ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum是一款电源装置(power supply unit)( PSU ),不仅功能强大且结构精良,而且安静美观。你必须看到它才能相信它,但这个电源单元(power supply unit)有 RGB LED(LEDs)和一个OLED 屏幕(OLED screen),可以实时显示你的计算机的功耗(power consumption)。要了解有关ASUS ROG Thor 850W 白金(Platinum) 电源装置(power supply unit)的更多信息,请阅读此评论并了解此电源装置与其他电源装置(power supply unit)不同的原因:
华硕 ROG Thor 850W(ASUS ROG Thor 850W) 白金 PSU(Platinum PSU):它适合谁?
ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum PSU是以下人士的绝佳选择:
- 想要(Want)顶级性能并且有能力为此付出代价
- 欣赏 RGB 灯(Appreciate RGB lighting)效,并喜欢拥有与华硕 AURA SYNC 生态系统(ASUS AURA SYNC ecosystem)兼容的PSU
- 想要OLED屏幕(OLED screen),让他们可以实时看到自己电脑的耗电量(power consumption),无需使用软件
- 是玩家国度(Republic of Gamers)品牌的粉丝吗
华硕 ROG Thor 850W (ASUS ROG Thor 850W) Platinum 电源(Platinum power) 单元(supply unit)有很多好话要说:
- 它是一款功能强大且高效的电源装置(power supply unit),并获得 80 Plus Platinum认证(Platinum)
- 它有一个OLED屏幕(OLED screen),可以实时显示功耗(power consumption)
- 它具有 RGB 照明,并与Aura Sync兼容(Aura Sync)
- 它的大部分电缆都是单独套接的
- 它具有安静模式,其中风扇仅在高温下旋转
- 内部的冷却散热器比普通散热器更大,效率更高
华硕 ROG Thor 850W (ASUS ROG Thor 850W) Platinum的唯一不利方面是溢价。

ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum是我们使用过的最好的电源(power supply unit)之一,它可能是您现在在商店中可以找到的最好的之一。我们赞赏它的性能、80 Plus白金效率(Platinum efficiency)认证和单独套管的电缆。然而,让它在人群中脱颖而出的是它的OLED 屏幕(OLED screen),它可以实时显示瓦数,兼容Aura Sync 的照明,以及它的安静。(Aura)如果这听起来像是您想要的东西,并且您有预算,那么这个电源装置(power supply unit)是一个很好的选择。
华硕 ROG Thor 850W(ASUS ROG Thor 850W) 白金 PSU(Platinum PSU)拆箱
ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum PSU采用优质包装盒包装(premium box),外观精美。正面有电源装置(power supply unit)的大图,以及它的名称、品牌和一些认证。

在盒子的背面,华硕(ASUS)打印了有关电源单元(power supply unit)的更多信息。在这里,您会发现PSU具有OLED 屏幕(OLED screen)、有关AURA Sync的详细信息,或者它具有 80 Plus (AURA Sync)Platinum 认证(Platinum certification)意味着什么。

打开盒子可以看到里面的东西:两个带有艺术品的小盒子,一个挨着一个。其中一个盒子包含电源装置(power supply unit),而另一个包含所有电缆、附件和与其捆绑的文件。

从两个盒子里拿出所有东西,你应该得到电源(power supply)、电源线(power cable)、一个装满模块化电缆的袋子、一系列螺丝、一些电缆扎带和产品文档(product documentation)。

ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum PSU 的拆箱体验非常棒。从一开始就很明显,您正在处理高端高端设备。(The unboxing experience for the ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum PSU is exquisite. It is obvious right from the start that you are dealing with a high-end premium device.)
设计对于(Design)电源单元(power supply unit)通常并不重要,但华硕 ROG Thor 850W (ASUS ROG Thor 850W) Platinum则不同。华硕(ASUS)设计它是为了吸引游戏玩家,为此,该公司不仅在电源单元上添加了(power supply unit)RGB灯,而且还在其上放置了一块OLED 屏幕(OLED screen)!

如果您有一个可以炫耀的外壳,OLED 屏幕非常有用并且看起来很棒。(OLED screen)不幸的是,我们没有,这就是为什么我们在我们的桌子上而不是在我们的电脑机箱(computer case)上向您展示它的照片。OLED 屏幕(OLED screen)旨在始终显示实时瓦数,这意味着您可以在任何给定时间查看它并立即查看您的计算机正在使用多少电力。这是有用的信息,尤其是当您为自己构建一台功能强大的计算机时。

除此之外,其他设计元素正试图传达这个电源单元(power supply unit)很强大并且可以处理任何事情的信息。这种印象仅乘以风扇空气格栅(fan air grille)上的粗斜线,可见的螺钉以及设备背面的穿孔空气格栅。(air grille)

PSU上唯一的按钮位于其背面,靠近电源端口(power port)。有一个开/关按钮和另一个按钮,可让您启用或禁用静音风扇模式(fan mode)。启用后,电源单元(power supply unit)不会旋转风扇,除非您在计算机上运行一些要求很高的东西。如果您正在做不需要太多能量且不会产生大量热量的轻量工作,那么华硕 ROG Thor 850W(ASUS ROG Thor 850W) 铂金 PSU(Platinum PSU)应该完全安静。🙂

为了能够有效地散热,电源单元(power supply unit)使用了集成的ROG散热器。据华硕(ASUS)称,它们的体积是传统散热器的两倍,有助于ROG Thor的温度降低 20%。这也意味着组件的使用寿命更长,风扇噪音(fan noise)更低。
Thor 电源(Thor power)是模块化的,这意味着它的所有电缆都是可拆卸的。这意味着您只需要连接和使用您需要的电缆,并使您的计算机内部没有任何您不需要使用的电缆。作为一个优质的电源装置(power supply unit),它的所有数据线也都是套套的,其中大部分是单独套套的。

以下是包装盒中包含的电缆列表:一根 24 针连接、两根 8 针CPU/EPS电缆、四根 6+2 针PCIe电缆、十二个SATA连接、五个Molex连接、一个软盘连接器(Floppy connector)、两个RGB 接头(RGB header)连接器电缆。
华硕 ROG Thor 850W(ASUS ROG Thor 850W)还拥有 80 PLUS白金认证(PLUS Platinum certification)。这意味着它保证了 89 % efficiency的满载(850瓦(Watts))效率和 92 % efficiency的半载效率。它还提供以下保护功能:OPP(过功率保护(Over Power Protection))、OVP(过压保护(Over Voltage Protection))、SCP(短路保护(Short-Circuit Protection))、OCP(过流保护(Over Current Protection))和OTP(过温保护(Temperature Protection))。

华硕 ROG Thor 850W (ASUS ROG Thor 850W) Platinum是一项出色的技术,该公司经久耐用。为了确保我们信任它,华硕(ASUS)为其提供了 10 年保修,这是很多!但是,OLED 屏幕(OLED screen)和RGB灯只覆盖了 3 年。
最后,如果您对Thor 850W(Thor 850W) 电源单元(power supply unit)的尺寸感兴趣,它的尺寸是 6.3 x 5.9 x 3.38 英寸,或 16 x 15 x 8.6 厘米。由于其坚固的组件,PSU也很重:1.86 公斤或 4 磅和 1.61 盎司。
ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum 是一款具有强大硬件规格和独特功能的优质电源。RGB 灯和 OLED 面板是您通常在电源装置上看不到的东西,我们必须承认我们喜欢它们。(The ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum is one premium power supply unit with strong hardware specs and unique features. The RGB lights and the OLED panel are things you do not usually see on power supply units, and we must admit we like them.)
使用华硕 ROG Thor 850W (ASUS ROG Thor 850W) Platinum PSU
自从拿到ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum 电源(Platinum power) 装置(supply unit)后,我就非常喜欢使用它。它是一款优质硬件,不仅性能出色,而且看起来也很棒。

尤其是OLED 屏幕(OLED screen),触感非常好。只需看一眼,您就总能知道您的游戏机消耗(gaming machine draws)了多少电量。更好的是,您不必使用任何软件从电源单元(power supply unit)获取此信息,尽管如果有一种方法可以在更长的时间内记录瓦数会很好。这是一个显示PSU 照明(PSU illumination)效果和OLED 瓦数(OLED wattage)屏幕的视频:
不幸的是,在您享受RGB 照明(RGB illumination)效果并查看您的计算机使用多少电量之前,您需要确保您有一个可以让您看到PSU的机箱。今天的许多电脑机箱,包括我的机箱,都倾向于完全遮盖电源单元(power supply unit),因此您根本看不到它。在这方面,酷冷至尊 MasterCase MC600P(Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P)之类的机箱可能是更好的选择。
使用我们的测试计算机(test computer),我们试图了解我们实际需要多少功率,以及华硕 ROG Thor 850W(ASUS ROG Thor 850W) 白金电源(Platinum power) 是否(supply unit)可以提供。我们在启动计算机、运行诸如使用Office 应用程序(Office apps)或浏览互联网之类的琐碎任务时以及最后在玩高要求的游戏时检查了功率。
我们的测试计算机(test computer)具有以下配置:
- CPU:AMD Ryzen 7 2700(8核16线程,基本时钟3200MHz(Base Clock 3200MHz),最大加速时钟(Max Boost Clock 4100) 4100MHz(MHz))
- CPU散热器:华硕ROG RYUO 120
- 内存:ADATA SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB 内存(ADATA SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB Memory)(4 x 8GB,3000MHz,PC4-24000)
- 存储:ADATA XPG GAMMIX S11 Pro PCIe Gen3x4 M.2 2280 固态硬盘(Solid State Drive)
- 显示器:华硕 ROG Strix XG32VQ曲面电竞显示器(Gaming Monitor)(32 英寸WQHD 2560 x(x 1440) 1440,144Hz)
当我们启动 Windows 10 时,计算机消耗的最大功率为 127 瓦,如下图所示。

在正常的日常使用、写文章、浏览互联网、听音乐或在YouTube 上(YouTube)观看视频时,我们的电脑通常需要 100 瓦左右的功率。与这个电源单元(power supply unit)可以提供的相比,这算不了什么。

不仅在计算机处理能力方面,而且在电力消耗方面,最苛刻的活动是游戏。如今,我们非常喜欢Metro Exodus,所以这是我们最常玩的游戏。与其他游戏相比,它有一些苛刻的系统要求,但我们的计算机可以很好地处理它。华硕 ROG Thor 850W (ASUS ROG Thor 850W) Platinum 电源(Platinum power) 装置(supply unit)也被证明足以提供所需的电力。我们目睹的最高瓦数是 226瓦(Watts)。

虽然我们没有所需的测量设备来计算电源单元(power supply unit)的所有规格,但可以说,在过去的一个月里,我们从来没有因为电力不足而出现任何问题。华硕 ROG Thor 850W (ASUS ROG Thor 850W) Platinum PSU做得非常好。
此外,如果您觉得 850瓦(Watts)对您来说还不够(只有在您的计算机中使用两个功能强大的显卡时才会如此),您应该知道华硕(ASUS)也有这款PSU的 1200(PSU)瓦版本(Watts version)。
我们喜欢使用 ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum 电源装置,我们打赌任何游戏玩家或电脑爱好者也会喜欢它。它为任何配备任何硬件组件的现代游戏计算机提供您所需的所有功能,无论它们有多强大。(We love using the ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum power supply unit, and we bet that any gamer or computer enthusiast is also going to enjoy it. It offers all the power you need for any modern gaming computer with any hardware components, regardless of how powerful they are.)
您会购买华硕 ROG Thor 850W(ASUS ROG Thor 850W) 白金电源(Platinum PSU)吗?
现在您知道我们对ASUS ROG Thor 850W白金电源装置(power supply unit)的感受,以及我们喜欢和不喜欢它的地方。在结束此评论之前,请告诉我们您对该电源装置(power supply unit)的看法。如果您已经拥有一台,您的体验如何?在下面发表评论(Comment),让我们讨论。
Review ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum: See your power consumption in real-time!
ASUS ROG Thor 850W Рlatinum is a power supply unit (PSU) that is not just powerful and well built, but also quiet and beautiful. You have to see it to believе it, but this power supply unit has RGB LEDs and an OLED scrеen that displays your computer's power consumption in real time. To find out mоre about the ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum power supply unit, read thіs review and see why this power supply unit is different from others:
ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum PSU: Who is it good for?
The ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum PSU is an excellent choice for people who:
- Want top performance and can afford to pay for it
- Appreciate RGB lighting and fancy having a PSU that is compatible with the ASUS AURA SYNC ecosystem
- Want the OLED screen so that they can see the power consumption of their computer in real time, without using software
- Are fans of the Republic of Gamers brand
Pros and cons
There are a lot of good things to say about the ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum power supply unit:
- It is a powerful and efficient power supply unit, and it's certified as 80 Plus Platinum
- It has an OLED screen that shows the power consumption in real time
- It has RGB lighting and it is compatible with Aura Sync
- Most of its cables are individually sleeved
- It has a quiet mode, in which the fan only spins at high temperatures
- The cooling radiators inside are larger and more efficient than the average
The only negative aspect of the ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum is the premium price.

The ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum is one of the best power supply units that we have used and it is probably one of the best that you can find in stores right now. We appreciate its performance, the 80 Plus Platinum efficiency certification, and individually sleeved cables. However, what makes it stand out from the crowd is its OLED screen that shows the wattage in real time, the Aura Sync-compatible lighting, and its quietness. If that sounds like something you want, and you have the budget for it, this power supply unit is an excellent choice.
Unboxing the ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum PSU
ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum PSU is packaged in a premium box that looks great. The front features a large picture of the power supply unit, as well as its name, brand, and some of its certifications.

On the back of the box, ASUS printed more information about the power supply unit. Here's where you find out that the PSU has an OLED screen, details about AURA Sync, or what it means that it has an 80 Plus Platinum certification.

Opening the box reveals its contents: two smaller boxes with artwork on them, sitting one next to the other. One of the boxes contains the power supply unit, while the other contains all the cables, accessories, and documents bundled with it.

Taking everything out of the two boxes, you should end up with the power supply, its power cable, a pouch filled with modular cables, a series of screws, some cable ties, and the product documentation.

The unboxing experience for the ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum PSU is exquisite. It is obvious right from the start that you are dealing with a high-end premium device.
Design and hardware specifications
Design isn't usually important for a power supply unit, but the ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum is different. ASUS designed it to appeal to gamers, and, for that, the company not only added RGB lights on the power supply unit, but also placed an OLED screen on it!

The OLED screen is useful and looks great if you have a case in which you can show it off. Unfortunately, we do not, so that's why we are showing you pictures of it on our desk rather than in our computer case. The OLED screen was designed to always display the real-time wattage, meaning that you can look at it at any given time and instantly see how much electrical power your computer is using. That is useful information, especially when you build yourself a powerful computer.

Other than that, the other design elements are trying to send the message that this power supply unit is robust and can handle anything. This impression is only multiplied by the thick diagonal lines on the fan air grille, the visible screws, as well as the punctured air grille on the back of the unit.

The only buttons on the PSU are found on its back, next to the power port. There is an on/off button and one other button that lets you enable or disable the quiet fan mode. When enabled, the power supply unit does not spin the fan unless you are running something demanding on your computer. If you are doing light work that does not require much energy and thus does not create a lot of heat, the ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum PSU should be dead silent. 🙂

To be able to dissipate heat efficiently, the power supply unit uses integrated ROG heatsinks. According to ASUS, they have two times more volume than traditional heatsinks and help the ROG Thor to have 20% lower temperatures. That also translates into a longer lifespan of the components and a lower fan noise.
The Thor power supply is modular, meaning that all its cables are detachable. That means that you only have to connect and use the cables you need and keep the insides of your computer free of any cables you do not need to use. Being a premium power supply unit, all its data cables are also sleeved, most of them individually sleeved.

Here is the list of cables that are included in the box: one 24-pin connection, two 8-pin CPU/EPS cables, four 6+2-pin PCIe cables, twelve SATA connections, five Molex connections, one Floppy connector, two RGB header connector cables.
The ASUS ROG Thor 850W also has an 80 PLUS Platinum certification. That means that it guarantees 89% efficiency in full load (850 Watts) and 92% efficiency at half load. It also offers the following protection features: OPP (Over Power Protection), OVP (Over Voltage Protection), SCP (Short-Circuit Protection), OCP (Over Current Protection), and OTP (Over Temperature Protection).

ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum is an excellent piece of technology, that the company has built to last. To make sure we trust it, ASUS stamps a 10-year warranty on it, which is a lot! However, the OLED screen and the RGB lights are only covered for 3 years.
Finally, if you are interested in the size of the Thor 850W power supply unit, its dimensions are 6.3 x 5.9 x 3.38 inches, or 16 x 15 x 8.6 centimeters. Because of its robust components, the PSU is also quite heavy: 1.86 kilograms or 4 pounds and 1.61 ounces.
The ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum is one premium power supply unit with strong hardware specs and unique features. The RGB lights and the OLED panel are things you do not usually see on power supply units, and we must admit we like them.
Using the ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum PSU
Ever since I got my hands on the ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum power supply unit, I have enjoyed using it a lot. It is premium hardware that not only works great but also looks great.

The OLED screen especially is a really nice touch. Just by looking at it, you can always know how much power your gaming machine draws. It's even better that you don't have to use any software to get this information from the power supply unit, although it would have been nice to also have a way to log the wattage during longer periods of time. Here's a video that shows the PSU illumination effects and OLED wattage screen:
Unfortunately, before you can enjoy the RGB illumination effects and see how much power your computer uses, you need to make sure that you have a case that lets you see the PSU. Many computer cases today, including mine, tend to cover up the power supply unit entirely so that you cannot see it at all. A case like the Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P might be a better choice in this regard.
Using our test computer, we tried to get an idea of how much power we actually need, and whether the ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum power supply unit can deliver it. We checked the wattage when booting the computer, when running trivial tasks such as working with Office apps or browsing the internet, and finally, when playing demanding games.
Our test computer had the following configuration:
- CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 (8 cores, 16 threads, Base Clock 3200MHz, Max Boost Clock 4100 MHz)
- CPU Cooler: ASUS ROG RYUO 120
- Memory: ADATA SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB Memory (4 x 8GB, 3000MHz, PC4-24000)
- Storage: ADATA XPG GAMMIX S11 Pro PCIe Gen3x4 M.2 2280 Solid State Drive
- Monitor: ASUS ROG Strix XG32VQ Curved Gaming Monitor (32-inch WQHD 2560 x 1440, 144Hz)
When we boot Windows 10, the computer draws a maximum power of 127 watts, as you can see in the picture below.

During normal day-by-day use, writing articles, browsing the internet, listening to music, or watching videos on YouTube, our computer usually needed about 100 watts. That's nothing compared to what this power supply unit can deliver.

The most demanding activity in terms not only of computer processing power, but also of electricity consumed, is games. Nowadays, we like Metro Exodus a lot, so this is the game that we play most often. It has some steep system requirements compared to other games, but our computer can handle it quite nicely. The ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum power supply unit also proved to be more than powerful enough to provide the power needed. The highest wattage that we witnessed was 226 Watts.

Although we do not have the required measurement devices to calculate all the specifications of the power supply unit, we can say that, during the last month, we never had any issues arise from the lack of enough power. The ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum PSU did its job very well.
Furthermore, if you feel that 850 Watts is not enough for you (which is true only if you are using two powerful video cards in your computer), you should know that ASUS also has a 1200 Watts version of this PSU.
We love using the ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum power supply unit, and we bet that any gamer or computer enthusiast is also going to enjoy it. It offers all the power you need for any modern gaming computer with any hardware components, regardless of how powerful they are.
Would you buy the ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum PSU?
Now you know how we feel about the ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum power supply unit, and what we like and do not like about it. Before you close this review, tell us your opinion about this power supply unit. If you already own one, what has been your experience with it? Comment below and let's discuss.