自从移动制造商尝试设计和制造更好的相机智能手机(camera smartphone)以来,已经有一段时间了。我们已经看到三星(Samsung)这样做了,我们已经看到诺基亚(Nokia)这样做了,但我们还没有看到华硕(ASUS)这样做。直到最近,因为华硕(ASUS)凭借其新的华硕 ZenFone Zoom(ASUS ZenFone Zoom)进入了最佳相机智能手机(camera smartphone)的竞争。这款智能手机承诺为用户提供真正 3 倍光学变焦的相机,机身小巧,外部没有移动部件。当然,华硕 ZenFone Zoom(ASUS ZenFone Zoom)还配备了高端硬件(high-end hardware),以匹配其顶级相机(line camera)镜头。然而,就像生活中的其他一切一样,一切都是有代价的。在玩、测试和使用华硕 ZenFone Zoom(ASUS ZenFone Zoom)一个多星期后,我们对它的看法如下:
华硕 ZenFone Zoom(ASUS ZenFone Zoom)采用精美的黑色硬纸板制成的精美盒子。它采用简约设计,一侧仅显示公司品牌(company brand),顶部显示智能手机型号名称。(model name)
关于包装的一个很好的感觉是盒子像书或首饰盒(jewelry case)一样打开,如下图所示。打开后,首先映入眼帘的是智能手机本身,它位于一个相当复杂的纸板支架(cardboard support)之上。
除了ZenFone Zoom本身,在包装盒内您还可以找到一个充电器(power charger)和一根可拆卸的USB 数据线(USB cable)、一条可以绑在智能手机上以便携带的腕带(wrist strap)、一副有线耳机和您获得的常用文件几乎任何硬件设备:用户手册和保修卡(warranty card)。我们收到的用于测试的ASUS ZenFone Zoom还包括一个(ASUS ZenFone Zoom)ASUS ZenFlash,它是一种外接便携式闪光灯,您可以连接并使用它通过智能手机拍摄更好的照片,尤其是在光线不足的环境中。在某些市场中,华硕(ASUS)可能不包含ZenFlash在默认包(default package)中。
ASUS ZenFone Zoom有两种不同的颜色可供选择:黑色和白色。它们看起来都非常漂亮,这也是因为华硕(ASUS)使用了高品质的制作材料。
根据您选择的型号,ASUS ZenFone Zoom由运行频率为 2.3 GHz的(GHz)Intel Atom Quad Core Z3580 处理器(Intel Atom Quad Core Z3580 processor)或运行频率为 2.5 GHz的(GHz)Intel Atom Quad Core Z3590提供支持。在内存和存储空间(memory and storage space)方面,这款Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)配备 4GB RAM 内存(RAM memory)和 64GB 或 128GB存储空间(storage space),具体取决于您购买的变体。内部存储空间(storage space)可以补充最大 128 GB 的MicroSD 存储(MicroSD memory)卡。
屏幕的对角线尺寸为 5.5 英寸,全高清显示(Full HD display)分辨率为 1920 x 1080像素,密度为 403 ppi(每英寸像素)。显示面板(display panel)采用IPS 技术制造(IPS technology),因此它应该提供良好的色彩还原(color reproduction)和宽视角。在物理保护方面,屏幕覆盖有康宁大猩猩玻璃 4(Corning Gorilla Glass 4),这意味着它应该能够抵抗细微的划痕,尽管它可能不足以使其免于二楼跌落(floor fall)。🙂
ASUS ZenFone Zoom 提供的连接选项包括使用 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac networking标准的无线网络连接、(include wireless network)蓝牙 v4.0 和 NFC 支持(Bluetooth v4.0 and NFC support)。该智能手机使用一张Micro SIM 卡(Micro SIM card),支持 2G、3G 和 4G 移动网络。华硕 ZenFone Zoom(ASUS ZenFone Zoom)的主要吸引力在于它的摄像头。虽然它只使用了一个 13兆像素的传感器(megapixel sensor),但它具有 3 倍光学变焦,这也是智能手机被称为Zoom的原因。后置摄像头(rear camera)具有光学防抖功能(image stabilization),由HOYA制造的 10 个镜头元件组成(HOYA). 我们通常将HOYA这个名字与相机照片(camera photo)滤镜相关联。后置摄像头(rear camera)还受益于非常快的 0.03 秒激光自动对焦(laser auto-focus)和双色Real Tone 闪光灯(Real Tone flash),适用于在昏暗环境中拍摄照片。华硕 ZenFone Zoom还包括一个带有 5(ASUS ZenFone Zoom)兆像素传感器(megapixel sensor)的前置摄像头和用于自拍(view angle)的宽视角。
尺寸方面,华硕 ZenFone Zoom(ASUS ZenFone Zoom)长 6.25 英寸(158.9 毫米)、宽 3.10 英寸(78.84 毫米)、厚 0.47 英寸(11.95 毫米)。凭借内置的不可拆卸 3000 mAh 锂聚合物电池,华硕 ZenFone Zoom(ASUS ZenFone Zoom)重 185 克或 6.52 盎司。
如果您想更仔细地查看它的所有规格,请查看其官方网页:ASUS ZenFone Zoom ZX551ML 规格(ASUS ZenFone Zoom ZX551ML Specifications)。
华硕 ZenFone Zoom(ASUS ZenFone Zoom)是一款具有高端硬件规格的高端设备。它们应该足以将其与其他高端Android智能手机相提并论,并且由于其特殊的光学变焦技术(zoom technology),它在提供的相机体验方面(camera experience)应该会大放异彩。
华硕 ZenFone Zoom(ASUS ZenFone Zoom)是一款高端设备(end device),从其制造方式和用于制作它的材料中可以很容易地看出这一点。Zoom沿用了我们在(Zoom)ZenFone 家族(ZenFone family)所有智能手机中看到的总体设计路线,但它也有自己的独特之处。
在其正面,华硕 ZenFone Zoom(ASUS ZenFone Zoom)显然是一款ZenFone 智能手机(ZenFone smartphone):显示屏周围环绕着不太薄也不太厚的边框,顶部是华硕徽标(ASUS logo)和听筒扬声器(earpiece speaker),底部是Android电容式按钮加上作为华硕商标的(ASUS trademark)旋转金属带(spun metal band)。
不幸的是,电容式按钮没有背光,所以在晚上找到它们可能是个问题。整个机身由略微圆润的铝金属边缘(aluminum metal edge)固定在一起,看起来很棒。
华硕(ASUS)为其ZenFone Zoom做出的一个不错的设计选择(design choice)是它包括两个用于相机的硬件按钮:一个用于相机快门(camera shutter),一个用于视频录制(video recording)。您会在智能手机右边缘找到它们以及电源按钮(power button)和音量摇杆(volume rocker)。更好的是,快门按钮(shutter button)是一个两步按钮,因此您可以半按它进行对焦并全按它来实际拍摄照片。
将ASUS ZenFone Zoom背面朝上转动,您就会看到它的特别之处:光学变焦摄像头(zooming camera)。如果您曾经见过诺基亚 Lumia 1020(Nokia Lumia 1020),那么您现在会有一种似曾相识的感觉。华硕 ZenFone Zoom(ASUS ZenFone Zoom)的背面由一个非常大的圆盘主导,该圆盘容纳了相机的内部,以及镜头的所有 10 个元素。
华硕 ZenFone Zoom(ASUS ZenFone Zoom)上的变焦镜头让智能手机感觉比其他智能手机更笨重,但如果你想将智能手机与相机杂交,这是你必须做出的妥协。
为了平衡智能手机的背面,华硕(ASUS)做出了一个非常有趣的设计选择(design choice),在后盖的底部添加了一个缝合凸起。当您将ASUS ZenFone Zoom放置在(ASUS ZenFone Zoom)平面上(plane surface)时,这个凸起有助于保持其水平笔直。哦,顺便说一句,后盖是由看起来像真皮的东西制成的。这是可以得到的溢价!
ASUS ZenFone Zoom是一款采用优质材料打造的优质智能手机。它的设计与ZenFone 家族(ZenFone family)的其他智能手机相似,但有一个例外:它的背面看起来与所有其他ZenFone(ZenFones)非常不同。那是因为它必须为其变焦镜头提供一些非常复杂的机制。这就是为什么它也类似于一款非常不同的智能手机,它也试图改变我们看待智能手机相机的方式:诺基亚 Lumia 1020(Nokia Lumia 1020)。总而言之,我们喜欢华硕 ZenFone Zoom(ASUS ZenFone Zoom)的外观。
华硕 ZenFone Zoom(ASUS ZenFone Zoom)的智能手机体验(smartphone experience)
华硕 ZenFone Zoom(ASUS ZenFone Zoom)拥有完成您要求的任何任务所需的所有功能。虽然它的操作系统(operating system)Android 5 Lollipop已经过时,但它并不觉得呆滞:浏览互联网(Internet)、玩游戏、无休止地滚动浏览Facebook 或 Twitter——(Facebook or Twitter)所有这些活动都可以通过华硕 ZenFone Zoom(ASUS ZenFone Zoom)让您轻松完成。
我使用华硕 ZenFone Zoom(ASUS ZenFone Zoom)作为我的主要智能手机一周。我的电话通话质量很好,音量也很高。我和通过电话与之交谈的人都能够毫无障碍地理解我在说什么。智能手机还非常擅长消除环境声音,因此您可以听到与您交谈的人的声音,即使他或她在非常响亮的地方。扬声器位于智能手机的背面,可以很好地发挥作用。似乎它比我们在旧ASUS ZenFone 2上看到(或确切地说是听到)的要好一些。它提供清晰的声音,如果你想要的话,它也可以变得非常响亮。
但是,与几乎所有便携式设备一样,您从ASUS ZenFone Zoom获得的最佳音频质量是当您将耳机连接到它时。幸运的是,当您打开这款智能手机的包装时,您还会在包装中获得一副耳机。很高兴看到这一点,因为如今越来越多的制造商选择不捆绑耳机。然而,耳机的质量并没有让人瞠目结舌——它们确实能胜任,但如果您想要更高质量的声音(quality sound),我们建议您购买一些更好的售后耳机,例如Monster Clarity HD 高清入耳式耳机(Monster Clarity HD High Definition In-Ear Headphones)。
ASUS ZenFone Zoom(ASUS ZenFone Zoom)能够连接到 2G/3G 和 4G 移动网络。在我所在的地理区域,我的移动运营商(mobile carrier)只提供 3G,所以我只能为此作证。华硕 ZenFone Zoom(ASUS ZenFone Zoom)连接移动网络没有问题,但在某些地方(比如附近的超市),它会丢失网络信号(network signal),尽管我的另一部智能手机 -摩托罗拉 Nexus 6(Motorola Nexus 6) - 确实设法保持连接正常。这可能表明也可能不会表明Zoom的天线不是很好,或者可能只是我的移动运营商的(mobile carrier)网络覆盖范围(network coverage)存在问题。
在电池寿命(battery life)方面,华硕 ZenFone Zoom(ASUS ZenFone Zoom)能够持续一整天浏览互联网(Internet)、阅读文章和电子书或查看Facebook 订阅源(Facebook feed)。我通常每天晚上都必须充电,但当我运行基准测试和在上面玩Asphalt时,我必须每天充电两次。3000 mAh 锂聚合物电池不错,但我不认为你可以用两天的时间,即使你像苦行者一样使用智能手机。
华硕 ZenFone Zoom(ASUS ZenFone Zoom)感觉就像是一款功能强大的智能手机。尽管智能部分可以从更新中受益,但它很好地实现了成为手机的基本目的。总的来说,就我们从中获得的智能手机体验(smartphone experience)而言,我们可以说我们对华硕 ZenFone Zoom(ASUS ZenFone Zoom)普遍感到满意。
翻页,详细了解ASUS ZenFone Zoom提供的相机体验(camera experience)、您使用的软件以及它在基准测试中获得的结果。
Reviewing the ASUS ZenFone Zoom - The smartphone that thinks like a camera
It's been quite а while now since mobile manufactυrers tried tо design and build better camera smartphones. We'vе seen Samsung do this and we've seen Nokiа doing it, but we didn't yet see ASUЅ do it. Not until recently that is, because ASUS has entered the compеtition for the best camera smartphone with thеir new ASUS ZenFone Zoom. It iѕ a smartphone that promises to offer its usеrs a camera with true 3X opticаl zoom, in a compact body with no moving parts on the outside. Of course, the ASUS ZenFone Zoom also packs high-end hardware tо match its top of the line camera lenses. However, like all else in life, everything comes at а price. After playing, testing and using the ASUS ZenFone Zoom for more than a wеek now, here's what wе think of it:
Hardware specifications and packaging
The ASUS ZenFone Zoom comes in a beautifully crafted box made of premium black cardboard. It has a minimalistic design that features only the company brand on one side and the smartphone's model name on the top.
A nice touch regarding the the packaging is that the box opens like a book or like a jewelry case, as you can see in picture below. After you open it, the first thing that will catch your eye is the smartphone itself, sitting on top of a rather intricate cardboard support.
Besides the ZenFone Zoom itself, inside the box you will find a power charger together with a detachable USB cable, a wrist strap that can be tied to the smartphone to make it easier to carry, a pair of wired headphones and the usual documents you get with almost any hardware device: the user manual and the warranty card. The ASUS ZenFone Zoom we received for testing also included an ASUS ZenFlash , which is an external portable flash that you can connect and use to take better pictures with the smartphone, especially in low light environments. There is a chance that, i n some markets, ASUS won't include the ZenFlash in the default package.
The ASUS ZenFone Zoom is available in two different color variations: black and white. Both of them look really nice, also because of the high quality crafting materials used by ASUS.
Depending on the model you choose, the ASUS ZenFone Zoom is powered by an Intel Atom Quad Core Z3580 processor running at 2.3 GHz or by an Intel Atom Quad Core Z3590 running at 2.5 GHz. In terms of memory and storage space, this Android smartphone comes with 4GB of RAM memory and 64GB or 128GB of storage space, depending on the variant that you buy. The internal storage space can be supplemented with a MicroSD memory card of up to 128 GB.
The screen has a diagonal size of 5.5 inches and a Full HD display resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels at a 403 ppi (pixels per inch) density. The display panel is built using the IPS technology, so it should offer a good color reproduction and wide viewing angles. In terms of physical protection, the screen is covered with Corning Gorilla Glass 4 which means that it should be able to resist fine scratches, although it will probably not be enough to save it from a second floor fall. 🙂
The connectivity options offered by the ASUS ZenFone Zoom include wireless network connections using the 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac networking standards, Bluetooth v4.0 and NFC support. The smartphone uses one Micro SIM card and supports 2G, 3G and 4G mobile networks. The main attraction of the ASUS ZenFone Zoom is its camera. Although it uses only a 13 megapixel sensor, it features a 3X optical zoom which is also the reason why the smartphone is called Zoom. The rear camera has optical image stabilization and it's built on 10 lens elements crafted by HOYA. We usually associate the name HOYA with camera photo filters. The rear camera also benefits from a very fast 0.03 second laser auto-focus and a dual-color Real Tone flash for when it shoots photos in dim environments. The ASUS ZenFone Zoom also includes a front facing camera with a 5 megapixel sensor and a wide view angle for taking selfies.
In terms of size, the ASUS ZenFone Zoom is 6.25 inches (158.9 mm) long, 3.10 inches (78.84 mm) wide and 0.47 inches (11.95 mm) thick. With its built-in non-removable 3000 mAh Li-Polymer battery, the ASUS ZenFone Zoom weighs 185 grams or 6.52 ounces.
If you want to look even closer at all its specifications, check its official webpage: ASUS ZenFone Zoom ZX551ML Specifications.
The ASUS ZenFone Zoom is a premium device with high-end hardware specifications. They should be enough to put it on par with other high-end Android smartphones and, because of its special optical zoom technology, it should shine when it comes to the camera experience it has to offer.
Design and build quality
The ASUS ZenFone Zoom is a high end device and that is easily seen in the way it's built and in the materials that are used for crafting it. The Zoom follows the general design lines we saw in all the smartphones from the ZenFone family, yet it has its own distinctive spots.
On its front side, the ASUS ZenFone Zoom is clearly a ZenFone smartphone: the display is surrounded by not too thin and not too thick bezels, the top side is home to the ASUS logo and the earpiece speaker, while the bottom holds the Android capacitive buttons plus the spun metal band that's an ASUS trademark.
Unfortunately, the capacitive buttons are not backlit so finding them at night might be an issue. The whole body is held together by a slightly rounded aluminum metal edge that looks great.
A nice design choice that ASUS made for its ZenFone Zoom is the fact that it includes two hardware buttons for the camera: one for the camera shutter and one for video recording. You will find them together with the power button and the volume rocker on the right edge of the smartphone. What's even nicer is the fact that the shutter button is a two-step button so you can half press it to focus and full press it to actually shoot the photo.
Turn the ASUS ZenFone Zoom with its backside up and you get to see what makes it special: the optical zooming camera. If you've ever seen a Nokia Lumia 1020 , you will now have a deja-vu. The back of the ASUS ZenFone Zoom is dominated by a very large disc that holds the insides of the camera, with all the 10 elements of the lens.
The zooming lens on the ASUS ZenFone Zoom makes the smartphone feel a bit bulkier and heavier than other smartphones, but that's a compromise that you have to make if you want to interbreed a smartphone with a camera.
To balance the back of the smartphone, ASUS made a very interesting design choice of adding a stitched bulge on the bottom side of the back cover. This bulge helps in keeping the ASUS ZenFone Zoom horizontally straight when you place it on a plane surface. Oh, and by the way, the back cover is made of what looks like real leather. That's as premium as it can get!
The ASUS ZenFone Zoom is a premium smartphone built with high quality materials. Its design is similar to that of other smartphones from the ZenFone family, with one exception: its back looks very different from all the other ZenFones. That's because it has to accommodate some pretty intricate mechanisms for its zooming lens. That's why it also resembles a very different smartphone, one that was also trying to change the way we look at smartphone cameras: the Nokia Lumia 1020. All in all, we like the way the ASUS ZenFone Zoom looks.
The smartphone experience on the ASUS ZenFone Zoom
The ASUS ZenFone Zoom has all the horsepower required for completing any task you ask of it. While its operating system, Android 5 Lollipop is outdated, it doesn't feel sluggish: browsing the Internet, playing games, endlessly scrolling through Facebook or Twitter - all these are activities that the ASUS ZenFone Zoom lets you do without any slowdowns.
I used the ASUS ZenFone Zoom as my main smartphone for a week. My phone conversations were of good quality and the sound levels were pretty high. Both I and the people with whom I've talked over the phone were able to understand what I was saying without a hitch. The smartphone is also quite good at silencing the environmental sounds so you can hear the person whom you speak to, even if he or she is in a really loud place. The loudspeaker is located on the back of the smartphone and does its job well. It seems like it's a bit better than the one we saw (or heard to be exact) on the older ASUS ZenFone 2. It offers clear sound and it can get pretty loud too if that's what you want.
However, as with almost any portable device, the best audio quality you get from the ASUS ZenFone Zoom is when you connect your headphones to it. Fortunately, when you unbox this smartphone you also get a pair of headphones in the package. It's nice to see that, as more and more manufacturers chose not to bundle headphones these days. However, the headphones quality isn't jaw dropping - they do their job but if you want higher quality sound, we recommend you go for some better aftermarket headphones like the Monster Clarity HD High Definition In-Ear Headphones , for instance .
The ASUS ZenFone Zoom is able to connect to 2G/3G and 4G mobile networks. In my geographical area, my mobile carrier offers only 3G, so I can only testify for that. The ASUS ZenFone Zoom had no problem in connecting to the mobile network, but there were places (like in supermarket nearby) where it lost the network signal, although my other smartphone - a Motorola Nexus 6 - did manage to keep the connection going. That may or may not be an indicator to the fact that the Zoom's antenna is not that great, or it could be just that my mobile carrier has issues with its network coverage.
In terms of battery life, the ASUS ZenFone Zoom managed to last for a whole day of browsing the Internet, reading articles and eBooks or checking the Facebook feed. I usually had to charge it each evening, although when I ran benchmarks and when I played Asphalt on it, I had to charge it twice a day. The 3000 mAh Li-Polymer battery is good but I don't think that you could get two days out of it, even if you use your smartphone like you were an ascetic.
The ASUS ZenFone Zoom feels like a powerful smartphone. It fulfills its basic purpose of being a phone very well, although the smart part could benefit from an update. Overall, we can say that we were generally pleased by the ASUS ZenFone Zoom when it comes to the smartphone experience we got from it.
Turn the page to find out details about the camera experience offered by the ASUS ZenFone Zoom, the software you get on it, and the results it managed to obtain in benchmarks.