华硕 RT-AC5300(ASUS RT-AC5300)于 2015 年底亮相,现已在全球市场推出。这是一款无线路由器(wireless router),主要是因为它的外观而成为新闻。这个庞大的顶级无线路由器(wireless router)看起来好像是由蜘蛛侠(Spiderman)设计的。它还具有迄今为止家庭路由器上最多数量的外部天线以及令人印象深刻的规格和相匹配的价格。(home router)我们很高兴收到它进行测试,并且在我们的家庭网络(home network)中使用了一个多星期后,我们想在这篇详细的评论中分享我们对它的看法。这是您购买华硕 RT-AC5300 三频(ASUS RT-AC5300 tri-band)千兆无线路由器时所获得的(wireless router):
华硕 RT-AC5300 三频(ASUS RT-AC5300 tri-band) 千兆无线路由器(gigabit wireless router)开箱
华硕 RT- AC5300三频(ASUS RT-AC5300 tri-band)千兆无线路由器装在一个非常大的盒子里,它借鉴了华硕(ASUS)制造的其他网络产品的外观。在包装盒的正面,您会找到该设备的图片以及其最重要功能的摘要。
打开包装的前盖(front cover),立马就看到了路由器,它又大又重,让人印象深刻。您会立即注意到受华硕(ASUS)游戏玩家共和国(Republic)品牌(Gamers brand)启发的图形元素。
在包装内您会发现以下元素:ASUS RT-AC5300 无线(ASUS RT-AC5300 wireless)路由器、一根网线(network cable)、一张包含28 种语言用户手册的(user manual)支持光盘和(support disc)实用软件(utility software),其中还包括一个用于恢复路由器的工具(在处理失败的固件更新(firmware update))、电源适配器(power adapter)、保修卡(warranty card)和快速入门指南(start guide)。还有一个传单描述了该路由器的一个独特功能,将在本评论的后面部分进行介绍。
The packaging of the ASUS RT-AC5300 wireless router is definitely worthy of its premium price-tag and so are the size and the looks of this networking device. The unboxing experience will be an exciting one, especially when you consider that we are talking about something rather boring: a wireless router!
拆开华硕 RT-AC5300 无线(ASUS RT-AC5300 wireless)路由器后,您必须安装 8 根外接天线(4 根发射 / 4 根采用MU-MIMO 技术的(MU-MIMO technology)接收),这是迄今为止家用路由器(home router)上最多的外接天线数量。仅此一项就创造了对无与伦比的性能的期望。
八根天线应有助于提供 5334 Mbps的总最大带宽: 2.4 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)网络为1000 Mbps,此路由器广播的两个 5 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)网络中的每一个为2167 Mbps 。显然,这些令人印象深刻的数字是理论上的,在现实世界中使用常见的网络硬件(networking hardware)并不容易实现。如果您想更好地了解您可能实现的带宽,请阅读本评论的无线网络性能(Wireless network performance)部分。
毫无疑问,这款路由器如此新颖且功能强大,可支持所有现代网络标准,包括 802.11ac 和所有类型的数据加密。
这款路由器的尺寸非常出色:9.6 x 9.6 x 2.6 英寸(宽x 深(x depth) x 高(x height))或 24.5 x 24.5 x 6.6 厘米。它也是一款重达 3.99 磅或 1.8 千克的重型无线路由器(wireless router)。
ASUS RT-AC5300 正面(ASUS RT-AC5300)有5 个LED(LEDs):1 个用于电源,1 个用于WAN,1 个用于LAN,2 个用于无线网络,1 个用于WPS 功能(WPS feature)。
在右侧,您会找到一个USB 2.0端口、一个用于打开/关闭LED(LEDs)的按钮、一个用于启用或禁用WPS 功能(WPS feature)的按钮以及一个用于打开/关闭无线网络(wireless network)的按钮。
在无线路由器(wireless router)的背面有四个以太网(Ethernet)端口,用于连接您自己的计算机和设备,第五个用于将路由器连接到Internet。还有一个USB 3.0端口和一个用于打开和关闭路由器的按钮。
如果你把华硕RT-AC5300无线(ASUS RT-AC5300 wireless)路由器倒过来,你可以看到它的一些内部。这款路由器内部拥有非常强大的硬件:双核Broadcom BCM4709 C0 处理器(Broadcom BCM4709 C0 processor),运行频率为 1.4 GHz,512 MB RAM 内存(RAM memory)和 128 MB存储空间(storage space)。
如果您想要详细完整的规格列表,请访问此页面:ASUS RT-AC5300 规格(ASUS RT-AC5300 Specifications)。
华硕 RT-AC5300 无线路由器配备了一些最强大的硬件,您可以在消费者的无线路由器中找到一些最强大的硬件和最多的可连接天线。它也是市场上最大和最重的路由器之一。(The ASUS RT-AC5300 wireless router features some of the most powerful hardware you will find on a wireless router for consumers and the highest number of attachable antennas. It's also one of the biggest and heaviest routers on the market.)
设置和使用ASUS RT-AC5300 无线(ASUS RT-AC5300 wireless)路由器
在我们开始从软件和网络的角度设置和使用这款路由器之前,我们想先介绍一个可能与某些用户相关的后勤方面:因为这款路由器很大,有很多天线和如果没有将其安装在墙上的系统,则需要将其放置在有足够空间的稳定表面上。它不是那种可以轻易隐藏在视线之外、安全的地方的设备。一旦你找到一个合适的地方放置它,那里有足够的空间,将路由器插入电源插座(power outlet),将它连接到 PC 并启动它。
华硕 RT-AC5300 无线(ASUS RT-AC5300 wireless)路由器使用与其他华硕(ASUS)路由器相同的固件,不同之处在于它包含该路由器独有的多项新功能。设置向导(setup wizard)易于使用,它首先要求用户更改默认路由器登录名和密码(default router login and password),这是华硕(ASUS)的一个很好的主动方法。
在向导期间,会自动检测Internet 连接(Internet connection)的类型,并要求您提供必要的详细信息,以便路由器可以连接到您的ISP。在设置向导(setup wizard)结束时,您有机会设置路由器广播的无线网络。你只能设置他们的名字和网络密钥(name and network key)。
但是,在初始设置结束后,您可以使用管理界面(administration interface)进行详细设置,该界面提供 19 种语言,您可以在下面看到。
管理用户界面(administration user interface)组织良好。在左侧的列中有两个部分:常规(General)和高级设置(Advanced Settings)。
常规(General)部分包括许多额外功能,其中一些是华硕 RT-AC5300 无线(ASUS RT-AC5300 wireless)路由器独有的,例如Game Boost。您可以通过单击访问每个功能,然后您可以将其打开并设置其工作方式。
在“高级设置”(Advanced Settings)部分,您可以访问此路由器标准功能的所有设置。诸如无线网络(wireless network)、局域网(area network)( LAN )、此路由器的VPN功能、防火墙等。完成快速设置向导(setup wizard)后,我们建议您完成所有高级设置并将此路由器设置为您自己的工作方式。此外,您应该打开您感兴趣的额外功能。默认情况下它们被禁用,这很好,因为它释放了资源并且基础知识以非常快的速度交付。
我们提到这是过去对华硕网络(ASUS networking)产品的评论——我们真的很喜欢使用它们的管理界面(administration interface)。它布局合理,组织良好,您可以轻松找到您感兴趣的设置。另一个积极的方面是帮助(Help)文档随时可用。当您将鼠标悬停在大多数设置上时,会显示一个问号(question mark)。如果您然后单击该设置,则会显示该设置的说明,让您知道它的作用。这是一个很好的方法,应该被其他供应商效仿。
我们使用了测试期间可用的最新固件版本:。我们在使用此版本时发现的一项新功能是在设置的“管理(Administration)”部分中找到的反馈(Feedback)工具。有了它,您可以从路由器的管理界面(administration interface)直接向华硕(ASUS)报告问题。这个工具很棒,因为它还会向华硕(ASUS)发送额外的信息,用于调试,比如路由器的日志和设置。
实际上,我们使用此工具报告了我们在管理界面(administration interface)中发现的唯一问题:如果您使用Opera 网络(Opera web)浏览器访问它,则默认设置未预先填充。所有下拉列表都显示为没有任何值。如果您在Firefox 或 Chrome(Firefox or Chrome)等其他浏览器中访问管理界面(administration interface),则没有问题。您可以在下面查看快速比较。
希望华硕(ASUS)在未来的固件更新(future firmware update)中解决这个问题。说到固件更新,另一个好处是华硕(ASUS)自这款路由器发布以来已经发布了三个固件版本。每个新版本都会修复错误并提高性能。
购买华硕 RT-AC5300 无线(ASUS RT-AC5300 wireless)路由器后,您应始终安装可用的最新固件,以获得最佳性能和用户体验。
设置路由器后,我们开始从网络连接所有设备:台式电脑、笔记本电脑、平板电脑、控制台、智能手机和无线打印机。我们连接它们中的任何一个都没有问题,网络共享(network sharing)、媒体流和其他与网络相关的任务运行顺利,没有任何问题。
我们对设置网络的简单性以及用户界面提供的用于管理 ASUS RT-AC5300 路由器的控制量感到满意。管理界面易于使用,它提供了大量的自定义功能,将受到极客和 IT 专业人士的喜爱。该路由器在我们的测试过程中运行良好,我们没有遇到稳定性和性能问题。(We are happy with how easy it was to set up our network and the amount of control offered by the user interface for administering the ASUS RT-AC5300 router. The administration interface is easy to use and it offers a great deal of customization that is going to be loved by geeks and IT professionals. This router worked very well during our testing and we did not encounter issues with stability and performance.)
Reviewing ASUS RT-AC5300 - The WiFi router Spiderman would make
ASUS RT-AC5300 was unvеiled at the end of 2015 and it is now being launched in marketѕ worldwide. It's a wireless routеr that made the news mostly because of its loоks. This massive, over-the-top wireless rоuter looks as if it was designed by Ѕpiderman. It also features the highest number of external antennas on a homе routеr to date аnd very impressive specifications and a рrice tо match. We were happy tо have received it for testing and, after using it in our hоme network for more than a week, we would like to sharе our opinion of it, in this detailed review. Here's whаt you get when you buу the ASUS RT-AС5300 tri-band gigabit wirеless roυter:
Unboxing the ASUS RT-AC5300 tri-band gigabit wireless router
The ASUS RT-AC5300 tri-band gigabit wireless router comes in a very large box which borrows the look from other networking products made by ASUS. On the front of the box, you will find a picture of the device, as well as a summary of its most important features.
On the back of the box, you will find more details about how this router works, the kinds of connections and buttons you will find on its sides, as well as a comparison with other routers made by ASUS.
When you open the front cover of the packaging, you immediately see the router, which is large, heavy and impressive. You will immediately notice the graphical elements which are inspired by the ASUS's Republic of Gamers brand.
Inside the package you will find the following elements: the ASUS RT-AC5300 wireless router, a network cable, a support disc with the user manual in 28 languages and utility software which includes also a tool for the recovery of the router (very useful when dealing with a failed firmware update), the power adapter, the warranty card and the quick start guide. There's also a leaflet describing one of the unique features of this router, which is going to be covered later in this review.
The packaging of the ASUS RT-AC5300 wireless router is definitely worthy of its premium price-tag and so are the size and the looks of this networking device. The unboxing experience will be an exciting one, especially when you consider that we are talking about something rather boring: a wireless router!
Hardware specifications
After you unbox the ASUS RT-AC5300 wireless router, you have to mount the 8 external antennas (4 transmit / 4 receive with MU-MIMO technology), which is the highest number of external antennas on a home router to date. This alone creates the expectation of unparalleled performance.
The eight antennas are supposed to help deliver a total maximum bandwidth of 5334 Mbps: 1000 Mbps for the 2.4 GHz wireless network and 2167 Mbps for each of the two 5GHz wireless networks that are broadcasted by this router. Obviously, these impressive numbers are theoretical and they are not easily achieved in the real world with common networking hardware. If you want to get a good perspective on the bandwidth that you are likely to achieve, read the Wireless network performance section of this review.
It's a no brainer that this router, being so new and so powerful, offers support for all the modern networking standards, including 802.11ac, and all types of data encryption.
The size of this router is outstanding: 9.6 x 9.6 x 2.6 inches (width x depth x height) or 24.5 x 24.5 x 6.6 cm. It's also a heavy wireless router at 3.99 lbs or 1.8 kg.
On the front side of the ASUS RT-AC5300 there are 5 LEDs: one for power, one for the WAN, one for the LAN, two for the wireless networks and 1 for the WPS feature.
On the right side you will find a USB 2.0 port, a button for turning on/off the LEDs, a button for enabling or disabling the WPS feature and one for turning on/off the wireless network.
On the backside of the wireless router there are four Ethernet ports for connecting your own computers and devices and a fifth for connecting the router to the Internet. There's also a USB 3.0 port and a button for turning the router on and off.
If you turn the ASUS RT-AC5300 wireless router upside-down, you can see some of its insides. This router has very powerful hardware inside: a dual-core Broadcom BCM4709 C0 processor, running at 1.4 GHz, 512 MB of RAM memory and 128 MB of storage space.
If you want a detailed and complete list of specifications, go to this page: ASUS RT-AC5300 Specifications.
The ASUS RT-AC5300 wireless router features some of the most powerful hardware you will find on a wireless router for consumers and the highest number of attachable antennas. It's also one of the biggest and heaviest routers on the market.
Setting up & using the ASUS RT-AC5300 wireless router
Before we start with what's it like to set up and use this router from a software and networking perspective, we would like to first cover a logistical aspect that might be relevant to some users: since this router is so large, with so many antennas and without a system for mounting it on walls, it needs to be placed on stable surfaces where there's enough room for it. It is not the kind of device that you can easily hide from view, somewhere safe. Once you find a good spot to place it, where there's enough room, plug the router into the power outlet, connect it to a PC and start it.
The ASUS RT-AC5300 wireless router uses the same firmware that is found on other ASUS routers, with the difference that it includes several new features that are unique to this router. The setup wizard is easy to use and it starts by asking users to change the default router login and password, which is a good proactive approach from ASUS's part.
During the wizard, the type of Internet connection is detected automatically and the necessary details are requested of you, so that the router can connect to your ISP. At the end of the setup wizard, you get the chance to set the wireless networks which are broadcasted by the router. You can only set their name and network key.
However, after the initial setup is over, you can set things in detail, using the administration interface, which is available in 19 languages, which you can see below.
The administration user interface is well organized. On the column on the left there are two sections: General and Advanced Settings.
The General section includes many extra features, some of which are unique to the ASUS RT-AC5300 wireless router, like Game Boost. You access each feature by clicking on it and then you can turn it on and set the way it works.
In the Advanced Settings section you get access to all the settings for the standard features of this router. Things like the wireless network, the local area network (LAN), the VPN features of this router, the firewall and so on. After you are done with the quick setup wizard, we recommend you to go through all the advanced settings and set this router to work your own way. Also, you should turn on the extra features that you are interested in. They are disabled by default, which is good, because it frees up resources and the basics are delivered at very good speeds.
We mentioned this is past reviews for ASUS networking products - we really enjoy using their administration interface. It's nicely laid out, organized well and you won't have trouble finding the settings that interest you. Another positive is the fact that Help documentation is readily available. When you hover the mouse over most settings, a question mark is shown. If you then click on that setting, an explanation is shown for that setting, letting you know what it does. This is a good approach, which should be mirrored by other vendors.
We used the latest firmware version that was available during the time of our testing: One new feature we discovered while using this version, is a Feedback tool that's found in the Administration section of settings. With it, you can report problems directly to ASUS, from your router's administration interface. This tool is great because it will also send extra information to ASUS, for debugging, like the router's logs and settings.
We actually used this tool to report the only issue we have found with the administration interface: if you use the Opera web browser to access it, the default settings are not prepopulated. All the drop-down lists are shown without any values. If you access the administration interface in other browsers, like Firefox or Chrome, there's no problem. You can view a quick comparison below.
Hopefully, this issue will be sorted by ASUS in a future firmware update. And speaking of firmware updates, another positive is that ASUS has already released three firmware versions since this router was released. Each new version fixes bugs and improves performance.
After purchasing the ASUS RT-AC5300 wireless router, you should always install the latest firmware available, to benefit from the best possible performance and user experience.
After setting up the router, we started connecting all our devices from the network: desktop PCs, laptops, tablets, consoles, smartphones and wireless printers. We had no issues connecting any of them and network sharing, media streaming and other networking-related tasks worked smoothly, without any issues.
We are happy with how easy it was to set up our network and the amount of control offered by the user interface for administering the ASUS RT-AC5300 router. The administration interface is easy to use and it offers a great deal of customization that is going to be loved by geeks and IT professionals. This router worked very well during our testing and we did not encounter issues with stability and performance.