ROG Swift PG43U是华硕(ASUS)Republic of Gamers显示器系列的最新成员之一。凭借 43 英寸VA 大显示(VA display)面板、4K 分辨率、1ms响应时间(response time)、144Hz刷新率(refresh rate)、G-Sync 兼容性(G-Sync compatibility)和HDR 1000,它承诺提供身临其境的游戏体验(gaming experience)、一流的视觉效果、流畅的游戏体验和无输入延迟。这是我们测试过的最大的游戏显示器(gaming monitor),因此您可以想象我们看到它在运行时是多么好奇。阅读此评论,了解华硕 ROG Swift PG43U(ASUS ROG Swift PG43U)是否适合您:
华硕 ROG Swift PG43U(ASUS ROG Swift PG43U):它适合谁?
- 想要在沙发上使用BIG 游戏(BIG gaming)显示器的游戏机玩家
- 玩快节奏游戏并想要具有出色刷新率(refresh rate)、快速响应时间(response time)和G-Sync的快速显示器的游戏玩家
- 那些拥有可以处理 4K 分辨率游戏的顶级显卡的高端电脑的人
- 想要了解HDR 1000中出色游戏表现的游戏玩家(HDR 1000)
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华硕 ROG Swift PG43U(ASUS ROG Swift PG43U)有很多值得吹嘘的地方:
- 非凡的屏幕尺寸(43 英寸)
- 令人难以置信的色彩和亮度级别
- 高端游戏的出色规格(4K、144Hz刷新率(refresh rate)、1ms响应时间(response time)、G-Sync)
- 顶级 HDR 1000 认证
- 大量的输入端口
- 好的内置扬声器
- 电缆管理做得很好
- 美丽的设计
- 它不能旋转,你不能调整它的高度
- 它的高价适用于预算可观的用户
- 对于大多数电脑桌来说它太大了
华硕 ROG Swift PG43U(ASUS ROG Swift PG43U)被证明是真正意义上的超大游戏显示器。(gaming monitor)我们喜欢它的原因很明显:它的 4K 分辨率、144Hz 刷新率、G-Sync 兼容性(G-Sync compatibility)、令人难以置信的亮度和HDR 1000。令人印象深刻,没有人能说别的;毕竟是43英寸的屏幕。我们现在知道华硕 ROG Swift PG43U(ASUS ROG Swift PG43U)是游戏的绝佳选择,但我们认为它的目标受众(target audience)主要是在舒适的沙发上玩游戏机的游戏玩家。巨大的显示器尺寸(display size)使其对于普通桌子来说太大了,但它非常适合电视柜(TV stand). 我们向所有有能力支付华硕(ASUS)要求这款顶级游戏显示器(gaming monitor)的高价的游戏玩家推荐它。
华硕 ROG Swift PG43U 拆箱
华硕 ROG Swift PG43U(ASUS ROG Swift PG43U)电竞显示器的对角线尺寸为 43 英寸,与电视一样大,因此它的包装也很大。包装它的盒子由厚厚的黑色纸板制成,其较大的侧面带有显示器的透视图。还有一些关于显示器的印刷细节,例如它的名称、尺寸和主要功能。
打开包装盒可以看到与显示器捆绑在一起的所有物品:电源线和适配器(power cord & adapter)、DisplayPort 电缆(DisplayPort cable)、USB 3.0电缆、HDMI 电缆(HDMI cable)、用于将电缆隐藏在显示器后面的塑料盖、(plastic cover)保修卡(warranty card)、ROG欢迎卡、遥控器和Aura Sync ROG Logo 投影仪(Aura Sync ROG Logo projector)。
ASUS ROG Swift PG43U 是一款优质的游戏显示器。包装令人印象深刻,您会获得许多捆绑的配件。我们一收到它,就迫不及待地想看看显示器的样子和它的功能。🙂(The ASUS ROG Swift PG43U is a premium gaming monitor. The package is impressive, and you get many bundled accessories. As soon as we received it, we were eager to see what the monitor looks like and what it can do. 🙂)
华硕 ROG Swift PG43U(ASUS ROG Swift PG43U)拥有 43 英寸超大宽屏面板,纵横比为 16:9,4K 分辨率为 3840 x 2160(x 2160)像素。屏幕采用VA 面板(VA panel)(垂直对齐面板(Alignment panel)类型),这意味着它能够提供快速响应时间(response time)、出色的色彩还原(color reproduction)和良好的视角。该监视器的响应时间(response time)仅为 1 毫秒。
屏幕表面磨砂,亮度可达1000 cd/m2的惊人峰值,典型(peak value)对比度(contrast ratio)为4000:1。得益于一流的VA 面板(VA panel),水平和垂直视角均等于 178 度。
刷新率方面,华硕 ROG Swift PG43U(ASUS ROG Swift PG43U)电竞显示器额定最高支持 144Hz,同时还通过了G-Sync Compatible认证。换句话说,它可以将其刷新率与兼容显卡的刷新率同步,以消除屏幕撕裂并提供流畅的视觉效果,而不会增加通常在玩游戏时使用VSync带来的(VSync)输入延迟。(input lag)
华硕 ROG Swift PG43U(ASUS ROG Swift PG43U)支持HDR ((HDR)高动态范围(High Dynamic Range)),并拥有DisplayHDR 1000认证,以及 90% DCI-P3专业色域覆盖(color gamut coverage)。此外,它还具有显示流压缩(Display Stream Compression)( DSC ) 技术,这意味着它可以使用单个DisplayPort 1.4端口以 4K 显示图像,而不会降低图像质量(image quality)。这是通过压缩来自显卡的帧并在显示器上立即解压缩它们来完成的。
如果您是RGB灯的粉丝,该显示器还配备了一个环境光迷你投影仪(ambient light mini projector),可以安装在显示器的背面,在您的桌面上投射一个游戏玩家共和国的(Republic of Gamers)标志。如果您还有其他支持Aura Sync的(Aura Sync)ROG设备,您可以将您的显示器灯与这些设备同步。
这款游戏显示器(gaming monitor)配备多种端口:两个HDMI (v2.0)、两个DisplayPort 1.4、一个用于PC 音频输入(PC audio input)的 3.5 毫米插孔、一个 3.5 毫米耳机插孔(headphone jack)、一个上游 USB 3.0(upstream USB 3.0)端口(用于连接计算机),以及两个下游 USB 3.0(downstream USB 3.0)端口(用于连接网络摄像头、USB 记忆(USB memory)棒、键盘、鼠标等外围设备)。
音效方面,ASUS ROG Swift PG43U内置两个10W RMS 立体声(Watts RMS Stereo)扬声器,相比其他内置扬声器,能够提供相当不错的音效体验。(sound experience)
当屏幕亮度(screen brightness)为 200 尼特且没有音频或 USB(audio or USB)连接到显示器时,显示器的功耗(power consumption)小于 48瓦。(Watts)在省电模式下或关闭时,它的功耗小于 0.5瓦(Watts)。
ROG Swift PG43U可以倾斜 10 到 -5 度,但不能旋转。此外,它的高度无法调整。至于它的物理尺寸,显示器非常巨大:连同它的支架,它的宽度、高度和深度为 38.37 x 24.85 x 9.54 英寸,或 97.46 x 63.13 x 24.22 厘米。显示器的净重为 33.73 磅或 15.3 公斤,其毛重(连同支架和其他零配件,如盒子、充电器、电缆等)约为 50.27 磅或 22.8 公斤。
如果您想查看ASUS ROG Swift PG43U的所有规格和功能,请访问此页面:ASUS ROG Swift PG43U 规格(ASUS ROG Swift PG43U Specifications)。
在查看其令人印象深刻的硬件规格后,华硕 ROG Swift PG43U 听起来像是游戏玩家的梦想。谁不想要 4K、144Hz、HDR 和比生命更大的显示尺寸?(After looking at its impressive hardware specifications, ASUS ROG Swift PG43U sounds like a gamer's dream. Who doesn't want 4K, 144Hz, HDR, and a display size that is larger than life?)
使用华硕 ROG Swift PG43U
如果有一件事引起您的注意,那就是这款显示器的绝对尺寸(sheer size)。如果您之前在规格部分(specs section)没有完全了解,华硕 ROG Swift PG43U(ASUS ROG Swift PG43U)是一款 43 英寸的野兽。当我们说它很大时,我们觉得这是一种轻描淡写的说法。它太大了,放不下任何中型办公桌,更不用说小或窄的办公桌了。要使用这款显示器,您要么必须拥有一张又宽又深的大桌子,或者将它放在电视架上(TV stand),然后在离它几英尺远的沙发上玩你最喜欢的游戏。看看吧:
即使显示器很大,也不会感到晃动。它的支架设计精良,虽然不会占用太多空间,但它的三英尺相距很远,并且设法将显示器牢固地固定在适当的位置。我们很欣赏这款显示器背面的大量端口,可以轻松将其连接到您想要的任何东西,从游戏 PC 到控制台和各种外围设备。显示器背面有一个可拆卸的塑料面板,它覆盖了所有的连接端口,让您可以将电缆拖到整个(plastic panel)支撑腿上(support leg)并将它们隐藏起来。看到包含良好电缆管理(cable management)解决方案的设备总是很高兴。
在使用华硕 ROG Swift PG43U(ASUS ROG Swift PG43U)时,我们注意到图像质量(image quality)方面的一些事情:屏幕色彩鲜艳,对比度锐利,但默认(default level)亮度对我们的眼睛来说太高了。在调整其设置以降低亮度级别后,我们对(brightness level)图像质量(image quality)非常满意。
看看对游戏玩家来说最重要的显示器规格,(monitor specs)华硕 ROG Swift PG43U(ASUS ROG Swift PG43U)具备所有这些:4K显示分辨率(display resolution)、144Hz刷新率(refresh rate)、1毫秒响应时间(millisecond response time)以及对NVIDIA G-Sync 技术的(NVIDIA G-Sync technology)支持。所有这些都确保了身临其境的游戏体验、无撕裂、无模糊图像和无输入延迟(input lag)。
然而,这款显示器的巨大尺寸以及您无法在普通桌面上使用它的事实并不使其成为英雄联盟(League)或(Legends or Heroes)风暴(Storm)英雄等MOBA游戏的理想选择。但是,如果您在控制台上玩游戏,那它就是一款出色的显示器。它的大小非常适合在Xbox One X 上玩,例如:您可以将显示器放在电视架上(TV stand),然后在舒适的沙发上享受您最喜爱的游戏。
华硕 ROG Swift PG43U(ASUS ROG Swift PG43U)支持HDR ((HDR)高动态范围(High Dynamic Range)),这意味着一些游戏可以看起来更好、更逼真、更身临其境。HDR为您提供更好的色彩和饱和度,以及逼真的对比度,黑色更深,白色更亮。正是这种东西让你的游戏中的天空看起来真实而地球更加细致。但是,根据我们的经验,HDR在(HDR)Windows 10中看起来并不好,因为大多数应用程序都没有考虑到HDR。但是,在支持HDR的游戏中,它可以改变视觉效果并大大改善它们。例如,我们尝试了质量效应仙女座(Mass Effect Andromeda),虽然是比较老的游戏,但是支持HDR,画面也很华丽。使用启用HDR的(HDR)ASUS ROG Swift PG43U被证明是这款游戏的绝佳体验。
看电影也是一种美妙的体验,虽然我们无法让Netflix 使用(Netflix use) HDR,或者至少我们没有看到HDR 和 SDR(HDR and SDR)(标准动态范围(Standard Dynamic Range))之间有任何区别。但是,显示尺寸(display size)使 4K 电影看起来很棒。此外,内置扬声器做得很好。如果您不想为您的PC 或控制台投资(PC or console)独立的音响系统(standalone sound system),它们的强大功能足以为您提供良好的音响体验(sound experience)。
OSD (屏幕显示)通过操纵杆和显示器背面右下方的几个按钮进行控制。使用它们浏览所有设置既简单又有趣。
华硕 ROG Swift PG43U 被证明是一项令人印象深刻的技术,它的尺寸、高端规格和图像质量让我们惊叹不已。如果您是游戏玩家,您现在可能正在流口水,不是吗?🙂 但是,这种野兽的绝对大小绝对不适合所有人,对于不打算在桌子上使用它而是在电视架上使用游戏机的“沙发游戏玩家”来说,这可能是一个不错的选择。(The ASUS ROG Swift PG43U proved to be an impressive piece of technology that awed us with its size, high-end specs, and image quality. If you're a gamer, you're probably drooling right now, aren't you? 🙂 However, the sheer size of this beast is definitely not for everyone and might be a good choice for "couch gamers" who don't intend to use it on a desk, but rather with a gaming console on the TV stand.)
ASUS提供了一个专用驱动程序,您应该安装它以获得最佳图像质量(image quality),以及一个名为ASUS DisplayWidget的实用程序。您可以从官方支持站点( the official support site)下载驱动程序和实用程序。ASUS DisplayWidget是一款应用程序,可让您调整显示器的设置,而无需使用其上的物理按钮及其屏幕显示。您可以使用它来更改显示模式(display mode)、启用蓝色滤镜以缓解眼睛疲劳、将应用程序与不同的显示器设置同步等等。
然而,这个应用程序最有趣和最有用的功能是MultiFrame。它是一种工具,可让您拆分桌面资产,以便您可以将窗口捕捉到其上的某些预定义或自定义区域。我发现它很有用,考虑到我们已经在普通的PC 桌面(PC desk)上使用了这款 43 英寸显示器,甚至网络浏览器窗口也太大而无法舒适地使用。
就软件而言,华硕 DisplayWidget 做得很好,可以轻松访问所有基本显示器设置。如果您要在电脑桌上使用这个巨大的显示器,MultiFrame 功能非常有用。(As far as software goes, the ASUS DisplayWidget does its job well and offers easy access to all the basic monitor settings. The MultiFrame feature is very useful if you're going to use this huge monitor on a computer desk.)
您对华硕 ROG Swift PG43U(ASUS ROG Swift PG43U)有何看法?
现在您对华硕 ROG Swift PG43U(ASUS ROG Swift PG43U)及其优缺点有了更多的了解。我们相信它是任何涉及沙发和电视架(TV stand)的游戏设置的绝佳补充,但它不是游戏桌(gaming desk)的最佳选择。你同意,还是你有不同的看法?在下面的评论部分分享(Share)您对ASUS ROG Swift PG43U的看法。(ASUS ROG Swift PG43U)
Review ASUS ROG Swift PG43U: A massive 43" screen with HDR 1000!
The ROG Swift PG43U is one of the latest additions to the lineup of Republic of Gamers monitors from ASUS. With a huge 43-inch VA display panel, 4K resolution, 1ms response time, 144Hz refresh rate, G-Sync compatibility, and HDR 1000, it promises an immersive gaming experience, top-notch visuals, smooth gameplay, and no input lag. This is the largest gaming monitor that we have ever tested, so you can imagine how curious we were to see it in action. Read this review to find out whether the ASUS ROG Swift PG43U is the right option for you:
ASUS ROG Swift PG43U: Who is it good for?
The monitor is an excellent choice for:
- Console gamers who want a BIG gaming monitor to use from their couch
- Gamers who play fast-paced games and want a fast monitor with excellent refresh rate, fast response time, and G-Sync
- Those of you who own high-end computers with top-notch graphics cards that can handle gaming in 4K resolutions
- Gamers who want to see how great games can look in HDR 1000
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Pros and cons
The ASUS ROG Swift PG43U has a lot of good things to brag about:
- Extraordinary screen size (43-inch)
- Incredible colors and brightness levels
- Excellent specifications for high-end gaming (4K, 144Hz refresh rate, 1ms response time, G-Sync)
- Top HDR 1000 certification
- Generous number of input ports
- Good built-in speakers
- Cable management done well
- Beautiful design
The only negatives about this monitor are:
- It can't swivel and you can't adjust its height
- Its premium price is for users with considerable budgets
- It is too large for most computer desks
The ASUS ROG Swift PG43U proves to be a larger-than-life gaming monitor in the true sense of the word. We loved it for obvious reasons: its 4K resolution, the 144Hz refresh rate, G-Sync compatibility, incredible brightness, and HDR 1000. It is impressive to look at, and nobody can say otherwise; after all, it's a 43-inch screen. We know now that the ASUS ROG Swift PG43U is a magnificent choice for gaming, but we feel that its target audience are mostly gamers that play on consoles from the comfort of a sofa. The huge display size makes it too big for a normal desk, but it's perfect for a TV stand. We recommend it to all gamers who afford to pay the premium price that ASUS asks for this top-notch gaming monitor.
Unboxing the ASUS ROG Swift PG43U
With a 43-inch diagonal size, the ASUS ROG Swift PG43U gaming monitor is as big as a TV, so its package is also large. The box in which it is packaged is made from thick black cardboard, with its larger sides featuring a perspective picture of the monitor. There are also some printed details about the monitor, such as its name, size, and main features.
Opening the box reveals everything that's bundled with the monitor: a power cord & adapter, a DisplayPort cable, a USB 3.0 cable, an HDMI cable, a plastic cover for hiding the cables behind the monitor, the warranty card, a ROG welcome card, a remote controller, and an Aura Sync ROG Logo projector.
The ASUS ROG Swift PG43U is a premium gaming monitor. The package is impressive, and you get many bundled accessories. As soon as we received it, we were eager to see what the monitor looks like and what it can do. 🙂
Design and hardware specifications
The ASUS ROG Swift PG43U has a huge 43-inch widescreen panel with an aspect ratio of 16:9, and a 4K resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels. The screen uses a VA panel (Vertical Alignment panel type), which means that it is able to offer both a fast response time, an excellent color reproduction, and good viewing angles. The response time of this monitor is just 1 millisecond.
The screen's surface is matte, its brightness can reach an impressive peak value of 1000 cd/m2, and the typical contrast ratio is of 4000:1. Thanks to the top-notch VA panel, the viewing angles equal 178 degrees both horizontally and vertically.
As for the refresh rate, the ASUS ROG Swift PG43U gaming monitor is rated to support a maximum of 144Hz, while also being certified as G-Sync Compatible. In other words, it can sync its refresh rate to that of a compatible graphics card, to eliminate screen tearing and provide smooth visuals without the increased input lag that usually comes from using VSync while gaming.
The ASUS ROG Swift PG43U supports HDR (High Dynamic Range) and comes with a DisplayHDR 1000 certification, as well as with a 90% DCI-P3 professional color gamut coverage. Additionally, it also features Display Stream Compression (DSC) technology, which means that it can display images in 4K using a single DisplayPort 1.4 port without any deterioration of the image quality. That's done by compressing frames from the graphics card and decompressing them instantly on the monitor.
If you are a fan of RGB lights, the monitor also comes with an ambient light mini projector that can be mounted on the back of the monitor to project a Republic of Gamers logo on your desk. If you also have other ROG devices that support Aura Sync, you can synchronize your monitor lights with those devices.
This gaming monitor comes with a wide selection of ports: two HDMI (v2.0), two DisplayPort 1.4, one 3.5mm jack for PC audio input, one 3.5mm headphone jack, one upstream USB 3.0 port (used to connect to the computer), and two downstream USB 3.0 ports (used to connect peripherals such as webcams, USB memory sticks, keyboards, mice and so on).
In terms of audio, ASUS ROG Swift PG43U comes with two built-in 10 Watts RMS Stereo speakers, which are able to deliver quite a good sound experience compared to other built-in speakers.
The monitor has a power consumption of fewer than 48 Watts, when the screen brightness is 200 nits, and no audio or USB is connected to the monitor. In power-saving mode or when it is off, it consumes less than 0.5 Watts.
The ROG Swift PG43U can tilt between 10 and -5 degrees but it can't swivel. Also, its height can't be adjusted. As for its physical dimensions, the monitor is monstrously huge: together with its stand, it has a width, height, and depth of 38.37 x 24.85 x 9.54 inches, or 97.46 x 63.13 x 24.22 centimeters. The net weight of the monitor is 33.73 pounds or 15.3 kilograms, and its gross weight (together with the stand and the other bits and pieces such as box, charger, cables, etc.), is about 50.27 pounds or 22.8 kg.
If you want to see all the specifications and features for the ASUS ROG Swift PG43U, visit this page: ASUS ROG Swift PG43U Specifications.
After looking at its impressive hardware specifications, ASUS ROG Swift PG43U sounds like a gamer's dream. Who doesn't want 4K, 144Hz, HDR, and a display size that is larger than life?
Using the ASUS ROG Swift PG43U
If there's one thing that catches your eye, it is the sheer size of this monitor. If you didn't quite catch it earlier in the specs section, the ASUS ROG Swift PG43U is a 43-inch beast. When we say that it is big, we feel that it is an understatement of sorts. It is so large that it doesn't fit any medium-sized desk, not to speak of a small or narrow desk. To use this monitor, you either have to have a large desk that's both wide and deep, or put it on your TV stand and play your favorite games from a sofa a couple of feet away from it. Just look at it:
Even though the monitor is large, it does not feel wobbly. Its stand is well designed and, while it doesn't take too much space, its three feet are far apart from one another and manage to keep the monitor firmly in place. We appreciate the high number of ports on the back of this monitor, that make it easy to connect it to anything you want from a gaming PC, to a console and all kinds of peripherals. There is a detachable plastic panel on the back of the monitor, which covers all the connection ports and lets you drag the cables throughout the support leg and hide them. It's always nice to see devices that include solutions for good cable management.
While using the ASUS ROG Swift PG43U, we noticed a few things regarding the image quality: the screen colors are vivid, and the contrast is sharp, but the default level of brightness was too much for our eyes. After tweaking its settings to lower the brightness level, we were highly satisfied with the image quality.
Looking at the monitor specs that are most important for gamers, the ASUS ROG Swift PG43U has them all: the 4K display resolution, 144Hz refresh rate, 1 millisecond response time, and support for NVIDIA G-Sync technology. All that ensures immersive gameplay, no tearing, no blurry images, and no input lag.
However, the huge size of this display and the fact that you can't use it on a regular desk do not make it ideal for MOBA games such as League of Legends or Heroes of the Storm. But, if you're gaming on a console, it is a magnificent monitor. Its size is great for playing on an Xbox One X, for example: you can put the monitor on a TV stand and enjoy your favorite games from the comfort of your sofa.
The ASUS ROG Swift PG43U supports HDR (High Dynamic Range), which means that some games can look better, more realistic, and immersive. HDR gives you better colors and saturation, as well as realistic contrast, with darker blacks and brighter whites. It's that thing that makes the sky look real and the earth more detailed in your games. However, in our experience, HDR doesn't look great in Windows 10, as most apps were not made with HDR in mind. However, in games that do support HDR, it can change the visuals and improve them by quite a lot. For example, we tried Mass Effect Andromeda, which, although it is a rather old game, supports HDR, and the visuals are gorgeous. Using the ASUS ROG Swift PG43U with HDR enabled proved to be a fantastic experience in this game.
Watching movies is also a wonderful experience, although we couldn't make Netflix use HDR, or at least we did not see any difference between HDR and SDR (Standard Dynamic Range). However, the display size makes 4K movies look great. Also, the built-in speakers do quite a good job. Their power is enough to give you a good sound experience, if you don't want to invest in a standalone sound system for your PC or console.
The OSD (on-screen display) is controlled through a joystick and a few buttons found on the bottom-right of the monitor's backside. Using them to navigate all the settings is easy and enjoyable.
The ASUS ROG Swift PG43U proved to be an impressive piece of technology that awed us with its size, high-end specs, and image quality. If you're a gamer, you're probably drooling right now, aren't you? 🙂 However, the sheer size of this beast is definitely not for everyone and might be a good choice for "couch gamers" who don't intend to use it on a desk, but rather with a gaming console on the TV stand.
Drivers and software
ASUS offers a dedicated driver, which you should install to get the best image quality possible, and a utility called ASUS DisplayWidget. You can download both the driver and the utility from the official support site. The ASUS DisplayWidget is an app that lets you adjust the settings of the monitor without having to use the physical buttons on it and its on-screen display. You can use it to change the display mode, enable the blue filter to ease the strain on your eyes, sync apps with different monitor settings, and so on.
However, the most interesting and useful feature of this app is MultiFrame. It's a tool that lets you split the desktop estate so that you can snap windows to certain predefined or custom areas on it. I found it useful, considering that we've used this 43-inch monitor on an average-sided PC desk, and even web browser windows were too big to comfortably use.
As far as software goes, the ASUS DisplayWidget does its job well and offers easy access to all the basic monitor settings. The MultiFrame feature is very useful if you're going to use this huge monitor on a computer desk.
What's your opinion about the ASUS ROG Swift PG43U?
Now you know more about the ASUS ROG Swift PG43U, its strengths and weaknesses. We believe it's a great addition to any gaming setup that involves a couch and a TV stand, but it's not the best choice for a gaming desk. Do you agree, or do you have a different opinion? Share your thoughts regarding the ASUS ROG Swift PG43U in the comments section below.