(HyperX)金士顿(Kingston)的游戏部门(gaming division)HyperX创造了一些市场上最好的游戏设备。他们用出色的耳机、键盘和鼠标给我们和世界各地的游戏玩家留下了深刻印象。他们这样做是因为他们销售的设备质量上乘且价格具有竞争力。今天我们将回顾他们最新的耳机:HyperX Cloud Alpha。它是一款游戏耳机(gaming headset),由于采用了将低音与中音和高音分开的全新双腔(Dual Chamber)设计,保证了出色的音质。(sound quality)它也是一款售价不到 100 美元的耳机。从这篇评论中了解(Learn)它是否值得购买:
HyperX Cloud Alpha 擅长(HyperX Cloud Alpha good)什么?
HyperX Cloud Alpha 耳机(HyperX Cloud Alpha headset)擅长:
- 在游戏和听音乐时提供出色的声音
- 舒适,让您玩几个小时而不会感到头被挤压
- 麦克风在玩游戏时擅长消除背景噪音
关于HyperX Cloud Alpha(HyperX Cloud Alpha)耳机,有不少好话要说:
- 声音流畅,清晰度极佳;
- 他们在游戏和听音乐时都提供了很棒的体验;
- 麦克风可以很好地消除您周围不需要的噪音;
- 耳机带和超大耳罩佩戴在您的头部和耳朵(head and ears)上都很舒适;
- 由于良好的制造质量和金属头带(build quality and metal headband)和编织电缆,耳机感觉坚固可靠;
- 它们以非常好的价格出售
我们没有发现任何会阻止您购买HyperX 云 Alpha(HyperX cloud Alpha)的东西。正如一位名人所说,“他们很棒!”。🙂

HyperX Cloud Alpha是一款令人印象深刻的耳机,它让我们相信它物有所值。它可能是你能以不到 100 美元的价格买到的最好的游戏耳机。(gaming headset)质量非常好:游戏和听音乐时声音清晰流畅,构建质量可靠。耳罩非常大,金属头带(metal headband)甚至可以在较大的头上自行调整。🙂如果您需要一副带有良好降噪麦克风的优质游戏耳机,但又不想花大价钱购买它,那么请务必给自己买一个HyperX Cloud Alpha。你不会后悔你的选择!
拆箱 HyperX Cloud Alpha
HyperX Cloud Alpha耳机采用优质黑色(premium box)纸板制成。在正面,您可以看到带有耳机的大图片以及有关它的一些信息。与HyperX 系列(HyperX lineup)的游戏设备一样,您看到的主要颜色是黑色和红色。


在主盒子里面,还有另一个盒子。在里面,你会发现耳机、一个可拆卸的麦克风、两条用于将耳机连接到 3.5毫米音频和麦克风插孔(mm audio and microphone jacks)的音频线、一个由纺织材料制成的旅行袋、快速入门指南(start guide)和HyperX 团队(HyperX Team)的欢迎信。

我们对 HyperX Cloud Alpha 游戏耳机的拆箱体验非常愉快,捆绑的配件从一开始就告诉您您正在处理的是优质设备。(The unboxing experience we had with the HyperX Cloud Alpha gaming headset was pleasant, and the bundled accessories tell you from the beginning that you are dealing with a quality device.)
HyperX Cloud Alpha游戏耳机使用定制的 50毫米钕(mm neodymium)磁铁,并承诺通过其独特的双腔驱动器(Dual Chamber Drivers)减少失真,提供令人难以置信的声音区别和清晰度(sound distinction and clarity)。耳机驱动器具有双腔,可将低音与中高音频率分开。理论上,在现实生活中,正如我们自己发现的那样,双腔室能够提供出乎意料的干净声音,没有任何失真。

HyperX Cloud Alpha游戏耳机采用铝制框架(aluminum frame)安装在您的头上,该框架形成舒适的头带骨架,即使是最大的头带也能充分扩展。🙂

耳机通过长度为 51 英寸(1.3 米)的可拆卸编织电缆以及长度为 79 英寸(2 米)的附加PC 延长线(PC extension cable)连接到您的计算机或游戏机。PC 延长线(PC extension cable)有两个独立的3.5毫米音频插头(mm audio plugs):一个用于耳机,一个用于麦克风。
在耳机线上(headset cable),还有一个内嵌控制盒(inline control box),可让您调高或调低音量,以及在需要时将麦克风静音。

驱动器的阻抗为 65欧姆(Ohms),频率响应范围(frequency response range)在 13 Hz 和 27 KHz之间。不含麦克风的HyperX Cloud Alpha(HyperX Cloud Alpha)重 10.5 盎司(298 克)。连同电缆和麦克风,耳机重 11.9 盎司(336 克)。麦克风可以消除您周围的噪音,因此即使您使用HyperX Alloy FPS等机械键盘,在游戏时聊天也应该是一种很好的体验。

HyperX Cloud Alpha游戏耳机正式兼容计算机和PlayStation 4和Xbox One(Xbox One gaming)游戏机,但也应适用于任何其他具有 3.5毫米端口(mm port)的设备。
如果您想查看这款专业游戏耳机(gaming headset)的所有规格和功能,请访问此网页:HyperX Cloud Alpha。
使用 HyperX Cloud Alpha
首先(First),我们要强调您从HyperX Cloud Alpha耳机获得的声音质量。由于它们的设计方式,有一个单独的低音腔室和另一个用于中高音的腔室,无论您使用它们做什么,这些耳机听起来都很棒。不同的声音很容易相互区分,这意味着您可以轻松地发现战场上的敌人,同时还能享受非常高品质的音乐播放(music playback)。
如果您想知道这种双腔设计(chamber design)的全部内容,这里是HyperX的代表:

我们在《耻辱 2》(Dishonored 2)和《冥河:黑暗碎片》等游戏中使用了(Styx: Shards of Darkness)HyperX Cloud Alpha耳机。周围的声音和我们的敌人或野生动物的脚步声感觉非常真实,而且我们听到它们的方向很容易识别。此外,您在聆听Skyrim 的配乐(Skyrim's soundtrack)或玩像生化危机 7这样的(Resident Evil 7)恐怖游戏(horror game)时所获得的感觉是特别的。
虽然HyperX Cloud Alpha耳机专为游戏玩家打造,但我们坚信发烧友也会喜欢它们。听音乐是一种愉快的体验,就像我们使用HyperX Cloud Revolver S时一样,HyperX Cloud Alpha的音质让我们惊叹不已。如果以前你用的是比较弱的耳机,当你升级到HyperX Cloud Alpha时,在听你喜欢的音乐的时候,你可能会有停下来说:“嘿(Hey),我没听到这些声音以前!”。

注意:(NOTE: )如果您想测试您的耳机并将其与其他耳机进行比较,我们建议您在 Spotify 上收听此播放列表:要测试耳机的歌曲(Songs To Test Headphones With)。其中的音轨非常适合检查耳机是如何产生声音的。
我们还在玩英雄联盟时将(League of Legends)HyperX Cloud Alpha与Skype一起使用,因为它是一款多人游戏,语音聊天(game and voice chat)比输入消息更快。耳机的麦克风也令人印象深刻。我们使用的是机械键盘,上面的开关是Cherry MX Blue 类型(Cherry MX Blue type)。它们很吵,这曾经是在游戏中使用语音聊天时的问题。按下这些键对我们的队友来说很烦人。但是,HyperX Cloud Alpha上的麦克风提供的降噪功能(noise cancellation feature)比我们以前使用的任何麦克风都要好得多。它设法将键盘的开关静音到可接受的噪音水平,我们的队友没有抱怨。这太棒了!

对于任何游戏玩家来说,耳机的另一个重要方面是它们的舒适度。通常,游戏玩家正在玩游戏,因此会长时间使用耳机。这意味着不舒服的耳机可能会成为让你失去竞争力的负担。但是,HyperX Cloud Alpha并非如此。它们使用舒适,自动调节头带使它们易于适应任何头部尺寸(head size)。即使连续使用五六个小时后,我们也不觉得自己的头被虎钳固定住了。不幸的是,其他一些耳机确实会发生这种情况。

最后,设计是另一个可以说服您购买或不购买特定耳机的方面。无论您是否喜欢设计,这都是您的个人选择。但是,我们相信您从HyperX Cloud Alpha中获得的印象会很好。在我们看来,耳机看起来很棒。头带里有泡沫,感觉很舒服,从头带出来的红色金属带(metal band)看起来很结实、可靠,甚至有点咄咄逼人。可能是因为血红色,也可能是因为准系统耳罩架。

HyperX Cloud Alpha 耳机是我们在 Digital Citizen 测试过的最好的耳机之一。无论是在游戏中还是在听音乐时,音质都非常出色,而且麦克风非常擅长消除周围的噪音。(The HyperX Cloud Alpha headset is one of the best we have tested here, at Digital Citizen. The sound quality is excellent both in games and when listening to music, and the microphone is very good at canceling noises around you.)
您对HyperX Cloud Alpha有何看法?
现在您知道我们喜欢HyperX Cloud Alpha耳机是因为它提供了出色的音质(sound quality)、出色的设计,而且还因为它具有竞争力的价格标签(price tag)。在本次审查结束时,我们希望得到您的意见。您有兴趣购买这款耳机吗?如果您已经拥有它,您对它的体验如何?
Reviewing the HyperX Cloud Alpha: One of the best gaming headsets!
HyperX, Kingston's gaming division, creates some of the bеst gamіng devices on the market. Theу managed to impress us and gamers all around the world with their great headsets, keyboards, and mice. They did that because the devices they sell are of great quality and аt comрetitive prices. Today we аre going to review their latest headset: the HyperX Cloud Alpha. It is a gaming headset that promises excellent sound quality due to a new Dual Chamber design that separates bass from mid and high sounds. It is also a headset that you can buy for just under 100 US dollars. Learn whether it is worth buying or not, from this review:
What is the HyperX Cloud Alpha good at?
The HyperX Cloud Alpha headset is good at:
- Offering great sound in games but also when listening to music
- Being comfortable and letting you play for many hours without feeling your head squeezed in
- The microphone is good at eliminating background noises while playing games
Pros and cons
There are quite a few good things to say about the HyperX Cloud Alpha headset:
- The sound is smooth and has excellent clarity;
- They offer a great experience both in games and while listening to music;
- The microphone does a great job at muffling unwanted noises around you;
- The headphones' band and the very large earcups are comfortable on your head and ears;
- The headset feels robust and reliable, due to the good build quality and metal headband and braided cables;
- They are sold at a very good price
We did not manage to discover anything that would stop you from buying the HyperX cloud Alpha. As a famous person says, "they are great!". 🙂

The HyperX Cloud Alpha is an impressive headset that managed to convince us that it is worth every penny. It is probably the best gaming headset that you can buy for less than 100 dollars. The quality is excellent: the sound is clear and smooth both in games and when listening to music, and the build quality is solid. The earcups are very large, and the metal headband adjusts itself even on the larger heads out there. 🙂 If you need a good pair of gaming headphones with a good noise-canceling microphone, but you do not want to spend a fortune on it, then by all means, buy yourself a HyperX Cloud Alpha. You will not regret your choice!
Unboxing the HyperX Cloud Alpha
The HyperX Cloud Alpha headset comes in a premium box built from high-quality black cardboard. On the front side, you can see a large picture with the headset and also some information about it. As usual with the gaming devices from the HyperX lineup, the main colors you see are black and red.

On the back and the sides of the box, there are printed even more images and details about the headset, including some of its hardware specifications and the fact that this is the official headset of a series of professional gaming organizations.

Inside the main box, there is another box. Inside it, you will find the headset, a detachable microphone, two audio cables for connecting the headset to 3.5 mm audio and microphone jacks, a travel pouch made from textile materials, the quick start guide and a welcome note from the HyperX Team.

The unboxing experience we had with the HyperX Cloud Alpha gaming headset was pleasant, and the bundled accessories tell you from the beginning that you are dealing with a quality device.
Hardware specifications
The HyperX Cloud Alpha gaming headset uses custom built 50 mm neodymium magnets and promises to offer an incredible sound distinction and clarity by reducing distortion, through their unique Dual Chamber Drivers. The headphone drivers feature dual chambers that separate the bass from the mid and high sound frequencies. In theory but also in real life, as we found for ourselves, the dual chambers manage to offer an unexpectedly clean sound, with no distortions of any kind.

The HyperX Cloud Alpha gaming headset sits on your head using an aluminum frame that forms the backbone of a comfortable headband which expands generously to fit even the largest heads out there. 🙂

The headset connects to your computer or gaming console via a detachable braided cable with a length of 51 inches (1.3 meters) plus an additional PC extension cable with a length of 79 inches (2 meters). The PC extension cable has two separate 3.5 mm audio plugs: one for headphones and one for the microphone.
On the headset cable, there is also an inline control box that lets you turn the volume up or down, as well as mute the microphone if you need to.

The drivers have an impedance of 65 Ohms and a frequency response range between 13 Hz and 27 KHz. HyperX Cloud Alpha weighs 10.5 ounces (298 grams) without the microphone. Together with the cable and the microphone, the headset weighs 11.9 ounces (336 grams). The microphone can cancel noises around you so chatting while gaming should be a fine experience even if you use mechanical keyboards such as the HyperX Alloy FPS.

The HyperX Cloud Alpha gaming headset is officially compatible to work with computers and PlayStation 4 and Xbox One gaming consoles, but should also work with any other devices that have a 3.5 mm port.
If you want to check all the specifications and features of this professional gaming headset, visit this web page: HyperX Cloud Alpha.
Using the HyperX Cloud Alpha
First of all, we want emphasize on the quality of the sound you get from the HyperX Cloud Alpha headphones. Because of the way they are designed, with a separate chamber for bass and another one for the mid and high sounds, these headphones sound great regardless of what you use them for. The different sounds are easy to distinguish from one another, and that means you can easily spot an enemy on the battleground but also enjoy very high-quality music playback.
If you are curious to know what this dual chamber design is all about, here is a representation from HyperX:

We have used the HyperX Cloud Alpha headset in games such as Dishonored 2 and Styx: Shards of Darkness. The ambient sounds and the footsteps of our enemies or those of wildlife felt very real, and the directions from which we were hearing them were easy to identify. Plus, the feeling you get when listening to Skyrim's soundtrack or when playing a horror game like Resident Evil 7 is something special.
Although the HyperX Cloud Alpha headset was built for gamers, we firmly believe that audiophiles will love them too. Listening to music is an enjoyable experience and, just like when we used the HyperX Cloud Revolver S, the HyperX Cloud Alpha managed to awe us with the quality of the sound. If, previously, you used to use a weaker set of headphones, when you upgrade to the HyperX Cloud Alpha, when listening to your favorite music, you will probably have moments in which you will stop and say: "Hey, I did not hear these sounds before!".

NOTE: If you want to test and compare your headphones with others, we recommend that you listen to this playlist on Spotify: Songs To Test Headphones With. The tracks in it are great for checking how sounds are produced on your headphones.
We also used the HyperX Cloud Alpha with Skype, while playing League of Legends, because it is a multiplayer game and voice chat is faster than typing messages. The headset's microphone was impressive too. We are using a mechanical keyboard, and the switches on it are the Cherry MX Blue type. They are noisy, and that used to be a problem when using voice chat in games. Pressing those keys was annoying for our teammates. However, the noise cancellation feature offered by the microphone found on the HyperX Cloud Alpha was a lot better than any microphone we used before. It managed to muffle the keyboard's switches to an acceptable level of noise, one that our teammates did not complain about. This is excellent!

Another essential aspect for any gamer when it comes to headphones is how comfortable they are. Usually, gamers are playing and thus using their headphones for long hours. That means that an uncomfortable headset can become a burden that keeps you from being competitive. However, that is not the case with HyperX Cloud Alpha. They are comfortable to use, and the auto-adjusting headband makes them easy to adapt to any head size. Even after five or six hours of continuous use, we did not feel like our heads were fastened in a vise. Unfortunately, that does happen with some other headsets.

Finally, the design is another aspect that can convince you to buy or not to buy a specific pair of headphones. Whether you like a design or not, it is your personal choice. However, we believe that the impression you get from looking at the HyperX Cloud Alpha is going to be a good one. The headphones look awesome in our opinion. The headband feels cozy with all that foam in it, and the red metal band that comes out of it looks strong, reliable and even a little aggressive. Maybe it is because of the blood red color, or maybe because of the barebone earcups holders.

The HyperX Cloud Alpha headset is one of the best we have tested here, at Digital Citizen. The sound quality is excellent both in games and when listening to music, and the microphone is very good at canceling noises around you.
What is your opinion about the HyperX Cloud Alpha?
Now you know that we loved the HyperX Cloud Alpha headset because of the excellent sound quality it offers, its good design but also because of its competitive price tag. At the end of this review, we would like your opinion. Are you interested in buying this headset? If you already have it, what is your experience with it?