如果您是商务专业人士(business professional),并且正在寻找坚固可靠的笔记本电脑,华硕 PRO B551LG(ASUS PRO B551LG)可能是您的理想选择。华硕在这款笔记本的整体(ASUS)结构质量(construction quality)和广泛的安全功能方面做出了很多承诺。我们拿到了这台笔记本电脑,非常想知道它是否会达到我们的期望。我们进行了多次测试,使用了几天,现在我们准备分享我们使用ASUS B551LG的经验。阅读此评论以了解有关购买此笔记本电脑时获得的更多信息。
华硕 PRO B551LG 拆箱
与华硕(ASUS)销售的其他笔记本相比,ASUS PRO B551LG的包装简单到可以称之为斯巴达。盒子是用纸板做的,上面印的信息并没有告诉你太多关于你会在里面找到什么。
在包装内,您会找到笔记本电脑及其充电器、快速入门指南(start guide)、保修和安全注意事项传单。一个不错的选择是,您还可以得到一个可安装在DVD 托架(DVD bay)中的笔记本电脑上的备用电池。虽然笔记本电脑预装了Windows 7 Professional,但在包装盒内您还可以找到四张DVD 光盘(DVD discs),其中包含Windows 8.1 PRO 安装(PRO installation)、Windows 8.1 PRO 许可证(PRO license)和此笔记本电脑的驱动程序。
ASUS PRO B551LG提供多种硬件配置。处理器可以是Intel Core i5 4200U或Intel Core i7 4650U/4500U CPU。我们收到的用于测试的变体运行功能较弱的处理器:i5 4200U - 以 1.6 GHz的基本频率和高达 2.6 GHz的涡轮模式运行。
在RAM 内存(RAM memory)方面,您可以获得 8GB 的 DDR3,运行频率为 1600MHz,您可以扩展到最大 16GB。
显卡由Intel 5000 板载显卡(onboard video card)和专用Nvidia Geforce 840M显卡处理。当您执行Microsoft Office 工作时使用(Microsoft Office work)英特尔视频(Intel video)芯片,这在图形能力方面不需要太多。在这种情况下,使用较弱的显卡(video card)有助于提高笔记本电脑的自主性。然而,当运行耗电大的应用程序时,例如播放高清媒体或玩游戏,更强大的Geforce 840M 显卡(Geforce 840M)就会(video card)发挥作用。
在存储方面(storage side),您可以选择更广泛的设备。ASUS PRO B551LG可配备传统硬盘或高性能固态硬盘(state drive)( SSD )。您可以选择:500 GB HDD,5400 RPM或 7200 RPM,750 GB HDD,5400 RPM,1 TB,5400 RPM,500GB,HDD 5400 RPM,8 GB SSH,128 GB SSD和 256 GB SSD。我们收到的型号配备了 500 GB 硬盘(GB HDD),运行速度为 7200转速(RPM)。
屏幕是另一个可供您选择的区域。虽然尺寸和纵横比(aspect ratio)相同(15.6 英寸,比例为 16:9),但分辨率可能不同。该显示器提供分辨率为 1366x768 像素的变体或分辨率为 1920x1080 像素的全高清变体。(Full HD variant)屏幕提供了非常宽的视角(使用IPS 技术(IPS technology)的直接结果)并使用了哑光涂层(matte coating),从而减少了任何眩光。我们测试的模型有一个全高清屏幕(Full HD screen)。此外,在显示屏顶部,您会发现一个 0.9 兆像素高清网络摄像头(HD webcam)。
至于网络选项,您将获得支持 802.11 b/g/n 标准的集成英特尔无线(Intel wireless) 网卡(network card),或者支持 802.11 a/b/g/n 标准并且还兼容WiDi的更好变体。(WiDi)唯一的缺点是没有任何变体支持新的 802.11ac 无线网络标准。此外,所有型号均配备蓝牙 4.0芯片。(Bluetooth 4.0)
ASUS PRO B551LG在连接性和专业商务功能方面大放异彩。笔记本电脑包括常见的连接选项:3 个USB 3.0端口、1 个USB 2.0端口、1 个音频插孔(可用于连接耳机或外接麦克风)、1 个RJ45(以太网(Ethernet))插孔、1 个迷你显示端口(Display Port)和一个SD(SD card)读卡器。最重要的是,任何专业人士都会很高兴得知您还可以获得智能卡插槽(Smart Card slot)、指纹扫描仪(Fingerprint scanner)和Kensington 锁插槽(Kensington Lock slot)。
笔记本电脑默认由 4 芯 45 Wh 锂离子电池供电。但是,我们之前说过,该包装还包括一个额外的电池。要使用此备用电池,您必须卸下DVD 驱动器(DVD drive)并将电池插入其位置。额外的电池提供 23 Wh 并使用 3 节电池。正如您将在本评论后面看到的那样,使用两节电池将为您提供足够的电量,甚至可以完成整个工作日(work day)。
笔记本的宽度为 38.3 厘米(15.07 英寸),高度为 25.9 厘米(10.19 英寸),厚度为 26 毫米(1.02 英寸)。当我们使用两个电池时,我们测试的模型重 2.2 公斤(4.85 磅)。
华硕PRO B552LG(ASUS PRO B552LG)使用的操作系统(operating system)方面,我们收到的机型预装了Windows 7 Professional,还有一套安装了Windows 8.1 PRO的(PRO installation)DVD光盘(DVD discs)。
有关ASUS PRO B552LG 笔记本电脑(ASUS PRO B552LG notebook)的更多信息,请查看此链接:ASUS PRO ADVANCED B551LG 规格(ASUS PRO ADVANCED B551LG Specifications)。
使用华硕 PRO B551LG
我们已经使用和测试这款笔记本将近一周了,我们必须说我们喜欢它。它的碳纤维表壳看起来和感觉都很棒。其简洁前卫的设计确实让您感觉自己在使用专业设备,甚至可能是军用设备(grade one)。另外,在使用华硕PRO B551LG(ASUS PRO B551LG)的过程中,我们并没有注意到任何过热的现象,也没有感觉到笔记本的噪音。
屏幕的哑光涂层(matte coating)也增加了这种感觉。视角高,色彩还原(color reproduction)性好。它的全高清分辨率(Full HD resolution)也是一个优势,尤其是从生产力的角度来看(productivity standpoint)。文字清晰,图像生动,与您所处的光线环境无关。无论是在办公楼还是户外(office building or outdoors)使用,尝试理解屏幕上显示的内容都不会出现问题。
音质(sound quality)并不特别,但从我们的角度来看,这并不是一个主要缺点。毕竟,我们谈论的是专为商务人士设计的笔记本,而不是专为多媒体任务或多媒体编辑(multimedia editing)而设计的笔记本。声音没有失真——只是它们的电平很低。
我们喜欢这款笔记本的另一件事是它的键盘。当我们在上面打字时感觉很舒服,它还包括一个专用的数字键盘。长键程(key travel)和宽大的间距让您感觉像是在普通桌面键盘(desktop keyboard)上打字。所有这一切都可以让您长时间工作而不会感到疲倦。
触摸板很大,尺寸为 107 毫米(4.21 英寸)x 61 毫米(2.40 英寸),并提供多点触控。这意味着您可以从侧面滑动手指以在Windows 8.1(Windows 8.1)应用程序之间切换、打开超级按钮、放大或缩小等等。
该笔记本电脑还包括一个仅用于视频通话的高清 720p网络摄像头。(HD 720p)它的质量不是很好,但是当您使用Skype或其他类似应用程序时,它足以完成这项工作。
我们收到的用于测试的ASUS PRO B551LG配备了 Western Digital Travelstar硬盘。这是一个 500GB 的型号,以 7200 RPM运行。在本次评测的早些时候,我们注意到您还可以让这款笔记本运行SSD或具有更大(SSDs)存储容量(storage capacity)的硬盘。我们强烈建议您购买配备SSD的版本,因为使用机械硬盘是这款笔记本整体性能的一个缺点。启动时间要慢得多,启动应用程序或桌面程序(apps or desktop programs)需要一段时间(while and things)像复制或移动文件也需要更长的时间。但是,如果存储空间对您来说必不可少,则可能值得选择更大的硬盘驱动器而不是更小的固态驱动器(state drive)。
如果您只使用主电池,笔记本电脑在正常使用情况下将持续大约 3 到 4 小时。这包括网页浏览(web browsing)、使用Office应用程序、观看视频和一些轻度游戏等任务。但是,如果您还插入了备用电池,您将可以在不连接交流电源(AC power)的情况下使用这台笔记本电脑大约 5 到 6 小时。这并不像我们希望的那样令人印象深刻。
与华硕 PRO B551LG 捆绑的应用程序
我们测试的ASUS PRO B551LG 预装了(ASUS PRO B551LG)Windows 7 Professional。在它的包装中,我们还发现了一组包含Windows 8.1 Pro 设置的(Pro setup)DVD(DVDs)和一个带有驱动程序和其他应用程序的附加磁盘。因为这款笔记本主要针对商务人士,所以华硕(ASUS)让你选择你的操作系统(operating system)是有意义的。如果您的公司仍然主要依赖于Windows 7,或者您只是习惯了它,那么请保持笔记本电脑的原样。但是,如果您更喜欢使用Windows 8.1并享受其功能和改进的性能,那么没有什么能阻止您升级。 此外,在两个(Furthermore)操作系统(operating system)之间切换很容易:您只需插入可启动磁盘并按照屏幕上的指南进行操作。华硕(ASUS)自行处理大部分过程,包括安装您选择的操作系统(operating system)和运行所需的驱动程序。
ASUS Fingerprint允许您使用内置指纹传感器(fingerprint sensor)采集指纹生物特征,并使用它来验证笔记本电脑的操作系统和应用程序(operating system and applications)。
华硕硬盘保护工具(ASUS HDD Protection Tool)使用内部传感器来检测笔记本电脑的任何移动,并在即将受到物理冲击的情况下为您的硬盘提供保护。
ASUS On-Screen Display turns on or off the on-screen display of notifications related to the use of some keyboard shortcuts like Fn+F8.
ASUS Smart Gesture可让您配置触控板的各种设置。您可以使用它来设置在触摸板上点击或滑动手指时执行的操作。
ASUS Install is an app that lets you install other ASUS software. While on Windows 8.1 Pro, the only two available options for the ASUS PRO B551LG were ASUS PowerGear Hybrid and eManual Utility. ASUS Power4Gear Hybrid is an app that lets you control the power options for your notebook and eManual Utility is your notebook's manual in a PDF format.
Microsoft Office is actually a trial version that you can use for 30 days before buying or registering your license.
与我们所有的评论一样,我们不想只分享我们的主观意见。这就是为什么为了更好地了解特定设备提供的性能,我们使用多个基准测试它。我们对ASUS PRO B551LG做了同样的事情。
注意:(NOTE:)正如我们在本次评测中之前所说,ASUS PRO B551LG预装了Windows 7 Professional,还提供了Windows 8.1 Pro作为升级。Windows 8.1 Pro以一组DVD(DVDs)的形式提供,您可以使用它来安装它。在功能和性能方面,我们认为Windows 8.1是一个更好的操作系统。(operating system)这就是我们选择在Windows 8.1中运行所有基准测试的原因。还值得一提的是,在运行任何测试之前,我们下载并安装了适用于该操作系统(operating system)的所有更新。
我们首先测量了在此笔记本上加载Windows 8.1需要多长时间。Bootracer显示,平均而言,华硕 PRO B551LG(ASUS PRO B551LG)需要大约 67 秒才能启动。请记住,我们使用的模型配备的是机械硬盘而不是SSD。这直接影响任何计算机的启动时间。如果您决定购买ASUS PRO B551LG并选择包含SSD的变体,您的启动时间将大大缩短。
接下来,我们想看看华硕 PRO B551LG(ASUS PRO B551LG)在日常计算场景中的表现如何,比如在使用它来上网、使用Office应用程序、视频聊天(video chat)、编辑图片或玩休闲游戏时。为了衡量它在这种情况下的性能,我们运行了PCMark 8基准测试。笔记本的得分为 2035 分,这意味着它应该可以毫无问题地处理大多数日常活动。
然而,由于华硕 PRO B551LG(ASUS PRO B551LG)主要供商务专业人士使用,而不是作为娱乐设备,我们还使用PCMark 8从生产力的角度(productivity point)来了解它的表现。该笔记本在生产力测试套件(productivity suite)中获得了 2469 分。此分数表明华硕 PRO B551LG 笔记本电脑(ASUS PRO B551LG notebook)可以轻松应对任何办公活动(office activity)。
即使华硕 PRO B551LG(ASUS PRO B551LG)是一款面向商务的笔记本,我们仍然想看看它是否可以玩要求更高的游戏。因此,我们使用著名的 3DMark Vantage 基准(Vantage benchmark)进行了一些测试。它在运行性能测试时获得的平均分数为 7348,这意味着您将能够运行具有良好图形质量的游戏。
我们要检查的另一件事是这款笔记本的冷却系统有多好。为此,我们使用Prime95对CPU施加压力约 45 分钟。同时,我们还保持HWMonitor运行,以监控CPU 温度(CPU temperature)。最后,我们得出结论,华硕 PRO B551LG(ASUS PRO B551LG)设法将CPU 温度(CPU temperature)保持在最高 71摄氏度(Celsius)(159.8华氏度(Fahrenheit))以下。即使这个温度看起来很高,笔记本电脑的外壳也做得很好,你永远不会觉得它变得太热。即使您将笔记本放在膝盖上或更糟的是放在毯子上,情况也是如此。
最后,我们测试了华硕 PRO B551LG(ASUS PRO B551LG)的电池。为此,我们使用了PowerMark基准测试。该测试旨在测量当您使用笔记本电脑执行正常任务(如上网、编写文档、播放媒体文件或玩休闲游戏)时,电池的续航时间。
仅使用华硕 PRO B551LG(ASUS PRO B551LG)的原电池时,PowerMark表示这款笔记本可以运行 3 个半小时以上。如果你问我们,这不是很多。
插入二次电池后,这款笔记本的续航时间又增加了 2 小时,达到 5 小时 35 分钟。这是一个更好的结果。
ASUS PRO B551LG是一款非常坚固的笔记本电脑,专为商务人士设计。它看起来很棒,而且它的表面质量非常好。它是办公室工作(office work)的绝佳设备,并且在用于要求苛刻的娱乐活动(例如玩游戏)时也表现出色。它有多种硬件配置可供选择,您可以从中选择最适合您需求的一种。我们建议您选择包含SSD的型号,因为在性能方面有很多收获。ASUS PRO B551LG是一款笔记本电脑,您可以在办公室的所有日常工作中使用它,并且在使用时感觉舒适。唯一重要的缺点是与其他制造商销售的类似笔记本电脑相比,它似乎有点贵。
Reviewing ASUS PRO B551LG - A Good Notebook For Business Professionals
If you're a businesѕ professionаl and you're looking for a robust and reliable notebook, AЅUS PRO B551LG might be a good choice for you. ASUS promises a lot when it comes to this notebook's overall construction quality and its extensive security features. We got our hands on this laptоp and were very curious to learn іf іt will rise to our expectations. We ran multiple tests, used it for a couple of days and now we arе ready tо shаre our еxperience wіth AЅUS B551LG. Read this review to learn more about what you get when purchasing this laptop.
Unboxing The ASUS PRO B551LG
Compared to other notebooks sold by ASUS, the packaging of the ASUS PRO B551LG is so simple that you could call it spartan. The box is made of cardboard and the information printed on it doesn't tell you too much about what you'll find inside.
Inside the package you'll find the laptop and its charger, a quick start guide, the warranty and a safety precautions leaflet. A nice touch is the fact that you also get a secondary battery that you can mount on your laptop in the DVD bay. While the laptop comes with Windows 7 Professional pre-installed, inside the box you will also find four DVD discs containing a Windows 8.1 PRO installation, a Windows 8.1 PRO license and the drivers for this notebook.
Hardware Specifications
The ASUS PRO B551LG is available in multiple hardware configurations. The processor can be an Intel Core i5 4200U or an Intel Core i7 4650U/4500U CPU. The variant we received for testing runs the less powerful processor: i5 4200U - running at a base frequency of 1.6 GHz and up to 2.6 GHz in turbo mode.
When it comes to RAM memory, you get 8GB of DDR3, running at 1600MHz, that you can expand to a maximum of 16GB.
The graphics are handled by both an Intel 5000 onboard video card and a dedicated Nvidia Geforce 840M graphics card. The Intel video chip is used when you do things like Microsoft Office work, which don't require too much in terms of graphics power. In such scenarios, using a weaker video card helps increase your laptop's autonomy. However, when running power hungry apps, like playing HD media or playing games, the more powerful Geforce 840M video card comes into action.
On the storage side, you have a wider array of devices from which you can choose. The ASUS PRO B551LG can be equipped with either a traditional hard drive or a great performing solid state drive (SSD). The choices you have are: 500 GB HDD at 5400 RPM or 7200 RPM, 750 GB HDD at 5400 RPM, 1 TB at 5400 RPM, 500GB at HDD 5400 RPM with 8 GB SSH, 128 GB SSD and 256 GB SSD. The model we received was equipped with a 500 GB HDD running at 7200 RPM.
The screen is another area where you have several options to choose from. While the size and the aspect ratio is the same (15.6 inches at a 16:9 ratio) the resolution can differ. The display is available in a variant with a resolution of 1366x768 pixels or a Full HD variant with the resolution of 1920x1080 pixels. The screen offers very wide viewing angles (the direct result of using IPS technology) and uses a matte coating, thus reducing any glare on it. The model we've tested had a Full HD screen. Also, on the top of the display, you'll find a 0.9 megapixel HD webcam.
As for the networking options you get an integrated Intel wireless network card that supports the 802.11 b/g/n standards, or a better variant that supports the 802.11 a/b/g/n standards and is also WiDi compatible. The only downside is the fact that there is no variant that offers support for the new 802.11ac wireless networking standard. Also, a Bluetooth 4.0 chip is available on all models.
The ASUS PRO B551LG shines when it comes to connectivity and professional business features. The laptop includes common connectivity options: 3 USB 3.0 ports, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 audio jack (which can be used both for connecting a headphones set or an external microphone), 1 RJ45 (Ethernet) jack, 1 mini Display Port and an SD card reader. On top of all that, any professional will be happy to learn that you also get a Smart Card slot, a Fingerprint scanner and a Kensington Lock slot.
The notebook is powered by default by a 4 cells 45 Wh Li-Ion battery. However, we said earlier that the package also includes an additional battery. To use this secondary battery, you'll have to remove the DVD drive and insert the battery in its place. The additional battery offers 23 Wh and uses 3 cells. As you'll see later in this review, using both batteries will give you enough power to even make it through your entire work day.
The notebook has a width of 38.3 cm (15.07 inches), a height of 25.9 cm (10.19 inches) and is 26 mm (1.02 inches) thick. The model we tested weighed 2.2 kg (4.85 pounds), when we used both batteries.
In terms of the operating system used by the ASUS PRO B552LG, the model we received had Windows 7 Professional pre-installed and also a set of DVD discs with a Windows 8.1 PRO installation on them.
For more information on the ASUS PRO B552LG notebook, check this link: ASUS PRO ADVANCED B551LG Specifications.
Using The ASUS PRO B551LG
We've been using and testing this notebook for almost a week and we must say that we love it. Its carbon reinforced case looks and feels great. Its simple and edgy design really gives you the feeling that you are using a professional device, maybe even a military grade one. Also, while using the ASUS PRO B551LG, we didn't notice any excessive heat coming out, nor did we feel the notebook to become noisy.
The screen's matte coating also adds to that feeling. The viewing angles are high and the color reproduction is good. Its Full HD resolution is also a plus, especially from a productivity standpoint. The text looks sharp and the images are vivid, indifferent of the light environment you're in. You won't have problems when trying to understand what's displayed on the screen, both when using it in an office building or outdoors.
The sound quality is not extraordinary, but this isn't a major drawback from our perspective. After all, we're talking about a notebook designed for business professionals, not one designed for multimedia tasks or multimedia editing. The sounds aren't distorted – it's just that their levels are low.
Another thing that we enjoyed about this notebook is its keyboard. It felt comfortable when we typed on it and it also includes a dedicated numeric keypad. The long key travel and the generous spacing make you feel like you're typing on a regular desktop keyboard. All that makes long work hours possible without you getting tired.
The touchpad is generous, with a size of 107 mm (4.21 inches) x 61 mm (2.40 inches), and it offers multi-touch control. That means you can slide your finger(s) from the sides to switch between Windows 8.1 apps, open charms, zoom in or out and so on.
The notebook also includes an HD 720p webcam that's useful only for video calls. Its quality isn't great but it's enough to do the job when you're on Skype or other similar apps.
The ASUS PRO B551LG we received for testing was equipped with a Western Digital Travelstar hard drive. It's a 500GB model running at 7200 RPM. Earlier in this review, we noted that you can also get this notebook running SSDs or hard disks with larger storage capacity. We highly recommend that you buy a version equipped with an SSD, as using a mechanical hard drive is a drawback to this notebook's overall performance. The boot times are a lot slower, launching apps or desktop programs takes a while and things like copying or moving files also takes longer. However, if storage space is essential for you, it may be worth choosing a larger hard drive rather than a smaller solid state drive.
If you're using only the main battery, the laptop will last you for about 3 to 4 hours in normal usage scenarios. This includes tasks like web browsing, working with Office applications, watching videos and some light gaming. However, if you also plug in the secondary battery, you will be able to use this laptop without connecting it to AC power for about 5 to 6 hours. This is not as impressive as we would have hoped.
Apps Bundled With ASUS PRO B551LG
The ASUS PRO B551LG that we tested came with Windows 7 Professional pre-installed. In its package we also found a set of DVDs containing the Windows 8.1 Pro setup and an additional disk with drivers and other apps. Because this notebook is targeted mostly at business professionals, it makes sense for ASUS to let you choose your operating systems. If your company still relies mostly on Windows 7 or if you are simply used to it, then keep the notebook as it is. However, if you prefer using Windows 8.1 and enjoy its features and improved performance, than nothing is stopping you from upgrading. Furthermore, switching between the two operating systems is easy: you just have to insert the bootable disk and follow the onscreen guide. ASUS handles most of the process by itself, including both the installation of the operating system that you choose and the drivers needed for it to work.
When it comes to apps bundled with this laptop, ASUS chose to keep things simple. You'll find only a few additional apps:
ASUS Fingerprint allows you to capture fingerprint biometrics using the built-in fingerprint sensor and use it to authenticate into the notebook's operating system and applications.
ASUS HDD Protection Tool uses internal sensors to detect any movement of your laptop and offers protection for your hard drive in case of imminent physical shocks.
ASUS On-Screen Display turns on or off the on-screen display of notifications related to the use of some keyboard shortcuts like Fn+F8.
ASUS Smart Gesture lets you configure various settings for the touchpad. You can use it to set the actions performed when tapping or swiping your finger(s) on the touchpad.
ASUS Install is an app that lets you install other ASUS software. While on Windows 8.1 Pro, the only two available options for the ASUS PRO B551LG were ASUS PowerGear Hybrid and eManual Utility. ASUS Power4Gear Hybrid is an app that lets you control the power options for your notebook and eManual Utility is your notebook's manual in a PDF format.
Microsoft Office is actually a trial version that you can use for 30 days before buying or registering your license.
Performance In Benchmarks
As with all our reviews, we don't want to share only our subjective opinion. That's why, in order to get a good idea about the performance offered by a specific device, we test it with several benchmarks. We did the same with ASUS PRO B551LG.
NOTE: As we said earlier in this review, the ASUS PRO B551LG comes with Windows 7 Professional pre-installed and also offers Windows 8.1 Pro as an upgrade. The Windows 8.1 Pro is delivered on a set of DVDs that you can use to install it. We consider Windows 8.1 a better operating system when it comes to both features and performance. That's why we chose to run all our benchmarks in Windows 8.1. It's also worth mentioning that, before running any tests, we downloaded and installed every update available for this operating system.
We started by measuring how long it takes for Windows 8.1 to load on this notebook. Bootracer showed that, on average, the ASUS PRO B551LG needs around 67seconds to boot. Keep in mind that the model we had was equipped with a mechanical hard drive not an SSD. This directly affects the boot times of any computer. If you make a decision to buy an ASUS PRO B551LG and choose a variant that includes an SSD, your boot times will improve dramatically.
Next, we wanted to see how well the ASUS PRO B551LG fares in everyday computing scenarios, like when using it for surfing the web, using Office applications, video chat, editing pictures or playing casual games. In order to measure its performance in such scenarios, we ran the PCMark 8 benchmark. The notebook got a score of 2035 points, which means that it should handle most day to day activities with no trouble.
However, because the ASUS PRO B551LG is designed to be used mostly by business professionals and not as a recreational device, we also used PCMark 8 to see how it fares from a productivity point of view. The notebook received 2469 points in the productivity suite of tests. This score shows that the ASUS PRO B551LG notebook will handle any office activity with ease.
Even if the ASUS PRO B551LG is a business oriented notebook, we still wanted to see if more demanding games are playable on it. So we ran a few tests with the well-known 3DMark Vantage benchmark. The average score it received when running the performance tests was 7348, which means that you will be able to run games with decent graphics quality.
Another thing we wanted to check was how good the cooling system of this notebook is. To do that, we used Prime95 to stress the CPU for about 45 minutes. At the same time, we also kept HWMonitor running, in order to monitor CPU temperatures. At the end, we concluded that the ASUS PRO B551LG manages to keep the CPU temperature under a maximum 71 degrees Celsius (159.8 degrees Fahrenheit). Even if this temperature might seem high, the laptop's case is built very well and you'll never feel it become too warm. That's true even if you're keeping the notebook on your lap or worse, on a blanket.
Finally, we tested the batteries of the ASUS PRO B551LG. In order to do that, we used the PowerMark benchmark. This test aims to measure how long your battery will last when you use your laptop for normal tasks like surfing the web, writing documents, playing media files or playing casual games.
When using only the primary battery of the ASUS PRO B551LG, PowerMark said that this notebook would run for more than 3 and a half hours. This is not a lot if you ask us.
Inserting the secondary battery added another 2 hours to the autonomy of this notebook, raising it to 5 hours and 35 minutes. This is a better result.
ASUS PRO B551LG is a very robust notebook that's designed for business professionals. It looks great and its finish is of really good quality. It's a great device for office work and it also fares well when used for demanding recreational activities like playing games. It's available in multiple hardware configurations from which you can choose one that best suits your needs. We recommend that you choose a model that includes an SSD, as there's lots to be gained in terms of performance. ASUS PRO B551LG is a notebook that you can use for all your day-to-day work in the office and feel comfortable while working on it. It's only important downside is that it seems a little pricey when compared to similar notebooks sold by other manufacturers.