爱普生(Epson)是世界上设计和制造视频投影仪的最大公司之一。不久前,爱普生(Epson)推出了第一款激光投影仪(laser projector),名为爱普生 EH-LS100(Epson EH-LS100)。它不仅仅是一台普通的激光投影机(laser projector),还是一台UST投影机(UST projector),也就是说它有超短焦(Short Throw)镜头。通俗点说,就是投影机可以放在离显示区域(display area)很近的地方。我们有机会在爱普生 EH-LS100(Epson EH-LS100) 激光投影仪(laser projector)上观看了几天的视频和电影,现在我们想在这篇评论中分享我们对它的印象:
爱普生 EH-LS100 UST 激光(Epson EH-LS100 UST laser)投影仪:它对谁有好处?
爱普生 EH-LS100 (Epson EH-LS100 )UST 激光(UST laser)投影仪是以下人群的绝佳选择:
- 想要在舒适的家中享受真实的电影体验(cinema experience)
- 他们想要一台可以放在电视架上(TV stand)的投影仪,而不必把它挂在天花板上
- 想要一台可以使用很长时间的投影仪
- 能负担得起尖端投影机(cutting-edge projector)的高价
爱普生 EH-LS100(Epson EH-LS100 ) UST 激光投影仪有很多好话要说:
- 它提供鲜艳的色彩、深黑色和细致的色调
- 投影图像在两种操作模式下都具有高亮度:正常(normal)和安静(quiet)
- 它使用的激光光源在正常使用条件下(每天 5 小时)可长时间使用(超过十年)
- 它是UST(超短焦(Ultra Short Throw))投影仪,这意味着您可以将其放置在非常靠近显示表面的位置(display surface)
- 在经济(安静)模式下使用时静音
- 它提供了您可能需要的所有连接端口
- 均价超过2500美元,对大多数人来说太贵了
- Wi-Fi 适配器不包含在标准包装中(但可作为可选购买)
- 它不支持 4K 分辨率
爱普生 EH-LS100(Epson EH-LS100)是一款出色的UST激光(UST laser)投影仪,能够提供卓越品质的图像,并且可以方便地将其放置在任何电视架上(TV stand)。激光光源(laser light source)经久耐用,即使在经济模式下(economy mode)也能提供高亮度(brightness level)。如果您是电影迷(movie aficionado),并且您的客厅(living room)是为看电影而建的,那么爱普生 EH-LS100(Epson EH-LS100)应该是您将要拥有的下一台投影机的首选之一。如果您负担得起,您将不会后悔购买了它。
爱普生 EH-LS100 UST 激光(Epson EH-LS100 UST laser)投影仪拆箱
爱普生 EH-LS100 (Epson EH-LS100 )UST 激光(UST laser)投影仪装在一个非常大的盒子里,由厚纸板制成。我们测试的设备在送到我们这里之前也已经在其他人手中,所以包装不是最好的。
在包装盒内,我们找到了Epson EH-LS100 UST 激光(UST laser)投影仪、遥控器、电源线(power cable)和HDMI 线(HDMI cable)、带有文档的 CD-ROM、印刷的用户指南(user guide)和保修单。
爱普生 EH-LS100 UST 激光投影仪提供的拆箱体验简单明了。除了开始使用投影机所需的基本物品外,爱普生不捆绑任何其他物品。(The unboxing experience offered by the Epson EH-LS100 UST laser projector is simple and straightforward. Epson does not bundle anything else than the essential items required to start using the projector.)
爱普生EH-LS100 (Epson EH-LS100 )UST激光(UST laser)投影机采用3LCD技术的投影系统(projection system),这意味着它具有三个LCD面板(LCD panel)芯片,一个用于红色,一个用于绿色,一个用于蓝色。该投影机在正常照明模式下的额定输出为 4,000 流明,在经济模式下(economy mode)为 2,800 流明。再加上 2,500,000:1 的对比度(contrast ratio),您将享受到色彩鲜艳、深黑色和清晰阴影细节的明亮图像。
这是一台全高清投影仪(Full HD projector),因为它可以以 16:10 的纵横比(aspect ratio)投影最大分辨率为 1920 x 1200像素的图像。图像可以投影在任何显示表面上(display surface),例如白墙,最小对角线尺寸为 70 英寸(1.78 米),最大尺寸为 130 英寸(3.3 米)。这比任何价格(price tag)相似的电视屏幕(TV screen)都要多,略高于 2500 美元。
爱普生 EH-LS100 (Epson EH-LS100 )UST 激光(UST laser)投影仪提供的连接选项非常丰富。它带有两个USB 2.0 Type A端口、一个USB 2.0 Type B 端口(Type B port)、一个串行RS-232C 端口(RS-232C port)、一个标称传输速率(transfer rate)为 100 Mbit/s以太网接口(Ethernet interface)、一个用于Wireless LAN IEEE 802.11b/g/n的专用USB 端口(USB port)/n(接口可选,不标配),1个VGA输入(监视器输出(Monitor Out))和1个VGA输出(计算机(Computer))端口,3个HDMI输入端口(一个带有MHL)、一个复合(Composite)输入、一个立体声迷你(Stereo mini) 插孔音频(jack audio)输出和两个立体声迷你(Stereo mini) 插孔音频(jack audio)输入。
爱普生 EH-LS100 (Epson EH-LS100 )UST 激光(UST laser)投影仪还受益于内置 16瓦扬声器(watt loudspeaker),因此您可以从一开始就将其用作家庭影院设备(home cinema device)。您甚至不必将音响系统(sound system)连接到它。
这款激光投影仪(laser projector)在正常照明模式下消耗 423瓦(Watts),在经济照明模式下消耗332瓦,在待机模式下消耗 0.5(Watts)瓦(Watts)。它的噪音水平(noise level)在正常模式下为 39 dBA,在经济模式下(economy mode)为 30 dBA 。
尺寸方面,Epson EH-LS100 UST 激光(UST laser)投影机相对较大,尺寸为 19.45 x 17.20 x 7.40 英寸或 494 x 437 x 188 毫米(宽 x 深 x 高(Width x Depth x Height))。它也很重,重 24 磅多一点,或 11 公斤。
如果您想查看所有技术规格,请访问此官方网页:爱普生 EH-LS100 UST 激光投影仪(Epson EH-LS100 UST laser projector)。
使用爱普生 EH-LS100 UST 激光(Epson EH-LS100 UST laser)投影仪
当你把这台投影机从盒子里拿出来时,你得到的第一印象就是它很大。它可以替代您的客厅电视机(living room TV set),但它不能是一个谨慎的存在。每个人都会在您的电视柜上(TV stand)注意到它。
爱普生 EH-LS100(Epson EH-LS100)最显着的优势之一是它是UST 投影仪(UST projector)。UST是Ultra Short Throw的首字母缩写,表示镜头系统(lens system)的设计允许您将投影机放置在非常靠近显示表面(display surface)的位置。换句话说,您可以将它放在您希望它在其上投射图像的墙壁(或其他平面)附近。根据与显示表面(display surface)的距离,爱普生 EH-LS100(Epson EH-LS100)可以投射出对角线尺寸高达 130 英寸(330 厘米)的画面,这比任何同价位的电视都要多得多。它真正提供了家庭影院体验(Home Cinema experience)就像没有普通电视一样。
我们用它来观看电影和音乐视频(music videos),投影图像的外观给我们留下了深刻的印象。得益于可提供高达 4000 流明的强大激光光源,该投影机即使在白天正常照明条件下也能提供明亮的图像。(laser light source)然而,当你在昏暗(dim light)的光线下使用它时,它真的会发光,比如在晚上或晚上,或者当你关闭客厅(living room)的窗帘时。这是您最能享受Epson EH-LS100投影的视频质量的时候。这是它对我的小家伙的影响:🙂
投影机可以通过使用右侧的物理按钮进行控制。它们可让您打开或关闭投影机、选择图像源(image source)、校正梯形失真效果(keystone effect)、导航菜单并更改(menus and change)所有可用设置。
虽然我们发现投影仪上的按钮很容易使用,但很可能很多人会更喜欢使用遥控器(remote control)。这是一个简单的遥控器(remote control),没有花哨的细节,但它提供了您需要完全控制投影仪的所有按钮。我们不喜欢它的一个方面是它是白色的,而投影仪是黑色的。至少,您可以轻松地在沙发垫中找到遥控器,对吧?(remote control)🙂
在投影机控制(projector control)按钮附近,有一个通风格栅(ventilation grille)。这是安装空气过滤器(air filter)的地方,也是找到投影机对焦控制滑块(focus control slider)的地方。打开空气过滤器盖(air filter cover)并向上或向下移动对焦滑块,直到投影(focus slider)图像的细节看起来(image look)清晰。进行此调整只需几秒钟。
根据您放置它的表面和您正在使用的显示表面(display surface),您可能还必须对投影图像的几何形状(image geometry)进行一些进一步的调整。幸运的是,您可以通过多种方式做到这一点,这要归功于Epson EH-LS100提供的菜单,这些菜单在可用设置和选项的数量方面非常丰富。
但是,请注意,如果显示表面(display surface)不平整和干净,您将无能为力。
(Ultra Short Throw)像这台超短焦投影机,在这个问题上非常特别。由于镜头必须以锐角投射图像,因此显示表面(display surface)上的照明突出了其上的所有不规则性。换句话说,如果您使用爱普生 EH-LS100(Epson EH-LS100)将图像投射到不完全平坦、白色和干净的墙壁上,则图像质量(image quality)将不太理想。如果那面墙有很多曲线、凹凸或孔洞,您将有不愉快的体验。
我们更喜欢使用设置为安静(Quiet)光源模式的(source mode)爱普生 EH-LS100(Epson EH-LS100 )投影机。在这种模式下,投影机耗电更少,风扇发出的噪音也低很多。虽然图像的亮度低于普通(Normal )模式,但差别并不大。我们相信这是在没有环境噪音的客厅(living room)中使用此投影机的最佳方式。
除了更安静之外,安静(Quiet)模式还带来了另一个优势。爱普生 EH-LS100(Epson EH-LS100)投影机使用激光光源,设计为在正常(Normal)模式下持续 20,000 小时,这意味着其最高亮度。如果您切换到更经济的安静(Quiet)模式,激光源(laser source)应额外使用 10,000 小时,使其预期寿命达到 30,000 小时。如果这些数字无法给您留下深刻印象,请考虑一下:如果您每天使用投影仪 5 小时,其激光光源在(laser light source)正常(Normal)模式下应该可以使用 10 年以上,在安静(Quiet)模式下可以使用 16 年以上模式。使用智能电视(Smart TV)可能超出您的预期,不是吗?
爱普生 EH LS-100 UST 激光投影仪是一款真正的家庭影院设备,可以成功替代任何电视设置。我们喜欢这样一个事实,即很容易在电视架上找到它的位置,易于设置和调整,而投影视频的质量是一流的。(The Epson EH LS-100 UST laser projector is a real Home Cinema device that can successfully replace any TV setup. We love the fact that it is easy to find a place for it on your TV stand, it is easy to set and adjust, while the quality of the projected videos is top-notch.)
您对爱普生 EH-LS100 UST 激光(Epson EH-LS100 UST laser)投影仪有何看法?
现在您知道我们有多喜欢Epson EH-LS100 UST 激光(UST laser)投影仪,并且您也知道我们向任何家庭影院(Home Cinema)爱好者推荐它。你同意我们的观点吗?您想在家里安装这台投影仪吗?使用下面的评论部分分享您的意见。
Reviewing the Epson EH-LS100 UST laser projector: Great Home Cinema experience!
Epson is one of the largest companiеs in thе world that dеsigns and manufactυres vіdeo projectors. Not long ago, Epson presentеd іts first laser projeсtor, called the Epson EH-LS100. It is not just an ordinary laser projector, but also a UST projector, meaning that it has Ultra Short Throw lenses. In ordinary words, it means that the projector can be placed very close to the display area. We had the opportunity to watch videos and movies on the Epson EH-LS100 laser projector for a few days, and now we would like to share our impressions about it, in this review:
Epson EH-LS100 UST laser projector: Who is it good for?
The Epson EH-LS100 UST laser projector is an excellent choice for people who:
- Want an authentic cinema experience, in the comfort of their homes
- Desire a projector that they can place on a TV stand, without having to hang it on the ceiling
- Want a projector that will last them for a long time
- Can afford the premium price of a cutting-edge projector
Pros and cons
There are many good things to say about the Epson EH-LS100 UST laser projector:
- It delivers vibrant colors, deep blacks, and detailed shades
- The projected image has high brightness in both operation modes: normal and quiet
- It uses a laser lighting source that is built to last for a long time (more than ten years), in normal use conditions (five hours a day)
- It is a UST (Ultra Short Throw) projector, which means that you can place it very close to the display surface
- It is silent when used in economy (quiet) mode
- It offers all the connectivity ports you might need
We also identified a few downsides:
- At an average price of over 2500 US dollars, it is too expensive for most people
- The Wi-Fi adapter is not included in the standard packaging (but it is available as an optional purchase)
- It does not support 4K resolutions
The Epson EH-LS100 is an excellent UST laser projector that manages to deliver an image of outstanding quality, with the convenience of being able to place it on any TV stand. The laser light source is built to last, and it manages to provide a high brightness level, even in economy mode. If you are a movie aficionado and your living room is built for watching movies, then the Epson EH-LS100 should be one of your top options for the next projector that you are going to own. If you can afford it, you will not be sorry you purchased it.
Unboxing the Epson EH-LS100 UST laser projector
The Epson EH-LS100 UST laser projector arrives in a very large box, made from thick cardboard. The device that we tested had been in other hands also, before coming to us, so the packaging was not in its best shape.
Inside the box, we found the Epson EH-LS100 UST laser projector, its remote control, a power cable and an HDMI cable, a CD-ROM with documentation, a printed user guide, and the warranty leaflets.
The unboxing experience offered by the Epson EH-LS100 UST laser projector is simple and straightforward. Epson does not bundle anything else than the essential items required to start using the projector.
Hardware specifications
The Epson EH-LS100 UST laser projector uses a projection system with 3LCD technology, which means that it has three LCD panel chips, one for red, one for green, and one for the blue color. The projector is rated to deliver an output of 4,000 lumens in normal lighting mode or 2,800 lumens in economy mode. Put that together with the 2,500,000:1 contrast ratio, and you know that you are about to enjoy bright images with vivid colors, deep blacks, and well-defined shadow details.
This is a Full HD projector, as it can project images at a maximum resolution of 1920 x 1200 pixels, at a 16:10 aspect ratio. The image can be projected on any display surface, such as a white wall, at a minimum diagonal size of 70 inches (1.78 meters), and a maximum size of 130 inches (3.3 meters). That is more than any TV screen with a similar price tag, of a little over 2500 US dollars.
The Epson EH-LS100 UST laser projector is generous regarding the connectivity options it offers. It comes with two USB 2.0 Type A ports, one USB 2.0 Type B port, a serial RS-232C port, an Ethernet interface with a nominal transfer rate of 100 Mbit/s, a dedicated USB port for Wireless LAN IEEE 802.11b/g/n (the interface is optional and does not come as standard), one VGA in (Monitor Out) and one VGA out (Computer) port, three HDMI in ports (one with MHL), one Composite in, a Stereo mini jack audio out, and two Stereo mini jack audio in.
The Epson EH-LS100 UST laser projector also benefits from a built-in 16 watt loudspeaker, so you can start using it as a home cinema device right from the start. You do not even have to connect a sound system to it.
This laser projector consumes 423 Watts in normal lighting mode, 332 Watts in economy lighting mode, and 0.5 Watts in standby. Its noise level is 39 dBA in normal mode, and 30 dBA in economy mode.
Regarding size, the Epson EH-LS100 UST laser projector is relatively large, with dimensions of 19.45 x 17.20 x 7.40 inches or 494 x 437 x 188 millimeters in Width x Depth x Height. It is also heavy, weighing a little over 24 pounds, or 11 kilograms.
If you want to see all the technical specifications, visit this official webpage: Epson EH-LS100 UST laser projector.
Using the Epson EH-LS100 UST laser projector
The first impression you get when you take this projector out of its box is that it is big. It can be a replacement for your living room TV set, but it cannot be a discreet presence. Everyone will notice it on your TV stand.
One of the most significant advantages of the Epson EH-LS100 is that it is a UST projector. UST is an acronym for Ultra Short Throw, and it means that the lens system is designed to allow you to place the projector very close to the display surface. In other words, you can put it near the wall (or another plain surface) on which you want it to project the image. Depending on how close it is to the display surface, the Epson EH-LS100 can project an picture with a diagonal size of up to 130 inches (330 centimeters), which is a lot more than any TV with a similar price. It truly delivers a Home Cinema experience like no regular TV can.
We used it for watching movies and music videos, and we were impressed by how good the projected images look. Thanks to the powerful laser light source, which delivers up to 4000 lumens, the projector has what it takes to deliver a bright image even in daytime normal lighting conditions. However, it truly shines when you use it in dim light, like in the evening or at night, or when you close the window shades in your living room. This is when you can most enjoy the quality of the videos projected by the Epson EH-LS100. Here is the effect it had on my little one: 🙂
The projector can be controlled through the use of the physical buttons found on its right side. They let you power the projector on or off, select the image source, correct the keystone effect, navigate the menus and change all the settings available.
Although we found the buttons on the projector to be easy to use, it is likely that many people will prefer to use the remote control instead. It is a simple remote control, with no fancy details, but it offers all the buttons you need to have complete control on the projector. One aspect that we did not like about it is the fact that it is white, while the projector is black. At least, you will be able to locate the remote control in your couch cushions easily, right? 🙂
Near the projector control buttons, there is a ventilation grille. This is where the air filter is mounted, but also the place where the projector's focus control slider is found. Open the air filter cover and move the focus slider upwards or downwards until the details of the projected image look clear. Making this adjustment is a matter of a few seconds.
Depending on the surface on which you place it and on the display surface that you are using, you are probably going to have to also make some further adjustments to the projected image geometry. Fortunately, you can do that in many ways, thanks to the menus offered by the Epson EH-LS100, which are generous regarding the number of settings and options available.
However, note that there is not much you can do if the display surface is not plain and clean.
Ultra Short Throw projectors such as this one, are quite particular on this matter. Because the lens has to project the image at an acute angle, the lighting on the display surface emphasizes all the irregularities on it. In other words, if you are using the Epson EH-LS100 to project images on a wall that is not perfectly plain, white, and clean, the image quality is going to be less than ideal. If that wall has a lot of curves, bumps or holes, you are about to have an unpleasant experience.
We preferred to use the Epson EH-LS100 projector set on its Quiet light source mode. In this mode, the projector uses less power and the noise made by its fans is a lot lower. Although the brightness of the image is lower than in Normal mode, the difference is not that big. We believe this is the best way to use this projector in a living room with no ambient noises.
Besides being more silent, the Quiet mode also brings another advantage. The Epson EH-LS100 projector uses a laser lighting source that is designed to last for 20,000 hours in Normal mode, which means on its highest brightness. If you switch to the more economical Quiet mode, the laser source should last for an additional 10,000 hours, bringing its expected lifetime to 30,000 hours. If these numbers do not manage to impress you, consider this: if you use the projector for 5 hours each day, its laser light source should last you for more than 10 years in Normal mode, and over 16 years in Quiet mode. It is more than you probably expect to use your Smart TV, isn't it?
The Epson EH LS-100 UST laser projector is a real Home Cinema device that can successfully replace any TV setup. We love the fact that it is easy to find a place for it on your TV stand, it is easy to set and adjust, while the quality of the projected videos is top-notch.
What is your opinion about the Epson EH-LS100 UST laser projector?
Now you know how much we liked the Epson EH-LS100 UST laser projector, and you also know that we recommend it to any Home Cinema lover out there. Do you agree with us? Would you like having this projector in your home? Use the comments section below to share your opinion.