HTC成立于 1997 年,专注于制造便携式设备,例如手机(mobile phone)和PDA(PDAs)。该公司在微软(Microsoft)移动操作系统(mobile operating system)的早期就凭借其 Windows Mobile设备迅速在移动市场上脱颖而出,并且还是第一家推出基于Android的智能手机 - 2008 HTC Dream的(HTC Dream)手机制造商(phone manufacturer)。他们的Desire 系列(Desire series)一直是最成功的手机(mobile phone)系列之一,为所有人提供智能手机——旗舰、入门级或中级,配备物理键盘(记得HTC Desire Z又名 G2?)或仅依靠触摸屏。最近,他们推出了 One 系列设备,一系列智能手机,每一款都比前一款功能更强大,性能更高。在今年早些时候,特别是在2015 年3(March)月,该系列的最新成员,HTC One M9继一款特别成功的智能手机(HTC One M8 )之后,首次亮相。我们很高兴能得到它,我们准备报告我们的意见。您是否像我们一样好奇它的冲击力有多大?阅读并找出。
我们从一开始就对HTC One M9的运输包装(shipping package)印象深刻,这是一个带有圆角的方形亮白色纸板箱,上面覆盖着光滑的灰色波尔卡圆点。(cardboard box)唯一打破设计经典线条的细节是盒子顶盖中间的“ HTC One M9 ”标志。(HTC One M9)在包装盒底部,您可以找到设备的硬件规格。
打破侧面的安全封条(safety seal),翻开包装盒的顶盖,左侧是引以为豪的 One M9,保护盖上装有下面的所有其他配件。
在这个保护内盖(inner cover)下,您可以找到该设备随附的所有附加物品:电源充电器、USB-microUSB 充电和数据传输线(USB-microUSB charging and data transfer cable)、耳机(配备 3 套不同尺寸的耳塞)、SIM 卡(SIM card) 弹出销(eject pin)和所有需要的文件,包括保修和快速入门指南(Quick-Start Guide)。
HTC为其 One M9 智能手机(M9 smartphone)发布了 4 种颜色风格,分别是Silver/Rose Gold、Gold/Pink、琥珀金和(Amber Gold)经典的青铜灰色(Gunmetal Grey)。我们用于测试的版本是Gunmetal Grey 版本(Gunmetal Grey version),它在设备上散发出强烈的阳刚之光(imposing and masculine light)。
是时候看看是什么让HTC One M9(HTC One M9 tick)成功了。在引擎盖下,中央处理器是(processing unit)高通公司(Qualcomm)制造的最新最好的CPU,Snapdragon 810 CPU,由四核 1.5 GHz Cortex-A53和四核 2 GHz Cortex-A57组成,运行在高通 MSM8994上(Qualcomm MSM8994 chipset)芯片组。由于今年早些时候有关过热问题的报道,这款CPU最近受到了一些不好的宣传,但我们没有注意到这些。尽管如此,它还是一种强大的处理能力,我们稍后会看到。
在图形方面,HTC One M9配备了Adreno 430 GPU,这也是 GPU 方面的最新消息(GPUs)。作为先睹为快(sneak preview),我们可以告诉您这个小家伙本身就是一个奇迹,但我们将在基准测试部分向您展示它在此设置中的表现如何。
HTC One M9运行在 3GB 的RAM内存(RAM memory)上,这似乎是当今旗舰智能手机的标准RAM 内存量。(RAM memory)HTC决定在存储空间(storage space)方面发布该设备的单一版本,特别是 32GB 内部存储器,但另一方面,该设备具有 microSD存储卡插槽(memory card slot),能够处理高达 128GB 存储的存储卡空间(storage space),所以你不会很快用完空间。
显示器方面,HTC One M9配备 5 英寸Super LCD3 触摸屏(Super LCD3 touchscreen),分辨率为 1080x1920 像素的全高清分辨率(HD resolution)。441ppi的像素密度(pixel density)已经足够了,但与同期发布的其他一些旗舰设备相比,它并没有那么令人印象深刻。受到Gorilla Glass 4技术的保护,该显示器提供了良好的图像质量(image quality),但过于鲜艳的色彩和清晰的显示能力从来都不是HTC的强项。
支持 One M9 的电池是不可拆卸的 Li-Po 2840 mAh 电池(mAh battery),它设法让我们的测试设备(test device)在最少使用量的情况下运行超过 2 天。在经常使用的情况下,我们得到了一整天的果汁,晚上结束时还剩下大约四分之一的能量。HTC决定采用Li-Po 技术(Li-Po technology)这一事实非常受欢迎。
在相机方面,HTC选择了一个 20 MP 的主后置摄像头,以 5376 x 3752像素的分辨率拍摄,并配备了自动对焦、HDR 模式(HDR mode)和双 LED 闪光灯。可悲的是,没有可用的图像稳定技术(image stabilization technology)。然而,当光线充足时,相机会拍出质量上乘、色彩鲜艳(quality and vivid colors)的照片。对于剪辑猎人,它可以录制 2160p@30fps 或 1080p@60fps 的视频。我们对此表示赞赏的一件事是,您可以下载并安装相机的各种设置,例如强调中心主题同时淡化其背后细节的“散景”模式。值得一提的是,后置摄像头受保护蓝宝石玻璃盖(sapphire glass cover),一种以其强度和弹性(strength and resilience)而闻名的材料。前置摄像头也是一个不错的 4 MP(MP one)摄像头,能够录制 1080p@30fps 的视频,并受益于微笑检测器或专门设计的自拍模式等各种技术。
在连接方面,One M9 配备了经典的双频 Wi-Fi 适配器,能够处理 802.11a/b/g/n/ac 协议,同时兼容 2.4GHz 和 5GHz 无线网络,并支持DLNA共享标准。还展示了采用A2DP 技术的(A2DP technology)蓝牙 4.1(Bluetooth 4.1)芯片、一个GPS 模块(GPS module)、一个红外端口、一个NFC 模块(NFC module)和一个能够将设备变成USB 主机并支持(USB host and offering support)MHL TV-out 技术的(MHL TV-out technology)microUSB 2.0端口。还有一个立体声调频收音机(FM radio)可用。
该设备的物理尺寸为长 144.6 毫米(或 5.69 英寸)、宽(Width)69.7(Length)毫米(或 2.74 英寸)和高(Height)9.6 毫米(或 0.38 英寸)。它的重量为 157 克,与其他设备相比相当重,但这是坚固且高效保护铝制后盖的副作用。
如果您正在寻找此设备的更详细规格,您可以在制造商的网站上找到它们:HTC One M9 技术规格(HTC One M9 Technical Specifications)。
HTC One M9 虽然不以令人印象深刻的功能和引人注目的设计为目标,但设法给人一种坚固耐用的设备的印象。为其供电的组件仅从高端货架中选择,很明显 M9 旨在作为顶级智能手机。(While not aiming for impressive features and eye-candy design, the HTC One M9 manages to give the impression of a strongly built and robust device. The components powering it are chosen only from the high-end shelf and it's clear that the M9 is intended as a top-of-the-line smartphone.)
正如我们之前提到的,HTC One M9是一款坚固而强大的设备,“像坦克”一样建造,似乎能够或多或少地承受粗暴的操作。设备正面没有硬件按键, (hardware button)HTC One M9仅依靠经典的安卓软件(Android software)按键。在正面的底部,在HTC 标志(HTC logo)的下方,有隐藏在格栅盖后面的麦克风(microphone hidden),而在顶部,你会发现听筒、接近和环境(proximity and ambient)光传感器以及前置 4 MP 摄像头(MP camera)。
它的一体式后盖由弯曲的金属制成,中间有HTC标志(HTC logo)。在背面顶部居中,您会发现蓝宝石保护的后置摄像头(rear camera),双 LED 闪光灯位于左侧。
音量按钮以及电源和锁定按钮(power and lock button)都位于设备的右侧,在 microSD存储卡端口(memory card port)下方。
在设备的左侧,您只会找到SIM 卡(SIM card)端口。
该设备的整个顶部由覆盖红外端口的深红色玻璃拥有,而底部则是microUSB 充电和数据传输端口(microUSB charging and data transfer port)以及 3.5 毫米音频插孔。
HTC One M9 的构造令人印象深刻,拉丝金属后盖触感良好,让您认为它是一款专为男性人群设计的智能手机,但不仅限于男性。它易于操作,握在手中舒适,所有按钮都放置在适当的位置,以便足够伸手可及。(The HTC One M9 is impressively robust in its build, the brushed metal back cover feels good to the touch, leading you to the thought that it is a smartphone intended for the masculine demographics, but not restricted to them. It is easy to handle, sits comfortably in your hand and all the buttons are well positioned for adequate reach.)
HTC One M9上的智能手机体验(Smartphone Experience)
在使用HTC One M9(HTC One M9)拨打和接听电话时,我们的音质(sound quality)一直完美无缺。另一端的声音可能有点太大了,因此得出的结论是该设备的麦克风非常敏感 - 这一点也不差。使用附带的耳机时,声音也非常好。值得一提的是,HTC提供 3 种不同尺寸的耳塞,非常舒适。
HTC One M9预装了Android 5.0 Lollipop ,目前可以升级到Android 5.1。它带有HTC自己的用户界面(user interface)HTC Sense的烙印。用户界面(user interface)的外观和感觉非常专业和干净,在默认的Android 体验(Android experience)之上添加了方便的快捷方式和特殊功能。与三星(Samsung)的彩色和令人眼花缭乱的TouchWiz不同,HTC的目标是为其设备提供干净简约的外观。该设计使用纯色和简单的直线构建。
当我们带着HTC One M9出去兜风时,我们尝试使用它,因为我们使用我们自己的手机(一些互联网浏览(internet browsing),一些电话,一些短信和拍摄照片)并且轻松地设法度过了一整天,甚至延伸到第二天结束。显然,该设备的电池消耗(battery consumption)进行了高度优化,使其能够提供足够的电力来持续很长时间,然后才迫使您开始寻找最近的电源插座(power outlet)。
如果您决定购买 HTC One M9,您不会对它提供的手机体验感到失望。相反,通话声音完美无瑕,电池可以持续整整两天,如果您需要的话。(Should you decide to go for the HTC One M9, you won't be disappointed by the phone experience it offers. On the contrary, the in-call sound is flawless and the battery lasts enough for a whole two days, should you need it to.)
HTC One M9的相机体验(Camera Experience)
如本评论前面所述,HTC One M9配备了 20 MP 主后置摄像头,能够以 5376 (rear camera)x 3752像素的最大分辨率拍摄照片。它具有HDR 模式(HDR mode)、自动对焦功能并受益于双 LED 闪光灯。它能够录制的视频片段可以以 30 fps 的帧速率以 2160p 拍摄。不幸的是,这款智能手机没有图像稳定功能。(image stabilization)
HTC 相机(HTC camera)应用程序非常通用,并提供了许多次要但有趣的功能。例如,您可以“安装”多个相机设置设置,例如“散景”(使主要拍摄对象处于完美对焦状态,同时淡化周围环境,在照片上创造出漂亮的怪诞效果)或“分割捕捉”(这会产生两张照片的拼贴画,一张用后置摄像头拍摄(rear camera),另一张用前置摄像头拍摄(front camera))。它甚至可以在RAW 模式(RAW mode)(DNG 文件格式(file format))下拍摄照片。业余摄影师会喜欢HTC One M9的相机功能,尤其是因为它可以轻松访问详细设置,例如光圈值(aperture value)、曝光时间(exposure time)、白平衡设置或ISO 感光度(ISO sensitivity)。
在下面的照片库中,您会找到我们使用(photo gallery)HTC One M9拍摄的一些照片。
我们还拍摄了一段视频片段(video clip),记录了罗马尼亚(Romania)布加勒斯特(Bucharest)一条林荫大道的交通情况。
虽然安装在 HTC One M9 中的照片相机的画质并不是我们在智能手机中看到的最好的,但用于操作它的相机应用程序却弥补了这一点。它提供了许多功能,例如 RAW 照片拍摄、几个可安装的相机设置集以及轻松访问专业相机应提供的所有高级设置。(While the picture quality of the photo camera installed in the HTC One M9 is not the greatest we've seen in a smartphone, the camera app used to operate it more than makes up for this. It offers a lot of features such as RAW photo shooting, several installable camera-setting sets and easy access to all the advanced settings a professional photo camera should offer.)
Reviewing HTC One M9 - The Hidden Gem Of The Smartphone World
Founded in 1997, HTC focused on building portable deviceѕ, such as mobile phones and PDAs. The cоmpаny quickly excelled in the mobіle market with their Windows Mobile devices in Miсrosoft's mobile operating system's early days and was also the firѕt mobile phonе manufacturer to launch an Andrоid based smartphone - the 2008 HTC Dream. Τheir Dеsire seriеs has been one оf the most successful mobile phone lines, with smartрhones for everyone - flagships, entry-level or mid-level, featuring physical keyboards (remember the HTC Desire Z aka the G2?) or relying only on tоuchscreens. Recently, they started the One line of devices, a ѕeries of smartphones, each of them more powerful and delivering higher perfоrmance than the previous one. Following in a particularly successful smartphone's steps (the HTC One M8), earlier this year, specifically in March of 2015, the most recent addition to the series, the HTC One M9 sаw thе lіght of day for itѕ first time. We were excited to get ahold of it and we're ready to report оur opinions. Αre yoυ as curious as we are abоut hоw big a рunch it packs? Read on and find out.
Hardware Specifications & Packaging
We were impressed from the beginning by HTC One M9's shipping package, a square bright-white cardboard box with rounded corners and covered in glossy gray polka dots. The only detail that breaks the classic line of the design is the "HTC One M9" logo in the middle of the top cover of the box. On the bottom of the box you can find the device's hardware specifications.
Break the safety seal on the side, flip open the top cover of the box and on the left side sits the proud One M9, on a protective cover that houses all the other accessories below.
Under this protective inner cover, you'll find all the additional items that come shipped with this device: the power-charger, the USB-microUSB charging and data transfer cable, the headphones (equipped with 3 sets of ear-buds of various sizes), the SIM card eject pin and all the needed paperwork, including the warranty and the Quick-Start Guide.
HTC has released 4 color flavors for its One M9 smartphone, specifically Silver/Rose Gold, Gold/Pink, Amber Gold and the classic Gunmetal Grey. The one we had in for testing purposes is the Gunmetal Grey version, which shed an imposing and masculine light onto the device.
The time has come to see what makes the HTC One M9 tick. Under the hood, the central processing unit is the latest and greatest CPU manufactured by Qualcomm, the Snapdragon 810 CPU, consisting of a Quad-core 1.5 GHz Cortex-A53 and a Quad-core 2 GHz Cortex-A57, running on a Qualcomm MSM8994 chipset. This CPU has received some bad publicity lately, due to reports of overheating issues earlier this year, but we've noticed none of that. All the same, it is a powerful piece of processing power, as we'll see later on.
On the graphics side, the HTC One M9 features an Adreno 430 GPU, also the latest news in terms of GPUs. As a sneak preview, we can tell you this little fella is somewhat of a wonder in itself, but we'll show you how well it performs in this setup in the benchmarks section.
The HTC One M9 runs on 3GB of RAM memory, which seems like the standard amount of RAM memory for the flagship smartphones these days. HTC decided to release a single version of the device as far as storage space is concerned, specifically 32GB of internal memory, but on the other hand, the device features a microSD memory card slot, capable of handling memory cards of up to 128GB of storage space, so you won't run out of space any time soon.
Moving on to the display, the HTC One M9 is equipped with a 5 inch Super LCD3 touchscreen scaled at a full HD resolution of 1080x1920 pixels. The 441ppi pixel density is decent enough, but compared to some other flagship devices released during the same period, it's not that impressive. Being protected by the Gorilla Glass 4 technology, the display offers a good image quality, but overly vivid colors and crisp display capabilities have never been HTC's strong points.
The battery that sustains the One M9 is a Non-removable Li-Po 2840 mAh battery that managed to keep our test device running for more than 2 days of minimum usage. Under regular use, we got a full day of juice out of it, ending the evening with about a quarter of the energy left in it. The fact that HTC decided to go for the Li-Po technology is quite welcomed.
Moving on to the cameras, HTC chose a primary rear-facing camera of 20 MP, shooting at a resolution of 5376 x 3752 pixels and equipped with autofocus, HDR mode and a dual-LED flash. Sadly, there's no image stabilization technology available. However, when given enough light, the camera produces pictures of great quality and vivid colors. For clip hunters, it can record videos at 2160p@30fps or 1080p@60fps. One thing we appreciated about it is the fact that you can download and install various settings for the camera, such as a "bokeh" mode that emphasizes the central subject while fading out the details behind it. Worth mentioning is the fact that the back camera is protected by a sapphire glass cover, a material known for its strength and resilience. The front camera is also a decent 4 MP one, able to record videos of 1080p@30fps and benefiting from various technologies such as a smile detector or a specially designed selfie mode.
In terms of connectivity, the One M9 has been given the classic dual-band Wi-Fi adapter capable of handling 802.11a/b/g/n/ac protocols, offering compatibility for both 2.4GHz and 5GHz wireless networks and supporting the DLNA sharing standard. Also present are the Bluetooth 4.1 chip featuring A2DP technology, a GPS module, an infrared port, a NFC module and a microUSB 2.0 port capable of turning the device into a USB host and offering support for MHL TV-out technology. There's also a stereo FM radio available.
The physical dimensions of this device are 144.6mm (or 5.69 inch) in Length, 69.7mm (or 2.74 inch) in Width and 9.6mm (or 0.38 inch) in Height. It weighs 157 grams, which is quite heavy when compared to other devices, but this is a side effect of the strong and efficiently protective aluminium back cover.
If you're looking for more detailed specifications for this device, you can find them on the manufacturer's website: HTC One M9 Technical Specifications.
While not aiming for impressive features and eye-candy design, the HTC One M9 manages to give the impression of a strongly built and robust device. The components powering it are chosen only from the high-end shelf and it's clear that the M9 is intended as a top-of-the-line smartphone.
Design & Build Quality
As we've mentioned before, the HTC One M9 is a robust and imposing device, built "like a tank" and seemingly capable of sustaining rough handling, more or less. There's no hardware button on the front of the device, the HTC One M9 relies only on the classic Android software keys. On the bottom of the front side, below the HTC logo, there's the microphone hidden behind the grilled cover, while on top, you'll find the earpiece, the proximity and ambient light sensors and the front-facing 4 MP camera.
Its unibody back cover is made of curved metal and features the HTC logo in the middle. Centered on top of the backside you'll find the sapphire-protected rear camera, with the dual-LED flash sitting to the left.
The volume buttons and the power and lock button are all situated on the right side of the device, below the microSD memory card port.
On the left side of the device you'll only find the SIM card port.
The entire top side of the device is owned by the dark-red glass covering the infrared port, while on the bottom side sits the microUSB charging and data transfer port and the 3.5mm audio jack.
The HTC One M9 is impressively robust in its build, the brushed metal back cover feels good to the touch, leading you to the thought that it is a smartphone intended for the masculine demographics, but not restricted to them. It is easy to handle, sits comfortably in your hand and all the buttons are well positioned for adequate reach.
The Smartphone Experience On The HTC One M9
While making and receiving calls using the HTC One M9, the sound quality has been flawless on our part. The sound on the other end might have been a bit too loud, which leads to the conclusion that the microphone of this device is a pretty sensitive one - and that is not bad at all. The sound was also of great quality when using the included headphones. Worth mentioning here is the fact that HTC offers 3 different sizes of ear-buds, a nice touch of comfort.
The HTC One M9 comes with Android 5.0 Lollipop preinstalled and can be upgraded to Android 5.1, as of now. It is branded with HTC's own user interface, the HTC Sense. The user interface looks and feels very professional and clean, with convenient shortcuts and special features added on top of the default Android experience. Unlike Samsung's coloured and eye-candy TouchWiz, HTC aims for a clean and minimalistic look for their devices. The design is built using solid colors and simple, straight lines.
When we took the HTC One M9 out for a spin, we tried using it as we use our own mobile phones (some internet browsing, a few calls, some text messages and shooting photos) and easily managed to get a full day out of it, stretching even towards the end of the second day. Clearly, the battery consumption of the device is heavily optimized, making it able to provide enough power to last a long way before it forces you to start looking for the nearest power outlet.
Should you decide to go for the HTC One M9, you won't be disappointed by the phone experience it offers. On the contrary, the in-call sound is flawless and the battery lasts enough for a whole two days, should you need it to.
The Camera Experience On The HTC One M9
As stated earlier in this review, the HTC One M9 is equipped with a 20 MP main rear camera, capable of shooting photos at a maximum resolution of 5376 x 3752 pixels. It features an HDR mode, autofocus capabilities and benefits from a dual-LED flash. The video clips it is able to record can be shot in 2160p at a framerate of 30 fps. Unfortunately, there is no image stabilization available on this smartphone.
The HTC camera app is quite versatile and offers a lot of minor but interesting features. For example, you can "install" several camera-setting sets, such as "bokeh" (which puts the main subject in perfect focus while fading out the surroundings, creating a nicely looking eerie effect on the photo) or "split capture" (which produces a collage of two photos, one taken with the rear camera and the other with the front camera). It can even shoot pictures in RAW mode (DNG file format). Amateur photographers will love the camera capabilities of the HTC One M9, especially because it offers easy access to the detailed settings, such as aperture value, exposure time, white balance settings or ISO sensitivity.
In the photo gallery below, you'll find some pictures we took with the HTC One M9.
There's also a video clip we shot, recording the traffic from a boulevard in Bucharest, Romania.
While the picture quality of the photo camera installed in the HTC One M9 is not the greatest we've seen in a smartphone, the camera app used to operate it more than makes up for this. It offers a lot of features such as RAW photo shooting, several installable camera-setting sets and easy access to all the advanced settings a professional photo camera should offer.