不久前,华硕(ASUS)发布了华硕 ROG G752VT(ASUS ROG G752VT) :一款来自游戏玩家共和国(Republic)系列(Gamers series)的全新高端游戏笔记本电脑(gaming laptop)。显然,这款设备的目标用户是希望能够随时随地畅玩一切的游戏玩家,无论他们是在家还是在旅途中。华硕 ROG G752VT(ASUS ROG G752VT)承诺在重新设计的钛金属机身(titanium body)中提供出色的性能。我们有幸使用这台笔记本电脑几周了。我们在上面运行了很多东西,包括很多游戏。在这篇评论中,我们将告诉您我们喜欢和不喜欢ASUS ROG G752VT的所有内容。如果您有兴趣购买此游戏笔记本电脑(gaming laptop),阅读此评论以了解您将获得什么:
华硕 ROG G752VT(ASUS ROG G752VT)游戏笔记本电脑拆箱
ASUS ROG G752VT采用大盒子,由优质纸板制成,涂装精美。盒子的正面有一张实际笔记本电脑的大图像和玩家国度(Republic)的标志(Gamers logo)。你会注意到华硕决定改变这个品牌的明确颜色:(ASUS)华硕(ASUS)的新游戏笔记本电脑不再使用黑色和红色,而是银色和橙色。甚至徽标也被更改并使用这些新颜色。
在包装盒内,您会在保护性织物内找到笔记本电脑、电源适配器(power adapter)、电源线(power cable)、束线带(cable tie)、用户文档(user documentation)和保修。
从下图可以看出,华硕 ROG G752VT(ASUS ROG G752VT)看起来很棒,它给我们的感觉是我们正在看一款受“科幻角斗士”启发的设备:侵略性和强大!正如您对带有“世界统治。进化”("World domination. Evolved")座右铭的游戏笔记本电脑所期望的那样。
华硕 ROG G752VT 采用大包装盒,让您在实际打开之前就有一种高级设备的感觉。我们不仅拥有一款新的、功能强大的游戏笔记本电脑,而且华硕也改变了他们的 Republic Of Gamers 品牌的设计颜色。(The ASUS ROG G752VT comes in a large box that gives you the feeling of a premium device before actually opening it. Not only do we have a new, powerful gaming laptop, but also ASUS changed the design colours for their Republic Of Gamers brand.)
华硕 ROG G752VT 笔记本电脑(ASUS ROG G752VT laptop)搭载Intel Core i7 6700HQ(Intel Core i7 6700HQ)处理器,基本频率为 2.60 GHz,最大睿频为 3.1 GHz。这是一款功能强大的处理器,具有四个物理内核。每个核心可以同时运行 2 个线程,因此总共提供 8 个逻辑核心。Core i7 6700HQ处理器由英特尔(Intel)于 2015 年第三季度推出,它是笔记本电脑中功能最强大的处理器之一。
第六代英特尔处理器(Intel processor)支持高达 64GB 的DDR4 RAM 内存(DDR4 RAM memory),运行频率为 2133 MHz,最多使用四个内存插槽。华硕 ROG G752VT(ASUS ROG G752VT)提供这四个RAM插槽,但默认情况下,我们在测试中使用的型号仅安装了 8GB 的 RAM 内存(RAM memory)。这对于您今天可能想要玩的任何游戏来说都足够了,但是随着新游戏的开发,您将来可能需要添加更多RAM。
华硕ROG (Republic)G752VT(ASUS ROG G752VT)是玩家国度系列(Gamers family)的一员,因此图形处理能力显然很重要。这款游戏笔记本电脑配备了功能强大的显卡,应该能够在高视频设置下以全高清分辨率处理任何新游戏。(Full HD)我们谈论的是配备 3GB GDDR5 VRAM的(GDDR5 VRAM)NVIDIA GeForce GTX970M ,这是一款基于NVIDIA最新架构 - NVIDIA Maxwell的(NVIDIA Maxwell)显卡(video card)。它支持G-SYNC - 一种将显示刷新率同步到GPU的(GPU)显示技术(display technology),从而消除屏幕撕裂并最大限度地减少显示卡顿(display stutter)。
华硕(ASUS)选择安装在ROG G752VT上的显示器是防眩光LCD 面板(LCD Panel),对角线尺寸为 17.3",FullHD 分辨率(FullHD resolution)为 1920x1080 像素和 16:9图像纵横比(image aspect ratio)。显示面板(display panel)采用IPS 技术(IPS technology),意味着您将享受大视角、良好的对比度和鲜艳的色彩。1080p 分辨率对某些人来说可能看起来有点过时,但它正是游戏玩家所需要的,至少目前,即使是当今最好的硬件(hardware today)在谈到处理更高分辨率的游戏。另一个有点奇怪的细节是华硕(ASUS)选择使用磨砂显示器(matte display)而不是光面显示器。但是,我们喜欢哑光,因为这意味着眩光不是问题。还值得一提的是,在显示屏的上边缘,您还会发现一个高清网络摄像头(HD webcam)。
在存储方面(storage side),华硕 ROG G752VT(ASUS ROG G752VT)提供多种选择。您可以选择购买 5400 或 7200 RPM 的 500GB硬盘(HDD)、5400 或 7200 RPM的 1TB硬盘(HDD)、5400 RPM的(RPM)2TB硬盘(HDD),或者您可以选择为其配备256GB 或 512GB的PCI Express固态硬盘(state drive). 我们测试的型号配备 1TB硬盘(HDD),转速为 7200 RPM。
华硕 ROG G752VT 笔记本电脑(ASUS ROG G752VT laptop)还配有光驱。在这里,您也可以在多个选项中进行选择。您可以通过Blu-Ray DVD Combo、Super-Multi DVD Writer甚至 Blu-Ray Writer获得它。我们测试的模型附带Super-Multi DVD Writer。虽然光驱越来越不受欢迎,但我们仍然认为在您的笔记本电脑上安装一个是一个不错的决定,特别是如果您是一名游戏玩家并且您的游戏存储在DVD(DVDs)上。
华硕 ROG G752VT(ASUS ROG G752VT)提供的音频由一组带有低音炮和阵列麦克风(array microphone)的内置扬声器处理。华硕(ASUS)还包括一项名为ASUS SonicMaster的专有音频软件技术(audio software technology)。
华硕 ROG G752VT(ASUS ROG G752VT)是一款大型笔记本电脑,华硕毫不犹豫(ASUS)地利用了这一优势。拥有庞大的身体意味着您可以包含许多端口。这款游戏笔记本电脑配有HDMI 端口(HDMI port)、耳机插孔、麦克风输入插孔、线路输入插孔、USB 3.1 TYPE C 端口(TYPE C port)、三个USB 3.0端口、RJ45 LAN 插孔(RJ45 LAN jack)、Thunderbolt 端口(Thunderbolt port)、SD 卡(SD card)读卡器和一个交流适配器(AC adapter)插头。
ASUS ROG G752VT包含所有现代网络选项。您将获得一个支持 802.11 a/b/g/n 标准和现代 802.11ac 标准的集成无线适配器,该标准通过 5GHz(wireless adapter)无线频率(wireless frequency)提供高吞吐量连接。该笔记本电脑还配备了内置蓝牙 v4.0(Bluetooth v4.0)芯片和能够提供高达 1 Gbps传输速度的有线网卡(network card capable)。
ASUS ROG G752VT的自主性由 6 芯 67 Whrs 电池(Whrs battery)提供,而电源适配器(power adapter)能够输出 19 V DC、9.5 A、180W。这些值对于普通笔记本电脑来说相当高,但它们非常适合华硕 ROG G752VT(ASUS ROG G752VT)。这款电源适配器(power adapter)的高电流是长时间游戏所需要的。在任何情况下,电源适配器(power adapter)都不会变热。这款游戏笔记本电脑在坚固性方面毫不妥协,但这是有代价的:它又大又重。华硕 ROG G752VT(ASUS ROG G752VT)重 4.04 千克(8.91 磅) ,尺寸为 428 x 333x 23 ~ 43 毫米(16.85 x 13.11 x 0.90 ~ 1.69 英寸)的宽度、深度和高度(depth and height)。
如果您想了解更多详细信息,可以在此处找到官方硬件规格:ASUS ROG G752VT - 规格(ASUS ROG G752VT - Specifications)。
华硕 ROG G752VT 的硬件规格正是您对游戏笔记本电脑的期望。即使显卡不是市场上最好的,它也足够接近,我们希望它在任何现代游戏中都能表现出色。(The hardware specs of the ASUS ROG G752VT are exactly what you'd expect from a gaming laptop. Even if the graphics card is not the best available on the market, it's close enough and we expect it to fare well in any modern game.)
使用华硕 ROG G752VT(ASUS ROG G752VT)电竞笔电
在设计方面,华硕 ROG G752(ASUS ROG G752)看起来像是为未来的军官设计的设备。就像是直接从科幻小说里出来的一样。拉丝银色饰面与出现在意想不到的地方的斜线相结合,使它看起来像是由Predator会使用的高辛烷值硬件(octane hardware)制成的东西。🙂
我们喜欢华硕(ASUS)为这一系列游戏设备所采用的新设计。但是,有一些不匹配或不完全适合彼此的事情。可能是因为他们想摆脱如今由哑光黑色和侵略性红色组成的经典游戏外观,华硕(ASUS)决定改用新的颜色组合(color combination)。华硕 ROG G752VT(ASUS ROG G752VT)以银色拉丝表面和橙色铜(orange copper)色调为主。
这种颜色组合(color combination)对我们很有吸引力,但我们无法理解为什么华硕(ASUS)没有一路走下去。这款游戏笔记本电脑的内部仍然以黑色和红色为主。键盘背光(keyboard backlighting)为红色,掌托为黑色。黑色部分在某种程度上符合设计,但红色不符合。我们认为更好的设计方法(design approach)是让华硕(ASUS)也将背光和键盘的字母漆(letter paint)改为橙色。就像现在一样,内部设计与外部设计不一致。
显示器方面,华硕(ASUS)选择了 1080p IPS LCD 磨砂(IPS LCD matte)屏幕,非常棒,因为它可以减少眩光。但是,这对于游戏设备(gaming device)来说有点不寻常。大多数制造商更喜欢使用有光泽的显示器,因为有光泽的表面往往会使颜色看起来更鲜艳,对比度看起来更高。华硕 ROG G752VT(ASUS ROG G752VT)不需要那个。它的哑光显示屏(matte display)看起来很棒,无论是在播放视频时,尤其是在游戏中。
键盘也很棒,虽然非游戏玩家可能不喜欢它。这台笔记本电脑是一款游戏笔记本电脑,这是一件好事。🙂华硕(ASUS)使用带有强烈和方形线条的极客字体来绘制按键。它们与笔记本电脑的整体设计完美契合。键盘很宽敞,键之间有足够的空间,它包括一个数字键盘,左上角还提供五个宏键。所有按键都有良好的反馈,据华硕(ASUS)称,防重影技术可确保您键入的每个按键都被快速正确地解读,即使您同时敲击 30 个按键也是如此。在这个键盘上书写和弹奏对我们来说是一种真正的乐趣。
华硕 ROG G752VT(ASUS ROG G752VT)的声音由笔记本电脑后部的两个立体声扬声器和底部的低音炮处理。与其他高端笔记本电脑不同,华硕(ASUS)没有与Bang & Olufsen合作,而是选择使用自己的音频解决方案。我们发现声音平衡良好,具有良好的低音和高音质量。即使将音量推到最大,您也不会听到任何失真。
网络摄像头不错,但并不引人注目,而阵列麦克风(array microphone)则做得很好。如果您要玩多人游戏,并且您会与您的队友聊天很多,那么您会对麦克风感到满意。你的声音会清晰而清脆。但是,请记住,为了赢得战斗,队长(team captain)不仅要有强大的声音!🙂
对于任何铁杆游戏玩家(hardcore gamer)来说,一个非常重要的方面是他或她的游戏设备的冷却效率。好消息是华硕 ROG G752VT(ASUS ROG G752VT)配备了我们见过的最好的空气冷却系统之一。这台笔记本电脑为处理器和显卡配备了独立的专用冷却模块。即使在密集的游戏工作负载中也能确保低温。不仅如此,我们还可以证明,这也意味着您将拥有非常安静的游戏体验。
在设计和用户体验方面,我们喜欢新的华硕 ROG G752VT。银色和铜色的变化对我们很有吸引力,但我们发现华硕仍然在笔记本电脑内部保留红色是很奇怪的。也许下一个模型在颜色方面会更加一致。除此之外,华硕 ROG G752VT 的科幻“外星人大战铁血战士”外观正是我们希望在游戏设备上看到的。在用户体验方面,我们对这款笔记本电脑的工作方式感到满意。(In terms of design and user experience, we like the new ASUS ROG G752VT. The silver and copper colour changes appeal to us, but we find it peculiar that ASUS still keeps reds on the interior of the laptop. Maybe the next models will be a bit more consistent in terms of colors. Other than that, the sci-fi "Aliens vs. Predator" looks of the ASUS ROG G752VT are exactly what we wish to see at a gaming device. In terms of user experience we were pleased with how this laptop worked.)
(Apps)与华硕 ROG G752VT(ASUS ROG G752VT)捆绑的应用程序
我们感谢这家台湾公司捆绑了一些对其目标受众(target audience)有用的应用程序。但是,华硕(ASUS)还捆绑了一大堆几乎没有用或使操作系统(operating system)膨胀的应用程序。以下是华硕 ROG G752VT(ASUS ROG G752VT)上预装的所有应用程序列表:
华硕为游戏玩家捆绑了几个有用的应用程序,但它还捆绑了很多游戏玩家认为不必要且不吸引人的应用程序,这让我们失望了。(ASUS bundled a couple of useful apps for gamers but it let us down by also bundling quite a lot o f apps that gamers will find unnecessary and unappealing.)
阅读本评论的下一页,了解华硕 ROG G752VT(ASUS ROG G752VT)在我们的基准测试中的表现。
Reviewing the ASUS ROG G752VT - A gaming laptop designed by aliens
Not too long ago, ASUS revеaled the ASUS ROG G752VT: a new high-end gaming lарtop from their Republic Of Gamers series. Obviously, this device is aimed at gamers who want to be able to play everything, anytime, no matter if they're at home or if they are on the go. The ASUS RОG G752VT promises to deliver great performаnce in a redesіgned titаnium body. We've had the pleasure of using this lаptop for a cоuple of weeks. We've run many things on it, including plenty of games. In this rеview, we are going tо tell you everything we liked and evеrything we didn't like about the ASUS ROG G752VT. If you are interеsted in purchasing this gaming laptoр, read this review to learn what you are goіng to get for your money:
Unboxing the ASUS ROG G752VT gaming laptop
The ASUS ROG G752VT comes in a large box, made from premium cardboard, that's beautifully painted. The front of the box features a large image of the actual laptop and the Republic of Gamers logo. You will notice that ASUS decided to change the definitory colors for this brand: instead of the black and red accents, ASUS' new gaming laptop has silver and orange accents. Even the logo is changed and uses these new colors.
The sides and the back of the box have some other smaller images and logos printed on them, and the back also holds some information about the hardware specifications of this laptop.
Inside the box, you'll find the laptop inside a protective textile, alongside the power adapter, the power cable, a cable tie, the user documentation and the warranty.
As you can see from the picture below, the ASUS ROG G752VT looks great and it gave us the feeling that we are looking at a device that's inspired by "sci-fi gladiator": aggressive and powerful! Just as you'd expect from a gaming laptop which comes with the motto "World domination. Evolved".
The ASUS ROG G752VT comes in a large box that gives you the feeling of a premium device before actually opening it. Not only do we have a new, powerful gaming laptop, but also ASUS changed the design colours for their Republic Of Gamers brand.
Hardware specifications
The ASUS ROG G752VT laptop is powered by an Intel Core i7 6700HQ processor, running at a base frequency of 2.60 GHz and a maximum turbo frequency of 3.1 GHz. This is a powerful processor that features four physical cores. Each core can run 2 threads simultaneously, thus offering a total of 8 logical cores. The Core i7 6700HQ processor was launched by Intel in the third quarter of 2015 and it's a one of the most powerful processors you can find in a laptop.
The sixth generation Intel processor supports up to 64GB of DDR4 RAM memory running at 2133 MHz , using up to four memory slots . The ASUS ROG G752VT offers these four RAM slots but, by default, the model we had in tests cam e with only 8GB of installed RAM memory. This is enough for any game you might want to play today, but as new games are being developed, you may want to add some more RAM in the future.
The ASUS ROG G752VT is part of the Republic Of Gamers family, so the graphics power is obviously important. This gaming laptop packs a powerful graphics card, one that should be able to handle any new game in Full HD resolutions at high video settings. We're talking about the NVIDIA GeForce GTX970M which comes with 3GB of GDDR5 VRAM, a video card built on NVIDIA's newest architecture - NVIDIA Maxwell. It supports G-SYNC - a display technology that syncs the display refresh rate to the GPU, thus eliminating screen tearing and minimizing display stutter.
The display ASUS chose to mount on the ROG G752VT is a Non-Glare LCD Panel with a diagonal size of 17.3", a FullHD resolution of 1920x1080 pixels and a 16:9 image aspect ratio. The display panel is built on the IPS technology which means that you will enjoy large viewing angles, good contrast and vivid colors. The 1080p resolution might seem a bit outdated to some, but it is exactly what gamers need, at least for now, when even the best hardware today struggles when it comes to handling games at higher resolutions. Another somewhat peculiar detail is the fact that ASUS chose to use a matte display instead a glossy one. However, we like matte as it means that glare is not an issue. It's also worth mentioning that on the upper rim of the display you will also find a HD webcam.
On the storage side, the ASUS ROG G752VT comes with various options. You can choose to purchase it with a 500GB HDD at 5400 or 7200 RPM, a 1TB HDD at 5400 or at 7200 RPM, a 2TB HDD at 5400 RPM or you can choose to equip it with a PCI Express solid state drive of 256GB or 512GB. The model we tested came with a 1TB HDD at 7200 RPM.
The ASUS ROG G752VT laptop also has an optical drive. Here too, you can choose among several options. You can get the it with a Blu-Ray DVD Combo, a Super-Multi DVD Writer or even a Blu-Ray Writer. The model we tested came with the Super-Multi DVD Writer. While optical drives are becoming less popular, we still believe that having one on your laptop is a good decision, especially if you are a gamer and you have games stored on DVDs.
The audio delivered by the ASUS ROG G752VT is handled by a set of built-in speakers with a subwoofer and an array microphone. ASUS also included a proprietary audio software technology called ASUS SonicMaster.
The ASUS ROG G752VT is a large laptop and ASUS didn't hesitate to take advantage of that. Having a large body means that you can include lots of ports. This gaming laptop comes with a HDMI port, a headphones jack, a m icrophone-in jack, a line-in jack, a USB 3.1 TYPE C port, three USB 3.0 ports, a RJ45 LAN jack, a Thunderbolt port, a SD card reader and an AC adapter plug.
The ASUS ROG G752VT includes all the modern networking options. You get an integrated wireless adapter that supports the 802.11 a/b/g/n standards and the modern 802.11ac standard that offers high-throughput connections via the 5GHz wireless frequency. The laptop also comes with a built-in Bluetooth v4.0 chip and a wired network card capable of offering transfer speeds of up to 1 Gbps.
The autonomy of the ASUS ROG G752VT is offered by a 6 cells 67 Whrs battery , while the power adapter is capable of an output of 19 V DC, 9.5 A, 180W . These values are quite high for a regular laptop but they are a perfect fit for the ASUS ROG G752VT. The high amperage of this power adapter is what it takes for long sessions of gaming. Under no circumstances will the power adapter will get hot. This gaming laptop makes no compromises when it comes to sturdiness, but that comes with a price: it's large and heavy. The ASUS ROG G752VT weights 4.04 kg (8.91 lbs) and it has 428 x 333 x 23 ~ 43 mm (16.85 x 13.11 x 0.90 ~ 1.69 inches) in width, depth and height.
If you want further details, you can find the official hardware specifications here: ASUS ROG G752VT - Specifications.
The hardware specs of the ASUS ROG G752VT are exactly what you'd expect from a gaming laptop. Even if the graphics card is not the best available on the market, it's close enough and we expect it to fare well in any modern game.
Using the ASUS ROG G752VT gaming laptop
In terms of design, the ASUS ROG G752 looks like it's a device created to be used by a military officer from the future. It's like it came out straight from a science-fiction book. The brushed silverish finish combined with the angled lines that appear in unexpected places make it look like something created from high octane hardware that a Predator would use. 🙂
We love the new design ASUS embraced for this lineup of gaming devices. However, there are a couple of mismatches or things that don't quite fit in with one another. Probably as they wanted to shift from the already classical gaming looks which nowadays consists of matte black and aggressive reds, ASUS decided to switch to a new color combination. The ASUS ROG G752VT is dominated by silverish brushed surfaces and orange copper accents.
This color combination is appealing to us, but we can't understand why ASUS didn't go the whole way. The interior of this gaming laptop is still dominated by blacks and reds. The keyboard backlighting is red, while the palm rests are black. The black parts somehow fit with the design, but the red doesn't. We think that a better design approach would have been for ASUS to also change to orange the backlight and the letter paint for the keyboard. As it is now, the interior design is inconsistent with the exterior design.
As for the display, ASUS chose to go with a 1080p IPS LCD matte screen which is great, as it reduces glare. However, this is a bit unusual for a gaming device. Most manufacturers prefer using glossy displays because glossy surfaces tend to make the colors look more vivid and the contrast seems higher. The ASUS ROG G752VT doesn't need that. Its matte display looks great as it is, both when playing video and especially in games.
The keyboard is also great, although non-gamers might not like it. It's a good thing that this laptop is a gaming laptop. 🙂 ASUS used a geeky font with strong and square lines to paint the keys. They fit perfectly with the overall design of the laptop. The keyboard is spacious, with more than enough space between the keys, it includes a numerical pad and it also offers five macro keys on the top left. All the keys have good feedback and, according to ASUS, the anti-ghosting technology makes sure that every key you type on is interpreted fast and correctly, even if you hit 30 keys simultaneously. Writing and playing on this keyboard was a real pleasure for us.
The touchpad is large and with a silky texture. Gliding your fingers on it is a smooth experience. The silent mouse buttons are separated from the actual touchpad and feature a rubber-like texture that makes it easy to distinguish them from the touch surface.
The sound of the ASUS ROG G752VT is handled by two stereo speakers found on the rear of the laptop and a subwoofer placed on its bottom. Unlike on other of their high-end laptops, ASUS didn't partner with Bang & Olufsen and instead it chose to use its own audio solution. We found the sound to be well balanced and with a good bass and treble quality. You won't hear any distortions even if you push the volume to the maximum levels.
The webcam is decent but not spectacular, while the array microphone does its job well. If you're going to play multiplayer games and you'll chat a lot with your teammates you'll be pleased by the microphone. You voice will be clear and crisp. However, keep in mind that a team captain has to have more than a powerful voice in order to win battles! 🙂
A very important aspect to any hardcore gamer is the cooling efficiency of his or her gaming device. The good news is that the ASUS ROG G752VT features one of the best air cooling systems we've seen. This laptop has separate, dedicated cooling modules for the processor and for the graphics card. That ensures low temperatures even in intensive gaming workloads. Not only that, but we can testify that it also means you will have a pretty quiet gaming experience.
In terms of design and user experience, we like the new ASUS ROG G752VT. The silver and copper colour changes appeal to us, but we find it peculiar that ASUS still keeps reds on the interior of the laptop. Maybe the next models will be a bit more consistent in terms of colors. Other than that, the sci-fi "Aliens vs. Predator" looks of the ASUS ROG G752VT are exactly what we wish to see at a gaming device. In terms of user experience we were pleased with how this laptop worked.
Apps bundled with the ASUS ROG G752VT
We appreciate that the T aiwanese company bundled some apps that can be useful for its target audience. However, ASUS also bundled a whole lot of applications that are barely useful or that bloat the operating system. Here's the list of all the apps you'll find preinstalled on the ASUS ROG G752VT:
ASUS Republic Of Gamers Gaming Center - software that acts as a central point for all the special features and gamer focused tools from ASUS. It's the place where you can manage and tweak custom gaming profiles, assign various actions to the macro keys, change the display settings and so on. This application will definitely be loved by gamers.
WPS Office - an office suite that includes apps for writing documents, creating presentations and working with spreadsheets. However, you only get a trial version that works for 60 days, after which you will have to purchase it.
ASUS bundled a couple of useful apps for gamers but it let us down by also bundling quite a lot o f apps that gamers will find unnecessary and unappealing.
Read the next page of this review to find out how the ASUS ROG G752VT fared in our benchmarks.