你们中有些人肯定知道,自从Computex在台北举行以来,(Taipei)六月(June)是 IT&C 行业的重要月份。我们在华硕(ASUS)的朋友也在那里,宣布了一些很棒的新产品。一对有趣的产品来自玩家(Gamers)国度( ROG )产品线(product line),即华硕 ROG GX860 (Republic)Buzzard 激光(ASUS ROG GX860 Buzzard laser)游戏鼠标(gaming mouse)和华硕 ROG GM50 鼠标垫(ASUS ROG GM50 mousepad)。我们对它们进行了一段时间的测试,现在我们邀请您阅读我们的完整评论,以了解有关这些新产品的更多信息:
华硕 ROG GX860 Buzzard 鼠标(ASUS ROG GX860 Buzzard Mouse)和GM50 鼠标垫(GM50 Mousepad)拆箱
ASUS ROG Buzzard 鼠标(ASUS ROG Buzzard mouse)采用Republic Of Gamers品牌包装盒,(Gamers)前盖(front cover)带有大徽标。
提起前盖(front cover)后,您可以先看看鼠标本身,然后再将其从包装盒中取出,还可以大致了解内盖上的软件用户界面。
包装相当基本,因为您只能在包装盒内找到鼠标、用户指南和保修。(user guide)
GM50 鼠标垫(GM50 mousepad)采用带有透明窗口(transparent window)的六角形盒子。
在盒子的侧面,您会找到技术规格和两个构成垫子底部和表面(base and surface)的材料样品。
在盒子里你会发现垫子,没有(pad and nothing)别的。
拆开包装后,让我们看看游戏鼠标(gaming mouse)和鼠标垫的规格:华硕 ROG Buzzard(ASUS ROG Buzzard)配备 8200 DPI 激光(DPI laser)传感器,跟踪速度为每秒 150 英寸,跟踪速度为 30g加速水平(acceleration level)。它的长 x 宽 x 高(Length x Width x Height)为118.2 x 68.4 x 40 毫米或 4.65 x 2.69 x 1.57 英寸,是一款中型鼠标,类似于华硕 Strix Claw(ASUS Strix Claw)。Buzzard重 98克或 3.45 盎司。华硕(ASUS)再次选择日本制造的欧姆龙(Japan-made Omron)开关来搭配这款鼠标,与我们之前在Strix Claw 和 ROG Gladius(Strix Claw and ROG Gladius)。华硕表示,这些开关的(ASUS)使用寿命(life time)估计为 500 万次。该公司没有提及这些开关是可互换的,因此它们很可能被焊接到电路板上(circuit board)。左右按键统一,左侧也有3个可编程按键。
在鼠标顶部的滚轮(scroll wheel)旁边,您会找到两个灵敏度开关,您可以使用它们在四个可编程灵敏度级别之间进行切换。灵敏度级别也由三个LED 指示(LEDs),这些 LED 点亮上部灵敏度开关(sensitivity switch)上的三个箭头(arrows),每个灵敏度级别(sensitivity level)一个。在最低灵敏度级别(sensitivity level),所有三个LED(LEDs)均关闭。编织的USB 线(USB cord)不可拆卸,它通过USB 连接器(USB connector)连接到 PC 。鼠标还有一个使用LED的三向(LEDs)轮廓指示器(profile indicator)位于鼠标后侧的红色、橙色或绿色指示灯。鼠标垫的面积为 380x280 毫米(14.9 x 11.02 英寸),表面和底座均为黑色。一个有趣的方面是内置的带子,您可以使用它来防止鼠标线(mouse cord)绕着桌子移动。
您可以在此处找到鼠标垫的完整规格:ROG GM50 鼠标垫(ROG GM50 mousepad)。Buzzard 鼠标(Buzzard mouse)尚未在华硕网站上(ASUS website)提供,但我们建议您密切关注它(on it),因为它应该很快就会出现。
使用华硕 ROG Buzzard(ASUS ROG Buzzard)和GM50 鼠标垫(GM50 mousepad)
使用ROG Buzzard是一次愉快的体验。华硕(ASUS)为所有握持方式设计了这款鼠标,因此您在使用它时应该不会有任何问题。得益于哑光饰面,它在使用过程中不会从您的手中滑落,并且鼠标在办公和游戏场景中都表现出色。然而,这款鼠标只适合惯用右手的用户,因为可编程按钮位于左侧。我们在测试Gladius(Gladius)时玩过不同类型的游戏,例如反恐精英:全球攻势(Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)、暗黑破坏神 3(Diablo 3)、魔兽世界(World of Warcraft)、蝙蝠侠:阿卡姆起源(Batman: Arkham Origins)或孤岛危机(Crysis). 当您根据所玩的游戏需要不同级别的响应时,配置文件非常有用。我们在Strix Claw上看到的DPI Clutch Stage按钮再次出现。您可以将此功能分配给其中一个可编程按钮,它会将DPI降低到您设置的值,但仅在按住该按钮的同时。例如,这在需要降低狙击灵敏度的FPS游戏中被证明是有用的。该设备具有出色的制造质量,外壳的哑光黑色饰面不会为指纹留下太多空间。灯火通明的玩家共和国(Republic Of Gamers)标志也是一种很好的触感,具有呼吸效果。鼠标底部的三色LED 指示活动配置文件,增添了美感。(LEDs)第一个配置文件亮起红色。
滚轮(scroll wheel)也很好用,抗压性也很理想。这款鼠标唯一的缺点是它只有中等大小,所以喜欢更大鼠标的人应该去别处看看。关于鼠标垫,没什么好说的,只是它与华硕 ROG Buzzard(ASUS ROG Buzzard)配合得非常好。校准鼠标以使用此鼠标垫非常容易,它提供了您期望的精度和控制水平。(precision and control)但更多关于本评论下一部分的校准过程(calibration process)。我们还在上面试用了Razer DeathAdder 2013,它运行良好。我们发现的唯一问题是与基于BlueTrack的兼容性(BlueTrack)Microsoft Explorer 触控鼠标(Microsoft Explorer Touch mouse)。我们根本无法在GM50上使用该鼠标。
Buzzard被Windows 8.1自动检测到,并且开箱即用。但是,要完全控制这款鼠标在定制方面的功能,您需要安装华硕(ASUS)提供的专用驱动程序和软件(driver and software)。软件界面与(software interface)华硕 Gladius(ASUS Gladius)使用的非常相似。但是,它确实包含针对此特定模型的一些新控件。ROG 软件(ROG Software)应用程序的界面设计为基于配置文件使用。鼠标支持三种不同的配置文件,您可以为每个配置文件配置每个按钮。界面上半部分用于按钮自定义(button customization)而底部允许您配置传感器的灵敏度级别。
照明设置(Lighting Setting)选项卡包含您可以为LED 指示灯(LEDs)配置的设置。您可以打开或关闭鼠标上的每个 LED。
高级设置(Advanced Settings)部分允许您配置一些额外的设置,例如:
角度捕捉(Angle snapping)- 一种修改传感器精度的设置,以便尽可能以直线进行鼠标移动。例如,如果您需要绘制完美的直线,这很有用。
提升高度(Lift Height)- 传感器与停止跟踪运动的表面之间的大致距离。
Double Click - 双击速度
Lines per scroll - 定义滚动时要移动的文本行数。
USB 轮询率(USB polling rate)- 您可以将 Buzzard 的轮询率设置为最大 1000 Hz。
该软件还包括一个测试场(Test Arena),您可以在其中测试鼠标的精度并相应地修改设置。
当然,您还有一个宏管理(Macro Management)部分,允许您配置宏、保存它们甚至导出它们,以便您可以在多台计算机上使用它们。
华硕 ROG Buzzard(ASUS ROG Buzzard)是一款优质的游戏鼠标(quality gaming mouse),提供非常出色的性能和许多自定义选项。与专用软件一起,定制级别(customization level)应该足以满足大多数游戏玩家的需求。鼠标在日常使用中也很出色,因为我们在日常工作中没有遇到任何问题,因此如果您正在寻找新的游戏鼠标(gaming mouse)或优质鼠标(quality mouse)以供您在日常生活中使用,我们建议您给它一个机会任务。ROG Buzzard肯定能在大多数情况下完成工作,如果不是全部的话。华硕 ROG GM50 鼠标垫(ASUS ROG GM50 mousepad)是激光游戏(laser gaming mice)鼠标的绝佳垫子. 但是,请记住,光学鼠标在此型号上可能会遇到跟踪问题,因此请确保将其与激光鼠标(laser mouse)一起使用。我们仅向游戏玩家推荐这款鼠标垫。
Reviewing The ASUS ROG GX860 Buzzard Mouse & The GM50 Mousepad
As some of yоu surely know, June was an important month in the IT&C industrу, since Computex took place in Taipei. Our friends at ASUЅ were also there, announcing some great new products. An interestіng pair of products comes from the Republic Of Gamers (ROG) prоduct line, namely the ASUS ROG GX860 Buzzаrd lаser gaming mouse and the ASUS ROG GM50 mousepad. We tested them for a while and we now іnvite you to read our full review to learn morе аbout these new prodυcts:
Unboxing The ASUS ROG GX860 Buzzard Mouse & The GM50 Mousepad
The ASUS ROG Buzzard mouse comes in a Republic Of Gamers branded box with its big logo on the front cover.
On the back side of the package you'll find a series of technical specifications and a legend explaining what each button does.
Once you lift the front cover you can take a look at the mouse itself before taking it out of the box and also get an overview of the software user interface on the inner cover.
The packaging is rather basic, since you'll only find the mouse, the user guide and the warranty inside the box.
The GM50 mousepad comes in a hexagonal box with a transparent window.
On the sides of the box you'll find the technical specs and two samples of the material that makes the pad's base and surface.
Inside the box you'll find the pad and nothing else.
Hardware Specifications
Now that we've got the packaging out of the way, let's take a look at the specifications for the gaming mouse and the mousepad: The ASUS ROG Buzzard has an 8200 DPI laser sensor with a 150 inches per second tracking speed and a 30g tracking acceleration level. At 118.2 x 68.4 x 40 mm or 4.65 x 2.69 x 1.57 inches in Length x Width x Height, it's a medium sized mouse, similar to the ASUS Strix Claw. The Buzzard weighs 98 grams or 3.45 ounces. ASUS has once again chosen the Japan-made Omron switches to go with this mouse, the same kind of switches that we've previously seen at the Strix Claw and ROG Gladius. ASUS says the switches are estimated at a 5 million clicks life time. The company doesn't mention anything about these switches being interchangeable, so they're most probably soldered to the circuit board. The left and right buttons are unified and there are also three programmable buttons on the left side.
On the top side of the mouse, next to the scroll wheel, you'll find the two sensitivity switches that you can use to change between four programmable levels of sensitivity. The sensitivity levels are also pointed out by three LEDs that light up three arrows on the upper sensitivity switch, one for each sensitivity level. On the lowest sensitivity level, all three LEDs are off. The braided USB cord is not detachable and it connects to the PC through a USB connector. The mouse also has a three-way profile indicator that uses LEDs that light up red, orange or green, located at the rear side of the mouse. The mousepad's area is 380x280mm (14.9 x 11.02 inches) and both the surface and the base are black. An interesting aspect is the built-in strap that you can use to keep the mouse cord from going around the desk.
You can find the full specifications of the mousepad here: ROG GM50 mousepad. The Buzzard mouse is not yet available on the ASUS website, but we recommend keeping an eye on it, since it should be there soon enough.
Using The ASUS ROG Buzzard & The GM50 mousepad
Using the ROG Buzzard was an overall pleasant experience. ASUS designed this mouse for all grip styles, so you shouldn't have problems handling it. Thanks to the matte finish it won't slip out of your hand during usage and the mouse performed great in in both office and gaming scenarios. However, this mouse is only suited for right-handed users, since the programmable buttons are located on the left side. We've played different types of games while testing the Gladius, such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Diablo 3, World of Warcraft, Batman: Arkham Origins or Crysis. The profiles are very useful for cases when you need different levels of responsiveness according to the game you play. The DPI Clutch Stage button that we've seen on the Strix Claw makes another appearance. You can assign this function to one of the programmable buttons and it will lower the DPI to a value that you set, but only while keeping that button pressed. This proved to be useful in FPS games where you need to lower your sensitivity for sniping, for instance. The device has a great build quality and the matte black finish of the case doesn't leave too much room for fingerprints. The illuminated Republic Of Gamers logo is a nice touch too, with its breathing effect. Adding to the aesthetics are the three color LEDs on the bottom of the mouse that point out the active profile. The first profile lights up red.
The second profile lights up green.
And the third profile lights up yellow.
The scroll wheel also works great and the resistance to pressing is just ideal. The only downside of this mouse is the fact that it's only medium sized, so those of you who prefer bigger mice should look elsewhere. Regarding the mousepad there's not much to say except that it works very well with the ASUS ROG Buzzard. It is very easy to calibrate the mouse to work with this mousepad and it offers the level of precision and control you would expect. But more about the calibration process in the next section of this review. We also tried the Razer DeathAdder 2013 on it and it worked flawlessly. The only issue that we found was the compatibility with the BlueTrack based Microsoft Explorer Touch mouse. We just couldn't use that mouse at all on the GM50.
Drivers & Software
The Buzzard was automatically detected by Windows 8.1 and it worked well right out of the box. However, to gain full control over what this mouse offers in terms of customization, you'll need to install the dedicated driver and software provided by ASUS. The software interface is very similar to the one ASUS Gladius uses. It does, however, include some new controls for this specific model. The interface of the ROG Software application is designed to be used based on profiles. The mouse supports three different profiles and you can configure every button for each of the profiles. The upper half of the interface serves for button customization while the bottom one allows you to configure the sensitivity levels of the sensor.
The Lighting Setting tab houses the settings that you can configure for the indicator LEDs. You can switch on or off every LED on the mouse.
The Advanced Settings section allows you to configure a few extra settings, such as:
Angle snapping - a setting that modifies the precision of the sensor so that the mouse movements are made in straight lines as much as possible. Useful if you need to draw perfectly straight lines, for instance.
Lift Height - the approximate distance between the sensor and the surface where it stops tracking the movement.
Double Click - the double click speed
Lines per scroll - defines how many lines of text to move when scrolling.
USB polling rate - you can set the Buzzard's polling rate to a maximum of 1000 Hz.
The software also includes a Test Arena where you can test the precision of the mouse and modify the settings accordingly.
Of course, you also have a Macro Management section that allows you to configure macros, save them and even export them so that you can use them on multiple computers.
The ASUS ROG Buzzard is a good quality gaming mouse that offers very good performance with a lot of customization options. Together with the dedicated software, the customization level should be enough for most gamers out there. The mouse works well in everyday use, too, as we encountered no issues while doing our daily work, so we recommend giving it a chance if you're on the lookout for either a new gaming mouse or a quality mouse to use throughout your everyday tasks. The ROG Buzzard will definitely get the job done in most, if not all cases. The ASUS ROG GM50 mousepad is a great pad for laser gaming mice. However, keep in mind that optical mice might encounter tracking issues on this model, so make sure you are using it with a laser mouse. We recommend this mousepad only to gamers.