在本次评测中,我们测试了一款新的有前途的游戏键盘:ASUS ROG Strix Scope。您可以为其配备不少于六种不同类型的Cherry MX RGB开关,以满足从打字员到游戏玩家的每个人的需求。这款键盘保证了出色的制造质量(build quality),它具有 RGB 照明和紧凑的设计,甚至适合小桌子。阅读这篇评论,看看华硕 ROG Strix Scope(ASUS ROG Strix Scope)是否适合您:
华硕 ROG Strix Scope(ASUS ROG Strix Scope):适合谁?
ASUS ROG Strix Scope键盘是以下应用的绝佳选择:
- 喜爱RoG 系列(RoG lineup)游戏设备的游戏玩家
- 喜欢配件上RGB灯光效果的用户
- 想要在桌面上不占太多空间的紧凑型机械键盘的用户
- 想要出色机械键盘的打字员,可以通过Blue 和 Brown Cherry MX 开关获得(Blue and Brown Cherry MX switches)
华硕 ROG Strix Scope(ASUS ROG Strix Scope)有很多优点:
- 非常(Great)适合游戏玩家,尤其是喜欢第一人称射击游戏的玩家
- 它可以配备六种不同类型的Cherry MX RGB开关:红色(Red)、蓝色(Blue)、黑色(Black)、棕色(Brown)、速度银色(Speed Silver)和静音红色(Silent Red)
- 也非常适合长时间打字
- 灯光效果看起来很棒,它支持AURA Sync
- 它的外形(form factor)小巧,非常适合有小桌子的人
- 建造质量非常好
- 隐形(Stealth)键( F12) 触感不错
- 它没有腕托
- 它没有USB直通
- ROG Armory 2(ROG Armoury 2)软件需要改进才能与竞争对手相提并论
我们在测试时爱上了华硕 ROG Strix Scope(ASUS ROG Strix Scope)。我们喜欢它几乎无边框的设计和制造质量。RGB 照明(RGB illumination)看起来也很棒,并且可以与其他华硕 RoG(ASUS RoG)配件同步。它最大的特点之一是您可以购买带有几乎任何类型的Cherry MX开关的键盘,这意味着每个人的愿望都可以轻松满足。ASUS ROG Strix Scope对游戏玩家和打字员来说都是一款出色的键盘,对于桌面空间有限的人来说,它是一个绝佳的选择。华硕 ROG Strix Scope(ASUS ROG Strix Scope)小巧、可靠且美观。我们向所有读者推荐它!
华硕 ROG Strix Scope(ASUS ROG Strix Scope)游戏键盘拆箱
华硕 ROG Strix Scope(ASUS ROG Strix Scope)键盘采用外观精美的包装。在盒子的顶部,您可以看到键盘的大图片,以所有原色点亮。图片是光泽的,背景是哑光的,使键盘图像(keyboard image)脱颖而出。您还可以看到华硕 ROG Strix Scope(ASUS ROG Strix Scope)使用Cherry MX开关,并且支持AURA Sync。最后,你还会发现这款键盘获得了2019 年 iF 设计大奖(iF Design Award 2019),这是一个不小的壮举。
在包装的背面和侧面,华硕(ASUS)打印了有关键盘的更多信息,包括有关其构造、硬件规格(hardware specs)和软件功能的详细信息。在包装盒内,您可以找到键盘、一个键帽拆卸工具(keycap remover tool)、四个额外的银色WASD键帽、两个游戏玩家(Gamers)共和国(Republic)贴纸和快速入门指南(start guide)。
华硕 ROG Strix Scope 提供的开箱体验非常出色,不愧为高端游戏设备。包装看起来很棒,对细节的关注显而易见。(The unboxing experience offered by ASUS ROG Strix Scope is excellent, worthy of a premium gaming device. The package looks great and the attention to details is obvious.)
华硕 ROG Strix Scope(ASUS ROG Strix Scope)得益于RGB Cherry MX开关,这些开关不仅经久耐用,而且提供出色的反馈。此外(Furthermore),华硕(ASUS)允许其客户准确选择他们喜欢的反馈和体验类型。(feedback and experience)您可以获得带有六种不同类型Cherry MX开关的ASUS ROG Strix Scope :
- Cherry MX RGB Red -线性响应(linear response)、无咔嗒声、45g 的驱动力和 2 毫米的键行程距离(travel distance)(4 毫米到底部)
- Cherry MX RGB Brown - 线性触觉反馈,无点击,45g 的驱动力和 55g 的触觉力,以及 2 毫米的键行程距离(travel distance)来驱动(4 毫米到底部)
- Cherry MX RGB Blue - 强烈的触觉反馈、可听见的咔哒声、 50g 的驱动力(actuation force)和 60g 的触觉力,以及 2.2 毫米的键行程距离(travel distance)来驱动(4 毫米到底部)
- Cherry MX RGB Black -线性响应(linear response)、无咔嗒声、60g 的驱动力和 2 毫米的键行程距离(travel distance)(4 毫米到底部)
- Cherry MX RGB Speed Silver -线性响应(linear response)、无咔嗒声、45g 的驱动力和1.2 毫米的键行程距离(距底部 3.4 毫米)(travel distance)
- Cherry MX RGB Silent Red -线性响应(linear response)、无咔嗒声、45g 驱动力和1.9 毫米的键行程距离(距底部 3.7 毫米)(travel distance)
我们收到的华硕 ROG Strix Scope键盘配有(ASUS ROG Strix Scope)Cherry MX RGB Red开关。这些开关非常适合想要快速动作和最小阻力的游戏玩家。与其他类型的开关相比,红色开关提供流畅的击键和更柔软的弹簧。但是,由于您在按键时不会感到颠簸,因此对于打字员来说并不是那么好。
所有按键均采用 N 键翻转防重影技术,这意味着即使您同时按下所有按键,键盘也能准确记录所有按键。
Cherry MX RGB Red开关每个应该可以承受 5000 万次按压,(50 million presses each)这意味着它们可以使用很多年。
华硕 ROG Strix Scope(ASUS ROG Strix Scope)是一款全尺寸键盘,但由于没有腕垫(wrist pad),因此占用桌面很小。除了所有标准键外,您还可以获得一个与其他键组合的Fn 键(Fn key),用作多媒体快捷键。您还可以使用它们来控制键盘的照明模式和照明模式。
为了连接您的电脑,华硕 ROG Strix Scope(ASUS ROG Strix Scope)使用长度为 6.56 英尺(2 米)的不可拆卸编织线缆,即使您将台式电脑放在办公桌下也足够长。
ASUS ROG Strix Scope键盘宽 17.32 英寸(44 厘米),深 5.4 英寸(13.7 厘米),厚 1.1.54 英寸(3.9 厘米)。键盘也相当重,重 2.36 磅或 1.07 公斤。
华硕 ROG Strix Scope(ASUS ROG Strix Scope)官方支持Windows 10和Windows 7,但它也应该可以与其他操作系统一起使用。如果您使用的是Linux 或 macOS(Linux or macOS),唯一无法访问的是ASUS ROG Armory 2(ASUS ROG Armoury 2)软件。此软件仅适用于Windows,高级自定义选项只能通过它使用。但是,即使没有它,您也可以通过按几个键盘快捷键直接从键盘更改照明模式、照明颜色和强度。
如果您想了解更多有关其硬件规格和功能(hardware specs and features)的详细信息,请访问其官方网页:ASUS ROG Strix Scope。
硬件规格告诉我们,华硕 ROG Strix Scope 是一款一流的机械键盘。但是,有些游戏玩家可能会觉得缺少一些东西,例如腕垫、专用媒体键和 USB 直通。(The hardware specifications tell us that the ASUS ROG Strix Scope is a top-notch mechanical keyboard. However, there are a few things that some gamers might feel are missing, and those are a wrist pad, dedicated media keys, and USB passthrough.)
使用华硕 ROG Strix Scope(ASUS ROG Strix Scope)游戏键盘
ASUS ROG Strix Scope是一款小巧的键盘,不会浪费任何空间。键盘边缘和按键之间几乎没有空间,尤其是在顶部、左侧和右侧。这种小巧的外形(form factor)使其非常适合每一寸空间都很重要的小桌子,我们非常感谢这一点,因为我们属于这一类人。🙂
制造质量非常好,键盘感觉很坚固。按键位于铝板上(aluminum plate),部分拉丝表面不仅看起来很棒,而且让您确信键盘经久耐用。对于ROG Strix Scope,华硕(ASUS)选择了采用悬浮按键设计,这意味着按键使用的机械开关是部分可见的。这是一个极简主义的设计,给您的印象是您正在查看一个主要用于做事而不仅仅是为了好看的设备。
当您需要片刻的安静或不想让任何人看到您在计算机上所做的事情时,可以使用F12 键(F12 key)。F12也称为Stealth键,可让您立即隐藏 PC 上打开的所有应用程序并将音频静音。当您想要一点隐私时,这是一个不错的选择。
华硕 ROG Strix Scope(ASUS ROG Strix Scope)的另一个优点是它配备了四个额外的WASD键帽。它们是银色的,比其他的更容易在键盘上找到。如果您也玩 FPS 游戏,您应该做的第一件事就是将默认的黑色WASD键帽切换为银色键帽。
虽然我们通常喜欢Cherry MX Red开关,尤其是在游戏方面,但它们并不是最适合打字的。当然,它们舒适且反应灵敏,而且打字时比其他机械开关更安静(bit quieter),但是如果你打字很多,你从蓝色或棕色开关获得的反馈会更好。如果您打算打字和玩游戏一样多,您应该选择另一种类型的开关,而不是Cherry MX Red。
华硕 ROG Strix Scope(ASUS ROG Strix Scope)使用RGB开关,这意味着您可以按照自己喜欢的方式自定义其照明。您可以使键盘看起来(keyboard look)像彩虹,但您也可以选择将其设置为仅以一种颜色亮起;这都是你的选择,这很好。这是一个示例视频,您可以在其中了解ASUS ROG Strix Scope上可用的照明效果。
除了按键外,华硕 ROG Strix Scope(ASUS ROG Strix Scope)的右上角还有一个玩家国度的标志,它也被照亮了。(Republic of Gamers)它看起来很酷,并且谨慎地宣布您是该品牌的粉丝。毕竟,这款键盘的设计目的不是为了以一种激进的方式转头,而是为了让你周围的人注意到你喜欢游戏,以及玩家国度的(Republic of Gamers)品牌。
ASUS ROG Strix Scope 是一款出色的紧凑型键盘,在玩游戏时感觉可靠、反应灵敏且令人赞叹。(ASUS ROG Strix Scope is an excellent compact keyboard, that feels reliable, responsive, and awesome for playing games.)
华硕 ROG Armory 2 软件
华硕 ROG Strix Scope(ASUS ROG Strix Scope)键盘可在华硕 ROG Armory 2 软件的帮助下进行定制(ASUS ROG Armoury 2)。此应用程序允许您为键盘创建配置文件,并且:
- 更改照明模式
- 设置在(Set)游戏模式下(Gaming Mode)禁用哪些快捷键
- 记录和分配宏(Macros)
- (Sync)与华硕其他兼容 Aura 的设备(ASUS)同步灯光效果
- 检查有关您击键次数的统计信息
您还可以创建和使用最多五个配置文件,华硕 ROG Strix Scope(ASUS ROG Strix Scope)可以将其存储在其闪存中。一些游戏玩家喜欢为他们玩的每款游戏设置不同的配置文件,这可能意味着必须使用五个以上的配置文件。这是一些游戏玩家可能不喜欢的一个小限制。
您可以从软件中获得的统计数据有点奇怪:您可以看到Keystroke Per Minute ,但您必须在软件开始记录统计数据之前打开ROG Armory(ROG Armoury)并按下Record按钮。(Record)那是没有用的。
华硕 ROG Armory 2 软件足以满足基本的个性化需求,以及与华硕其他兼容 Aura 的设备同步灯光效果。然而,它与竞争对手提供的 RGB 配件软件相去甚远。(The ASUS ROG Armoury 2 software is good enough for basic personalization needs, and for syncing lighting effects with other Aura-compatible devices from ASUS. However, it is nowhere near to what the competition offers regarding software for RGB accessories.)
你喜欢华硕 ROG Strix Scope(ASUS ROG Strix Scope)游戏键盘吗?
现在您知道我们对华硕 ROG Strix Scope(ASUS ROG Strix Scope)游戏键盘的看法了。我们喜欢它的很多地方,但也有一些可以改进的地方。在结束此评论之前,请告诉我们您的意见。此外,如果您已经拥有键盘,请与我们和其他可能有兴趣购买它的人分享您的经验。
Review ASUS ROG Strix Scope: One of the best gaming keyboards of the year!
For this review, we tested a new and promising gaming keyboard: the ASUS ROG Strix Scope. You can equip it with no more no less than six different types of Cherry MX RGB switches, to satisfy everyone, from typists to gamers. This keyboard promises excellent build quality, it has RGB illumination, and a compact design that fits even small desks. Read this review and see whether ASUS ROG Strix Scope is the keyboard for you:
ASUS ROG Strix Scope: Who is it good for?
The ASUS ROG Strix Scope keyboard is an excellent choice for:
- Gamers who love the RoG lineup of gaming devices
- People who enjoy RGB lighting effects on their accessories
- Users who want a compact mechanical keyboard that does not take up much space on their desk
- Typists who want an excellent mechanical keyboard, and which can be acquired with Blue and Brown Cherry MX switches
Pros and cons
There are many positives about the ASUS ROG Strix Scope:
- Great for gamers, especially for those who prefer first person shooters
- It can be equipped with six different types of Cherry MX RGB switches: Red, Blue, Black, Brown, Speed Silver, and Silent Red
- Excellent for long typing sessions too
- The lighting effects look great, and it supports AURA Sync
- It has a small form factor which makes it ideal for people with small desks
- The build quality is excellent
- The Stealth key (F12) is a nice touch
We also identified a few less positive aspects:
- It does not have a wrist rest
- It does not have USB passthrough
- The ROG Armoury 2 software needs improving to be on par with the competition
We fell in love with the ASUS ROG Strix Scope while testing it. We enjoyed its almost bezel-less design and its build quality. The RGB illumination looks great too, and it can be synced with other ASUS RoG accessories. One of its greatest qualities is the fact that you can buy the keyboard with almost any type of Cherry MX switches you want, meaning that every person's wishes are easily satisfied. The ASUS ROG Strix Scope can be a great keyboard both for gamers and typists, and it is an excellent choice for those with limited space on their desks. ASUS ROG Strix Scope is compact, reliable and beautiful. We recommend it to all our readers!
Unboxing the ASUS ROG Strix Scope gaming keyboard
The ASUS ROG Strix Scope keyboard arrives in a premium looking package. On top of the box, you can see a large picture of the keyboard, lit in all the primary colors. The picture is glossy, and the background is matte, making the keyboard image stand out. You can also see that the ASUS ROG Strix Scope uses Cherry MX switches and that it supports AURA Sync. Finally, you also find out that this keyboard won the iF Design Award 2019, which is no small feat.
On the back and the sides of the package, ASUS printed more information about the keyboard, including details about its construction, hardware specs, and software features. Inside the box, you find the keyboard, a keycap remover tool, four additional silver WASD keycaps, two Republic of Gamers stickers, and the quick start guide.
The unboxing experience offered by ASUS ROG Strix Scope is excellent, worthy of a premium gaming device. The package looks great and the attention to details is obvious.
Hardware specifications
The ASUS ROG Strix Scope benefits from RGB Cherry MX switches, which are not only built to last, but also offer excellent feedback. Furthermore, ASUS lets its customers choose exactly what type of feedback and experience they prefer. You can get the ASUS ROG Strix Scope with six different types of Cherry MX switches:
- Cherry MX RGB Red - linear response, non-clicky, actuation force of 45g, and key travel distance of 2 mm to actuate (4 mm to bottom)
- Cherry MX RGB Brown - linear tactile feedback, non-clicky, actuation force of 45g and tactile force of 55g, and key travel distance of 2 mm to actuate (4 mm to bottom)
- Cherry MX RGB Blue - strong tactile feedback, audible click, actuation force of 50g and tactile force of 60g, and key travel distance of 2.2 mm to actuate (4 mm to bottom)
- Cherry MX RGB Black - linear response, non-clicky, actuation force of 60g, and key travel distance of 2 mm to actuate (4 mm to bottom)
- Cherry MX RGB Speed Silver - linear response, non-clicky, actuation force of 45g, and key travel distance of 1.2 mm to actuate (3.4 mm to bottom)
- Cherry MX RGB Silent Red - linear response, non-clicky, actuation force of 45g, and key travel distance of 1.9 mm to actuate (3.7 mm to bottom)
The ASUS ROG Strix Scope keyboard that we received for review, came with Cherry MX RGB Red switches. These switches are excellent for gamers who want fast action and minimal resistance. The red switches offer smooth keystrokes and have a softer spring compared to the other types of switches. However, because you don't feel a bump when pressing the keys, they are not so great for typists.
All the keys have N-key rollover anti-ghosting technology, which means that the keyboard can accurately register all the keypresses, even if you are pressing all the keys simultaneously.
The Cherry MX RGB Red switches should last for 50 million presses each, which means that they are built to last for many years.
The ASUS ROG Strix Scope is a full-sized keyboard but with a small footprint on your desk because it has no wrist pad. Besides all the standard keys, you also get an Fn key which combined with others, act as multimedia shortcuts. You can also use them to control the lighting modes and illumination patterns for the keyboard.
To connect to your computer, the ASUS ROG Strix Scope uses a non-detachable braided cable with a length of 6.56 feet (2 meters), which is long enough even if you keep your desktop PC underneath your desk.
The ASUS ROG Strix Scope keyboard is 17.32 inches (44 cm) wide, 5.4 inches (13.7 cm) deep and 1.1.54 inches (3.9 cm) thick. The keyboard is also fairly heavy, weighing 2.36 lbs or 1.07 kg.
ASUS ROG Strix Scope officially supports Windows 10 and Windows 7, but it should also work with other operating systems. The only thing that you do not get access to if you are using Linux or macOS is the ASUS ROG Armoury 2 software. This software works only in Windows, and the advanced customization options are available only through it. However, even without it, you can change the illumination patterns and the lighting colors and intensity directly from the keyboard, by pressing a few keyboard shortcuts.
If you want more details about its hardware specs and features, visit its official webpage: ASUS ROG Strix Scope.
The hardware specifications tell us that the ASUS ROG Strix Scope is a top-notch mechanical keyboard. However, there are a few things that some gamers might feel are missing, and those are a wrist pad, dedicated media keys, and USB passthrough.
Using the ASUS ROG Strix Scope gaming keyboard
The ASUS ROG Strix Scope is a compact keyboard that does not waste any space. There is little space left between the edges of the keyboard and the keys, especially on the top, left and right sides. This small form factor makes it ideal for small desks where every inch of space is important, and we appreciate that a lot, as we fall into that category of people. 🙂
The build quality is excellent and the keyboard feels robust. The keys sit on an aluminum plate that not only looks great with its partly brushed surface, but also gives you the confidence that the keyboard is built to last. For the ROG Strix Scope, ASUS chose to use a floating key design, which means that the mechanical switches used by the keys are partially visible. This is a minimalist design that gives you the impression that you are looking at a device built mainly for doing things rather than just for looking good.
If you enjoy playing first-person shooters, you are going to like the fact that ASUS chose to increase the size of the left Control key. It's the same length as the left Shift key, and that makes it easy to press with your pinky while you play a game.
When you need a moment of silence or when you don't want anyone to see what you are doing on your computer, there is the F12 key. Also called the Stealth key, F12 lets you instantly hide all the apps open on your PC and mute the audio. It is a nice touch for when you want a bit of privacy.
Another nice touch about the ASUS ROG Strix Scope is the fact that it comes with four additional WASD keycaps. They are silver colored, and they are much easier to spot on the keyboard than the others. If you play FPS games too, one of the first things you should do is switch the default black WASD keycaps with the silver ones.
Although we generally like the Cherry MX Red switches, especially when it comes to gaming, they are not the best for typing. Sure, they're comfortable and responsive, and also a bit quieter to type on than other mechanical switches, but the feedback you get from blue or brown switches is better if you type a lot. If you intend on typing just as much as you intend to play, you should choose another type of switches instead of Cherry MX Red.
ASUS ROG Strix Scope uses RGB switches, and that means that you can customize its lighting any way you like. You can make your keyboard look like a rainbow, but you can also choose to set it to light up in only one color; it is all your choice, and that's great. Here's a sample video in which you can get an idea of the illumination effects available on the ASUS ROG Strix Scope.
Besides the keys, the ASUS ROG Strix Scope also has a Republic of Gamers logo on its top-right corner, which is also illuminated. It looks cool and discreetly announces that you are a fan of this brand. After all, this keyboard was not designed to turn heads in an aggressive way, but to make people around you notice that you like games, and the Republic of Gamers brand.
ASUS ROG Strix Scope is an excellent compact keyboard, that feels reliable, responsive, and awesome for playing games.
The ASUS ROG Armoury 2 software
The ASUS ROG Strix Scope keyboard can be customized with the help of the ASUS ROG Armoury 2 software. This app allows you to create profiles for the keyboard and:
- Change illumination patterns
- Set which key shortcuts are disabled in Gaming Mode
- Record and assign Macros
- Sync the lighting effects with other Aura-compatible devices from ASUS
- Check statistics about the number of keystrokes you make
You can also create and use up to five profiles, which ASUS ROG Strix Scope can store on its flash memory. Some gamers like to have different profiles for each game they play, and that may mean having to use more than five profiles. This is a small limitation that some gamers may not like.
The statistics you can get from the software are a bit strange: you can see the Keystroke Per Minute, but you have to open ROG Armoury and press the Record button before the software starts recording statistics. That is not useful.
The ASUS ROG Armoury 2 software is good enough for basic personalization needs, and for syncing lighting effects with other Aura-compatible devices from ASUS. However, it is nowhere near to what the competition offers regarding software for RGB accessories.
Do you like the ASUS ROG Strix Scope gaming keyboard?
Now you know what our opinion is about the ASUS ROG Strix Scope gaming keyboard. There are many things we like about it, but there are also a few that could be improved. Before closing this review, tell us your opinion. Also, if you already have the keyboard, share your experience with us and other people that might be interested in purchasing it.