华硕(ASUS)发布了一款名为ASUS ROG Spatha的新(ASUS ROG Spatha)游戏鼠标(gaming mouse),它有望成为一款具有大量功能和选项的出色游戏武器。(gaming weapon)它展示了市场上最好的激光传感器之一,包括有线和无线连接、可更换的欧姆龙(Omron)开关、出色的制造质量以及大量额外的按钮,这些按钮应该会让任何在线角色扮演视频游戏的粉丝感到高兴。一个多星期以来,我们有机会使用它并玩它,现在我们想分享(share everything)我们发现的关于这款鼠标的所有信息。如果您想了解华硕 ROG Spatha(ASUS ROG Spatha)是否符合其高期望值,请阅读此评论:
华硕 ROG Spatha 拆箱
华硕 ROG Spatha(ASUS ROG Spatha)装在一个非常大的盒子中,由优质光面纸板制成,顶部和左右两侧均绘有Spatha 鼠标的图像。(Spatha mouse)
打开包装盒,您会看到华硕 ROG(ASUS ROG)的欢迎词:“欢迎来到精英玩家共和国社区”("Welcome to the elite Republic of Gamers community")并继续说“您的 ROG Spatha 鼠标经过精心设计和测试,可以完美地玩游戏。是时候体验另一个级别的游戏精通。继续游戏。”。("Your ROG Spatha mouse is engineered and tested for gaming perfection. It's time to experience gaming mastery on another level. Game on.".)
将欢迎信放在一边,您将看到快速入门指南(start guide)。在它下面,是武器本身:ASUS ROG Spatha。
在手提箱内,您会发现一根长编织USB 电缆(USB cable)和一根较短的塑料USB 电缆(USB cable)、一个充电座、一个金属支架(metal stand)、一个六角螺丝刀(starhead screwdriver)、两个Omron开关和两个带有ASUS ' Republic Of Gamers 标志(Gamers logo)的贴纸。
正如您在我们的图片中看到的那样,华硕在与(ASUS)ROG Spatha 鼠标(ROG Spatha mouse)捆绑在一起的装备方面非常慷慨。
首先,华硕 ROG Spatha 鼠标(ASUS ROG Spatha mouse)有 12 个可编程按钮,华硕(ASUS)称这些按钮针对MMO 游戏(MMO gaming)会话进行了优化。我们将在本评论稍后的“游戏(Gaming)”部分讨论这一点。
性能方面,华硕ROG Spatha(ASUS ROG Spatha)提供8200 DPI激光(DPI laser)传感器、30g加速度以及有线模式下最高2000Hz USB(Hz USB)轮询率或无线模式(wireless mode)下1000Hz轮询率。
Spatha既可以用作有线鼠标也可以用作无线鼠标(wireless mouse),具体取决于您的偏好和环境(preference and context)。后一种选择可以在充电底座的帮助下实现,该底座在 2.4GHz 频率下工作以在鼠标和计算机之间建立连接。
无线自治(wireless autonomy)方面,华硕ROG Spatha(ASUS ROG Spatha)内置锂电池(lithium battery),容量为1000毫安。
在拆箱部分,我们提到您还会在包装盒中获得一对欧姆龙(Omron)开关。默认情况下,华硕 ROG Spatha(ASUS ROG Spatha)配备两个D2FC-F-7N (20M)欧姆龙(Omron)开关,具有 2000 万次点击寿命(life span)。在包装盒内,您会发现一组两个Omron D2F-01F 开关。以下是与ASUS ROG Spatha(ASUS ROG Spatha)兼容的开关的完整列表:
- 欧姆龙D2F系列(Omron D2F Series)开关:D2F、D2F-F、D2F-01、D2F-01F
- 欧姆龙D2FC系列(Omron D2FC Series)开关:D2FC-3M、D2FC-F-7N、D2FC-F-7N(10M)、D2FC-F-7N(20M)
华硕 ROG Spatha(ASUS ROG Spatha)仅提供钛黑漆(Titanium Black),但您应该知道它还具有三个RGB发光区域:滚轮(scroll wheel)、侧按钮和ROG 徽标(ROG logo)。全部以您选择的颜色亮起。
如果您想知道ASUS ROG Spatha的尺寸,您应该知道这款鼠标是我们见过的最大的鼠标之一,它可能是Republic of Gamers(Gamers family)鼠标家族中最大的。鼠标本身的宽度为 3.5 英寸或 89 毫米,长度为 5.39 英寸或 137 毫米,高度为 1.77 英寸或 45 毫米,扩展坞(docking station)是另一个 3.18英寸 x 5.55 英寸(x 5.55in)x 0.86 英寸或 81 毫米 x 141 毫米 x 22 毫米。而且,如果不算USB 数据线(USB cable),华硕 ROG Spatha(ASUS ROG Spatha)重 6.29 盎司或 178.5 克。
ASUS ROG Spatha还具有内置闪存(flash memory),您可以使用它来保存带有设置和宏的不同配置文件。您可以在此处找到完整的规格:ASUS ROG Spatha - 规格(ASUS ROG Spatha - Specifications)。
使用华硕 ROG Spatha进行游戏(ASUS ROG Spatha)
首先(First),我们必须指出华硕ROG Spatha游戏(ASUS ROG Spatha gaming)鼠标的外观。鼠标的正面看起来像是科幻战舰的鼻子或达斯维达(battleship or Darth Vader)的头盔,而侧面的“玛雅”图案让它看起来像是由远古外星人设计的。
华硕 ROG Spatha(ASUS ROG Spatha)的前格栅有一个非常好的地方,那就是 micro USB 端口(USB port)被埋在里面,所以它不是不美观的。它还具有一种插入机制(insertion mechanism),可迫使微型USB 连接器(USB connector)仅以一种方式插入内部,略高于鼠标所在的表面。这也可以防止电缆在鼠标垫上摩擦。
华硕ROG Spatha(ASUS ROG Spatha)的顶部以左右两个按键为主,几乎是鼠标本身的一半长。这种设计使两个按钮都感觉坚固可靠。在左侧按钮的左侧,Spatha提供了另外两个超薄按钮,默认情况下用作前进和后退,但您可以将其分配给您可能想要的任何其他操作。虽然我喜欢左右按钮点击的感觉和触觉反馈,但对于两个纤细的按钮,我不能说同样的话。它们感觉太僵硬,无法轻松按压,而后面的那个实际上很难够到,尽管每个人可能都不一样,尤其是如果你的手真的很大并且你可以用手支撑爪形握把(claw grip)ROG 斯巴达(ROG Spatha)。
在左右按钮之间,还有一个按钮,与其他按钮相比非常小,用作DPI 开关(DPI switch)。
主要的左右按钮由滚轮分隔,滚轮通过其“玛雅”图案橡胶表面和(scroll wheel)RGB 照明(RGB illumination)脱颖而出。
六个侧面按钮都位于ASUS ROG Spatha的(Republic)左侧,排列方式类似于玩家(Gamers)国度的标志。它们看起来非常漂亮,但它们并不是都非常易于使用。起初,我认为这些按钮需要一段时间才能习惯。然而,在使用Spatha 玩(Spatha)了几天之后,我仍然无法轻松识别并按下中间、后退和底部按钮。在六个侧面按钮中,我发现唯一易于使用的是顶部的两个按钮和底部的前按钮。其他三个按钮相当小,它们的位置使它们有点难(bit harder)使用。但是话又说回来,也许每个人的情况都不会像我一样。但是,在决定购买ASUS ROG Spatha(ASUS ROG Spatha)时请记住这一点。
ASUS ROG Spatha非常酷的功能之一是其无线模式以及充电座的设计方式。充电座也是一个无线站(wireless station),它负责创建和维护鼠标和计算机之间的无线网络连接。(wireless network connection)它的设计完全适合鼠标的大小,并且可以以两种不同的方式使用:平放在桌面上或略微倾斜地放在金属底座上。无论哪种方式,将它与您可以为Spatha(Spatha)设置的照明效果结合起来,您的办公桌将变得比以前更有趣。而且,顺便说一句,不要担心你的鼠标可能会从充电站掉下来,因为它不会 - 内部真正强大的磁铁Spatha将把它固定在码头上。
如果您将ASUS ROG Spatha用作有线鼠标,事情就很清楚了:您将编织的USB 电缆一端连接(USB cable)到鼠标,另一端连接到您的计算机。
如果您想将ASUS ROG Spatha用作无线鼠标,您应该使用橡胶(wireless mouse)USB 线(USB cable)将扩展坞连接到您的计算机。然后,打开鼠标电源,同时按下鼠标背面和无线站(wireless station)背面的配对按钮。在一秒钟甚至更快的时间 - 我们没有计时 - ASUS ROG Spatha将连接到您的计算机。
在我测试ASUS ROG Spatha期间,我将它用于游戏会话以及通常的正常工作日活动。鼠标在所有方面都表现出色,但有一个例外:一些额外的按钮难以识别和触及,这可能会在您玩某些游戏时给您带来一些问题。
关于我在游戏中的体验,我想提一提的另一件事是,虽然当我在玩天际或龙腾世纪:宗教裁判所时对(Skyrim or Dragon Age)Spatha进行测试时,它感觉几乎是完美的鼠标,但我不能对体验说同样的话我玩英雄(Legends)联盟(League)的时候。后者,华硕ROG Spatha(ASUS ROG Spatha)让我觉得有点笨拙。这是为什么?因为它是一个非常大的鼠标,上面有许多额外的按钮。每次从鼠标垫上抬起鼠标时,我都会不情愿地按下至少一个侧键。然后,来自英雄(Legends)联盟(League)的快速游戏意味着你必须经常从桌子上举起鼠标,这让我的手很快就累了。
另一方面,在MMO游戏中,游戏风格(gameplay style)不同,您通常不必经常抬起鼠标。将这么多按钮分配给动作在MMO(MMOs)中肯定比在MOBA(MOBAs)中更有用。归根结底,华硕 ROG Spatha是一款专为(ASUS ROG Spatha)MMO游戏而非其他类型游戏设计和打造的鼠标。
虽然您可以将Spatha与(Spatha)Windows为其安装的驱动程序一起使用,但为了获得最佳的用户和游戏体验,您还应该安装ASUS提供的Armory 软件(Armoury software)。
有关您从军械库软件(Armoury software)中获得的详细信息,以及更改华硕 ROG Spatha的(ASUS ROG Spatha)欧姆龙(Omron)开关的程序,请参阅本评论的下一页。
Reviewing ASUS ROG Spatha - The gaming mouse for MMO warriors
ASUS has relеaѕed a new gamіng mouѕe called ASUS ROG Spatha, which promises to be an excellent gaming weaрon with tons of features and options. It showcases one of thе best laser sensors on the market, both wіred and wireless connectivity, replaceablе Omron switches, grеat bυild quality and also a ton of additional buttоns that ѕhould delight anу fan of online role-playing videо games. For a lіttle more over a week, we had the chance to use it and play with it and now we'd like to share everything we found out about this mouse. If you're curious to learn whether the ASUS ROG Spatha liveѕ uр to its high expectаtions, read this review:
Unboxing the ASUS ROG Spatha
The ASUS ROG Spatha comes in a very large box that is made from a premium glossy cardboard painted with images of the Spatha mouse from the top and from its left and right sides.
On the bottom of the box you'll find details about the features and the hardware characteristics of the mouse.
Open the box and you'll be greeted with a nice welcome note from ASUS ROG: "Welcome to the elite Republic of Gamers community" and continues on the same note "Your ROG Spatha mouse is engineered and tested for gaming perfection. It's time to experience gaming mastery on another level. Game on.".
Put the welcome note aside and you'll see the quick start guide. Underneath it, the weapon itself: the ASUS ROG Spatha.
Go further to the bottom of the box and right under the mouse, there's a large carrying case that's made from high quality materials.
Inside the carrying case, you'll find a long braided USB cable and a shorter plastic USB cable, a charging dock, a metal stand, a starhead screwdriver, two Omron switches and two stickers with ASUS' Republic Of Gamers logo.
As you've seen in our pictures, ASUS has been pretty generous with the gear it bundled with the ROG Spatha mouse.
Hardware specifications
For starters, the ASUS ROG Spatha mouse has 12 programmable buttons which ASUS says are optimized for MMO gaming sessions. We'll talk about that a bit later in this review, in the Gaming section.
In terms of performance, the ASUS ROG Spatha offers an 8200 DPI laser sensor, 30g acceleration and a maximum 2000 Hz USB polling rate in wired mode or 1000Hz polling rate in wireless mode.
The Spatha can be used both as a wired and a wireless mouse, depending on your preference and context. The latter option is achievable with the help of the charging dock which works on the 2.4GHz frequency to create a connection between the mouse and the computer.
In terms of wireless autonomy, the ASUS ROG Spatha has a built-in lithium battery with a capacity of 1000 mAh.
In the unboxing section, we mentioned that you also get a pair of Omron switches in the box. By default, the ASUS ROG Spatha comes with two D2FC-F-7N(20M) Omron switches with a 20 million clicks life span. Inside the box, you'll find a set of two Omron D2F-01F switches. Here's the full list of switches compatible with the ASUS ROG Spatha:
- Omron D2F Series switches: D2F, D2F-F, D2F-01, D2F-01F
- Omron D2FC Series switches: D2FC-3M, D2FC-F-7N, D2FC-F-7N(10M), D2FC-F-7N(20M)
The ASUS ROG Spatha is available only painted in Titanium Black, but you should know that it also has three RGB illuminated areas: the scroll wheel, the side buttons and the ROG logo. All light up in the colors you choose.
If you're wondering about the size of the ASUS ROG Spatha, you should know that this mouse is one of the largest we've seen and it's probably the largest of the Republic of Gamers family of mice. The mouse itself has 3.5in or 89mm in width, 5.39in or 137mm in length and 1.77in or 45mm in height, and the docking station is another 3.18in x 5.55in x 0.86in or 81mm x 141mm x 22mm . And, if you don't count the USB cable, the ASUS ROG Spatha weighs 6.29 ounces or 178.5 grams.
ASUS ROG Spatha also features a built-in flash memory which you can use to save different profiles with settings and macros. You can find the full set of specifications here: ASUS ROG Spatha - Specifications.
Using and gaming with the ASUS ROG Spatha
First of all, we must point out the good looks of the ASUS ROG Spatha gaming mouse. The front side of the mouse looks like it's the nose of a sci-fi battleship or Darth Vader's helmet, and the "mayan" patterns on the sides make it look like it was designed by ancient aliens.
One very nice thing about the front grille of the ASUS ROG Spatha is the fact that the micro USB port is buried inside, so it's not inaesthetic. It also features an insertion mechanism that forces the micro USB connector to fit inside in only one way, slightly above the surface on which the mouse stands. This also keeps the cable from rubbing on your mousepad.
The top of the ASUS ROG Spatha is dominated by the two left and right click buttons, which are almost half as long as the mouse itself. This kind of design makes both buttons feel solid and reliable. On the left side of the left button, the Spatha offers another two slim buttons that act as forward and back by default, but which you can assign to any other actions you might want. Although I loved the feeling and the tactile feedback of the left and right buttons clicks, I can't say the same thing about the two slim buttons. They feel too stiff to press easily and the one to the back is actually hard to reach, although it might not be the same for everybody, especially if your hands are really big and you can support a claw grip with your hand on the ROG Spatha.
Between the left and right buttons, there's yet another button, very small compared to the others, that acts as a DPI switch.
The main right and left buttons are divided by a scroll wheel that stand out through its "mayan" pattern rubberized surface and the RGB illumination.
The six side buttons are all found on the left of the ASUS ROG Spatha, arranged in such a way that they resemble the Republic of Gamers logo. They look very nice, but they are not all exactly easy to use. At first, I thought that the buttons would take a while for me to get accustomed to. However, after a few days of using and gaming with the Spatha, I still couldn't easily identify and press the middle, back and bottom buttons. Out of the six sideways buttons, the only ones I found easy to use were the top two buttons and the bottom front button. The other three buttons are rather small and their position made them a bit harder to use. But then again, maybe it won't be the same case for everybody as it was for me. However, keep that in mind when deciding to buy the ASUS ROG Spatha.
Among the very cool features of the ASUS ROG Spatha are its wireless mode as well as the way the charging dock is designed. The charging dock is also a wireless station and it's responsible for creating and maintaining the wireless network connection between the mouse and the computer. It's designed to fit perfectly to the size of the mouse and it can be used in two different ways: flat on your desk or slightly aslope on its metallic base. Either way, combine this with the illumination effects you can set for the Spatha and your desk will become a lot more interesting than it used to be. And, by the way, don't worry that your mouse might fall from the charging station because it won't - the really powerful magnets inside the Spatha will keep it bonded to the dock.
If you use the ASUS ROG Spatha as a wired mouse, things are clear: you connect the braided USB cable to the mouse at one end and to your computer at the other end.
If you want to use the ASUS ROG Spatha as a wireless mouse, you should connect the dock to your computer with the rubber USB cable. Then, power on the mouse and simultaneously press the pairing buttons from the back of the mouse and from the back of the wireless station. In a second or maybe even faster - we didn't time it - the ASUS ROG Spatha will connect to your computer.
During the time that I tested the ASUS ROG Spatha, I used it both for gaming sessions as well as for usual normal working day activities. The mouse behaved excellently in everything, with one exception: some of the additional buttons are hard to identify and reach, and that can cause you some problems when you're playing some games.
One other thing I'd like to mention about my experience during games is that, although the Spatha felt almost as the perfect mouse when I tested it while playing Skyrim or Dragon Age: Inquisition, I can't say the same thing about the experience I had when playing League of Legends. In the latter, the ASUS ROG Spatha made me feel a bit clumsy. Why is that? Because it is a very large mouse with many additional buttons on it. Each time I raised the mouse from the mousepad, I unwillingly pressed at least one of the side buttons. Then, the fast gameplay from League of Legends means that you have to raise the mouse often from the desk, and that made my hand get tired rather quickly.
On the other hand, in MMO games, the gameplay style is different and you usually don't have to lift the mouse so often. Having so many buttons assigned to actions is definitely more useful in MMOs than in MOBAs. In the end, the ASUS ROG Spatha is a mouse designed and created for MMO games rather than for other types of games.
Although you could use the Spatha with the drivers that Windows installs for it, in order to get the best user and gaming experience, you should also install the Armoury software provided by ASUS.
Details about what you get from the Armoury software, as well as the procedure for changing the Omron switches of the ASUS ROG Spatha can be found on the next page of this review.