华硕 RoG Gladius II(ASUS RoG Gladius II)于今年推出,与前代产品相比具有多项改进:Aura RGB灯效可与其他具有相同系统的华硕(ASUS)设备同步,光学传感器的灵敏度提高一倍,以及额外的侧键(side button)。由于我们喜欢最初的ASUS RoG Gladius 鼠标(ASUS RoG Gladius mouse),我们非常想测试最新型号。除了这款鼠标,我们还收到了用于测试ASUS RoG Strix Edge 鼠标(ASUS RoG Strix Edge mouse)垫。阅读这篇评论,看看他们在我们的测试中表现如何:
重要提示(IMPORTANT):首先让我们提到ASUS RoG Strix Edge 鼠标(ASUS RoG Strix Edge mouse)垫不与(NOT)ASUS RoG Gladius II 鼠标(ASUS RoG Gladius II mouse)捆绑在一起。我们只是将它们一起接收以进行测试,因为它们是可以很好地协同工作的新产品。由于我们正在处理鼠标垫(mouse pad),因此仅针对它进行单独审查是没有意义的。此外,我们将鼠标垫(mouse pad)与鼠标ASUS RoG Gladius II一起使用,我们最好对两者进行一次联合审查(joint review)。
华硕 RoG Gladius II(ASUS RoG Gladius II)鼠标擅长什么?
ASUS RoG Gladius II 鼠标(ASUS RoG Gladius II mouse)适用于以下用户:
- 想要在玩游戏时获得最佳精度和灵敏度的游戏玩家(precision and sensitivity)
- 拥有优质 4K 分辨率显示器并需要尽可能高的鼠标精度的用户
- 想要可以轻松编程的鼠标的用户
华硕 RoG Strix Edge 鼠标(ASUS RoG Strix Edge mouse) 垫擅长(pad good)什么?
ASUS RoG Strix Edge 鼠标(ASUS RoG Strix Edge mouse)垫面向游戏玩家,看起来像是Republic of Gamers 品牌(Gamers brand)粉丝的配件。但是,对于任何想要使用流畅且令人愉悦的大鼠标垫的用户来说,它都是一个不错的选择。(mouse pad)
ASUS RoG Gladius II 鼠标(ASUS RoG Gladius II mouse)具有以下优势:
- 大量附件,包括两条USB数据线和备用Omron开关
- 它看起来不错,并且符合人体工程学的形状,适合大多数手和握把类型
- 从专业游戏到视频和图像编辑,它在任何计算情况下都快速而精确(video and image editing)
- 长时间使用很舒服
- Aura RGB 同步(Aura RGB sync)功能吸引了游戏玩家和年轻观众。您还可以将您的照明与其他配件和硬件组件同步
- 价格高于其他品牌同类鼠标
- RoG Armory 软件(RoG Armoury software)需要一些更新和改进,才能与竞争对手的类似软件相媲美
ASUS RoG Strix Edge是一款深受众多用户喜爱的高品质鼠标垫。(high-quality mouse pad)它唯一的问题是它的可用性。出于某种原因,当我们写这篇评论时,很难在商店里找到。
华硕 RoG Gladius II(ASUS RoG Gladius II)是一款出色的游戏鼠标(gaming mouse),价格比竞争对手贵一些。它通过捆绑更多配件来补偿较高的价格:您可以获得备用欧姆龙(Omron)开关(以防左键或右键单击按钮过度使用)和两条USB电缆,以便您可以使用更长或更短的电缆(lengthier or shorter cable),具体取决于哪个是最适合您的情况。ASUS RoG Gladius II在您想要的任何任务中表现出色,从游戏到办公室工作(office work),再到视频和图像编辑(image editing)。尽管它是面向游戏玩家销售的,但任何人都会喜欢使用这款鼠标。它唯一的缺点是稍微过时的RoG Armory 软件(RoG Armoury software)这不像其他品牌的类似软件那样稳定和愉快。至于华硕 RoG Strix Edge 鼠标(ASUS RoG Strix Edge mouse)垫(Republic),对于选择玩家(Gamers)国度鼠标的人来说,它是一个不错的选择。视觉上和这个品牌的配饰是绝配,表现也非常出色。推荐给任何需要大而舒适的鼠标垫(mouse pad)的人。
拆箱ASUS RoG Gladius II 鼠标(ASUS RoG Gladius II mouse)和RoG Strix Edge 鼠标(RoG Strix Edge mouse)垫
让我们从华硕 RoG Strix Edge 鼠标(ASUS RoG Strix Edge mouse)垫开始:它有一个简单的黑色盒子,上面写着鼠标垫的名称和玩家国度的(Republic)标志(Gamers logo)。当你打开它时,你会发现鼠标垫(mouse pad)在里面,很好地卷起以尽可能少地占用空间。
为ASUS RoG Gladius II 鼠标(ASUS RoG Gladius II mouse)拆箱是一种更长且更令人满意的体验。它的包装盒采用华硕(ASUS)的经典游戏配件设计。您可以在顶部看到刚购买的设备的图片和产品名称(product name)。在盒子的背面,您可以找到这款鼠标的大部分规格。
当您将ASUS RoG Gladius II从包装盒中取出时,您会发现以下元素:鼠标本身、两条USB数据线、用户手册以及用于将鼠标运送到LAN聚会和其他地方的小袋。
小袋内有两个备用欧姆龙(Omron)开关和一个带有游戏玩家共和国(Republic)标志(Gamers logo)的贴纸。
游戏玩家会喜欢 ASUS RoG Gladius II 提供的拆箱体验,并且会喜欢这款鼠标随附的众多配件。(Gamers will love the unboxing experience offered by ASUS RoG Gladius II and will appreciate the number of accessories that are bundled with this mouse.)
华硕 ROG Gladius II(ASUS ROG Gladius II)是一款有线USB 鼠标(USB mouse),在三个不同的区域具有Aura Sync RGB 灯(Aura Sync RGB lighting)效:底部、滚轮(scroll wheel)和背面,其中有玩家国度(Republic)的标志(Gamers logo)。灯光可以是RGB 光谱(RGB spectrum)中您希望的任何颜色,并且有六种预设灯光效果可供选择:静态、呼吸、颜色循环(color cycle)、波浪、彗星和反应(comet and reactive)。它的灯效可以与其他具有Aura Sync RGB 灯效的(Aura Sync RGB lighting)华硕硬件同步(ASUS hardware). 例如,您可以将其与键盘、显卡、主板或华硕游戏笔记本电脑同步。对于模组制作者来说,这是一个很好的功能。
ASUS ROG Gladius II具有符合人体工程学的形状,专为所有握把类型的舒适使用而设计:手掌、爪子和指尖。这款鼠标具有耐用的欧姆龙(Omron)开关,用于左键单击和右键单击按钮(Left click and Right click buttons)。此外,它有两个备用开关,您可以使用它们来替换您使用过的开关。这些开关的设计可承受 5000 万次点击。这相当于多少年?阅读这篇文章并了解:数以百万计的击键和点击次数是多少年?
ASUS ROG Gladius II配备光学传感器,灵敏度为 12000 DP(每英寸点数),重力加速度为 50g,最大速度为每秒 250 英寸。
这款鼠标有七个按钮:左键单击和右键单击、滚轮(scroll wheel)(也可以像按钮一样按下)、滚轮(scroll wheel)附近的DPI 按钮(DPI button)以及左侧的三个按钮。所有按钮都可以编程为您想做的任何事情。
ASUS ROG Gladius II是一款中等大小的鼠标,适合大多数人和手大小的人使用。它的长度、宽度和高度为 4.96 (width and height)x 2.63 x 1.77 英寸或 126 x 67 x 45 毫米。不含电缆的总重量为 3.88 盎司或 110 克。
该鼠标具有两条USB 电缆(USB cable),可轻松拆卸和连接到鼠标。其中一个是 2 米长的编织USB 电缆(USB cable)(非常适合台式电脑),另一个是 1 米的橡胶USB 电缆(USB cable)(适合笔记本电脑)。操作系统方面,华硕 ROG Gladius II(ASUS ROG Gladius II)适用于Windows 7、Windows 8.1 和Windows 10。官方驱动程序和软件不支持其他操作系统。如果您想阅读其官方技术规格,请访问此页面:ASUS RoG Gladius II 规格(ASUS RoG Gladius II Specifications)。
华硕 RoG Strix Edge 鼠标(ASUS RoG Strix Edge mouse)垫的尺寸为 15.7 x 17.7 英寸或 400 x 450,厚度仅为 0.08 英寸或 2 毫米。它的大小也很轻,只有 9.17 盎司或 260 克。这款鼠标垫专为垂直方向设计,并带有一个大而美观的Republic of Gamers 徽标(Gamers logo)。这个品牌的粉丝会喜欢它的外观。
ASUS RoG Strix Edge采用优化的布面(cloth surface),可与具有激光或光学传感器的鼠标完美搭配。在背面,它有一个防滑橡胶底座(rubber base),可在多种类型的表面上提供良好的抓地力。如果您想查看其官方规格,请访问此页面:ASUS ROG Strix Edge Vertical Gaming Mousepad。
使用ASUS RoG Gladius II 鼠标(ASUS RoG Gladius II mouse)和RoG Strix Edge 鼠标(RoG Strix Edge mouse)垫
ASUS RoG Gladius II是专为右手用户设计的鼠标,我们在网上商店没有找到左手版本的鼠标。左侧有三个按钮,如下所示。默认情况下,顶部的两个超薄按钮用作后退(Back)和前进(Forward)按钮。它们在浏览网页时很有用,而底部的第三个按钮充当DPI Shift。您需要在玩游戏时按住此按钮,以暂时增加DPI 灵敏度(DPI sensitivity)。这在玩射击游戏并且您想成为高精度狙击手时很有用。一旦您将手指从该按钮上移开,DPI 敏感(DPI sensitive)回到你的“正常”水平。此鼠标上的所有按钮都可以个性化以执行其他操作。此外,华硕 RoG Gladius II(ASUS RoG Gladius II)允许用户创建三个具有不同设置的独立配置文件,并根据需要在它们之间进行更改。
ASUS RoG Gladius II的右侧没有按钮。此外,您可以轻松插拔USB 电缆(USB cable)。我们感谢华硕(ASUS)捆绑了两条不同尺寸的USB 数据线。(USB cable)通过这种方式,您可以使用最适合您的设置长度的电缆并插入(setup and plug)鼠标。
华硕RoG Strix Edge 鼠标(ASUS RoG Strix Edge mouse)垫使用和观看带有RGB灯效的鼠标(如ASUS RoG Gladius II )是一种享受。看看(Just look)下面的图片。您应该将它与玩家共和国(Republic)鼠标(Gamers mouse)一起使用。至于精准度和舒适度(precision and comfort),华硕 RoG Strix Edge(ASUS RoG Strix Edge)在这两个方面都能做到。无论我们为鼠标使用什么灵敏度级别,用户体验总是很流畅。(sensitivity level)它的大小是唯一值得商榷的东西。一些用户更喜欢较小的鼠标垫,而另一些用户则需要更大的鼠标垫(mouse pad),可以同时覆盖键盘和鼠标。
我们使用ASUS RoG Gladius II 鼠标(ASUS RoG Gladius II mouse)和RoG Strix Edge 鼠标(RoG Strix Edge mouse)垫来完成办公室工作(office work)、大量网页浏览(web browsing)、玩Metro 2003、英雄联盟(League)和帝国(Empires)时代(Legends and Age)等游戏,以及进行一些简单的图像和视频编辑(image and video editing)。他们在所有任务中都表现得非常好,我们没有任何问题。灵敏度和精度(sensitivity and precision)始终一流,用户体验(user experience)舒适。您可能有一个问题:谁需要12000的DPI ?对于大多数用户来说,这是一个巨大的敏感度。(sensitivity level)这样的DPI级别对于具有大尺寸和屏幕分辨率的高级显示器很有用。例如,如果您有一个 4K 分辨率的 30 英寸显示器,并且您经常玩游戏,或者您进行需要精确度的图像和视频编辑(image and video editing),那么在您的鼠标上使用非常高的DPI级别开始变得有意义。对于常规的全高清(Full HD)显示器,即使对游戏玩家来说,这样的级别也可能是多余的。在我们的测试计算机上(test computer),我们不需要超过 5000 DPI,大多数人只要 3000 DPI就可以了。
ASUS RoG Gladius II是一款即插即用鼠标,您可以在任何装有Windows的计算机上使用它。但是,如果您想利用其先进的灵敏度级别和Aura RGB同步照明系统,则必须安装其RoG Armory 软件(RoG Armoury software)。当您第一次运行它时,RoG Armory 会(RoG Armoury)自动将此鼠标的固件更新到最新版本,您也应该这样做。
安装新固件并重新启动计算机后,您可以充分利用RoG Armory 桌面(RoG Armoury desktop)应用程序。在这里你可以设置你想要的一切,从鼠标的灵敏度和准确性开始。(sensitivity and accuracy)尝试不同的DPI级别,进行测试,看看哪些级别最适合您。
一个简洁的功能是使用华硕鼠标(ASUS mouse)垫自动校准鼠标。不幸的是,RoG Armory(RoG Armoury)需要更新以包含RoG Strix Edge 鼠标(RoG Strix Edge mouse)垫,该鼠标垫不在选项列表中。在那之前,我们注意到RoG Sheath 预设(RoG Sheath preset)非常适合这款鼠标垫(mouse pad)。
灯光效果也可以轻松配置,可以为徽标、滚轮(scroll wheel)和鼠标底座(mouse base)单独设置。您可以随意使用任何您想要的颜色,并从六种可用效果中选择一种。如果您想要现场演示,这里是ASUS RoG Gladius II上循环通过RGB 光谱的(RGB spectrum)Wave 效果(Wave effect)。
不幸的是,由于RoG Armory(RoG Armoury)并不总是稳定且更新频率低于其他品牌的类似软件,因此整体用户体验(user experience)的质量有所下降。我们遇到了RoG 军械库(RoG Armoury hung)无故挂起并且没有响应我们的命令的情况。通过从任务管理器(Task Manager)强制关闭应用程序并重新启动它来解决问题。此外,RoG Armory(RoG Armoury)提供的功能数量和用户体验(user experience)质量低于其他品牌为其外围设备制作的类似应用程序。华硕(ASUS)应该投资提高他们的RoG Armory的质量(RoG Armoury)应用程序,使其与他们的竞争对手相提并论。
除了(Except )不时出现一些稳定性问题的软件外,华硕 RoG Gladius II 鼠标和 RoG Strix Edge 鼠标垫提供了出色的用户体验,将令所有用户(包括非游戏玩家)满意。(for the software which has some stability issues from time to time, the ASUS RoG Gladius II mouse and the RoG Strix Edge mouse pad offer a great user experience that will please all users, including non-gamers.)
更换华硕 RoG Gladius II上的(ASUS RoG Gladius II)欧姆龙(Omron)开关
更换ASUS RoG Gladius II上的(ASUS RoG Gladius II)Omron开关的过程并不难,但在进行操作之前仍然值得阅读用户手册。您需要首先卸下鼠标下方的四个橡胶盖,然后卸下它们下方的四个螺钉。完成此操作后,您可以卸下顶盖并访问开关。更换开关后,放回盖子并用四个螺钉固定。然后,将橡胶盖插入ASUS RoG Gladius II的底部。
虽然华硕 RoG Gladius II(ASUS RoG Gladius II)上的开关非常耐用,但如果您是铁杆游戏玩家(hardcore gamer),您可以自行更换它们,而无需使用产品的保修。此外,考虑到右键单击按钮的使用比左键单击少很多,您可以在左键单击按钮上同时使用两个备用开关。这样,左键单击(left click button)将轻松持续 1 亿次或更多。
您对ASUS RoG Gladius II 鼠标(ASUS RoG Gladius II mouse)和RoG Strix Edge 鼠标(RoG Strix Edge mouse)垫有何看法?
现在您了解了华硕 RoG Gladius II 鼠标(ASUS RoG Gladius II mouse)和RoG Strix Edge 鼠标(RoG Strix Edge mouse)垫的用户体验质量,以及我们对这些配件的看法。在结束此评论之前,请与我们分享您的意见。你喜欢华硕 RoG Gladius II 鼠标(ASUS RoG Gladius II mouse)吗?你想买吗?那么RoG Strix Edge 鼠标(RoG Strix Edge mouse)垫呢?不要犹豫,在下面发表评论并与我们讨论。
Reviewing the ASUS RoG Gladius II mouse and the RoG Strix Edge mouse pad
ASUS RoG Gladius II wаs launched thiѕ year and feаtures several imрrovements over its predecessor: Aυra RGB lighting that can be ѕynced with other ASUS devices featυring the same system, double the sensitivity of its oрtical sensor, and an additional side buttоn. Since we loved the initial ASUS RoG Gladius mouse, we were very сυrious tо test the latest model. Alongside this mouse, we also received for testing thе ΑSUS RoG Strix Edge mouse pad. Read thiѕ review to sеe how they fared in our testing:
IMPORTANT: Let's start by mentioning that the ASUS RoG Strix Edge mouse pad is NOT bundled with the ASUS RoG Gladius II mouse. We just received them together for testing because they are new products that work well together. Since we are dealing with a mouse pad, there was no point in doing a separate review just for it. Also, we used the mouse pad together with the mouse ASUS RoG Gladius II, and it was a better idea for us to do one joint review for both.
What is the ASUS RoG Gladius II mouse good at?
The ASUS RoG Gladius II mouse is good for the following users:
- Gamers who want the best precision and sensitivity when playing games
- People who have premium 4K resolution displays and need the best possible accuracy from their mouse
- Users who want a mouse that they can program with ease
What is the ASUS RoG Strix Edge mouse pad good at?
The ASUS RoG Strix Edge mouse pad is targeted at gamers and looks like an accessory for fans of the Republic of Gamers brand. However, it is a good choice for any user who wants a large mouse pad that is smooth and pleasant to use.
Pros and cons
The ASUS RoG Gladius II mouse has the following strengths:
- A generous bundle of accessories which includes two USB cables and spare Omron switches
- It looks good, and it has an ergonomic shape that fits most hands and grip types
- It is fast and precise in any computing situation, from professional gaming to video and image editing
- It is comfortable to use for long periods of time
- The Aura RGB sync feature appeals to gamers and young audiences. You can also sync your lighting with other accessories and hardware components
There are a few negatives to mention:
- The price is higher than that of similar mice from other brands
- The RoG Armoury software needs some updates and improvements, to be on par with similar software from the competition
The ASUS RoG Strix Edge is a high-quality mouse pad that many users will love. Its only problem is its availability. For some reason, when we were writing this review, it was difficult to find in shops.
ASUS RoG Gladius II is a great gaming mouse that is a bit more expensive than its competition. It compensates for the higher price by bundling more accessories: you get spare Omron switches (in case the left-click or right-click buttons become overused) and two USB cables so that you can use the lengthier or shorter cable, depending on which is the most comfortable for your situation. ASUS RoG Gladius II performs admirably in any task you want, from gaming to office work, to video and image editing. Even though it is marketed to gamers, anyone will enjoy using this mouse. Its only downside is the slightly dated RoG Armoury software that is not as stable and pleasant to use as similar software from other brands. As for the ASUS RoG Strix Edge mouse pad, it is a great choice for people who choose mice from Republic of Gamers. Visually, it is a perfect match for this brand of accessories, and it also performs very well. It is recommended to anyone who needs a large and comfortable mouse pad.
Unboxing the ASUS RoG Gladius II mouse and the RoG Strix Edge mouse pad
Let's start with the ASUS RoG Strix Edge mouse pad: it comes in a simple black box with the name of the pad written on it and the Republic of Gamers logo. When you open it, you will find inside the mouse pad, nicely rolled to take as little space as possible.
Unboxing the ASUS RoG Gladius II mouse is a lengthier and more satisfying experience. The box in which it comes uses ASUS' classic design for gaming accessories. You get to see a picture of the device you just bought and the product name, on the top side. On the back of the box, you can find most of the specifications of this mouse.
Slide the top cover to the left, like you would open a book, and you can see the mouse itself.
When you take the ASUS RoG Gladius II out of the box, you will find the following elements: the mouse itself, two USB cables, the user manual, and a pouch for transporting the mouse to LAN parties and other places.
Inside the pouch, there are two spare Omron switches and a sticker with the Republic of Gamers logo.
Gamers will love the unboxing experience offered by ASUS RoG Gladius II and will appreciate the number of accessories that are bundled with this mouse.
Hardware specifications
ASUS ROG Gladius II is a wired USB mouse that features Aura Sync RGB lighting in three different zones: the bottom, the scroll wheel, and the back, where it has the Republic of Gamers logo. The lighting can be in any color you wish from the RGB spectrum, and it is available in six preset lighting effects: static, breathing, color cycle, wave, comet and reactive. Its lighting can be synchronized with other ASUS hardware that features Aura Sync RGB lighting. For example, you can sync it with your keyboard, video card, motherboard or your ASUS gaming laptop. This is an excellent feature for modders.
ASUS ROG Gladius II has an ergonomic shape that is designed for comfortable use in all grip types: palm, claw, and fingertip. This mouse features durable Omron switches for the Left click and Right click buttons. Also, it has two spare switches that you can use to replace your used ones. These switches are designed to last 50 million clicks. How much this translates into years? Read this article and find out: How long are millions of keystrokes and clicks, in years?
ASUS ROG Gladius II features an optical sensor with a sensitivity of 12000 DP (dots per inch), a gravitational acceleration of 50g and a maximum speed of 250 inches per second.
This mouse has seven buttons: left click and right click, the scroll wheel (which can also be pressed like a button), a DPI button near the scroll wheel, and three buttons on the left side. All buttons can be programmed to do anything you wish.
ASUS ROG Gladius II is a medium sized mouse that should work well for most people and hand sizes. It has 4.96 x 2.63 x 1.77 inches or 126 x 67 x 45 mm in length, width and height. Its total weight without cable is 3.88 ounces or 110 grams.
This mouse features two USB cables which can be easily detached and attached to the mouse. One of them is a 2-meter braided USB cable (perfect for desktop computers), and the other is 1-meter rubber USB cable (suited for laptops). Regarding operating systems, ASUS ROG Gladius II works with Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. Other operating systems are not officially supported with official drivers and software. If you would like to read its official technical specifications, go to this page: ASUS RoG Gladius II Specifications.
The ASUS RoG Strix Edge mouse pad has a size of 15.7 x 17.7 inches or 400 x 450, and a thickness of only 0.08 inches or 2 mm. It is also very light for its size, at 9.17 ounces or 260 grams. This mousepad is designed for vertical orientation, and it features a large, good-looking Republic of Gamers logo. Fans of this brand will love the way it looks.
ASUS RoG Strix Edge uses an optimized cloth surface that works well with mice that have laser or optical sensors. On the back, it has a non-slip rubber base that offers a good grip on many types of surfaces. If you would like to see its official specifications, go to this page: ASUS ROG Strix Edge Vertical Gaming Mousepad.
Using the ASUS RoG Gladius II mouse and the RoG Strix Edge mouse pad
ASUS RoG Gladius II is a mouse for right-handed people, and we did not find any left-handed versions in online shops. You get three buttons on the left side, which you can see below. By default, the two slim buttons on the top function as Back and Forward buttons. They are useful when browsing the web, while the third button on the bottom acts as a DPI Shift. You need to press and hold this button while playing games, to temporarily increase the DPI sensitivity. This is useful when playing shooting games and you want to be a high-precision sniper. As soon as you take your finger off this button, the DPI sensitive goes back to your "normal" level. All the buttons on this mouse can be personalized to do something else. Also, ASUS RoG Gladius II allows users to create three separate profiles with different settings and change between them as required.
On the right side of the ASUS RoG Gladius II there are no buttons. Also, you can easily plug and unplug the USB cable. We appreciate that ASUS bundled two USB cables with different sizes. This way you can use the cable with the most appropriate length for your setup and plug into the mouse.
The ASUS RoG Strix Edge mouse pad is a pleasure to use and watch with a mouse with RGB lighting like ASUS RoG Gladius II. Just look at the picture below. You should use it together with a Republic of Gamers mouse. As for precision and comfort, ASUS RoG Strix Edge delivers on both fronts. The user experience was always smooth no matter what sensitivity level we used for the mouse. Its size is the only thing up for debate. Some users will prefer a smaller one while others will want a much larger mouse pad that covers both the keyboard and the mouse.
We used the ASUS RoG Gladius II mouse and the RoG Strix Edge mouse pad to do office work, lots of web browsing, play games like Metro 2003, League of Legends and Age of Empires, and do some light image and video editing. They both performed very well in all tasks, and we did not have any issues. The sensitivity and precision were always top-notch, and the user experience was comfortable. One question you might have is: who needs a DPI of 12000? That's a huge sensitivity level for most users. Such DPI levels are useful for premium displays with a large size and screen resolution. For example, if you have a 30-inch display with a 4K resolution, and you play a lot, or you do image and video editing that requires precision, then using very high DPI levels on your mouse starts to make sense. For regular Full HD displays, such levels can be overkill, even for gamers. On our test computer, we did not need more than 5000 DPI and most people will do just fine with 3000 DPI.
ASUS RoG Gladius II is a plug-and-play mouse and you can use it on any computer with Windows. However, if you want to take advantage of its advanced sensitivity levels and the Aura RGB sync lighting system, you must install its RoG Armoury software. When you run it the first time, RoG Armoury automatically updates this mouse's firmware to the latest version, which you should do too.
Once the new firmware is installed and you reboot your computer, you can fully utilize the RoG Armoury desktop app. Here you can set everything you want, starting with the sensitivity and accuracy of the mouse. Try different DPI levels, test things out and see which levels are the best fit for you.
A neat feature is the automatic calibration of the mouse with ASUS mouse pads. Unfortunately, the RoG Armoury needs to be updated to include the RoG Strix Edge mouse pad, which is not found in the list of options. Until then, we noticed that the RoG Sheath preset works well for this mouse pad.
Programing all the mouse's buttons is easy and you can set them to perform mouse functions, keyboard functions, macros, Windows shortcuts or Multimedia commands.
The lighting effects can also be configured with ease and they can be set individually for the logo, the scroll wheel, and the mouse base. You can go wild and use any color you wish and choose one of six available effects. If you want a live demo, here's the Wave effect cycling through the RGB spectrum on the ASUS RoG Gladius II.
Unfortunately, the quality of the overall user experience is lowered by the fact that the RoG Armoury is not always stable and updated less often than similar software from other brands. We encountered episodes when the RoG Armoury hung for no apparent reason and did not respond to our commands. The problems were solved by force-closing the app from the Task Manager and restarting it. Also, the number of features and the quality of the user experience offered by the RoG Armoury is less than what you get from similar apps made by other brands for their peripherals. ASUS should invest in improving the quality of their RoG Armoury app so that it is on par with their competition.
Except for the software which has some stability issues from time to time, the ASUS RoG Gladius II mouse and the RoG Strix Edge mouse pad offer a great user experience that will please all users, including non-gamers.
Replacing the Omron switches on the ASUS RoG Gladius II
The process for replacing the Omron switches on the ASUS RoG Gladius II is not that difficult, but it is still worth reading the user manual before doing it. You need to start by removing the four rubber covers under your mouse, then the four screws beneath them. After you do that, you can remove the top cover and get access to the switches. Once you replace the switches, put back the cover and secure it with the four screws. Then, insert the rubber covers on the bottom of the ASUS RoG Gladius II.
While the switches on the ASUS RoG Gladius II are very durable, if you are a hardcore gamer, you can replace them yourself without having to use the warranty on your product. Also, considering that the right-click button is used a lot less than the left-click one, you may use both spare switches on the left-click button. This way, the left click button will easily last for 100 million clicks or more.
What is your opinion about the ASUS RoG Gladius II mouse and the RoG Strix Edge mouse pad?
Now you know about the quality of the user experience offered the ASUS RoG Gladius II mouse and the RoG Strix Edge mouse pad, and what our opinion is about these accessories. Before closing this review, share with us your opinion. Do you like the ASUS RoG Gladius II mouse? Do you want to buy it? And what about the RoG Strix Edge mouse pad? Don't hesitate to comment below and discuss with us.