华为是一家以(Huawei)安卓智能手机(Android smartphones)而闻名的电子公司。然而,他们的产品组合比这更多样化,它还包括便携式蓝牙(Bluetooth)扬声器。他们最近推出的一款名为华为天鹅便携蓝牙音箱(Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker)(AM08(recen t)),一款设计非常有趣的便携音箱。(AM08)几周前,我们在测试中收到了一个,在玩过它之后,现在我们想与您分享我们的发现。阅读此评论,我们将告诉您有关华为 Swan 便携式蓝牙音箱(Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker)( AM08 ) 的所有信息:
华为天鹅便携式蓝牙音箱(Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker)(AM08)开箱
华为 Swan 便携式蓝牙音箱(Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker)( AM08 )采用白色纸板箱(cardboard box),里面装满了设备的图片和信息。虽然图像很好地告诉你说话者的样子,但印在盒子上的文字只对你说中文的人有用,或者至少这是在我们本国(home country)销售的版本:罗马尼亚(Romania).
在包装内,您会发现包裹在保护泡沫中的扬声器,以及一条短的白色USB充电线和快速入门指南(start guide)。
现在让我们看一下这款蓝牙音箱(Bluetooth speaker)的一些技术数据:
华为(Huawei)表示,天鹅便携式蓝牙音箱(Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker)(AM08)的设计不仅美观,而且提供高品质音频(quality audio)和“360 °环绕声”(Surround Sound")。1.8瓦的扬声器(Watt speaker)应该可以做到这一点,但我们将在本评论的下一部分中更多地讨论音质(sound quality)。
为了连接到您的设备,华为天鹅便携式蓝牙音箱(Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker)( AM08 ) 使用蓝牙 4.0(Bluetooth 4.0)芯片,理论上支持 33 英尺或 10 米的无线范围。
蓝牙芯片(Bluetooth chip)的另一个优点是它可以让您同时将两个设备连接到扬声器。这绝对有用,因为当您想让您的一位朋友从他们自己的智能手机播放音乐时,您无需断开智能手机(或任何其他设备)与扬声器的连接。
华为天鹅便携式蓝牙音箱(Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker)( AM08 ) 还具有内置麦克风,这意味着您可以在与智能手机配对时使用它进行免提通话。在这种情况下,建议您与扬声器之间的距离为 23 英寸或 60 厘米。
不幸的是,华为天鹅便携式蓝牙音箱(Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker)( AM08 ) 没有 3.5 毫米音频插孔(audio jack),所以如果你想要的话,你将无法将它与声线一起使用。(sound cable)该设备由 700mAh 电池供电,一次充电可保证约 4 小时的续航时间。
正如您现在所知道的,这款扬声器的形状相当罕见,但如果您将其外接成几何形状,您会得到一个大约 3.27 英寸 x 3.27 英寸 x 3.27 英寸或 83 毫米 x 83 毫米 x 83 毫米的立方体。较宽部分(wider section)的周长约为 10.4 英寸(26.5 厘米),该单元的总高度为 3.27 英寸(83 毫米)。如果您对此感到好奇,您应该知道扬声器重约 8.7 盎司或 247 克。
如果您想了解更多关于这款蓝牙音箱(Bluetooth speaker)功能的详细信息,请查看其网页(web page),此处为:华为 Swan 便携式蓝牙音箱(AM08)(Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker (AM08))。
使用华为天鹅便携蓝牙音箱(Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker)(AM08)
华为天鹅便携蓝牙音箱(Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker)(AM08 )之所以取名天鹅(Swan),是因为它的设计者可能认为它看起来像一只真正的天鹅。然而,当我们第一次看到它时,这并不是我们脑海中想象的那样。从外观上看,这款蓝牙音箱(Bluetooth speaker)似乎更像是星际迷航的企业号企业号(Star Trek's USS Enterprise)与星球大战死星(Death Star)的联姻。
华为(Huawei)的蓝牙音箱(Bluetooth speaker)由厚而有光泽的塑料材料制成(plastic material),看起来不错,但也是一个指纹磁铁(fingerprint magnet)。塑料应该能够承受正常压力,但我们敢肯定,如果您将扬声器掉在地板上,它也无济于事。这不是因为塑料,而是因为扬声器的设计:按钮所在的顶部通过细“天鹅颈”“连接”到实际扬声器,这实际上是在邀请您打破它。无论您做什么,我们都不建议您将此扬声器放在口袋或包中。
谈到华为 Swan 便携式蓝牙音箱(Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker)( AM08 ) 的顶部 - 这是所有控制按钮的位置:音量增大和减小、下一首和上一首曲目控制以及蓝牙(Bluetooth)配对。它们都是触摸感应按钮,即使在黑暗中也非常易于使用和查找。显然,媒体控件呈红色亮起,蓝牙按钮呈蓝色。(Bluetooth button)
这些按钮都很漂亮,但它们经常滞后并且触摸它们并不总是意味着扬声器也会按照您的指示进行操作。但是,这并不是很烦人的事情,因为您始终可以选择直接在智能手机或平板电脑(smartphone or tablet)上控制播放的音乐。
华为天鹅便携式蓝牙音箱(Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker)( AM08 )上还有一个非触摸按钮- 电源开关按钮,您可以在音箱底部找到该按钮。在附近,您还会发现microUSB 插孔(microUSB jack)及其LED 灯(LED light),当您为扬声器充电时,它会变成橙红色。说到这一点,我们在测试中使用的华为天鹅便携式蓝牙音箱(Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker)(AM08)一次充电可以持续约 4 小时,这正是制造商所宣传的。不幸的是,4 小时并没有那么多,在这个价格范围内(price range)还有其他选择可以持续更长时间。
就声音而言,我们发现华为天鹅便携式蓝牙音箱(Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker)(AM08)还不错。它设法提供良好的音频质量(audio quality)和相当高的音量,但小型驱动器并不出色。如果将音量调到最大并开始播放一些响亮的音乐,则会出现一些失真。换句话说,如果您是重金属迷(metal fan)或dubstep 迷(dubstep fan),请不要用这款蓝牙扬声器(Bluetooth speaker)举办任何派对。🙂
华为 Swan 便携式蓝牙音箱(Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker)( AM08 )的一个不错的图形细节是“天鹅颈”下方的红色LED 灯(LED light),肯定会引起人们的注意。当打开并通过蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接时,此LED 灯会(LED light)缓慢闪烁。这是一种很好的镇静效果,但它与您正在听的音乐无关,就像我们认为的那样。它是一种循环灯,会以预定义的时间间隔变亮然后周期性变暗。我们原以为它会随着音乐播放(music playing)的节奏而跳动,但对于价格范围内(price range)的蓝牙扬声器(Bluetooth speaker)来说,这可能太过分了。
最后,我们想提一下,如果您打算将其用于免提电话通话,华为 Swan 便携式蓝牙音箱(Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker)( AM08 ) 是一个不错的选择。(AM08)麦克风不是一流的,但如果您保持在推荐的范围内(23 英寸或 60 厘米)就足够了:您的声音不会非常清晰,但与您交谈的人会理解您。
以下是华为天鹅便携式蓝牙音箱(Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker)(AM08 )的一些优点:
- 良好的音频质量(audio quality),如果你不把它推到最大
- 创新设计,以“天鹅”外观打破标准
- 触摸感应按钮
- 您可以同时连接两个不同的设备
- 非常好的价格
这款蓝牙音箱(Bluetooth speaker)也有一些负面的方面:
- 在最大音量下,声音经常会失真
- 虽然有趣,但它的“天鹅颈”设计很容易折断
- 不支持 NFC
- 没有 3.5 毫米音频插孔
- 电池寿命相当短
- 无法在立体声设置(stereo setup)中连接两个扬声器
- 按钮通常无响应
华为天鹅便携式蓝牙音箱(Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker)(AM08 )(AM08)是一款不错的小音箱,有很多优点,也有一些重要的缺点。它不是适合所有人的蓝牙扬声器(Bluetooth speaker):如果你想要强大的声音和令人印象深刻的音量,它不适合你,如果你想要一个便携的扬声器,你可以携带而不害怕打破它,它不适合你,它绝对不是一个好的如果您想要具有长电池寿命的(battery life)蓝牙扬声器(Bluetooth speaker),请选择。但是话又说回来,如果您想要蓝牙扬声器,(Bluetooth speaker)华为 Swan 便携式蓝牙扬声器(Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker)( AM08 ) 是一款非常好的设备(AM08)在家中使用,在厨房或车库中播放音乐,而无需花费大量金钱。即使华为天鹅便携式蓝牙音箱(Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker)( AM08 ) 的(AM08)价格(price tag)非常平易近人,但这并没有体现在它的设计和制造质量上。放在任何地方都会很好看。我们建议您购买它,如果您想要一款价格实惠的便携式扬声器,它看起来很棒并且在正常音量下提供良好的声音。
Reviewing the Huawei AM08 Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker
Huaweі is an electronics company bеst known for its Android smartphоnes. However, their portfolio is more diverse than that and it also includes portable Bluetooth speakers. One of their more recen t models is called the Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker (AM08), a portable speaker with a very interesting design. A few weeks ago, we reсeived one in teѕting and, after playing with it sіnсe, now we'd likе to share with you what we've found. Read this rеview and we will tell you everything there is tо know abоut the Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Spеaker (AM08):
Unboxing the Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker (AM08)
The Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker (AM08) comes in a white cardboard box that's filled with pictures and information about the device. Although the images are doing a very good job at telling you what the speaker looks like, the text printed on the box is useful only for those of you who speak Chinese or at least this is the version that is sold in our home country: Romania .
Inside the package, you will find the speaker wrapped in a protective foam, together with a short white USB charging cable and a quick start guide.
Now let's see a bit of technical data about this Bluetooth speaker:
Hardware specifications
Huawei says that the Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker (AM08) is designed not just to be pretty, but also to offer high quality audio and a "360 ° Surround Sound". The 1.8 Watt speaker should do that, but we'll talk more on the sound quality in the next section of this review.
In order to connect to your devices, the Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker (AM08) uses a Bluetooth 4.0 chip that theoretically supports a 33 feet or 10 meters wireless range.
Another quality of the Bluetooth chip is the fact that it lets you connect two devices to the speaker at the same time. That is definitely useful, because you won't have to disconnect your smartphone (or any other device) from the speaker when you want to let one of your friends play music from their own smartphone.
The Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker (AM08) also has a built-in microphone which means that you can use it to make handsfree calls when paired with your smartphone. In this case, the recommended distance between you and the speaker is of 23 inches or 60 cm.
Unfortunately, the Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker (AM08) has no 3.5mm audio jack, so you won't be able to use it with a sound cable if that's what you wanted. The device is powered by a 700mAh battery that promises an autonomy of about 4 hours on a single charge.
As you know by now, this speaker has a rather uncommon shape, but if you would circumscribe it in a geometrical form, you would get a cube of about 3.27in x 3.27in x 3.27in or 83mm x 83mm x 83mm. The circumference of the wider section is about 10.4in (26.5cm) and the total height of the unit is 3.27in (83mm). If you're curious about it, you should know that the speaker weighs around 8.7 ounces or 247 grams.
If you want more details about this Bluetooth speaker's features, check its web page, here: Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker (AM08).
Using the Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker (AM08)
The Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker (AM08) bears the name of Swan because its designers probably thought it looks like a real swan. However, that's not exactly what we pictured in our heads when we first saw it. In terms of looks, this Bluetooth speaker appears to be more like something born from the marriage between the Star Trek's USS Enterprise and the Star Wars Death Star.
Huawei's Bluetooth speaker is built from a thick and glossy plastic material, that looks nice but is also a fingerprint magnet. The plastic should be able to stand normal pressure, but we're pretty sure it won't help if you drop the speaker on the floor. That's not because of the plastic, it's because of the design of the speaker: the top part, where the buttons are, is "connected" to the actual speaker via a thin "swan neck" which is practically inviting you to break it. Whatever you do, we don't recommend you to carry this speaker in a pocket or in a bag.
Speaking about the top side of the Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker (AM08) - this is where all the control buttons are found: volume up and down, next and previous track controls, and Bluetooth pairing. They are all touch sensitive buttons and are very easy to use and find, even in the dark. The media controls are lit red and the Bluetooth button is blue, obviously.
The buttons are all nice and pretty, but they often lag and touching them doesn't always mean that the speaker also does what you tell it to. However, this is not something very irritating, as you can always choose to control the music you play directly on your smartphone or tablet.
There's also a non-touch button on the Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker (AM08) - the power on and off button, which you'll find on the bottom of the speaker. And close by, you'll also find the microUSB jack and its LED light which turns orange red when you're charging the speaker. Speaking of which, the Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker (AM08) we had in tests managed to last us for about 4 hours on a single charge, which is exactly what the manufacturer advertises. Unfortunately, 4 hours is not that much and there are other options in this price range that can last for a lot longer.
As far as the sound goes, we found the Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker (AM08) to be decent. It manages to offer good audio quality and a pretty high volume, but the small driver doesn't excel. If you turn the volume to the maximum and you start playing some loud music, there are going to be some distortions. In other words, if you're a heavy metal fan or maybe a dubstep fan, don't throw any parties with this Bluetooth speaker. 🙂
One nice graphic detail at the Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker (AM08), that will surely turn heads, is the red LED light underneath the "swan neck". When turned on and connected via Bluetooth, this LED light pulses slowly. It's a nice and calming effect, but it has nothing to do with the music you're listening to, like we assumed it would. It's a cyclic light that turns bright and then dims periodically, at a predefined interval. We were expecting it to pulsate on the rhythm of the music playing, but maybe that's too much to ask from a Bluetooth speaker in its price range.
Finally, we'd like to mention that the Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker (AM08) is a decent choice if you intend to use it for handsfree phone conversations. The microphone is not top notch but it's good enough if you stay in the recommended range (23 inches or 60 cm): your voice won't be extremely clear, but you will be understood by the people to whom you talk to.
Pros and cons
Here are some of good aspects about the Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker (AM08):
- Good audio quality, if you're not pushing it to the max
- Innovative design, breaking the standards with its "swan" appearance
- Touch sensitive buttons
- You can connect to it two different devices, simultaneously
- Very good price
There are also some negative aspects about this Bluetooth speaker:
- At maximum volume, the sound often gets distorted
- Although interesting, its "swan neck" design makes it easy to break
- No NFC support
- No 3.5mm audio jack
- Rather short battery life
- No option to connect two speakers in a stereo setup
- Buttons are often unresponsive
The Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker (AM08) is a good little speaker, with plenty of positives as well as some important negatives. It's not a Bluetooth speaker for everyone: it's not for you if you want powerful sound and an impressive volume, it's not for you if you want a highly portable speaker that you can carry without being afraid to break it, and it's definitely not a good choice if you want a Bluetooth speaker with a long battery life. But then again, the Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker (AM08) is a very good device if you want a Bluetooth speaker to use in your home, to play music in your kitchen or in your garage while doing stuff, without spending a lot of money. Even if the Huawei Swan Portable Bluetooth Speaker (AM08) has a very accessible price tag, this doesn't show in its design and build quality. It will look good anywhere you put it. Our recommendation for you is to buy it, if you want an affordable portable speaker, that looks great and offers good sound at normal volume levels.