ASUS PRO PU551JS是一款外观经典且坚固耐用的笔记本电脑,旨在吸引企业主。该笔记本承诺可靠且经济实惠。几周前我们收到了这个模型进行测试,经过一段时间的工作、测试和使用后,我们现在想与您分享我们发现的一切。如果您想了解更多关于ASUS PRO PU551JA所提供的信息,请不要犹豫,阅读我们的评论:
华硕 PRO PU551JA 拆箱
ASU PRO PU551JA的包装盒非常简单,并遵循我们在所有ASUS PRO笔记本电脑上看到的相同设计线。(design line)盒子是硬纸板做的,上面印的信息不多。唯一能告诉你你买了什么的是一个小名牌(name tag)。
在包装内,您会找到笔记本电脑及其充电器、快速入门指南(start guide)、保修信(warranty letter)和安全注意事项传单。
ASUS PRO PU551JA以多种硬件配置出售。CPU可以是Intel Core i7 4712MQ 处理器、(Processor) Intel Core i5 4210M(Intel Core i5 4210M) 处理器(Processor)或Intel Core i3 4000M 处理器(Processor)。我们收到的模型运行在功能较弱的Intel Core i3 4000M处理器上,运行频率为 2.4 GHz。
在RAM 内存(RAM memory)方面,您可以获得 4GB 的DDR3,运行频率为 1600MHz,通过使用 2个可用的DIMM插槽,您可以将其扩展至 16GB。
图形由集成的Intel HD Graphics 4600处理。该视频芯片(video chip)对玩新游戏没有任何帮助,但笔记本电脑本身并不是为此而设计的。英特尔核芯显卡 4600在(Intel HD Graphics 4600)办公室工作(office work)、流式传输 1080p内容或观看(content or watching) 全高清(Full HD)电影时都能胜任。
在存储方面,您可以从各种设备中做出选择。ASUS PU551JA可以配备传统硬盘或更快的固态硬盘(state drive)。这些是您的选择:5400 RPM的 500 GB(GB HDD)硬盘(GB HDD)、7200 RPM的 500 GB 硬盘、5400 RPM的1 TB(TB HDD)硬盘(TB HDD)、7200 RPM的 1 TB 硬盘、带有 8 G SSD SSH的500 GB 硬盘(GB HDD)或 128 GB SSD。我们收到的型号配备了 500GB 硬盘,以 7200 RPM运行。
笔记本电脑还提供了它使用的显示器的选择。虽然尺寸和纵横比(aspect ratio)相同(15.6 英寸和 16:9 比例),但分辨率可能不同。该屏幕提供高清版本(HD version)(1366x768 像素)或分辨率为 1920x1080 像素的全高清版本(Full HD variant)。我们收到的用于测试的型号是高清(1366x768 像素)屏幕分辨率(screen resolution)较低的型号。屏幕的一个好处是它使用了哑光涂层(matte coating),从而减少了眩光。不利的一面是,华硕(ASUS)选择用于显示器的面板是经典的 TN,而不是IPS. 这意味着视角并不令人印象深刻,亮度水平有些低,颜色也不是那么自然。但是,对于它的价格范围(price range),这是可以预料的。
在屏幕的顶部边缘,您还可以获得一个 1.0 兆像素的摄像头。至于网络选项,您可以在支持 802.11 b/g/n 标准的集成无线网卡(wireless network card)或支持 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac 标准的无线网卡之间进行选择。(wireless network card)此外,还提供内置蓝牙 V4.0 芯片(Bluetooth V4.0 chip)。
ASUS PRO PU551JA提供大量连接选项:2 个USB 3.0端口、2 个USB 2.0端口、1 个音频插孔(可用于连接耳机或外接麦克风)、1 个RJ45(以太网(Ethernet))插孔、1 个VGA 输出(VGA output), 1 个HDMI 端口(HDMI port)和一个SD(SD card)读卡器。最重要的是,任何专业人士都会很高兴得知您还可以获得指纹扫描仪(Fingerprint scanner)和Kensington Lock 插槽(Kensington Lock slot)。
笔记本电脑的自主性由 6芯 56Wh(cell 56Wh)锂离子电池供电。在尺寸和重量(size and weight)方面,ASUS PRO PU551JA具有以下规格:380 毫米 x 256 毫米 x 36 毫米(15 英寸 x 10 英寸 x 1.4 英寸),重量为 2.4 公斤(5.3 磅)。
华硕PRO PU551JA(ASUS PRO PU551JA)使用的操作系统(operating system)方面,我们收到的机型预装了Windows 8.1 Pro 。
有关ASUS PRO PU551JA 笔记本电脑(ASUS PRO PU551JA notebook)的更多信息,请查看此链接:ASUS PRO ESSENTIAL PU551JA 规格(ASUS PRO ESSENTIAL PU551JA Specifications)。
使用华硕 PRO PU551JA
我们已经使用和测试这款笔记本一个多星期了,我们对它非常满意,尤其是考虑到它的价格标签(price tag)。即使它的外壳全部由塑料制成,它也采用了哑光和拉丝纹理,看起来和感觉都很棒。此外,简单而前卫的设计让您感觉您正在使用专业设备。在工作和测试ASUS PRO B551LG时,我们没有注意到任何过热,也没有感觉到笔记本变得非常嘈杂。
屏幕的哑光涂层(matte coating)也增加了这种感觉。但是,视角有限,色彩还原(color reproduction)不是很好。我们测试的模型提供的相当小的分辨率也不是一个强项,但是看看竞争对手在这个价格范围内(price range)提供的东西,我们不能不高兴。文字看起来相当不错,但图像并不突出。此外,如果您打算在户外使用这款笔记本电脑,您应该知道它的亮度和对比度水平(brightness and contrast levels)并不少见。这是一种专为办公室而非户外使用而设计的设备。
音质(sound quality)一般,但这不是主要缺点,因为我们谈论的是专为商务专业人士设计的笔记本电脑,而不是专为多媒体任务或多媒体编辑(multimedia editing)设计的笔记本电脑。声音没有失真——只是它们的电平很低。
我们喜欢这款笔记本的一个地方是它的键盘。当我们在上面打字时感觉很舒服,它还包括一个专用的数字键盘。长键程(key travel)和宽大的间距让您感觉像是在普通桌面键盘(desktop keyboard)上打字。所有这一切都可以让您长时间工作而不会感到疲倦。
触摸板很大,支持点击和手势。这意味着您可以从侧面滑动手指以在Windows 8.1(Windows 8.1)应用程序之间切换、打开超级按钮、放大或缩小等等。
该笔记本电脑还包括 1.0 兆像素网络摄像头,当您使用Skype或其他类似应用程序时,它的工作就很好。
我们收到的用于测试目的的ASUS PRO PU551JA 笔记本(ASUS PRO PU551JA notebook)配备了日立(Hitachi)硬盘。这是一个 500GB 的型号,以 7200 RPM运行。在本次评测的早些时候,我们注意到您还可以让这款笔记本运行SSD或具有更大(SSDs)存储容量(storage capacity)的硬盘。我们强烈建议您购买配备SSD的版本,因为使用机械硬盘是这款笔记本整体性能的一个缺点。启动时间较慢,启动应用程序或桌面程序(apps or desktop programs)需要一段时间(while and things)像复制或移动文件也需要更长的时间。但是,如果存储空间对您来说必不可少,则可能值得选择更大的硬盘驱动器而不是更小的固态驱动器(state drive)。
正常使用场景下,笔记本的自治时间在 3 到 4 小时左右。这意味着您正在做各种事情,例如网页浏览(web browsing)、使用Office应用程序或观看一些视频。
(Apps)与华硕 PRO PU551JA(ASUS PRO PU551JA)捆绑的应用程序
我们测试的ASUS PRO PU551JA 预装了(ASUS PRO PU551JA)Windows 8.1 Pro。但是,笔记本电脑也可以与Windows 7 Professional一起使用。由于这款笔记本主要针对商务人士,华硕(ASUS)让您选择操作系统是有意义的。
ASUSPRO Business Center是一款帮助您从硬件和软件角度(software point)管理计算机的应用程序。您可以使用它来管理备份、监视Windows Defender等基本软件、执行软件更新或(Windows Defender)磁盘碎片整理(disk defragmentation)等自动计算机维护(computer maintenance)功能。
ASUS Fingerprint允许您使用内置指纹传感器(fingerprint sensor)采集指纹生物特征,并使用它来验证笔记本电脑的操作系统和应用程序(operating system and applications)。
华硕硬盘保护工具(ASUS HDD Protection Tool)使用内部传感器来检测笔记本电脑的任何移动,并在即将受到物理冲击的情况下为您的硬盘提供保护。
ASUS On-Screen Display turns on or off the on-screen display of notifications, other than those already shown by Windows.
ASUS Smart Gesture可让您配置触控板的各种设置。您可以使用它来设置在触摸板上点击或滑动手指时执行的操作。
ASUS Install is an app that lets you install other ASUS software. This may be useful if you plan to use some of the apps that are bundled by ASUS.
ASUS WebStorage -华硕(ASUS)的云存储解决方案(storage solution),提供 5GB 的免费云存储空间(cloud storage space)。
ASUS USB Charger Plus – a tool that lets you charge devices over the USB ports faster, even when the notebook is in sleep mode.
ASUS WinFlash – a program specifically designed to write new BIOS firmware and make BIOS updates. You should keep it and use it.
Twitter - the official Windows 8.1 app for this social network.
Fresh Paint - a simple painting app for Windows 8.1, which you will probably not use if you're a business professional.
Music Maker Jam - a music app for Windows 8.1 that allows you to mix different loops and sound effects. This is another app that probably won't offer value for a business professional.
Line - a chat application that you may want to experiment with before deciding on whether to keep it or not.
Netflix - depending on where you live, you'll either love this app or dislike ASUS for bundling it. In the US and a couple of other countries where Netflix is available, you will want to use this app and stream movies and TV shows to your device. In countries where this service is unavailable, this app is useless.
Zinio - a magazine reader app for Windows 8.1. Unless you like to read magazines, you'll probably uninstall this app.
Flipboard - another magazine reader app for Windows 8.1, which if you don't need, you can safely remove it.
WildTangent Games - a portal where you can purchase and download various PC games. From a productivity point of view, this app is not needed.
Microsoft Office - a trial version that you can use for 30 days before buying or registering your license.
仅与您分享我们对ASUS PRO PU551JA(ASUS PRO PU551JA)的主观意见是不够的。因此,为了更好地了解它在性能方面的表现,我们还使用一些流行的基准测试应用程序对其进行了测试。
我们测量的第一件事是这款笔记本电脑启动Windows 8.1并启动其所有进程所需的时间。为此,我们使用了 Bootracer(Bootracer)。我们测量的平均启动时间为 45 秒,考虑到我们测试的模型使用传统硬盘驱动器这一事实,这是一个相当不错的结果。如果您想从存储(storage point)的角度获得更好的性能,您应该考虑购买配备SSD的变体。这样,在您的笔记本电脑上打开程序时,您将获得更快的启动时间和更快的响应。
接下来,我们检查了ASUS PRO PU551JA在日常使用中的表现如何,我们的意思是在网上冲浪、使用Office 应用程序(Office apps)、一些视频通话、一些图片编辑以及一些休闲游戏会话等操作. 为了测量笔记本电脑在执行此类任务时的性能,我们使用了PCMark 8提供的(PCMark 8)Home 加速(Home accelerated)测试。华硕 PRO PU551JA(ASUS PRO PU551JA)获得了 2237 分的成绩。这个分数表明笔记本可以毫无问题地处理日常任务。
由于ASUS PRO PU551JA是一款主要面向商务人士的笔记本电脑,因此我们还针对一系列测试对它进行了测试,旨在从生产力(productivity point)的角度展示它的表现。笔记本电脑在PCMark 8的(PCMark 8)工作加速(Work accelerated)预设中获得了 3298 分。这意味着它将轻松处理任何类型的办公活动(office activity)。
ASUS PRO PU551JA是一款面向商务的笔记本电脑,因为它是一种预算选择(budget choice),它不包括专用显卡(video card)。尽管如此,我们仍然想知道游戏是否可以在上面玩。因此,我们使用性能测试运行3Dmark Vantage 。笔记本只获得了3687分。这证实了我们已经怀疑的:您将无法在这款笔记本上玩大多数新游戏。但是,即使您可能需要使用最低的视频设置才能运行较旧的游戏,也可以玩较旧的游戏。
接下来,我们继续进行存储测试。正如我们之前简要提到的,这款笔记本电脑提供多种存储选择。我们测试的模型配备了传统的 500GB 硬盘,转速为 7200 RPM。它的速度结果是平均的,如下所示。
接下来,我们检查了华硕PRO PU551JA的(ASUS PRO PU551JA)散热系统(cooling system)。为了进行测量,我们使用Prime95对笔记本电脑施加压力,并使用CoreTemp来检查CPU的温度。经过近一个小时的“折磨”,CPU的温度没有超过75摄氏度(Celsius)。
激烈的视频任务是另一项要求很高的事情,通常会引起热议。为了测试笔记本电脑在这种情况下的表现如何,我们运行Furmark半小时,同时使用相同的CoreTemp监控温度。我们记录的最高温度是摄氏(Celsius)76度。我们期望这个值,因为视频芯片(video chip)与CPU集成在一起。
最后,我们测试了华硕 PRO PU551JA(ASUS PRO PU551JA)的电池。为此,我们使用了PowerMark基准测试。该测试旨在测量当您使用笔记本电脑执行正常任务(例如上网、使用Office应用程序或播放媒体文件)时,电池的续航时间。基准测试显示,在这种情况下,笔记本电脑的续航时间不会超过 3 个半小时,这不算多。
ASUS PRO PU551JA 笔记本(ASUS PRO PU551JA notebook)是一款针对商务人士(business professional)的设备。它的外观经典、简单,并且坚固可靠。里面的硬件(hardware inside)功能强大,足以应付任何类型的办公室工作(office work)。其他需要考虑的事情是它提供的大量端口、磨砂显示屏(matte display)以及大尺寸的键盘和触摸板(keyboard and touchpad)。另一方面,这款笔记本比较笨重,显示效果也不是很好。事实上,从我们的角度来看,我们发现显示器是最薄弱的环节。但是,我们谈论的是预算笔记本(budget notebook),并且在这个价位上(price point),比赛提供相同类型的屏幕。你将很难找到更好的东西。ASUS PRO PU551JA是一款平衡良好的笔记本电脑,对于任何精打细算的商务专业人士(business professional)来说都是不错的选择。
Reviewing ASUS PRO PU551JA - A Budget Notebook For Business Professionals
The ASUS PRO PU551JS is a classic looking and a robust notebook, designed to appeal mostlу to business owners. The notebook promises to be reliable and also budget-friendlу. Wе reсeived this model to test a few weekѕ ago and, after working, testing and playing with it for quite a while, we now want to share wіth you everything we've foυnd out about it. If you want to lеarn more about what ASUS PRO PU551JA has tо offеr, don't hesitate to rеad our review:
Unboxing The ASUS PRO PU551JA
The box in which ASU PRO PU551JA comes in, is very simple and follows the same design line we saw with all the ASUS PRO notebooks. The box is made of cardboard and not much information is printed on it. The only thing that tells you what you bought is a small name tag.
Inside the package you'll find the laptop and its charger, a quick start guide, the warranty letter and a safety precautions leaflet.
Hardware Specifications
The ASUS PRO PU551JA is sold in multiple hardware configurations. The CPU can be an Intel Core i7 4712MQ Processor, an Intel Core i5 4210M Processor or an Intel Core i3 4000M Processor. The model we received runs on the less powerful Intel Core i3 4000M processor, running at a frequency of 2.4 GHz.
In terms of RAM memory, you get 4GB of DDR3 running at 1600MHz, which you can expand up to 16GB, by using the 2 DIMM sockets available.
The graphics are handled by an integrated Intel HD Graphics 4600. This video chip won't be of any help in playing new games, but the notebook itself isn't designed for that. The Intel HD Graphics 4600 will do its job just fine when it comes to doing office work, streaming 1080p content or watching Full HD movies.
When it comes to the storage side of things, you get to make your choice from a wide array of devices. The ASUS PU551JA can be equipped with either a traditional hard drive or a faster solid state drive. These are your choices: 500 GB HDD at 5400 RPM, 500 GB HDD at 7200 RPM, 1 TB HDD at 5400 RPM, 1 TB HDD at 7200 RPM, 500 GB HDD with 8 G SSD SSH or 128 GB SSD. The model we received was equipped with a 500GB hard drive running at 7200 RPM.
The notebook also offers choices when it comes to the display it uses. While the size and the aspect ratio is the same (15.6 inches and 16:9 ratio), the resolution can differ. The screen is available either in an HD version (1366x768 pixels) or a Full HD variant at a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels. The model we received for tests was the the one with the lesser HD (1366x768 pixels) screen resolution. A nice thing about the screen is the fact that it uses a matte coating, thus reducing glare. On the bad side though, the panel ASUS chose to use for the display is a classical TN and not an IPS. This means the viewing angles aren't impressive, the brightness levels are somewhat low and the colors are not that natural. However, for its price range, this is to be expected.
On the top rim of the screen, you also get a 1.0 megapixels camera. As for the networking options you get to choose between an integrated wireless network card that supports the 802.11 b/g/n standards, or a wireless network card that supports the 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac standards. Also, a built-in Bluetooth V4.0 chip is available.
The ASUS PRO PU551JA offers plenty of connectivity options: 2 USB 3.0 ports, 2 USB 2.0 ports, 1 audio jack (which can be used both for connecting a headphones set or an external microphone), 1 RJ45 (Ethernet) jack, 1 VGA output, 1 HDMI port and an SD card reader. On top of all that, any professional will be happy to learn that you also get a Fingerprint scanner and a Kensington Lock slot.
The notebook's autonomy is powered by a 6 cell 56Wh Li-Ion battery. In terms of size and weight, the ASUS PRO PU551JA has the following specs: 380 mm x 256 mm x 36 mm (15 in x 10 in x 1.4in) at a 2.4 kg (5.3 pounds) weight.
In terms of the operating system used by the ASUS PRO PU551JA, the model we received had Windows 8.1 Pro pre-installed.
For more information on the ASUS PRO PU551JA notebook, check this link: ASUS PRO ESSENTIAL PU551JA Specifications.
Using The ASUS PRO PU551JA
We've been using and testing this notebook for more than a week and we are mostly pleased by it, especially considering its price tag. Even if its case is all made of plastic, it uses a matte and brushed texture that looks and feels great. Also, the simple and edgy design gives you the feeling that you are using a professional device. While working and testing the ASUS PRO B551LG, we didn't notice any excessive heat coming out, nor did we feel the notebook to become extremely noisy.
The screen's matte coating also adds to that feeling. However, the viewing angles are limited and the color reproduction is not great. The rather small resolution offered by the model we tested isn't a strong point either, but looking at what the competition has to offer at this price range, we cannot be unhappy. The text looks reasonably good but the images are not standing out. Also, if you plan on using this notebook outdoors, you should know that its brightness and contrast levels aren't out of the ordinary. It's a device built to be used in offices, not outdoors.
The sound quality is average, but this isn't a major drawback, as we're talking about a notebook designed for business professionals, not one designed for multimedia tasks or multimedia editing. The sounds aren't distorted – it's just that their levels are low.
A thing that we enjoyed about this notebook is its keyboard. It felt comfortable when we typed on it and it also includes a dedicated numeric keypad. The long key travel and the generous spacing make you feel like you're typing on a regular desktop keyboard. All that makes long work hours possible without you getting tired.
The touchpad is large and supports taps and gestures. That means you can slide your finger(s) from the sides to switch between Windows 8.1 apps, open charms, zoom in or out and so on.
The notebook also includes 1.0 megapixels webcam that does its job just fine when you're on Skype or other similar apps.
The ASUS PRO PU551JA notebook that we received for testing purposes was equipped with a Hitachi hard drive. It's a 500GB model running at 7200 RPM. Earlier in this review, we noted that you can also get this notebook running SSDs or hard disks with larger storage capacity. We highly recommend that you buy a version equipped with an SSD, as using a mechanical hard drive is a drawback to this notebook's overall performance. The boot times are slower, launching apps or desktop programs takes a while and things like copying or moving files also takes longer. However, if storage space is essential for you, it may be worth choosing a larger hard drive rather than a smaller solid state drive.
In normal usage scenarios, the notebook's autonomy is about 3 to 4 hours. This means you're doing a mix of things like web browsing, working with Office applications or watching some videos.
Apps Bundled With The ASUS PRO PU551JA
The ASUS PRO PU551JA that we tested came with Windows 8.1 Pro pre-installed. However, the notebook can also be used with Windows 7 Professional. Because this notebook is targeted mostly at business professionals, it makes sense for ASUS to let you choose your operating systems.
When it comes to apps bundled with this laptop, ASUS chose to keep things simple. You'll find only a few additional apps:
ASUSPRO Business Center is an application that helps you manage your computer, from both a hardware and a software point of view. You can use it to manage backups, monitor essential software like Windows Defender, perform automatic computer maintenance functions like software updates or disk defragmentation and so on.
ASUS Fingerprint allows you to capture fingerprint biometrics using the built-in fingerprint sensor and use it to authenticate into the notebook's operating system and applications.
ASUS HDD Protection Tool uses internal sensors to detect any movement of your laptop and offers protection for your hard drive in case of imminent physical shocks.
ASUS On-Screen Display turns on or off the on-screen display of notifications, other than those already shown by Windows.
ASUS Smart Gesture lets you configure various settings for the touchpad. You can use it to set the actions performed when tapping or swiping your finger(s) on the touchpad.
ASUS Install is an app that lets you install other ASUS software. This may be useful if you plan to use some of the apps that are bundled by ASUS.
ASUS WebStorage - a cloud storage solution from ASUS that offers 5GB of free cloud storage space.
ASUS USB Charger Plus – a tool that lets you charge devices over the USB ports faster, even when the notebook is in sleep mode.
ASUS WinFlash – a program specifically designed to write new BIOS firmware and make BIOS updates. You should keep it and use it.
Twitter - the official Windows 8.1 app for this social network.
Fresh Paint - a simple painting app for Windows 8.1, which you will probably not use if you're a business professional.
Music Maker Jam - a music app for Windows 8.1 that allows you to mix different loops and sound effects. This is another app that probably won't offer value for a business professional.
Line - a chat application that you may want to experiment with before deciding on whether to keep it or not.
Netflix - depending on where you live, you'll either love this app or dislike ASUS for bundling it. In the US and a couple of other countries where Netflix is available, you will want to use this app and stream movies and TV shows to your device. In countries where this service is unavailable, this app is useless.
Zinio - a magazine reader app for Windows 8.1. Unless you like to read magazines, you'll probably uninstall this app.
Flipboard - another magazine reader app for Windows 8.1, which if you don't need, you can safely remove it.
WildTangent Games - a portal where you can purchase and download various PC games. From a productivity point of view, this app is not needed.
Microsoft Office - a trial version that you can use for 30 days before buying or registering your license.
Performance In Benchmarks
Just sharing with you our subjective opinions about the ASUS PRO PU551JA is not enough. So, in order to get a better idea of what it has to offer in terms of performance, we've also tested it with a few popular benchmark applications.
The first thing we measured was the time this notebook needs in order to boot Windows 8.1 and start all its processes. To do that, we used Bootracer. The average boot time we measured was 45 seconds, which is quite a good result considering the fact that the model we tested was using a traditional hard drive. If you want a better performance from a storage point of view, you should consider buying a variant equipped with a SSD. That way, you'll get much faster boot times and a general faster response when opening programs on your notebook.
Next, we checked to see how well does the ASUS PRO PU551JA in normal everyday use, by which we mean doing things like surfing on the web, working with Office apps, some video calls, a bit of picture editing and maybe some casual gaming sessions. To measure the notebook's performance when doing such tasks, we used the Home accelerated tests offered by PCMark 8. The ASUS PRO PU551JA got a score of 2237 points. This score shows that the notebook handles everyday tasks with no problem whatsoever.
Because the ASUS PRO PU551JA is a notebook targeted mostly at business professionals, we also tested it against a battery of tests aimed to show how well it fares from a productivity point of view. The laptop obtained 3298 points in the Work accelerated preset from PCMark 8. That means it will handle with ease any kind of office activity.
The ASUS PRO PU551JA is a business oriented notebook and because it's a budget choice it doesn't include a dedicated video card. Despite that, we still wanted to know if games would be playable on it. So we ran 3Dmark Vantage using the performance tests. The notebook only managed to get 3687 points. This confirmed what we already suspected: you won't be able to play most of the newer games on this notebook. However, older games are playable, even if you might need to use the lowest video settings for them to work.
Next, we moved on to the storage tests. As we've briefly mentioned earlier, this notebook is available in with multiple storage choices. The model we tested was equipped with a traditional 500GB hard drive, spinning at 7200 RPM. Its speed results are average, as you can see below.
Next, we checked the cooling system of the ASUS PRO PU551JA. In order to do our measurements, we used Prime95 to stress the notebook and CoreTemp to check the temperatures of the CPU. After almost an hour of "torture", the CPU didn't get higher than 75 degrees Celsius.
Intense video tasks is another demanding thing that usually gets the heat up. To test how the laptop fares in such scenarios, we ran Furmark for half an hour, while monitoring the temperatures with the same CoreTemp. The highest temperature we recorded was 76 degrees Celsius. We expected this value, because the video chip is integrated with the CPU.
Finally, we tested the batteries of the ASUS PRO PU551JA. In order to do that, we used the PowerMark benchmark. This test aims to measure how long your battery will last when you use your laptop for normal tasks like surfing the web, using Office applications or playing media files. The benchmark revealed that, in such scenarios, the notebook won't last more than 3 and a half hours, which isn't that much.
The ASUS PRO PU551JA notebook is a device targeted at business professionals. Its looks are classic, simple and it's built to be robust and reliable. The hardware inside is powerful enough to handle any kind of office work. Other things to consider are the large number of ports it offers, the matte display and the generously sized keyboard and touchpad. On the other hand, this notebook is rather bulky and the display is not great. In fact, we found the display to be the weakest point from our perspective. However, we are talking about a budget notebook and, at this price point, the competition offers the same type of screens. You will have a hard time finding something better. The ASUS PRO PU551JA is a well balanced notebook, that will prove to be a good buy for any budget conscious business professional.