HyperX最近推出了一款名为HyperX Alloy Elite RGB的新游戏键盘。过去,我们回顾了他们的第一款键盘HyperX Alloy FPS,我们对它以优惠的价格提供的产品印象深刻。这一次,HyperX创造了一款机械键盘,被评为甚至比之前的型号更好。HyperX Alloy Elite RGB是一款机械游戏键盘(gaming keyboard),具有全RGB 照明(RGB lighting)、附加媒体控制和专用软件。它如何满足游戏玩家和作家的需求?如果您想知道对它有什么期望,请阅读这篇评论:
HyperX Alloy Elite RGB:它对谁有好处?
HyperX Alloy Elite RGB是一款出色的键盘,适用于:
- 渴望出色机械键盘的游戏玩家或作家
- 喜欢灯光效果和定制的人
- 渴望以合理价格购买优质设备的人(price tag)
关于HyperX Alloy Elite RGB(HyperX Alloy Elite RGB)有很多好话要说:
- 它是一款出色的机械键盘,可以满足游戏玩家和打字员的需求和愿望。
- 您可以使用三种不同类型的Cherry MX机械轴之一购买它:红色、蓝色和棕色。但是,可用的开关类型因国家/地区而异,因此您应先咨询当地零售商。
- 这款键盘上的灯光令人印象深刻,可以使用不同的配置文件进行详细定制。
- 它带有一个内置闪存(flash memory),可以存储三种不同的自定义配置文件。
- 如果您喜欢在键盘上安装媒体控件,这个有它们,而且它们看起来很棒。
- 虽然它是一款全尺寸游戏键盘(gaming keyboard),但HyperX Alloy Elite RGB在桌面上的占用空间却相当小,至少与其他游戏键盘相比是这样。
- 它是一款可靠且坚固的键盘,带有坚固的钢架(steel frame)。
- 如果您的手指长或手大,则腕垫(wrist pad)有点太小,并且
- 我们希望HyperX改进他们的NGenuity应用程序。当我们测试键盘时,我们发现该应用程序滞后,它可以在改善用户体验方面(user experience)做一些工作。然而,NGenuity仍然是一个好的开始,它提供了游戏玩家可能希望从此类应用程序中获得的东西。
HyperX Alloy Elite RGB是我们最近几个月测试过的最好的键盘之一。它具有出色的设计、出色的制造质量以及(build quality and everything)游戏玩家可能希望从键盘获得的一切。我们喜欢这款机械键盘提供的游戏体验(gaming experience)和打字体验,我们相信您也会喜欢。无论(Regardless)您是想要一个新键盘来玩游戏还是在电脑上写很多东西,HyperX Alloy Elite RGB都不会让您失望。我们向所有负担得起的读者推荐这款键盘。
拆箱HyperX Alloy Elite RGB机械键盘
HyperX Alloy Elite RGB机械键盘装在一个由光面纸板制成的漂亮盒子中。背景涂成黑色和深灰色,前景中印有关于键盘的图片和细节。例如,在盒子的顶部,您可以看到键盘的大图片,各种颜色照亮了它的按键。
打开盒子,里面的键盘映入眼帘。您还可以获得一个可拆卸的腕托和八个由银色金属制成的额外键帽,您可以使用它们来替换WASD和 1234 键的标准塑料键帽。该捆绑包还包括键帽拆卸工具(keycap remover tool)、快速入门指南(start guide)和HyperX 团队(HyperX Team)的欢迎说明。
HyperX Alloy Elite RGB 机械键盘提供的开箱体验,不愧是高端游戏设备。该盒子包含您对游戏键盘的期望。(The unboxing experience offered by the HyperX Alloy Elite RGB mechanical keyboard is worthy of a premium gaming device. The box contains everything you would expect from a gaming keyboard.)
HyperX Alloy Elite RGB是一款专为游戏玩家设计的键盘,采用Cherry MX RGB机械轴。RGB 名称(RGB name)部分意味着所有按键都可以以您想要的任何颜色亮起。根据他们的规格,您可以选择这款带有红色、蓝色或棕色按键开关的键盘。它们的内部颜色告诉您它们产生的驱动距离(actuation distance)、力和噪音:
- Cherry MX Blue:咔哒声,50 cN驱动力(actuation force),响亮
- Cherry MX Brown:触觉,45 cN 驱动力(cN actuation force),不太响但也不太安静
- Cherry MX Red:线性,45 cN 驱动力(cN actuation force),安静
我们测试的HyperX Alloy Elite RGB键盘配有(HyperX Alloy Elite RGB)Cherry MX Brown键轴,它介于响亮但准确的(loud but accurate) Cherry MX Blue键轴和安静且反应灵敏的Cherry MX Red键轴之间。
金士顿(Kingston)宣传HyperX Alloy Elite RGB键盘上使用的(HyperX Alloy Elite RGB )Cherry MX RGB开关每个可承受5000 万次击键。根据我们的分析,这款键盘应该可以使用很多年:数以百万计的击键和点击是多少年?HyperX还表示,开关内部的关键触点具有自清洁功能,并且可以防尘和防污。按键放置在坚固的坚固钢架底座(steel frame base)上,Cherry MX RGB开关也采用玻璃纤维加固。
为了连接到您的游戏装备,HyperX Alloy Elite RGB使用一根末端带有两个常规USB 2.0连接器的编织USB 电缆。(USB cable)值得一提的是,线缆不可拆卸,但很长:70.86 英寸或 180 厘米。该电缆有两个USB连接器,因此它占用了您计算机上的两个USB 端口(USB port),但它通过提供自己的USB 端口(USB port)进行补偿,这是直通的。
除了任何常规全尺寸键盘上的默认按键外,HyperX Alloy Elite RGB还有八个附加按键(其中一个是音量轮(volume wheel)),用于控制计算机上的照明、游戏模式(game mode)和媒体播放器。
HyperX Alloy Elite RGB键盘还提供完整的NKRO 支持(Full NKRO support),这意味着它可以在您同时按下时注册尽可能多的不同键,并且不会“忘记”其中的任何一个。如果您想了解更多关于在键盘上安装NKRO的优势,您应该阅读本指南:什么是键盘的NKRO 技术(NKRO technology)?
关于尺寸,HyperX Alloy Elite RGB游戏键盘宽 17.48 英寸(44.39 厘米),深 6.65 英寸(16.89 厘米),高 1.53 英寸(3.88 厘米)。键盘相对较重,重 3.3 磅或 1.49 公斤。
HyperX Alloy Elite RGB应该适用于任何现代操作系统(operating system),包括Windows 10、Windows 8.1、Windows 7 和Mac OS(Mac OS X) X。但是,如果您希望能够自定义其照明和分配宏(lighting and assign macros),则必须使用HyperX提供的(HyperX)NGenuity应用程序,该应用程序仅适用于Windows系统。不幸的是,我们没有在HyperX(HyperX)的网站上找到有关操作系统兼容性的任何详细信息。
如果您想了解更多关于其官方规格的信息,您可以在此处查看:HyperX Alloy Elite RGB。
HyperX Alloy Elite RGB 提供的硬件规格和功能配得上高端游戏键盘。(The hardware specs and the features offered by the HyperX Alloy Elite RGB are worthy of a high-end gaming keyboard.)
使用HyperX Alloy Elite RGB 键盘(HyperX Alloy Elite RGB keyboard)
当您从包装盒中取出HyperX Alloy Elite RGB时,您不禁会注意到它的质量。键盘看起来坚固耐用,它的重量让您确信它可以毫无问题地承受一些损坏。此外,在观看时,您不禁会注意到它收到的对细节的关心和关注。(care and attention)HyperX Alloy Elite RGB具有迷人的设计和优质的结构。
HyperX Alloy Elite RGB不是一个小键盘,但就像它的小兄弟HyperX Alloy FPS一样,在您桌面上的占用空间并不大。Razer等其他制造商的类似游戏键盘在您的桌面上占用的空间要大得多。如果您的桌面空间(desk space)有限,HyperX Alloy Elite RGB将是您的理想选择。
HyperX 将Alloy Elite RGB构建在可以在键盘顶部看到的实心钢框架上。看着和触摸都感觉很棒,而且它非常坚固,以至于您无法向任何方向弯曲或扭曲键盘。
所有按键手感柔软,表面略微凹入(除了空格键(space bar)是凹入的),打字时手感很好。键帽的顶部也比底部小一些。这为LED(LED)灯在按键之间留下了足够的空间,而不会为恼人的光流效应留下空间。
说到这一点,HyperX Alloy Elite RGB键盘上的RGB LED 照明(RGB LED lighting)非常壮观。每个键(Every key)单独点亮,您可以在键盘上使用多种不同的效果,包括Wave、Solid、Breathing、Trigger、Explosion和独特的HyperX Flame。更令人惊叹的是,HyperX Alloy Elite RGB还配备了一个LED 条纹(LED stripe),从左到右贯穿整个键盘。这个LED 条纹(LED stripe)使用与键盘其余部分匹配的颜色,非常漂亮画龙点睛(finishing touch)。
借助键盘左上角的三个按钮中的两个,可以轻松更改照明强度和颜色配置文件。(intensity and color profiles)第一个类似于太阳,控制照明强度(lighting intensity),第二个类似于三个交织的圆圈,充当键盘可以存储在其闪存中的三种颜色配置文件之间的开关。第三个按钮是游戏模式(Game Mode)按钮,用于在游戏过程中禁用Windows和ALT + Tab快捷键。
在键盘的右上角,您可以找到一系列外观圆润的银色按键。这些是用于倒带(Rewind)、Play/Pause、前进和静音(Forward and Mute)的媒体控件,最右侧是用于音量调节(volume adjustment)的轮子。媒体(Media)控件是一个受欢迎的附加功能,特别是对于喜欢在玩游戏时听音乐的游戏玩家而言。我们喜欢在我们的键盘上有媒体键。
我们还想提一下HyperX Alloy Elite RGB配备可拆卸腕垫这一事实。(wrist pad)有些人可能会喜欢它,因为它的设计和质地都很(design and texture)漂亮,但我必须说,就我个人而言,我更希望它稍微大一点,并且表面更柔软(可能是橡胶)。但是,如果您的手是中型或小型,并且不会出汗,那么您可能会喜欢护腕(wrist pad)。
当我在办公桌上放着 HyperX Alloy Elite RGB(HyperX Alloy Elite RGB )键盘时,我用它来玩一些我最喜欢的游戏。键盘手感很棒,在我玩的所有游戏中都表现良好:天际、(Skyrim)质量效应(Mass Effect):仙女座(Andromeda)和英雄(Legends)联盟(League)。
HyperX Alloy Elite RGB 是(The HyperX Alloy Elite RGB is one of the best-looking gaming keyboards that )我们(we have )tested. We like its design and its robustness, and we appreciate a lot the fact that even if it is a large keyboard, it still manages to keep a low footprint on the desk. The additional buttons are useful, the lighting effects are impressive, and the LED stripe adds a nice touch to the overall impression. It is easy to love this keyboard! 🙂
HyperX NGenuity 应用程序
HyperX Alloy Elite RGB是 HyperX 首款附带(HyperX)捆绑软件的游戏键盘。这是必要的,因为键盘带有RGB照明,您必须有一种控制和自定义照明效果的方法。Hyperx提供的软件称为NGenuity,它可以让您:
- 设置键绑定
- 编程和存储宏
- (Assign)为键盘上的每个键分配您想要的任何颜色
- 为各个键盘区域配置(Configure)不同的颜色
- 选择“(Select)游戏模式”(Game Mode)按钮打开时禁用的快捷键: Alt+Tab、Alt+F4、Shift+Tab和Ctrl+Esc。
NGenuity软件起初(NGenuity)感觉很容易使用,但只需单击几下,您就会发现它不如竞争对手提供的软件好。尽管 NGenuity 看起来不错,并且提供了游戏玩家可能希望从此类工具中获得的所有功能,但 NGenuity(NGenuity)存在两个大问题。
第二个负面方面是NGenuity存在一些恼人的用户体验设计(experience design)问题。最让我们烦恼的是,感觉不可能创建配置文件并将其分配为三个默认配置文件之一,您可以通过反复按下键盘左上角的Lighting按钮来切换到该配置文件.
起初,我们认为不可能做到这一点。但是,在浏览了 HyperX 网站上的常见问题(frequently asked questions on the HyperX website)并查看了帮助(Help)信息后,我们发现您可以做到,但过程并不直观。显然,如果要自定义其中一个默认配置文件,则必须将其拖放到常规配置文件列表中,根据需要进行调整,然后将其拖放回默认配置文件列表中。
HyperX NGenuity 软件是 HyperX Alloy Elite RGB 键盘的必需附件。我们喜欢它的外观,我们喜欢它包含游戏玩家个性化键盘所需的所有东西。但是,该应用程序滞后,应在某些可用性方面进行改进。希望 HyperX 将继续投入宝贵的时间来改进这个应用程序。(The HyperX NGenuity software is a required addition to the HyperX Alloy Elite RGB keyboard. We like the way it looks, and we like the fact that it includes all the things required by a gamer to personalize the keyboard. However, the app is laggy and should be improved regarding some usability aspects. Hopefully, HyperX will continue to invest quality time in making this app better.)
你喜欢HyperX Alloy Elite RGB 键盘(HyperX Alloy Elite RGB keyboard)吗?
如您所知,我们非常喜欢HyperX Alloy Elite RGB键盘。在我们看来,这款游戏机械键盘是一款出色的设备,以类似的价格(price tag)提供比许多其他设备更多的功能。在结束此评论之前,我们想知道您的意见。如果您已经拥有此键盘,请分享有关您使用它的体验的详细信息。
Review HyperX Alloy Elite RGB: Advanced lighting, great typing and gaming!
HyperX recently launched a new gaming keyboard called HyperX Alloy Elite RGB. In the past, we reviewed their first keyboard ever, the HyperX Alloy FPS and we were impressed by what it had to offer, at an excellent price. This time, HyperX created a mechanical keyboard that is rated as being even better than the previous model. The HyperX Alloy Elite RGB is a mechanical gaming keyboard with full RGB lighting, additional media controls and dedicated software. How does it manage to satisfy gamers and writers? If you want to know what to expect from it, read this review:
HyperX Alloy Elite RGB: Who is it good for?
The HyperX Alloy Elite RGB is a great keyboard for:
- Gamers or writers who yearn for a great mechanical keyboard
- Those who like lighting effects and customization
- People who desire premium devices at a reasonable price tag
Pros and cons
There are plenty of good things to say about the HyperX Alloy Elite RGB:
- It is an excellent mechanical keyboard that can meet needs and desires of both gamers and typists.
- You can buy it with one of three different types of mechanical Cherry MX switches: red, blue and brown. However, the types of switches available differ from country to country, so you should check with your local retailer first.
- The lighting on this keyboard is impressive and can be customized in detail, using different profiles.
- It comes with a built-in flash memory that can store three different customization profiles.
- If you like having media controls on your keyboard, this one has them, and they look great.
- Although it is a full-sized gaming keyboard, the HyperX Alloy Elite RGB has a rather small footprint on your desk, at least compared to other gaming keyboards.
- It is a reliable and robust keyboard, with a solid steel frame.
On the negative side:
- The wrist pad is a bit too small if you have long fingers or big hands, and
- We would like HyperX to improve their NGenuity app. When when we were testing the keyboard we found that the app was laggy and it could use some work in improving the user experience. However, NGenuity is a good start nonetheless, offering what a gamer might want from an app of this type.
The HyperX Alloy Elite RGB is one of the best keyboards we have tested in recent months. It has a great design, excellent build quality and everything a gamer might want from a keyboard. We liked both the gaming experience and the typing experience offered by this mechanical keyboard, and we believe that you will too. Regardless of whether you want a new keyboard for playing games or if you are writing a lot on your computer, the HyperX Alloy Elite RGB will not disappoint you. We recommend this keyboard to all our readers who can afford it.
Unboxing the HyperX Alloy Elite RGB mechanical keyboard
The HyperX Alloy Elite RGB mechanical keyboard arrives in a good looking box made of glossy cardboard. The background is painted in black and dark grey, and in the foreground, there are printed pictures and details about the keyboard. On the top of the box, for instance, you can see a large picture of the keyboard with various colors lighting up its keys.
On the back, you can read details about the main features and specifications of the keyboard, in a few different languages.
When you open the box, you are greeted by the keyboard inside. You also get a detachable wristpad and eight additional keycaps made from a silverish metal, which you can use to replace the standard plastic keycaps for the WASD and 1234 keys. The bundle also includes a keycap remover tool, the quick start guide and a welcome note from the HyperX Team.
The unboxing experience offered by the HyperX Alloy Elite RGB mechanical keyboard is worthy of a premium gaming device. The box contains everything you would expect from a gaming keyboard.
Hardware specifications
The HyperX Alloy Elite RGB is a keyboard for gamers and uses Cherry MX RGB mechanical switches. The RGB name part means that all the keys can light up in any color you want. Based on their specifications, you can choose to get this keyboard with red, blue or brown key switches. Their inner colors tell you about the actuation distance, force, and noise that they make:
- Cherry MX Blue: clicky, 50 cN actuation force, loud
- Cherry MX Brown: tactile, 45 cN actuation force, not too loud but not too quiet either
- Cherry MX Red: linear, 45 cN actuation force, quiet
The HyperX Alloy Elite RGB keyboard that we tested came with Cherry MX Brown switches, which are a middle-ground between the loud but accurate Cherry MX Blue switches and the quiet and ultra-responsive Cherry MX Red switches.
Kingston advertises the Cherry MX RGB switches used on the HyperX Alloy Elite RGB keyboard to last for 50 million keystrokes each. This keyboard should last for many years, according to our analysis: How long are millions of keystrokes and clicks, in years?. HyperX also says that the key contacts inside the switches are self-cleaning and resistant to dust and dirt. The keys are placed on a solid steel frame base that is robust, and the Cherry MX RGB switches are also reinforced with fiberglass.
To connect to your gaming rig, the HyperX Alloy Elite RGB uses a braided USB cable with two regular USB 2.0 connectors at its end. It is worth mentioning that the cable is not detachable, but is long: 70.86 inches or 180 cm. The cable has two USB connectors, so it occupies two USB ports on your computer, but it compensates by offering a USB port of its own, which is pass-through.
Besides the default keys found on any regular full-sized keyboard, the HyperX Alloy Elite RGB also has eight additional buttons (one of them is a volume wheel) for controlling the lighting, the game mode and the media player on your computer.
The HyperX Alloy Elite RGB keyboard also offers Full NKRO support, which means that it can register as many different keys as you press simultaneously, and it will not "forget" any of them. If you want to know more about the advantages of having NKRO on your keyboard, you should read this guide: What is the NKRO technology for keyboards?.
Regarding size, the HyperX Alloy Elite RGB gaming keyboard is 17.48 inches (44.39 cm) wide, 6.65 inches (16.89 cm) deep and 1.53 inches (3.88 cm) high. The keyboard is relatively heavy, weighing 3.3 lbs or 1.49 kg.
The HyperX Alloy Elite RGB should work with any modern operating system, including Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 and Mac OS X. However, if you want to be able to customize its lighting and assign macros, you have to use the NGenuity app provided by HyperX, which works only on Windows systems. Unfortunately, we did not find any detailed information regarding operating systems compatibility on HyperX's website.
If you want to know more about its official specifications, you can see them here: HyperX Alloy Elite RGB.
The hardware specs and the features offered by the HyperX Alloy Elite RGB are worthy of a high-end gaming keyboard.
Using the HyperX Alloy Elite RGB keyboard
When you take the HyperX Alloy Elite RGB out of its box, you cannot help but notice its quality. The keyboard looks sturdy and robust, and its weight gives you the confidence that it can take some damage without problems. Also, when looking at, you cannot help but notice the care and attention to details that it received. The HyperX Alloy Elite RGB has an attractive design and premium construction.
The HyperX Alloy Elite RGB is not a small keyboard, but just like its smaller sibling, the HyperX Alloy FPS, the footprint on your desk is not big. Similar gaming keyboard from other manufacturers such as Razer has a significantly larger footprint on your desk. If your desk space is limited, the HyperX Alloy Elite RGB is going to be a good choice for you.
HyperX built the Alloy Elite RGB on a solid-steel frame that can be seen on the top side of the keyboard. It feels great to see and also to touch, and it is so strong that you cannot bend or twist the keyboard in any direction.
The bottom of the keyboard is made of sturdy plastic. Also, on its base, you can find two small support legs with rubber on their ends. They help raise the keyboard, but even in this position, the keyboard feels a bit too flat for my liking.
All the keys are soft to touch, and their surface is slightly concave (except for the space bar which is concave), offering a nice feeling when typing on them. The keycaps also have somewhat smaller top sides than bottoms. That leaves just enough space for the LED lights to come out between keys, without leaving room for annoying light bleeding effects.
Speaking of which, the RGB LED lighting is spectacular on the HyperX Alloy Elite RGB keyboard. Every key lights up individually and there are quite a few different effects that you can use on the keyboard, including Wave, Solid, Breathing, Trigger, Explosion, and a unique HyperX Flame. To add to the awe, the HyperX Alloy Elite RGB also comes with a LED stripe that goes from left to right on the entire length of the keyboard. This LED stripe uses matching colors to the rest of the keyboard and is a nice finishing touch.
Changing the lighting intensity and color profiles is easily done with the help of two of the three buttons on the top-left side of the keyboard. The first one, which resembles a sun, controls the lighting intensity, and the second one, which resembles three intertwined circles, acts as a switch between the three color profiles that the keyboard can store in its flash memory. The third button is the Game Mode button, and it is used for disabling the Windows and ALT + Tab key shortcuts during games.
On the top-right side of the keyboard, you can find a series of silver buttons with a rounded appearance. These are the media controls for Rewind, Play/Pause, Forward and Mute, and to the far right, a wheel for volume adjustment. Media controls are a welcome addition especially for gamers who like to listen to music while playing. We like having media keys on our keyboards.
We also want to mention the fact that the HyperX Alloy Elite RGB comes with a wrist pad that is detachable. Some people might like it, as it has a beautiful design and texture, but I must say that personally, I would have preferred it to be slightly larger and have a softer (maybe rubberized) surface. However, if your hands are medium or small sized and they do not tend to sweat, then you will probably like the wrist pad.
In the time I had the HyperX Alloy Elite RGB keyboard on my desk, I used it to play a few of my favorite games. The keyboard feels great, and it worked well in all the games I played: Skyrim, Mass Effect: Andromeda, and League of Legends.
The HyperX Alloy Elite RGB is one of the best-looking gaming keyboards that we have tested. We like its design and its robustness, and we appreciate a lot the fact that even if it is a large keyboard, it still manages to keep a low footprint on the desk. The additional buttons are useful, the lighting effects are impressive, and the LED stripe adds a nice touch to the overall impression. It is easy to love this keyboard! 🙂
The HyperX NGenuity app
The HyperX Alloy Elite RGB is the first gaming keyboard from HyperX that comes with bundled software. It was necessary because the keyboard comes with RGB lighting and you have to have a means for controlling and customizing the lighting effects. The software offered by Hyperx is called NGenuity, and it lets you:
- Set key bindings
- Program and store macros
- Assign any color you want for every key on the keyboard
- Configure different colors for individual keyboard zones
- Select which key shortcuts are disabled when the Game Mode button is on: Alt+Tab, Alt+F4, Shift+Tab, and Ctrl+Esc.
The NGenuity software feels easy to use at first, but after just a couple of clicks, you get to see that it is not as good as what the competition is offering. Although it looks good and offers all the features a gamer might want from such a tool, NGenuity has two big problems.
The first major issue is that it is laggy and there is no reason for that, as we used it on a computer that is quite powerful.
The second negative aspect is that NGenuity has some annoying user experience design issues. The one that annoyed us the most is the fact that it felt impossible to create a profile and assign it as one of the three default ones, which you can switch to by repeatedly pressing on the Lighting button from the top-left side of the keyboard.
At first, we thought that it is impossible to do that. However, after browsing through the frequently asked questions on the HyperX website and also checking the Help information, we found out that you can do it, but the process is not intuitive. Apparently, if you want to customize one of the default profiles, you must drag and drop it inside the list of regular profiles, adjust it as you see fit, and then drag and drop it back in the list of default profiles.
However, once you learn how to customize the keyboard, it is easy to do it. Here is a video that explains better how all that works:
The HyperX NGenuity software is a required addition to the HyperX Alloy Elite RGB keyboard. We like the way it looks, and we like the fact that it includes all the things required by a gamer to personalize the keyboard. However, the app is laggy and should be improved regarding some usability aspects. Hopefully, HyperX will continue to invest quality time in making this app better.
Do you like the HyperX Alloy Elite RGB keyboard?
As you know by now, we like the HyperX Alloy Elite RGB keyboard a lot. In our opinion, this gaming mechanical keyboard is an excellent device that offers more than many others do, at a similar price tag. Before closing this review, we would like to know your opinion. If you already own this keyboard, share details about your experience with it.