华硕(ASUS)有几款AX5400 无线(AX5400 wireless)路由器,其中大部分是带RGB灯效的游戏路由器。他们的最新型号之一是华硕 ROG Strix GS-AX5400(ASUS ROG Strix GS-AX5400)。这款路由器以略高于竞争对手的价格提供 Wi-Fi 6 连接、许多面向游戏的功能和强大的硬件。阅读此详细评论并了解华硕 GS-AX5400(ASUS GS-AX5400)游戏路由器的真实性能:
华硕 GS-AX5400:它适合谁?
该无线路由器(wireless router)适用于:
- 想要迁移到 Wi-Fi 6 的人
- 在线玩游戏的玩家
- 需要对其家庭网络(home network)进行有效家长控制的父母
- 需要具有适当防病毒和防火墙保护的(antivirus and firewall protection)安全网络(secure network)的用户
- 想要使用移动应用程序远程控制路由器的人
- 希望使用亚马逊的 Alexa 或谷歌的助手来控制他们的家庭网络的用户(home network)
- 想要通过IFTTT从(IFTTT)无线路由器获得(wireless router)任务自动化(task automation)服务的人(如果这样,那就这样)
以下是我们喜欢ASUS GS-AX5400 的地方(ASUS GS-AX5400):
Buy now
- Wi-Fi 6上的160 MHz 信道(MHz channel)宽度,具有WPA3 安全性(WPA3 security)
- 稳定的 Wi-Fi 性能
- (Powerful hardware)可以处理许多网络客户端的强大硬件
- 对游戏玩家有用的功能
- 快速 USB 3.2 端口
- 链路聚合可用
- 出色的安全工具和家长控制
- 创新的VPN 应用程序(VPN app),可将您的移动设备连接到您的家庭网络(home network)
- 您可以在互联网上的任何地方使用移动应用程序远程控制它
- 无聊的设计
- 华硕(ASUS)有几款AX5400路由器具有相似的价格和功能。将它们区分开来令人困惑
华硕 GS-AX5400(ASUS GS-AX5400)在拥挤的市场空间(market space)中是一款有趣的游戏路由器(gaming router)。有许多替代品,包括华硕(ASUS)的类似型号,价格略低。虽然它不是最便宜的 AX5400 Wi-Fi 6 路由器,但它是其利基市场中最好的之一。您将获得广泛的功能集,包括对游戏玩家有用的工具、可靠的 Wi-Fi性能和覆盖范围(performance and coverage),以及出色的安全工具。这是一个不错的选择,尤其是对于游戏玩家而言。
华硕 GS-AX5400 Wi-Fi 6(ASUS GS-AX5400 Wi-Fi 6)路由器拆箱
这款双频 Wi-Fi 6 路由器装在一个纸板箱中(cardboard box),采用了游戏玩家共和国(Republic of Gamers) 品牌和颜色(branding and colors)。印刷在包装上的信息展示了一些最有趣的面向游戏的功能。
华硕 GS-AX5400(ASUS GS-AX5400)使用的包装
在包装盒内,您可以找到以下物品:路由器本身、电源适配器(power adapter)、网线(network cable)、快速入门指南(start guide)、包含故障排除信息的传单、保修和其他手册。
华硕 GS-AX5400 拆箱
拆箱 ASUS ROG Strix GS-AX5400 无线路由器是一种快速而轻松的体验。在包装盒内,您可以找到入门所需的一切。但是,如果这是您的第一个 Wi-Fi 6 路由器,我们强烈建议您在设置之前阅读故障排除和设置说明。(Unboxing the ASUS ROG Strix GS-AX5400 wireless router is a quick and painless experience. Inside the box, you find everything you need to get started. However, if this is your first Wi-Fi 6 router, we strongly recommend that you read the troubleshooting and setup instructions before setting things up.)
华硕 GS-AX5400(ASUS GS-AX5400)采用块状设计,带有四个外部天线。顶部有一个反光的玩家共和国(Republic of Gamers)标志。您可能会认为它是 RGB 照明的,但事实并非如此。只能通过固件配置底部的灯带,以任何您想要的方式点亮。如果您不喜欢它,也可以将其关闭。
华硕 GS-AX5400(ASUS GS-AX5400)配备RGB灯效
在左侧,您会看到四个LED灯。其中两个用于 Wi-Fi 状态(一个LED用于 2.4 GHz 频段(GHz band),另一个用于 5 GHz),另外两个用于互联网连接状态(internet connection status)和路由器本身的状态。在它们下方(Beneath),您还可以看到ROG STRIX 品牌,如果您(ROG STRIX branding)不注意(t pay attention)的话,几乎看不到。
顶部的 LED
路由器的外壳由塑料制成,是一块灰尘磁铁,需要定期清洁。华硕 ROG Strix GS-AX5400 路由器(ASUS ROG Strix GS-AX5400 router)中等大小,宽、深和高分别为 10.56 x 7.08 x 6.53 英寸或 268 x 180 x 160 毫米。它还重约 1.55 磅或约 700 克。
将路由器翻转过来,您会看到通风网格,以及带有您刚购买的型号信息的贴纸。两个大橡胶支脚将路由器固定到位并防止(place and prevent)其滑动,而两个孔使您可以选择将路由器安装在墙上。一些用户会欣赏他们的存在。
通风系统(ventilation system)位于华硕 GS-AX5400(ASUS GS-AX5400)的底部
在路由器的背面,您可以找到电源(Power)端口、电源(Power)开关、一个USB 3.2 Gen 1端口和四个 1 Gbps LAN端口,其中两个支持链路聚合(Link aggregation)。此外,其中之一是优先游戏端口(gaming port)。该列表继续显示WAN 端口(WAN port)(同样以 1 Gbps工作)、WPS和重置(Reset)按钮。
和华硕RT-AX82U一样(ASUS RT-AX82U),华硕ROG Strix GS-AX5400(ASUS ROG Strix GS-AX5400)也是AX5400双频(AX5400 dual-band)路由器,2.4GHz频段最大带宽为574Mbps ,5GHz(GHz band)频段(Mbps)最大带宽为(GHz band)4804Mbps(Mbps)。相似之处还不止于此,因为它还配备了三核Broadcom BCM6750 SoC(片(Chip)上系统(System)),运行频率为 1.5 GHz,具有 512 MB 的RAM和 256 MB的固件存储空间(storage space)。它使用 4x4 MU-MIMO 在 5 GHz 频段(GHz band)上进行无线传输,在 2.4 频段上使用 2x2 MU-MIMO GHz频段(GHz band)。该路由器的一个很酷的功能是它支持WPA3 密码加密和具有 160 (WPA3 password)Hz 信道(Hz channel)带宽的 Wi-Fi 6 。
如果您想进一步了解这款路由器的官方规格,请访问此页面:ASUS ROG Strix GS-AX5400。
设置和使用ASUS GS-AX5400 Wi-Fi 6路由器
此路由器的初始设置可以使用连接到路由器或智能手机的 PC 以及适用于 iOS 和 Android 的ASUS Router(iOS and Android)移动应用程序(ASUS Router mobile app)来完成。该过程包括检测您使用的互联网连接类型、提供必要的连接详细信息、选择Wi-Fi的(Wi-Fi)名称和密码(name and password),以及决定是否启用Wi-Fi 6。路由器在结束时检查固件更新快速设置指南(setup guide)。安装最新固件是个好主意,以便从最新的错误修复和改进中受益。
设置华硕 GS-AX5400(ASUS GS-AX5400)很简单
然后,您可以将您的计算机和设备连接到网络并访问(network and access)路由器的软件以进行更多微调。管理界面(administration interface)易于使用,按逻辑部分组织良好,并提供 25 种语言。您可以控制无数的设置,无论是普通用户还是高级用户都会对可用的选项感到满意。正如您在下面看到的,Republic of Gamers皮肤应用在您从大多数华硕(ASUS)路由器获得的标准界面上。
用户文档(user documentation)易于访问:当您将鼠标光标(mouse cursor)移到您不理解的设置上时会显示一个问号。(question mark)单击(Click)问号(question mark),您会看到解释该设置的信息。不幸的是,帮助文档(help documentation)中没有包含华硕(ASUS)在其最新固件中包含的所有功能的信息,因此这个技巧并不适用于每一个设置。
华硕 ROG Strix GS-AX5400(ASUS ROG Strix GS-AX5400)的固件提供您需要和希望的一切,从游戏功能到 AiMesh 支持,让您可以创建自己的网状 Wi-Fi 系统。此外,可用的安全工具是一流的,可在路由器的整个生命周期内免费使用。
一个好处是,即使您不在家,也可以使用ASUS Router移动应用程序从(ASUS Router)智能手机或平板电脑远程控制路由器。(smartphone or tablet)此路由器是ROG 设备(ROG device),应用程序使用不同的皮肤,基于这个面向游戏的品牌的视觉效果。
华硕路由器移动(ASUS Router mobile)应用程序具有特殊的ROG皮肤(ROG skin)
华硕路由器(ASUS Router)移动应用程序具有大量高级配置选项,包括游戏特定功能,例如启用移动游戏模式(Mobile Game Mode)或控制路由器上的RGB 灯。(RGB lighting)我们发现它易于使用,即使您对网络知之甚少。
为了检查华硕 ROG Strix GS-AX5400(ASUS ROG Strix GS-AX5400)的Wi-Fi 广播(Wi-Fi broadcast)质量,我们拿了一台笔记本电脑并将其移至与路由器一墙之隔的房间。然后,我们使用专门的应用程序对其进行了几次无线传输,该应用程序测量了网络传输(network transfer)的平均速度和可变性。在 2.4 GHz 频段(GHz band)和Wi-Fi 4标准下,平均下载速度(download speed)相当不错,但可变性值得改进。但是,考虑到路由器在这个频段上提供 2x2 MU-MIMO,而不是像在 5 GHz 频段(GHz band)上那样提供 4x4 MU-MIMO ,我们得到的结果并不让我们感到惊讶(t surprise)。
ASUS GS-AX5400 - Wi-Fi 4网络传输(network transfer)
在同一个房间切换到 5 GHz 频段和 Wi-Fi 5 时,我们注意到了显着的改进。(GHz band)平均下载速度(download speed)要快得多,并且可变性减少了。
华硕 GS-AX5400(ASUS GS-AX5400) - Wi-Fi 5上的网络传输(network transfer)
在 5 GHz 频段(GHz band)切换到Wi-Fi 6时,华硕 ROG Strix GS-AX5400(ASUS ROG Strix GS-AX5400)表现出色。我们享受了超快的网络传输(network transfer)和坚如磐石的连接。
ASUS GS-AX5400 - Wi-Fi 6上的网络传输(network transfer)
此比较表明,华硕在使用 Wi-Fi 6 和 Wi-Fi 5 时,明显专注于在 5 (ASUS)GHz 频段(GHz band)上提供出色的网络体验。较旧的 Wi-Fi 4 也运行良好,但网络传输的可变性有待改善.
如果您想了解更多关于华硕 GS-AX5400(ASUS GS-AX5400)提供的真实性能,包括与其他无线路由器的比较,请转到本评论的下一页。
Review ASUS ROG Strix GS-AX5400: Wi-Fi 6 for gamers! -
ASUS has seνeral AX5400 wireless routers, most of which are gaming routers with RGB lighting. One of their newеst models is the ASUS ROG Strix GS-AX5400. This router deliverѕ Wi-Fi 6 сonnectivity, many gaming-oriented features, and powerful hardware for а slightly higher price than the competition. Read this detailed review and learn about the real-world performance of the ASUS GS-AX5400 gaming router:
ASUS GS-AX5400: Who is it good for?
This wireless router is a suitable choice for:
- People who want to migrate to Wi-Fi 6
- Gamers who play online
- Parents who are in need of efficient parental controls for their home network
- Users who want a secure network with proper antivirus and firewall protection
- People who want to control their router remotely using a mobile app
- Users who wish to control their home network using Amazon’s Alexa or Google’s Assistant
- People who want task automation services from their wireless router through IFTTT (If This, Then That)
Pros and cons
Here are the things we like about ASUS GS-AX5400:
See price on:
Buy now
- 160 MHz channel width on Wi-Fi 6, with WPA3 security
- Solid Wi-Fi performance
- Powerful hardware that can handle many network clients
- Useful features for gamers
- Fast USB 3.2 port
- Link aggregation available
- Excellent security tools and parental controls
- Innovative VPN app that connects your mobile devices to your home network
- You can remotely control it with a mobile app from anywhere on the internet
There are a few downsides too:
- Boring design
- There are several AX5400 routers from ASUS with similar prices and features. It’s confusing to tell them apart
ASUS GS-AX5400 is an interesting gaming router in a crowded market space. There are many alternatives, including similar models from ASUS, with slightly lower prices. While it is not the cheapest AX5400 Wi-Fi 6 router, it is one of the best in its niche. You get an extensive feature-set, including tools that are useful to gamers, solid Wi-Fi performance and coverage, and excellent security tools. It’s a great choice, especially for gamers.
Unboxing the ASUS GS-AX5400 Wi-Fi 6 router
This dual-band Wi-Fi 6 router comes in a cardboard box that uses the Republic of Gamers branding and colors. The information printed on the package presents some of its most interesting gaming-oriented features.
The packaging used for ASUS GS-AX5400
Inside the box, you can find the following items: the router itself, its power adapter, a network cable, the quick start guide, a leaflet with troubleshooting information, the warranty, and other brochures.
Unboxing the ASUS GS-AX5400
Unboxing the ASUS ROG Strix GS-AX5400 wireless router is a quick and painless experience. Inside the box, you find everything you need to get started. However, if this is your first Wi-Fi 6 router, we strongly recommend that you read the troubleshooting and setup instructions before setting things up.
Hardware specifications and design
The ASUS GS-AX5400 has a somewhat blocky design, with four external antennas. There’s a reflective Republic of Gamers logo on the top. You may assume that it is RGB-lit, but that is not the case. Only a light band on the bottom can be configured from the firmware to light up any way you want. You can also turn it off if you don’t like it.
ASUS GS-AX5400 features RGB lighting
On the left side, you see four LED lights. Two of them are for the Wi-Fi status (one LED for the 2.4 GHz band, another for 5 GHz), while the other two are for the internet connection status and the state of the router itself. Beneath them, you also see the ROG STRIX branding, which is barely noticeable if you don’t pay attention.
The LEDs on the top
The router's case is made from plastic, and it is a dust magnet that needs to be cleaned regularly. The ASUS ROG Strix GS-AX5400 router is medium-sized, having 10.56 x 7.08 x 6.53 inches or 268 x 180 x 160 mm in width, depth, and height. It also weighs around 1.55 lbs or roughly 700 grams.
Flipping the router over, you see the ventilation grids, as well as stickers with information about the model you just bought. Two large rubber feet hold the router into place and prevent it from sliding around, while the two holes give you the option to mount the router on walls. Some users will appreciate their presence.
The ventilation system is on the bottom of the ASUS GS-AX5400
On the back of the router, you find the Power port, the Power switch, a USB 3.2 Gen 1 port, and four 1 Gbps LAN ports, two of which support Link aggregation. Also, one of them is a prioritized gaming port. The list continues with the WAN port (also working at 1 Gbps), the WPS, and the Reset buttons.
The ports and buttons found on the back
Like the ASUS RT-AX82U, ASUS ROG Strix GS-AX5400 is also an AX5400 dual-band router, with a maximum bandwidth of 574 Mbps for the 2.4 GHz band and 4804 Mbps for the 5 GHz band. The similarities don’t end here, since it is also powered by a triple-core Broadcom BCM6750 SoC (System on a Chip), running at 1.5 GHz, with 512 MB of RAM and 256 MB of storage space for the firmware. It uses 4x4 MU-MIMO for wireless transfers on the 5 GHz band and 2x2 MU-MIMO for the 2.4 GHz band. One cool feature of this router is its support for WPA3 password encryption and Wi-Fi 6 with 160 Hz channel bandwidth.
If you would like to know more about the official specifications of this router, go to this page: ASUS ROG Strix GS-AX5400.
Setting up and using the ASUS GS-AX5400 Wi-Fi 6 router
The initial setup of this router can be done both using a PC that’s connected to the router or a smartphone and the ASUS Router mobile app for iOS and Android. The process involves detecting the type of internet connection you use, providing the necessary connection details, choosing a name and password for the Wi-Fi, and deciding whether to enable Wi-Fi 6. The router checks for firmware updates at the end of the quick setup guide. It’s a good idea to install the latest firmware, in order to benefit from the latest bug fixes and improvements.
Setting up the ASUS GS-AX5400 is easy
Then, you can connect your computers and devices to the network and access the router’s software for more fine-tuning. The administration interface is easy to use, well organized into logical sections, and available in 25 languages. You get to control a myriad of settings, and both casual and advanced users will be happy with the options available. As you can see below, a Republic of Gamers skin is applied over the standard interface that you get from most ASUS routers.
The admin user interface
The user documentation is easily accessible: a question mark is shown when you move the mouse cursor over a setting that you do not understand. Click the question mark, and you see information explaining that setting. Unfortunately, the help documentation does not include information about all the features contained by ASUS in their latest firmware, so this trick does not work for every single setting.
Help is easily accessible
The firmware of the ASUS ROG Strix GS-AX5400 offers everything you need and wish for, from gaming features to AiMesh support that allows you to create a mesh Wi-Fi system of your own. In addition, the security tools available are top-notch and free to use for the whole life of the router.
One upside is that you can remote-control the router from your smartphone or tablet, using the ASUS Router mobile app even when you are not at home. This router is a ROG device, and the app uses a different skin, based on the visuals of this gaming-oriented brand.
The ASUS Router mobile app has a special ROG skin
The ASUS Router mobile app has plenty of advanced configuration options, including gaming-specific features like enabling the Mobile Game Mode or controlling the RGB lighting on the router. We find it easy to use, even if you don’t know much about networking.
To check the quality of the Wi-Fi broadcast by ASUS ROG Strix GS-AX5400, we took a laptop and moved it to a room separated by one wall from the router. Then, we made several wireless transfers on it, using a specialized app that measured the average speed and the variability of the network transfer. The average download speed was pretty good on the 2.4 GHz band and the Wi-Fi 4 standard, but the variability deserves some improvement. However, considering that the router offers 2x2 MU-MIMO on this band, not 4x4 MU-MIMO like on the 5 GHz band, the results we’ve obtained don’t surprise us.
ASUS GS-AX5400 - a network transfer on Wi-Fi 4
We noticed a significant improvement when switching to the 5 GHz band and Wi-Fi 5 in the same room. The average download speed was a lot higher, and the variability diminished.
ASUS GS-AX5400 - a network transfer on Wi-Fi 5
When switching to Wi-Fi 6 on the 5 GHz band, the ASUS ROG Strix GS-AX5400 performed beautifully. We enjoyed a super-fast network transfer and a rock-solid connection.
ASUS GS-AX5400 - a network transfer on Wi-Fi 6
This comparison shows a clear focus from ASUS on delivering a great networking experience on the 5 GHz band when using Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 5. The older Wi-Fi 4 works well too, but the variability of network transfers could be improved.
If you want to know more about the real-world performance offered by ASUS GS-AX5400, including comparisons with other wireless routers, go to the next page of this review.