华硕最新推出的中端Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)称为华硕(ASUS)ZenFone 4(ASUS ZenFone 4) ( ZE554KL ),与上一代相比,它引入了双(ZE554KL)摄像头系统(dual-camera system)和其他一些有趣的新奇事物,例如支持蓝牙 5。我们非常好奇地拿试一试并详细测试(spin and test)。经过一个多星期的使用,我们对华硕 ZenFone 4(ASUS ZenFone 4)的了解如下:
华硕 ZenFone 4(ASUS ZenFone 4) 智能手机擅长(smartphone good)什么?
华硕 ZenFone 4(ASUS ZenFone 4)是一款出色的智能手机,适用于:
- 想要一款看起来不错的中档Android 智能手机的人(Android smartphone)
- 想要拥有比传统旗舰手机便宜的双摄像头系统的智能手机的用户(camera system)
- 想要一部好的安卓智能手机(Android smartphone)但不想支付拥有旗舰所需的钱的人
以下是华硕 ZenFone 4(ASUS ZenFone 4)的积极方面:
- 这款智能手机具有良好的制造质量,手感(build quality and feels)很好
- 设计并不创新,但两侧的大猩猩玻璃让它看起来很优雅(Gorilla Glass)
- 它的背面有一个双摄像头系统(camera system),可以拍出好看的照片并具有光学图像稳定功能(image stabilization)
- 华硕 ZenFone 4(ASUS ZenFone 4)内部的硬件足以帮助它快速流畅地执行任何智能手机活动(smartphone activity)
- 与之前的华硕(ASUS)智能手机相比,它捆绑的臃肿软件更少
- 两面都有玻璃意味着智能手机比其他机身由金属或聚碳酸酯制成的设备更容易损坏(metal or polycarbonate)
- 弱光摄影是华硕 ZenFone 4的弱点(ASUS ZenFone 4)
- 在发布时,它的价格标签(price tag)有点高。以相似的价格,其他智能手机的硬件稍好一些。但是,它们中的大多数都没有双摄像头系统(dual-camera system),因此您需要选择对您最重要的东西
华硕 ZenFone 4(ASUS ZenFone 4)是一款出色的Android智能手机(Android smartphone)。我们喜欢它的外观、工作方式和多任务处理方式,我们喜欢它拍摄的照片和视频的质量。双后置摄像头很有趣,但就我们而言,两者的主摄像头值得您关注,因为它提供了最佳效果。辅助双摄像头用于拍摄广角照片或视频,但其分辨率相当小,无法在弱光条件下使用。我们还必须指出,如果您轻轻使用智能手机,电池足以让您远离电源插座(power socket)一天或更长时间。总的来说,华硕 ZenFone 4(ASUS ZenFone 4)感觉就像一部制作精良的智能手机,不会让它的主人失望。它是我们今年测试过的最好的中档Android智能手机之一,但我们觉得在发布时它的价格有点高。(Android)双摄像头系统(dual-camera system)是中端市场的一个差异化因素,但一些用户会希望在相同预算的情况下获得更多的硬件能力。最后,选择权在您,您决定什么对您最重要:您获得的处理器或双摄像头系统(dual-camera system)。
华硕 ZenFone 4(ASUS ZenFone 4) ( ZE554KL ) 智能手机采用硬纸板制成的柔滑黑色盒子。在其顶部,您会看到打印了智能手机的名称 - Zenfone 4 - 以及两个矩形和两个点的插图,暗示了这款手机上的两个后置摄像头。
在包装的底部,您可以找到有关智能手机的更多详细信息,包括它的一些硬件规格、工厂名称(factory name)- ASUS ZE554KL - 以及它的序列号和 IMEI 号。
打开包装盒,您会看到华硕 ZenFone 4(ASUS ZenFone 4)以及与之捆绑的所有物品:电源充电器(power charger)、USB Type-C 数据线(USB Type-C cable)、一对有线耳机、用于从智能手机机身中弹出SIM 卡托(SIM tray)的针脚,用户手册和保修卡(warranty card)。此外,根据您在哪里购买,华硕 ZenFone 4(ASUS ZenFone 4)还可以配备透明的软保险杠以提供保护。
华硕 ZenFone 4(ASUS ZenFone 4)有两种颜色可供选择:月光白(Moonlight White)和午夜黑(Midnight Black)。我们测试的型号是午夜黑(Midnight Black)型号。
华硕 ZenFone 4(ASUS ZenFone 4)配备 5.5 英寸Super IPS+ display,全高清分辨率(Full HD resolution)为 1920 x 1080像素,像素密度为 401 ppi(ppi pixel density)。显示屏还受到康宁大猩猩玻璃 3(Gorilla Glass 3)的保护,防止刮擦、灰尘和偶尔掉落。该智能手机由运行频率高达 2.20 GHz的中档八核 Qualcomm Snapdragon 630(octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 630)处理器和Adreno 508图形处理单元提供动力。华硕 ZenFone 4(ASUS ZenFone 4)配备 4GB内存(RAM)和 64GB 内部存储空间(storage space). 该智能手机还支持 microSD 卡,如果您想将存储容量(storage capacity)扩展至 2TB,您可以添加该卡。华硕 ZenFone 4(ASUS ZenFone 4 )的自主权由不可拆卸的 3300 mAh 电池(mAh battery)提供。
在其背面,华硕 ZenFone 4(ASUS ZenFone 4 )有两个主摄像头:一个有 12 兆像素,另一个有 8 兆像素。该智能手机使用索尼 IMX362 图像(Sony IMX362 image)传感器,第一台相机具有 f/1.8 的光圈、6 元素镜头、83 度的视野、PDAF(相位检测自动对焦(Phase Detection Auto Focus))、4 轴光学图像稳定(image stabilization)和一个LED 闪光灯(LED flash)。
第二个摄像头的视野为 120 度。智能手机可以以 3840 x 2160 像素和每秒 30 帧 (fps) 的分辨率录制 4K 视频。它还具有 3 轴电子图像稳定功能(image stabilization),可录制 120 度广角和慢动作(1080p 120fps / 720p 240fps)。前置摄像头(front camera)具有8 兆像素、f/2.0 光圈和 84 度视野。
连接方面,华硕 ZenFone 4(ASUS ZenFone 4 )使用两张 nano - SIM 卡(SIM card),可连接 3G WCDMA和 4G LTE移动网络。但是,一次只有一张卡可以连接到 3G/4G 网络。智能手机采用双卡双待实现(SIM Dual Standby implementation),这意味着即使两张SIM 卡(SIM card)在您不使用时都处于活动状态,一旦您在其中一个上接听电话,另一个就会变为非活动状态。另外,如果你想添加一张microSD卡来扩大存储空间(storage space),你必须知道它取代了副SIM卡(SIM card),所以你不能再将智能手机用作双SIM卡手机(Dual SIM phone)。
ASUS ZenFone 4是一个USB Type-C 端口(USB Type-C port),支持USB 3.1、蓝牙 v5.0(Bluetooth v5.0)、NFC和双频无线支持(dual-band wireless support),适用于 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac 2.4 GHz和 5 GHz网络。
智能手机从各种内置传感器获取信息:加速器、电子罗盘、陀螺仪、接近传感器(proximity sensor)、环境光传感器(light sensor)、霍尔传感器(hall sensor)和指纹读取器(fingerprint reader)。指纹读取器(fingerprint reader)安装在设备正面、显示屏下方,呈带圆角的矩形。
华硕 ZenFone 4(ASUS ZenFone 4)是一款大型手机,同时也是一款轻薄设备:长度为 6.11 英寸(155.4 毫米)、宽度为 2.96 英寸(75.2 毫米)、厚度为 0.29 英寸(7.5 毫米),重量为 5.82 盎司( 165 克)。
有关这款智能手机的硬件规格的更多详细信息,请访问其官方网页:华硕 ZenFone 4 技术规格(ASUS ZenFone 4 Tech Specs)。
华硕 ZenFone 4 看起来像是一款坚固的中端 Android 智能手机,具有足够的能力完成任何任务。它具有中档处理器、足够的 RAM 和内部闪存存储空间。电池也感觉足够,背面的双摄像头非常有趣。(The ASUS ZenFone 4 looks like a solid midrange Android smartphone with enough power to accomplish any task well. It has a mid-range processor, enough RAM and internal flash storage space. The battery also feels adequate and the dual cameras on its back are quite intriguing.)
华硕 ZenFone 4(ASUS ZenFone 4)是一款外观精美的Android 智能手机(Android smartphone),但与当今大多数智能手机一样,它的设计并没有什么特别之处。在智能手机设计方面,我们已经到了成熟的年龄,很难想出任何新的东西。华硕 ZenFone 4(ASUS ZenFone 4)遵循其哥哥ZenFone 3设定的趋势。智能手机的显示屏和背面都覆盖有 2.5D康宁大猩猩玻璃(Corning Gorilla Glass)。这意味着智能手机看起来不错,但这也意味着它不如全金属机身的设备坚固。当然,大猩猩玻璃(Gorilla Glass)与其他类型的玻璃相比,它坚韧且不易破裂或破裂。但是,没有人可以争论它不如金属或聚碳酸酯(metal or polycarbonate)坚固。最后,这种设计选择(design choice)在过去被证明很受欢迎,因此华硕(ASUS)使用它可能是一个不错的决定。玻璃也是 2.5D,这意味着它的边缘逐渐淡入智能手机的机身,因此将其握在手中是一种愉快的体验。
在华硕 ZenFone 4(ASUS ZenFone 4)的正面,除了显示屏之外,您还可以在顶部找到前置摄像头(front camera)和听筒,在底部找到指纹识别器。(fingerprint reader)在智能手机的右边缘,有电源按钮(power button)和音量(volume rocker)键,都放在顶部。
在左侧边缘(left edge),您可以找到SIM卡托盘,借助捆绑的针头,可以将其从智能手机机身中弹出。
在顶部边缘,什么都没有,而智能手机的底部边缘有 3.5毫米音频插孔(mm audio jack)、USB Type-C 端口(USB Type-C port)和扬声器格栅(loudspeaker grille)。
华硕 ZenFone 4(ASUS ZenFone 4)的背面比正面或边缘(front or edges)更有趣,至少在智能手机关闭时是这样。在背面,朝向左上角(left corner)(如您所见),有两个主摄像头和它们的 LED 闪光灯,每个都在自己的圆形模块(round module)中。它们看起来相当小,但在智能手机上并排看到两个摄像头总是令人印象深刻。它提升了您对其摄影功能的期望。
华硕 ZenFone 4 Android 智能手机是一款外观精美的技术。双面覆盖的玻璃使它看起来很漂亮,但这也意味着您必须小心不要将其掉落,因为它比其他材料更容易破裂。背面的双摄像头也让您感觉自己拿着一台具有令人印象深刻的摄影能力的设备。(The ASUS ZenFone 4 Android smartphone is a good looking piece of technology. The glass that covers it on both sides makes it look beautiful, but it also means that you must be careful not to drop it, as it can break more easily than other materials. The dual cameras on the back also give you the feeling that you are holding a device with impressive photography powers.)
如果您想了解更多关于华硕 ZenFone 4(ASUS ZenFone 4)提供的智能手机体验(smartphone experience)、其摄像头、捆绑的应用程序以及基准测试中的性能,请阅读本评论的第二页。
Review ASUS ZenFone 4: A dual camera system on a mid-range smartphone!
Thе latest mid-range Android smartphone crеated by ASUS iѕ called ASUS ZenFone 4 (ZE554KL) and, compared to the previous generation, it introduces a dual-camera system and some other interesting novelties like support for Bluetooth 5. We were very curious to take it for a spin and test it in detail. After using it for more than a week, this is what we have learned about ASUS ZenFone 4:
What is the ASUS ZenFone 4 smartphone good at?
The ASUS ZenFone 4 is a good smartphone for:
- People who want a mid-range Android smartphone that looks good
- Users who want a smartphone with a dual camera system that costs less than traditional flagships
- People who want a good Android smartphone but do not want to pay the money required for owning a flagship
Pros and cons
Here are the positive aspects of the ASUS ZenFone 4:
- This smartphone has a good build quality and feels well made
- The design is not innovative but the Gorilla Glass found on both of its sides makes it look elegant
- It has a dual camera system on its back that takes good-looking photos and has optical image stabilization
- The hardware inside ASUS ZenFone 4 is more than enough to help it perform any smartphone activity, fast and fluent
- It bundles less bloatware than previous ASUS smartphones
The less positive aspects that we identified are the following:
- Having glass on both sides means that the smartphone is prone to break more easily than other devices with bodies made of metal or polycarbonate
- Low-light photography is a weak point of ASUS ZenFone 4
- At launch, its price tag is a bit high. At similar prices, other smartphones have slightly better hardware. However, most of them don't have a dual-camera system, so you need to pick what matters most to you
The ASUS ZenFone 4 is a good Android smartphone. We like the way it looks, the way it works and multitasks, and we like the quality of the photos and videos it shoots. The dual rear cameras are interesting but, as far as we are concerned, the main camera of the two is the one that deserves your attention, as it offers the best results. The secondary dual camera is there for wide angle photos or videos, but its resolution is rather small and it is not usable in low light conditions. We must also point out the fact that the battery is good enough to keep you away from the power socket for a day or even more, if you use the smartphone lightly. Overall, the ASUS ZenFone 4 feels like a well made smartphone that does not disappoint its owners. It is one of the best mid-range Android smartphones we tested this year but, we feel that, at launch, it is a bit overpriced. The dual-camera system is a differentiator in the mid-range segment but some users will want slightly more hardware power for the same budget. In the end, the choice is yours and you decide what matters most to you: the processor you get or the dual-camera system.
Hardware specifications and packaging
The ASUS ZenFone 4 (ZE554KL) smartphone comes in a silky black box made of cardboard. On its top side, you see printed the name of the smartphone - Zenfone 4 - and an illustration of two rectangles and two dots, which alludes to the two rear cameras found on this phone.
On the bottom of the package, you can find more details about the smartphone, including some of its hardware specifications, its factory name - ASUS ZE554KL - and its serial and IMEI numbers.
Open the box and you will meet the ASUS ZenFone 4, as well as everything that is bundled with it: the power charger, a USB Type-C cable, a pair of wired headphones, a pin for ejecting the SIM tray from the smartphone's body, the user manual and a warranty card. Also, depending on where you buy it, the ASUS ZenFone 4 can also come with a clear soft bumper for protection.
The ASUS ZenFone 4 is available in two color variations: Moonlight White and Midnight Black. The model we tested was the Midnight Black one.
The ASUS ZenFone 4 features a 5.5 inches Super IPS+ display with Full HD resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels at 401 ppi pixel density. The display is also protected by Corning Gorilla Glass 3 against scratches, dust, and occasional drops. The smartphone is powered by a mid-range octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 630 processor running at up to 2.20 GHz and an Adreno 508 graphics processing unit. The ASUS ZenFone 4 comes with 4GB of RAM and 64GB of internal storage space. The smartphone also supports a microSD card, which you can add if you want to expand the storage capacity by up to 2TB. The autonomy of the ASUS ZenFone 4 is provided by a non-removable 3300 mAh battery.
On its back, the ASUS ZenFone 4 has two main cameras: one of them has 12 megapixels and the other has 8 megapixels. The smartphone uses a Sony IMX362 image sensor and the first camera has an aperture of f/1.8, a 6-element lens, a field of view of 83 degrees, PDAF (Phase Detection Auto Focus), 4-axis optical image stabilization, and an LED flash.
The second camera has a field of view of 120 degrees. The smartphone can record videos in 4K, at a resolution of 3840 by 2160 pixels and 30 frames per second (fps). It also has 3-axis electronic image stabilization, can record in wide angle at 120 degrees, and in slow motion (1080p at 120fps / 720p at 240fps). The front camera has 8 megapixels, an aperture of f/2.0 and an 84 degrees field of view.
Regarding connectivity, the ASUS ZenFone 4 uses a two nano-SIM cards and can connect to 3G WCDMA and 4G LTE mobile networks. However, only one card can connect to 3G/4G networks at a time. The smartphone works in a Dual SIM Dual Standby implementation, which means that even if both SIM cards are active when you are not using them, once you take a call on one of them, the other becomes inactive. Also, if you want to add a microSD card to expand the storage space, you must know that it takes the place of the secondary SIM card, so you can no longer use the smartphone as a Dual SIM phone.
The ASUS ZenFone 4 a USB Type-C port with USB 3.1 support, Bluetooth v5.0, NFC, and dual-band wireless support for the 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac 2.4 GHz and 5GHz networks.
The smartphone gets information from a variety of built-in sensors: accelerator, ecompass, gyroscope, proximity sensor, ambient light sensor, hall sensor, and fingerprint reader. The fingerprint reader is mounted on the front of the device, beneath the display, and has a rectangular shape with rounded corners.
The ASUS ZenFone 4 is a large phone but also a thin and light device: it has 6.11 inches in length (155.4 mm), 2.96 inches in width (75.2 mm), 0.29 inches in thickness (7.5 mm), and weighs 5.82 ounces (165 grams).
For more details about the hardware specifications of this smartphone, visit its official webpage: ASUS ZenFone 4 Tech Specs.
The ASUS ZenFone 4 looks like a solid midrange Android smartphone with enough power to accomplish any task well. It has a mid-range processor, enough RAM and internal flash storage space. The battery also feels adequate and the dual cameras on its back are quite intriguing.
Design and build quality
The ASUS ZenFone 4 is a good looking Android smartphone but, like most smartphones today, it does not have anything spectacular regarding its design. We have reached the age of maturity when it comes to smartphones design and it is difficult to come up with anything new. The ASUS ZenFone 4 follows the trend set by its older brother, the ZenFone 3. Both the display and the back of the smartphone are covered in 2.5D Corning Gorilla Glass. That means that the smartphone looks good, but it also means that it is somewhat less robust than a device with an all-metal body. Sure, Gorilla Glass is tough and does not break or crack easily, compared to other types of glass. However, nobody can argue about it being less robust than metal or polycarbonate. In the end, this design choice has proven popular in the past, so ASUS probably made a good decision by using it. The glass is also 2.5D which means that its edges are fading gradually into the smartphone's body, so holding it in your hand is a pleasant experience.
On the front of the ASUS ZenFone 4, besides the display, you can find the front camera and the earpiece to the top, and the fingerprint reader to the bottom. On the right edge of the smartphone, there is the power button and the volume rocker, all placed towards the top.
On the left edge, you can find the SIM cards tray, which can be ejected out of the body of the smartphone with the help of the bundled needle.
On the top edge, there is nothing, while the bottom edge of the smartphone holds the 3.5 mm audio jack, the USB Type-C port and the loudspeaker grille.
The back side of the ASUS ZenFone 4 is more interesting than its front or edges, at least when the smartphone is turned off. On the back, towards the top left corner (as you look at it), there are the two main cameras and their LED flash, each of them in their own round module. They look rather small but it is always impressive to see two cameras side by side, on a smartphone. It lifts your expectations about its photography features.
The only other thing on the back of the smartphone is the ASUS logo printed in the center top area.
The ASUS ZenFone 4 Android smartphone is a good looking piece of technology. The glass that covers it on both sides makes it look beautiful, but it also means that you must be careful not to drop it, as it can break more easily than other materials. The dual cameras on the back also give you the feeling that you are holding a device with impressive photography powers.
If you would like to read more about the smartphone experience offered by ASUS ZenFone 4, its camera, bundled apps, and performance in benchmarks, read the second page of this review.