎司(209 克)。
有关这款智能手机的所有官方规格,请访问此网页:华为 P40 Pro 规格(Huawei P40 Pro Specifications)。
如果您想了解更多有关华为 P40 Pro(Huawei P40 Pro)提供的体验、其上的软件以及它在我们运行的基准测试中证明的速度有多快,请阅读本评论的第二页。
Huawei P40 Pro review: The photography king?
Huawei is one of the most innоvative tech companies in the world, but they're facing a political issυe that seems insurmountable. They have been "Google-locked" by the USA, so they cannot use Google Mobile Services on any of their new smartphones. That's a pity, cоnsidering how great Huawei's smartphones proved to be in recent yearѕ. In this rеview, we're taking a look at the latest flagship Android smartphone from Huawei, namely the P40 Pro. It is one of the best and most beautiful Android smartphones we've tested, offering some of thе best mobile hardware and cameraѕ available. Do yоu want to know more about the Huawei P40 Pro, its strengths, and its drawbacks? If уou do, reаd this review:
Huawei P40 Pro: Who is it good for?
The Huawei P40 Pro is a good choice for those who:
- Want a beautiful premium smartphone
- Desire one of the best camera smartphones
- Want excellent performance, and battery life
- Don't rely on using Google's services and apps
Pros and cons
We have many good things to say about the Huawei P40 Pro:
See price on:
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- Beautiful design and colors
- Edge-to-edge display
- Dust-tight and waterproof (IP68 certification)
- Powerful hardware that can handle any app or game
- OLED display with a high resolution and fast refresh rate
- Super cameras with Leica optics, 5x zoom, and excellent performance in any lighting conditions
- Front camera with autofocus that shoots excellent selfies
- 3D face unlock also works in the dark
- Support for the Wi-Fi 6 networking standard
- Support for 5G mobile data connections
- Fast wired data transfers through the USB 3.1 Type-C port
- Wireless charging
There are also a few significant drawbacks:
- The Huawei P40 Pro is Google-restricted. That means that you can't use Google's own apps (Play Store, Google Drive, Google Docs, Photos, etc.), as well as third-party apps that rely on Google Mobile Services, like Uber
- It only supports NM SD cards
- Its price feels too high considering that it lacks Google services
The Huawei P40 Pro is one of the best Android smartphones that we have tested. It has a gorgeous design, powerful hardware inside, and superb cameras. It's not just a high-end device, but it is one of the best you can buy, if you're a photography enthusiast. When it comes to design, build quality, and hardware, the Huawei P40 Pro has everything we want from a premium smartphone. However, it also has one of the worst handicaps it could have: it's Google-blocked! That's a huge barrier to buying the Huawei P40 Pro for anyone who relies on Google's services and apps.
Unboxing the Huawei P40 Pro
Huawei P40 Pro is a high-end smartphone, so its packaging looks like that of a premium device. However, it's also rather minimalist: a white box that features only a few details such as the name of the smartphone and the fact that it's been "co-engineered with Leica."
Inside the box, you find the Huawei P40 Pro smartphone, its charger, a USB Type-C cable, a pair of USB Type-C earphones, a protective transparent case (in some markets), an eject tool for the SIM tray, the quick start guide, and the warranty documents.
We enjoyed unboxing the Huawei P40 Pro, and we like the fact that it bundles a protective case. However, if there's one thing missing from the box, that's a USB Type-C to 3.5mm audio adapter.
Design and build quality
The Huawei P40 Pro is available in five different color variations: Silver Frost, Blush Gold, Deep Sea Blue, Ice White, and simple Black. All of the color editions look great in photos. The sample that we had for testing was the Silver Frost one. In non-fancy words, that's a matte gray paint job. We believe it looks great, and the matte finish also helps in hiding the inevitable fingerprints and smudges.
One thing that's new in terms of body design is what Huawei calls Overflow Display. The P40 Pro uses it: the screen fills the entire front of the phone and is curved on all sides, not just on the left and right. The metal frame that surrounds the screen is slightly raised on the corners, with a "wave" effect. Not only does it look great, but it might also toughen the smartphone and make it more resilient to bumps or drops on its corners.
On its back, the Huawei P40 Pro is simple and rather minimalist. The only thing that drew our attention in the sea of matte gray glass was the large camera sector. Huawei chose to use a traditional design for the four cameras on the back. They are all found inside a rectangular shaped bump that, in our opinion, looks more elegant than round camera systems. Just like on any smartphone with advanced optics, the camera section on the P40 Pro is thicker than the rest of the phone's body. In other words, unless you use a protective case, the Huawei P40 Pro wobbles when you put it on a surface.
On the front, the screen has an elliptical hole at the top-left corner, where the selfie and the depth cameras are found. When we first saw that cutout, we did not like it. However, after a few days of using the phone, we got used to it and didn't bother us as much. That is probably because we found the benefits more important: the selfie camera has 32 megapixels and can autofocus, and the depth camera lets you use the face unlocking feature even in the dark.
The Huawei P40 Pro has no ear speaker, as it produces sounds by vibrating its top area of the screen. That means that there is no need for an additional hole in the display's surface and also lets the screen go from edge to edge.
There's only one loudspeaker on the P40 Pro, so no stereo. It is found on the bottom edge of the smartphone, together with the USB 3.1 Type-C port, a microphone, and the SIM tray.
The power button and the volume rocker are in their tried and tested position, on the upper-right edge of the smartphone. Thanks to the rather narrow screen width, the physical buttons are easy to reach and press, unless you have very short fingers.
On the top edge of the Huawei P40 Pro, there's an infrared transmitter and another microphone, used for video recording but also for noise canceling.
Huawei P40 Pro holds an IP68 certification. IP means Ingress Protection and classifies electronic devices according to how well protected they are against dust, water, and other accidents that can do damage. The digit 6 from the IP68 grade held by the P40 Pro translates into complete protection against dust, and the digit 8 means that the smartphone can survive unharmed even if it is immersed in water as deep as 1.5 meters, for up to 30 minutes.
In terms of design and beauty, the Huawei P40 Pro looks stunning. It is an outstanding piece of technology that draws anyone's attention from the first glance. The matte gray color of the sample we tested looks super, the rectangular shape of the main camera system is elegant, and the edge to edge display is splendid. There aren't many high-end smartphones to compete with the Huawei P40 Pro in terms of aesthetics, and we are sure that Venus, the goddess of beauty, would approve of this smartphone. 🙂
Hardware specifications
The hardware of the Huawei P40 Pro is top-notch from start to end. For starters, it features an octa-core Huawei Kirin 990 5G processor, with two Cortex-A76 cores running at 2.86 GHz, two Cortex-A76 cores running at 2.36 GHz, and four Cortex-A55 cores with a frequency of 1.95 GHz. Additionally, the graphics power is delivered by a Mali-G76 chip with no more no less than sixteen cores. To be able to deliver outstanding photography experiences, the P40 Pro also includes a dual-core NPU (Neural Processing Unit), which gives it the ability to identify the subjects and automatically adjust the settings for the cameras.
Regarding memory and storage, the Huawei P40 Pro is very generous: 8 GB of RAM and 256 GB of internal flash storage space. Furthermore, if you need even more storage, the P40 Pro also lets you add an NM SD card with a top capacity of 256 GB. If you're wondering what NM means, it is an acronym for Nano Memory, a type of SD card developed by Huawei that is as small as a nano-SIM card and fits in its special place from the SIM tray, on the opposite side of the SIM card. The NM SD card is sold separately by Huawei.
The display uses an OLED panel with an impressive refresh rate in the smartphone world: 90 Hz. It has a resolution of 2640 x 1200 pixels, a diagonal length of 6.58 inches, and a pixel density of about 441 Pixels Per Inch (ppi).
All in all, the most exciting things about the Huawei P40 Pro are its cameras. On the back, Huawei P40 Pro has a quad-system camera powered by Leica optics, each of the cameras coming with really impressive specs: 50 MP Ultra Vision camera (wide-angle, f/1.9 aperture, OIS), 40 MP Cine Camera (ultra-wide angle, f/1.8 aperture), 12 MP SuperSensing telephoto camera (f/3.4 aperture, OIS), and 3D depth-sensing camera. The camera system has autofocus, OIS (Optical Image Stabilization) and AIS (Artificial Intelligence Stabilization), 5x (lossless) optical zoom, LED flash, support for panorama photography, and HDR.
On its front, in a cutout on the screen, the P40 Pro features a dual-camera system: 32 MP selfie camera (f/2.2 aperture) and a depth camera that's also used for infrared face unlocking.
Huawei P40 Pro supports the new Wi-Fi 6 networking standard, 2 x 2 MIMO, and can theoretically reach download and upload speeds of up to 2.4 Gbps, if you are using a Wi-Fi 6 router.
As for proximity wireless connections, the P40 Pro comes with Bluetooth 5.1 and also NFC. It also has several useful sensors that support infrared face recognition, optical fingerprint, accelerometer, gyroscope, proximity, compass, and an infrared blaster. For the wired connections, the Huawei P40 Pro comes with a USB 3.1 Type-C port, but the cable included in the box is USB 2.0, so you need to buy a USB 3.1 cable separately if you want the highest data transfer speeds. Also, there is no 3.5mm audio jack on the phone, so you can only use USB Type-C headphones.
The Huawei P40 Pro uses a non-removable Li-Po 4200 mAh battery and offers wireless charging support. In terms of size and weight, the P40 Pro is large but not too heavy: 6.23 x 2.86 x 0.35 inches (158.2 x 72.6 x 9 mm), and 7.37 oz (209 grams).
For all the official specifications of this smartphone, visit this webpage: Huawei P40 Pro Specifications.
If you want to know more about the experience offered by the Huawei P40 Pro, the software on it, as well as how fast it proved to be in the benchmarks we ran, read the second page of this review.