ASUS Transformer Book T100是随(ASUS Transformer Book T100)Windows 8.1一起销售的最受欢迎的二合一设备之一。这是一款将上网本与平板电脑混合在一起的设备,其结果是一款功能强大的混合设备,足以承受日常的日常活动,但又足够轻巧,可以随身携带,而且电池续航时间(battery life)长。这个受欢迎的型号现在得到了升级,称为ASUS Transformer Book T100HA。新版本有更好的处理器、后置摄像头(旧T100没有)、不同的屏幕分辨率(screen resolution),并配备Windows 10而不是Windows 8.1,但除此之外,它与它的哥哥很相似。我们很想知道它的性能如何,因此我们对其进行了一段时间的测试并对其进行了多个基准测试。如果您想了解购买ASUS Transformer Book T100HA时会得到什么,请阅读以下评论:
华硕 Transformer Book T100HA(ASUS Transformer Book T100HA)拆箱
ASUS Transformer Book T100HA包装在一个漂亮的盒子里。它的颜色为灰色和黑色,顶部有设备的图像。一般来说,当您考虑预算设备时,您还认为它们缺乏对细节的关注,至少在包装方面是这样。该产品并非如此。
在包装盒内,您会找到ASUS Transformer Book T100HA(平板电脑和键盘底座(keyboard dock))、充电器、micro USB 数据线(USB cable)、快速入门指南(start guide)和保修文件。
硬件处理能力方面,华硕 Transformer Book T100HA 搭载(ASUS Transformer Book T100HA)Intel Atom Z8500(Intel Atom Z8500) “ Cherry Trail ”四核处理器(quad core processor),配备Intel HD Graphics,默认速度(default speed)为 1.44 GHz。但是,在需要时,CPU可以自动将其速度提高到 2.16 GHz。
在RAM 内存(RAM memory)方面,根据您购买的型号,ASUS Transformer Book T100HA以 2GB DDR3 RAM或 4GB 出售。我们用于测试的模型是具有 2GB RAM的模型。
ASUS Transformer Book T100HA提供 32GB存储空间(storage space)、64GB 或 128GB的配置。如果您需要更多空间,您可以随时将 microSD 卡添加到相应的插槽中。
该设备包括 2 个摄像头:一个位于平板电脑的背面(提供 5 兆像素的分辨率),一个位于正面(分辨率为 2 兆像素)。
通信由能够使用 802.11 a/b/g/n network协议的集成无线网卡(wireless network card capable)和内置蓝牙 4.0(Bluetooth 4.0)芯片处理。不幸的是,该设备无法连接到现代 802.11ac 无线网络。
在连接性方面,华硕 Transformer T100HA(ASUS Transformer T100HA)相当大方,考虑到大部分端口都在平板电脑上。在平板电脑的右侧,您有一个 3.5毫米组合(mm combo)音频插孔(这意味着您可以使用它来插入microphone or headphones/speakers)、一个微型USB 端口(USB port)、一个微型HDMI 插槽(HDMI slot)和一个用于添加 microSD 卡的插槽。
在平板电脑的左侧,您会发现只有一个连接器:一个 USB-C 端口,传输速度高达 5 Gbps。在键盘底座(keyboard dock)上,您只会找到一个连接器:一个普通的USB 2.0端口。
除了平板电脑侧面的各种接口端口外,您还可以在左上方找到一个电源按钮(power button),以及位于平板电脑左侧顶部的音量摇杆。(volume rocker)
尺寸方面, ASUS Transformer Book T100HA(ASUS Transformer Book T100HA)的平板电脑部分宽、深、高(depth and height)分别为 265 x 175 x 8.45 mm(10.43 x 6.89 x 0.33 英寸),而键盘底座(keyboard dock)为 265 x 173.7 x 10 mm(10.43 x 6.89 x 0.28 ~0.39 inch)。平板电脑重 0.58 千克(1.28 磅),键盘底座重 0.46(keyboard dock 0.46)千克(1.04 磅)。
ASUS Transformer Book T100HA由30 Whrs锂聚合物电池供电,有望持续长达 12 小时。电池显然放置在设备的平板电脑部分(tablet portion)。不幸的是,键盘底座(keyboard dock)不包含额外的电池,因此使用它不会增加这款二合一设备的自主性。
最后,我们相信您知道华硕 Transformer T100HA(ASUS Transformer T100HA)随附安装了Windows 10非常重要。如果您想查看有关ASUS Transformer Book T100HA规格的更多详细信息,请访问其官方网页,此处为:ASUS Transformer Book T100HA 规格(ASUS Transformer Book T100HA Specifications)。
使用华硕变压器 T100HA
我们测试、基准测试和使用华硕 Transformer T100HA(ASUS Transformer T100HA)已经一个多星期了。但在我们进入本评论的测试和基准测试部分之前,我们想先告诉你更多关于使用它的感觉以及它处理日常计算活动的能力。毕竟,这就是我们主要做的事情,因为基准测试只用了一天左右的时间。在其他所有日子里,我们都掌握了它,我们做的事情包括为Digital Citizen撰写文章和评论、上网、在Skype上聊天或看电影。我们甚至做了一些简单的游戏。
我们很高兴地说,我们完成了所有这些任务都没有问题。ASUS Transformer T100HA的硬件足以处理所有这些常见的计算任务,而且我们使用的通用应用程序和桌面应用程序(desktop apps)都运行良好。
如果您将ASUS Transformer Book T100HA(ASUS Transformer Book T100HA)与笔记本电脑进行比较,英特尔 Atom Z8500 处理器(Intel Atom Z8500 processor)和来自我们测试模型(test model)的 2 GB RAM 内存(RAM memory)可能看起来并不多,但在将此设备与其他平板电脑进行比较时,它们就相当不错了。
在日常使用时,我们越来越喜欢ASUS Transformer Book T100HA。当然,它可能不是最好的二合一设备,也不是高级设备。但就其价格而言,它提供了很多。性能好,颜值高。它主要由铝制成,因此当您将其握在手中时,它看起来很漂亮并且感觉很好。
ASUS Transformer Book T100HA有四种鲜艳的颜色可供选择:锡灰(Tin Grey)、丝绸白(Silk White)、水蓝色(Aqua Blue)和胭脂粉(Rouge Pink)。我们的测试样品(test sample)是水蓝色(Aqua Blue),我们必须说我们喜欢它。这是一种清新乐观的颜色,非常适合这款设备。
屏幕看起来不错,其IPS 面板(IPS panel)提供了良好的对比度、自然的色彩和宽视角。您在室内或室外使用此设备都不会出现问题,而且屏幕足够亮,即使在阳光直射下也可以看到。我们不喜欢T100HA的屏幕是它有光泽。它很容易聚集灰尘和指纹(dust and fingerprints)。我们知道大多数人喜欢光面屏幕,但是,我们总是更喜欢磨砂屏幕。
第一台ASUS Transformer Book T100 型号(ASUS Transformer Book T100 model)到处都有光泽表面,甚至在平板电脑的背面。相比之下,新型号的平板电脑背面有光滑的哑光饰面(matte finish),我们认为这是一种改进,因为它使握在手中更加舒适,并有助于对抗指纹。
平板电脑的背面也是您可以找到两个内置立体声扬声器的地方。在听音乐或看电影时,我们发现声音非常适合平板电脑:它足够清晰,足够响亮,可以享受听音乐和看视频的乐趣。但是,与几乎所有小型设备的情况一样,扬声器在最大化音量(volume level)时会出现失真。我们不建议您将音量调到最大。如果您真的想要响亮的声音,您可能需要利用 3.5 毫米音频插孔或内置蓝牙芯片(Bluetooth chip)来连接耳机组或便携式扬声器,例如索尼 SRS-X11(Sony SRS-X11)。
我们测试的ASUS Transformer Book T100HA配备 64 GB 的 eMMC 驱动器。(ASUS Transformer Book T100HA)我们发现这足以安装我们通常使用的所有应用程序和桌面程序。但是,在那之后,该设备上只剩下大约 10 GB 的可用存储空间(storage space)。如果您考虑购买华硕 Transformer Book T100HA(ASUS Transformer Book T100HA),我们建议您选择 128 GB 版本(GB version),因为价格差异不大。无论哪种方式,您可能会很高兴该设备有一个microSD 插槽(microSD slot),您可以使用它来扩展您的存储空间(storage space)。
接下来,让我们看看键盘底座(keyboard dock),从我们喜欢它的地方开始。很高兴,与我们在其他 2 合 1 上看到的不同,键盘底座(keyboard dock)不是靠磁铁连接到平板电脑上的。当然,它确实有磁铁,但键盘底座(keyboard dock)物理连接到平板电脑 - 平板电脑实际上留在键盘底座(keyboard dock)内,使整个设置看起来非常像笔记本电脑。这还有另一个优势:当您握住设备时,您不会冒意外拆分二合一并掉落平板电脑或扩展坞的风险。一个缺点是键盘底座(keyboard dock),即使它是由金属制成的,也比平板电脑轻。除非您在平坦的表面上使用设备,否则平板电脑(tablet i)很可能会摔倒。例如,很难将ASUS Transformer Book T100HA放在膝上。
说到键盘,可以短时间使用它。考虑到设备有多小,按键之间有足够的空间让您感觉舒适。但是,您需要一些时间才能习惯其“拥挤”的按键布局。虽然键盘可以正常工作,但触控板却不能。我们喜欢触控板足够大可以使用的事实,但它有时会出现不响应的问题。我们不知道为什么会发生这种情况,但它随时可能发生。这个错误非常烦人,因此我们建议您购买并使用无线蓝牙鼠标(wireless bluetooth mouse)。它会让你的生活轻松很多。
ASUS Transformer Book T100HA 到处都有缺陷,但它仍然是您在旅途中完成工作的好设备。它看起来不错,效果很好,握起来感觉很好。我们喜欢具有丰富色彩和宽视角的 IPS 屏幕,我们喜欢外壳的哑光效果,我们特别喜欢硬件如何处理普通用户将使用的大多数应用程序。(ASUS Transformer Book T100HA has its flaws here and there, but it's still a very good device to get your work done when you're on the go. It looks nice, it works well and it feels good when you hold it. We liked the IPS screen with its rich colors and wide viewing angles, we liked the matte finish of the case, and we especially liked how the hardware handles most apps the average user will work with.)
Reviewing the ASUS Transformer Book T100HA
ASUS Trаnsformer Book T100 is one of the most popular 2-in-1 devices that were sold with Windows 8.1. It's a device that mixes a netbook with tablet and the result is a hуbrid that is powerful enough to withstand common day to day actiνitіes, yet light enоugh to carry with you anywhere yoυ go and with great battery lіfe. This popular mоdel has now receiνed an upgrade, called ASUS Transformer Βоok T100HA. Thе new version has a slightly better рrocessor, a rear camera (which the old T100 didn't have), а different screen resolution and comes with Windows 10 instead of Windows 8.1, but otherwise it's rather similar to its older brother. We were curious to learn how well it performs, so wе tested іt for a while and ran seνeral benchmarks on it. If yoυ want tо learn what you get when you buy the ASUS Transformer Bоok T100HA , read this review:
Unboxing the ASUS Transformer Book T100HA
The ASUS Transformer Book T100HA comes packaged in a good looking box. It's colored in gray and black and on its top side there's an image of the device. In general, when you're thinking about budget devices, you also assume that they lack attention to detail, at least when it comes to the packaging. That's not the case with this product.
Inside the box, you'll find the ASUS Transformer Book T100HA (the tablet plus the keyboard dock), the charger, a micro USB cable, the quick start guide and the warranty documents.
If you'd like to get a better picture at what the package looks like and see what's inside the box, watch this unboxing video:
Hardware specifications
In terms of hardware processing power, the ASUS Transformer Book T100HA runs on a n Intel Atom Z8500 "Cherry Trail" quad core processor with Intel HD Graphics, at a default speed of 1.44 GHz. However, when needed, the CPU can automatically turbo boost its speed up to 2.16 GHz.
When it comes to RAM memory, depending on the model you purchase, the ASUS Transformer Book T100HA is sold with either 2GB of DDR3 RAM or with 4GB. The model we had for testing was the one with 2GB of RAM.
The ASUS Transformer Book T100HA is available in configurations with 32GB of storage space, 64GB or 128GB. If you need more space, you can always add a microSD card into the appropriate slot.
This device includes 2 cameras: one found on the rear of the tablet (offering a resolution of 5 megapixels) and one on the front (with a resolution of 2 megapixels).
The communications are handled by an integrated wireless network card capable of using the 802.11 a/b/g/n network protocols, and by a built-in Bluetooth 4.0 chip. Unfortunately this device can't connect to modern 802.11ac wireless networks.
In terms of connectivity, the ASUS Transformer T100HA is quite generous, considering that most of the ports are found on the tablet. On the tablet's right side you get a 3.5 mm combo audio jack (which means you can use it to plug in both a microphone or headphones/speakers), a micro USB port, one micro HDMI slot and a slot for adding microSD cards.
On the left side of the tablet, you'll find only one connector: a USB-C port, capable of transfers of up to 5 Gbps. On the keyboard dock you'll find only one connector: a normal USB 2.0 port.
Besides the various interface ports found on the sides of the tablet, you'll also find a power button placed on the top left, and a volume rocker positioned to the top of the tablet's left side.
It's worth mentioning that the tablet also has built-in speakers and a microphone.
In terms of size, the tablet part of the ASUS Transformer Book T100HA is 265 x 175 x 8.45 mm (10.43 x 6.89 x 0.33 inch) in width, depth and height, while the keyboard dock is 265 x 173.7 x 10 mm (10.43 x 6.89 x 0.28 ~0.39 inch). The tablet weighs 0.58 kg (1.28 lbs), and the keyboard dock 0.46 kg (1.04 lbs).
The ASUS Transformer Book T100HA is powered by a 30 Whrs lithium-polymer battery, that promises to last up to 12 hours. The battery is obviously placed in the tablet portion of the device. Unfortunately, the keyboard dock doesn't include an additional battery so using it won't increase the autonomy of this 2-in-1 device.
Finally, we believe that it's important for you to know that the ASUS Transformer T100HA comes with Windows 10 installed. If you'd like to see more details about the specifications of the ASUS Transformer Book T100HA, head to its official web page, here: ASUS Transformer Book T100HA Specifications.
Using the ASUS Transformer T100HA
We tested, benchmarked and used the ASUS Transformer T100HA for more than a week now. But before we get to the tests and benchmarks section of this review, we'd like first to tell you more about how it feels to use it and how well it handles daily computing activities. After all, that's what we did mostly, as the benchmarks took only a day or so. In all the other days we had it in our hands, we did things like writing articles and reviews for Digital Citizen , surfing the web, chatting on Skype or watching movies. We even did some light gaming.
We're happy to say that we did all these tasks without issues. The hardware of the ASUS Transformer T100HA is enough to handle all these common computing tasks and both the universal apps and the desktop apps we used, worked great.
The Intel Atom Z8500 processor and the 2 GB of RAM memory from our test model might not seem much if you compare the ASUS Transformer Book T100HA with a laptop, but they are quite something when comparing this device with other tablets.
We grew fond of the ASUS Transformer Book T100HA when using it on a daily basis. Sure, it may not be the greatest 2-in-1 out there and it's also not a premium device. But for its price, it offers a lot. Good performance and good looks. It's mainly built from aluminum, so it looks nice and feels nice when you hold it in your hands.
The ASUS Transformer Book T100HA is available in four vivid colors: Tin Grey, Silk White, Aqua Blue, and Rouge Pink. Our test sample was an Aqua Blue and we must say that we liked it. It's a fresh and optimistic color, that fits this device very nicely.
The screen looks good and its IPS panel offers good contrast, natural colors and wide viewing angles. You'll have no problems using this device indoors or outdoors, and the screen is bright enough to be visible even in direct sunlight. What we don't like about the T100HA's screen is the fact that it's glossy. It's easy for it to gather dust and fingerprints. We know that most people like glossy screens, however, we'll always prefer matte displays.
The first ASUS Transformer Book T100 model had glossy surfaces everywhere, even on the back of the tablet. In contrast, the new model has a smooth matte finish on the back of the tablet, which we consider an improvement, as it makes it a lot more comfortable to hold in your hands and helps fight fingerprints.
The back of the tablet is also the place where you'll find two built-in stereo speakers. While listening to music or watching movies, we found the sound to be quite good for a tablet: it's clear enough and loud enough to enjoy listening to music and watching videos. However, as is the case for almost all small form devices, the speakers suffer from distortion when maximizing the volume level. We don't recommend that you take the volume to its maximum level. If you really want loud sounds, you might want to take advantage of the 3.5 mm audio jack or the built-in Bluetooth chip to connect a headphones set or portable speakers, like the Sony SRS-X11.
The ASUS Transformer Book T100HA that we tested came with an eMMC drive of 64 GB. We found that to be enough to install all the apps and desktop programs we normally use. However, after that, the device only had about 10 GB of free storage space left on it. If you consider buying the ASUS Transformer Book T100HA, we recommend that you go with the 128 GB version, as the difference in price is not large. Either way, you'll probably be happy that this device has a microSD slot which you can use extend your storage space.
Next, let's take a look at the keyboard dock and start with what we liked about it. It's nice that, unlike what we've seen on other 2-in-1s, the keyboard dock doesn't attach to the tablet just with the help of magnets. Sure, it does have magnets, but the keyboard dock is physically connected to the tablet - the tablet actually stays inside the keyboard dock, making the whole setup look very much like a laptop. This has another advantage too: you don't risk accidentally splitting the 2-in-1 and drop the tablet or the dock when you hold the device. One negative is that the keyboard dock, even if it's made of metal, is lighter than the tablet. Unless you use the device on a flat surface, the tablet i s very likely to fall on its back . For instance, it's quite difficult to keep the ASUS Transformer Book T100HA on your lap.
Speaking of the keyboard, it's OK to use it for short to average periods of time. The keys have enough space between them to feel comfortable, considering how small the device is. However, it will take some time for you to get used to its "crowded" key layout. While the keyboard can do its job properly, the trackpad can not. We liked the fact that the trackpad is large enough to be usable, but it has a problem of not responding at times. We don't know why that happens, but it can happen anytime. This bug is quite annoying, so our recommendation for you would be to buy and use a wireless bluetooth mouse. It will make your life a lot easier.
ASUS Transformer Book T100HA has its flaws here and there, but it's still a very good device to get your work done when you're on the go. It looks nice, it works well and it feels good when you hold it. We liked the IPS screen with its rich colors and wide viewing angles, we liked the matte finish of the case, and we especially liked how the hardware handles most apps the average user will work with.