AMD发布了 3000 系列的新台式机处理器。他们的阵容(Their lineup)还包括AMD Ryzen 9 3900X,这是一款功能非常强大的处理器 ( CPU ),具有 12 个内核和 24 个处理线程。如果您还考虑到基本时钟速度(base clock speed)为 3.8GHz,其涡轮速度(turbo speed)为 4.6GHz,您会立即意识到我们正在与野兽打交道。AMD 是否(Did AMD manage)成功地席卷了顶级台式机处理器的世界?继续阅读并了解新的AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 可以做什么:
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X:它对谁有好处?
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 处理器是以下应用的正确选择:
- 想要消费市场(consumer market)上最好的处理器的人,可以处理任何事情
- 视频编辑等数字内容(Digital content)创建者,他们使用可以利用强大的多线程处理器的渲染应用程序
- 想要精华并且想要从他们的游戏中挤出最后一帧的游戏玩家
关于AMD Ryzen 9(AMD Ryzen 9) 3900X ,有很多好话要说:
- 它是目前世界上最快的台式机处理器之一,无论是用于生产力还是游戏(productivity and gaming)
- 12核24线程,具有相当的多线程计算能力
- 它建立在 7 纳米制造工艺(manufacturing process)之上,并使用AMD的最新架构(AMD)
- 它具有较高的基础和加速时钟速度(base and boost clock speeds),分别为 3.8 和 4.6GHz,并且它是解锁的,这意味着它很容易超频
- 它支持PCI Express 4和高速DDR4 内存(DDR4 memory)
- 它具有相当低的功耗并且即使使用(power consumption)库存冷却器(stock cooler)也不会过度加热
- 它与英特尔(Intel)顶级 i9-9900s 处理器的价格相似,但内核更多
我们对AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 没有负面评价。
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 的规格给全世界留下了深刻的印象,最重要的是,它在现实生活中的表现。凭借这款处理器,AMD理所当然地重新获得了其在桌面计算世界(desktop computing world)之巅的地位。这个处理器可以做任何你想做的事情,从游戏到创建数字内容,再到软件开发(software development)。AMD要求的每核价格比英特尔(Intel)提供的Core i9产品线要好。AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 是一只会让用户满意的野兽,无论他们如何使用这款出色的处理器。
拆箱 AMD Ryzen 9 3900X
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 装在一个相当大的盒子里,但那是因为它还在里面装了一个Wraith Prism 冷却器(Wraith Prism cooler)。该盒子呈立方体,带有橙色和灰色图案,并向您展示了有关处理器的一些详细信息。在顶部,您还可以通过镂空看到锐龙9(Ryzen 9) 3900X CPU。
打开包装,您会看到AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 处理器、带RGB灯的(RGB)Wraith Prism 散热器(Wraith Prism cooler)(以及所需的线缆)、保修和安装说明(warranty and mounting instructions),以及Ryzen 9贴纸。
拆箱 AMD Ryzen 3900X 是一种愉快的体验:包装由优质纸板制成,并捆绑了一个漂亮的散热器和 RGB 灯。(Unboxing the AMD Ryzen 3900X is a pleasant experience: the package is made of premium cardboard, and it bundles a nice-looking cooler with RGB lights.)
3900X 是AMD刚刚发布的锐龙3000(Ryzen 3000)系列处理器的一部分。该系列的代号为Matisse,均采用 7 纳米制造工艺(manufacturing process)和新的处理器架构(processor architecture)生产,本质上转化为更小的晶体管、更高的性能和更低的运行所需功率。
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 处理器的价格约为 500美元,(USD)以这个价格为您提供 12 个物理内核和 24 个线程。基本时钟速度(base clock speed)为 3800 MHz,加速时钟速度(boost clock speed)为 4.6 GHz,超过了上一代锐龙(Ryzen generation)的能力。它还受益于6MB的L2 缓存和 64MB 的(L2 cache)L3 缓存(L3 cache)。4.6 GHz的高频率(GHz) 提升时钟速度(boost clock speed)是您在需要单核性能的应用程序(例如游戏)中所需要的。此外,Ryzen 9 3900X 已解锁,这意味着您可以轻松超频。
根据AMD的说法,3900X 的典型功耗(power consumption)应为 105瓦(Watts)。考虑到该处理器提供的内核数量、缓存和时钟速度(cache and clock speeds),这很好。为了散发处理器的热量,AMD在包装中捆绑了一个冷却器。该公司称其为带有RGB LED的(RGB LED)幽灵棱镜(Wraith Prism),它是一个不错的散热解决方案。它不仅看起来不错,而且还能让处理器始终保持凉爽(processor cool)。唯一的问题是它在繁重的工作负载中会变得非常嘈杂。
Ryzen 9 3900X 支持双通道配置的 DDR4 内存和 3200 MHz的(DDR4 memory)标准(MHz)速度。AMD建议的最佳性价比配置(performance configuration)是运行频率为 3600 MHz的(MHz)DDR4 内存(DDR4 memory)。
AMD构建了 3900X 处理器以及3000 系列的所有CPU ,以在(CPUs)Socket AM4上工作。为了提供最佳性能,这些处理器设计用于带有X570芯片组的主板,因为它们是唯一支持PCI Express 4.0的主板。但是,包括 3900X 在内的所有 3000 处理器都向后兼容,这意味着您应该能够在具有 300 或 400 芯片组的旧主板上使用它们,只要您在安装处理器之前更新BIOS 。
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 处理器是一款性能强大的高端处理器。它采用 7 纳米工艺构建,并提供对 PCIe 4 的支持,这些都是计算机处理器领域的佼佼者。当我们看到它的规格时,我们怀疑这款处理器将在生产力和游戏方面削减许多英特尔的顶级处理器。(The AMD Ryzen 9 3900X processor is a high-end processor that packs a lot of performance. It is built using a 7-nanometer process and offers support for PCIe 4, and these are both premiers in the world of computer processors. When we saw its specifications, we suspected that this processor is going to ax many of Intel's top-tier processors in terms of productivity as well as gaming.)
我们在具有以下硬件和软件的(hardware and software)测试计算机上测试了(test computer)AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 处理器:
- 主板:技嘉X570 AORUS MASTER(Gigabyte X570 AORUS MASTER)
- 内存:G.Skill Trident Z Royal Memory(2 x 8GB,3600MHz,PC4-28800)
- 存储:AORUS NVMe Gen4 2TB 固态硬盘(Solid State Drive)
- 显示器:华硕 ROG Strix XG32VQ(ASUS ROG Strix XG32VQ)曲面电竞显示器(Gaming Monitor)(32 英寸WQHD 2560 x(x 1440) 1440,144Hz)
- 电源单元:ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum
- 操作系统(Operating System):Windows 10 Pro x64,2019年 5 月(May 2019) 更新(Update)
为了更真实地了解AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 所提供的功能,我们还将它与价格更实惠的同类产品AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 以及上一代的AMD Ryzen 7 2700 处理器进行了比较。(AMD Ryzen 7)
Cinebench R20是一个跨平台基准测试,用于测试处理器性能并告诉(processor performance and tells)您CPU渲染场景的速度。我们使用了多线程测试,如下图所示,AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 被证明比 3700X 快 45%,是Ryzen 7 2700 的两倍多。我们预期这个结果,考虑到3900X有12核24线程,而3700X和2700X只有8核16线程。
在CPU-Z中,单线程基准测试(Single Thread benchmark)测量了 3900X 和 3700X 提供的类似性能,但与锐龙7(Ryzen 7) 2700相比% increase。有趣的是,英特尔 i9-9900K(Intel i9-9900K)处理器也仅比锐龙 7 快 8.5%。 3900X。
CPU-Z的多线程测试显示 3900X 与我们拥有的其他处理器之间的差异要大得多。3900X 比 3700X 快 46%,几乎是 2700 的两倍。它也比Intel i9-9900K好 38% 。哇!
接下来,我们转向Blender Benchmark,它渲染两个不同的场景(bmw27 和教室(bmw27 and classroom))并返回计算机完成它们所需的时间。在这个基准测试中,场景渲染得越快,处理器就越快。AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 是迄今为止我们三个CPU(CPUs)中最快的。与 3700X 相比,它所需的时间减少了 32%,而渲染两个场景所需的时间仅为 2700 的一半。
PCMark 10提供了一个基准,可让您评估计算机提供的性能,进而评估其处理器在常见任务中的性能,例如网页浏览(web browsing)、视频会议(video conferencing)、应用程序启动时间、生产力和数字内容创建(content creation)。Ryzen 9 3900X 和Ryzen 7 3700X 得分接近,但它们都比我们的Ryzen 7 2700 获得的分数要好得多(大约 21%)。
7-Zip 可能是世界上最流行的文件压缩软件(file compression software),它是另一个非常擅长评估处理器性能的应用程序。它的基准测试结果讲述了一个相当准确的关于所用处理器速度的故事。在 7-Zip 中,AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 处理器实现了 69 MB/s的压缩速度,比Ryzen 3700X 好得多(Ryzen 3700X),更不用说Ryzen 7 2700。
我们用7-Zip(7-Zip)测得的解压速度是 1510 MB/s,Ryzen 9 3900X 比 3700X 快 45%,是Ryzen 7 2700 的两倍。
JetStream 2是一个现代浏览器基准测试套件(browser benchmark suite),它使用JavaScript 和 WebAssembly(JavaScript and WebAssembly)并报告一个单一的分数,我们可以使用它来比较硬件和软件(hardware and software)。在这个基准测试中,分数越高越好。奇怪的是,锐龙9(Ryzen 9) 3900X 的得分低于锐龙7(Ryzen 7) 3700X,尽管差距可以忽略不计。
接下来,我们还想看看AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 在游戏中能做什么。为避免任何视频瓶颈,我们在基准测试的游戏中使用了 1080p 分辨率和最低图形质量。
在《古墓丽影(Tomb Raider)之影(Shadow)》中,游戏的基准测试工具显示,处理器每秒渲染的帧数在锐龙 3900X(Ryzen 3900X)和 3700X 处理器之间相似,但远优于我们用AMD 锐龙 7(AMD Ryzen 7) 2700测量的值.
在Metro Exodus中,我们获得的平均每秒帧数是锐龙9(Ryzen 9) 3900X 比锐龙7(Ryzen 7) 3700X 低一帧。🙂 Ryzen 7 2700 仅慢了 9 帧。
在World War Z中,使用Ryzen 9 3900X,我们每秒获得 245 帧。对于Ryzen 7 3700X,我们得到了 244 FPS,所以这里没有区别。而锐龙7(Ryzen 7) 2700的FPS只有197,所以第二代(Ryzen generation)和第三代之间的进化在这款游戏中是显而易见的。
我们还检查了AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 在苛刻的工作负载中达到的温度。为此,我们使用Prime95对处理器施加压力,并使用HWiNFO监控其温度。请注意,我们使用了AMD与处理器捆绑的库存Wraith Prism 冷却器。(Wraith Prism cooler)AMD Ryzen 9 3900X的温度没有超过 79摄氏度(Celsius)(174华氏度(Fahrenheit)),考虑到它的 12 个内核和高睿频时钟(turbo clock),这非常出色。
同样,我们也使用HWiNFO来测量AMD Ryzen 9 3900X的功耗。(power consumption)我们目睹的最大功率是 127瓦(Watts),满载。考虑到我们正在研究 12 个内核和 4.6GHz 的升压时钟(boost clock),这是另一个出色的结果。它比类似的英特尔(Intel)处理器提供的要好。
我们使用 AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 运行的所有测试和基准测试都讲述了同一个故事:这款处理器是一个野兽。它冲击了最好的台式机处理器的排名,给英特尔的高端 CPU 带来了难以置信的压力。AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 可以做任何你想做的事情,从渲染到视频编辑到游戏,速度非常快。(All the tests and benchmarks that we ran using the AMD Ryzen 9 3900X tell the same story: this processor is a beast. It storms the ranking ladder of the best desktop processors and puts an incredible amount of pressure on Intel's high-end CPUs. The AMD Ryzen 9 3900X can do whatever you want it to do, from rendering to video editing to gaming, very fast.)
您对AMD 锐龙 9(AMD Ryzen 9) 3900X 有何看法?
现在您对全新AMD Ryzen 9(AMD Ryzen 9) 3900X 处理器有了更多了解。这是桌面计算(desktop computing)的新世界,AMD再次证明它不仅是英特尔的有力竞争者,而且在(Intel)价格和性能(price and performance)方面实际上都领先于英特尔。在结束此评论之前,请告诉我们您对AMD的Ryzen 9 3900X 处理器的看法以及您是否正在考虑购买它。在下面发表评论(Comment),让我们讨论一下这个令人兴奋的产品。
Reviewing the AMD Ryzen 9 3900X processor
AMD has released its new desktop processors from the 3000 series. Their lineuр also includes the AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, which is an incredibly powеrful processor (CPU), wіth 12 cores аnd 24 processing threads. If you also take into consideration that the base clock speed is 3.8GHz and its turbo speed is 4.6GHz, you immediately realize that we are dealing with а beast. Did AMD manage to take the world of top-tier desktoр processors by storm? Read on and find out what the new AMD Ryzen 9 3900X can do:
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X: Who is it good for?
The AMD Ryzen 9 3900X processor is the right choice for:
- People who want the best processor on the consumer market, that can handle anything
- Digital content creators such as video editors, who use rendering apps that can take advantage of a powerful multi-threaded processor
- Gamers who want the crème de la crème and want to squeeze even the last frame from their games
Pros and cons
There are plenty of good things to say about the AMD Ryzen 9 3900X:
- It is one of the fastest desktop processors in the world right now, both for productivity and gaming
- It has 12 cores and 24 threads, which gives it a considerable multi-thread computing power
- It is built on a 7-nanometer manufacturing process and uses the latest architecture from AMD
- It has a high base and boost clock speeds, 3.8 and 4.6GHz respectively, and it is unlocked, meaning that it is easy to overclock it
- It supports PCI Express 4 and high-speed DDR4 memory
- It has rather low power consumption and does not heat excessively, even with the stock cooler
- It comes at a similar price with Intel's top i9-9900s processors but has more cores
We have nothing negative to say about the AMD Ryzen 9 3900X.
The AMD Ryzen 9 3900X managed to impress the whole world with its specifications and, most of all, with its performance in real-life. With this processor, AMD manages to rightfully regain its place at the top of the desktop computing world. This processor can do anything you want it to do, from gaming to creating digital content, to software development. The per-core price that AMD asks is better than what Intel has to offer with its Core i9 lineup. AMD Ryzen 9 3900X is a beast that is going to make users happy, no matter how they use this great processor.
Unboxing the AMD Ryzen 9 3900X
The AMD Ryzen 9 3900X comes in a rather large box, but that's because it also packs a Wraith Prism cooler inside. The box has a cubic shape with orange and gray patterns, and shows you some details about the processor. On the top, you can also see the Ryzen 9 3900X CPU through a cutout.
When opening the packaging, you find the AMD Ryzen 9 3900X processor, a Wraith Prism cooler with RGB lights (and the required cables), the warranty and mounting instructions, and a sticker with Ryzen 9.
Unboxing the AMD Ryzen 3900X is a pleasant experience: the package is made of premium cardboard, and it bundles a nice-looking cooler with RGB lights.
Hardware specifications
The 3900X is part of the Ryzen 3000 series of processors, which AMD just released. This series also bears the codename of Matisse, and they are all produced using a 7-nanometer manufacturing process and a new processor architecture, which essentially translates into smaller transistors, higher performance, and less power required to run.
The AMD Ryzen 9 3900X processor costs about 500 USD and, for that price, gives you 12 physical cores and 24 threads. The base clock speed is 3800 MHz, and the boost clock speed is 4.6 GHz, more than the previous Ryzen generation was capable of. It also benefits from an L2 cache of 6MB and an L3 cache of 64MB. The high 4.6 GHz boost clock speed is what you need in apps that require single-core performance, such as games. Furthermore, the Ryzen 9 3900X is unlocked, meaning that you can overclock it with ease.
According to AMD, the 3900X should have a typical power consumption of 105 Watts. This is good, considering the number of cores, cache and clock speeds offered by this processor. To dissipate the heat from the processor, AMD bundles a cooler in the package. The company calls it Wraith Prism with RGB LED and it is a decent thermal solution. Not only does it look good, but it also keeps the processor cool at all times. The only issue is that it can become quite noisy in heavy workloads.
The Ryzen 9 3900X offers support for DDR4 memory in dual-channel configuration and standard speeds of 3200 MHz. AMD's recommendation for the best price per performance configuration is DDR4 memory running at 3600 MHz.
AMD built the 3900X processor, and all the CPUs from the 3000 series, to work on the Socket AM4. To offer their best performance, these processors are designed to be used on motherboards with X570 chipsets, because they are the only ones that support PCI Express 4.0. However, all of the 3000 processors, including the 3900X, are backwards compatible, meaning that you should be able to use them on older motherboards with 300 or 400 chipsets, as long as you update the BIOS before installing the processor.
The AMD Ryzen 9 3900X processor is a high-end processor that packs a lot of performance. It is built using a 7-nanometer process and offers support for PCIe 4, and these are both premiers in the world of computer processors. When we saw its specifications, we suspected that this processor is going to ax many of Intel's top-tier processors in terms of productivity as well as gaming.
Performance in benchmarks and games
We tested the AMD Ryzen 9 3900X processor on a test computer with the following hardware and software:
To get a more realistic idea of what the AMD Ryzen 9 3900X has to offer, we also compared it with its more affordable peer, the AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, and with the AMD Ryzen 7 2700 processor from the previous generation.
Cinebench R20 is a cross-platform benchmark that tests the processor performance and tells you how fast the CPU is at rendering a scene. We used the multi-thread test and, as you can see in the chart below, the AMD Ryzen 9 3900X proved to be 45% faster than the 3700X and more than twice as fast as the Ryzen 7 2700. We expected this result, considering that the 3900X has 12 cores and 24 threads, while the 3700X and the 2700X have only eight cores and 16 threads.
In CPU-Z, the Single Thread benchmark measured a similar performance offered by the 3900X and the 3700X, but almost a 40% increase compared to the Ryzen 7 2700. Interestingly, the Intel i9-9900K processor is also only 8.5% faster than the 3900X.
The Multi-Thread test from CPU-Z showed a much bigger difference between the 3900X and the other processors we had. The 3900X was 46% faster than the 3700X and almost twice as fast as the 2700. It was also 38% better than the Intel i9-9900K. Wow!
Next, we turned to Blender Benchmark, which renders two different scenes (bmw27 and classroom) and returns the time needed by the computer to finish them. In this benchmark, the faster the scenes are rendered, the faster the processor is. The AMD Ryzen 9 3900X was by far the fastest of our three CPUs. It needed 32% less time than the 3700X and only half the time needed by the 2700 to render the two scenes.
PCMark 10 offers a benchmark that lets you evaluate the performance offered by the computer, and consequently by its processor, in common tasks such as web browsing, video conferencing, apps start-up times, productivity, and digital content creation. Ryzen 9 3900X and Ryzen 7 3700X had close scores, but both of them were considerably better than the one obtained by our Ryzen 7 2700 (about 21 percent).
7-Zip, which is probably the most popular file compression software in the world, is another app that is great at assessing the performance of processors. Its benchmark results tell a rather accurate story about the speed of the processor used. In 7-Zip, the AMD Ryzen 9 3900X processor managed to achieve a compressing speed of 69 MB/s, which is much better than the Ryzen 3700X, not to mention the Ryzen 7 2700.
The decompressing speed we measured with 7-Zip was 1510 MB/s with the Ryzen 9 3900X, which is 45% faster than the 3700X, and double that of the Ryzen 7 2700.
JetStream 2 is a modern browser benchmark suite that uses JavaScript and WebAssembly and reports a single score that we can use to compare hardware and software. In this benchmark, higher scores are better. Oddly, the Ryzen 9 3900X had a smaller score than that of the Ryzen 7 3700X, although by a negligible margin.
Next, we also wanted to see what the AMD Ryzen 9 3900X can do in gaming. To avoid any video bottlenecks, we used the 1080p resolution and lowest graphics quality in the games we benchmarked.
In Shadow of the Tomb Raider, the benchmarking tool from the game showed that the number of frames per second rendered by the processor were similar between the Ryzen 3900X and 3700X processors, but were far better than the values we measured with the AMD Ryzen 7 2700.
In Metro Exodus, the average frames per second that we obtained was a frame lower for the Ryzen 9 3900X compared to the Ryzen 7 3700X. 🙂 The Ryzen 7 2700 was only 9 frames slower.
In World War Z, using the Ryzen 9 3900X, we got 245 frames per second. For the Ryzen 7 3700X, we got 244 FPS, so no difference here. With the Ryzen 7 2700 however, the FPS was only 197, so the evolution between the second Ryzen generation and the third is obvious in this game.
We also checked the temperatures that the AMD Ryzen 9 3900X reaches in demanding workloads. For that, we used Prime95 to stress the processor and monitored its temperatures with HWiNFO. Note that we used the stock Wraith Prism cooler bundled by AMD with the processor. The AMD Ryzen 9 3900X did not get hotter than 79 degrees Celsius (174 degrees Fahrenheit), which is excellent considering its 12 cores and high turbo clock.
Similarly, we also used HWiNFO to measure the power consumption of the AMD Ryzen 9 3900X. The maximum we've witnessed was 127 Watts, in full load. This is another excellent result considering that we are looking at 12 cores and a 4.6GHz boost clock. It is better than what similar Intel processors offer.
All the tests and benchmarks that we ran using the AMD Ryzen 9 3900X tell the same story: this processor is a beast. It storms the ranking ladder of the best desktop processors and puts an incredible amount of pressure on Intel's high-end CPUs. The AMD Ryzen 9 3900X can do whatever you want it to do, from rendering to video editing to gaming, very fast.
What is your opinion about the AMD Ryzen 9 3900X?
Now you know more about the new AMD Ryzen 9 3900X processor. It is a new world for desktop computing, and AMD proves once more that it is not just a serious contender for Intel, but actually ahead of them, both in terms of price and performance. Before you close this review, tell us what you think about AMD's Ryzen 9 3900X processor and whether you are considering buying it. Comment below and let's discuss about this exciting product.