HyperX针对渴望摆脱电线的游戏玩家推出了一款新的无线耳机。(wireless headset)它被称为HyperX Cloud Flight,承蒙金士顿的厚爱,我们在其正式(Kingston)产品发布(product launch)前几周收到了它进行测试。HyperX Cloud Flight承诺提供出色的音质、电池续航时间延长、LED照明效果和良好的构建质量(build quality)。无论他们是否能够兑现承诺,您都可以阅读我们的评论来了解:
HyperX Cloud Flight 擅长(HyperX Cloud Flight good)什么?
HyperX Cloud Flight耳机擅长:
- 在游戏和播放音乐时提供出色的声音
- 即使长时间玩也能舒适使用
- 帮助从您的办公桌上再消除一根电线
- 为您提供无线游戏耳机领域中最高自治权之一
关于HyperX Cloud Flight(HyperX Cloud Flight )耳机,有不少好话要说:
- 声音在游戏和听音乐时都很出色
- 它的自主性和无线范围(autonomy and wireless range)非常高,远高于市场平均水平(market average)
- 麦克风在消除噪音方面做得很好
- 坚固的钢带(steel band)和其上使用的优质材料给您一种优质耐用的设备的感觉
- 头带上使用的毛绒和大耳罩使耳机长时间使用舒适
- 他们有 LED 灯和一些灯光效果
另一方面,HyperX Cloud Flight耳机:
- 对于大多数游戏玩家来说是昂贵的
- 只有(Has)红色LED灯,一些游戏玩家可能正在寻找RGB
HyperX Cloud Flight无线游戏耳机是我们测试过的最好的耳机之一。它在游戏和听音乐时都提供出色的声音,自主性是其利基市场中最高的,并且无线范围(wireless range)很广。我们喜欢它的制造质量和良好的设计,我们相信它是任何想要无线耳机(wireless headset)质量和舒适度(quality and comfort)的游戏玩家的绝佳选择。如果他们负担得起,我们向所有游戏玩家强烈推荐它。因为是的, HyperX Cloud Flight(HyperX Cloud Flight)耳机唯一不那么积极的方面是它很贵。
HyperX Cloud Flight 无线(HyperX Cloud Flight wireless) 游戏耳机(gaming headset)开箱
HyperX Cloud Flight无线耳机(wireless headset)装在一个带有深红色调和高级外观的黑色大盒子中。在其正面,您可以看到耳机的大图、耳机的全名——HyperX Cloud Flight Wireless Gaming Headset——以及其他信息,例如 2 年保修、Teamspeak 和 Discord 认证(Teamspeak and Discord certifications)以及电池耳机内部应提供约 30 小时的充电自主权。
在盒子的背面和侧面(back and sides),你可以找到很多关于HyperX Cloud Flight耳机的信息和细节。(information and details)您将了解可调节钢质滑块、带(steel slider)LED灯光效果的 90 度旋转耳罩、可拆卸麦克风以及耳机耳罩上的音频和麦克风控件。还有关于所有认证和兼容平台的详细信息,以及由HyperX赞助的电竞团队。
滑动内盒(inner box),即可见到新的无线游戏(wireless gaming)耳机。您还可以找到它的可拆卸麦克风、无线USB 加密狗(USB dongle)、用于为耳机充电的USB转 micro USB 电缆(USB cable),以及一根 3.5 毫米电缆,如果您想将耳机用作有线模拟耳机(analog headset),您可以使用它。除了所有硬件,在包装内,您还会收到欢迎信、保修卡(warranty card)和快速入门指南(start guide)。
拆箱体验很好,捆绑的配件表明这是一款高级设备。(The unboxing experience is good, and the bundled accessories state that this is a premium device.)
HyperX Cloud Flight是一款无线游戏耳机(gaming headset),这意味着您可以使用它而不会被它与您的计算机或游戏机之间的任何电线所困扰。如果您禁用LED 灯光(LED lighting)效果,耳机的电池可持续使用长达 30 小时,并使用USB 加密狗(USB dongle)无线连接到您的PC 或控制台(PC or console)。无线连接范围可达 20 米。
HyperX Cloud Flight使用带有高(HyperX Cloud Flight)品质 50 毫米(quality 50mm)钕磁铁的大型包耳式封闭式耳罩。耳机在无线模式下使用时的频率响应在 20 Hz - 20,000Hz 之间,在(frequency response)模拟模式下(analog mode)使用时在 15Hz - 23,000Hz 之间。阻抗为 32欧姆(Ohms),声压级为(pressure level)每毫瓦106 分贝声压级(Sound Pressure Level),频率为 1 kHz。HyperX Cloud Flight无线游戏耳机还以低于 2% 的低总谐波失真值(Total Harmonic Distortion value)而自豪。这意味着即使在无线模式下使用耳机时,它也应该产生准确的声音再现。
耳机还包括一个可拆卸的麦克风,您可以在需要时插入或在不使用时从耳机中拔出。麦克风可以消除噪音,其特点是频率响应(frequency response)在 100Hz - 7,000Hz 之间,灵敏度为 -45dBV。
不含麦克风的HyperX Cloud Flight耳机重 10.58 盎司或 300 克,连接麦克风后的重量约为 11.11 盎司或 315 克。USB充电线的长度为 39.37 英寸或 1 米,可拆卸的 3.5 毫米模拟电缆(analog cable)长度为51.18 英寸或 1.3 米。
这款耳机的硬件规格表明我们正在寻找一款高端设备。(The hardware specifications of this headset point out the fact that we are looking at a premium device.)
使用HyperX Cloud Flight 无线(HyperX Cloud Flight wireless) 游戏耳机(gaming headset)
我们有机会使用和使用HyperX Cloud Flight几个星期,并且对这款耳机产生了浓厚的兴趣。耳机产生的声音干净清脆,低音(低音)、中音和高音(高音)都得到了很好的体现。虽然耳机首先是为游戏玩家设计的,但在听音乐方面也做得很好。
注意:(NOTE:)如果您想测试您的耳机并将其与其他耳机进行比较,我们建议您在 Spotify 上收听此播放列表:要测试耳机的歌曲(Songs To Test Headphones With)。其中的音轨非常适合检查耳机是如何产生声音的。
像往常一样,我们使用HyperX Cloud Flight玩了很多不同的游戏,以了解它们与我们过去测试过的其他游戏耳机的比较。我们玩了《耻辱 2》(Dishonored 2)、 《冥河:黑暗碎片》(Styx: Shards of Darkness)、 《生化危机 7(Resident Evil 7) 》 、《星际争霸 2》(StarCraft 2)和《红色警戒 3(Red Alert 3) 》 。声音体验既丰富又干净,这意味着脚步声、风声、枪声等游戏音效和音效都很容易识别,而且足够强大,足以带来愉快的体验。
HyperX Cloud Flight 无线耳机(wireless headset)的音量可以通过右耳罩(ear cup)底部的音量旋钮(volume knob)调高或调低。值得一提的是,由于它的齿轮形状(cogwheel shape),旋钮很容易用手指识别。
在左耳罩底部,可以找到电源键(power button)、模拟耳机接口(analog headphone port)、USB充电(USB charge)接口、麦克风接口(microphone port)。这些端口很容易识别,因为它们的形状不同,并且它们附近都有小图标,告诉您它们的用途。
除了明显用于打开和关闭耳机外,电源按钮(power button)还用于循环播放耳机上可用的三种不同的LED 灯光(LED lighting)效果。要打开或关闭耳机,您必须按住电源按钮(power button)至少三秒钟。如果您快速按下它,只需一秒钟,您就可以更改LED 照明(LED lighting)效果,这些效果始终开启(稳定)、呼吸和关闭。如果您对此感到疑惑,请知道LED灯只有红色。不过,谁知道呢,如果游戏界的话,说不定(gaming community)金士顿(Kingston)未来会发布RGB 版本(RGB version)的HyperX Cloud Flight想要它已经够糟糕了。
除了您对灯或无灯的偏好之外,关于LED 照明(LED lighting)效果,您应该记住的另一件事是它们会影响耳机的自主性。如果您关闭灯光效果,耳机充电后最长可保持 30 小时。但是,如果启用呼吸式LED 灯(LED lighting)效,续航时间会下降到大约 18 小时,如果让LED灯一直亮着,则电池充电后的续航时间不会超过 13 小时。
HyperX Cloud Flight上的麦克风质量很好,但感觉不如我们在HyperX Cloud Alpha上测试过的麦克风。您的队友可以轻松理解您在说什么,并且麦克风的降噪能力很好。但是,如果您使用的是带有嘈杂开关的机械键盘(例如Cherry MX Blue),您的按键将太多以至于麦克风无法取消,因此它们会被听到并且可能会惹恼您的队友。请注意,如果您已连接麦克风,则可以通过用手指按左耳罩背面快速将其静音。
我们还必须指出您从HyperX Cloud Flight获得的良好(HyperX Cloud Flight)构建质量(build quality)的整体感觉,并且它们使用起来非常舒适。对于真正的游戏玩家来说,这两个方面与我们迄今为止所讨论的一切一样重要。耳机有一个宽而坚固的钢头支撑带(steel head support band),非常耐用。在它的底部,它靠在你的头上,钢带(steel band)覆盖着柔软的毛绒,再加上大耳罩,即使长时间使用,耳机也非常舒适。
HyperX Cloud Flight 耳机是我们测试过的最好的无线游戏耳机之一。耳机在游戏中听起来很棒,在听音乐时也很棒,而且它们的自主性令人印象深刻。我们喜欢他们的设计和建造质量。(The HyperX Cloud Flight headset is one of the best wireless gaming headsets that we have tested. The headphones sound great in games, but also when listening to music, and their autonomy is impressive. We like their design and their build quality.)
您对HyperX Cloud Flight 无线(HyperX Cloud Flight wireless)游戏耳机有何看法?
在这篇评测中,我们总结了我们对HyperX Cloud Flight无线游戏耳机的看法。对于讨厌有线但希望获得与有线耳机相同的质量水平的游戏玩家来说,这是一款出色的设备。你同意,还是你不这么认为?您会为自己或您的特别(游戏玩家)购买这款耳机吗?在下面的评论部分让我们知道。
Review HyperX Cloud Flight: High quality wireless gaming headset!
HyperX has launсhed a new wireless headset targetеd at gamers who long to get rіd of wires. It is called HyperX Cloud Flight and, through Kingston's courtesy, we received it for testing weeks before its official product launch. HyperX Cloud Flight promises excellent sound quality, extended autonomy while on battery, LED lighting effects, and a good build quality. Whether they manage to deliver what they promise, you can find out if you read our review:
What is the HyperX Cloud Flight good at?
The HyperX Cloud Flight headset is good at:
- Delivering great sound both in games and when playing music
- Being comfortable to use even if you play for long hours
- Helping eliminate one more wire from your desk
- Offering you one of the highest autonomies in the world of wireless gaming headsets
Pros and cons
There are quite a few good things to say about the HyperX Cloud Flight headset:
- The sound is excellent both in games and while listening to music
- Its autonomy and wireless range are very high and well above the market average
- The microphone does an excellent job of canceling noises
- The solid steel band and the high-quality materials used on it give you the feeling of a premium and durable device
- The plush used on the headband and the large ear cups makes the headphones comfortable to use for prolonged periods of time
- They have LED lights and a few lighting effects
On the other hand, the HyperX Cloud Flight headset:
- Is expensive for most gamers
- Has only red LED lights, and some gamers might be looking for RGB
The HyperX Cloud Flight wireless gaming headset is one of the best that we have tested. It offers excellent sound both in games and when listening to music, the autonomy is among the highest in its niche and the wireless range is generous. We loved its build quality and good design, and we believe it is an excellent choice for any gamer who wants quality and comfort, in a wireless headset. We recommend it highly to all gamers out there, if they can afford it. Because yes, the only not-so-positive aspect about the HyperX Cloud Flight headset is that it is expensive.
Unboxing the HyperX Cloud Flight wireless gaming headset
The HyperX Cloud Flight wireless headset arrives in a large black box with crimson red accents and a premium look. On its front side, you can see a large picture of the headphones, the full name of the headset - HyperX Cloud Flight Wireless Gaming Headset - and other information such as the 2 years warranty, the Teamspeak and Discord certifications and the fact that the battery inside the headset should provide an autonomy of about 30 hours on a charge.
On the back and sides of the box, you can find a lot of information and details about the HyperX Cloud Flight headset. You learn about the adjustable steel slider, the 90 degrees rotating ear cups with LED lighting effects, the detachable microphone, and audio and mic controls present on the headphones ear cups. There are also details about all the certifications and compatible platforms, and the esports teams that are sponsored by HyperX.
Slide the inner box and you get to meet your new wireless gaming headphones. You will also find its detachable microphone, the wireless USB dongle, a USB to micro USB cable used for charging the headset, and a 3.5mm cable which you can use if you want to use the headset as a wired analog headset. Besides all the hardware, inside the package, you also receive a welcome note, a warranty card, and a quick start guide.
The unboxing experience is good, and the bundled accessories state that this is a premium device.
Hardware specifications
The HyperX Cloud Flight is a wireless gaming headset, which means that you can use it without being bothered by any wires between it and your computer or gaming console. The headset has a battery that can last for up to 30 hours if you disable the LED lighting effects, and uses a USB dongle to connect over the air to your PC or console. The range of the wireless connection can go up to 20 meters.
HyperX Cloud Flight uses large circumaural, closed back, ear cups with high quality 50mm neodymium magnets. The headset has a frequency response between 20 Hz - 20,000Hz when used in wireless mode, and between 15Hz - 23,000Hz when used in analog mode. The impedance is 32 Ohms, the sound pressure level is 106 decibels of Sound Pressure Level per milliwatt, at 1 kHz. The HyperX Cloud Flight wireless gaming headphones also pride themselves with the low, under 2 percent, Total Harmonic Distortion value. That means that the headset should produce an accurate reproduction of sound even when it is used in wireless mode.
The headset also includes a detachable microphone that you can plug in when you need it or unplug from the headphones when you do not use it. The microphone can cancel noises and is characterized by a frequency response of between 100Hz - 7,000Hz and a sensitivity of -45dBV.
The HyperX Cloud Flight headset weighs 10.58 ounces or 300 grams without the microphone, and about 11.11 ounces or 315 grams when the microphone is connected. The USB charging cable has a length of 39.37 inches or 1 meter, and the detachable 3.5mm analog cable measures 51.18 inches or 1.3 meters.
The hardware specifications of this headset point out the fact that we are looking at a premium device.
Using the HyperX Cloud Flight wireless gaming headset
We had the chance to use and play with the HyperX Cloud Flight for a few weeks, and we have grown attached to this headset. The sound produced by the headphones is clean and crisp, and low (bass) sounds, mids, and highs (treble) are well represented. Although the headphones are designed for gamers first, they do pretty well when it comes to listening to music too.
NOTE: If you want to test and compare your headphones with others, we recommend that you listen to this playlist on Spotify: Songs To Test Headphones With. The tracks in it are great for checking how sounds are produced on your headphones.
Like usual, we used the HyperX Cloud Flight to play quite a few different games, to hear how they compare to other gaming headphones that we have tested in the past. We played Dishonored 2, Styx: Shards of Darkness, Resident Evil 7, StarCraft 2 and Red Alert 3. The sound experience was rich but also clean, meaning that game sounds and audio effects such as footsteps, wind blowing but also gunshots were all easy to identify and powerful enough for a pleasant experience.
The volume of the HyperX Cloud Flight wireless headset can be turned up or down by using the volume knob found on the bottom of the right ear cup. It is worth mentioning that, because of its cogwheel shape, the knob is easy to identify with your finger.
On the bottom of the left ear cup, you can find the power button, the analog headphone port, the USB charge port, and the microphone port. The ports are easy to identify, because their shapes are different and they all have small icons near them that tell you what they are used for.
Besides its obvious use of turning the headset on and off, the power button is also used for cycling through the three different LED lighting effects available on the headphones. To turn the headphones on or off, you have to press the power button for at least three seconds. If you press it quickly, for a second only, you change the LED lighting effects, which are always on (solid), breathing and off. If you are wondering about it, know that the LED lights are red only. However, who knows, maybe Kingston will release an RGB version of the HyperX Cloud Flight in the future if the gaming community wants it bad enough.
Besides your preference for lights or no lights, another thing you should keep in mind about the LED lighting effects is that they affect the headset's autonomy. If you turn the lighting effect off, the headphones can stay on for up to 30 hours on a charge. However, if you enable the breathing LED lighting effect, the autonomy goes down to about 18 hours, and if you keep the LED lights always on, the battery does not last more than 13 hours on a charge.
The microphone on the HyperX Cloud Flight is of good quality, but it does not feel as great as the one we have tested on the HyperX Cloud Alpha. Your teammates can easily understand what you are saying, and the noise canceling powers of the microphone are good. However, if you are using a mechanical keyboard with noisy switches such as Cherry MX Blue, your key presses are going to be too much for the microphone to cancel, so they will be heard and probably annoy your teammates. Note that, if you have the microphone connected, you can quickly mute it if you press with your finger on the back of the left ear cup.
We also have to point out the overall feeling of good build quality you get from the HyperX Cloud Flight, and that they are very comfortable to use. For true gamers, these two aspects are just as important as everything we have talked about up until now. The headphones have a wide, solid steel head support band that is very durable. On its bottom side, which rests on your head, the steel band is covered in soft plush and that, together with the large ear cups, make the headset very comfortable to use even for prolonged periods of time.
The HyperX Cloud Flight headset is one of the best wireless gaming headsets that we have tested. The headphones sound great in games, but also when listening to music, and their autonomy is impressive. We like their design and their build quality.
What is your opinion about the HyperX Cloud Flight wireless gaming headset?
In this review, we have summed up our opinions about the HyperX Cloud Flight wireless gaming headset. It is an excellent device for gamers who hate wires but want to get the same level of quality as on a wired headset. Do you agree, or do you think otherwise? Would you buy yourself or your special one (gamer) this headset? Let us know in the comments section below.