华硕 ROG Strix Impact(ASUS ROG Strix Impact)是Republic of Gamers品牌游戏配件系列的最新成员之一。它是一款您所说的入门级游戏鼠标,没有(gaming mouse)价格昂贵(pricier brethren)的同类产品的花里胡哨。但这是否使它成为一个令人鼓舞的选择?不必要!以下是华硕 ROG Strix Impact(ASUS ROG Strix Impact) 游戏鼠标(gaming mouse)所提供的,以及实惠的价格:
华硕 ROG Strix Impact 游戏(ASUS ROG Strix Impact gaming)鼠标拆箱
华硕 ROG Strix Impact(ASUS ROG Strix Impact)采用光滑的黑色盒子,前盖上有鼠标的大图片,与色彩缤纷的(front cover)Strix品牌并排。虽然Strix在古拉丁语和希腊语(ancient Latin and Greek)中的意思是猫头鹰,而且猫头鹰并不以色彩丰富而著称,但华硕(ASUS)选择给它上色是为了强调这款鼠标具有RGB LED 灯效(RGB LED lighting)。
打开封面(front cover),就像打开一本书一样,里面是透明塑料托盘(plastic tray)下的鼠标。
滑动塑料托盘(plastic tray)将盒子完全打开,取出所有物品:您应该拥有ASUS ROG Strix Impact 游戏鼠标(gaming mouse)、快速入门指南(start guide)和两张ROG 徽标(ROG logo)贴纸。
拆箱体验非常愉快,绝对值得拥有更优质的鼠标。然而,配件方面没有捆绑任何东西,这是价格实惠的鼠标的常态,比如这款。(The unboxing experience is an enjoyable one, definitely worthy of a more premium mouse. However, there's nothing bundled regarding accessories, and this is the norm for affordably priced mice, like this one.)
华硕 ROG Strix Impact(ASUS ROG Strix Impact)是一款灵巧的游戏鼠标(gaming mouse),使用 5000 dpi 光学传感器,据说欧姆龙(Omron)开关可承受 5000 万次点击。你想知道这在几年内意味着多少吗?阅读这篇文章:数以百万计的击键和点击是多少年。
它可以以高达 1000 Hz 的数据轮询速率工作,并(Hz and connects)通过一根末端为USB 2.0插头的橡胶电缆(rubber cable)连接到您的 PC 。可能,它最重要的特点之一是它支持华硕(ASUS)的Aura Sync RGB照明系统,这意味着它具有 RGB LED灯,并且它们的效果可以与华硕制造的其他(ASUS)Aura兼容设备同步:主板、显卡、键盘、耳机、麦克风等。
鼠标与Windows 10、 Windows 8.1 和Windows 7正式兼容,但它也应该适用于任何其他现代操作系统。
至于尺寸,华硕 ROG Strix Impact(ASUS ROG Strix Impact) 游戏鼠标(gaming mouse)的长宽高分别为 4.53 x 2.44 x 1.54 英寸(115 x 62 x 39 毫米)。它的重量为 3.95 盎司(112 克)(含电缆)或 3.21 盎司(91 克)(不含电缆)。这意味着它是一款小巧轻便的鼠标。
如果您想阅读其所有硬件规格,请访问此网页:ASUS ROG Strix Impact。
使用华硕 ROG Strix Impact
华硕将ROG Strix Impact游戏鼠标作为一款主要为MOBA游戏(多人在线战斗竞技场(Multiplayer Online Battle Arena))玩家设计的设备,例如英雄联盟(League)或 Dota(Legends or Dota) 2。
他们可能是对的,因为这款鼠标重量轻,并且具有玩此类游戏所需的性能。在MOBA游戏中,您会经常移动鼠标,这也意味着您会经常抬起鼠标,因此较轻(lighter mouse)的鼠标比较重的鼠标要好,因为它不会很快使您的手疲劳。经常玩MOBA(MOBA)游戏的玩家通常有一个共同点:他们喜欢用手指抓老鼠。这是华硕 ROG Strix Impact 最好的握持方式(ASUS ROG Strix Impact),(grip style)因为它是一款相当小的鼠标。
ASUS ROG Strix Impact是一款灵巧鼠标,这意味着它的设计从各个角度来看都是对称的。左半部分与右侧相同,左右单击按钮的大小和形状也是(size and shape)如此。
位于鼠标左键(mouse button)和右键之间的是滚轮(scroll wheel)(可点击并充当鼠标的第三个按钮(mouse button))和DPI 开关(DPI switch)。DPI 开关(DPI switch)比其他所有按钮都要小很多,并且位于手掌后部,因此不由自主地按下它的机会非常小。
不幸的是,这款鼠标没有任何侧键。有些人可能会说这是一件好事,因为它让事情变得简单,让您享受您最喜爱的MOBA 游戏(MOBA game),而无需自定义鼠标的任何内容。但是,有多少玩此类游戏的人不喜欢使用鼠标的侧键来触发宏?更不用说侧键在其他类型的游戏(如第一人称射击游戏或潜行游戏)中的有用性,您可能会用它们来更换武器或扔瓶子。
ASUS ROG Strix Impact全部由黑色塑料制成,并具有(plastic and features)两个发光区域。一个是位于左右单击按钮之间的DPI 开关(DPI switch),另一个是位于后端的ROG徽标。(ROG)ROG标志可以在(ROG)RGB 光谱(RGB spectrum)中取您想要的任何颜色,但DPI 开关(DPI switch)指示灯只能以亮白色点亮。
鼠标全部由黑色塑料材料制成,唯一其他重要的美化细节是在其(beautification detail)底部后侧(bottom rear)压印的玛雅风格图案。如果您的手容易出汗,则使用此鼠标可能会感到不舒服,因为其背面的塑料没有橡胶涂层。
我将华硕 ROG Strix Impact(ASUS ROG Strix Impact) 游戏鼠标(gaming mouse)用于所有日常活动:浏览网页、编写文档,最重要的是玩游戏。可以说,鼠标在办公任务中完成了它应该做的事情,在游戏中也很不错。现在,我喜欢和经常玩的游戏是《耻辱2》(Dishonored 2)和《英雄联盟》(League of Legends)。
我发现华硕 ROG Strix Impact(ASUS ROG Strix Impact)正是我在英雄联盟中(League of Legends)想要的:一款轻巧的“即插即用(plug and play)”鼠标,它可以正常工作,并且在玩几个小时后不会让我的手感到疲倦。这款鼠标非常适合此目的。
然而,在《耻辱 2》(Dishonored 2)中,我感觉没有侧键,我在Emily 的 Far Reach 和 Dark Vision(Emily's Far Reach and Dark Vision)中使用了它。我不太喜欢ASUS ROG Strix Impact的另一件事是它的尺寸。它对我的手来说有点太小了,我不能舒适地使用手掌。(palm grip)它非常适合青少年和手小的人,但不适合手较大的成年男性(adult male)游戏玩家。
ASUS ROG Strix Impact 是一款游戏鼠标,提供游戏玩家所需的所有基本功能。即使长时间使用,它也快速、精确和舒适。(The ASUS ROG Strix Impact is a gaming mouse that offers all the basics a gamer needs. It is fast, precise and comfortable to use even for extended periods of time.)
尽管您可以使用ASUS ROG Strix Impact鼠标,而无需安装除默认Windows驱动程序之外的任何其他软件,但您无法访问可用的高级设置和自定义选项。如果您想要完整的体验,请从此处下载并安装ROG Armory 软件: (ROG Armoury software)ASUS ROG Strix Impact Drivers。
ROG Armory(ROG Armoury)用户界面的第一页称为鼠标,(Mouse,)其上的第一个选项卡称为按钮(Buttons)。它的作用是让您选择鼠标上每个按钮的作用。
第二个鼠标(Mouse )选项卡称为性能,(Performance,)它可能是该软件最重要的部分。您可以在此处调整DPI 开关(DPI switch)打开和关闭时的DPI跟踪速度。您还可以更改加速和减速(acceleration and deceleration)、USB 轮询(USB polling)速率和按钮响应时间(button response time)。进行您喜欢的更改后,不要忘记单击“保存”。(Save)
鼠标(Mouse)页面的第三个也是最后一个选项卡称为照明(Lighting),允许您配置鼠标的DPI 开关(DPI switch)和徽标区域的照明方式。DPI 开关(DPI switch)只能点亮为白色,而ROG标志(ROG)区域可以采用RGB 光谱(RGB spectrum)中的任何颜色。还有一些灯光效果可供您选择:静态、呼吸、颜色循环(Static, Breathing, Color Cycle)和反应(Reactive)。
ROG Armory(ROG Armoury)程序的第二页可让您记录宏(Macro)序列,然后您可以根据需要将其分配给鼠标上的按钮。不幸的是,这是一个相当无用的功能,因为鼠标上没有辅助按钮。很少有人可能想要将宏分配给左键或右键单击鼠标按钮。
ROG Armory(ROG Armoury)的最终设置页面是同步,(Sync,)它可以让您将鼠标上的灯光效果与您为支持华硕(ASUS)Aura Sync功能的其他设备配置的灯光效果同步。
ROG Armory 软件提供您期望的游戏鼠标的所有个性化选项。(The ROG Armoury software offers all the personalization options you expect from a gaming mouse.)
以下是购买华硕 ROG Strix Impact(ASUS ROG Strix Impact)的主要优势:
- 这是一款灵巧的游戏鼠标(gaming mouse),设计简单
- 它在MOBA游戏中表现出色,因为它很轻,你可以手指握住它
- 它有一个 5000 dpi 光学传感器
- 它具有 RGB 灯效,并与其他支持Aura Sync的(Aura Sync)华硕设备兼容(ASUS)
- 对于手大的人来说,它相当小
- 它的任何一侧都没有额外的按钮
- 它的表面没有橡胶涂层。如果您的手出汗,您可能不喜欢使用它。
华硕 ROG Strix Impact(ASUS ROG Strix Impact)是一款基本的入门级游戏鼠标(gaming mouse),专为那些想要一款优质鼠标而没有您在高价机型上看到的所有花里胡哨的MOBA玩家而设计。(MOBA)它是华硕 ROG Sica(ASUS ROG Sica)的精神继承者,在许多方面都与它相似,但有一个显着区别:之前的型号没有Aura Sync灯效。如果您没有大手,并且想要一款经济实惠、快速且精准的鼠标,在游戏和办公室工作(office work)中都表现出色,ASUS ROG Strix Impact可能是一个不错的选择。
Reviewing the ASUS ROG Strix Impact - A "no-fuss, no-frills" gaming mouse
The ASUS ROG Strix Impact is one of the newest additions to the family of gaming accessories of the Republic of Gamers brand. It is a what you would call an entry-level gaming mouse, without the bells and whistles of its pricier brethren. But does that make it an uninspiring choice? Not necessarily! Here's what the ASUS ROG Strix Impact gaming mouse has to offer, along with an affordable price:
Unboxing the ASUS ROG Strix Impact gaming mouse
ASUS ROG Strix Impact comes in a glossy black box and features a large picture of the mouse on its front cover, side by side with the colorful Strix brand. Although Strix means owl in ancient Latin and Greek, and owls aren't known for being colorful, ASUS chose to colorize it to emphasize that this mouse has RGB LED lighting.
The back and the sides of the package show the most important features of the mouse, as well as its technical specifications and design choices.
Open the front cover, like you would open a book, and inside you'll see the mouse under a transparent plastic tray.
Open the box completely by sliding the plastic tray, and take everything out: you should have the ASUS ROG Strix Impact gaming mouse, a quick start guide, and two ROG logo stickers.
The unboxing experience is an enjoyable one, definitely worthy of a more premium mouse. However, there's nothing bundled regarding accessories, and this is the norm for affordably priced mice, like this one.
Hardware specifications
The ASUS ROG Strix Impact is an ambidextrous gaming mouse that uses a 5000 dpi optical sensor, and Omron switches said to last for 50 million clicks. Do you want to learn how much this means in years? Read this article: How long are millions of keystrokes and clicks, in years.
It can work with a data polling rate of up to 1000 Hz and connects to your PC via a rubber cable that ends in a USB 2.0 plug. Probably, one of its most important features is the fact that it supports ASUS' Aura Sync RGB lighting system, which means that it has RGB LED lights and their effects can be synced with other Aura compatible devices made by ASUS: motherboards, graphic cards, keyboards, headsets, microphones and so on.
The mouse is officially compatible with Windows 10, Windows 8.1 and Windows 7, but it should also work with any other modern operating system.
As for its dimensions, the ASUS ROG Strix Impact gaming mouse is 4.53 x 2.44 x 1.54 inches (115 x 62 x 39 mm) in length, width, and height. It weighs 3.95 ounces (112 grams) with the cable or 3.21 ounces (91 grams) without the cable. That means that it is a small, lightweight mouse.
If you want to read all its hardware specifications, visit this web page: ASUS ROG Strix Impact.
Using the ASUS ROG Strix Impact
ASUS presents the ROG Strix Impact gaming mouse as a device designed mainly for players of MOBA games (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena), such as League of Legends or Dota 2.
They're probably right, as this mouse is lightweight and has the performance needed for playing such games. In MOBA games you move the mouse a lot, and that also means you lift it a lot, so a lighter mouse is better than a heavier one because it doesn't tire your hand quickly. Gamers who play MOBA games a lot usually have one thing in common: they like to finger grip their mice. Which is the best grip style for the ASUS ROG Strix Impact, as it's a rather small mouse.
The ASUS ROG Strix Impact is an ambidextrous mouse, which means that it was designed to be symmetrical from every point of view. The left half is identical to the right side, and so are the left and right click buttons, both in size and shape.
Placed between the left and right mouse buttons are the scroll wheel (which is clickable and acting as the third mouse button) and the DPI switch. The DPI switch is a lot smaller than all the other buttons and is placed to the back of your palm, so the chance of pressing it involuntarily is very slim.
Unfortunately, this mouse has no side buttons whatsoever. Some people might say that that's a good thing as it keeps things simple and lets you enjoy your favorite MOBA game without having to customize anything about your mouse. But how many of you who do play such games don't like using your mouse's side buttons for triggering macros? Not to mention how useful side buttons are in other types of games like first person shooters or stealth games where you probably use them for changing weapons or throwing bottles around.
ASUS ROG Strix Impact is all made of black plastic and features two illuminated areas. One is the DPI switch that sits between the left and right click buttons, and the other is the ROG logo that's found on the rear end. The ROG logo can take any color you want in the RGB spectrum, but the DPI switch indicator can only be lit in bright white.
The mouse is all made from black plastic materials, and the only other significant beautification detail is a Mayan-inspired pattern that's embossed on its bottom rear sides. If your hands sweat easily, you could feel uncomfortable using this mouse, as the plastic on its back has no rubbery coatings.
I used the ASUS ROG Strix Impact gaming mouse for all my typical daily activities: browsing the web, writing documents and, most importantly, playing games. Suffice it to say, the mouse does what it's supposed to do in office tasks, and it's also pretty good in games too. Right now, the games I love and play often are Dishonored 2 and League of Legends.
I found the ASUS ROG Strix Impact to be just what I want in League of Legends: a lightweight, "plug and play" mouse that just works and doesn't make my hand tired after a couple of hours of play. This mouse is ideal for that purpose.
However, in Dishonored 2, I felt the absence of the side buttons, which I use with Emily's Far Reach and Dark Vision. One other thing that I didn't like much about the ASUS ROG Strix Impact is its size. It's a bit too small for my hand, and I couldn't use the palm grip comfortably. It is ideal for teenagers and people with small hands but not so great for adult male gamers who tend to have larger hands.
The ASUS ROG Strix Impact is a gaming mouse that offers all the basics a gamer needs. It is fast, precise and comfortable to use even for extended periods of time.
Drivers and software
Although you can use the ASUS ROG Strix Impact mouse without installing any additional software except the default Windows drivers, that won't give you access to the advanced settings and customizations options that are available. If you want the complete experience, download and install the ROG Armoury software from here: ASUS ROG Strix Impact Drivers.
The first page of the ROG Armoury user interface is called Mouse, and the first tab on it is called Buttons. What it does is to let you choose what each button on the mouse does.
The second Mouse tab is called Performance, and it's probably the most important part of this software. This is the place where you can adjust the DPI tracking speed for when the DPI switch is turned on and for when it's turned off. You can also change the acceleration and deceleration, the USB polling rate and the button response time. Don't forget to click Save after you make the changes you like.
The third and final tab from the Mouse page is called Lighting and allows you to configure the way the mouse's DPI switch and logo area are illuminated. The DPI switch can only be lit white, while the ROG logo area can take any color from the RGB spectrum. There are also a few lighting effects available for you to choose from: Static, Breathing, Color Cycle and Reactive.
The second page from the ROG Armoury program lets you record Macro sequences which you can then assign to buttons on your mouse if you want. Unfortunately, this is a rather useless function, as there are no secondary buttons on the mouse. There's little chance that someone might want to assign a macro to the left or the right-click mouse buttons.
The final settings page from ROG Armoury is Sync, and it's the one that lets you synchronize the lighting effect on your mouse with those you configure for the other devices that support ASUS' Aura Sync features.
The ROG Armoury software offers all the personalization options you expect from a gaming mouse.
Pros and cons
Here are the main advantages of buying the ASUS ROG Strix Impact:
- It's an ambidextrous gaming mouse, with a simple design
- It does very well in MOBA games, as it's lightweight and you can finger grip it
- It has a 5000 dpi optical sensor
- It has RGB lighting, and it's compatible with other ASUS devices that support Aura Sync
There some downsides too:
- It's rather small for people with large hands
- It has no additional buttons on any of its sides
- It has no rubbery coating on its surface. If you have sweaty hands, you might not like using it.
The ASUS ROG Strix Impact is a basic entry-level gaming mouse that's designed for MOBA players who want a good mouse without all the bells and whistles you see on pricier models. It is the spiritual successor to ASUS ROG Sica, which it resembles in many respects, with one notable difference: the previous model doesn't feature Aura Sync lighting effects. If you don't have large hands and you want an affordable, fast and precise mouse, that does well in games as well as in office work, ASUS ROG Strix Impact might be an excellent choice.