华为 P20 Pro(Huawei P20 Pro)是华为制造的最好的智能手机,它与(Huawei)三星 Galaxy S9 Plus(Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus)和 iPhone X等大牌竞争“年度最佳智能手机”的称号。它运行在最新的移动硬件(mobile hardware)上,看起来很棒,它配备了由徕卡(Leica)光学系统提供支持的三摄像头系统。(three-camera system)听起来很有趣吗?我们相信它确实如此,并且经过几周的测试,我们认为这款智能手机的摄影技巧令人惊叹。如果您想知道华为 P20 Pro(Huawei P20 Pro)能够为其用户提供什么优势和劣势,请阅读我们的评论:
华为 P20 Pro:它对谁有好处?
华为 P20 Pro(Huawei P20 Pro)是一款出色的智能手机,适用于:
- 爱拍照的智能手机用户,也适合半专业摄影师
- 在设计方面想要最好的人
- 想要拥有出色硬件和惊人性能的智能手机的用户
- 那些喜欢走在移动技术前沿并且有能力在那里的人
这些是华为 P20 Pro(Huawei P20 Pro)的优点:
- 它可能是最好的,或者至少是最好的摄影智能手机之一
- 华为(Huawei)为相机开发的人工智能让任何业余摄影师看起来(photographer look)都像半专业人士
- 这是一款外形美观的智能手机,手感舒适
- 它具有高端硬件(high-end hardware),可在所有任务中提供出色的性能
- 4000 mAh 电池(mAh battery)容量大,可提供出色的自主性
- 屏幕具有出色的色彩还原(color reproduction)和出色的户外能见度
- 即使在弱光条件下,人脸检测算法也能很好地工作,提供即时解锁(face detection)
- 它安装了最新的 Android 8.1 Oreo
- EMUI用户界面看起来不错,并提供了大量的自定义选项
作为弱点,不得不提的是华为P20 Pro(Huawei P20 Pro):
- 它的屏幕顶部有一个凹口,就像 iPhone X 一样。幸运(X. Luckily)的是,它可以从软件中隐藏
- 屏幕采用钢化玻璃,而不是大猩猩玻璃(Gorilla Glass),使其耐刮擦性(scratch resistant)略低于其主要竞争对手
- 不寻常的 18.7:9 纵横比在一些应用程序和游戏(apps and games)中产生了一些轻微的视觉伪影
- 它没有无线充电
华为 P20 Pro(Huawei P20 Pro)是华为打造的最好的智能手机(Huawei),也是今年最好的安卓智能手机之一。它唯一真正的竞争对手是三星 Galaxy S9 Plus(Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus),但我们认为P20 Pro更划算。这款智能手机的外观、速度和相机实力(camera prowess)给我们留下了深刻的印象。人工智能使任何人都可以轻松拍摄出色的照片和电影视频,即使您没有摄影技能。此外,面部检测(face detection)效果很好,几乎可以立即解锁。我们希望唯一重要的是价格不同。华为(Huawei)顺应市场趋势(market trend),提高了价格。因此,华为 P20 Pro(Huawei P20 Pro)在发布时比上一代更贵。即便如此,它仍然比竞争对手更实惠。因此,如果您负担得起并且想要一部出色的智能手机,请购买华为 P20 Pro(Huawei P20 Pro)。你不会后悔你做了。几乎不可能找到更好的智能手机。
华为 P20 Pro(Huawei P20 Pro)装在一个简单的白色盒子里。唯一印在上面的项目是设备名称、华为(Huawei)的标志和强调其最重要功能的文字“徕卡三摄”。(Leica Triple Camera)
在盒子的底部和侧面,您可能还会看到一些贴纸,告诉您华为 P20 Pro(Huawei P20 Pro)的一些硬件规格。
在包装盒内,首先映入眼帘的是华为 P20 Pro(Huawei P20 Pro)智能手机。然后,隐藏在纸板支架下,有一个用于弹出SIM 卡托盘(SIM tray)的小针、快速入门指南(start guide)、一个软硅胶外壳(silicone case)、带有可拆卸USB Type-C 电缆的(USB Type-C cable)电源充电器(power charger)、一对有线耳机和一个小USB Type-C转 3.5 毫米耳机插孔适配器电缆(jack adapter cable)。
华为 P20 Pro(Huawei P20 Pro)有四种颜色可供选择:暮光(Twilight)、黑色(Black)、午夜蓝和玫瑰金(Midnight Blue and Pink Gold)。我们测试的模型是黑色的,这是一种适合大多数口味的经典颜色。
华为 P20 Pro(Huawei P20 Pro )配备 6.1 英寸AMOLED 显示屏(AMOLED display),分辨率为 1080 x 2240像素,(x 2240)像素密度(ppi pixel density)为 408 ppi 。屏幕使用钢化玻璃(但不是大猩猩玻璃(Gorilla Glass)),可以防止划痕、灰尘甚至偶尔掉落。另外值得注意的是,华为P20 Pro(Huawei P20 Pro)通过了IP67认证,这意味着它可以防尘防水(water resistant),深度可达1米,30分钟。
该智能手机由高端海思麒麟 970(Hisilicon Kirin 970)芯片组提供动力,该芯片组具有八核处理器(四个 2.4 GHz的 Cortex-A73 内核和另外四个 1.8 (GHz)GHz的 Cortex-A53 内核)和一个Mali-G72 MP12图形处理单元. 华为 P20 Pro(Huawei P20 Pro)配备 6GB内存(RAM)和 128GB 内部闪存空间(flash storage space)。它不支持添加 microSD 卡,但考虑到充足的内部存储空间(storage space),您可能不需要它。华为 P20 Pro(Huawei P20 Pro )的自主权由一块不可拆卸的大型锂聚合物 4000 mAh 电池(mAh battery)提供。
华为 P20 Pro(Huawei P20 Pro )背面安装了三摄像头系统(camera system)。有一台具有 40 兆像素(RGB,f/1.8 光圈)的相机,一台具有 20 兆像素(单色(Monochrome),f/1.6 光圈)和一台具有 8 兆像素(长焦(Telephoto),f/2.4 光圈)的相机。相机系统(camera system)采用徕卡(Leica)光学系统,最大可光学放大 3 倍,具有光学图像稳定(Image Stabilization)、相位检测(phase detection)和自动对焦以及LED 闪光灯(LED flash)。它的正面配备了令人印象深刻的单镜头相机,具有 24 兆像素和 f/2.0 光圈。
关于连接性,华为 P20 Pro(Huawei P20 Pro)有两种版本可供选择:单卡或双卡(Single SIM or Dual SIM)。两种(Both)变体都使用 Nano- SIM卡。我们测试的型号是双SIM 卡(SIM one),它使用双卡双待实现(SIM Dual Standby implementation),这意味着即使两张SIM卡在您不使用时都处于活动状态,一旦您用其中一个接听电话,另一个变得不活跃。
华为 P20 Pro(Huawei P20 Pro)具有USB 3.1 Type-C 端口、蓝牙 v4.2(Bluetooth v4.2)、NFC、红外端口,并为802.11 a/b/g/n/ac 2.4GHz和 5 GHz网络提供双频无线支持。(dual-band wireless support)
智能手机还受益于它从许多内置传感器收集的信息:重力传感器(gravity sensor)、环境光传感器(light sensor)、接近传感器(proximity sensor)、前指纹传感器(fingerprint sensor)、霍尔传感器、陀螺仪、指南针和色温传感器(color temperature sensor)。指纹读取器(fingerprint reader)安装在设备正面、显示屏下方,呈带圆角的矩形。
华为 P20 Pro(Huawei P20 Pro)比普通智能手机略大,但并不太重或笨重:长度为 6.10 英寸(155 毫米),宽度为 2.91 英寸(73.9 毫米),厚度为 0.31 英寸(7.8 毫米),重约 6.35 盎司(180 克)。
更多关于华为P20 Pro的(Huawei P20 Pro's)硬件规格和特性,请访问其官网:Huawei P20 Pro Specs。
华为 P20 Pro 的开箱体验令人愉悦,硬件规格描述了现代高端 Android 智能手机。(The unboxing experience you get from the Huawei P20 Pro is pleasant, and the hardware specifications describe a modern high-end Android smartphone.)
华为 P20 Pro(Huawei P20 Pro)是我们测试过的最漂亮的智能手机之一。但仅凭此声明还不足以让您了解这款智能手机的华丽程度,让我们仔细看看它。
它的主体在其显示屏上由玻璃制成,这是正常和强制性的,但在其背面也是由玻璃制成的,玻璃向上到边缘并以金属框架(metal frame)结束。当然(Sure),有些人可能会说玻璃只不过是指纹的磁铁,但是男孩,它看起来不错。如果你关心保护,你可以使用华为提供的(Huawei)硅胶套(silicone case),或者给自己买一个更高级的。
在智能手机的背面,三摄像头系统位于左上角区域。摄像头从智能手机的背面略微突出。但是,它们的体积不足以打扰您。附近(Closeby)还有LED 闪光灯(LED flash)和徕卡品牌(Leica branding)。在对面的角落,你还可以看到写着华为的名字。(Huawei name)相机和华为名称(Huawei name)都垂直放置在智能手机上,当您将智能手机保持在水平位置时,它们会更加引人注目,就像您通常在拍照时所做的那样。
智能手机的正面是一个带有小边框的大显示屏,尤其是在它的左右两侧,而且在它的顶部。这也是发现前置 20 (front 20) MP 摄像头(MP camera)的地方,从显示屏中占据了一小块区域。就像(Just)iPhone X 一样,华为 P20 Pro(Huawei P20 Pro)也有你所说的小刘海,比如理发。🙂
在显示器的底部,边框比其他边框稍大,但这个也很小。在中心,您会发现指纹读取器(fingerprint reader),它具有带圆角的矩形形状。
SIM卡托位于(SIM tray)华为P20 Pro(Huawei P20 Pro)的左侧,可以通过推华为(Huawei)提供的小插针或使用回形针(paper clip)将其取出。
在智能手机的右边缘,朝向顶部,您会看到通常的音量摇杆(volume rocker)和电源按钮(power button)。电源按钮(power button)与其他按钮分开,通过其红色条纹很容易识别。
在底部边缘(bottom edge),有扬声器、麦克风和USB 3.1 Type-C 端口(Type-C port)。USB 端口(USB port)用于为智能手机充电,但您也可以使用它在内部闪存空间之间传输数据以及插入耳机(flash storage space)或USB至 3.5 毫米音频插孔适配器电缆(jack adapter cable)。
华为 P20 Pro 外观精美,设计经过(The Huawei P20 Pro looks beautiful, and its design is well )深思熟虑(thought)。我们喜欢玻璃和金属在边缘融合的方式,尽管有些人可能会说不同,但我们喜欢显示屏如何适合智能手机的整个正面,即使这意味着前置摄像头只占据显示屏的一小部分。微小的边框和玻璃后盖也增加了良好的印象。( out. We like how glass and metal mingle towards the edges and, although some might say otherwise, we like how the display fits the entire front of the smartphone, even if that means that the front camera is occupying a small part of the display. The tiny bezels and the glass back also add to the good impression.)
如果您想了解更多关于华为 P20 Pro(Huawei P20 Pro)提供的智能手机体验(smartphone experience)、其相机、捆绑应用程序以及基准测试性能,请阅读本评论的第二页。
Review Huawei P20 Pro: One of the best smartphones of 2018
Huawei P20 Pro is the best smartphone made by Huawei, and it competes for the title of the "best smartphone of the year" alongside big names like Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus and the iPhone X. It runs on the latest mobile hardware available, it looks great, and it comes with a three-camera system, powered by Leica optics. Does it sound interesting? We believe it does, and after testing it for a couple of weeks, we think that this smartphone's photography skills are amazing. If you want to know what Huawei P20 Pro is capable of offering to its users, is strengths and weakness, read our review:
Huawei P20 Pro: Who is it good for?
The Huawei P20 Pro is an exceptional smartphone for:
- Smartphone users who love to take pictures, but also for semi-professional photographers
- People who want the best of the best in terms of design
- Users who want smartphones with excellent hardware and amazing performance
- Those who like to be on the cutting edge of mobile technology and can afford to be there
Pros and cons
These are the positive features of the Huawei P20 Pro:
- It is probably the best, or at least one of the best smartphones for photography
- The artificial intelligence that Huawei developed for the camera makes any amateur photographer look like a semi-professional
- It is a beautiful smartphone with pleasant shape, that is comfortable to hold
- It has high-end hardware that offers excellent performance in all tasks
- The 4000 mAh battery is generous and offers excellent autonomy
- The screen has excellent color reproduction and great outdoors visibility
- The face detection algorithms work great, even in low-light conditions, providing instant unlocks
- It comes with the latest Android 8.1 Oreo installed
- The EMUI user interface looks good and offers plenty of customization options
As weak spots, we have to mention that the Huawei P20 Pro:
- It has a notch on the top of the screen, just like the iPhone X. Luckily, it can be hidden from the software
- Has a screen with tempered glass, not Gorilla Glass, making it slightly less scratch resistant than its main competitors
- The unusual 18.7:9 aspect ratio generates some minor visual artefacts in a few apps and games
- It does not have wireless charging
The Huawei P20 Pro is the best smartphone created by Huawei, and it is one of the best Android smartphones of the year. Its only real competitor is the Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus, but we feel that the P20 Pro is a better deal. This smartphone impressed us with its looks, speed and its camera prowess. The artificial intelligence makes it easy for anyone to take great photos and film videos, even if you have no photography skills. Also, the face detection works great, providing almost instant unlocks. The only important thing we wished was different is the price. Huawei followed the market trend and increased their prices. As a result, Huawei P20 Pro is more expensive than the previous generation was at launch. Even so, it manages to be slightly more affordable than its competitors. Therefore, if you can afford it and you want a great smartphone, buy the Huawei P20 Pro. You will not be sorry you did. It is almost impossible to find a better smartphone.
Hardware specifications and packaging
The Huawei P20 Pro arrives in a simple white box. The only items that are printed on it are the name of the device, Huawei's logo and the text "Leica Triple Camera" that emphasizes its most important feature.
On the bottom and the sides of the box, you might also see some stickers that tell you some of the hardware specifications of the Huawei P20 Pro.
Inside the box, the first thing that greets you is the Huawei P20 Pro smartphone. Then, tucked away under cardboard support, there is a small pin for ejecting the SIM tray, the quick start guide, and a soft silicone case, the power charger with a detachable USB Type-C cable, a pair of wired headphones and a small USB Type-C to 3.5 mm headphone jack adapter cable.
The Huawei P20 Pro is available in four color variations: Twilight, Black, Midnight Blue and Pink Gold. The model that we tested was the black one, a classic color that fits most tastes.
The Huawei P20 Pro features a 6.1 inches AMOLED display with a resolution of 1080 x 2240 pixels at 408 ppi pixel density. The screen uses tempered glass (but not Gorilla Glass) that should offer protection against scratches, dust, and even against occasional drops. It is also worth noting that the Huawei P20 Pro is IP67 certified, meaning that it is dust and water resistant, up to 1 meter in depth, for 30 minutes.
The smartphone is powered by a high-end Hisilicon Kirin 970 chipset that features an octa-core processor (four Cortex-A73 cores at 2.4 GHz and another four Cortex-A53 cores at 1.8 GHz), and a Mali-G72 MP12 graphics processing unit. The Huawei P20 Pro comes with 6GB of RAM and 128 GB of internal flash storage space. It does not offer support for adding a microSD card, but you may not need that, considering the generous internal storage space. The autonomy of the Huawei P20 Pro is provided by a big non-removable Lithium-Polymer 4000 mAh battery.
On its back, the Huawei P20 Pro has a triple camera system installed. There is one camera that has 40 megapixels (RGB, f/1.8 aperture), one that has 20 megapixels (Monochrome, f/1.6 aperture) and one that has 8 megapixels (Telephoto, f/2.4 aperture). The camera system uses Leica optics, can optically zoom in up to 3x, has Optical Image Stabilization, phase detection, and autofocus, and LED flash. On its front side, it comes with an impressive single-lens camera that has 24 megapixels and f/2.0 aperture.
Regarding connectivity, the Huawei P20 Pro is available in two variations: Single SIM or Dual SIM. Both variations use Nano-SIM cards. The model that we tested was a Dual SIM one, and it uses a Dual SIM Dual Standby implementation, which means that even if both SIM cards are active when you are not using them, once you take a call on one of them, the other becomes inactive.
The Huawei P20 Pro has a USB 3.1 Type-C port, Bluetooth v4.2, NFC, infrared port, and offers dual-band wireless support for the 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac 2.4 GHz and 5GHz networks.
The smartphone also benefits from the information it gathers from its many built-in sensors: gravity sensor, ambient light sensor, proximity sensor, front fingerprint sensor, hall-sensor, gyroscope, compass, and color temperature sensor. The fingerprint reader is mounted on the front of the device, beneath the display, and has a rectangular shape with rounded corners.
The Huawei P20 Pro is a slightly larger than the average smartphone, but it is not too heavy or bulky: it has 6.10 inches in length (155 mm), 2.91 inches in width (73.9 mm), 0.31 inches in thickness (7.8 mm), and weighs about 6.35 ounces (180 grams).
For more details about Huawei P20 Pro's hardware specifications and features, visit its official webpage: Huawei P20 Pro Specs.
The unboxing experience you get from the Huawei P20 Pro is pleasant, and the hardware specifications describe a modern high-end Android smartphone.
Design and build quality
The Huawei P20 Pro is one of the most beautiful smartphones we have tested. But this statement alone is not enough for you to get an idea of just how gorgeous this smartphone is so let's take a closer look at it.
Its body is made of glass both on its display, where it is normal and mandatory, but also on its back, where the glass rounds up to the edges and ends in a metal frame. Sure, some people might say that glass is nothing more than a magnet for fingerprints, but boy, it looks good. If you care about protection, you can use the silicone case that Huawei provides, or buy yourself a fancier one.
On the back of the smartphone, the three cameras system sits gloriously on the top-left area. The cameras are slightly protruding from the smartphone's back surface. They are not, however, bulky enough to bother you. Closeby, there is also the LED flash and then the Leica branding. On the opposite corner, you can also see the Huawei name written. Both the cameras and the Huawei name are positioned vertically on the smartphone, and that makes them all the more noticeable when you keep the smartphone in a horizontal position as you will usually do when taking photographs.
The front of the smartphone is one big display with small bezels, especially on its left and right sides, but also on its top. That is also the place where the front 20 MP camera is found, taking a small area out of the display. Just like the iPhone X, the Huawei P20 Pro has what you would call a small bang, as in haircut. 🙂
On the bottom of the display, the bezel is slightly larger than the others, but this one is also quite small. In the center, you will find the fingerprint reader which has a rectangular shape with rounded corners.
The SIM tray is positioned on the left side of the Huawei P20 Pro and can be taken out by pushing the small pin provided by Huawei or by using a paper clip.
On the right edge of the smartphone, towards the top, you get the usual volume rocker and the power button. The power button is separated from the others and is easily identifiable by its red stripe.
On the bottom edge, there are the speakers, the microphone, and the USB 3.1 Type-C port. The USB port is used for charging the smartphone, but you can also use it to transfer data to and from the internal flash storage space and for plugging the headphones, or the USB to 3.5 mm audio jack adapter cable.
The Huawei P20 Pro looks beautiful, and its design is well thought out. We like how glass and metal mingle towards the edges and, although some might say otherwise, we like how the display fits the entire front of the smartphone, even if that means that the front camera is occupying a small part of the display. The tiny bezels and the glass back also add to the good impression.
If you would like to know more about the smartphone experience offered by the Huawei P20 Pro, its cameras, bundled apps, and performance in benchmarks, read the second page of this review.