最近几个月,华硕(ASUS)针对所有价格范围发布了大量新智能手机。他们最新的智能手机之一是华硕 ZenFone Go(ASUS ZenFone Go),旨在以专为新兴市场设计的价格提供中端硬件。这是一款看起来不错的设备,并且承诺以可承受的价格提供不错的硬件性能。(hardware performance)不久前我们看到了它的规格,我们也知道它将遵循华硕(ASUS)为ZenFone 智能手机创建的相同设计原则(ZenFone smartphone)家庭。但这只是文字和图像。直到最近,我们还没有机会将这款智能手机握在手中。上周我们经常将它用于各种任务,我们运行了许多基准测试,现在我们想分享我们对华硕 ZenFone Go(ASUS ZenFone Go)的看法。这个设备值得买吗?从这篇评论中学习:
华硕 ZenFone Go(ASUS ZenFone Go)采用与ZenFone 系列(ZenFone family)相同的包装。这是一个带有丝滑饰面的盒子,让您想到一款高级设备。在盒子的顶部,您可以看到设备的名称 - ZenFone Go。盒子的侧面和底部几乎没有关于智能手机本身的功能和规格的信息——你会得到一些关于制造商、特定设备的序列号和一些监管细节的信息。
要获取包裹的内容,您必须滑动您首先看到的盒子内的较小盒子。您会在里面找到ASUS ZenFone Go、充电器、USB 数据线(USB cable)及其文档(保修和快速入门指南(start guide))。
ASUS ZenFone Go有五种不同的颜色可供选择:黑色、白色、蓝色、红色和金色。我们测试的型号是红色的,在继续之前,我们想说红色非常适合这款智能手机。
华硕 ZenFone Go(ASUS ZenFone Go)配备 5 英寸IPS 显示屏(IPS display),分辨率为 1280x720 像素,像素密度为 294 ppi(ppi pixel density)。它具有主频为 1.3 GHz的四核联发科技 M6580 处理器(MediaTek M6580 processor),与 2GB RAM 内存(RAM memory)和 8GB 或 16GB 内部存储空间(storage space)一起运行,具体取决于您购买的变体。如果内部存储空间(storage space)看起来太少,请不要担心,因为您可以借助最大 64 GB 的 microSD 卡来扩展它。
华硕 ZenFone Go(ASUS ZenFone Go)的主摄像头有一个 8 兆像素的传感器,能够使用自动对焦和智能手机的内置LED 闪光灯(LED flash)以高达 3264 x 2448像素的分辨率拍摄照片。前面的辅助摄像头只有 2 兆像素的传感器,很明显它只适用于Skype等休闲视频聊天应用程序。
在通信选项方面,华硕 ZenFone Go(ASUS ZenFone Go)使用 802.11 b/g/n 标准和蓝牙 4.0(Bluetooth 4.0)芯片提供无线连接。双 SIM 卡选项(Dual SIM option)是一个有趣的功能,特别是对于新兴市场的用户而言。ASUS ZenFone Go可以同时使用两张SIM卡(SIM)。但是,它们都无法连接到 4G 网络。第一张SIM 卡(SIM)可以使用 3G 移动网络,而第二张 SIM 卡(SIM)只能使用 2G。
华硕 ZenFone Go(ASUS ZenFone Go)的物理尺寸为144.5 x 71 x 9.98 毫米(5.69 x 2.79 x 0.4 英寸),重量为 135 克(0.29 磅),包括电池。说到(Speaking)这,电池是基于锂的,(Lithium)容量(mAh capacity)为 2070 mAh ,应该足够你用一天了。但稍后会详细介绍。
如果您想了解更多有关ASUS ZenFone Go硬件规格(hardware specs)的详细信息,您可以在其官方网页上找到所有这些信息,这里是:ASUS ZenFone Go (ZC500TG) - 规格(ASUS ZenFone Go (ZC500TG) - Specifications)。
华硕 ZenFone Go 没有顶级硬件规格,但这是预算设备所期望的。然而,它的四核处理器搭配 2GB 的 RAM 内存应该足以提供不错的用户体验。华硕决定在此型号上使用联发科 CPU,而不是我们在其他 ZenFone 智能手机上看到的英特尔处理器。这对降低智能手机的价格有直接影响。(The ASUS ZenFone Go doesn't have top of the line hardware specs, but that is to be expected from a budget device. However, its quad-core processor paired with 2GB of RAM memory should be enough to provide a decent user experience. Instead of the Intel processors we've seen on other ZenFone smartphones, ASUS decided to use a Mediatek CPU on this model. This has a direct effect on lowering the price of the smartphone.)
华硕 ZenFone Go(ASUS ZenFone Go)沿用了之前华硕 ZenFones(ASUS ZenFones)的设计路线(design line)。略微弯曲的背部和电容式按钮下方的圆形饰面是ZenFone 系列(ZenFone family)中所有智能手机的两个定义细节。
智能手机的正面主要是它的屏幕:一块 5英寸显示屏(inch display),采用IPS 技术(IPS technology),因此您可以获得宽视角、良好的对比度和自然的色彩。显示屏顶部是华硕标志(ASUS logo)、听筒和前置摄像头(front camera),而底部则是三个常用的Android 电容式(Android capacitive)按钮(返回(Back)、主页和最近使用的应用程序(Home and Recent Apps))。
ZenFone Go的厚度为 9.98 毫米(0.4 英寸),但这个稍大的数字在智能手机的侧面有所减小,给人的印象是这款智能手机比实际更薄。背板由柔软的橡胶状聚碳酸酯制成,可拆卸,与ZenFone 系列(ZenFone lineup)中的大兄弟不同。另一个惊喜是电池是可拆卸的,所以用备用电池更换它真的很容易。
要访问SIM卡插槽,您必须卸下智能手机的后盖。主SIM 卡(SIM)立即可用,位于智能手机顶部。要访问第二张 SIM 卡(SIM),您还必须取出电池。
华硕(ASUS)在他们的许多设备上更改了电源按钮(power button)和音量摇杆(volume rocker)的位置,并将它们放在背面。但是,它对ZenFone Go并没有做同样的事情,因为您会在几乎所有(ZenFone Go)Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)的典型位置找到所有这些按钮:在设备的右侧。他们的定位会让大多数 Android 用户感到熟悉。此外,这些按钮的纹理使它们易于识别和使用。
在华硕 ZenFone Go(ASUS ZenFone Go)的背面,在其上部区域,您会发现主摄像头配有一个简单的LED 闪光灯(LED flash)和一个专用麦克风。
在ZenFone Go(ZenFone Go)后盖的下方区域,有一个用于智能手机扬声器的宽音频网格。(audio grid)
即使华硕 ZenFone Go 是同类产品中最实惠的设备之一,它仍然具有 ZenFone 家族的大部分定义细节,这相当不错。这对于预算友好的智能手机来说是一个加分项。(Even if ASUS ZenFone Go is among the most affordable devices of its kin, it still has most of the defining details of the ZenFone family, which is quite nice. This is a plus for a budget-friendly smartphone.)
华硕 ZenFone Go(ASUS ZenFone Go)上的智能手机体验(smartphone experience)
华硕 ZenFone Go(ASUS ZenFone Go)是一款廉价智能(budget smartphone)手机。这样做的一个直接后果是它不支持 4G 移动网络。它只能连接到其主SIM 卡上的 3G 网络和次要(SIM card)SIM 卡(SIM card)上的 2G 网络。
但是,如果您不关心数据连接速度(data connection speed),您应该知道我们发现这款智能手机在使用常规 3G 连接时运行良好。在我们测试这款设备的地理区域内,两张SIM卡上的(SIM)网络信号(network signal)都很强,而且我们的通话质量也很好。
但是,我们必须说,我们线路末端的声音非常平坦。就像我们交谈的人都有相同的声音响度(voice loudness),既不高音,也不低音。
听音乐或看视频时的音频质量也不错。后置扬声器实际上非常响亮,不会使声音失真太多。除非您将音量调到最大并且您正在听一些嘈杂的音乐。如果您更喜欢使用耳机(headphone set),那么您将享受不同层次的音乐。因为智能手机没有捆绑耳机,我们使用了另一家制造商的耳机,质量一般。这仍然使我们播放的音乐听起来比使用扬声器时好得多。
操作系统方面(operating system),华硕ZenFone Go(ASUS ZenFone Go)采用Android 5.1 Lollipop ,顶部搭载华硕(ASUS)专有的ZenUI 。ZenUI是华硕(ASUS)开发的一款皮肤,将标准的Android 体验(Android experience)转变为更简单而美观的用户界面。
2070毫安时的锂电池(mAh lithium battery)不算惊艳,但考虑到智能手机的硬件也不算太耗电,应该足够让你的智能手机运行一天。
华硕 ZenFone Go(ASUS ZenFone Go)是一款智能手机,在其“电话”功能方面能够提供不错的体验。两张SIM(SIM)卡通(Phone)话清晰,移动网络信号(network signal)稳定,音质应该满足普通用户。
华硕 ZenFone Go(ASUS ZenFone Go)的相机(camera experience)体验
华硕 ZenFone Go(ASUS ZenFone Go)的主摄像头拥有 8 兆像素,能够以 3264 x 2448像素的最大分辨率拍摄照片。这意味着,如果您想以最大的细节拍摄照片,您将获得 4:3 的宽高比。如果您更喜欢宽高比为 16:9 的宽幅图像,则必须将相机设置为使用 6.2 兆像素、3328 x 1872像素的分辨率。您还应该知道,后置摄像头(rear camera)具有自动对焦和常规LED 闪光灯(LED flash),这可以在光线不足的情况下提供帮助。华硕 ZenFone Go(ASUS ZenFone Go)还提供 2 兆像素定焦前置摄像头。
我们喜欢华硕(ASUS)智能手机的地方在于,它们在拍摄照片的方式上都有很多选择。华硕 ZenFone Go(ASUS ZenFone Go)拥有 15 种不同的拍照模式,包括HDR 、(HDR)景深、(Depth)全景和(Panorama and Slow motion)慢动作(Field)。考虑到我们谈论的是预算智能手机(budget smartphone),拥有如此多的相机选项非常棒。
在下面的图库中,我们包含了一组使用华硕 ZenFone Go(ASUS ZenFone Go)拍摄的照片。你会看到照片是在户外拍摄的,还有一些我们在室内拍摄的照片,有没有闪光灯,还有一些特写镜头。所有照片都是使用这款智能手机的自动设置拍摄的,其中一些照片我们还使用了HDR。
在视频质量(video quality)方面,华硕 ZenFone Go(ASUS ZenFone Go)能够以全高清分辨率(Full HD resolution)(1080p,30fps)拍摄带有立体声(stereo sound)的视频。但是,您应该知道,如果要对视频使用图像稳定(image stabilization)功能,则必须将分辨率降低到 720p。
以下视频展示了华硕 ZenFone Go(ASUS ZenFone Go)如何处理更多静态记录。这是一个示例视频,我们在移动智能手机时拍摄了静态全景图。
华硕 ZenFone Go 没有出色的摄像头,但这很自然,因为我们谈论的是一款经济实惠的设备。即便如此,这款智能手机也有足够的品质让普通用户满意。看看所有可用的不同照片模式:你不会在太多具有这个价格标签的智能手机上找到 HDR。(The ASUS ZenFone Go doesn't have a spectacular camera but that is only natural, as we are talking about a budget-friendly device. Even so, this smartphone has enough qualities to make the average user happy. Just look at all the different photo modes available: you won't find HDR on too many smartphones with this price tag.)
Reviewing ASUS ZenFone Go (ZC500TG) - An affordable Android smartphone
In recent months ASUS rеleased plenty of new smartphonеs, for all price ranges . One of their newest smartphones is ASUS ZenFone Go, that aims to offer mid-rangе hardwаre at а price designеd for emerging mаrkеts. It's a device that looks good and one that promisеs to deliver decent hardware performance at an affordable price. We sаw its specs a while ago and we also knew that it іs going to follow the same design principles that ASUЅ created for the ZеnFone ѕmartphone family. But all that was just text and images. Up until recentlу, we didn't get the chance to hold this smartphone in our hands. For the last week we used it regularly for all kinds of tasks, we have run many benchmarks and now we'd like to share our opiniоn aboυt the ASUS ZenFone Go. Is this device worth buying? Learn from this review:
Hardware specifications & packaging
The ASUS ZenFone Go comes in the same packaging we've seen in the ZenFone family. It's a box with a silky finish that makes you think of a premium device. On the top of the box you can see the name of the device - ZenFone Go. The sides and bottom of the box hold little information about the features and specifications of the smartphone itself - you get some information about the manufacturer, the serial number of your specific device and some regulatory details.
To get to the contents of the package you have to slide the smaller box that's inside the box that you see first. Inside you will find the ASUS ZenFone Go, its charger, a USB cable and its documentation (the warranty and the quick start guide).
ASUS ZenFone Go is available in five different colors: black, white, blue, red and gold. The model we tested was the red one and, before going further, we'd like to say that red fits quite nicely with this smartphone.
The ASUS ZenFone Go comes with a 5 inch IPS display with a resolution of 1280x720 pixels and 294 ppi pixel density. It has a quad-core MediaTek M6580 processor clocked at 1.3 GHz, running alongside 2GB of RAM memory and either 8GB or 16GB of internal storage space, depending on the variant you have purchased. If the internal storage space seems too little, don't worry, as you can extend it with the help of a microSD card of up to 64 GB.
The main camera on the ASUS ZenFone Go has a n 8 megapixels sensor capable of taking pictures at resolutions of up to 3264 x 2448 pixels, using autofocus and the smartphone's built-in LED flash. The secondary camera on the front has a sensor of only 2 megapixels and it's quite clear that it's destined only for casual video chat apps like Skype.
In terms of communication options, the ASUS ZenFone Go offers wireless connectivity using the 802.11 b/g/n standards and a Bluetooth 4.0 chip. An interesting feature, especially for those in emerging markets, is the Dual SIM option. The ASUS ZenFone Go can work with two SIM cards simultaneously. However, none of them can connect to 4G networks. The first SIM is able to use 3G mobile networks, while the secondary SIM can only work with 2G.
The physical dimensions of the ASUS ZenFone Go are 144.5 x 71 x 9.98 mm (5.69 x 2.79 x 0.4 in) and weighs 135 grams (0.29 lbs), with its battery included. Speaking of which, the battery is based on Lithium and has a 2070 mAh capacity, which should be enough to last you for a day. But more on that later.
If you'd like even more details on the hardware specs of the ASUS ZenFone Go, you will find all of them on its official web page, here: ASUS ZenFone Go (ZC500TG) - Specifications.
The ASUS ZenFone Go doesn't have top of the line hardware specs, but that is to be expected from a budget device. However, its quad-core processor paired with 2GB of RAM memory should be enough to provide a decent user experience. Instead of the Intel processors we've seen on other ZenFone smartphones, ASUS decided to use a Mediatek CPU on this model. This has a direct effect on lowering the price of the smartphone.
Design and build quality
The ASUS ZenFone Go follows the design line of previous ASUS ZenFones. The slightly curved back and the circular finishing from beneath the capacitive buttons are two of the defining details of all the smartphones in the ZenFone family.
The front of the smartphone is mostly about its screen: a 5 inch display that uses IPS technology, so you get wide viewing angles, good contrast and natural colors. On top of the display sits the ASUS logo, the earpiece and the front camera, while on the bottom you get the three usual Android capacitive buttons (Back, Home and Recent Apps).
The ZenFone Go is 9.98 mm (0.4 in) thick, but this slightly large number diminishes on the sides of the smartphone, giving you the impression that this smartphone is slimmer than it actually is. The backplate is made of soft and rubber-like polycarbonate and it's detachable, unlike its bigger brothers from the ZenFone lineup. Another surprise is the fact that the battery is detachable, so replacing it with a spare is really easy.
To access the SIM cards slots, you'll have to remove the back cover of the smartphone. The primary SIM is available right away, to the top of the smartphone. To access the secondary SIM, you'll also have to remove the battery.
ASUS changed the location of the power button and the volume rocker on many of their devices and placed them on the back. However, it didn't do the same thing for the ZenFone Go, as you'll find all these buttons in their typical location from almost any Android smartphone: on the right side of the device. Their positioning will make them feel familiar to most Android users. Also, the texture of these buttons makes them easy to identify and use.
On the back of the ASUS ZenFone Go, on its upper area, you'll find the main camera accompanied by a simple LED flash and a dedicated microphone.
On the lower area of the back cover of the ZenFone Go, there is a wide audio grid for the smartphone's loudspeaker.
Even if ASUS ZenFone Go is among the most affordable devices of its kin, it still has most of the defining details of the ZenFone family, which is quite nice. This is a plus for a budget-friendly smartphone.
The smartphone experience on the ASUS ZenFone Go
The ASUS ZenFone Go is a budget smartphone. One direct consequence of that is that it doesn't support 4G mobile networks. It can only connect to 3G networks on its primary SIM card and to 2G networks on its secondary SIM card.
However, if the data connection speed is not a concern for you, you should know that we found this smartphone to work quite well when using regular 3G connections. In the geographical area where we tested this device, the network signal was strong on both SIM cards, and the conversations we had were of good quality.
However, we must say that the sounds on our end of the line were quite flat. It was like the people we spoke with all had the same voice loudness, neither high pitched, nor low-toned.
The audio quality when listening to music or watching videos is also decent. The rear loudspeaker is actually quite loud and doesn't distort sound too much. That is unless you push the volume to the max and you're listening to some noisy music. If you prefer using a headphone set, then you'll enjoy music at a different level. Because the smartphone doesn't bundle headphones, we used a set of headphones from another manufacturer, of average quality. That still made the music we played sound a lot better than when using the loudspeaker.
As for the operating system, ASUS ZenFone Go uses Android 5.1 Lollipop with ASUS' proprietary ZenUI on top. The ZenUI is a skin developed by ASUS that turns the standard Android experience into a simpler yet beautiful user interface.
The 2070 mAh lithium battery is not spectacular, but considering that the smartphone's hardware is also not too power hungry, it should be enough to keep your smartphone running for a day.
The ASUS ZenFone Go is a smartphone that manages to deliver a decent experience when it comes to its "phone" features. Phone calls are clear on both SIM cards, the mobile network signal seems to be stable and the audio quality should satisfy average users.
The camera experience on the ASUS ZenFone Go
The main camera of the ASUS ZenFone Go has 8 megapixels and is capable of shooting pictures at a maximum resolution of 3264 x 2448 pixels. This means that, if you want to take pictures at maximum details, you'll get them in an aspect ratio of 4:3. If you prefer wide images in an aspect ratio of 16:9, you'll have to set the camera to use a 6.2 megapixel, 3328 x 1872 pixels resolution. You should also know that the rear camera has autofocus and a regular LED flash, which can help in low light conditions. The ASUS ZenFone Go also offers a 2 megapixels fixed focus front camera.
What we like about ASUS' smartphones is that they all have lots of options when it comes to the way you shoot photos. The ASUS ZenFone Go has 15 different photo modes, including HDR, Depth of Field, Panorama and Slow motion. Considering that we're talking about a budget smartphone, having this large array of camera options is great.
In the gallery below, we included a set of photos we took with the ASUS ZenFone Go. You'll see photos were taken outdoors, a few photos that we took indoors, with and without flash and some close-ups. All the photos were captured using this smartphone's auto settings and for a few we also used HDR.
When it comes to the video quality, the ASUS ZenFone Go is capable of capturing videos in Full HD resolution (1080p at 30fps) with stereo sound. However, you should know that, if you want to use image stabilization for videos, you will have to lower the resolution to 720p.
In order to get a glimpse on how videos look when recording moving objects, check our sample below.
The following video shows how the ASUS ZenFone Go handles more static recordings. It's a sample video in which we captured a static panorama while moving the smartphone.
The ASUS ZenFone Go doesn't have a spectacular camera but that is only natural, as we are talking about a budget-friendly device. Even so, this smartphone has enough qualities to make the average user happy. Just look at all the different photo modes available: you won't find HDR on too many smartphones with this price tag.