华硕的(ASUS)智能手机业务(smartphone business)进展顺利,其中一个原因是他们为所有预算创造了各种各样的智能手机。他们的一款智能手机是为那些不一定想要非常强大的智能手机的人设计的,他们的预算有限,需要一款电池寿命(battery life)长的设备。ZenFone Max是华硕(ASUS)为这些观众准备的智能手机,我们收到了用于测试该型号的最新版本:华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max ZC520TL. 我们对其进行了一周的测试,运行了几个基准测试,拍了很多照片,并将其用作我们的日常智能手机。阅读此评论以了解我们对该设备的看法以及它是否适合您:
华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max ZC520TL采用精美的包装盒,由光滑的纸板制成。在顶部,有智能手机的插图、名称和吹嘘(ad bragging)其“长寿命 4100 mAh 电池”("Long life 4100 mAh battery")的广告。将盒子翻转到一侧,您将看到它的主要功能 - Pixel Master Camera、蓝牙 4.0、高清显示屏、WLAN、4G 和 2.5D 玻璃(Pixel Master Camera, Bluetooth 4.0, HD Display, WLAN, 4G and 2.5D Glass)。然后,将其倒置以查看智能手机的序列号、确切的型号名称(model name)和主要硬件规格(hardware specs)。
打开包装,你会看到华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max ZC520TL,它坐在纸架(paper stand)的顶部,你会在纸架下面找到充电器及其可拆卸的USB到Micro USB 电缆(Micro USB cable),这是一个很有用的引脚移除SIM(SIM card)卡托,一根Micro USB转USB 线(USB cable),可用于将您的智能手机变成移动电源并(power bank and charge)为其他设备充电,以及所有保存智能手机文档的普通纸。值得注意的是,包装中缺少一件事:华硕没有与ZenFone 3 Max捆绑任何耳机(Max)您需要单独购买。
华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max ZC520TL提供三种不同的颜色变化:钛灰(Titanium Gray)、冰川银(Glacier Silver)和沙金(Sand Gold)。正如您在下一张图片中看到的那样,我们在测试中收到的模型是钛灰色(Titanium Gray)。
华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max ZC520TL配备 5.2 英寸IPS 显示屏(IPS display),具有 1280x720 像素的高清分辨率(HD resolution)和 75% 的屏占比。因为显示屏采用了IPS面板(IPS panel),这意味着智能手机的屏幕应该具有广视角、良好的色彩还原(color reproduction)和高对比度。显示屏由 2.5D 轮廓玻璃保护,这意味着其边缘逐渐淡入外壳。
如果你想知道它的处理能力(processing power),你应该知道华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max ZC520TL由联发科(MediaTek)制造的四核 1.25 GHz Cortex-A53 处理器(GHz Cortex-A53 processor)提供动力,而图形则由Mali-T720MP2 视频(Mali-T720MP2 video)芯片处理。您还可以获得 2GB 或 3GB 的LPDDR3 RAM 内存(LPDDR3 RAM memory),具体取决于您购买的具体型号。可用的内部存储空间(storage space)还取决于您的ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL的确切型号:您可以购买 16GB 内部存储空间(storage space),也可以购买 32GB 内部存储空间(storage space) . 无论哪种方式,如果需要,您都可以借助最大 32GB的MicroSD 卡来扩展此空间。(MicroSD card)您还可以在Google Drive(Google Drive)中获得 2 年的 100GB 可用空间。我们测试的型号配备 2GB RAM 内存(RAM memory)和 32GB 内部存储空间(storage space)。
华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max ZC520TL的主摄像头拥有 13 兆像素、自动对焦和闪光灯,可以拍摄HDR的照片。在智能手机的正面,您会看到一个具有美化效果的基本 5 兆像素相机。
在连接选项方面,您应该知道华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max ZC520TL配备了一个Micro USB 2.0端口、一个 3.5毫米音频插孔(mm audio jack)、一个蓝牙 4.0(Bluetooth 4.0)芯片和一个只能连接到 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi网络的无线网络芯片(wireless network chip)使用 802.11 b/g/n wireless标准。这意味着您将无法连接到5GHz无线电频率上的(radio frequency)无线网络广播(wireless network broadcast)。
华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max ZC520TL是双SIM 卡智能手机(SIM smartphone),缺点是虽然两个SIM 卡(SIM card)插槽都支持 3G WCDMA/4G LTE network频段,但一次只能连接一个SIM 卡(SIM card)到 3G/4G 服务。另一张 SIM 卡(SIM)将仅支持 2G 语音。同样重要的是要知道,这款智能手机采用双卡双待实现(SIM Dual Standby implementation),这意味着即使您有两张活动的SIM 卡(SIM card),只要您不使用它们,它们都处于活动状态。一旦您使用其中一张SIM 卡接听电话(SIM card)s,另一个变得不活跃。这并不理想,但该技术在当今的智能手机中更便宜且更广泛。此外,如果您打算在智能手机中添加MicroSD 卡(MicroSD card)以增加其存储空间(storage space),您应该知道它会占用第二张SIM 卡(SIM card)的插槽- 这意味着您将无法使用两张SIM 卡(SIM card)在您的智能手机上。
华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max ZC520TL还安装了各种传感器。它有一个加速度计、一个指南针、一个接近传感器(proximity sensor)、一个环境光传感器(ambient light sensor),以及设备背面的指纹扫描仪,您可以使用它来解锁智能手机、启动(fingerprint scanner)相机应用程序(camera app),甚至拍摄照片。
华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max ZC520TL最重要的优势在于它的电池,这是一块 4130 mAh 的不可拆卸锂聚合物电池(lithium polymer battery)。这是一块大电池,因此您应该期望它能够提供非常好的自主性。
尺寸方面,如果你习惯了英制,华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max ZC520TL的宽、深、高分别为 2.9 x 5.9 x 0.3 英寸。如果使用公制,其尺寸为 73.7 x 149.5 x 8.55 毫米。华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max ZC520TL重5.6 盎司或 160 克。
如果您想查看这款智能手机的官方规格,请访问此页面:华硕 ZenFone 3 Max (ZC520TL) - 技术规格(ASUS ZenFone 3 Max (ZC520TL) - Technical Specifications)。
华硕 ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL 的技术规格并没有给人留下深刻印象,但其大容量电池却是这款智能手机的主要卖点。(The technical specifications of the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL aren't impressive in any way, but its large capacity battery is, which is this smartphone's main selling point.)
华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max ZC520TL看起来不错,其制造质量优于您会发现的价格(price tag)相似的普通智能手机。这款智能手机采用一体成型设计,这意味着它的背面无法拆开。再加上外壳是由铝合金制成(aluminum alloy)的,使它感觉坚固可靠。
在华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max ZC520TL的正面,您会发现 5.2 屏幕,周围环绕着平均尺寸的边框、前置摄像头(front camera)、听筒格栅(earpiece grille)、顶部用于通知的小LED 灯和底部的(LED light)华硕(ASUS)徽标。值得注意的是,您不会在此处找到返回、主页(Back, Home,)和最近使用的应用程序(Recent apps)按钮,因为华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max ZC520TL在其(Max ZC520TL)软件实现(software implementation)中将它们显示在屏幕上。
智能手机的背面是后置摄像头(rear camera)、手电筒和顶部的指纹传感器的所在地。(fingerprint sensor)在底部,您会发现扬声器格栅(loudspeaker grille)和另一个公司徽标(company logo)。与其大哥华硕 ZenFone 3(ASUS ZenFone 3)类似,指纹传感器(fingerprint sensor)呈矩形,略微下沉到外壳中。即使您不看智能手机的背面,这两个功能也可以让您用手指轻松发现和使用。
华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max ZC520TL的底部边缘是Micro-USB 端口(Micro-USB port),右侧(right edge)顶部是电源按钮(power button)和音量(volume rocker)键。如果我们可以这么说,这三个按钮在任何Android 智能手机上的安全位置是什么。(Android smartphone)这是一个明智的选择,因为它使这些按钮只需一只手即可轻松按下,即使您在通话时将手机贴在耳边也是如此。
华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max ZC520TL的上边缘只有音频插孔,左边缘(left edge)是SIM卡托盘的位置。要从智能手机中取出这个,您必须使用包装中收到的别针。
华硕 ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL 智能手机在设计和制造质量方面并不令人失望。从这个角度来看,它比您在价格实惠的智能手机上看到的要好。(The ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL smartphone doesn't disappoint when it comes to its design and build quality. From this perspective, it is better than you'd expect to see at a smartphone with such an affordable price.)
华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3)Max ZC520TL的智能手机体验(smartphone experience)
我们必须谈论的第一件事是您在通话期间获得的音频质量。我已经使用华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max ZC520TL作为我的日常电话一周了,在那段时间里,我注意到虽然我可以清楚地听到与我通话的人的声音,但他们并没有以同样的方式听我说。他们中的大多数人说我的声音听起来很闷而且“很远”。这并不是说我们没有设法相互理解,只是在通话过程中音频质量可能会更好。
不幸的是,华硕(ASUS)没有在智能手机的默认包装(default package)中包含耳机,这意味着您必须单独购买它们或使用扬声器。不幸的是,扬声器的质量很差。它会在电话中表现出色,但不要指望在智能手机上听音乐或观看视频(music or watch videos)时会感到满意。它提供的声音太低级和高音令人愉悦。
当我第一次见到华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max ZC520TL时,感觉非常活泼,我想“是的,里面的硬件可能不是高端,但对我来说已经足够了!”。不幸的是,这种印象没过多久就消失了。四核 1.25 GHz Cortex-A53 MediaTek 处理器(GHz Cortex-A53 MediaTek processor)和 2GB RAM 内存(RAM memory)不足以让您的应用程序流畅运行。一开始会,但在使用Facebook(Facebook)、Messenger 或(Messenger or Whatsapp)Whatsapp等十几个常用应用程序后,华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max ZC520TL会变得越来越慢。即使是打电话也需要一点耐心的电话(Phone)应用程序加载。您可以想象,您从华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max ZC520TL获得的性能在游戏中会更差。它的整个硬件配置(hardware configuration),包括Mali T720图形芯片,都不足以让这款智能手机在高设置下运行游戏。它们会运行,但要求苛刻的游戏会卡顿,并且它们的视觉效果不会达到最佳状态。
华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max ZC520TL的主要吸引力仍然是它的大电池,它确实提供了相当好的自主性。我像往常一样使用智能手机,它连续 2 天让我远离电源插座。(power outlet)在正常使用的情况下,我会考虑每天打十几个电话、(dozen phone)浏览网页(web browsing)、浏览YouTube以及定期查看电子邮件和Facebook。在我测试这款智能手机的某一天,我还用它在Skype(Skype)上进行了很长的视频对话,总共花了大约3个小时。那天,我不得不在睡觉前给智能手机充电。但是,在正常情况下,它的电池最多可以使用 2 天,然后才需要充电。
ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL 性能低下,对您获得的用户体验产生负面影响。它绝对不是为要求苛刻的 3D 游戏而构建的,您应该只将它用于常见的智能手机应用程序,如 Facebook、WhatsApp 或 YouTube。最大的优点是电池,在正常情况下,它应该可以持续使用两天。(ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL offers low performance, which negatively impacts the user experience you get. It's definitely not built for demanding 3D games and you should use it only for usual smartphone apps like Facebook, WhatsApp or YouTube. The biggest plus is the battery, which, in normal conditions, should last up to two days of use.)
阅读本评论的下一页,您将了解更多关于相机体验、(camera experience)华硕 ZenFone 3 (ASUS ZenFone 3) Max ZC520TL上安装的软件、其在基准测试中的性能以及我们的最终判断的更多信息。
Reviewing the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max - Affordable and good-looking
ASUS has a good thing going on with its smartphone bυsiness, and one of the reasons for that is the fact that they have created a wide variety of smartphones, for all budgets. One of their smartphones is made for peoplе who don't nеcessarily want a very powerful smartрhone, they have a limited budget and need a device that hаs a generous battery lifе. The ZenFone Max is ASUS's smartphоne for thiѕ audience and we receiνed for testing the latest revіsion of this model: the AЅUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL. We tested іt for a wеek, we rаn several benchmarks, took lots of pictures and used it as our daily smartphone. Read this reviеw to seе our opinion about this device and whether it is a good сhoice for you:
Hardware specifications and packaging
The ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL comes packaged in a good looking box, made from a cardboard with a silky finish. On the top side, there's an illustration of the smartphone, its name and an ad bragging about its "Long life 4100 mAh battery". Turn the box to one of its sides and you'll get to see its main features - Pixel Master Camera, Bluetooth 4.0, HD Display, WLAN, 4G and 2.5D Glass. Then, turn it upside down to see your smartphone's serial number, exact model name, and main hardware specs.
Open the package, and you'll get to meet the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL, sitting on top of a paper stand, under which you'll find the charger and its detachable USB to Micro USB cable, a pin that's going to be useful to remove the SIM card tray, a Micro USB to USB cable that can be used to transform your smartphone into a power bank and charge other devices, and also all the ordinary papers holding the smartphone's documentation. It's worth noting that there's one thing missing from the package: ASUS doesn't bundle any headphones with the ZenFone 3 Max and you need to purchase them separately.
The ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL is available in three different color variations: Titanium Gray, Glacier Silver, and Sand Gold. As you can see in the next pictures, the model that we received in tests, was Titanium Gray.
The ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL has a 5.2 inches IPS display with an HD resolution of 1280x720 pixels and a 75% screen-to-body ratio. Because the display uses an IPS panel, it means that the smartphone's screen should have wide viewing angles, good color reproduction, and a high contrast. The display is protected by 2.5D contoured glass, meaning that its edges are fading into the case gradually.
If you're wondering about its processing power, you should know that the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL is powered by a quad-core 1.25 GHz Cortex-A53 processor made by MediaTek, while the graphics are handled by Mali-T720MP2 video chip. You also get 2GB or 3GB of LPDDR3 RAM memory, depending on the exact model you buy. The internal storage space available also depends on the exact model of your ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL: you can buy it with 16GB of internal storage space, or you can buy it with 32GB of internal storage space. Either way, if you need to, you can extend this space with the help of a MicroSD card of up to 32GB. And you also get 100GB of free space in Google Drive for 2 years. The model we tested came with 2GB of RAM memory and 32GB of internal storage space.
The main camera on the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL has 13-megapixels, autofocus, and flash, and can shoot photos with HDR. On the front side of the smartphone, you get a basic 5 megapixels camera with beautification effects.
In terms of connectivity options, you should know that ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL comes with a Micro USB 2.0 port, a 3.5 mm audio jack, a Bluetooth 4.0 chip and a wireless network chip that's capable of connecting only to 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi networks that use the 802.11 b/g/n wireless standards. That means that you won't be able to connect to a wireless network broadcast on the 5GHz radio frequency.
The ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL is a Dual SIM smartphone and the downside is that although both SIM card slots support 3G WCDMA/4G LTE network bands, only one SIM card will be able to connect to 3G/4G services at a time. The other SIM will support only 2G voice. It's also important to be aware that this smartphone works in a Dual SIM Dual Standby implementation, which means that even if you have two active SIM cards, they are both active only as long as you're not using them. Once you take a call on one of the SIM cards, the other one becomes inactive. It's not ideal but the technology is less expensive and more widespread in today's smartphones. Also, if you intend to add a MicroSD card to your smartphone in order to increase its storage space, you should know that it will occupy the slot of the second SIM card - which means that you won't be able to use two SIM cards on your smartphone.
The ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL also comes with a variety of sensors installed. It has an accelerometer, a compass, a proximity sensor, an ambient light sensor, and also a fingerprint scanner on the back of the device, which you can use to unlock the smartphone, launch the camera app, or even shoot a photo.
The most important strength of the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL is its battery, which is a non-removable lithium polymer battery of 4130 mAh. It's a big battery, so you should expect it to offer very good autonomy.
In terms of size, if you're accustomed to the imperial system, the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL is 2.9 x 5.9 x 0.3 inches in width, depth, and height. If you use the metric system, its dimensions are 73.7 x 149.5 x 8.55 mm. The ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL weighs 5.6 ounces or 160 grams.
If you would like to see the official specifications of this smartphone, visit this page: ASUS ZenFone 3 Max (ZC520TL) - Technical Specifications.
The technical specifications of the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL aren't impressive in any way, but its large capacity battery is, which is this smartphone's main selling point.
Design and build quality
The ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL looks good and its build quality is better than the average smartphone you'll find with a similar price tag. This smartphone has a unibody design, meaning that its back can't be taken apart. That, together with the fact that the case is built from an aluminum alloy, makes it feel sturdy and reliable.
On the front of the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL you will find the 5.2 screen, surrounded by average sized bezels, the front camera, the earpiece grille, a small LED light on the top for notifications and ASUS' logo on the bottom. It's worth noting that you won't find the Back, Home, and Recent apps buttons here, because the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL displays them on screen, in their software implementation.
The back of the smartphone is home to the rear camera, its flashlight and the fingerprint sensor on the top. Towards the bottom, you'll find the loudspeaker grille and another company logo. Similarly to its big brother - the ASUS ZenFone 3 - the fingerprint sensor has a rectangular shape and is slightly sunken into the case. These two features make it easy to spot and use with your finger, even if you don't look at the back of your smartphone.
The bottom edge of the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL is where you'll find the Micro-USB port, and the top of the right edge is where you'll find the power button and the volume rocker. Which is the safe placement of these three buttons on any Android smartphone, if we can say that. It's an intelligent choice because it makes these buttons easy to press with only one hand, and even if you're in a call with the phone pressed to your ear.
The top edge of the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL is home only to the audio jack, and the left edge is the place where the SIM cards tray is found. To get this one out of the smartphone, you'll have to use the pin you received in the packaging.
The ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL smartphone doesn't disappoint when it comes to its design and build quality. From this perspective, it is better than you'd expect to see at a smartphone with such an affordable price.
The smartphone experience on the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL
The first thing we have to talk about is the audio quality you get during phone calls. I have been using the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL as my daily phone for a week and, during that time, I've noticed that although I could hear the people with whom I've spoken on phone clearly and loud, they didn't hear me the same way. Most of them said that my voice sounded muffled and "far away". That's not to say that we didn't manage to understand each other, it's just that the audio quality could be better during phone calls.
Unfortunately, ASUS didn't include headphones in the smartphone's default package, which means that you'll have to either buy them separately or make do with the loudspeaker. Unfortunately, the loudspeaker is of low quality. It will do its job decently in phone calls, but don't expect to be satisfied when you listen to music or watch videos on your smartphone. The sound it offers is just too low-level and high-pitched to be pleasant.
When I first met the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL, it felt pretty snappy and I thought "yay, the hardware inside might not be high-end, but it's enough for me!". Unfortunately, it didn't take long for this impression to disappear. The quad-core 1.25 GHz Cortex-A53 MediaTek processor and the 2GB of RAM memory are not enough to run your apps smoothly. It will at first, but after a few days and a dozen common apps like Facebook, Messenger or Whatsapp, the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL will turn increasingly slower. Even making a call will take a bit of patience for the Phone app to load. You can imagine that the performance you'll get from the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL is even worse in games. Its whole hardware configuration, including the Mali T720 graphic chip are not enough for this smartphone to run games at high settings. They will run, but demanding games will stutter and their visuals will not be at their best.
The main attraction of the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL remains its big battery, which does indeed offer a pretty good autonomy. I've used the smartphone like I normally do and it managed to keep me away from the power outlet for 2 days in a row. By normal use, I'm thinking about a dozen phone calls a day, some web browsing, a bit of YouTube and regularly checking emails and Facebook. On one of the days I tested this smartphone, I also used it to have very long video conversations on Skype, which took about 3 hours in total. That day, I had to charge the smartphone before going to bed. But, in normal conditions, its battery should last you for up to two 2 days before having to charge it.
ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL offers low performance, which negatively impacts the user experience you get. It's definitely not built for demanding 3D games and you should use it only for usual smartphone apps like Facebook, WhatsApp or YouTube. The biggest plus is the battery, which, in normal conditions, should last up to two days of use.
Read the next page of this review and you will find out more about the camera experience, the software installed on the ASUS ZenFone 3 Max ZC520TL, its performance in benchmarks and our final verdict.