在商业环境(business environment)中安装无线路由器(wireless router)时,您对它的要求比使用为消费市场(consumer market)设计的类似设备时要多得多。首先(First),您期望提高可靠性:您需要它能够处理WiFi上的更多客户端连接,并且您必须获得更好的安全性。华硕 BRT-AC828(ASUS BRT-AC828)是华硕(ASUS)为商业市场(business market)推出的最新产品,它承诺在所有这些领域都能提供服务。我们对这款高级无线路由器(wireless router)进行了两周的测试,结果如下:
拆箱华硕 BRT-AC828 AC2600 双 WAN VPN Wi-Fi 路由器(ASUS BRT-AC828 AC2600 Dual-WAN VPN Wi-Fi Router)
很明显,华硕 BRT-AC828 无线(ASUS BRT-AC828 wireless)路由器是专为企业设计的,只看它的包装。它不再使用这家公司零售路由器上的颜色,而是吹嘘对企业特别有用的功能:双 WAN 连接、自定义Wi-Fi 欢迎(Wi-Fi welcome)页面、硬件VPN等。在盒子的正面,您可以看到设备的图片,以及该路由器必须提供的最大理论带宽的概念:2600 Mbps。

在盒子的背面,华硕更深入地展示了(ASUS)BRT-AC828 路由器(BRT-AC828 router)的一些面向业务的功能。

打开盒子,里面是路由器本身、电源适配器(power adapter)、四根外置天线、一根网线(network cable)、一张支持光盘(support disc)、用户手册和保修。

拆箱体验快速而愉快。华硕捆绑了您对高端无线路由器的所有期望。(The unboxing experience is quick and pleasant. ASUS bundles everything you would expect from a high-end wireless router.)
与华硕(ASUS)在消费领域(consumer space)销售的路由器相比,该设计没有那么未来感。它直截了当、朴素,适合应该是一个独立而可靠的存在的商业环境。(business environment)外部天线易于安装,所有LED(LEDs)都位于路由器的顶部。幸运的是,它们并不像消费者领域(consumer space)的路由器那样大且分散注意力。我们在此商务路由器上有许多(business router)LED(LEDs):一个用于您可以使用的两个WAN连接中的每一个,两个用于无线频率(2.4 (WAN)GHz和 5 GHz),一个用于(SSD drive)可插入路由器的SSD 驱动器,路由器进入故障转移模式时的(failover mode)LED(LED signaling)指示灯,以及使用以太网电缆(Ethernet cable)连接到路由器的每个设备的LED(最多 8 个设备)。

在路由器的背面,您有两个用于将其连接到互联网的端口、八个用于通过以太网(Ethernet)电缆连接设备的端口、一个USB 3.0端口和一个用于打开On/Off此端口的按钮、一个WPS 按钮(WPS button)、一个重置按钮(Reset button)和电源插孔(power jack)旁边的电源按钮(Power button)。

在路由器的正面,还有另一个USB 3.0端口和一个用于打开和关闭(Off)它的按钮。

底部有安装螺丝槽,可用于将路由器安装在墙上,使用VESA 安装座(VESA mount)。华硕 BRT-AC828(ASUS BRT-AC828)还设计为使用铝制支架安装到(aluminum stand)服务器机架(server rack)上。如果您在安装它时需要帮助,请阅读用户手册(user manual),其中为各种情况提供了非常详细的说明。

您还可以选择插入SSD 驱动器(SSD drive),使用M.2 SSD 插槽(M.2 SSD socket),可以用简单的螺丝刀打开。

华硕 BRT-AC828 无线(ASUS BRT-AC828 wireless)路由器内部的硬件令人印象深刻:该设备采用双核Qualcomm IPQ8065 处理器(Qualcomm IPQ8065 processor),运行频率为 1.7 GHz,512 MB 或 DDR3 RAM 内存(MB or DDR3 RAM memory)和 256 MB存储空间(storage space)。它支持高达 802.11ac 的所有现代网络标准。它具有 4x4 MIMO 天线设计和 ASUS AiRadar(MIMO antenna design and ASUS AiRadar)波束成形,可实现快速稳定的无线连接。华硕(ASUS)吹嘘能够同时处理 250 个客户端连接,这非常出色。
关于尺寸,这款路由器非常大,宽度、深度和高度为 7.4 x 11.8 x 1.9 英寸,即 190 x 300 x 49.5 毫米。它也相对较重,为 2.09 磅或 950 克。
操作系统支持(operating system support)非常出色,它包括从过时的Windows XP开始的所有Windows版本,以及Mac OS X 10.6到 10.8。
如果您想验证这款路由器的官方规格,请访问此页面:华硕 BRT-AC828 规格(ASUS BRT-AC828 Specifications)。
设置和使用ASUS BRT-AC828 AC2600 Dual-WAN VPN Wi-Fi 路由器(ASUS BRT-AC828 AC2600 Dual-WAN VPN Wi-Fi Router)
华硕 BRT-AC828(ASUS BRT-AC828)的设置与其他路由器类似,首先华硕(ASUS)采取安全预防措施(security precaution),建议您更改默认路由器登录名和密码(default router login name and password)。每个人都应该远离 admin/admin 默认设置。

然后,检测到您的互联网连接,并要求您确认其类型。ASUS BRT-AC828在检测我们的(ASUS BRT-AC828)PPPoE 连接方面(PPPoE connection)做得很好,然后要求我们输入我们从互联网提供商(internet provider)那里收到的连接详细信息。接下来(Next),您需要设置路由器广播的无线网络。完成后,您会看到设置摘要。单击(Click)或点击完成(Finish),您可以开始详细配置网络。

用户界面(user interface)与您在其他华硕(ASUS)路由器上的用户界面相同,包括在消费(consumer space)领域出售的那些。不同的是,华硕 BRT-AC828(ASUS BRT-AC828)拥有比消费级路由器更多的功能,并且用户界面(user interface)提供了配置一切所需的所有选项。看到所有可用的配置选项,您可能会感到不知所措。有很多东西需要吸收、理解和配置(understand and configure)。但是,网络管理员会对功能的数量和他们获得的详细控制感到满意。最后,这款路由器是为企业设计的,而不是为喜欢简单而不是高级功能的家庭用户设计的。

我一直欣赏华硕(ASUS)路由器的一件事是它们的固件是主动的。当您登录到管理界面(administration interface)时,当存在您必须修复的问题、固件更新可用等时,会弹出可见的警告。

此外,用户界面(user interface)有 18 种语言版本,您可以在下面看到。

另一个积极的方面是帮助总是在手边。如果您迷失在某些更高级的设置中,请将鼠标光标(mouse cursor)移到您不理解的设置上。如果您在顶部看到一个问号(question mark display),请单击它并显示该设置的描述。

华硕 BRT-AC828(ASUS BRT-AC828)固件的唯一缺点是响应命令的速度比同一家公司的消费级路由器固件慢。这是可以理解的,因为功能列表(feature list)更长更复杂。此外,许多面向业务的功能在打开时需要重新启动,这意味着等待一分钟或更长时间,直到它们被应用。
完成路由器配置后,使用网络变得轻而易举。通过网络共享文件和设备应该没有问题。此外,无线连接往往相当稳定,正如您将在我们的基准测试中看到的那样,华硕 BRT-AC828(ASUS BRT-AC828)提供出色的覆盖范围。
ASUS BRT-AC828 无线路由器的设置过程是您对商务设备的期望。该固件具有许多高级功能、配置选项和出色的多语言支持。网络管理员不会对这款路由器所提供的功能感到失望。此外,用户(The setup process for the ASUS BRT-AC828 wireless router is what you would expect from a business device. The firmware has lots of advanced features, configuration options, and great multilingual support. Network administrators will not be disappointed with what this router has to offer. Also, users )享受(enjoy )快速稳定的网络连接。(fast and stable network connections.)
Reviewing the ASUS BRT-AC828 - For businesses that want more!
When installing a wireless router in a busіness environmеnt, you aѕk a lot more from it than when using a sіmilar dеvice dеsigned for the consumer market. First of all, you еxpeсt improved reliability: you need it to be capable of handling more cliеnt connections on WіFi, and you havе to get better security. ASUS BRΤ-AC828 is the latest offering from ASUS for the business market, and it promises to deliνer in all these areas. We tested this аdvanced wireless router for two weeks, and this is what we have found:
Unboxing the ASUS BRT-AC828 AC2600 Dual-WAN VPN Wi-Fi Router
It is clear that the ASUS BRT-AC828 wireless router is designed for businesses, just by looking at its packaging. It no longer uses the colors found on the retail routers of this company, and it brags about features that are useful especially for businesses: dual-WAN connections, custom Wi-Fi welcome pages, hardware VPN and more. On the front side of the box, you get a picture of the device, as well as an idea about maximum theoretical bandwidth this router has to offer: 2600 Mbps.

On the back side of the box, ASUS takes a deeper dive in presenting some of the business-oriented features of the BRT-AC828 router.

When you open the box, you find the router itself, the power adapter, the four external antennas, a network cable, a support disc, the user manual and the warranty.

The unboxing experience is quick and pleasant. ASUS bundles everything you would expect from a high-end wireless router.
Hardware specifications and design
The design is less futuristic than that of the routers that are sold by ASUS in the consumer space. It is straightforward and austere, fitting of a business environment where it should be a discrete and reliable presence. The external antennas are easy to mount, and all the LEDs are on the top side of the router. Luckily, they are not large and distracting, as it happens with routers in the consumer space. We have many LEDs on this business router: one for each of the two WAN connections that you can use, two for both wireless frequencies (2.4 GHz and 5GHz), one for the SSD drive that can be plugged into the router, a LED signaling when the router enters in failover mode, and a LED for each device that is connected to the router using an Ethernet cable (up to a maximum of 8 devices).

On the back of the router, you have two ports for connecting it to the internet, eight ports for connecting devices through Ethernet cables, a USB 3.0 port and a button for turning On/Off this port, a WPS button, a Reset button and the Power button alongside the power jack.

On the front side of the router, there's another USB 3.0 port and a button for turning it On and Off.

On the bottom there are mounting screw slots that can be used for wall-mounting the router, using a VESA mount. The ASUS BRT-AC828 is also designed to be mounted to a server rack, using an aluminum stand. If you need help with mounting it, read the user manual which offers very detailed instructions for all kinds of situations.

You also have the option of plugging in an SSD drive, using the M.2 SSD socket that can be uncovered with a simple screwdriver.

The hardware inside the ASUS BRT-AC828 wireless router is quite impressive: this device features a dual-core Qualcomm IPQ8065 processor running at 1.7 GHz, 512 MB or DDR3 RAM memory and 256 MB of storage space. It offers support for all modern networking standards up to 802.11ac. It has a 4x4 MIMO antenna design and ASUS AiRadar beamforming for fast and stable wireless connections. ASUS brags about being able to handle 250 simultaneous client connections, which is outstanding.
Regarding size, this router is quite large, having 7.4 x 11.8 x 1.9 inches in width, depth, and height, or 190 x 300 x 49.5 mm. It is also relatively heavy at 2.09 pounds or 950 grams.
The operating system support is outstanding, and it includes all Windows versions starting with the dated Windows XP, as well as Mac OS X 10.6 to 10.8.
If you want to verify the official specifications of this router, go to this page: ASUS BRT-AC828 Specifications.
Setting up and using the ASUS BRT-AC828 AC2600 Dual-WAN VPN Wi-Fi Router
Setting up ASUS BRT-AC828 is similar with other routers and, at first, ASUS takes a security precaution and recommends you to change the default router login name and password. Everyone should stay away from the admin/admin defaults.

Then, your internet connection is detected, and you are asked to confirm its type. ASUS BRT-AC828 did a good job at detecting our PPPoE connection and then asked us to enter the connection details we received from our internet provider. Next, you are asked to set the wireless networks that are broadcast by the router. When done, you are shown a summary of your settings. Click or tap Finish, and you can start configuring your network in detail.

The user interface is the same you have on other ASUS routers, including those sold in the consumer space. What's different is that ASUS BRT-AC828 has many more features than consumer routers and the user interface offers all the options you need to configure everything. Seeing all the available configuration options, you may feel overwhelmed. There's a lot to take in, understand and configure. However, network administrators are going to be pleased with the number of features and the detailed control that they get. In the end, this router is designed for businesses, not home users who prefer simplicity over advanced features.

One thing that I always appreciate about ASUS routers is that their firmware is proactive. When you sign into the administration interface, visible warnings are popping up when there are issues that you must fix, when firmware updates are available and so on.

Also, the user interface is available in 18 languages, which you can see below.

Another positive is that help is always at hand. If you get lost in some of the more advanced settings, move the mouse cursor over the setting that you don't understand. If you see a question mark display on top, click on it and a description of that setting is shown.

The only downside of the firmware on the ASUS BRT-AC828 is that it is slower to respond to commands than the firmware of consumer routers from the same company. This is understandable since the feature list is longer and more complex. Also, many of the business-oriented features require a reboot when turned on, which means waiting for a minute or more, until they are applied.
Once you are done configuring the router, using your network is a breeze. You should have no issues with sharing files and devices over the network. Also, wireless connections tend to be quite stable and, as you will see in our benchmarks, ASUS BRT-AC828 offers superb coverage.
The setup process for the ASUS BRT-AC828 wireless router is what you would expect from a business device. The firmware has lots of advanced features, configuration options, and great multilingual support. Network administrators will not be disappointed with what this router has to offer. Also, users enjoy fast and stable network connections.
Go to the second page of this guide to see the results of our measurements, learn more about the business features offered by this router and our final verdict.